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basic imagery interpretation report
Soviet Missile Development and
Production Facilities Associated
With SS-X-25 (S)
BE: Various
-To-p-sm at-
RCA-09/002? /?'
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Top Secre
Soviet Missile Development and Production Facilities Associated With SS-X-25
SAC. USATC; Series 200; Sheet 0102-09, 0105-23, 0155-20, 0154-23,
0154-25, 0161-12, 0153-05, 0234-22, 0155-20, 0167-05, 0156-11,
0167-07 and -18, 0168-14, 0234-07 and -24, and 0235-21; scale 1:200,000
Installation Geographic
Belgorod Plastics 50-35-15N
Plant 036-37-30E
Bryansk Guided Missile 53-17-14N
Support Equipment 034-23-51E
Plant II
Biysk Complex 52-31-19N
Gorkiy Armaments 56-19-38N
Plant Novoye Sormovo 043-53-27E
Stalin 92
Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy 48-17-53N
Solid Motor Production 040-10-49E
Khotkovo Probable 56-15-46N
Missile-Associated 037-58-34E
Component Plant
Knasnoarmeysk Solid 56-07-50N
Motor Development 038-09-54E
Minsk Motor Vehicle and 53-51-31N
Guided Missile Support 027-39-29E
Equipment Plant
Moskva Solid Motor 55-36-48N
Production Plant 037-52-40E
Pavlograd Solid Motor 48-34-02N
Production Plant 035-49-15E
Pavlograd Solid Motor 48-26-OON
Test Facility 035-58-23E
Perm Solid Motor 57-59-17N
Production Plant 055-53-26E
Petrokrepost Explosive 59-59-14N
And Solid Motor Plant 030-59-40E
Plesetsk Missile/Space 62-57-47N
Test Center SSM 040-24-46E
Safonovo Plastics and 55-05-11N
Guided Missile 036-37-30E
Component Plant
Volgograd Steel 48-46-34N
and Machinery Plant 044-34-52E
Krasnyy Barri
Votkinsk Missilie 57-02-17N
Final Assembly and 054-08-31E
Checkout Facility
Votkinsk Missile 57-02-43N
Machinery and 053-59-03E
Steel Plant 235
(MRN) No
1. It appears that the Soviet Union is committed to the development and eventual deployment of
solid-propellant strategic missiles. The SS-X-25 is a small, solid-propellant (small solid) ICBM and is most
likely a variant of a missile derived from the basic SS-16. Initial design work for this missile system, which
is being flight tested, was begun in 1970. Initial deployment of the system is not expected until 1985.
(S/W N)
2. This report traces the development of the SS-X-25 from inception within the design bureau
through the flight-test phase and discusses potential deployment modes. This report contains 2 location
maps, 13 annotated photographs, 3 tables, and 1 chart. The information cutoff date for this report isLi
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Top Se
Flight Test
Msl Sent to Plesetsk
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
This chart in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET
3. The program to develop a new, small solid ICBM, designated the SS-X-25, is in the flight-test
phase at the Plesetsk Missile and Space Test Center SSM (Figure 1). Emphasis in discussing the
development of this ICBM (Chart 1; Table 1) will be placed on activities at and expansion of facilities
under the direction of the Nadiradze Design Bureau (KB), the design entity for this ICBM.' The facilities
reviewed in this report are included because of their past associations with the SS-16 program of which
the SS-X-25 is believed to be a derivative.
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Table 1.
Facilities Associated with the Development of the SS-X-252
Moscow Institute of
Thermal Technology
Moskva Solid Motor
Production Plant Lyubertsy
Khotkovo Prob Msl Assoc
Component Plant
Safonovo Plastics a Guided
Missile Plant
Belgorod Plastics
Gorkiy Armaments Plant
Novoye Sormovo Stalin 92
Biysk Complex
Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy Solid
Motor Prod Plant
Petrokrepost Explosive and
Solid Motor Plant Morozov
Perm Solid Motor
Production Plant
Pavlograd Solid Motor
Prod Plant
Pavlograd Solid
Motor Test Facility
Krasno3rmeysk Solid Motor
Development Facility
Minsk Motor Vehicle and Guided
Msl Spt Equip Plant
Volgograd Steel and Machinery
Plant Krasnyy Barri
Votkinsk Msl Machinery
and Steel Plant 235
Votkinsk Msl Final
Assam and Chkt Fac
Plesetsk Msl Space Test
Center SSM
This table in its entirety is classified
Location of Nadiradze Design Bureau (Designer
of the SS-16 and SS-20)
Propulsion R&D
Plastics/Fiberglass Missile Components R&D
Transport Launch Canister and Motor Case
Filling of End Domes with Solid Propellant
Filling of Motor Cases with Solid Propellant
Filling of PBV Motor
Filling of PBV Motor
Filling of Prototype Motors and Static
Static Testing
Motor Acceptance Testing
TEL Chassis Production
Transport Launch Canister and TEL Chassis Fitout
Missile Hardware Fabrication;
Final Assembly Overseer; Nozzle,
PBV, and Guidance Control Production
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Table 3.
