Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3
SECRET/SENSITIVE November 6, 1970
TROMi At Haig
SUBJECTS Talker for Luncheon with A.=dinira1 Zumwalt at 1iOO p. m.,
Friday. November 6. 1970
Although your luncheon meeting today is primarily a social get.
together, you may want to raise the following subjects with
Admiral Zurriwwaitu
.... Tell him you have been most impressed by what you have
board about the program he has launched to boost morals and
keep talent in the Navy. (See article, on Aft flap, from
current issue of TIME.) Ask him to elaborate on oorrA of the
prevent-day problems of motivating young people for service
?.. Ask nor his thoughts on possible Defense Departmeant
orgaa-ilationa l changes resulting from the Blue Ribbon Diana.
Panel study.
make if the Navy's budget were increase
decreased by $1 billion.
? Ask him what changes in Naval fore
ure he would
-- Discuss the possibility of establishing a greater American
presence in Malta; including the need for repair facilities,
possible home-parting of Sixth Fleet ships, effect on stability
of Maltese Government, need for best possible U.B. representa-
tion, and possible ways to stimulate Malta** accept*nco of an
increased presence (e. g. approaching the Maltese community
in San Francisco).
_~ Since both you and Admiral Zuaaaavwalt have talked to Lee Kuan
Yew, you might ask Admiral Zumwalt how he evaluate* the
political /military impact of possible Soviet use of facilities in
Singapore and whether he favors an effort to establish a U. S.
base there.
J 1.A'ci.1'"rt:r...... e. 1 1. It. !7A
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3
__ Ask for his assessment of the plicate for Hemis-
pheric .fenss, of Allende 's election in Chile and measure*
we should consider taking.
_ _ Tell him that a NSSM is being prepared calling for an
inter-agency study of the Indian Ocean, and ask for his candid
views on ft hat measures should be taken, if any. in light of
Soviet naval expansion into the Indian Ocean and British
__ Ask Admiral Zumwalt to explain the advantages and disad-
vantages of the possible. reconfiguration of aircraft carriers
for a dual attack and anti-submarine warfare role.
.._ Admiral Zumwalt may ask whether you are planning to
talk to Vice Admiral Rickover. Tell him you have made
several attempts to meet with Admiral Rickover and expect to
see him after your return from Florida. Ask how he feels
about Rick* is ideas.
-- Ask Admiral Zumwalt whether he feels we can effectively
combat the Soviet Y Class (Polaris type) submarine threat.
s cr'1 LOE143I
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3
Iqr- 7-
(added to talker for Mr. Kissinger from Gen Haig, Nov 6, 1970
Subj: Luncheon with.Admiral Zumwalt)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/12/05: LOC-HAK-9-5-3-3