Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
27 MAY 1948
1. Soviet troop movements in Balkans--According to the US Delegate ACC,
Bulgaria, Soviet forces are leaving Bulgaria in "considerable numbers."
The US Delegate ACC, Rumania, reports that "the majority" of Soviet
NIND troops in the Bucharest area are leaving the city.
2. British control of Italian cables,--Admiral Stone has given Embassy
Romelivfews on tToque of British control of former Italian
cables (see Daily Summary of 24 April, item 1). Stone contends, with
the concurrence of Charge Key, that (a) the British claim for the Rome-
Malaga line, as war booty, is no more justified than Tito's claim for
Italian property in Zene "A", (b) US communication companies and
commercial interests will be "gravely injured" if the terminals or
relay points are in British hands, and (c) the British demand should be
"Buccessfully resisted."
3. AUSTRIA: Work for displaced persons�General Clark has proposed
to the War Department that DPs who remain in Austria and accept
gratuitous support be "brought into the general labor market" with
wages, rations, and conditions of employment similar to those of Aus-
trian citizens.
4. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Soviet vzheat comes from Germy--A member
of the Czech Embassy in MOSCOVY has told Ambassador Smith that the
30,000 tons of wheat which the USSR had promised to give Czechoslo-
vakia by 15 May will come from Germany.
5. YUGOSLAVIA: Troop concentrations�Assistant Naval Attache, Bel-
grade, reports that during a recent auto trip he (a) observed renewed
concentrations of Yugoslav troops in the mountains near the Italian
border and (b) received local confirmation of the presence in the area
of high-ranking Yugoslav and Soviet officers.
Document No. OZ.9
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
. � Class. CHANGED TO: TS
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Auth: DDA REQ. 77/1763
rib Date :1 3 MAR 1978 By: 6 /1_
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
6. MAN: attitude toward Ala�Ambassador Allen reports that
Qavam has (a) expressed pleasure at the Security Council's retention
of the Iranian case but (b) stated that Ala's "attitude and remarks"
have caused him "the most serious embarrassment." Qavam indicated
that he felt compelled to withdraw Ala from his post in the Security
Council but agreed not to take any such action "at present."
Shah seeks "more direct"su rt�The Shah has told Allen that
(a) he is increasingly clissati vam's "passive policy" and
(b) he hopes for direct intervention by the US and UK in Iran to offset
Soviet activity.
Allen's estimate of political trends�Allen notes that anti-
British propaganda is very active and states that "it is not difficult to
envisage that" if the next Cabinet is "only slightly more to the left than
the present one," Iran might submit to the Security Council a complaint
against British interference.
Soviet tactics in airline competition�Ambassador Allen has
informed Qavam "unofficially' that he has learned of efforts by the
Soviet airline in Iran to offer "ruinous" competition to the newly-
formed Iranian Airways, which is ten percent US-owned and is equipped
with US-built aircraft. When Allen said that the Soviet practice was
"purest sabotage," Qavam agreed that the Soviets "had no genuine
basis for complaint" against the operations of Iranian Airways.
Thornburg to leave Iran�Allen reports that Max Thornburg,
whose arrivalan on a prfiate economic mission has been termed
"most embarrassing" by the State Department (see Daily Summary of
23 May, item 1), is to leave on the "next available plane" on 30 May.
7. ICELAND: British agreement with Iceland on Reykjavlk airfield--
Legation Reykjavik has been advised that the Britishare rio con-
clude an agreement for turning over their interests in Reykjavik airport
to Iceland. The Icelandic Prime Minister obtained the concurrence of
"his Communist opposition" to a forthcoming written agreement, which
will permit use of the field for RAF ferrying operations during the next
eight months.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
8. KOREA: US feels Chinese mission premature--Secretary Byrnes has
directed US Embassy N to orm �reign Office that "pend-
ing clearance" the Chinese should not send a mission to Korea to survey
Chinese properties and prepare a list for submission to the US Govern-
ment. (On 2 May, General MacArthur advised the State Department that
he believed the stationing of Chinese diplomatic representatives in
. Korea was premature because of "unsatisfactory political conditions
and the lack of proper housing facilities.")
9. CHINA: Communist military capabilities�According to the Com-
manding General, US Army Forces in China, the results of the battles
of Penhsi-hsu and Changchun indicate that the Communists (a) are
unable to match the Nationalists in formal positional warfare, but (b)
retain the capability for large-scale guerrilla warfare throughmt
10. PARAGUAY: prabassy favors credit extension�Ambassador Beanlac
supports "in principle' the grant of an additional one million dollar
Ex-Ira Bank credit to Paraguay for highway construction. He believes
that the additional credit should not be conditioned on a reduction in
military expenses in view of the international situation and the success-
ful efforts of the President to purge the army of politics..
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578615