Nadiradze-Designed Ballistic Missiles',3,5
15Zh42 (SS-16)
15Zh45 (SS-20)
15Zh53 (SS-20 Mod)
1 5Zh58 (SS-X-25)
Flight Testing IOC
1972-1976 1976'
1974-1976 1977
Program Design and Management
items. These three Iants were discussed in an
NPIC report, RCA-09/0015/83. De-
velopments at Soviet Probable Missile Related
Plastics Plants (S). (S/WN) -
Prototype Motor Development
Motor Case Development and
7. Three different plants (Khotkovo Probable
Missile-Associated Component Plant, Belgorod
Plastics Plant, and Safonovo Plastics and Guided
Missile Component Plant) are involved with the
development and production of plastic and fiber-
glass components that are probably used in the SS-
X-25. The transport/launch canisters are produced
at Safonovo and the rocket motor cases are
produced at Belgorod. Additional plastic and
fiberglass components are produced at Khotkovo.
Khotkovo, Belgorod, and Safonovo have under-
gone extensive expansion since the probable
inception of the SS-16 follow-on program, but the
expansion at these plants could be in support of
missile programs of missile design bureaus other
than Nadiradze or of production of commercial
Static Testing
Motor Production
9. The three motor stages of the SS-X-25 are
believed to be produced at Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy
SMPP (Figure 2). Motors produced there would be
both for the flight-test phase and eventually, for
series production. The facility is a composite
propellant production plant and has been respon-
sible for the series production of the first-stage
motor for the SS-16/-20. The first stage of the SS-16
and the SS-20 is believed to be similar. Since
construction of SS-20 bases continues, additional
SS-20 motor production is needed not only to
support new deployment, but to replace missiles
that have aged, have been mishandled, or have
been used for troop training launches. (TSR)
10. New construction and building modifica-
tions since 1977 have significantly increased plant
production capabilities. The major improvements
include construction of a new production line,
addition of 12 curing bays (2 of which are in the
new production line), remodeling of and addition
to a nondestruct test building, an addition to an
existing case preparations building, and the con-
struction of a possible new case preparations
building. Construction and an increase in motor-
related equipment at the plant indicate that the
facility is capable of producing the motors for the
SS-X-25. The expansion of facilities at Kamensk-
Shakhtinskiy SMPP following deployment of the
SS-20 indicates that the expansion was in support
of the SS-X-25. (S/WN)
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Top s-nfro+i
Top Secret
have been seen in increasing numbers in the
motor finishing area (Figure 3) since August 1980.
These items together may serve as containers for
first-stage motors for the SS-X-25. (S/WN)
12, The rail-served, six-bay curing building
(Figure 4 and item 3, Figure 2), under construction
since 1981, may be operational by the end of 1983.
Two revetted buildings (items 1 and 2, Figure 2)
have been constructed behind the curing building
revetment. Three buildings that may support the
SS-X-25 program are under construction in the
ammunition storage facility. Ground preparations
for several buildings in a new fence-secured area
adjoining the production plant were underway
during 1983. The area is approximately half the size
of the production plant and will probably support
future programs. (S/WN)
meters in diameter) and probable dome enclo-
11. Cylindrical objects
Final Assembly and Checkout
Flight Test Missile
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Top Scte
15. Deployment of a missile is concurrent
with its series production. Deployment of the SS-
20 began in late 1977, and the high levels of rail
traffic at two buildings (items 13 and 14, Figure 5)
completed in 1976 and 1977, respectively, identify
them as the series production final assembly
facilities, (S/WN)
17. Some of the buildings previously used for
the SS-16 program have probably been converted
to support the small solid ICBM program, No rail
traffic was observed from early 1981 through late
1983 to three buildings (items 6, 8, and 10, Figure
5) previously associated with the SS-16. A building
(item 12) was completed in 1981, but rail activity
was observed at it only once in that year. During
late 1982, increased activity was observed at a
building (item 12, Figure 5) when unidentified
equipment was seen outside the building and
additional railcar activity was observed. The timing
of construction and increased rail activity at this
building is consistent with the small solid ICBM
program. (S/WN)
18. In January 1983, a railshed (72 by 14 me-
ters) was constructed over the railspurs next to an
assembly/checkout building (Figure 6 and item 18,
Figure 5/ The shed could conceal up to six missile
railcars. In addition, in June 1983 roofing for con-
cealment purposes was positioned adjacent to a
storage garage (Figure 7 and item 17, Figure 5).
