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?plata truda rabotnikov sluzhb Me I. Buziniyer
signalizatsii I svyazi Paying
Workers in the Signaling and
Communicationi Service), 1955,
Moscow, Pages 3-103
I. Paying workers of signaling and communications
and road laboratories
Wage rates
2. Paying of bonuses to workers in signaling and
communications divisions
3. Paying workers of nonstandard work day for
fulfillment of operations outside of their
regular, duties
Additional payment for servicing doubled
subdivisions 25
Paying workers employed in repair operations 26
6. Additional payment for $ravel expenses 29
11. Paying workers employed at telegraph and telephone
? 1. ,Wage rates 33
2. Determining the grade and pay of other workers
at telegraph and telephone stations 35
III. Paying workers in road electrical engineering repair
plants and shops 40
Wage rates 40
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IV. Paying workers of signaling and communications
services of road administrations 47
Paying of bonuses to administrative, engineering
and technical workers in signaling and com-
munications services of road administrations 48
V. Payment of overtime 53
VI. Longevity pay for workers in leading trades and for
the administrative personnel of signaling and com-
munications services of railroads 55
Procedure of establishing length of service 59
VII. Advantages and benefits for workers on railroad
sectors situated in areas with severe climatic or
natural conditions 63
Percentage increases for persons working in areas
of the Par North or in localiti s equivalent
to them 66
VIII. Payment of wages and system of paying bonuses to
administrative, engineering, and technical workers
on construction sectors; at work superintendent
points, and on construction and installation trains 72
1. Longevity increase for workers in construction
organizations 82
Paying bonuses to administrative and engineering
and technical workers for fulfillment of the
construction and installation plan 82
3. Paying bonuses to administrative, engineering
and technical workers of construction and
installation organizations for fulfilling on
or ahead of schedule the plan for activating
very important construction projects envisaged
by the national economic plan
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IX. Tariff scales and systems of paying workers
in construction 92
1. Paying workers servicing construction machinery 100
2. Paying young workers 102
X. Longevity pay for workers of construction organizations 105
XI. Increases paid to workers whose work requires them
to travel; payment for defective work and idle time 109
1. Increases paid to workers whose work requires
them to travel 109
Procedure of paying for defective work 110
3. Paying for idle time 111
4. Paying for overtime in construction 112
1. Job descriptions
2. Qualification certificate
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I ?
An important role in increasing labor productivity is played
by the correct organization of wages which increases the degree to
which the worker has an interest in the results of has labor,
Workers in signaling and communications management in the
railroad transport of the USSR are paid on the basis of piece work
or flat time rates.
The piecework form of payment is used to pay for the labor
of workers at electrical engineering plants and shops and working
in construction and repair operations,
In construction operations it is also possible to use the
group bonus-piecework and progressive piecework systems of payment,
which have as their aim the creation of a situation in which the
workers have a material interest in cutting down construction time.
In operations in which it ?is impossible to use the piecework
form of paying labor, that is, in operations for which norms cannot
be established, or where the establishment of norms and the account-
ing of labor involve great difficulties, the system of paying by
,-the flat rate iused. This system Of payment is simple flat rate or
flat rate with bonus. According to this system payment is made accord-
ing to tariff rates or job salaries. The tariff rates or job salaries
are established according to the degree of skill which the worker
needs to carry out the particular operation and are indicated in the
tables of the Organization.
This reference book examines the procedure of paying for the .
labor of workers in the signaling and communications service and also
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workers in construction organizations carrying out operations for
the signaling and communications service.
All remarks and requests concerning the reference book should
be sent to the Administration of Labor, Wages and Safety Measures,
MPS fMinisterstvo putey soobshcheniya -- Ministry of Railroede.
Wage Rates
For directors, engineering and technical workers, and workers
and employees of signaling and communications divisions and road
laboratories, monthly wage rates are established according to the
category to which the divisions and laboratories belong.
Examples of wage rates are given in Table 1.
Wage rates, in rubles per month,
for divisions (laboratories) in
Chief'of signling and communica-
tions division
Category Category Category
1,500 1,300 1,200
Deputy chief of signaling and
communications division
Assistant division chief for
Wage rates are established at 15%
less than the rate for the chief
hiring and firing
Chief of signaling and communica-
tions road laboratory
Senior engineer
Communications inspector
Technician and technician'nors-
Senior electrician, supervisor 930,? 830 740
Of switch interlocking or relay
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/ ?
Supervlsot of division shop
Same as electrical mechanics and
senior electrical mechanics,
depending on the volume of work
at the shops
Person on duty to guarantee communi-
Electrician, Grade
Electrician, Grade 11
Communications and STsB fsignaling,
interlocking, and block-systeml
installation man, Grade I
Same, Grade 11
STsB fitter and senior helper for
electrical mechanic
Storage-battery man
Chief bookkeeper
Senior bookkeeper
Senior accountant
Notes. (1) The wage rates include increases established in
1946 as a result of a slight increase in ration prices.
(2) Tariff rates and job salaries (without the 1946 increases)
on the Far Eastern Railroad and the.Pechoraaailroad encluding the
Kirov-Kotlassector were raised by 20% for laborers and engineering
and technical workers. and 10% for employees, and on the Karaganda
Railroad, by 10% (for all)., On the Kozhva-Vorkuta sector, on the
Pechora Railroad, the rate is 50% higher (for all) than the rates
on the Far Eastern Railroad. on the Krugobaykal'sk sector of the
Eastern-Siberian Railroad, 30% higher for laborers and engineering and
technical workers and 20% higher for employees and on the Southern-
Sakhalin Railroad, 50% higher. Let us take an example of how to compute
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the :wage rate of an electrician, Grade IT, in n Category I division
for the railroads of the Far rast. From the rate. 6.40 rubles we deduct
theincrease established in 194, 90 rubles. From the 550 rubles we
deduct 20% additionalimment or 110 rubles; to the sum obtained.
660 rubles, we add additional payment 90?rubles and thus we obtain
the rate for electrician, 660 rubles 4 90 rubles 730 rubles. Other
rates are computed similarly.
The Ministry of Railroads determines the category to which a
newly-organized signaling and communications division or road labor-
atory belongs, according to which the extent of the wage rates are
Signaling and communications divisions belong to categories
according to the Volume of work, which is determined by a point
system indicating the degree to which they are technically equipped.
The norms used for these points for the unit characterizing the
volume of work and degree of technical supply are shown in Table 2.
Automatic block system:
steam ?and diesel traction
electric traction
Unit of measurement Number of
per unit
of measure-
1 km 0.14
1 km , 0.2
Automatic locomotive signaling or
intermittent automatic stops ?(loco-
motive) 1 locomotive
1 km
Semiautomatic block system
Electric-staff system
electrical switch interlocking
Mechanical switch interlocking
1 km
1 switch
1 switch
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Route-control installations, switching
dependence of switches with light
Overhead communications lines and STsB
(excluding'automatic-blocking lines)
Long-distance cable lines
Manual-telephone exchanges (including telephone
exchanges (including telephone
and low-frequency communications
up to 3 channels
from 3 to 8 channels
more than 8 channels
Selective-communication apparatus:
control station, dispatcher
control station, line-track and
Station communication
broadcast communication
Baudot telegraph equipment
Station and train, radio communication
Broadcasting and announcement rediffusion
stations (ialciuding loudspeaker and relay
up to 100 w
from 100 to 200 w
more than 200 w
Radio receivers
Radio points
Length of division
1 switch
100 line-km 0.18
100 strand pairs 0.12
100-number 0.6
100 numbers
I set
1 set
1 set
1 relay
1 circle
1 set
1 studio
1 P ?completeliset 0.
one radio set on ,
the train, one radio 0.1
set in the station 0.2
amplifier 0.5
1 amplifier, 1.0
1 amplifier 2.0
10 receivers 0.1
i radio point 0.4
100 km
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? Category III includes .divisions with less than 30 points,
Category ri includes divisions with from 31 to 30 points,
Category T. includes divisions having from 61 to 100 points.
The computed number of points according to the normatives given
for STsB installations is increased according to the freight load of
the sector being serviced, With a traffic density of from 60 to 100
pairs of trains on the sector serviced by the division, the number
of points determining the extent to which the divisions are provided
with STs B installations is increased by 15%, and with a traffic den-
sity of more than 100 pairs of trains, by 25%,
An example of computing the points in order to determAne the
category to which a division belongs is given in Table 3.
Unit of Number of Number of Total
measurement units points per points
unit of
Automatic block system with
steam and diesel traction 1 km 215 0.14
Mechanical switch interlocking I switch 45 0.12
and. switching dependence of
switches with light
Overhead communications' lines
and STsB (excluding automatic-
blocking lines)
I switch
100 line-
Manual-telephone exchange with
setS. 100 numbers
High-frequency and low-fre-
quency communications installa/-
up to 3 channels
'from 3 to 8 channels
1 set
1 set
1 relay
163 0.02 3.26
0.15 .8.13
0.6 3.54
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Selective-communications apparatus:
control station, dispatcher
control station, line-track and
station communication
1 circle
1 set
broadcast communication
1 studio
Baudot telegraph equipment
1 P/set
Station radiocommunication
1 radio set 7
Broadcasting and announcement
rediffusion stations:
up to 100w
1 amplifier 3
from 100 to 200w
1 amplifier 1
Radio receivers
10 receivers 54
Length of division
100 km 215
Including for STsB installations
77 02
The number of trains in the sector served by the division is
66 pairs. Consequently the number of points for STsB installations is
to be increased by 15%, or by 5.83 points.
Thus this division -has 82:25 points and must be included in
Category I.
? The categories and staffs of laboratories are established by
the MPS
Category I includes the laboratories of the following railroads:
Oktyabor, Kalinin, Baltic, Southern-Western, L'vov, Moscow-Ryazan',
Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, Moscow-Kiev, Gor kiy, Northern, Southern, Donetsk
Stalin?, Southern-Eastern; Northernicasian, Ordzhonikidze, Trans-
caucasian, Kazan' Ufa, Kuybyshev, Orsnburg, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk.
'Southern-lirals. Omsk, Tomsk, Turkestan-Siberinan, Krasnoyarsk, Eastern-
Siberian, and Transbaykal.
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Category 11 includes the laboratories of the Kirov, Pechora,
Belorussian, Odessa-Kishinev, Volga, Ashkhabad, Karaganda. Amur, and
Fr Eastern railroads.
The staff and salaries of workers in laboratories of the
Moscow-Okrug and Southern-Sakhalin railroads are approved by the
chief of the railroad.
The specific rates of payment for engineers, technicians,
bookkeepers, and other accounting and bookkeeping workers which are
indicated in Table 1 within the given limits are established in accor-
dance with rates cited in the table of organization schedule approved
for the division.
Workers at the MPS Central Communications Station are paid ac-
cording to rates established for Category I divisions.
Workers for whom the wage rates are determined according to
grades (electricians, mechanics) have their grades established by qual-
ifying commissions which are guided by production and other specifica-
tions mentioned in the job requirements (see Appendix 1).
Qualifying commissions in the signaling and communications ser-
vice are created to establish the grade of skill:
(a) for electricians and higher positions, t the level of sig-
naling and communication service of the railroad.
(b) for other workers, at the level of chief of the signaling
and communications division.
Workers who have passed the qualifying commission are given a
special certificate (Appendix 2). For those who are graduates of tech-
nicums or technical schools the certificate showing the right to fill
the position of electriaian or mechanics is the diploma from the technicum
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or a statement that the person has completed training courses to be-
come an electrician (mechanics).
In order to determine the degree to which the worker has mas-
tered his phase of the work and the quality -of carrying it out, the
worker can be tested on the job.
After the workers have their degree of skill and grade estab-
lished, they must be given work in conformity with their grades and
the corresponding wage rate is established for them.
If the grade to which the electrician or mechanics is assigned
proves to be lower than that required for the particular work location
(subdivision), and there is no other worker of the corresponding degree
of skill, the worker is paid temporarily at the rate for the grade to
which he is assigned, until he can increase his degree of skill and
pass a test.
If an electrician or mechanic has passed a test and the qual-
ifying commission has assigned him a higher grade than the one estab-
? lished for the working place (subdivision) which he is occupying or
for the work that is being done, he continues to be paid at the wage
rate established for the working place serviced by him but he is a
candidate for transfer to a working place (subdivision) corresponding
to his degree of skill.
2; Paying of BonUses to Workers of Signaling and Communications
The statute on the paying of bonuses to directors and engineer-
ing and technical workers of railroads for fulfillment and overful-
fillment of the state shipment plan and the net cost assignments
stipulate for the workers of each service definite production indexes,
for the fulfillment of which a bonus is paid.
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For workers of signaling and communications divisions and of
telegraph and telephone stations the principal index for the paying
of bonuses is trouble-free operation of the signaling and communica-
tions installations.
The extent of the bonuses ?to workers of signaling and communi-
cations divisions is established according to the length of trouble-
free operation, This is indicated in Table 4,
Job Amount of bonus in percentage to. salary, by months
Chiefs of divisions
and the Central
Station and their
deputies chiefs
Of shops at that
station and their
deputies 7,5 7.5 7.5 11.25 11.26 11 25 15 15 15 18.75 18,75 18.75
Engineers servicing
long-distance tele-
graph, telephone,
and radie?cotmuni- -
cations; senior
electrical mechanics:
supervisor's and ear,' .
matic b1Ocking,
elebtrical. and
chanical switch inter-
locking, and mechan-
ized classification
yarda; chiefs of dial
telephone exchanges;
line and station
'electrical mechanics'.
and their helpers3,75 375 3.75 7.5 1.5 7.5 11.25 11.25 11.25 15 15 15
Senior workers under
electricians. and
communications and
STsB mechanics 7.5 7.5 7,5 15 15 15 22.5 22.5 22.5 30 30 30
The number of workers paid bonuses and the amount of the bonuses
are obligatory for all signaling and communications divisions on the
railroads and at the Central Communications Station of the MPS.
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The paying of bonuses for trouble-free operation extends to
workers in signaling and communications divisions who occupy corres-
ponding jobs and who are assigned definite equipment, subdivision,
or sector.
Division chiefs, their deputies, and division engineers re-
ceive a bonus for the trouble-free operation of the divisions as a
whole: senior electrical mechanics and engineers working in produc-
tion', for trouble-free operation of the sector being serviced.
A bonus for trouble-free work is paid to the workers in the
for si of an increasing percentage of additional pay added to their
regular salary or tariff rate. The amount of additional payment (as
shown in the scale) increases after every 3 months of trouble-free
work. The increase in the amount of the bonus according to the scale
reaches its maximum after 9 months of trouble-freework, after which
the achieved maximum percentage of payment additional to the salary
is kept for the entire subsequent period of trouble-free work.
The payment ofbonuses for trouble-free work to workers oc-
cuPying'the job of electricians senior electricians and others
which require the workers to pass a test first, is made only after
they have passed that test.
