Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/047 LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
Central Intelligence Bulletin
State Department review completed
MORI/CDF C03027903
Top Secret
25 October 1973
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
25 ,October 197.3
Central Intelligence Bulletin
ARAB STATES - ISRAEL: Fighting continued on Egyp-
tian-front yesterday; Syrian front calm. (Page 1)
BRAZIL-CHILE: Brasilia may be ready to carry out
promises to aid Chilean junta. (Page 8)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
CARAB STATES - ISRAEL: The cease-fire appears
to be working on the Syrian front, but fighting con-
tinued through most of yesterday on the Egyptian
front south of the Great Bitter Lake on both banks
of the Suez Canal.
units of
the Egyptian Third Army on the east oanx of the
canal launched a two-pronged, tank-supported attack
east toward the Gidi and Mitla passes, and reportedly
made some significant aains before being halted by
Israeli forces.
There is no clear?indication, however, as to what
positions the forces involved in the Egyptian thrust
now hold.
Other elements of the Third Army reportedly at-
tacked north along the east bank of the Great Bitter
Lake in an attempt to link UTO with the Egyptian Sec-
25X1 ond Army.
Israeli forces yesterday morning captured the
Egyptian naval base at Adabiyah, south of Suez city.
Fighting continued in and around Suez city yester-
day, with the Israelis claiming to have thwarted an
attempt by Egyptian forces there to break out. Ear-
lier in the day, Egyptian armored forces on the west
bank launched an unsuccessful operation to reopen
the road from Cairo to Suez, apparently in an at-
tempt to relieve the Egyptian troops at Suez and
open a bridgehead to the Third Army on the east
bank. According to an Israeli spokesman, some 28
Egyptian aircraft attacked Israeli positions an
hour before the ground attacks. Tel Aviv claims
to have shot down 14 of the attackers. By night-
fall, fighting had died down to sporadic artillery
Large Egyptian forces apparently remain within
the Israeli enclave on the west bank of the canal. .0.
25 Oct 73
Cential Intelligence Bulletin
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
--where along the Egyptian front
pears to be in effect.
Calm generally prevailed along the Syrian front
yesterday, with only sporadic artillery fire re-
25X1 ported. I
the cease-fire ap-
Israelis have been shelling fedayeen positions in
Lebanon, however, and have warned Beirut that it
will have to bear the consequences of any further
terrorist activity against Israel by the fedayeen
in Lebanon.
The Jordanians report that 29 of their troops
have been killed and 50 wounded in action so far.
Eighteen Centurion tanks have been totally destroyed;
15 are damaged but reparable. The Jordanians claim
to have captured four Israeli Centurions--two in
excellent condition.
25 Oct 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
1: At last night's Security Council session, eight
nonaligned states presented a resolution which would
create a UN emergency peacekeeping force for the Mid-
dle East. Their resolution would also enlarge the
existing UN observer force and repeat earlier calls
for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal to posi-
tions held at 1750 GMT Monday.
Earlier in the meeting Egypt had requested So-
viet and US troops to enforce the cease-fire. The
Soviet Union argued that the request was justified
by continued Israeli violations of the truce, but
the Soviets made no promise to provide supervisory
forces. The nonaligned states, which have been re-
sentful of US-Soviet dominance of Security Council
actions, then weighed in with their proposal. The
council is scheduled to reconvene at 1030 this morn-
ing to debate the draft. If approved, it may
strengthen the policing of the much-violated cease-
fire, which has no enforcement provisions, and is
supervised only by UN observers in the area under
the 1967 mandate.
All seven UN observation teams presently planned
for the Egyptian side of the cease-fire line have
been dispatched and are reporting. The situation
is confused, however, because most teams are not
certain where the opposing front lines are, and
three teams on the southern sector have been held
up by an armored battle northwest of Suez city. Is-
rael is delaying efforts to establish stations on
the east bank; no observer patrols have reached
that area.
On the Syrian front, Damascus has pushed hard
to have observation teams installed along the Is-
raeli bulge into Syrian territory, and the initial
UN plan is to have three posts on each side of the
salient. The new posts will be manned from those
previously closed and will not require additional
25 Oct 73
Central Intelligence Bulletin
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
Despite China's harsh description of the UN
cease-fire resolution as a ploy to bolster superpower
hegemony in the Middle East, the Chinese have not
tried to block either cease-fire call, undoubtedly
out of deference to Arab wishes. Throughout the
fighting the Chinese have kept a low profile, limit-
ing themselves to strong verbal support for the Arabs
and pledges of additional economic aid to Egypt.
From the beginning the Chinese ruled out donating any
but token military assistance. Fully conscious of
its limited ability to influence events in the Middle
East, Peking has had to be content with positioning
itself to profit from any Arab dissatisfaction with
the policies of the superpowers, particularly the
The US Embassy in Beirut has noted indecision
on the part of fedayeen spokesmen as to how to re-
concile their public rejection of the cease-fire re-
solution with maintenance of good relations with
their Arab supporters who accepted it. Pro-fedayeen
press commentators are not directly attacking the
cease-fire, but are glorifying those who have re-
jected it. In calling for a continuation of the
"struggle" rather than "war," the fedayeen may now
be moderating their position--or at least disguising
it--to guarantee continued support from Arab bene-
factors such as Egypt and Syria.
25 Oct 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin 4
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8
BRAZIL-CHILE: Brasilia may be preparing to
carry out its promises of large amounts of aid for
the military junta that overthrew President Allende.
The US ambassador in Santiago reports that Or-
lando Saenz, the Chilean Foreign Ministry's chief
economic adviser,will soon go to Brazil to discuss
military and economic cooperation across the board.
Brazilian Government leaders, who have repeat-
edly expressed their determination to assure the
success of the Chilean junta, have stated that they
are prepared to make sizable loans. Thus far, how-
ever, Brazilian material aid has been limited to
air shipments of medicines and foodstuffs. The de-
parture of Saenz for Brasilia could mean either that
he intends to urge Brazil to begin delivering on its
promises of large-scale assistance or that Brasilia
has signaled that it is ready to discuss specific
aid programs.
25 Oct 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin 8
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USSR-Cuba: Soviet party chief Brezhnev has
moved up his visit to Cuba and now will arrive there
next week. Brezhnev had been scheduled to make an
official visit to Cuba "in December of this year and
January of next year," according to the Soviet an-
nouncement made last July. The Soviet Embassy in
Washington has requested permission for Brezhnev's
plane to overfly the US on its way to Cuba on 31
*These items were prepared by CIA without consultation
with the Departments of State and Defense.
25 Oct 73
Central Intelligence Bulletin
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/03/04: LOC-HAK-543-7-12-8