Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2017/09/08 C06687264
1 OCT 1957 EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>I25Yrs
EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
1. I crLBt. to ontroOo to you v.01'1)30'well Colonel White
maimer in
lain ie ,I- . ietiou for the ouit.. toci '
lis nrmalivirtirin %A intausence eovtr EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
the ansociaW oar Bstel tClJ I ,50Z0 ?5.,5(13)( I )L0 T F S
up woulatunt obtOmed, by '441) vao 'esseptial ma i
1.,epeneab1e; the speed, itiM vbia. it 'wee col-looted :moil made available
to OSZ and the complete cooperation and ala, out eaOrto ng4o by SOD
with tgtI recttests ..., 4 t.liia ,.. nave instance, from the 1
int EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
a. Ito ouomos
it o r
too and abr
gazed. of =re
otv,4, N71%
sago-tea from the no of viov of both their
ea]. ri opczat1oa1 evabilitias.
3, If you woe 'vital the above
cict vith its ivy
EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
Efl 1:17R '.1'.1(h)(11>7Yrs
EO 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
ralE0 13526 3.3(b)(1)>25Yrs
Frivre G.
Luty Antsigtent DirectorPolleetinn
Office of Scientific Intollicence
Approved for Release: 2017/09/08 C06687264
EO 135263.5(c)