For workers who do not have to pass a test before occupying
the job the bonus is computed from the first month of work.
If there is anytrouble or serious damage in the communications
and signaling installations or any protracted breaks in the work, the
workers servicing those installations receive no bonus for the parti-
cular. month. Simultaneously with the loss of bonus for the particular
month, depending on the reason for the accident or serious damage,
the worker's length of uninterrupted trouble-free'work can be cancelled
or, stopped.
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Line and station
electricians and their
helpers, mechanics and
senior workers under
Trouble or damage on their
shift to sectors, machinery,
or equipment serviced by
II. Central Communications Station
???? ?????????????? ? MI M. 0.41?Eft1.1. 1?111.M111
Station chief and his
Shop chiefs and their
Senior engineers, engineers,
senior electricians
Trouble, faults, or serious
damage at the station .which
have caused breaks in the
operation of mainline com-
munications for more than
30 minutes, or of other
types of communication for
more than 60 minutes or
breaks in communication
when carrying on selective-
communications conferences
Trouble or serious damage
in the appropriate shop
which have damaged the main-
line-communication and dial-
telephone equipment in the
shops being serviced, for
more than 20 minutes, or
line-cable equipment for
more than 60 minutes, or
breaks in communication
when carrying on selective-
communications conferences
Trouble or serious damage
In the sectors being ser-
viced which have damaged
the equipment being ser-
viced or break in the work
of 'mainline or road commun-
ications for more than 20
minutes, or other types of
communication for more than
60 minutes, or breaks in
communication when carrying
on selective-communications
Direct fault of
the persons
Direct fault of
the operating, '
repair, or
Direct fault of
the operating,
repair, or
personnel of the
Direct fault of
the operating,
repair, or
Electricians, mechanics, and senior workers of the MPS Central
Communications Station are deprived of the bonus for the same short-
comings in work as similar division workers working in the division.
In the event of trouble or damage for other reasons not indicated
in this list the workers listed SYS deprived of the bonus for the parti-
cular month without the cancellation of their period of trouble-free
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For trouble or serious defect, or protracted breaks in communi-
cations RS the direct fault of the operating personnel, the persons
directly vesponsible for the accident, as well as all the higher 'per-
sound to whom the worker is subordinate, are deprived of the bonus
and the accident-free period. All the rest of the personnel on the
shift or subdivision servicing the equipment on which the trouble or
serious damage occurred are deprived of the bonus for the particular
month without the period of trouble-free work being cancelled.
For trouble or serious defect occurring as the direct fault of
the repair personnel or caused by failure to observe the repair speci-
fications, to eliminate accident-creating situations or for reasons
of defective repair, the electrician or mechanic in whose subdivision
this occurred, as well as all the higher personnel to whom those work-
ers are subordinated, are deprived of the bonus for the particular
month and the trouble-free work period is cancelled.
The rest of the personnel on the shift or subdivision on which
the accident caused by the repair personnel occurred are deprived of
the bonus for the particular month but retain the period of trouble-
free work.
The failure of workers to take steps to prevent the development
of trouble or delay in eliminating ,the results of accidents is tanta-
mount in all instances to operational trouble. In this instance the
deprivation of bonuses is carried out theCsame 8"for anAlcicident.
Incases of trouble or serious defect in some shop or subdivision
as the fault of another shop or subdivision, the personnel of the first
shop (subdivision) are deprived' of the bonus for the particular month
the same as for trouble for other reasons, and the corresponding per-
sonnel of the other shop (subdivision) are deprived of the bonus the
same as for trouble as the direct fault of the operating (or repair)
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For defective operation which has damaged the equipment being
serviced but has not caused u break in communications or violation
of the train traffic schedule, the person responsible for the defect
is not paid the bonus for the particular month, but in the case of
defective operation which has caused serious damage to the equipment,
by order of the division chief (chief of the Central Communications
Station) the person responsible for the defect can be deprived of
the bonus and have his period of trouble-free work cancelled.
An obligatory condition for the paying of bonuses for trouble-
free work is the excep1lent condition of the equipment and installations
being serviced. If there are defects in the condition of the equipment
being serviced, even though they are not major or in the event of
violation of the rules for operating the installation or failure to
observe the safety rules or to keep the working area clean, the worker
is deprived of the bonus for trouble-free work for the current month
completely or partially. The causes of deprivation of the bonus or
reduction of it must necessarily be indicated in a written order is-
sued by the division.
The paying of bonuses to supervisors -- division chiefs and
their deputies -- for trouble-free work is carried out provided the
net-cost plan baa been fulfilled or the operating expenses have not
been in excess of plan.
The workers named can be deprived of the bonus completely or
partially for nonfulfillment of repair assignments within the estab-
lished time limits.
For nonfulfillment of the plan for turning over ferrous-metal
scrap, the amount of bonus paid those workers is cut by 25% and
nonferrous-metal scrap, than amount at the discretion of the chief
approving the bonus.
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Division chiefs and their deputies are paid in the amount of
75% of the bonus coming to them for each month, with the remaining
25% being paid after the expiration of the quarterly period, on the
basis of the bookkeeping records concerning fulfillment of the net-
cost plan or nonexceeding of operating expenses for the quarter.
If no overall wage fund has been saved no bonus is paid to
supervisors or engineering and technical workerilin signaling and
communications divisions (since they operate on the principle of
business accountability and receive bonuses according to the work
results and the financial activity of the division as a whole)
Authorization to pay the bonus in this instance can be given
only by the chief of the road, provided that the payment of the bonus
does not exceed the right of the road to expend the wage fund for
the road as a whole.
Workers in shops, subdivisions, and production sectors who are
not responsible for the division's work and financial activity as a
whole are paid the bonuses completely in the established amounts after
a month has elapsed
When bonuses are approved the division chiefs must use their
right to reduce the bonuses or take them away completely from workers
who, in their subdivision, sector, or shop have incorrectly expended
materials or the wage fund, or have had other derelictions in their
In the event of especially serious trouble in the divisions
the division chief or the chief of the Main Signaling and Communications
Administration of the MPS is given the right to refrain from paying the
bonus for the particular month to all the personnel in the divisiofl.
and in individual cases, in addition to deprive the persons directly
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responsible for the trouble of the bonus for trouble-free work, for
periods up to 3 months.
The bonuses are computed on the actual earnings according to
the tariff rates for the total number of hours worked during the parti-
cular month. The bonus for trouble-free work is not computed on all
other kinds of additional payments (for overtime, additional pay on
the basis of individual contracts, longevity, travel pay etc).
An incomplete work month is included in the period of trouble-
free work only provided that the worker has worked that month no less
than half the number of work hours specified for him on the work schedule
for the particular month,
When the worker is transferred to another subdivision or other
job, or has other equipment assigned. to him, the period of trouble-
free work on his former Job is retained, but the amount of the bonus
is determined according to the scale established for the newly oc-
cupied job.
When a worker is transferred to other work for reasons of un-
suitability or for violation of working discipline he is deprived
of the bonus for the particular month and loses his period of trouble-
free work and the bonus subsequently is paid on a general basis.
The cancellation of bonuses because of trouble Or defective
operation must be carried out in exact conformity with the prepared
documents concerning the investigation of the trouble and the defective-
operation records.
The bonus for trouble-free work is paid after the results o
the month's work are totalled, at the same time that the wages for the
first half of the next month are paid.
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No Last name, first
name, middle name
Job Amount of bonus in percentage to salary
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Andreyev, Petr Electrician 3.75 3.75 Deprived 3.75
Stepanovich of bonus
tion of
7.5 5 11.25 7.5 Leave 11.25 15
(bonus (bonus
reduced) reduced)
Borisov, Sergey Installation 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 Deprived 7.5 7.5 Leave 7.5 10 15 15
Ivanovich man of bonus (Bonus
with can- reduced) .--1
cellation S. .g
of experi-
ence period
Notes. 1. When a worker is deprived of the bonus there must be an indication of whether it is with or without cancellation
of experience period.
2. Payment of a reduced bonus does not reduce the increase of the period of trouble-free work.
3. Leave (routine, sick) time is not taken into consideration when computing the period of trouble-free work.
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In order to keep account of the period of trouble-free work that
each worker has, nnd to make the correct determinatiOn bf the amount of
bonus caning to the worker, each division must keep a special record
(Table 6).
Engineering and technical workers and employees of signaling
and communications divisions (Central Communications Station) who are
not listed above and who have actively contributed to the fulfillment
and overfulfillment of planned assignments are paid bonuses at the
discretion of th division chief. No more than 25% of the entire
sum of bonus actually paid to workers for the particular month in the
jobs indicated in Table 4, with the exception of laborers, can be
expended for this group of workers.
The amount of expenditure for bonuses within the limits of the
indicated 25% is established by the division chief depending upon the
availability of funds in the wage fund. The engineering and technical
workers who are directly employed in production must be paid bonuses
first and the paying of bonuses to workers of other organizations or
services is not permitted.
Let us examine an example of determining the amount of bonus
paid to A group of division engineering and technical workers and
employees who are not listed in Table 4.
By order of the division chief, 28 persons (senior electricians,
electricians, engineers, and other workers) are to be paid bonuses
for October. The amount of the bonus is 3,968 rubles. In addition
the road chief has given bonuses for October to the division chief
(in the amount of 18.75% of salary) and the deputy division chief
(in the amount of 15%) for a sum of 472,50 rubles, but the amount
computed for them is 354.39 rubles after the deduction of 25% which
is paid out on the basis of the work results for the quarter.
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The total amount computed for the wockers listed is 4,322.9
rubles. Twenty-five peroen of that sum -- 1,00.GO rubles -- can be
expended by the division ohief in excess of that 4.322.39 rubles to
pay bonuses to the remaining engineer-technical workers and employees
in the division (engineers anitechnicians working in the division
office, persons on duty to maintain communications, communications
inspectors, chiefs of telegraph-telephone stations, electricians
and senior electricians servicing radio-rediffusion stations, radio
points on trains working in repair teams, personnel chiefs,
accounting workers, telegraph operators, telephone operators, etc).
The division's chief (senior) bookkeeper is paid a bonus out
of this sum on the recommendation of the division chief with the ap-
proval of the chief of signaling and communications service, with
the necessary provision,that high-quality account books are submitted
at the proper time.
Workers of a road laboratory of signaling and communications
can be paid bonuses out of the 25% sum of bonus paid to workers of
the road administration.
Examples of Computing Bonuses
for Signaling and Communications Workers
A division chief with a rate of l,500 rubles has had a
bonus for Oetober in the amount of 18.75% of his salary approved by
the road administration. How much should he be paid')
Answer: 18.75% of 1,500 rubles is 281.25 rubles, of which 75%
or 211 rubles is paid ,immediately, and the remaining 25% or 70.25
rubles, is paid after receipt of the bookkeeping account books for the
fourth quarter which confirm the fulfillment of the net-cost plan.
2, How much should an electrician receive if in October he worked
18 days (he was on leave the remaining days) and a bonus in the amount
of 15% of his rate has been approved for him'
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Answer: The electrician muet, receive the hesic wages
740 (tariff rate) X 18 = 512.35 rubles and
--"Ri (number ofworking days that month)
the bonus of 76.85 rubles, or a total of 589.20 rubles.
3. How much of a bonus is paid to the remaining engineer-
technical workers and employees in the division who are not listed
in the basic list of workers to be paid bonuses'?
Answer: For that group of workers there is no specific amount
of bonus established. All that is fixed is the overall fund to be
used for ptiying bonuses (25% of the sum of the bonus paid to the
direct participants in the bonus system).
Within the limits of that fund, specific amounts of bonuses
for each worker are established by the division chief in such a way
that the amount of bonus for that group of workers does not exceed
the bonus established for workers directly employed in production.
The maximum amount of bonus cannot exceed 1,12 of the worker's job
salary or tariff rate.
4 An electrician has not had any trouble or serious damage
on the equipment which he is servicing, but a check has revealed
that he failed to observe the technological process of servicing
it and the state of the equipment is not considered to be excellent.
Can the electrician receive a bonud and, if so, in what amount'
? Answer: If the failure to observe the technological process
of servicing has been of a systematic nature and the state of the
equipment is rated as being neglected, the electrician is deprived
of the bonus for the particular month in full, but without the
cancellation of his period of trouble-free work.
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If the failure to observe the terlinolog'Ical.prooens is of nn
accident0 nature and the state of the equipment is ackne*ledged to be
satisfactory or good, the division chief can redlice the amount of bonus
which is t6 be paid to the electrician for the. particular month.
5, An electrician has violated the Pules of Technical Operation,
but this has not resulted in any trouble. Can this affect his bonus"
Answer: In this instance the electrician is deprived of his bonus for
the particular month without the cancellation of his period of trouble-
free work.
Communications lines in the division were damaged as the
result of ice formation. As a result of the management's failure to
take the proper steps, the amount of damage WAS increased and the
reestablishment of the communications lines took a long time. Will the
division workers receive a bonus and, if so, how much')
This incident must be considered tantamount to trouble at the
fault of the operating personnel, and all those responsible for it are
deprived of the bonus and have their period of trouble-free work can-
7. A repair crew repairing
(Joined) a line, as the result of
communications lines has broken
which there was a break in communi-
cations. How must this affect the bonus paid to the operating workers9
Answer: The crew of the electrician in whose subdivision this
incident took place, and the senior electrician responsible for the
subdivision are deprived of the bonus for the particular month, but
without cancellatiou of the period of trouble-free work.
The problem of depriving the division management partially or
completely of the bonus is decided by the chief of the service on the
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basis of the duration and number of breks in cemmuniclionq
8. An electrician working in a line-apparatus room has caused
trouble that has interrupted mainline (or road) communication for 42
minutes, Who must be deprived of the bonus in this instance')
Answer: The electrician who is directly responsible for the
accident, the senior electrician (shift supervisor), and the division
management are deprived of the bonus for the particular month and have
their period of trouble-free work cancelled: all other workers on
that shift are deprived of the bonus for the particular month without
the cancellation of the trouble-free period.
9. Does a deputy division chief have the right to receive a bonus
if there has been no trouble in the division, but the division has
not fulfilled the repair plan or has had excessive operating expenses?
Answer: No, he does not, since the deputy, along with the chief
is responsible for overexpenditure of operating funds and for non-
fulfillment of the plan for repair operations.
10. Can the division's chief (senior) bookkeeper be paid a
bonus if the management is deprived of the bonus?
If the division management is deprived of the bonus because of
trouble or serious damage in the division, .but the operating expenses
have not been ex,essive, plans have been fulfilled, economical methods
are employed and the account books are submitted promptly and in ,good
order, the chief (senior) bookkeeper can be paid a bonus.
