Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040014-0
? Chief, Language and Area School
% Mi aYY ^L1__ I ^ ^llia
? Deputy for Language Training
SUBJECT: weekly Activities Report
None to report.
DATE: 3 December 1959
2. A telephone chat with) (Assistant to ORR
Training Officer, revealed that ORR is generally satisfied with the Russian
reading courses which OTR is supplying. A total of 8 students are enrolled
in Basic Russian Reading (Special, ORR) which teaches at
M Building. Ann also teaches two sections of Russian Economic Reading,
with about a dozen ORR personnel in these. added that since
O`1'R took over the teaching of the Basic Russian Reading Special, ORR)
from NSA, interest and attendance have greatly improved. She also re-
ported that several persons in that component of the Agency are interested
in enrolling in Basic Polish Reading (I), tentatively scheduled for the
Emring term.
this course is a broad general familiarization with the Arabic language
12 AF employees scheduled for overseas duty in the future. The purpose of
and the Arab area. The series is to last eight weeks, two sessions a week.
4. is spending this week at : with the students of the
full-time Intermediate German course, now end _ ng. They are being joined
for short visits by other members of the German speaking staff.
interviewed a young Syrian woman, who was
suggested by the Special Recruitment Branch as a possible contract Arabic
instructor. She is most suitable and we have asked her to fill in the
usual papers.
RE-R Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040014-0
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release' 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040014-0
6. The Basic full-time French class was at ~ Monday through
Wednesday of last week for its mid-term session there. Five students
and the complete French staff participated.
7. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, the French Proficiency Test
(oral and written) was given to two students and a dependent who are
receiving full-time external tutorial training in beginning French. The
results of these examinations will be of considerable help in assessing
the effectiveness of the materials and the instruction, and point out the
areas that need to be strengthened in the remaining weeks of the program.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040014-0