Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
1. US accepts delay on UN armed forces--The State Department has
advised Stettinfus that it -does not desire to press the Soviet Government
for submission of the Soviet paper on the principles governing UN
armed forces (see Daily Summary of 17 May, item l) A slight
additional delay "would not be entirely unwelcomeo, to the US in view
of the Department's uncompleted discussions with Senate leaders on
special agreements and on the size of the US contingent
2. 'UK and US views on disposition of Iranian case�Stettinius reports
that the British at present believe ihe Sarti Council should
"remain seized or the Iranian case until it is satisfied there is no
Soviet interference in Iran, whatever Iran may report. Stettinius has
advised Cadogan that the US favors dropping the case if Iran's report
clears the Soviet of the charge of interference.
3. Qavam removes Ala as UN delegate�Ambassador Allen reports that
Qavam (a) has ordered Ala to return to his post at Washington and
(b) will designate a new representative to appear before the Security
Council should one be needed.
4. FRANCE: Communist forecast of 2 Lute election�According to Caffery,
the Communist Secretary- eral � e be eves that the 2 June
elections will not substantially change (a) the number of Assembly
seats now held by the Communist Party, or (b) the political balance
of power between the Socialist and Communist Parties on the one
hand, and the remaining parties on the other.
5iFALReferendwnepeted to
the 2 rune
referendum on the Italian Monarchy is expected to result In a majority
of one to two million in favor of a republic (out of an estimated 21
million valid votes). Monarchist chances have been improved by the
abdication of Victor Emmanuel and by the recent trend of inter-
aatIonal affairs which has increased winder fears of Communist and
Document No. _
NO CHANGE in Class.
T DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
IAI Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO25785801 3 MAR 1978 BY 011
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
Soviet influence in Italy. However, Key believes that the pro-
Republic stand of the major Italian parties will be decisive.
USSR:e512ELtusw,r2411.02gpt ato c bob
The Military Attache in Paris has heard
of a recent Soviet directive to top commanders which states that
(a:t the Soviets will have full knowledge and partial use of the atomic
bomb by , the middle of 1947, (b) in view of the "most precarious
condition" of discipline in scattered units throughout the Red Army,
Soviet commanders are Instructed to "weed out" unreliable elements
to insure rigid discipline in all units by 1948, and (c) Soviet Govern-
ment and Communist political activities outside the USSR can be ad-
justed to local circumstances until 1948. (The implication, according
to the Military Attache, is that the Soviets do not wish to provoke a
critical situation before 1948.)
7. YUGOSLAVIA:, t demands US and UK cease air orations--
The Yugoslav Government has demanded a that the US and UK cease
operation of all military and diplomatic aircraft in Yugoslavia by
1 June; and (b) that the US Embassy radio in Belgrade cease operations
US Military Attache Belgrade asserts that compliance with th-
demands uld isolate completely all military and Embassy personnel
and deprive them of adequate rations, medical care and means of
diplomatic and intelligence correspondence.
Embassy Pelgrade proposes to notify the Yugoslav Government
that, pending a reply to the US proposal for a bilateral air agreement,
the US cannot withdraw ATC personnel and equipment by 1 June. (The
UK already has submitted a similar note to the Yugoslays). The
Embassy further recommends that unless the US receives assurances
of the maintenance of unrestricted air communication with Belgrade,
the Yugoslav Government be informed that the new US Ambassador will
not present his credentials and the Yugoslav representative in Washing-
ton will not be received.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
8: SfqJDI ARABIA: Disillusionment with US-- Minister Eddy reports
that the Saudi Arabian Government believes it is useless to discuss any
"specific lines of cooperation" with the US as long as "the atmosphere
is clouded by grave distrust of the basic US policy in the Middle East."
Eddy adds that the Arabs (a) regard the recent request for consultations
on the Palestine report as "the worst injury to date," and (b) intend to
"determine a Palestine policy for themselves."
9. KOREA: �f �ke--On 28 May Ambassador Smith
requested the State Department to take no action with regard to closing
the Soviet Consulate at Seoul (see Daily Summary of 28 May, item 6)
until he had received a reply from the Soviet Government as to the
opening of the US Consulate at P'yongyang. Smith's "guess" after a
conversation with Molotov, is that "we may get an affirmative reply."
10. KOREA:auley Mission art for North Korea--Byrnes has in-
formed Embassy Moscow that Pauley and 26 members of his mission
planned to leave Seoul for -'''yongyang on 29 May. T'auley expects to
work out an agreement OD his itinerary with General Chistiakov and has
suggested that the State Department continue to press the USSR to
extend the length of the visit and to permit splitting the mission into
groups. Other members of the Mission are to proceed to Mukden on 31
May to start operations in Manchuria.
Ambassador Smith reports from Moscow on 28 May that the
Soviet attitude towards the Pauley mission reflects irritation in the
Soviet Army, which obviously has been objecting to the mission. Smith
believes that 7)auley will be given "his minimum of five days" to visit
plants and economic facilities.
- 3 -
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580
11. BIZA711..: Reluctance to &rant fifth freegpni, riots: - Ambassador
-Daniels reports that Srazil lias informally revealed great reluctance
to conclude a bilateral civil avirt.tion agreement with the US.
Paer5..-an subsiaq.ry eltpropriated--riessersmith
Aatrs that an e-Fic, stH75;tram --yvver anir iabJect at nearly
five million dollars lins e;....,,)rr.:.t,riated by the ',.7.*.a.nta Fe
Provincial Coveumunerg1 ern had previously informed
company officivds that he Ae.�t far expropriation.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578580