Paying Workers with Nonstandard Work Day for Fulfillment of Opera-
tions Outside of their Regular Duties
Electricians and mechanics who fulfill (by way of filling out
their work time) operations which are outside of their regular duties --
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such as capital-repair, restoration, or new operations -- are paid
more than the job salary.
Payment must be made at piecework rates or for a group o
operations, with the cost of the operations being determined on the
basis of norms, piecework rates, and estimate which are in effect.
The fulfillment of subsidiary operations by way of filling
out work time, can be authorized by the division chief only for sub-
division workers who keep their installations in good order and who
have mastered advanced work methods, and also provided the division
has special funds at its disposal for these operations.
This principle can be applied in exceptional instances, when,
in order to fulfill subsidiary operations, it is necessary to have
highly-qualified workers and these operations cannot be assigned to
workers on the nonoperational staff, but the workers called upon to
fulfill these operations cannot be spared from the fulfillment of
their principal duties.
When concluding with electricians and mechanics labor agree-
ments for the fulfillment of operations to install new equipment
or carry out capital repair which operations are not included in
their regular duties, the division management must take special care
to check and require that the workers fulfill their basic duties in
maintaining communication and STAB installations in the subdivisions
being serviced.
If a worker fulfills new operations or capital repair not by
way of filling out his work time, but full-time,, without doing his
basic work, the operations are paid for on the basis of a statement.
and his monthly tariff rate for wages in his basic work is reduced by
the appropriate number of work hours during which the worker did not
fulfill his regular duties.
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This principle extends only to electricians and mechanics and
does not envisage similar assignments for senior electricians or en-
gineers in the divisions.
In some instances when roads are installing new equipment (dial
telephone system, high-frequency current apparatus, etc), which re-
quires the skills of technicians and engineers, it is possible to
include in these operations senior electricians and engineers, con-
cluding individual labor agreements with them and keeping them in
their principal duties, The authorization of the road management con-
cerning the concluding of these agreements must necessarily be re-
ceived and strict check must be provided to assure that these workers
are carefully carrying out their basic duties.
4, Additional Payment for Servicing Doubled Subdivisions
Additional compensation for workers in a crew servicing
doubled subdivisions is paid in the amount of not more than 50% of the
saving actually effected in the wage fund as a result of freeing
The amount of payment to crew members is approved by the chief
of the signaling and communications service on the recommendation
of the division chief.
The authorization to service a doubled subdivision is given by
the chief of the road's signaling and communiations service on the
recommendation of the division chief.
The principal conditions neeessary for obtaining this authorisa-
tion are:
excellent state of the equipment in the electrician's basic
subdivision, as determined by the division chief by a check which is
formalized by document;
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absence of trouble or damage in the subdivision as the fault
of the electrical mechanic for no less than 3 months.
If periodic checks reveal that the state of the equipment in
the doubled subdivision is becoming worse or accidents or damage are
being caused by the servicing crew, the established additional payment
is not paid to the crew members for the particular month; the division
chief must report to the chief of the service concerning the state;of
the equipment in the doubled subdivision and receive another authoriza-
tion to have the electrivetnnc, service a doubled subdivision in
the future.
Paying Workers Employed in Repair Operations
Workers in the current-maintenance crew (who constitute the
basic nucleus of the emergency repair crew) and workers in the division
shops are paid as follows:
(a) electricians, mechanics, and STsB fitters (working in tikw
crew or the division shops) -- at rates given in Section 1, Table .1:
? (b) senior communication workers and communication workers in
the current-maintenance crew and fitters, lathe-operators, smiths,
carpenters, and other workers in division shops at tariff rates.
The amount of rates for workers in divisions is determined
on the basis of the category to which the junction or station where
the division office is located, belongs (the tariff rates according
to categories of junctions and stations are given in Section III,
"Payment of Workers of Road Electrical Engineering Repair Plants
and Shops").
The tariff grades for workers are determined in accordance
with the Job requirements given in the reference book showing tariff
rates for specialties of workers in railroad plants, roundhouses, and
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The workers in repair crews carrying out operations involving
medium or capital repair of communications lines are paid according
to the tariff table and the rates of construction workers. With the
piecework system of payment use is made of the Yedinyye normy
rastmenki na stroitel'stvo, rekonstruktsiyu 1. remont telegrafno-
telefonnykh liniy provodov (Uniform Norms and Piecework Rates for
Construction, Modernization, and Repair of Telegraph-Telephone
Workers carrying out operations involving the capital repair
of signaling, interlocking, and block-system equipment, are paid
according to the tariff table and the rates of construction workers
and construction-workerimetal-workers depending upon the nature of
the work done. With the piecework system of payment use is made of
the individual-output norms and the piecework rates from Sbornik
vedomstvennykh norm vyrabotki I rastsenok pet stroitel stvi I montazhu
tsentratiza,tsii k !al(!kirovki na zheleznodorozh-
nom transporte ICollection of Departmental Individual-Output Norms
and Piecework Rates for the Construction and Installation of Sig-
nalizing, Interlocking, and Block-System Equipment in Railroad
Transport l.
When operations are being carried out in the division which
are notindicated in the collections or with a- work program not
corresponding to that envisaged in the collection, individual output
norms and piecework rates are worked out for the division and, as
temporary ones, are approved by the division chief. Check on the
accuracy, of these norms is carried Out by the signalising and -com-
munications service and by the department of labor, wages, and safety
measures of the .road administration.
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? In capital repair and medium repair operations, as well as new
operations, it is also possible,to use, in addition to the state piece-
work system of payment, the group system of paying for labor.
The organization of operations and the payment of labor with
the group system are effected as follows.
The crew of workers is given as a group all the operations
which must be carried out on the particular sector, kilometer,
station, etc.
First the division administration, along with the representa-
tive of the crew to which the work is being given inspect the
planned sector and draw up an exact list of the operations to be
carried out.
According to the list which is drawn up, and with the individual-
output norms and piecework rates as a guide, the group cost of the
entire operation is determined and this is indicated in the task
The task requisition with the list of operations, their cost
and the deadline for completion is made clear to the crew of workers
before the work begins. Settlement with the crew is made after the
work has been accepted. The group earnings are distributed among the
crew members in accordance with the tariff rates for each member of
the crew and the time actually worked
Example: A repair crew made up of 18 persons, including an
electrician with a monthly wage rate of 640 rubles, 3 Grade-4 senior
workers with a monthly tariff rate of 415 rubles. 9 Grade-III workers
with a tariff rate of 390 rubles, and 5 Grade-II workers with a tariff
rate of 355 rubles have carried out work with a total cost of 9,720
rubles. They worked the whole month, with the exceptionct 2 Grade-III
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workers, of whom one was sick for 2 days and the other for 4 days, and
also a Grade-II worker, who was sick one day. When calculating the
group wages for these workers, the following tariff rates are used:
for the Grade-III worker who was sick 2 days,
390X 23
25 (No of work days in the particular month)
for the worker who was sick 4 days. 327.60 rubles: and for the Grade-II
worker who was sick one day, 340.80 rubles.
358,80 rubles:
Thus the total wages of the 18 persons according to tariff
rates is 640 rubles + 1,245 rubles 4, 3,416.40 rubles + 1,760 80 rubles
7 062.20 rubles. The total earnings for the crew are 9,720 rubles,
which. in proportion to the wages according to tariff rates comes to
9,720 X 100 137.6%
The wages for individual members of the crew will be: electrician,
640 X 137.6 = 880.64 rubles,
senior laborer.
415 X 137.6 = 571.04 rubles. etc.
With the aim of correct accounting and distribution of wages,
workers employed in operations being carried out as a group should
not be transferred to other operations until the group opepations
are completed.
No additional payment is made to re-do operations which are
to be paid for by the group system, but which have not been accepted
because the crew has not carried them out satisfactorily.
6. Additional Payment for Travel Expenses
There are many workers in signaling and communications divisions
whose regular work requires them to travel about or is carried out en
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The statute in effect concerning the procedure and amount of
reimbursement for expenses to line workers of railroad transport on
official trips within the confines of the sectors serviced by them,
and workers whose regular work requires them to travel about or is
carried out en route, stipulates according to the following proce-
(a) The traveling nature of the work of radio electricians
servicing radio points on trains is not considered detached duty
but to compensate for their additional expenses they are paid per diem
at the rate of 3% of their salary (but no more than 26 rubles a day)
when servicing trains made up of SVPS fspal'nyy vagon pryamogo
soobshcheniya -- through sleeping carl requiring more than 6 days
for the round trip if the round-trip time of these trains is less
than 6 days, the electricians receive per diem at the rate of 1'45
of their salary. The payment of per diem to radio electricians is
made for each calendar day of the trip, when the trip on the day of
departure and the day of arrival comes to more than 24 hours: in in-
stances when the trip lasts less than 24 hours, irrespective of
whether it was made on one or 2 calendar days, payment of per diem
is made for one day.
Radio electricians servicing passenger trains (other than
SVP S and suburban trains) are paid per diem, instead of payment by
kilometer, in the amount of 1/60 of salary.
The time during which the radio electricians are on the trip
is calculated from the moment the train leaves the station where it
was made up, to the moment the train arrives back at the same station.
(b) The carrying *t of operations by the following workers
away from the place of assignment is not considered detached duty:
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communications inspectors guard foremen, and senior electricians for
STsB and communications within the division limits, sector STsB fitters,
and traveling cashier-paymasters. To compensate for the expenses in-
curred by their absence from their permanent residence, these workers
are given an additional payment in the amount of 1.5% of the monthly
salary (rate), but no less than 5 rubles or no more than 13 rubles a
Additional payment for the workers named is made on the basis
of the actual number of days the trip took, with the day of departure
and the day of return considered as one day.
Payment of per diem in the indicated amounts is made for senior
electricians servicing, within the limits of the division, sectors
assigned to them. Trips must either be previously planned for in the
monthly work schedules for senior electricians or carried out by
special order of the division chief. An itinerary signed by the
division chief must be issued for each trip.
Examples: 1. A senior electrician left his sector at 0830 hours
on 21 April and returned at 1920 on the same day, spending 10 hours
and 50 minutes in the trip. Insofar as the senior electrician returns
from the trip of the same day, he receives no additional pay.
2. A guard foreman went out to the line 1020 hours on 20
April and returned from the trip at 0830 on. 21 April, that is, spent
22 hours and 10 minutes on the line during 2 calendar days. He must
be paid additional payment for one day.
(c) Permanent workers who are employed in repairing signaling
and communications equipment, installation men, and electricians
assigned to repair crews, drivers in signaling and communications
divisions, and permanent workers of repair crews and emergency repair
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crews receive, instead of per diem, an additional payment in the
amount of 20% of the piece work earnings (for pieceworkers) or the
tariff rate (for workers paid by the hour, etc).
The fixed 20% additional payment is paid only to those permanent
workers of repair crews, crews to carry out labor-consuming operations,
and workers in communications emergency repair crews who make system-
atic trips within the limits of the division. In a communications
division these workers can include permanent workers of repair crews
and emergency repair crews who make an average of no fewer than 10-12
trips a month.
Workers are included in this group by order of the chief of
the signaling and communications division with a corresponding remark
in the record books. These workers are paid the fixed 20% additional
payment every month. irrespective of the number of trips in the
particular month.
Permanent workers in subdivisions (electricians, mechanics
and senior workers) who are temporarily assigned to work with repair
crews or emergency repair crews are paid the 20% additional payment
only for the time that they work with the repair crews or emergency
repair crews outside the limits of their own working sector.
The fixed 20% additional payment is paid to drivers of railway
motorcars and their assistants, regardless of whether or not they
work with repair crews.
(d) Official trips made by the following workers within the
limits of the sectors, divisions, or subdivisions being serviced are
not considered official detached duty and are not compensated for by
per diem: engineers, technicians, chiefs of signaling and communications
divisions, their deputies and assistants, and chief (senior) book-
keepers within the limits of the division line electricians. mechanics,
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and senior workers within the limits of the subdivision (sector),
(e) In the event that housing is not provided free to the
workers mentioned in paragraphs (b) and (d), they are reimbursed
expenses to rent housing in the amount of 5 rubles a day.
When these workers submit the paid bills for the rental of
housing which have been issued by state or public institutions or
enterprises, it is permissible to pay the actual expenses incurred,
but not more than the established norms.
(f) The limits of the service areas for workers whose work
requires them to make trips within the division are established by
division chiefs, in coordination with th,e RAYPROFSOZh trayonnyy
komitet professional'nogo soyuza zheleznodorozhnikov -- Rayon
Committee of the Railrovad-Workers Trade Unionl.
(g) Trips which workers in other jobs make on the order of
the division chief, even though they are within the limits of the
division, are considered to be official detached duty and during the
trips per diem is paid on a general basis.
1. Wage Rates
For telegraph operators and telephone operators employed at
telegraph and telephone stations. monthly wage rates are established
according to the category to which the divisions belong.
Examples of wage rates are given in Table 7.
Job Wage rates, in rubles per month,
for divisions in
Category Category Category
Telegraph operator, high-speed system-1Y
monitoring radio and telegraph operator:
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Grade I
Grade II
Morse telegraph operator, telegraph opera-
tor, message center clerk, acceptance
clerk, and telephone operator, intercity
Grade I
Grade II
Telephone operator, local station:
Grade I
Grade II
Senior telegraph operator and telephone
Crew chief, senior telegraph operator or
telephone operator on shift
The wage rate established for chiefs
20% more than the wage
rate of the corresponding
telegraph and telephone
operators, Grade I (rate
is taken with the 1946
Paid at the highest rate
(without the 1946 increase)
received by a telegraph
operator or telephone
operator on shift with
corresponding degree of
skill, plus 20%
of telegraph and telephone
station at road administrations is 840 rubles, and at road departments,
740-640 rubles.
For subsidiary workers, messengers, and typist'copy clerks,
the rates are established on the basis of the locality where they are
working (Table 8).
Far North Vladivostok,
and equiv- khabarovsk,
alent local- Stalinabad,
ities Ashkhabad,
and other
- 34 -
Moscow, Republic,- Rayon.
Leningrad, kray, ob- centers
and other last: and and rural
equivalent okrug cen,- locali-
localities.ters and. ties
[41 [51 61
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?11 ?21
Subsidiary workers and
workers at telegraph
and telephone stations:
?31 ?41
rol ?61
Grade 1
Grade 11
Grade 1
Grade 11
Typist"copy clerks:
Grade 1
Grade 11
Grade III
Notes. 1. The wage rates include the increases established in
1946 as a result of the slight increase in ration prices.
2. The rates shown in Table 7 (not counting the 1946 increases)
are increased by 10% on roads in the Far Eust, the Pechora Railroad
(not counting the sector Kirov-Kotlas (exclusive)), and the Karaganda
Railroad, 50% for the sector Kozhva-Vorkuta on the Pechora Railroad:
and on the Krugobaykal sector of the Eastern-Siberian Railroad, 20%.
and the Southern-Sakhalin Railroad 50% more than the rates for the
Far E4stern Railroad (for example .of computing the rates, see Section
Determining the G.:rade and Pay of Other Workers at Telegraph and
Telephone Stations
The grades for telegraph operators, telephone operators. sub-
sidiary personnel, messengers, and typist/copy clerks are established
in conformity with the job requirements given in Appendix 1,
Workers for which the job requirements are not indicated in
Appendix I are paid according to the following wage rates.
