Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 ANN en Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 3.3(h)(2) GENERAL ' 8 OCT 1946 1. Report on Soviet troops in Bulgaria�As a result of a trip by US officers, General Robertson reports from Sofia that Soviet forces in southeast Bul- garia can be considered as a "striking force" of armored, mechanized and motorized units. Troops in the area are equipped with the latest weapons, including the Stalin tank, and ammunition has been built up to tactical levels. Air strength in the area, however, is described as weak. Observations tended to confirm previous estimates of 120,000 Soviet troops in Bulgaria. 2. US to reiterate Straits stand in note to USSR�Secretary Byrnes has approved a draft note to the USSRreiteratingS adherence to its posi- tion, set forth on 19 August, that the Straits regime is of interest to the US and other non-Black Sea powers and that the Potsdam protocol did not envisage direct conversation with Turkey by any one of the three powers prejudicial to the participation by the other two. The US holds that the Potsdam agreement contemplated only an exchange of views with the Turkish Government, followed by a conference of all interested powers, including the US, to consider the revision of the Montreux Con- vention. The US reiterates its view that Turkey should be primarily responsible for the Straits' defense and that a threat of attack on the Straits will be a matter for Security Council action. 3. USSR negotiati_c_Lika for Manchurian "war 1_2a_oo "�US Embassy Nanking reports that T. V. Soong has confirmed "in vague terms" a report that the USSR has been negotiating with China regarding "war booty" not yet removed from Manchuria. Soong's "impression" was that the Soviet Union had submitted a long request list, to which the Chinese "had acceded in only a few items," which Soong "believed" included coal and iron ore. 4. Em ration of Polish Jews�Soviet authorities in Vienna have informed omman g ener UgrA that they have taken steps to prevent entry into Vienna of Jewish refugees from the east. According to US Ambassa- dor Steinhardt in Prague, the Czech Government, apparently has officially closed its Polish border to Jewish immigration, but immigration continues "on a reduced scale" because the Czech Min- ister of Interior and General McNarney have interpreted the order bene- volently. US Ambassador Lane in Warsaw believes that, although the q-67 THE C.I.A. HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE DECLASSIFICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT. N Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 COO. 2 1 M4 C7111 2930235R 157C11 � Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 %me 3.3(h)(2) TOE exodus of Jews has temporarily slackened, nearly half of the 100,000 Jews remaining in Poland will leave when the "right opportunity" pre- sents itself. EUROPE 5. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Friendlier attitude toward US romised--During a conversation with US Ambassador Steinhardt, Communist Prime Min- ister Gottwald asserted that the Czech Government desires to maintain the "most friendly" relations with the US. He then, in Steinhardt's presence, issued orders to the entire press to cease their attacks against the US. 6. HUNGARY: Soviets demand more food--US Delegation ACC Budapest reports that Soviet authorities, citing "poor crops" in the USSR, have demanded 63,400 tons of cereals from Hungary, in addition to scheduled reparations deliveries. Soviet annroval o_fl.msommissions has told the US Delegation ta t au nominations for commissions in the Hungarian Army must be approved by both the Soviet section ACC and the executive committee of the Communist Party. FAR EAST 7. USSR: Rumors of atom bomb test--A US liaison officer in Pyongyang (North Korea) has advised General Hodge that Soviet officials there have "let it be known" that the Soviet Government recently has com- pleted its own atomic bomb tests in Central Asia. 8. KOREA: .Econon.lismEgat_Osmum--General Hodge reports that strikes have become more serious than was at first indicated, and that Communists are taking full advantage of all opportunities to foment trouble (see Daily Summary of 5 October, item 9). Disorders in south- eastern provinces, where terrorism is spreading, evidently have been carefully staged and expertly led. -2 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 9. INDIA: Col ress-Lemutwreement wears imminent--According to US Commissioner Merrell, Congress Partiri�bs are making a sin- cere attempt to achieve agreement with the Moslem League on terms under which the latter will take part in the Government. Discussions are believed to have reached a point where distribution of portfolios between Congress and the League is being considered. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930235