25X1 X
Approved For Release 2001/03/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004000130008-4
Approved For Release 2001/03/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004000130008-4
on 22 l9L1 th-: f of oar'. g pers.onnei ',eft Leuna.-11ersebur : by rail
Zor t li.n, from where the- y tint~ued the ggo,:rne m b air. ving in
Moae9ppccve Er 6WNse 2001/03/23: CIA-RDP83-0041'R(040013
a,. Dr. Friedrich A in,e r, ham of the maim :.Alboratory (Haupt3.abor). 25X1A
Left his rife r td child behind. An exoe: -t on synthetic oil production
end specialist in the Fiacslh.er-Tropseh prodess. Believed to have
worked op Jet gins and 12 fuels.
b. Dr. Paul Herold, director of Leuna.
?. Dr. Louis Gemaeeer, assistant to Herold. Took his We and three
children with hi.m.
2. On 23 October 1946, the tollowtng left Leune.? Mersebuurg by rail for the
a. Dr. Berndt (fnu). b. Dr. Bode (fnu).
o. Dr. Hans Eckholdt, Asinrera a assistant. Took wife and four children
with him.
Dr. Elm #,fnu), an a~cpert an heavy water. Soviet doctors were very
oorncerned about his health at the time of deportation as he was
suffering from dtptheria.
Dr. 1V,*4# (fnu) , Jg nger$ a ~a i .~&nt.- Took his wife anG children
with him
Dr. Falkenberg (fate, member alt the KPD. Incompetent scientist,
later ctts.miased and forced to work in a factory,
Dr. 4e~b (fnu) took his large family with h him.
Dr. Gericke (fnu).
De. Eton der Horst (fnu) took wife and chi, ld with him.
Asirnge:- as an Incompetent scientist.
Dr. Jahrmann (fnu).
Regarded by
Dr. Jochtnke (fnu), former colleague of .A ginger.
Dr. Kaufmann (Thu), snythe tic oil expert. Took wife and child with
in, Dr. Kurt Kosterhon, ammonia expert.
n. Ing. Lipus (fnu), member of KIB (Kong truxc Lion and Ingenieur B$ro).
o. Obermeister Lorenz (,f nu) , head laboratory assistant. Took wife and
child with him.
p. Dr. LSwenberg (fnu) left his wife behind. She is not? in Western
G eermart r.
q. Dr. Gerhard. Meier, heavy water production expert and head of
department (Betriebsleiter).
r. Dr. Peinze (fnu).
Approved For Release 2001/03/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004000130008-4
z l~ppr %%t 3~s '0'~If~B/ .~tti t[3R 3 fl6R( & O - in
Western Derr
t. Dr. Schmid: (), took wife and two chile ren with him.
it. Dr. Sahotz (f ), scoampenied by Wife.
v. Dr. Karl (sic) kteykal left wife in WestE rn Germany.
t~.f . testing quality ~ childreA
v, Dr. WysomirsTty (fnu) , aged about 65. e and two grot4n
materials (Materialpruefung). Took
with him.
The total number of people who left Leunar-Me seburg on 22 and 23 October
was forty. Of these, the following arrived n Moscow by train atchthe
beginning of November; Bode, lm, alkenbet'~, Frohlich, Geib, Kosterhon, Scheuer, and Schmidt,
4. In late 1946, the number of'L~?n~ork i bntbusg ~t working 8 I.-K. ie~ Moscow was
They lived together and went by
and did not return until 6 P.M. They were euployed at the Karpow-
Institute, the center of Phyeo-.Cheminer in t he USSR and stayed In Moscow
until July 1948.
5. Another part of the Leuna scientists who lef ; Germany on 23 October 1946
went directly from Leuna.-Merseburg to Lening'ad. The following remained
there from then until the present: Eok.holdt von der Horst, Kaufmann,
Lorenz, Peinze, Scholz, Smeykal, and WWysomir sky.
6. The following, who were another part of the Troup of scientists whtoh
left Leona-Merseburg at the same time, went ria Moscow directly to
Dzerzhinsk:. Berndt, Gerioke, Jahrmann, Lipu3, Meier, and L8wenberg.
".'his group is still there working at Zavodet :roy i4here they arrived on
10 November 1946. Their director, Schneider (fnu), died a few weeks
after arrival as a result of pneumonia caught on the journey. His wife
returned to Leipzig six months after his dea :h, and his position was
filled by Dr. Springemantt (fnu).
7. A ditional men who worked at Zavodstroy inol sded:
a. Ing. Baessler (fnu), engaged on drawing naps and plans of projected
b. Ing. Flenning (fnu).
e. Ing. Schimke (fnu)..
d. Ing. Schiomka (fnu).
e, Ing. Tr8strum (fm-).
f. Inf. Weiss (fnu).
8. This group, which always. referred to Itself as "the 22', expected in 1947
that some of their colleagues at Moscow would join them later. In
December of that year, however, they were tY a only group of German
scientists in the Dzerzhinsk area.
9. A small group of Leuna scientists went via Gorky directly to Baku in
October 1946, and the Dzerzhinsk group did of hear from them until
the summer of 1947 when they received the f` rst letter.
1.0. in July 1948, the Moscow group of 13 ecient:.ste were split into two:
One section went to Dzerzhinsk and joined tl.ose who originally went
giirect1y there, whereas the other section w: int to Lisai tsehansk in
the Voroshilovgrad area of the TJkranian SSR
Approved For Release 2001/03/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004000130008-4
~.1 . App o,bd og ecQ6 ~a t~( bA a ~B41 f fJ( 4 0a 4 08 4~ ~;c
arrived in Dzerzh1nsk in July 1948: Astnge V, E,ln., Fr h ch; e-i
12. The- followiur have 00:'responded With friend : and re-lations Fa$ nce; ..:
arr2.ved in Liaai scha: ts{, in July 19L8: Dods, Herold, Koeterhon, and Schmid-;.
Approved For Release 2001/03/23 : CIA-RDP83-00415R004000130008-4