Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749279 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 GENERAL 1. US considers further action on Iran in Security Council,--On 21 May, after the press had reported that Iran had (a) confirmed the Soviet troop withdrawal and (b) disclaimed responsibility for Ala's charge of Soviet interference, Stettinius informed Parodi (French delegate and chairman of the SC) that the US is "considering very seriously" bringing the Iranian question before the Council as a threat to world peace. Stettinius added that the US "contemplates proposing the estab- lishment of a Committee of Investigation" to find out the facts about Soviet interference and the reported civil war. Parodi's reply was cautious and he professed some surprise, since he had felt that the Soviet withdrawal by 3 May was "at least a little victory for the Coun- cil." i 22ill L.,^. 14 6 #83 Stettinius further reports that (a) Quo of China is non-committal about setting up an investigating committee but considers that the time has come for some action by the Council "to retain its prestige," and (b) Van Kleffens of Holland and Afifi of Egypt both favor keeping the Iranian question before the Council but firmly oppose the proposal to send an investigating committee, since they feel that (in view of Soviet objections) the committee would not be permitted to enter Azerbaijan. EUROPE-AFRICA 2. USSR: US claims diplomatic immunity for Ruess�The State Depart- ment has instructed Embassy Moscow to (a) inform the Soviet Govern- ment that the US, in view of "generally accepted principles of inter- national law," cannot agree to Soviet courts assuming jurisdiction over Ruess, and (b) renew "on a high level" the I.JS request that Ruess be permitted to leave the USSR without delay. FAR EAST 3. JAPAN: Impending food crisis threatens occu a.L.Mar2.--General MacArthur has inform only immediate and definite action by Washington can avert a major crisis in the conduct of the occupation within the next few months. He asserts that "either food or soldiers must be brought to Japan without fail and either or both should be started � Document No. 031 - 1 - NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANCED TO: T3 S DDA Memo, 4 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/17:;3 Date:1 4 MAR 1978 By: Oil Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749279 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749279 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff - 30 August 2018 in this direction immediately." He recommends that shipments of cereals to Japan should be advanced at least one month over the Hoover plan, which calls for a total allocation of 870,000 tons in monthly shipments beginning in May. 4. USSR: Refusal to extend Pauley visit to northern Korea�In reply to the latest US request tharnorTi�ssador PAd'-e be ted to visit northern Korea for 15 to 30 days, the Soviet Foreign Office has replied that the USSR sees no reason for reconsidering its decision to grant the first US request for a 3-5 day visit. 5. N.E.I.: Dutch refuse to accept Soekarno�Consul General Foote reports that Vanook has given Sjahrir the final Dutch offer, which includes the assertion that Soekarno in every way is unacceptable to the Netherlands Government. Sje.hrir is depressed and believes that he may have to resign. In that event, Foote thinks, extremists would gain control of the Indonesian movement and any chance for peaceful settlement probably would be lost. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749279