UR. W 5-47SZ dItiATE0 ?Y
1. It is said that in 1956 nearly six million people visitmd the -bsoov IrA, trial
and Agricultural txhibitim fray all av-r for Soviet Vaim , ineludiad about
25 thousand flavigaers of may aetioowllties. Ve r.r pt~.,.at at the 1958
opening by [htJahchr? and had tis* for cal, a frtvrie.d rlwv through ems of the
bu11d.AF,s. The arhlbttim occwpl..s smut 'UO $c +s with 21 parilims housing
sons GO thousand exhibits, may brims ahova fm the first tlas, in a fins setting
of flavors and trees with aezy lr-w11 fountains. It is a striking picture of
Soviet industrial yrogrras and d,-rnatret.s tb^ trwrodcua efte,r4 that am being
ha6e in wvw -y field of Soviet endeavor. In peset.rg oor nay srstim the ashiML
on the peaceful uses of ataxic -'i , on oecbanitailm and automatic=, am dwrel.
oprn4 in the ebr=ical and electrical int.,strirs, on new agriai1tural ssehinarq
t.rt,cka and coaches, and not least the US style aotar cars. A11 of thew ass ,
0ff?cttvaly presented, and '.k added to the. spectacular eynta!k display in the
Science tsvlltco hake up an impr?salrw ah,v. f1il1 scale modals of Sputnik 1, II
sad III with aide-eshlbits of spec Mused and r-asuring apparabv, are shove and
es?1aL,ed. Siutaik III is an lmpsre-ssive piece of von . It weighs about 2,900
lba and acrrles over a too of sciectifle eciuiparnt. It is nearly 13 ft long and
about five test diameter at the best, and could have contained a mn. Uh6oubtedlj
thus will Dose} ?eaavh-1e, ins tr .st4 prcri de more 1nfoz=t1m. Among live
SLatz+._...ts carried are Ge?rieea for 3etwtntnln._ 't? Ionic c-x1:?nt of US* ataoe-
pbe^e, and the rtrclbrlc ch&rgr of the Sputnik 11?!1f; far m-wsurina the earth's
>C~-xt! c field wrC for st dy1ng corpuscular r_nd.lattoo rmin th-, sun. ?tvvisim
is also -' s to re-oa-d the member of cal-Li aicaa of the Sputan with alcro.
neteorttrn. The satellite is fitted with solar paw.r.d batteries and radio
equipment. The trsrhaaittins antenna., ccns!atlag of steel folded d1po1a.,oan be
sew r: opposite sides of the Ds^, eb'Ic thew four receiving anta?as project
ba ckvards fray t h e basrpL t i . I t is mid that in s trne-n t tt i is provided f
nL-e e.JI:'~~!vua obaerva'lomm e,i?.Seh err t itbd doer to earth. One of the
int-it ,shires of the design of epatnik LII I. the sans for naintainiag
tempxl, -?r? egcltllbriua in its paawagw tarvigh space by satasatiaally controlling
beat rea'atic by mesas of adjustable warns surrumding the lower poctim of the
cone. The gv9eral aee+-niml omceytim points to an advanced degree of
technological dcrelopamt.
2. In the Tavillm of 'ltichine-building', vh1ch is the at the exhibiU ,
the en metering Lh&istries are repr?sseeted including rJscC-mies and eo?omica-
tlma, optics, ci-nar, ?tc. She Radio Section presented a particularly fins
ranges of all kinds of tubes, tramistrsrs and cospmenta, ineJnding tsaQLse of
11.Oo deflection cathode ray tubes, 1se4le orthicons, 'idiom., photaaltipliers,
iooeosoopes and issue toccoscopes, a large variety of reosiring tubes both
adnlathsr and snb-?daiature t7pas, law and high power Cttydttiag tubed eta(
?.636tra s, s?,ri-Omftctor devices with many different types of diodes and
transistors, ,,rim eiraltrv a.e.,.tte:serials, tarritaa, piaaoolacttia
..+. rf...w..w. ~?. ,_ .-+.wt IJ ?~ .~.,...r - CIL al K. 1-e[ /..~. r p....... ~1... ti w.r.
C....r C t
Approved for Release ;
Daie f tSEP 1996
sad barimt tltsmatee, rS$ J S, SmdrsssaS, sto. Ia sae of thm Shoe sa?e-
thasr vea alas a small traealrtarieMd r-419 lrcadeast r..aiver in the farm
or a boa. M.4y broodeaat romivers 01019 television soup as %all as in&slrial
ralavisism turd wdwr professional ele=Pa'IOt+ 0010109 mad digital oc.pt1r.,
Sad tout tamwrriat 4lao Vert as shoe.
3? The rural people vhe are viglIM fa- ten Pavilion at fhe k%s?als Y0e1d ?air
watt be" voider" vlrttsrs the Sod