Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for RTI-e;s-e--@-3677r 2014/01/06 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000402420001-5
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..- (San Francisco) California)
. September 110.1965
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WASHINGTON ? . Just as
the United Slates has military
bases"! ab over the world today,
;.130 the ? Pentagon has military- '
r espionage operations under way
in 40 *different countries, Sen.
; Wayne Morse (D-Ore) charged
on the- floor of ? the Senate ? on
-Aug. 25.
Morse, told Ifis fellow Sen-.
rators that vO?tay today I have
:.been advised that . in probably
some 40countries the United,
States, to its discredit, is par-
!ti an intervention.".
-fThis is being done, he said,
'er the guise of conducting
l'resear.Ch projects in the field of
; social sciences.'
He added that he "would not.
; be a bit surprised to .be told
..1 that there may be a.s many as
7 ? 1.s 40 or 50 military-sponsored re-
earch projects in foreign coun-
tries, any one of which could ?
, seriously damage our relations
SEN. WAYNE .with these countries if they MORSE'
! were to become public." ?? `I am concerned . . .1*
1. The lid on the Defense 'Dc-7
tpartment's world-wide military-
espionage program was lifted in
June'when a document reveal-
ing its "Project Camelot"ac-
1.tivities in Chile was uncovered
. "I predict that more Camelot
, projects will be discovered in
Latin America and elsewhere,"
'Morse said.
1'1 He pointed specifically to
{ Brazil where "only recently, ours
Is! ambassador was able to stop. another of our mllitary-spon- ?
Bored forays."
Morse disclosed that hand-
.books have already, been pre-
pared for counterrevolutionary
! warfare in Ethiopia, . Japan,..
"Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, 'iluinea,.
...Brazil, Cyprus, Liberia, Egypt,
. Korea, Panama,
( Cuba, Germany and. Venezuela.
'Morse showed the 'Senators ?a'
*!..handbonls.'of? 620 pdges. 'The.
title,"-he said; 71a:13peclal.Wark ?
A,A6V?r?. (SI Left ?
"-. American democracy," he said. projects are under way In C.-..
.' "Had it not been-for-the sec-,' .lombia, Peru and Venezuela. ' 4;
recy 'under which .the CIA op- . Fulbright said. in his state-i'
.t erates," he added, "there never; ? ment that Project Camelot had,
;'would have been a Bay of Pigs." 'been set up as the 'Special Op-.
? .. ?
Morse warned that the Inter-', ..erations Research i Office. of?
? ventionist role of the U.S. milt- ? : Amerlean*University ? of Wash.:
.' tary abroad is a warning. to the ',: ington, D.C. by the Department:
!,: American people of Its 'threat ?
"of the Army. The purpose of,
:at home.
. ? :.: the project was to prepare.
. '? ??:, military action against insur-'
; MILITARY TAKEOVER ? , -::, gent movements in Latin Arn.-.
'7 "I am becoming increasingly ;? erica. . 5
? concerned about.. the growing ? In view' of U.S. "intervention,
entrenchment of power of the '..
' military in determining the ci-' ? ? ?in ?the Dominican Repubilc,",:
.! vilian policies of our Govern-.7-:.Fulbright said, "it is not Burl':
? meat. 7' prising that a project like Ca-
, .
' "I warn the American peo-f '. melot should be interpreted as,:
pie," he said, "'Get it out' of 4. having some pertinence to' a:
...,..your head if you think the mil- ?": possible 'future U.S. military
7.:itary cannot take over In a:
'!?..:7?? democracy in an hour of crisis.. .7 intervention in Chile in the event.;
? Do not forget that before Hitler, : ?? of a revolution." . - . .71
? Germany was a democracy, and :,.' REACTIONARY POLICY ? :4
.:. then the military' took over. Do ?
? ? not forget that other democratic Fulbright said he believed!
7: ! ? civilizations have fallen because .? that, "beneath the jargon of.:
? the military have been. given '?? 'science' in which these studies:
??: too much ? power'." ? .
abound," there Iles a ."reaction-.1
' s ?.
"If we unleash the American- .: ary, backward-looking policy op?-j.
? military abroad," he said, "the' .?,
effect will be to increase the ? posed to ? change. ? A
' ? 1
Communists in the world by the . ? "Implicit in Camelot, as ini
? .millions, just as our military,., the concept of lcounterhisur-i
. intervention in Southeast Asia gency' is an assumption ? that,
...today is creatingCommunists. . :revolutionary . Movements ire
,, :by the hundreds of thousands? ?
7.7'throughout Asia." , . ? ? . . ? 'dangerous to the interests of the :
- Morse's charges ?, followed 'it ? ,'United ' ?States,, and that. the
.? ;prepared. statement by. Senator; ...1/itited States must be. prepared
?: J. W. Fulbright (D.-Ark); chair-:.'s to. assist, g not actually parti?!,
- ..inan of. the 'IrOi?eign 13elatiOna ..,..cipate in?.nyoiurea ,to?.t.ery.esa.:.
,...C9.2:1.1,M1Y,C,3.-t4_42,!..9frPniStlYittft .
fare Area Handbook for Ethio-
? "It is prepared by the For-
eign Areas Study Division, Spe-
cial Operations Research Office,
The American University, Wash-
ington, D.C.; operated under
contract with the 'U.S. Depart-
. ment of the Army." ?
He then referred to "another
? ?
interesting research study, 820
pages, entitled 'Special Warfare
? Area Handbook for Japan, pre-
pared by Foreign Areas .Study
? Division, Special Operations Re-: . ? ?? ? 7 ?
? search Office, The Amerlean;
. University, Washing-ton, D
? operating under contract with.
the Department of Defense." es ?
? The counterrevolutionary prep:-7;
: arations carried on "by the'
...befcnse Establishment under:
the name of research'," Morse.
said, "is in extension of the!
:police state tactics of the ? ?
?? . ?? V' "We have permitted the CIA:
? . .
' ;to develop its polled state' ttie:i
? 4;ties,' methodd and'. proceduies.,
;?scrithin ?the'.framewols_tf.a.itue
ssified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/01/06 : CIA-RDP73-00475R000402420001-5