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(a) Those carrying out operations involving the stamping and
stitching of message blanks, internal delivery, and collection of
telegrams at rates of aubsidiary workers, Grade II.
(b) Baudot acceptance clerks (pasters) who are able tocperate
high-speed equipment -- at rates of telegraph operators, high-speed
systems. Those unable to transmit -- at rates of subsidiary workers.
these acceptance clerks are obliged to study and to pass a baudot-
telegraph-operator test.
(c) Record-position telephone operators -- at rates of tele-
phone operatorsH intercity stations.
(d) Information-desk telephone operators -- at rates of tele-
phone operators, local telephone stations.
(e) Monitoring telephone operators, dial telephone exchanges --
at rates of telephone operators, local telephone stations, Grade II.
(f) Drivers of railway, motorcars and motor vehicles are paid
at wage rates and by systems approved for the particular railraod
junction or region.
Specific wage rates for workers are established in accordance
with the grade of skill they possess, as determined by a qualifying
Qualifying commissions are created under the chief of the
signalising and communications divisions.
Workers are assigned to the appropriate grades or transferred
from a lower to higher grade, by the division chief on the basis of
the findings of the qualifying commission.
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When establishing grades the qualifying commissions are guided
by the production and other criteria indicated in the job descrip-
In order to determine the degree of skill taking into con-
sideration the speed and quality of work fulfillment by individual
groups of workers (telegraph operators telephone operators, and
others) a test is held in a production situation with a sufficient
work load for no more than one work day without any idle time. The
test is accompanied by a thorough check of work quality,
After the degree of skill and the grade are determined, the
workers must be given assignments in accordance with those grades and
the corresponding rates must be established for them.
If a worker occupies an assignment but has a grade of skill
lower than that required for the particular assignment. and there is
no other candidate of the proper degree of skill, the worker temporarily,
until he can increase his degree of skill to a point that will guaran-
tee the fulfillment of the norms established for the particular work
is paid at the rate of the grade to which he is assigned. If the
qualifying commission gives a worker a grade higher than that estab-
lished for the job that he is filling that worker i paid at the
wage rate ,established for the job that he is filling, but he must be
transferred to a Job corresponding to his degree of skill.
Examples. 1. When tested, a morse telegraph operator had an
individual output established for Grade II but he is filling a job
requiring the skill of Grade I because of the volume of work. If it is
impossible to replace him, the worker can temporarily fill the job,
but since he is not fulfilling the norm of Grade I, he must be paid
at the Grade-II rate.
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?. When tested by a qualifying commission, 'n morso telegrnph
operatcr: xeceived Grade I but he is. occupying n job requiring the
skill of a Grade TT because of the volumn of work, 'The particular
_worker must be ..consideted as a candidate to occupy a Grade 1 job, but
until he is transferred he is paid at the Grade-II rate.
3. By way of increasing his degree of skill, a morse telegraph
operator has learned how to operate high-speed baudot equipment, and
after receiving the .qualification of a baudot telegraph operator, has
begun to be used .(in addition to his work on the morse equipment)
on the baudot equipment; in this instance he must have a wage rate
established for him as a telegraph operator, high-speed systems.
4. A shift has a Grade-II morse telegraph opexator and a
Grade-IT baudot operator, with the senior one of the shift with res-
pect to qualification being the morse telegraph operator. He does not
know how to operate the baudot equipment The wage rate for the tele-
graph operator who is senior on the shift is established in this
Instance at a rate 20% lower than the rate of the Grade-II morse
telegraph operator.
In this instance the senior man on the shift is obliged, as
soon as possible, to learn how to operate the baudot equipment, and
after passing a test he must be given a wage rate 20% higher than the
rate of the baudot operator, Grade II.
A shift has morse operators. Grade I and II, and a baudot
operator, Grade II the maximum rate for telegraph operator on the
shift is 450 rubles, or without the 1946 increase, 350 rubles, the
person who is senior man on shift in this instance must receive 350
rubles 4. 70(20%) ? 420 rubles, plus 100 rubles (1946 increase), or
a total of 520 rubles. But the senior telegraph operator at that station
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will receive wnges no% higher than the. rate for hnudot erernto 'adel
or 425 rubles (without the 1946 increase) plus 85 rubles (m), or
510 plus an additional 90 rubles (1946 increase), or a total of 600 ?
6. Telegraph operators and telephone operators at telegraph and
telephone stations occupy 2-3 jobs when there is an insufficient work-
load they operate haudot and morse apparatus, operate the telephone
switchboard at the same time that they are operating the telegraph
equipment, accept and write out telegrams, etc.
The fulfillment of these operations, does not constitute filling
several jobs simultaneously. but filling one job' made up of several
duties, and no additional payment is made for this.
In such instances a worker is paid at the highest rate estab-
lished by the table-of-organization payroll for the jobs whose duties
he is fulfilling. For example a morse operator operating baudot equip-
ment is paid at the baudot-operator rate; when handling the telephone
switchboard and morse apparatus -- at the rate of worse telegraph
If there are no breakdowns. accidents at the fault of the
drivers, or other instances of production fault and if the current
repair is carried out at the proper time, drivers of railroad motorcars
are paid a bonus each month in the amount of 22.5% of the tariff rate.
The bonus for trouble-free work is paid to drivers of railroad
motorcars in full, regardless of the number of hours that the motorcar
has been in use, provided all the conditions for the paying of the
bonus are met.
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Wage rates
The following monthly wage rates have been established
for workers in road electrical engineering repair plants and shops
(Table 9).
Job Wage rates in rubles for plants
and shops in
Chiefs of road electrical-engineer-
ing repair shops
Chiefs of subshops and departments
at road shops
930- 1000
Foremen at road shops
Senior engineers
Technicians and techniciantnorm-
fixers :
Control norm-fixers
Chief bookkeepers
Deputy chief bookkeepers
10-15% less than the salary of
chief bookkeeper
Senior bookkeepers
Senior accountants
Senior statisticians
Accountants, piecerate-fixers
Note. The wage rates include the increases established in 1946
as a result of the slight increase in ration prices,
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Category I includes all road electrical engineering plants and
shops on the following roads: Oktyabr, Northern rSevernoyl L'vov,
Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Transbaykal, Far Eastern, Belorussian, Kalinin,
Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, and Southern-Urals.
Category 11 includes shops on the roads: Ordzhonikidze,
Southern-Western, Southern-Eastern, iorthern-Caucasian, and Kazan.
Category III includes shops on the roads: Amur, Ashkhabad, Tashkent,
and Turkestan-Siberian.
The category to which new shops belong is determined by the
volume of their operation. The procedure of changing the category to
which road electrical engineering shops belong is the same as for
signaling and communications divisions.
The wage rates for accounting workers, with the exception of
chief bookkeepers, are uniform for enterprises in all categories but
they have from and to limits which make it possible, when approving
specific salaries, to take into consideration the volume of work and
the worker's degree of skill.
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For fulfillment and overfulfillmentof the state shipment plan
and net-cost assignments, the following workers of road plants and
shops are paid bonuses:, plant and shop chiefs and their deputies,
chief (senior) bookkeepers, chiefs (senior engineers) of machine
and production-and-plannitwdepartment5 chief of the hiring and
firing department, control norm-fixers, senior engineers for labor,
and foremen.
Indexes for the paying of bonuses to workers of road plants
and shops are the fulfillment and overidifillment of monthly pro-
duction plans according to specification and assignments to reduce
net costs.
The amount of the bonus paid to workers in road shops is
shown in Table 10.
Amount of bonus, in percentage to job salary
for workers in enterprises of
Group I Group II Group III
I 1 ,, 1
r?4 r4 ? pi
44 Pi ,4
4444 44 44 44 44
Or4 0r'4. ..0 r".
O 0
Wt44k 4! b4 A1:
4 0
0 Pi.0 1 A A 0 Pk 1 A 4 0
CS 0 :4 r4 030 r4 ,r4 Of 0
O ga, _14 0 1at .I.4 0
k 0 A
hr"4kr414 A ? ?P
Or-1 0.
94 AI 15 444 9
0 0 la 4413 i
44 Of 404 PP4
0 0 0 I-4 0
c14 A. 51
Chief of road plants.
up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
and shops
Chief engineer, deputy chief
of road' shops, chief
up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
(senior) bookkeeper
Chiefs, senior engineers of
machine and production-
and-planning departments,
Senior engineers for labor,
'control norm-fixers, shop
? foremen, chiefs of hiring
?up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
and firing departments
`- 42 -
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The bonus for fulfillment and overfulfillment of monthly plans
is paid on the basis of the work results during the month, accord-
ing to the data of statistical records, in amounts up to 75% 'of
the established amounts of bonus (with the exception of shop
foremen). Twenty-five percent of the bonus is paid on the basis
of the data of bookkeeping records for the quarter concerning the
fulfillment of the plan and assignments for lowering net cost.
Bonuses are approved after examining the results of work
during the month:
for chiefs of road electrical-engineering repair plants
and shops, deputies, and chief engineers -- by the chief of the
road on the recommendation of the road commission;
for chief (senior) bookkeeper -- by the chief of the signaling
and communications service;
all other engineer-technical workers and employees -- by
shop chiefs.
Workers of road electrical-engineering plants and shops are
paid bonuses for saving electrical and thermal power.
The total amount of the bonus computed for the month on the
basis of all current statutes on bonuses (not counting bonuses in
connection with the All-Union Sbcialist Competition) must not
be more than 1.12 times the worker's monthly salary.
Engineer-technical workers and employees of road electrical
engineering repair shop who are not listed above and who have
actively contributed to the fulfillment and overfulfillment of
planned assignments are paid bonuses at the discretion of the
shop; _chiefs.
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The amount of funds expended to give bonuses to this group
of workers cannot exceed 25% of the total amount of the bonus
actually paid for the particular month to workers who are the
principal participants in the bonus system.
The following monthly wage rates have been established for
workers of, road electrical engineering shops and division signaling
and communications shops (Table 11).
nthly wage rate in rubles for junctions
Name of trade included in category
Fitters and workers in other
trades who are employed in
cold operations in road
shops and who have tariff
I 330 305 285
II 355 330 305
III 390 360 330
IV 415 390 360
AT 465 425 400
Vi 530 480 440
VII 600 545 500
VIII 690 625 ?550
-Smiths, hammer operators, electric-
gas welders, brass workers, and
workers in other trades who are
employed in hot operations in
road shops and who have tariff
If 380 350 325
410 385 350
IV 445 410 385
V 500 460 420
VI 575 520 475
VII 640 590 540
VIII 740 680 620
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Notes. '1. The monthly rates shown include the increases
established in 1946 as a result of the slight increase in ration
2. The workers of road electrical engineering plants and
shops who are paid according to the scale for, hot shops include:
storage-battery men, employed in cleaning, charging, and repairing
storage batteries; cupola furnace operators, punch operators; and
cleaners in casting operations and pourers of cast metal and
storage-battery lead plates; boiler makers, riveters, smiths,
and hammer operators; h
? r4'
r machinists; brass workers, tinsmiths,
and solderers, nickel-platers, and chrome-platers; spring makers;
sandblasters, workers for cleaning castings with emery wheels, and
The tariff grades for workers of road electrical engineering
and division shops are established in conformity with the wage
rate reference book.
Workers at road electrical engineering plants and shops who
are employed in operations which are susceptible to accurate
accounting and norm fixing are paid by the piecework system.
The reexamination of individual norms and piedework rates
is carried out by order of the chief of the plant or shop in
instances when: '
there is a change in the technological process;
4-ew equipment or attachments are introduced;
efficiency-expert measures are being?carried out; or
temporarily established norms are in effect.
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SPM ?01110111?11%
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When determining piecework rates it is necessary always to
proceed from the grade established for the particular operation
(not from the grade of the worker carrying it out) and the time
norm lawhich is expressed in hours and minutes.
Hourly wage rates (rounded off to the nearest 0.1 kopek)
for determining piecework rates are established by dividing the
monthly rates by 204.8 hours (for workers with an 8-hour workday).
In order to obtain the daily rate the hourly rate is multiplied
by 8.
For workers who have a shortened workday of 7 hours because
of hazardous duty, the monthly rate is divided by 179-i2, and for
a 6-hour workday, by 153.6 hours.
In order to pay for flat-rate hours of work an incomplete
month of work, idle time, or additional payment for overtime, the
hourly wage rate is determined by dividing the monthly rate by
the norm for the hours of work in the particular month.
The earnings for group or crewpiecework are determined in
proportionate to the tariff rate for crew workers, crediting them
that month with the time actually worked.
Example. A crew consisting of 4 persons earned 2,650 rubles
in the particular month. The crew is made of one fitter, Grade
VII; 2 fitters, Grade V; and one laborer, Grade III. The Grade-
VII fitter, one Grade-V fitter, and the Grade-III laborer worked
208 hours each, and the. other Grade-V fitter worked 184 hours.
The monthly tariff rate for the Grade-VII fitter is 600 rubles;
Grade V, 465 rubles, the Grade V with 184 hours, 411 rubles; and
the Grade-III laborer, 390 rubles, or 1,866 rubles for the crew
as a whole.
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The payment on the basis of piecework rates is 2 650 rubles
and the earnings of each member of the crew, in proportion to the
earnings according to the tariff rates, are (2,650 ?: 1,866) ? 100 = 142%.
Consequently, the Grade-VII fitter is credited with
600 * 142 = 852 rubies;
the Grade-V fitter who worked the entire month
465 ? 142 - 660.30 rubles;
the Grade-V fitter who worked 184 hours
= 573.62 rubles;
and the Grade-III laborer
390 ? 142 = 553.80 rubles.
--- 100
Pieceworkers are paid for idle time by computing the tariff
rates according to the tariff grades established for them. Idle
time which is the fault of the worker ls not paid for; if the
idle time is not the fault of the work the payment is 50% of the
tariff rate.
The following JobLrates have been established for workers in
signaling and communications services.
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Chiefs of road services, Group I
Saute, Group II
Deputy chiefs of services
Department chiefs and assistant chiefs
of services for cadres
No of rubles
Rate 15% lower than
rates for chiefs
Sector, unit, and group chiefs, senior
engineers, and senior inspectors
Engineers, inspectors,. senior economists,
980 1 000
senior planners
Senior technicians economists, and planners
The wage rates for workers in signaling and communications
services of each road are established according to the road
administration's table of organization, which is approved by
the Minister of Railroads USSR.
