Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/17: CIA=RDP83-00415ROg-noa~t10O015-:1?
Chinese Press
A translation service
Ag~a U RV covering the more important articles
appearing in Chinese newspapers and magazines
Table of Contents
April: . 1949
I, No. 5
The Peace Talk
The Difficult Problems in the Peace Talks **.see 11
Peace Prospects Viewed From the
Composition of the Delegations ,,.,.,.. *~-. 144
Brief $ketches of the Pro Peace Delegations s,
Plan for the Reorganization of Fu,Tso-yits Army
#n ounc'ed by General tin Piaots Headquarters
at Peiping . ? .0 148
Lin Piaots Passije Objective ........