Ground Support Equipment
19. Two facilities that have been instrumental
in the production of mobile missile ground sup-
port equipment (GSE) are in Minsk and Volgograd.
Minsk Motor Vehicle and Guided Missile Support
Equipment Plant produces chassis that are fitted
out at Volgograd Steel and Machinery Plant Kras-
nyy Barri for mobile missile transporter-erector-
launchers (TELs) and support vehicles. Missile
transport launch canisters that are shipped in from
Safonovo are also fitted out at Volgograd, (S/WN)
20. Minsk is the producer of the basic
meter-long, six-axle chassis used for the SS-16 and
SS-20 TEL. The observation of a longer chassis at
the plant (Figure 8) on imagery of
indicated that a new TEL may be under develop-
ment. A longer chassis may be needed for a
probable mobile version of the SS-X-25. (TSR)
Top Secret
meters longer than the SS-16/-20 TEL chassis. The
axle positions on the new chassis differ slightly
from those on the SS-16/-20 TEL chassis. The rear
four axles are aligned the same as those on the SS-
16/-20 chassis, but the front two axles are spaced
differently. The front two axles on the new chassis
may have been moved forward to accommodate
the additional length which appears to be incor-
porated in the area immediately behind the vehi-
cle's cab. Activities at Plesetsk have also suggested
that a longer TEL might be required for a new
mobile ICBM, probably a version of the SS-X-25.
The chassis observed at Minsk could be 25X1
a limited modification of the standard six-axle
chassis for some use other than as a mobile missile
TEL (e.g., a heavy-duty crane, a large pipe carrier,
etc.). Until the longer chassis is observed fitted out
as a TEL, its function cannot be confirmed. (TSR)
22. Mobile vehicular equipment and trans-
port launch canisters for the SS-X-25 will probably
be fitted out at Volgograd. MAZ six-axle chassis for
SS-20 TELs and MAZ-543 four-axle chassis for 0 25X1
meter missile support vans (MSVs) are fitted out at
Volgograd. Vehicles for tactical missile systems and
commercial vehicles are also fitted out there.
Although a 0 MAZ six-axle chassis was at 25X1
Minsk in March 1982, none has been identified at
Volgograd. A possible new-type MSV that may
support upcoming mobile missile programs (Fig-
ure 9) has been identified at Volgograd. No
transport launch canisters for the SS-X-25 have
been identified at the facility. (S/WN)
Flight Test Center Construction
23. Preparations for flight testing the SS-X-25
began in September 1980 at Plesetsk (Figure 10).
Two type IIIE (SS-13) sites were modified to
support the silo-based and probably the mobile
launcher flight testing. Modifications at a dual-pad
soft site may be related to testing of a mobile
variant of the missile. New features were also
added to two of the SS-16 mobile bases. Expansion
and modification of the SS-16 receiving, inspec-
tion, and checkout (RIC) facility is being accom-
plished to support flight testing. Modified GSE for
the silo-based flight testing has been delivered to
the test center. (S/WN)
Launch Site Modifications
24. Silo-Based Phase. The type IIIE (SS-13)
silos at Plesetsk ICBM Launch Test Site (LTS) 23 (BE
and collocated Plesetsk ICBM LTS 24 95X1
(Figure 11) were modified to ac- 25X1
commodate the SS-X-25 between March and Oc-
tober 1981. The SS-13 launch tubes and launch
stand were removed from both silos, leaving the
external appearance of the silo doors unchanged.
The size of the silo apron was increased and
canister/capsule (can/cap) transporter and silo-
loader hard points/tie down positions were in
stalled in the aprons of both sites. New control 25X1
and support facilities were also constructed. A
buried launch control building was constructed
next to each silo and a buried launch support 25X1
building was constructed midway between the two
silos. A 30-meter-high telemetry tower was erected
near each buried launch control building. (S/WN)
(Continued p. 12)
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NPIC T-7846
FIGURE 8. NEW PROBABLE TEL CHASSIS, MINSK. Drawing show dimensions and a perspective.