Changes in the job titles on the table of organization and
changes in the wage rates can be made only on the authorization
of the Minister of Railroads.
Paying of Bonuses to Administrative and Engineer-Technical Workers
n Signaling and Communications Services of Road Administrations
Administrative and engineer-technical workers of signaling
and communications services in road administrations are paid bonuses
for excellent maintenance of the signaling and communications equip-
ment, guaranteeing train traffic in the amounts assigned, provided
the r0Pai r-operations plan has been fulfilled and the established
'expenses for operations and repair have not been exceeded.
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For fulfillment of these indexes, the following are paid
bonuses: the chief of the services, his deputy, chief engineer,
department chiefs, chief bookkeeper, senior engineer for labor.
(Senior bookkeepers are paid a bonus for submitting good-quality
account books promptly.)
The amount of bonus is indicated in Table 12.
Name of job
Amount of bonus, in percentage to job
salary, for workers on roads which,
for purposes of bonus payment, are
included in groups
For plan fulfillment
? Chiefs and senior
engineers at signaling iv to up to, up to up to up to up to
and communications services 33.75 3.37 27.75 3 22.5 2.25
Deputy chiefs of services,
chiefs of departments of
services, chief bookkeeper
in the service, senior
engineer for labor in the. up to up to up to up to up to up to
service 27.75 3 22.5 2.23 16.5 ,1.5
Notes. 1. The amount of bonus is shown with a consideration
of the reduction in the amount of bonus that was carried out.
2. If, instead of a senior engineer, the service only has ?
an engineer for labor, who is directly subordinate to the chief
of the service he has the right to receive the bonus.
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For purposes of bonus payment, roads are assigned to groups
,as follows:
Group I-- Omsk, Karaganda, Southern-Urals, Sverdlovsk,
Donetsk, Kuybyshev, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, Moscow-Ryazan', Oktyabr,
Pechora, Southern-Eastern, Northern-Caunasian, Orenburg, Tomsk,
Stalin?, Ordzhonikidze, Eastern-Siberian, Transbaykal, Amur,
Transcaucasian, and Ufa;
Group 11 -- Kirov Northern, Kalinin, Southern-Western,
Li'vov, Moscow-Kiev, Gor'kiy, Kazan', Volga, Turkestaw-Siberian,
Tashkent, Krasnoyarsk, Baltic, Belorussian, Odessa-Kishinev, and
Group III -- Moscow-4Belt, Ashkhabad, Far Eastern, and Southern-
All other engineer-technical workers and employees at
signaling and communications services of road administrations
who are not listed in Table 12 and who have actively contributed
to the fulfilIMent and overfulfillment of planned assignments are
paid a bonus by the chief of the. road on the recommendation of
the chiefs of services. The amount expended to pay bonuses to,
this group of workers must not exceed 25A of the total amount of
bonus paid for jobs'listed above.
Bonuses are approved after an,examination of the results
of the work during the month by a commission and after the minutes
of the commission have been approved by the chief of the road.
The Chief bookkeepers are paid a bonus when they submit high-
quality account books promptly.
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If there are any production derelictions in work for which the
commission considers it necessary to reduce the amount of bonus
coming to the worker or to deprive him of the bonus completely
for a particular month the minutes of the commission must indicate
the derelictions for which the amount of the worker s bonus has
been decreased or his bonus has been completely cancelled.
Workers of signaling and communications services are paid
a bonus for excellent maintenance of signaling and communications
equipment, guaranteeing train traffic in the amounts assigned.
This index is the basic one for determining the right of workers
in the service to receive a bonus.
For workers in services, excellent maintenance of signaling
and communications equipment is that maintenance with which the
communications workers have not been responsible during the particular
month for any breaks in the steady traffic of trains in the assigned
amounts, breaks in the operation of mainline or road types of
communication for more than 30 minutes, or breaks in communication
during selective-communications conferences.
If, during the particular month, there have been individual
instances of train delays (which have not caused violation of the
schedule), brief breaks in the operation of mainline and road types
of communication for less than 30 minutes, protracted restoration
of damage to the SUB and communications equipment, for which the
communications Workers were, not responsible, the road, management
can decrease the amount of bonus paid to the workers in the signal-
ing and communications service who, are responsible, or for a
combination of such instances, to deprive them of the bonus.
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The fulfillment of the repair-operations plan is an obligatory
condition for the obtaining of the bonus coming to the workers of
services, provided they fulfill the basic index. The overfulfillment
of the repair plan does not give the right to increase the bonus
coming to workers in the services.
The amounts of bonus for workers, in percentages to salary,
net only for fulfillment but also for overfulfillment of the
planned assignments, are set down by a road commission which
examines the results of the work during the month and are approved
by the chief of the road. When determining the specific amounts
of bonus in percentages to the salary, but no higher than the
established maximum, not only for fulfillment, but also for over-
fulfillment of planned assignments, in each separate instance
consideration is taken of the complexity and difficulty of plan
fulfillment, the benefit that' has accrued to the management as
a whole as a result of plan fulfillment and overfulfillment, and
' the degree to which the particular worker has directly participated
in and had an influence upon plan fulfillment.
proceeding from the fact that the workers of signaling and
communications services can receive .a bonus provided there is no
exceeding of the established expenses for operations and repair,
the bonus can be paid to them provided there is an economy in the
wage fund for the divisions as a whole irrespective of the results
of expending the wage fund for the road as a whole.
Workers of signaling and communications services, in addition
to receiving the bonus for the fulfillment of their principal indexes,
have the right to receive an additional bonus only provided the
road has overfulfilled the monthly shipment plan in converted
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ton-kilometers and provided it has fulfilled the loading plan for
the types of freight which are basic for the particular road, as
well as the assignments for lowering net costs.
For workers of signaling and communications services, the
hours of work when there are several holiday shifts are paid for
in addition at a single rate, if the total number of hours of
work according to the schedule does not exceed the monthly norm
of work hours during the particular month.
If the holiday coincides with a worker's day off, no additional
payment is made.
In the event that the worker is assigned to work on a
holiday that is not included in the schedule, the payment for
the hours worked is made at double rate (for pieceworkers, at
doubled piecework rates) and these hours are excluded from the
overall total of hours worked during the particular month.
With the consent of the local committee of the trade union, the
worker can be offered in exchange for the holiday worked, a
different day off within the next 10 days. In this case no
additional payment is made.
Examples. 1. In May 1954, with a norm of 200 working
hours, a telegraph operator worked 200 hours according to a shift
'rate for
of which 8
hours were worked on 1 May. The telegraph
is paid the monthly rate and additional payment at single
the 8 hours worked, on 1 May.
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2. In the same month another telegraph operator worked
208 hours, of which 8 hours were on 1 May and 8 on 2 May; he worked
8 hours of overtime, This telegraph operator must be paid: monthly
tariff rate; for 16 hours of work on 'l and 2 May, additional
payment at single rate; and for 8 hours of overtime, additional
payment at time-and-a-half rate.
3. A telegraph operator worked on I May (not scheduled,
but in order to replace a sick worker) and did not receive another
day off; this month he worked 208 hours, of which the 8 hours on
I May are to be excluded from the total number of hours.
For the 200 hours the telegraph operator is paid the monthly
tariff rate and for the 8 hours worked on I May he is paid at
double rate.
Workers can be assigned to overtime operations only with
the prior authorization of the labor inspector. The carrying out
of overtime operations without prior authorization of the labor
inspector, but with the labor inspector being notified subsequently,
'is permitted in cases of especial urgency (natural calamities
and other extraordinary situations).
Overtime is paid as follows:
(a) for workers paid on a daily ,basis, the first 2 hours
of overtime are paid by computing at time-and-a-half rate, and
the remaining hours, by doubling the hourly tariff rate or job
salary; for workers paid on a monthly basis (working in shifts),
overtime up to 24 hours a month is paid by at the time-and-air!hal.f
rate and all other hours (in excess of 24 hours) at double the
? hourly tariff rate;
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(b) with the piecework system of payment and.with the workers
on a daily basis, additional payment for overtime work is added
onto the piecework earnings', in the amount of 50% of the hourly
tariff rate for pieceworker of the'corresponding grade for the
first 2 hours, and 100% for subsequent hours; for workers on .a
monthly basis, additional payment for overtime is added onto the
piecework earnings in the amount of 50% of the hourly tariff rate
for pieceworker in the corresponding grade for as much as 24 hours
a month; and 100% for subsequent hours (in excess of 24).
For working on nonwork daya.(holidays), workers with a
nonstandard work day receive compensation in the amount of
doubled daily salary or rate, provided that no ocher day off
has been given to them and provided that the work is no less
than 8 hours. But if workers with a nonstandard work day work on
holidays for less than 8 hours,
the amount of additional payment
is computed in proportion .to the number of hours actually worked.
A standard 8-hour workday with a monthly accounting of the
work time has been establiahed for drivers of railroad motorcars.
Normal rest after each trip and days off for drivers of railway
motorcars and their assistants are given on the same basis as for
locomotive and train crews (see the statute and instructions
concerning working time and rest of workers in railroad transport).
With the aim of providing incentive for cadre workers in
leading trades and for administrative personnel, and of keeping
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them in transport work, it has been established that longevity pay
in the following amounts is to be added to the salary received or
tariff rate:
For workers included in leading trades with length of
service from one to 3 years, 5%; from 3 to 5 years, 10%; from 5
to 10 years, 15%; from 10 to 15 years, 20%; from 15 to 20 years,
25%; and more than 20 years, 30%.
2. For persons in the highest, senior, and medium admini-
strative brackets, with length of service from 5 to 10 years, 10%;
from 10 to 15 years, 15%; from 15 to 20 years, 20%; and more than
20 years, 25%.
The leading trades in signaling and communications management
include: communications and STsB electricians, liwe and station;
communications and STsB mechanics and fitters; senior workers
under electricians; and all types of telegraph and telephone
Communi4ations and STsB electricians, line and station,
include electricians and mechanics for all types of communication,
including radio communications, and electricians and mechanics
working at mechanized classification yards.
"Note. STsB electricians, mechanics and fitters and
senior workers working in crews carrying out labor-consuming
current-maintenance operations also have the right to receive
longevity increases.
Telegraph operators of all types also include senior telegraph
operators, senior telegraph operators on shift, telegraph crew foremen,
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telegraph operator/message center clerks, and monitoring telegraph
operators who used to be called telegraph-office monitors..
When computing the length of service for the purpose of paying
longevity increases to persons in the highest, seniors and medium
administrative bracket, a consideration is made of the work in jobs
in the leading trades and in jobs which give the person occupying
them the right to acquire the personal ranks of highest, senior,
and medium administrative personnel.
Signaling and,tcommunications workers who receive percentage
increases on the basis of written individual labor contracts which
they have previously concluded keep those increases if they are
more than those given in paragraphs I and 2 above, for the entire
time that they work in the particular job and at the particular
Workers of railroad transport are paid a percentage paii
increase for longevity irrespective of the payment of percentage
increases, for working in areas of the Far North and in remote
localities equivalent to areas of the Far North and' also irrespective
of the payment of increases on the basis of previously operative
legislature concerning privileges for working in the Far North,
remote -localities, and outside major urban settlements.
A length of service in areas of the Far North and in remote
localities which gives the right to obtain percentage pay increases
is computed on a year-to-year basis.
Percentage pay increases for longevity are computed on the
basis of flat tariff rates and fixed job salaries.
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The amount of longevity increases is established in percentages
to the salary, if the worker 'receives more salary than that established
by the table of organization for the job that he is occupying (personal
salary, by way of keeping a previous salary after reOrganization,
etc), the longevity increase is calculated on the basis of the
salary established by the table of organization.
Workers transferred as the result of promotion from a leading
speciality to a job in an administrative capacity keep their
longevity increase (but for another group), if they have or they
are given the personal rank as medium administrative personnel.
Otherwise the payment of the increase is reduced.
Examples. 1. A senlor-telegraph operator on shift, with
a rank of technician first rank, has been assigned to the job
of chief of the telegraph telephone station. His longevity
increase is stopped until he receives the personal rank of
lieutenant technician. After he receives that rank the amount
of the increase is determined according to the group of the medium,
senior, or highest administrative personnel.
2. A communications electrician with 8 years' service
(personal rank of lieutenant technician) receives a 15% longevity
increase as a worker in a leading trade. In line with promotion
he is appointed senior electrician and his percentage of increase
must be recomputed according to the scale for administrative
personnel, that is he must receive an increase in the amount of
10% of the salanflof.senior electrician.
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Procedure of Establishing Length of Service
The length of service for the purpose of determining the
amount of increase to be paid a worker for longevity is established
by local commissions organized in the signaling and communications
divisions (road plants and shops), made up of: division (plant)
chief; chief (senior) bookkeeper; worker for cadres, labor, and
wages; and representative of the local trade-union committee.
The length of service giving workers in a road administration
the right to receive longevity increases is established by a road
commission made up of: deputy chief of the road for cadres
(chairman); chief of the business administration department;
chief bookkeeper of the same department; chief of the labor and
wages department; representative of the local trade-union committee;
and chief of the signaling and communications service.
The road commission also checks the activity of the local
commissions, reviews the workers' complaints concerning the
decisions of the local commissions, and giveSexplanations to
the local commissions concerning difficulties that the latter
have encountered in their work.
If .a worker does not agree with the decision of a road
commission he can complain about it to the Central Commission
for the Establishment of Length of Service, Ministry of Railroads,
whose decisions are considered final.
The commissions for the establishment of length of service
giving the right to obtain longevity increases must be guided by
the 1949 instructions of the VTsSPS Nsesoyuznyy tsentral'nyy
sovet professionalsnykft soyuzov -- All-Union Central Trade-Union
Councilj and the Ministry of Finance USSR, "Procedure for Computing
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Length of Service Giving the Right to Receive Percentage Wage
Increases or Lump-Sum Compensation for Longevity."
Previous work can be included in the length of service
giving the right to receive longevity increases in the following
(a) in the event that the worker is transferred by order
of a higher organ or transfers to another enterprise, institution,
or organization on the basis of a decision of party, trade-union,
or 'Komsomol organizations or for workers at academies and
FZ0 ifabrichno-zavodskoye obucheniye factory-plant training]
school, by order of the enterprise director;
(b) in the event of transfer as a result of production
necessity Within the ministry system or, by coordination between
the directors of ministries or departments, to work outside the
syst4m of one ministry or department, in the system of another
ministry or department, provided the work performed in both
mihistries (departments) gives the right to receive increases.
- The length of service computed is,subsequently kept. un-
broken, but 'breaks in work are not included in the length of
service in the following instances:
(a) in the event a worker arrives at 'work no later than
3 months after his return from the Soviet Army (not counting
travel time), if before being called into the army he worked in
railroad transport in jobs and in operations giving the right
to receive increases.
