Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00985960
Monday, 14 March 1955
PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, General Cabell, Messrs. Wisner, Amory,
Colonel White, Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Helms, Bissell,
Sheldon and Earman
Mr. Dulles:
a. Noted that during his conversation with Sir Percy
Spender on Friday,.11 March, he (Spender) had indicated he
would appreciate some guidance on the Bandung Conference.
The Director said this might be taken up during the forthcoming
talks with Menzies; however, he intended to mention it at the
OCB Meeting on 16 Warch, and asked Mr. Earman to remind him to
do so. Mr. Dulles also said that he was under the impression
that a U. S. Committee had been formed to furnish advice and
guidance on the above?mentioned Conference and asked Mr. Earman
to find out about this. Mr. Helms said he knew that Kim Roosevelt
had been working on the Bandung problem.
b. Stated the Secretary of State had asked whether the
recent Soviet book on Soviet Economics had been published in
English. The Director said the Secretary was most interested
in this since it was his understanding this book was "the
Russian Bible on Economics" and therefore felt it would be of
interest to a number of people in Government. Mr. Amory said
we had received it during the latter part of 1954; however, he
did not know at the moment whether it had been fully translated
into English and undertook to find out for the Director. Mr.
Dulles said if it had not been translated and if it appeared
to be too big a job, he would be willing to turn it over to a
selected publishing firm for translation, noting he would approve
partial payment for the cost thereof.
c. Briefly reported on his conversation with Admiral
Carney on 12 March, respecting coordination of intelligence and
CIA cover on Taiwan. Mr. Wisner noted he was preparing a memo?
randum for the record of this meeting. It was agreed that
General Cabell would mention the coordination matter at the IAC
Meeting on 15 March as a starter in attempting to solve this
problem. Based on this discussion at the IAC, the Director
intends to forward a memorandum to Admiral Carney.
d. Referred to a proposed letter for his signature to the
Secretary of the Navy enclosing the Agreement between the Navy
and CIA on support at Subic Bay, and stateE0 13526 w
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Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00985960
of certain directives from the Department of Defense he was of
the opinion that we should either direct our letter to Bob
Anderson or at least touch base with him or General Erskine.
After some discussion it was agreed that Colonel White would
get in touch with the Navy people who had assisted in working
out this Agreement and based on this contact recommend to the
Director to whom it should be initially addressed.
e. Asked Mr. Bissell to get in touch with Mr. Donald Quarles
respecting the "Earth Satellite".
f. Noted he had seen Admiral Byrd on Thursday, 10 March,
and asked Mr. Wisner to inform Finn Ronne that any lobbying
he might do in connection with his proposed expedition to the
Antarctic would have to be done on hisown time.
General Cabell:
// 00m:a.
Recommended that the Board of CAT be invited to Washington
for a briefing and dinner, and stated while they are here they
could also hold a regular Board Meeting. The Director approved
and asked that this be arranged sometime after 15 April. It
was noted that the dinner would be held in the Directorts new
dining room in South Building.
Approved for Release: 2017/09/07 C00985960ayr