Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
28 MAY 1946
1. British efforts to block TWA-Italian contract�The State Department
has ormed e Bri s overtlinen afirfiF"at a loss to understand"
the continued British efforts to prevent implementation by the Italian
Government of the TWA-Italian air contract. (The exclusive provision
of the contract was removed to meet British objections; see Daily Sum-
mary of 2 May, item 2.)
2. FRANCE: Soviet instructions to French Communists--Caffery has
been informed by a reliable French official that Molotov has advised
the French Communist leaders (a) to devote all their energy to internal
Party discipline, and not to worry about the 2 June elections; and (b) not
to start violent attacks on the Socialist Party. Molotoir believes that such
attacks would (a) merely drive the Socialists into the arms of other left-
center elements, pushing them closer to the British Labor Government;
and (b) possibly result in an Anglo-French pact which would form the
basis of an anti-Communist bloc in western Europe.
3. GERMANY: Soviet es ion e on US activities�GeneralMcNarney reports
a recent "serious increase in Soviet espionage on US activities in the
Berlin area. Soviet methods include threats and bribes to German civil-
ians employed by the US Army.
4. YUGOSLAVIA: Soviet troops reported on Greek-Albanian border--US
Representative Jacobs rana as rece v a re a e repor that
between eight and nine thousand Soviet troops are now stationed in south-
west Yugoslavia near Ochrida, about 20 miles from the juncture of the
Albanian, Greek and Yugoslav boundaries.. (MIS as of 24 May estimated
that Soviet strength in Yugoslavia comprised 5,000 troops in unidentified
5. HUNGARY: Premier asks permission to visit US--Legation Budapest
reports that Premier any has (i.j requested permission to proceed to
the US following his official visit to London early in June, and (b) attrib-
uted the request to Hungarian popular demand for close relations with the
western powers as well as with the USSR. �kg
Document No.
NO CHANGE in Class. E
DDA Memo, 4 fipr 77
Y4T Auth; DDA REG. -77/.1763
MAR 1978
Approved for Release: 2018/09/0o j R -Ozo78o14 � By: off
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
6, KOREA: US asks USSR to close Consulate General in Seoul--Byrnes has
authorized Embassy Moscow to inform the USSR that the US expects the
Soviet Consulate General in Seoul to cease functioning within two weeks
(see Daily Summary of 23 May, item 6). The Embassy also is authorized
to take up again with the USSR the matter of opening a US Consulate in
Pyongyang (North Korea).
7. SIAM: US note to French on border Incideats�Byrnes has forwarded
to Embassy Paris Legation Bangkok's reports on the border incidents in
Siam and has instructed the Embassy (a) to express immediately to the
Foreign Office increasing US concern; and (b) to urge that instructions
again be sent to prevent further incidents and any movement of French
troops to Siamese soil. Byrnes has further suggested that the French
send a representative to Bangkok and has emphasized. that a great
power can "afford to proceed more than halfway in dealing with a small
nation in the interest of international cooperation."
8. N.E.I.: US denies report on troo landi --US Consul General Batavia
has heara persistent rtunors thit US troops are to occupy Palembang
(Sumatra) and on 25 May was asked by Sjahrir why 30,000 American
troops had already landed there.
The State Department has authorized the Consul to state that no
US troops are occupying or will occupy any island in the N.E.I.
9. BRAZIL: Communist agitation increasing�US Consul General Cross
reports a deteriorating situation in Sao i)aulo where Communist ele-
ments continue anti-US attacks in an effort to sabotage the Hoover
Mission. The US is blamed for bread lines and the hemisphere defense
plan is described as an imperialistic design to subject Latin American
armed forces to US control.
US Military Attache Rio has been reliably informed that the
Communist Party plans to call a general strike in Sao Paulo, if the
Government attempts to enforce an order to striking stevedores to
unload a Spanish vessel at Santos.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
10. HAITI: Electionsprotested--Embassy Port au Prince reports that the
formation of anew ommi ee of National Defense," comprising Com-
munists and Popular Socialists, has created a serious situation. The
Committee threatens to call a general strike unless the recent elections
are annulled on grounds of fraud and the Military Executive Committee
is replaced by a provisional civilian government.
Illegal arms negotiations�According to the US Military Attache,
the Military Executive Comniift�has discovered plans of a commercial
firm to import rifles and revolvers from New York,
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578614