Length of service includes the time spent in the ranks of
the Soviet Army, troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, partisan
detachments, or the home guard during the Great Patriotic War,
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if the workers were drafted or mobilized, or left voluntarily
from the institution or enterprise in railroad transport and
returned to work in railroad transport no later that 3 months
after demobilization, not counting the time in traveling to the
permanent place of work.
The length of service giving the right to receive a
longevity increase includes the entire length of time served in
the ranks of the Soviet Army or Navy by an officer who was
transferred to the reserves or discharged after 14 April 1953,
provided the break between the transfer or discharge from the
ranks of the Soviet Army or Navy and the time of arrival at work
or training does not exceed 3 months, not counting the time in
traveling to the permanent place of residence. This statute
extends also to officers in organs of State Security or the
MVD who were discharged or transferred to the reserves after
16 March 1953.
(b) in the event a worker arrives at work within a month
after the termination of temporary sick leave or disease which
has lated more than 2 months or caused his resignation, provided
the worker returns to his former place of work or submits a
statement that the administrative personnel at his former place
of work cannot offer him work in his trade The time spent on
sick leave or in protracted disease is not included in the
length of service;
(c) in the event a worker arrives at work in the system of
railroad transport after a break caused by resignation on the
basis of reduction of staff or because of the liquidation of
an enterprise, provided the break does not exceed one month,
not counting travel time, and also provided the work performed
before and after the break gives the right to receive increases;
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(d) in the event a worker arrives at work after graduation from
a higher oi middle special educational establishment provided the
worker worked in railroad transport immediately before entering the
educational institution (time spent in the educational institution
is not included in length of service);
(e) in the event that persons receiving old-age pensions,
who formerly worked in the railroad-transport system, arrive at work;
(f) in the event a worker is transferred to work at another
enterprise in railroad transport, provided the transfer was
caused by transfer of husband (wife) and provided the break in
work, not counting travel time, does not exceed one month.
When establishing the total length of work service for the
purpose of paying increases, the principal document is the work
record book with a reference to the documents confirming the total
length of service, or, in appropriate instances, uninterrupted
length of service.
From, the length of service indicated in the work-record book
in an overall entry it is necessary to isolate and confirm by
documents the total length of service giving the right to obtain
increases. These documents include :work lists of employees and
engineer-technical workers, which used to be kept before the
introduction of the work-record books, with a reference to documents,
and also pay-books.
Length of service not established by entries in a work-
record book can also be confirmed by properly drawn-up documents
signed by the directors of enterprises or institutions where the
Worker formerly worked.
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These documents (statements) can be issued only on the
basis of the existing documents accounting for personnel or time-
record books and other documents confirming the particular worker's
length of service,
In the event there are no documents confirming the. work
and it is impossible to recover them, length of service before
1944can be established by properly ?drawn-up affidavits of no
fewer than 2 persons WA? worked with the worker and whose length
of service has been established. In this instance the commission
is obliged to require the enterprises or institutions to issue
an official statement that the files have been destroyed.
When establishing a new length of service giving the right
to receive a longevity increase in railroad transport, work in
institutions, organizations, or enterprises of other ministries
(departments) paying wage increases or lump-sum payments is
included in the length of service for purposes of the longevity
? increase, provided the worker transferred to work in the system
of the Ministry of Railroads in the procedure outlined in paragraphs
6 and 7 of the instructions of the VT8SPS and Ministry of Finance.
Advantages and benefits established for wOrkers of leading
trades and the .administrative personnel of railroad transport extend
to the workers of all trades (jobs), working in enterprises,/insti-
tlitions,.and Organizations of railroads situated in the following
sectors (including the initial and terminal points in those sectors):
? r: ? 0o0 ?
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Amur sector Ksen'yevskayaigishumun since 24 November 1950
Transbaykal sectors Borzya-Otpor, Borzya-Solov'yevsk,
Kuenga-Ksen'yevskaya since 24 November 1950
Far Eastern sector Komsomol'sk-Sovetskaya Gavan' since
24 November 1950, sector lzvestkovaya-Urgal
since 19 June 1951
Eastern-Siberian sectors Podorvikha-Posol'skaya, Irkutsk
(exclusive)-Kultuk since 24 November 1950
Turkestan-Siberian sector Zhana-Semey to Ush-Tobe since 24
? November 1950, sector Bystrovka-Rybach'ye
since 1 January 1953
Ashkhabad sectors Xrasnovodsk-Bami, Linau-Kaumut,
Iok-Syur to Siding 62, Kurban-Kala to Barkhana
since 14 November 1951, sector Ene-Kuliyevo
to Pitnyak since 17 March 1953
Karaganda sectors Novorudnaya-Zharyk, Bertys-Dar'ya
since 1 January 1953
Transcaucasian sectors Alyat-Norashen, Osmanly Novyye-Astara
since 17 March 1953
Klrov sectors Sorokskaya-Kandalaksha, Sorokskaya-
Mud'yuga RuCh'i Karel'skiyeuoloyarvi since
24 November 1950.
Longevity increases" (see preceding section) extend to workers
in all trades (jobs) working on the sectors listed, irrespective
of whether or not those trades (Jobs) are considered leading ones.
The length of service for the payment of longevity pay
increases to these workers is computed by the procedure established
by the instructions of the VTsSPS and the Ministry of Finance USSR,
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as of the date indicated above for each sector, with the length
of service including all the time worked only on thOse sectors
irrespective of the trades or jobs occupied.
The amount of longevity increase is determined for workers
in the leading trades according to the leading trade scale and for
all other workers, the 'administrative-personnel scale.
For workers in the leading trades and for administrative
personnel in railroad transport who receive a percentage longevity
increase, length of service is determined according to the procedure
indicated in Section VI. In instances when the length of service
proves to be shorter than that previously established, length of
service is not recomputed for those workers. Subsequently all the
time worked in those sectors irrespective of trades or jobs occupied
is added to the established length of service,
Extracts from the record concerning the establishment of
length of service are issued to workers in a standard form. When
a worker resigns or is transferred from those railroad sectors
he must return the length-of-service extract which was issued to
the worker personally.
For workers in the leading trades and the highest, senior,
and medium administrative personnel working on the sectors listed
above,-a 10% increase is added to the salary (tariff rate) received,
for each year of work in those sectors.
Workers in nonleading trades who are transferred to leading
trades have the right to receive the lb% increase after completing
one year in the leading trade.
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For workers who worked formerly on sectors listed above and
who returned to those sectors the length of service for the purpose
of receiving percentage increases and longevity increases is not
Increases for work in remote localities which workers retain
in the amount received as of 1 October 1942 must be paid irrespective
of the percentage increases for longevity.
Workers who work in localities of the Far North and localities
equivalent to them -- on the sector Pivan -Sovetskaya Gavan'
and Perevalinaya-Urgal on the Far Eastern Road, and in Kandalakshskiy
Rayon, "on the Kirov Road -- and who receive longevity increases on
the basis of contracts which they have concluded, do not have
the right to receive the 10% increase.
Workers transferred from railroad sectors with severe climatic
or natural conditions to railroad sectors which do not give the
right to receive advantages and benefits, lose the right to receive
those benefits.
Percentage Increases for Persons Working in Areas of the Far North
or in Localities Equivalent to them
Workers and employees working in areas of the Far North
have been paid since 1 August 1945-- or those who arrived after
1 August 1045 since the day of arrival -- a 10% increase after
the expiration of each 6 months of work, which increase is added
onto the workers' basic job salary or tariff rate.
Workers and employees working in localities equivalent to the
Far North are paid a 10% increase for each year of work in that
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These increases are paid to workers irrespective of the
payment of percentage increases established by special decrees and
orders of the government (for longevity in individual ministries
and departments).
When the salaries (tariff rates) rise or fall there is a
corresponding change in the amount of the increases paid.
Example. A worker who has worked in areas in the Far North
for 1.5 years and who receives a salary of 850 rubles is paid an
increase of 30%0 or 255 rubles. When the salary that the worker
is receiving is raised to 1,000 rubles, there is a corresponding
rise in the amount of the increase to 300 rubles0 which is paid
to the worker from the moment he is paid the new salary.
The total amount of the percentage increases and the sum
of the increases received for work in remote localities (including
reas of the Far North) until 1 October 1942 and paid to workers
at the present time cannot exceed 100% of the job salary or
tariff rate.
Percentage wage increases are paid to workers as long as
they continu to work in areas of the Far North or localities
equivalent to them.
? If workers who retain the length of service giving the right
te receive percentage increases are transferred from areas of the
Far North to localities equivalent to areas of the Far North,
percentage increases are computed with the observance of the
following rules:
(a) in the event that they transfer from areas of the Far
North to localities equivalent to them, the amount of the received
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increase (expressed in percentage) is recomputed on the basis of
computing one 10% increase for each year worked in areas of the
Far North; the subsequent calculation of increases is made in
amounts established for localities equivalent to areas of the
Far North;
(b) in the event they transfer to areas of the Far North
from localities equivalent to areas of the Far North, the sum of
the already-received percentage increases is retained in the
former amount; the subsequent calculation of increases is made
by computing one 10% increase for each 6 months of work in areas
of the Far North.
Percentage increases are given to the following workers of
state, cooperative, and public organizations, institutions and
enterprises located in areas of the Far North and localities
equivalent to them.
(1) Workers transferred by order of higher organs, even
though the transfer is at the personal request of the workers,
and also to workers sent or invited to work for the first time,
including those sent in line with organized recruiting.
(2) Workers sent or transferred by Soviet organizations,
as well as party, trade-union, or Komsomol organizations.
(3) Workers sent in an established procedure to work after
graduation from higher or special middle educational institutions,
academies and labor-reserve schools, FZU (fabrichno-zavodskoye
uchenichestvo -- factory-plant students) schools, and courses,
including persons who have graduated from educational institutions
located in areas of the Far North and in localities equivalent to them,
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provided those persons arrived at the educational institutions
from other. localities (not included in the areas of the Far
North or localities equivalent to them) or are members of the
families of workers listed in paragraphs 1, 2 4, 50 or 6.
(4) Workers who were sent prior to 1 October, 1942, but
who did not receive benefits, on the basis of the Decree of the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, dated 3 October 1942 con-
cerning.the revocation of benefits, and also those sent to work
after 1 October 1942.
(5) Those who work in areas of the Far North and in
localities equivalent to them and who received benefits on the
basis of legislature previously in effect.
(6) Former servicemen transferred to the reserve or
discharges from the Soviet Army, Navy, or troops, organs, or
police force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs USSR, and who
stayed behind to work in areas of the Far North or localities
equivalent to them.
The percentage increases are established an paid to workers
listed in paragraphs 1, 2 3, 4, 5, and 60 provided the place
of former permanent residence (before arriving at work) was no
less than 1,000 km by rail or 500 km by other means of transportation
from the place of work; in order to receive percentage increases
(and to receive other benefits) it is necessary for the workers
to conillude work contracts for a 'period of no less than 3 years.
The percentage increase in regions of the Far North and
localities equivalent to them is not paid to:
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(1) workers sent to work to areas of the Far North or localities
equivalent to them for periods less than 3 years;
(2) workers hired locally (with the exception of workers
listed above in paragraphs 39 50 and 6, and members of families
of workers who moved to the areas of the Far North and who have
the right to receive benefits; family members include husband,
wife, children, and parents;
(3) persons disenfranchised by court order, and persons who
were sent out by administrative procedure or by sentence of the
(4) persons working on loan for work done on loan.
Areas of the Far North include:
(a) all the islands in the Arctic Ocean and seas adjacent
to it; Bering and Okhotsk seas;
? *0 ? ?
(b) Murmansk Oblast', with the .exception of ,Kaiidalakshskiy Rayon;
. ? . ? t ,
(c) Chukot and Koryak national okragsr.kamchatka and .Sakhalin. .
??? ...:0 ' ? ???' - :?.-?:? ? i', c..u...,--:. ? - .
_._. ?
oblast's; Ayano-Mayskiy, Tuguro-Chumikanskiy and Okhootekiy rayons
. .
in Nizhne-Amurskaya Oblast', and Sredne-Kanskiy, 01'ski7, and
Severo-Evenskiy rayons in Khabarovsk Kray.%'.-
Localities equivalent to areas of the Far North' include:
o? ? ? a " ."
, .
Arkhangel'sk Oblast Nenets National bkrug0?Mezenskiy and
Leshukonskiy rayont?
Murmansk Oblast' Kandalakshskiy Rayon
Khabarovsk Kray Verkhne-Bureinskiy and Selipmdzhinskiy
rayons in Amur Oblast'; Nizhne-Amurskiy
Rayon, Rayon imeni Polina Osipenko, and
Takhtinskiy and Ul chskiy Rayons in
Nizhne-Amurskaya Oblast'
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Primorskiy Kray
Yakut ASSR
Irkutsk Oblast'
-Krasnoyar Kray
rnen'? Oblast'
Tomsk Oblast
Chita Obl?'
? ??
?? . : ?
? :.,..
4 ? t
? ?
0 ? ?
If -
0 00
.6 ?
0 0
Terneyskiy Rayon, city of Sovetskaya Cavan'
with rural locality annexed to it, and
the area near bays 01'ga and Vladimir,
Tetyukhinskiy Rayon
in entirety
Katangskiy, Bodaybinskiy, Kirenskiy,
Kazachinskiy-Lenskiy, Ust'-Kutskiy,
Nizhne-Ilimskiy, and Bratskiy rayons
Taymyr and Evenkl national okrugs;
Severo-Yeniseyskiy, Udereyskiy, Boguchanskiy,
Yen iseyskiy, Kezhemskiy, Yartsevskiy, and
Turukhanskiy rayons; city of Igarka
Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets national
Aleksandrovskiy, Bakcharskiy, Vasyuganskiy,
Kargasokskly, Kolpashevskiy, Krivosheinskiy,
Molchanovskiy, Parabel'skiy, Pudinskiy,
Tymskiy, Chainskiy, Parbigskiy, and
Verkhne-Ketskiy rayons
Izhemskiy, Kozhvinskiy, Ust'-Usinskiy,
Ust -Tsilemskiy, Troitsko-Pechorskiy
rayons, city of Vorkuta
Nyukzhinskiy, Zeysko-Uchurskiy, Kalarskiy,
Dzheltulakskiy, Zeyskiy, Tungiro-
Olekainskiy, and Tungokochenskiy rayons
Bauntovskiy and Severo-Baykallskiy
0 O.:
e? .
0 00
? ? 0.
- 71 -
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The job salaries for administrative, engineer-technical
workers, and employees of construction organizations of the
Ministry of Railroads are given in the typical tables of organi-
zation which have been in effect since July 1952.
Job salftries for workers in construction sectors are given
in Table 13; for independent work-superintendent points in Table
14; and for construction-and-installation trains, in Table 15.
Construction sectors, independent work-superintendent points,
and mobile shops (construction-and-installation trains, etc) are
assigned to categories in accordance with the yearly work volume
of the construction organization, by order of the Minister of
Railroads or his deputy.
