Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/26: CIA-RDP79B00752A000300100002-3
202 Woodbury Hall
8 December 1967
Dr. J. Thomas Ratchford
Headquarters AFOSR
1400 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Dear Tom:
When you get a chance, I would appreciate it if you would let
Art Lundahl know that I have been in contact with Carl Sagan about the
establishment of the UFO commission in the USSR. While Sagan is very
interested in the UFO problem and in what we're doing and also in the
recent developments in Russia, he felt reluctant to contact Shklovskii.
His reasoning is that, since the Soviet investigation is being conducted
by the military, it would be difficult for Shklovskii to say anything
whatever about it without compromising himself. Hence, Sagan felt nervous
about even asking him to comment on the matter.
There is some follow-up to do with Lundahl on the meeting that
Frank Rand called, in addition to the Sagan thing. Lundahl mentioned
a patent lawyer in Mississippi, named Al Moore, who is thought to have
in his possession a report of an analysis that was made of a piece of metal
discovered after a fall through the atmosphere, which, I believe, Moore
observed himself. As I recall it, the piece of metal has been lost, but
the results of the analysis still exist.
Art also told of a sighting made by Admiral Bolster on a flight
from Honolulu to San Francisco a long time ago. He believes that this
report is still in Navy hands and that it is classified. Perhaps, if it
is classified no higher than secret, we could get hold of it and see what
we could do with it. What steps can we take to follow ?this one up?
Finally, there is the question of a picture that is very sinilar
to one of the classical pictures that still remains in the puzzling category.
I can't remember whether it is the Lubbock Lights or McMinnville or what.
I thought I knew which one Art was referring to when he mentioned it, but
I was mixed up. As I recall, the confirming picture is one of Japanese
origin - at least it is foreign. We would be very interested to see it.
Thanks for your help.
Sincerely yours,
Robert J. Low
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/06/26: CIA-RDP79B00752A000300100002-3