Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040082-5
Office Memorandum
TO Chief, Language and Area School
FROM : Deputy Chief, Area Training
SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report
DATE: 16 July 1959
with sessions scheduled early evening of the 14th and morning
of the 15th. Main emphasis was on identification of priorities,
review of the current fiscal year program, and desirable OTR
policies on area training. Put over till September was a dis-
cussion of the proper extent of standardization of the content
of our various types of courses. Major decisions were: that
we should introduce a new type course, the Area Seminar for
GS 12's and above, as a replacement for certain Regional Studies
in order to concentrate during class time on discussions of the
problems rather than the structure of an area, and attract more
middle-grade personnel; that should prepare a
two or three-year area program on the Far East for submission
to DDP as a sample of the coordinated, long-term programs on
world regions which we consider to be one of our major object-
ives; that I would prepare an analysis of the pros and cons of
full-time versus part-time area training; and that our first
prior ity staffing requirement is for a suitable assistant for
The last three profited,
especially b a discussion of combined area-language by training
problems, and it was agreed to explore the possibilities of ad-
ding some area training in English to full-time language courses
with specialization on Africa and also, if possible, on
South Asia. Present were: I and myself
(serving as chairman) from t e Area Staff, as well as
with TO/FE for a conference to be laid on with all branch chiefs
the forepart of August, to discuss the division's needs in the
field of area studies. The purpose of the conference will be to
work toward a division commitment of support for an agreed pro-
gram. Our proposed long-term area program on the Par East men-
tioned above should be a leading point of reference.
2. Following up earlier discussion with DC/FE,~ has arranged
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040082-5
The TO/FE will cooperate in scheduling the conference, in cir-
culation of advance reference materials, and in briefing Colton ~,.
on FE attitudes and problems in relation to area studies. He
volunteered the view that a major need of his division today is
training in "overseasmanship" in given societies, implying that
FE will give firm support to our new TOE this fall.
4eserves much credit for the promising start of the
weekly lecture series on Africa south of the Sahara. First lec-
ture, given by AF's Houck in 117 Central Building, on 9 July,
was attended by 61 persons, all from the Agency. r -
posed this venture to us, and we appreciate his help while
is overseas. This turn-out tends to confirm our impression that
we should concentrate increasingly on highly selective forms of
area training and briefings, namely, those - like this series -
which pertain to "crisis" areas and problems, and those - such
as AAO's, SAS's, and the ICE - which can be closely tailored to
the needs of special groups of employees.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040082-5