In order to determine the category to which a construction
organization belongs, the yearly work volume includes the cost
of construction and repair operations according to general contract
(without the cost of equipment, planning operations, or the output
of production and subsidiary enterprises), which are carried out
by the own facilities of the particular organization (construction
sector, independent work-superintendent point, construction-and-
installation train, etc).
Specific tables of organization for each construction organi-
zation are approved within the limits of typical tables of organi-
zation every year by the chief of the next h gher organization
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(trust office0 administration), taking into consideration the
established labor plan and the planned limits for overhead and business
administration expenses.
In addition to jobs on the typical table of.organization, on ,
'construction sectors, at independent work-superintendent points0:
and in other conStruction organizations., the chiefs of' the construction
administration, trust, or office can0 within.the 'limits of' the labor
plan approved for them, establish additional jobs indicated in
Tables 16 and 170, with the obligatory observance of theprocedure
and conditions shown An the table and without exceeding-the limits..
of the established job salaries..
(salaries in rubles)
Categories according to yearly work volume
according to plan, in millions of rubles
Name of structural subdivisions Noncategory Category I
and jobs
more than 12
Job salaries
(per month)
from 9 to 12
Job salaries
(per month)
Category II
from 6 to 9
Job salaries
(per month)
Sector chief
Chief engineer
Assistant sector chief
Chief mechanic
Technician for mechanization
Inspector for dadres
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Production-Technical Department
Department chief
Senior engineer
Planning Department
Department chief
' WO
880-1 000
Bookkeeping Department
Chief bookkeeper
Deputy chief bookkeeper
Senior bookkeeper
Supply Department
Department chief
Commodity specialist
Warehouse mamager
Notes. 1. The yearly work volume Of Category-II construction
sectors within the system of road construction-and-installation trusts
and offices is established at 5 to 9 million rubles.
2. If a Category-II construction sector has a yearly work volume
of more than 75 million rubles, or a sector within the system of road
construction-and-installation tr tts and offices has a yearly work
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volume of more than 6.5 million rubles, the sector's table of
organization also includes an agent-expeditor in the supply department,
with a salary of 4504a550 rubles a month.
3. If a Category-I construction sector has a yearly work
volume of more than 10.5 million rubles, the sector's table of
organization also includes a technician for mechanization, with a
salary of 600-790 rubles a month.
4. If a noncategory construction sector has a yearly work
volume of more than 15 million rubles, the sector's table of
organization also includes a bookkeeper with a salary of 500-600
rubles a month and an agent-expeditor in the supply department,
with a salary of 450-550 rubles a month, and with a yearly work
volume of more than 18 million rubles, in addition an engineer in
the production-technical department, with a salary of 880-1,000
rubles a month.
(salaries in rubles)
Categories according to yearly work volume
according to plan, in millions of rubles
Category I Category II
? from 4 to 6 from 2 to 3
Job salaries Job salaries
(per month) (per month)
[2]?? [3]
1,500-1,700 1,400-1,600
790-980 790-980
Name of job
Point chief
Senior engineer
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Chief (senior) bookkeeper
1 100-1 200
Inspector for cadres
Supply chief
Notes. 1. Independent work-Superintendent points are organized
in direct subordination to the construction administration (trust,
2. Independent work superintendent points, Category Ii, are
organized only within the system of road construction-and-instal-
lation trusts and offices.
3. The yearly work volume for independent work-superintendent
points, Category I, within the system of road construction-and-
installation trusts and offices is established at 3 to 5 million
4. If an independent work superintendent point has a yearly
work volume of more than 5 million rubles (or within the system
of road construction-and-installation trusts and offices more
than 4 million rubles), the point's table of organization also
includes a technician with a salary of 600-790 rubles a month.
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(salaries in rubles)
Name of structural sub-
divisions and jobs
Categories of repair-and-restoration trains
according to the yearly work volume according
to plan, in millions of rubles
more than 9
Job salaries
(per month)
Category I
from 6 to 9
Job salaries
(per month)
Category II
from 4 to 6
Job salaries
(per month)
Train chief
Chief engineer
Assistant train chief
Chief mechanic
Technician for mechanization
Inspector for cadres
Production-Technical Department
1,500 1 700
We Ow
Ale *IA
Department chief
Senior engineer
Planning Department
1 400
880 1,000
10100-1 200
Department chief
Bookkeeping Department
Chief (senior) bookkeeper
Deputy chief. bookkeeper
MOP 0111.
Senior bookkeeper
? 640-790
? Bookkeeper
Supply Department
Dewatment chief
1,000 1,100
ON 41.
Warehouse manager
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Notes. 1. If a Category-II train has a yearly work volume
of more than 5 million rubles, the table of organization also
includes a bookkeeper with a salary of 640-790 rubles a month.
2. If a Category-I train has a yearly work volume of
more than 7.5 million rubles, the table of organization also
includes a technician for mechanization, with a salary of 600-
790 rubles a month, and an agent-expeditor in the supply department,
with a salary of 450-550 rubles a month.
3. If a noncategory train has a yearly work volume of
more than 11 million rubles, the train's table of organization
also includes a technician in the production-technical department,
with a salary of 600-790 rubles a month, and if the yearly work
volume is more than 13 million rubles, in addition, an engineer
in the production-technical department, with a salary of 880-1,000
rubles a month, and a bookkeeper with a salary of 500-600 rubles
a month.
(salaries in rubles)
Name of job
Job salary
(per month)
Procedure of establishing the job
2=22t2= 2 C C2 2' 0 CD 2: C=422, 0
410-425 Job is established on construction sectors,
at independent work-superintendent points,
on trains of all types, and mechanized
columns, within the limits of the person-
nel allowance determined on the basis of
typical tables of organizations for the
corresponding organization.
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Name of job
Job salary
(per month)
Procedure of establishing the job
Job is established in construction
sectors, Category -i independent work-
superintendent points and construction-
and-installation trains on the basis
of one for each nonindependent work-
superintendent point having a yearly
work volume of no less than 2.5 mil-
lion rubles.
Clerk-typist 410-500 Job is established on construction
sectors, at independent work-superintendent
points, and on construction-and-instal-
lation trains on the basis of one clerk-
typist per construction organization.
Messenger-charwomnp 260-310 Job is established on construction sectors
and noncategory and Category-1 construction-
and-installation trains on the basis of
one messenger-charwoman per construction
Driver See Section Job is established on construction
11, 2,
paragraph t sectors, at independent work-super-
intendant points, on trains of all
types and mechanized columns that
have a passenger automobile registered
at the motor inspectorate, within the
limits of the personnel allowance
determined on the basis of typical
tables of organization for the cor-
responding organization (not more than
one driver per organization).
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(salaries in rubles
Name of job
Senior work superintendent on construction
sectors, other than road construction-and-
installation trusts and offices
Chief of column, work superintendent in
construction-and-installation trains
Work superintendent in construction sectors
of construction organizations of the
ministry, other than road construction-
and-installation trusts and offices
Work superintendent in independent work-
superintendent points
Construction foreman and subsidiary-
production fore
Job salaries
(per month)
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
Technician (norm-fixer, laboratory assistant)
Note. The jiab of chief of column is established only
on construction-and-installation trains.
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In the event there is a change in the work volume of a
construction organization, the Ministry of Railroads is obliged
within one month to transfer it to a category corresponding to
the new work volume and to convert the tables of organization
and salaries in conformity with the new category.
However if a construction sector or other construction
organization is transferred to .a lower category, the workers in
that sector who continue to work in the same job retain for a period
up to one year the job salaries previously established for them.
example. The yearly work volume for a construction sector
was fixed at the sum of 13 million rubles, as a result of which
the sector was considered a noncategory one, and salaries in
the amount of 2,400 rubles each were approved for the sector
chief and the chief engineer; corresponding salaries were establish-
ed for the other workers.
In June, a project with a cost of 2.5 million rubles was
removed from the sector's work plan and the yearly work volume
dropped correspondingly, to 10..5 million rubles. In connection
with this the Ministry Of Railroads is obliged to transfer the
construction sector from noncategory organizations to Category
to reexamine the table of organization, and to establish for
the workers job salaries which are generally accepted for Category-1
construction workers.
For inspectors, engineers, bookkeepers, and other workers,
change in the category to which construction organizations belong
,does not make it necessary to change the job salaries, since they
are identical for all categories; the salaries of sector chiefs,
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chief engineers, department chiefs, and others are cut when there is
a change in the category to which the seCtor belongs, for example:
for a sector chief or chief engineer the maximum salary can be no
more than 2,200 rubles (instead of 2,400 rubles). Throughout
the year, provided they continue to work in the same aobs, these
workers keep the same job salaries (which were established for
them at the beginning of the year).
Tables of organization and job salaries for workers in
construction organizations of the MPS and their subsidiary organi-
zations to which typical tables of organization do not extend are
established and approved on an individual basis by the Minister
of Railroads or the chiefs of the main administrations of the
MPS (within the limits of the rights granted to them).
Longevity Increase for Workers in Construction Organizations
Administrative and engineer-technical workers who are given
the personal ranks of medium senior, and higher administrative
personnel of railroad transport enjoy the right to receive longevity
increases within the limits and under the conditions indicated in
Section VI.
Pa ing Bonuses to. Administrative and Engineer-Technlcal Workers
for Fulfillment of the Consttuction-and-Installation'Plan
? Administrative and engineer-technical workers of work projects,
construction, and construction-and-installation organizations are
paid bonuses for the fulfillment of the monthly construction-and-
installation plan provided the plan for activiating construction
projects or the work schedule for construction projects whose
activation is envisaged by the yearly plan, is also fulfilled.
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Another obligatory condition for the payment of the bonus
is the fulfillment of the assignment to reduce the cost of construction-
and installation operations and the observance of all the requirements
concerning the quality of construction-and-installation operations.
Workers of trusts, construction-and-installation sectors,
and construction-and-installation trains are paid bonuses on the
basis of the work indexes of the trust, sector, or train as a
whole, and workers at work-superintendent points, on the basis of
the work indexes at the particular point.
Workers of sectors, construction-and-installation trains and
work-superintendent points for which no assignment for estimated
cost or the reduction of the cost of operations have been established,
are paid bonuses for the fulfillment of the monthly construction-and-
installation plan, provided the crrespondigg qualitative indexes
(expenditure of working time, expenditure of materials, etc) are
fulfilled and all requirements concerning the quality of construction-
and-installation operations are observed.
Workers of supply offices and transport offices, and of
subsidiary-auxiliary enterprises carried on the balance. sheet of
the work-projects, or construction and construction-and-installation
organizations, are paid bonuses on the basis of the work indexes
? of their own offices and enterprises (fulfillment of the plan for
supply, production, and net cost), provided the monthly construction-
and-instillation plan is fulfilled by the organizations or work
projects of which they are part.
The amount of bonus paid to workers of construction and
construCtion and-installation organizations of the Ministry of
R ilroads is shown in Table 18.
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Percentage of bonus in
Name of job percentage to monthly salary
1. Chiefs, chief engineers, and chief
mechanics of construction-and-instal-
lation trust
2. Chiefs, chief engineers, and mechanics
of construction-and-installation
sectors, senior work superintendents
(sector chiefs), work superintendents,
and foreman
3. Deputy and assistant chiefs and deputy
chief engineers of construction-and-
installation trusts, chiefs of pro-
duction-technical departments, planning
departments, labor and wage sectors
(departments) and chief bookkeepers
of construction-and-installation trusts
Deputy chiefs of production-technical
and planning departments1 labor and
wage sectors (departments), chiefs
of other departments, of supply offices,
transportation offices of construction
Group 1
Up to
Up to
Up to
Group 11 Group III
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
and-installation trusts, chief (senior)
?bookkeepers of construction-and-instal-
? lation sectors, engineer/norm-fixers,
Up to Up to Up to
norm-fixers 26.25 18.75 15.0
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Note. Sectors, installation trains, and work-superintendent
points for the construction of signaling, interlocking, and block
system equipment and communications lines, which have a yearly work
volume of more than 3 million rubles are put in Group 1; from 1.5
to 3 million rubles, Group II; and less than 1.5 million rubles,
Group III.
Other engineer-technical workers and employees not listed
above who actively contributed to the fulfillment of the monthly
construction-and-installation plan are paid bonuses at the
discretion of the chief of the construction-and-installation
trust or capital-construction departments of roads (for con-
struction organizations subordinate to the roads). No more than
25% of the total bonus paid to workers listed in Table 18 can be
expended to pay bonuses to this group of workers.
The bonuses paid to this group of workers must not exceed
the amount of bonuses envisaged for workers listed in paragraph 4,
Table 18.
The amount of the bonus paid to each worker is. approved
by the chief of the economic unit, and the bonus paid to chiefs,
chief engineers, chief mechanics,, chief bookkeepers, and chiefs
? of planning departments, by the chief of the next-higher organization.
The amount of bonus paid to one worker per month Must not
be more than 1.12 times the Job salary of the worker receiving the
bonus, not counting the bonuses in connection with the All-Union
Socialist Competition or bonuses for activating construction projects.
The minister, his deputy, the chief of the Main Administration
of Signaling and Communications and chiefs of construction organizations
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have the right to deprive of the bonus, partially or completely,
individual workers for poor quality of work,. nonfulfillment of the
labor-productivity plan, or other derelictions in work. ,Their
action must be formalized by an appropriate order.
The justification for computing bonuses for the fulfillment
of the monthly plan for construction-and-installation operations
is ?the information in the bookkeeping reports concerning the
volume o4 the construction-and installation operations fulfilled,
the actual cost of construction, and the fulfillment of the plan
for activating construction projects, or the schedule for carrying
out operations at construction projects whose activation is envisaged
by the yearly plan.
If the monthly plan is fulfilled and all the stipulations
mentioned above are observed, the bonus is paid to wore rb for the
first and second months of the quarter in the amount of 5A of the
sum coming to them, and the remaining 50%, together with e bonus
for the third month, is paid upon the completion of the 04water,
provided the plan for construction-and-installation durinw the
quarter is fulfilled as a whole and all the requirements conoerning
quality, the activation plan9 etc during the report period aro
Workers at work-superintendent points and other line,
construction, and construction-and-installation economic units
which do not have any established assignments for estimated cost
and the lowering of the cost of operations are paid bonuses for
the fulfillment of the monthly plan of construction and-instal-
lation operations provided the appropriate indexes (expenditure
of working time, expenditure of materials etc) are fulfilled
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and all requirements concerning the quality of construction-and-
installation operations are observed in full measure.
