Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP73-00475R000400010001-2 ?
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"reoT The ecard.
What do you know:,,Ronald B. Ramsey i, a
.self-styled pacifist wIfo?i-nakes radio
tapes thatare broadcast to U.S. troops
in Vietnam over Radio. Hanoi, surfaced
in NYC last week--held a press con-
ference. Press storles about Ramsey
failed to mention that he first hit the
headlines -as a leading Berkeley Free
Speech Movementer; that he worked for
Ben Bella in Algiers late in '64, was
taken for a CIA agent, spent_five months
in-an Algerian prison where he was bad-
ly beaten and tortured (see NR March
9, 1965), despite which he commented,
upon his release: "I have nothing but
the greatest admiration for Ben Bella' s
government." At press conference Ram-
sey complained (let's hope it's true)
he was being harassed by the FBI. . . .
One of most effective pro-Vietnam
groups, National Student Committee for
the Defense of Vietnam, has already
gathered nearly half a million student
signatures supporting LBJ's policy;
is planning new drive on campuses. . . .
For detailed info on New Left, Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee's "The
Anti-Vietnam Agitation and the Teach-
In Movement, the Problem of Communist
Infiltration and Exploitation" avail-
able (U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Wash-
ington, D.C., 20402- 700). . . . Illi-
nois congressmen Sidney Yates, Roman
Pucinski headed this year's perennial
Liberal drive to block appropriations
for House Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities--got only 24 votes.
Estimates at moment of dead in anti-
Communist blood purge in Indonesia
range up to 300,000. Among the victims,
nearly 25,000 Chinese. . . .President
-Marcos of Philippines now says he ex-
pects his country to establish diplo-
matic relations with Malaysia in near
future in obvious slap at Sukarno. . . .
British Defense Minister Denis Healey
returned from Far East with assurances
both Singapore, Malaysia wanted strong
British presence retained in area (as
protection against Indonesia), which
means no immediate problems for Britain.
over retention of Singapore base.
Purge of leftist Simon Casady at re-
cent meeting of California Democratic
Council could hurt re-election chances
of Gov. Pat Brown. Casady, after his
ouster as CDC president, said he would
work for Brown, but "I don't know if
I'll do a lot of work." . . . Sen. Dirk-
sen pretty bullish about GOP prospects
in Nov. He predicts a 50-seat gain in
House in view of Democratic split over
Vietnam. . . Familiar name in Nebras-
ka: Philip Sorensen, younger brother
Daily Mail, London Ben Roth Agency
"I think it's sale to come out now!"
of Ted, will make bid for governorship.
Present Nebraska Gov, Frank Morrison
planning race against conservative
Republican Senator Carl Curtis.
Colombian security forces last week
killed guerrilla leader Camilo Torres
Restrepo, a defrocked priest who had
taken to the hillssix months before
(see "Communist Priests in South Amer-
ica," NR Oct. 5, 1965). . . . One ma-
jor problem in Latin America, accord-
ing to recent UN survey: their food pro-
duction is way down, almost 6 pox' cent
since 1958.
Austerity hits Central African Re-
public: one of first ukases of new mili-
tary government was daytime ban on tom-
tom drumming--,regarded as waste of
Declas;U1ed'71:115ari --?-&---11.tized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/17: CIA-RDP73-00475R000400010001-2