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Road network
-?- Powerline
Medium-solid launch test site
Space launch site
? Type IIIE launch site
* Mobile ICBM facility
Small-solid ICBM R&D facility
0 Launch control facility
Site support facility
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Top Secret 25X1
25. Mobile-Variant Phase. Between March
and June 1982, a type C single-bay garage (SBG,
Figure 12) was constructed at LTS 23 (Figure 11).
This SBG is 2 meters longer than types A and B
SBGs constructed at SS-20 facilities. Although a TEL
for the SS-X-25 has not been identified at Plesetsk,
the presence of this SBG strongly suggests associa-
tion with a mobile-variant. Activity from late 1980
through mid-1982 suggested that the SS-X-25 may
also be flight tested from Plesetsk ICBM LTS 21 (BE
a dual-pad soft launch site. LTS 21
supported flight tests of the SS-X-15 and SS-16. In
1972, a 48-meter-long framework structure was
built on the east pad and extension to conceal SS-
16 flight test activities. During the SS-16 flight test
phase, 24 meters of the structure were normally
covered by eight 3-meter-long roof sections and
the remainder of the structure was canvas cov-
ered. However, the lack of activity at LTS 21 since
mid-1982, coupled with the construction of an SBG
at LTS 23, suggests that LTS 21 may not be used for
the SS-X-25 flight test phase. (TSR)
26. A set of hardpoints was installed at each
of the two launch reference positions (LRPs) on
the concrete road outside the TEL-garrison area at
Plesetsk Mobile ICBM Facility 2 (Mob 2;
tions to the RIC area include a 48-meter-long
clerestory building, a probable reinforced parking
apron, a two-bay shed, a new component calibra-
tion building (in the late stages of construction as
of August 1983), a four-bay garage, and two
unidentified buildings in early-to-mid stages of
construction as of August 1983. (S/WN)
Ground Support Equipment
28. During June and July 1981, a can/cap
transporter and silo loader were delivered to
Plesetsk. The vehicles have been used for silo/GSE
compatability tests and for support of SS-X-25 silo-
based test launches. A TEL for a mobile version of
the SS-X-25 has yet to be identified. However, a
new six-axle chassis that could possibly be fitted
out at Volgograd as a TEL has been seen at the
production plant at Minsk. There have been
indications at Plesetsk that the SS-X-25 may require
a longer TEL; a longer SBG was built at LTS 23 and
different hardpoint spacings were observed at
Mob 2 in 1982. (S/WN)
Flight Test Phase
29. The missile has been successfully flight
during May 1982. Hardpoints are concrete
slabs that provide a stable base for the leveling
jacks of a TEL. The distance between the new
hardpoints and the distance from the front hard-
points to the LRP are greater than the correspond-
ing distances for the SS-16 at Plesetsk. The distance
between the hardpoints for the SS-16 is
and the distance from the front set of hardpoints
to the LRP is the erect SS-16 missile
canister would probably be positioned
behind the rear TEL leveling jacks. An erect SS-16
missile canister would be approximately
ters behind the LRP. The hardpoints outside Mob
2 are approximately apart, and the
distance from the front set of hardpoints to the
LRP is approximately If the height of
the TEL used for the mobile version of the SS-X-25
is the same as that of the SS-16, then the distance
from the LRP to an erect SS-X-25 missile canister
would be approximately
greater than for the SS-16 (Figure 13). This suggests
that the SS-X-25 may be longer than the
SS-16. Additional support for this judgement was
provided by the identification of two circular
marks near two of the 12 LRPs at Plesetsk ICBM
LTS 5 in July 1982. A light-toned
circular mark, in diameter, was applied
to the concrete road approximately
behind two LRPs in the TEL-garrison area of LTS 5.
The marks may represent the position for an erect
missile canister. Based on the identification of this
probably SS-X-25-related activity in 1982, NPIC
believes that the four SS-16 bases at Plesetsk will
eventually support mobile SS-X-25 operations.
