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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 cg2578609)grams Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578609
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578609=LEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30
[August 2U10
8 Jun 1948
1. Soviet troop movement through Czechoslovakia�US Military Attache
Prague reports that the movement of SovieWroops through Czechoslo-
vakia to the Soviet zone in Germany, which started on 27 May (see
Daily Summary of 23 May, item 4), is progressing at the rate of 5,000
to 6,000 troops daily and may involve a total of between 120,000 and
150,000 men. He comments that the move "is essentially an adminis-
trative one, with families and household goods accompanying the
2. UK extends invitations to Soviet organizations�The Foreign Office has
craVI�ane Embassy London that (a) it has adopted a policy of inviting
representatives of Soviet official, semi-official, and scientific organi-
zations to visit London, but (b) is pessimistic about the results of such
a policy, since it feels that the Soviets are inclined to "slam the door
shut" to all such approaches.
3. IRAN: Soviet faction on defensive in Azerbaijan�US Consul Tabriz
reports t se a op Ion o a e ensive po cy on Azerbaijan by both
the USSR and the Azerbaijan Government "plainly resulted" from the
"strong US stand at the Security Council coupled with the strong atti-
tude of the world press." The Consul believes that (a) such a defen-
sive policy has weakened the position of the "Democrats," who are
"adopting the old tactic of increasing party membership by various
forms of clurKis," (b) a "large majority" of the party would not support
the leaders except for such terrorism; but (c) an organized opposition
has not yet developed.
British anxie about Southern Iran�The British Ambassador
has inform U Ambassa. r 4 en o Ijs intention to tell Qavam that
if the Government does not take "active measures" to forestall Tudeh
Party control in Southern Iran, the UK must "take appropriate steps
to safeguard its interests." Allen comments that, if permitted by
London, British consular representatives could considerably affect
forthcoming elections. In Allen's opinion (a) interference in the Iranian
elections is not warranted by the present situation; (b) while Soviet in-
fluence may well have been at work in the recent oil workers' strike,
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 c02578609R RELEASE - Historical Programs
[Staff 30 August 2018
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company has, "largely for the sake Of profits,"
missed the chance to take the lead in Iran in labor relations.
Allen requests aid for US cultural mission�In commenting on
the Soviets lavish expenditures in Iran on cultural relations, Allen
notes that the US cultural relations section is very meagerly equipped,
despite the fact that "Iranians are clamoring for closer cultural rela-
tions with the US."
4. RUMANIA: US terms Government re 1 "unsatisfactor "--The State
Department as ormes e umanian vernment t the latter's
reply (see Daily Summary of 5 June, item 4) to the recent US-UK pro-
test against its failure to implement pledges of political freedom and
early elections is "unsatisfactory" in that it (a) fails to specify any
date for consideration or promulgation of an electoral law and (b) pre-
sents a "wholly inadequate and distorted account of the actual situation."
Compromise of US mission doubted�Regarding reports that
Soviet aiiiiff.have stolen documents from the US military mission in
Bucharest (see Daily Summary of 5 June, item 4), General Schuyler,
US delegate ACC, reports that (a) none of his personnel have been en-
gaging in "improper" activities, and (b) it is "extremely improbable"
that the Mission's files could have been pilfered. He comments that if
the Soviets wish to implicate the Mission, "they can and probably will
manufacture evidence."
5 FRANCE: "Little progress" in formation of new government�Caffery
reports tharfEETE---iee inajora es are maneuvering "cau-
tiously" toward the formation of a new government, and "little prog-
ress" is evident. Further inflation and economic dislocation are
expected to follow the CGT's wage demands(which are generally
regarded as "valid"), and all parties are reluctant to head the govern-
6. BELGIUM: New ..rice -w.. e r am "su 'ris 1 successful�Kirk
reports that, from all information available, Prime Minister Van
Acker's economic program (a wage freeze in combination with a 10
percent reduction in prices and severe suppression of black markets)
has succeeded "beyond expectations."
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578609