Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP11T00973R000100350001-3
DCID 3/7-1
(Effective 1 June 1992)
Pursuant to Section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947, Executive Order
12333, and other applicable law, a National HUMINT Requirements Tasking Center is
hereby established for the coordination and implementation of HUMINT requirements and
collection tasking throughout the Intelligence Community.
I. Mission
This directive is intended to provide a mechanism to support the Director of Central
Intelligence in the effective oversight, management, coordination, integration, and allocation
of Intelligence Community resources for the collection of intelligence information through
the use of human sources.
2. Definition
HUMINT is that intelligence information that is collected from human sources in
either an overt or clandestine manner.
3. Functions
In addition to other functions as determined by the Director of Central Intelligence,
or the Deputy Director for Operations of the Central Intelligence Agency as the Community
HUMINT program manager, and consistent with applicable law, Executive Order provisions,
and other directives (including DCIDs 2/8, and 5/1), the National HUMINT Requirements
Tasking Center will:
a. identify information needs from policymakers, military commanders, analysts,
and others within the United States Government who have a need for foreign
intelligence information;
b. formulate and rank validated requirements for overt and clandestine collection
by all appropriate HUMINT collectors within the National Foreign Intelligence
Program and, where appropriate, non-NFIP agencies;
c. write requirements in a manner that is appropriate for HUMINT collectors;
d. task requirements to the most suitable HUMINT collector and determine
whether such requirements should be fulfilled by overt or clandestine means,
using the principle of least cost, least risk whenever possible, except that only
advisory tasking will be provided to the non-NFIP elements of the Department
of State and other non-NFIP HUMINT collectors;
e. assure HUMINT collectors that requirements have been properly justified and
are appropriate for a particular collector;
f. make recommendations for the most effective allocation of existing resources,
and assist HUMINT collectors and the HUMINT program manager in justifying
new resources as necessary;
I This directive supersedes DCII) 3/7, effective 12 October 1982.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP11T00973R000100350001 3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP11T00973R000100350001-3
ensure that HUMINT collectors acknowledge the acceptance of tasking, and,
where such tasking is not accepted by the initially selected collection
element(s), assign the tasking to other HUMINT collectors; and
h. in collaboration with HUMINT collection elements, monitor the fulfillment of
HUMINT requirements accepted by such collectors, and assess the performance
of HUMINT collection activities in response to tasked collection requirements.
HUMINT collection tasking for the Department of Defense will be done through the
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and, notwithstanding paragraph (d.) above, will
contain only a recommendation as to whether a particular requirement may be best satisfied
through clandestine or overt collection. The Director of DIA will determine how the
Department of Defense may best satisfy requirements tasked to the Department.
Pursuant to section I.6(a) of Executive Order 12333, the Chief of the National
HUMINT Requirements Tasking Center will be afforded access to information held by
Executive Branch departments and agencies relevant to the Center's functions and
4. Coordination With Other Collection Disciplines
The HUMINT program manager and the National HUMINT Requirements Tasking
Center will ensure that their efforts are closely coordinated and integrated with other
collection disciplines, including particularly, open source collection.
5. Organization and Administration
The National HUMINT Requirements Tasking Center will be headed by a senior
Intelligence Community HUMINT officer who will report to the CIA Deputy Director for
Operations. The Center will consist principally of representatives from the CIA, the
Department of State, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and such other elements of the
Department of Defense as recommended by the Director of DIA. The Chief of the Tasking
Center may invite representatives of other US Government entities to participate in activities
of the Center, as appropriate.
The CIA Deputy Director for Operations, as the Community HUMINT program
manager, will determine resource and staffing levels for the National HUMINT
Requirements Tasking Center, as required. In accordance with the resource and staffing
levels set by the HUMINT program manager, the Chief of the Tasking Center may establish
such subcommittees, working groups, and other supporting units, as appropriate.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP11T00973R000100350001-3