Support Facility Construction
27. Construction/modification activity in the
SS-16 RIC area to support the SS-X-25 missile flight
test phase began in 1980. The activity included
modification of- the RIC, telemetry/support, and
interim missile storage buildings (Figure 14). Addi-
tested three times (on and 5 and 0 207
from the silo at LTS 23, one of two 25X1
collocated modified type IIIE silos. An example of
postlaunch activity fro
seen on imagery of
fourth launch failed i
n flight on
(Figure 15)
. A
whether it was launched from the silo at LTS 23 or
from a TEL remains in question. Prelaunch activity
on near the SBG at LTS 23 was evidenced
by canvas-covered equipment on the apron exten-
sion. The silo door was open and the silo appeared
empty. Mobile flight test launches could originate
from a. TEL inside the SBG, from the apron
extension next to the SBG, or from the silo apron.
The SBG is about 35 meters from the silo at LTS 23.
Deployment Mode(s)
30. If the SS-X-25 is accepted for. series
production, the new ICBM could be deployed in 25X1
one or more modes. First, the SS-X-25 may replace
at least the 60 solid-propellant SS-13 ICBMs de-
ployed at the Yoshkar-Ola SSM Complex 25X1
This deployment mode is supported by the '25X1
fact that two type IIIE (SS-13) silos at Plesetsk were 25X1
modified to support SS-X-25 flight testing. It is 25X1
common practice for the Soviets to silo test launch
new missile systems in the same type of launcher
planned for the actual missile deployment. Addi-
tionally, the Soviets have stated that the SS-X-25 is
a permitted modernization of the SS-13.13 (S/WN)
31. Another SS-X-25 deployment possibility
would be as a replacement missile for some of the
aging liquid propellant SS-11 ICBM force. Cur-
rently, the Soviets have 520 SS-11 launchers. Al-
though some of these may be converted to the SS-
X-24, more would probably be used for the SS-X-
25. If the Soviets intend to use the SS-X-25 to
replace some of SS-11s, they would be expected to
modify/convert at least one of the research and
(Continued p. 15)
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development type IIID (SS-11) silos at Tyuratam
Missile/Space Test Center In ei-
ther case, silo deployment is not expecte until at
least 1985. (S/WN)
32. In addition to being silo based, the SS-X-
25 may be deployed in a road-mobile mode similar
to that of the SS-16/-20. This judgement is based
on the construction of the SS-20-style SBG at LTS
23 and the identification of a possible new TEL
chassis and vehicle hardpoints believed to be
associated with the SS-X-25. The Soviets, if this
mode were employed, would then have an option
of dismantling SS-11 silos in compensation for
newly constructed mobile ICBM bases. (TSR)
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All relevant satellite imagery acquired through was used in the preparation of this report.
SAC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200; Sheets 0102-09, 0105-23, 0155-20, 0167-07 and -18, 0168-14, 0234-07 and -24,
and 0235-21; scale 1:200,000 (UNCLASSIFIED)
1. Blind Reference
2. Blind Reference
3. Blind Reference
4. Blind Reference
5. Blind Reference
6. Blind Reference
7. Blind Reference
8. Blind Reference
9. DEFSMAC. S/DQ/98-83, DEFSMAC INM2 Event 16886/PLO5, New ICBM Launched From Plesetsk Missile and
Space Center on 8 February, 1983 (S), 092003Z Feb 83 (SECRET)
10. DEFSMAC. S/DQ/375-83, DEFSMAC OPWB Event 17319./PL5, Solid Fuel ICBM Launched From Plesetsk, 5
May 1983 (5), 050259Z May 83 (SECRET)
11. DEFSMAC. S/DQ/467-83, DEFSMAC OPWB Event 1743T/L05, New ICBM Launched From PMSC on 31 May
(5), 310415Z May 83 (SECRET)
12. DEFSMAC. 2/DQ/286-83, DEFSMAC INM2 Event 17818/SSX25, SS-X-25 ICBM From Plesetsk Fails in Flight on
10 August 1983 (S), 111240 Aug 83 (SECRET SPOKE)
13. STATE. Soviet Demarche by Ambassador Dobrynin to Acting Secretary of State Dam, Washington, D.C., 11
May 83 (S/WN)
Project 543034J
Distribution 86-004
Comments and queries regarding this report are welcome. They m;
(production facilities), test center), or
y be addressed to
in the Soviet Strategic Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC and can
deployed modes). All are
e reached on green extensions
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Top Secret RCA-09/0023/83 25X1
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP84T00171 R000301530001-0
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP84T00171 R000301530001-0
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/19: CIA-RDP84T00171 R000301530001-0