The bonuses are paid within, the limits of the wage fund
and are included in construction overhead expenses (for sub-
sidiary-auxiliary enterprises in net cost of production) charged
to a reduction of planned accumulations,
3.Pminkyonuses nla%
Admirative and Engineer-Technical Workers
of Corlstrutl.,n-Azd-nsIallatitm Organizations for Fulfilling on or
1....W.40 MOSIM010.0.00.1/0.
d oi J;chedule the Plan fw Activating. Very Important Construction
11????.1 1,0
Projects Envisaged by.lilLtialpual Economic Plan
A bonus for activating or schedule the very important con-
struction projects envisaged by national economic plan for the
construction of signaling and comaunications equipment has been
established in the amount of 1.2% ,3r the estimated cost of the
construction-and-installation operati,ons for the construction
projects which have been activated aud is paid provided the
)0timated cost of construction and al. the requirements concerning
e quality of the operations are observed.
\.td of schedule the amount of the bonus is increased by 15% for
activation one complete month ahead of schadule; by 20% for each
tete month if it is activated 2 monthv ahead of schedule;
If a very important construction project is activated
and Py 25% for each complete
i. first month)
\'if i im activated 3 months or more ahead c',, schedule.
The month in which the construction projects are activated
wAth4 the limits of quarter envisaged by the mational economic
plav :15 established by order of the mintster.
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(131.....mnio ~Noma
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In the event of change in the deadlines for activating very
important construction projects envisaged by the national economic
plan, the bonus for activating these projects is paid in each
individual instance with the authorization of the Council of
!Misters USSR on the recommendation of the Minister of Railroads.
The total amount of bonus paid for activating construction
projects on or ahead of schedule? when the operations are carried
out on a contract basis, is distributed between the client (15%)
and the construction organization (80-85%).
If the construction-and-installation operations have been
fulfilled with the participation of subcontractors or several
construction organizations, the bonus is distributed among them
in proportion to the cost of the volume of construction-and-
installation operations carried out by each organization.
Up to 15% of the total bonus paid for the activation of
very important construction projects on or ahead of schedule is
expended to pay bonuses to craw chiefs and workers who have
especially distinguished themselves in operations to activate
projects nearing completion.
The amount of the bonus established for each worker cannot
exceed 75% of the monthly wage rate of the worker receiving the
When construction is comp;eted with, the use of the organi-
? zation's own facilities, the bonus for activating projects on or
,ahead of schedule is distributed between the client and the
organization that has fulfilled the construction on instructions
? of the Ministry of Railroads.
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Up to 5% of the total amount of bonus paid for the activation
of projects nearing completion can be paid as bonuses to workers
of the Main Administration of Signaling and Communications,
Ministry of Railroads, who have successfully contributed to the
? construction and preterm activation of projects nearing completion.
These workers are paid bonuses every quarter in the amount of
no more than 75% of the monthly salary of the worker receiving
the bonus, provided all the projects envisaged by the plan are
activated on schedule.
The justification for the paying of bonuses is a document
of a governmental or departmental commission for the acceptance
of projects whose construction has been completed; the date that
the commission signs the particular acceptance-delivery document
is considered the date of activation.
Bonuses for activating very important construction projects
on or ahead of schedule are approved no later than one month after
the handing over of the projects; bonuses are paid in excess of
the wage funds within limits of an approved general construction
estimate, and sums of the bonus paid out are not included in the
volume of completed construction-and-installation operations.
Bonuses for individual workers are approved as follows:
for chiefs, their deputies, chief engineers of construction-
and instal*tion trusts -- by the Minister of Railroads or his
for chief bookkeepers and chiefs of ,planning (technical plan-
ning and production planning) departments -- by the director of the
appropriate organization;
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for all other workers -- by directors of the appropriate
construction or construction-and-installation organization or
The amounts of bonus ,cannot exceed those shown in table 19.
For production derelictions in work, individual workers
can be deprived of the bonus completely or partially by the persons
approving the payment of bonuses, with the obligatory indication
of the reasons for the deprivation of bonus.
Example. The 1954 plan envisaged the construction and
activation of an above-limit project
all-relay route interlocking
at a station, in the amount of 108 switches with a general-estimate
cost of 5,060,000 rubles, including 3,130,000 rubles for construction-
and-installation operations.
The deadline for activation, according to orders of the
MPS is December 1954; the particular project was activated 30
December l954, with the STsB and communications operations being
rated as excellent and the operations for the construction of the
indoor building being rated as good. The total cost of operations
was 125,000 less than the estimated cost.
The work was completed by a construction sector of Trans-
signalsvyaz'stroy [Trest po stroitel'stvu signalizatsii i svyazi
na zheleznodorozhnom transport?
Trust for Signaling-and-Com-
munications Construction in Railroad Transport] in the amount of
2 395,000 rubles; the Fourth Construction sector of. USVR [Upravleniye
stroitel no-vosstanovitel'nykh rabot -- Administration of Construction
and Reconstruction Operations] of the road, in the amount of 530,000
rubles; and subcontractors signaling and communications division,
in the amount of 87,000 rubles; and track division, in the amount
Of 118,000 rubles.
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Name of job
Chiefs, chief engineers, and chief mechanics
of construction, construction-and-instal-
lation, and specialized trusts, administrations,
and all-union offices
Chiefs, chief engineers, chief mechanics,
engineers, and mechanics, engineers and
mechanics of construction, construction-
and-installation, and specialized offices
and sectors, independent work-superintendent
points, senior work superintendents (sector
chiefs), superintendents (trick chiefs),
and foremen
Deputies and assistants of chiefs, chief
engineers, and chief mechanics; chiefs
and chief engineers of capital-construction
departments chiefs of planning, production,
technical, production-control, personnel,
and labor-and-wage departments;? chief book-
keepers of construction, construction-and-
installation, and specialized trusts admini-
strations, all-union offices, and projects
All other categories of engineer-technical
workers and employees of trusts,
administrations, projects, and offices
With total amount of bonus
(in thousands of rub1e0
More than From 150 Up to
250 to 250 150
Up to Up to 2.25 Up to
3 months' months' 3 months'
salary salary salary
Up to Up to 1.5 Up to 1.12
2.25 months' months' months'
salary salary salary-
Up to 1.5 Up to 1.12 Up to 75I%
months' months' of a month's
salary, salary salary
up to 75% of a month' salary,
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The total bonus coming to the client and the workers of the
construction organizations will be 1.2% of 3,130 000 rubles, or
37,600 rubles.
Of this sum 15%, or 5,600 rubles is paid as bonuses to road
workers, and the remaining sum -- 32,000 rubles -- as bonuses to
construction workers including: workers in the construction
sector of Transsignalsvyaz'stroy, 1.2% of 2,395,000 rubles,
or 28,740 rubles, and 85% of that sum will be 24,400 rubles.
By the same computation 5,400 rubles will be paid to workers
in the construction sector of USVR.
The bonus paid to workers in the signaling and communi-
cations division in proportion to the volume of work completed --
870000 rubles -- comes to 900 rubles and that paid to workers in
the track division, 1,200 rubles.
Workers in construction are paid according to a seven-grade
tariff scale with different .rates for construction workers and for
metalworkers in construction; for each of these scales, rates have
been established for pieceworkers and for those paid a flat rate.
Table 20 lists the tariff scales and rates used in localities
included in Zone 10 (with a correction factor of 0.974).
For excavators the tariff rate has been set outside the
tariff grades and is 15.05 rubles for Zone 10.
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Category of workers
Construction workers,
Metalworkers in eon-
struction, piecework
Construction workers,
flat rate
Metalworkers in eon-
struct ion, flat rate
Tariff factors,
daily rates in
Daily rates
Dany rates
Daily rates
Daily rates
The territory of the Soviet Union is divided into 12 zones,
each of which has a corresponding correction factor which is used
to reco pute the tariff rates for use in construction in localities
included in the particular zone.
The list of territorial zones and localities included in a
particular zone, the correction factors, and the method of recomput-
ing the rates for each zone are printed in the collection of norms
and piecework rates for construction-and-installation operations.
Hourly rates for determining piecework rates (rounded .off
to the nearest _0,1 kopek) are established by dividing the daily rates
by 8 (for workers who have a shorter work day on account of hazardous
duty, by 7 or 6 as applicable).
Trades and specialties of workers whose labor must be paid
for according to the computation rates of construction workers or
metalworkers in construction are indicated right in the paragraphs
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of the norm and piecework-rate collections by the letters II" and
"S" in front of the table of organization of the crew or stands
for metalworkers in construction and "S" stands for construction
workers (stroitell).
The wage rates for workers paid flat rates are established
in conformity with the tariff grades given to them, taking into
consideration the specifications given in the job-description
referende books.
When taking a test to obtain a particular grade a worker
must carry out no fewer than 3 different types of operations
stipulated by the corresponding job description and must fulfill
the established individual-output norm with good quality of
The test is given by a special commission appointed by
the chief of construction and is formalized by a document. In
the event the worker does not agree with the findings of the
commission he can appeal to the local trade-union committee.
Tariff grades are also established for construction
workers paid piecework rates, but they are paid on the basis of
piecework rates, computed by calculating the rates corresponding to
the tariff rate of the operations fulfilled by them.
In the construction of signaling interlocking, and block-
system installations, use is made of departmental individual-output
norms and piecework rates for the construction and installation
of signaling, interlocking, and block-system equipment which are
published by the S.
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These norms and piecework rates which have been established
for individual elements of the work' can also be used partially
during capital-repair operations.
Uniform individual-output norms and piecework rates must
be used in the construction, modernization, and repair of over-
head communications lines.
With the piecework system of payment, uniform norms established
for the operations must be used in operations to construct and
install dial and local telephone and telegraph stations, long-
distance-communication and other equipment.
With the use of the piecework system of payment in transpOrt
operations, operations to install crosscuts [proseka], and ex-
cavation and other operations which are not mentioned incthe
above-mentioned collections, it is also necessary to be guided
by the appropriate issues or sections of collections of individual
output and piecework norms.
With the practical use of norms and piecework rates it is
necessary to be guided by instructions located in the general part
of the appropriate collections of uniform individual-output and
piecework norms;
The carrying out of operations by workers in categories
other than those shown in appropriate paragraphs of the norms and
- ?
piecework rates, or changes in the makeup of the crew or fulfillment,
of the individual'operation for which the crew was intended can-
not serve as justification for any recomputation of the norms
and piecework rates.
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The work fulfilled must satisfy the technical requirements and
the rules for carrying out and accepting the appropriate kind of
Defective output which is the fault of the worker%must be
corrected by him or done over without any additional payment,
The principal system of payment in construction is straight
A variety of the piecework system is the group bonus
system, which is used in cases when the crew is given individual
small-scale structures, design elements, or individual work
sectors for fulfillment.
The handing over of operations on the basis of the group
bonus system is done by the work superintendent, who must provide
the crew with the necessary materials, tools, and anything else
required to carry out the assigned work. Workers cannot be
reassigned from operations being fulfilled in accordance with
the group bonus system.
The cost of the operations being carried out and the amoUnt
of working time necessary to carry then out must be computed on
the basis of-Yedinyye nanny vyrabotki i rastsenok; the number
and table of organization of workers in the crew are also determined
according to the individual-output norms.
Operations handed over to the crew as a group are listed in
I work Order that is issued to the crew. .The work order. also
contains an indication of the place, a detailed list of.the.operations
with their volume, their category, .time and individual-putput. norms,
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piecework rates per unit, and cost of the entire operation; table
of organization of the crew, deadlines for beginning and ending
the work.
If the work is completed ahead of schedule, or is completed
on schedule but with a smaller number of workers for the resultant
overfultillment of the individual-output norms the crew is paid,
over and above the cost of the operations according to the work
order, additional payment for the entire overfulfilled part of
the norm above 100%, starting With the first percentage of overfulfillment.
The amount of additional payment in percentages is shown
in Table 21-.
Name of operations
If the individual-output norms are
overfulfilled in excess of 100%, the
payment for the overfulfilled part
is made at
1 1/2 rates
double rates triple rates
Basic construction-and-
installation Up to 10 From 10 to 20 More than 20
? Auxiliary operations having
norms established according
to all-union norms and
piecework rates
Up to 15 From 15 to 30 More than 30
Auxiliary operations having
norms established according
to unified local or production
norms and piecework rates Up to 20
From 20 to 40 More than 40
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The amount (percentage) of additional payment paid to the
crew (in addition to the earnings according to the piecework
order) for overfulfillment of the individual-output norms is
determined according to the following formula:
D = #
where D = percentage of additional payment due;
a = percentage of overfulfillment of individual-output norms;
A = total percentage of fulfillment of individual-output
norms according to the work order;
B = percentage of increase in piecework rates according to
the established scale (with 1 1/2 rates, 50; with double rates,
100; and triple rates, 200).
Example. A crew has fulfilled the individual-output norm
by 130% (for auxiliary operations). In this instance the percentage
of additional payment added onto the earnings will be
30 x 100
= 23.1%.
The bonus is paid only for accepted first-quality work;
defective work caused by the workers is not paid for and the
time expended to correct work or to repeat it is not excluded
from the time actually expended by the crew.
The bonus is distributed among the workers of the crew
in the same way as the basic earnings, in proportion to the
time actually worked by each member of the crew and his tariff
The progressive piecework system of paying for labor is
used in basic construction-and-installation operations, the list
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of which is approved by the chief of the construction administration,
? trust, or road construction office on the recommendation of chiefs
of construction sectors, construction-and-installation trains, and
independent work-superintendent points which are directly sub-
ordinate to construction administrations, trusts, and road
This system can be used only for those operations which have
norms established according to uniform all-union norms departmental
norms approved by the ministry, or unified local norms.
When using the progressive piecework system it is necessary
to guarantee an accurate accounting of the volume of operations
fulfill'ed and the actual time worked, included overtime work.
The work orders must be issued to the crew chief before
the work begins and they must contain a statement concerning
payment according to the progressive piecework system.
When the progressive piecework system of payment is used,
the operations fulfilled within the limits of the monthly norm
are paid for according to piecework rates in effect, but for
the entire overfulfilled part of the norm, payment is made accord-
ing to progressively increasing rates in the same amounts as
with the group bonus system, and the settlement is made according
to the same formula. ?
? Example. During the month the crew has fulfilled operations
on 6 work orders for basic construction-and-installation operations
which are to be paid for according to the progressive ? piecework
system; the total sum of the piecework earnings on the work orders
was 3,460 rubles; the expenditure of time according to norms was
fixed in the amount of 1,380 man-hours.
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The crew fulfilling these operations actually expended
10060 man-hours during th month, achieving an individual-output
norm of
1,060 x 100 = 135.3%,
that is, the norm was overfulfilled by 35.3%.
According to the progressive piecework system the over-
fulfilled part of the norm must be paid for according to tripled
piecework rates, and the total percentage of additional payment
for these 6 work orders will be
35.3 x 200
Consequently, the total amount of payment in addition
to the piecework earnings on the work orders will be
3,460 x 52.2
1 1806 . 12 rubles,
and the crows total earnings will be
3,460 rubles + 1,806.12 rubles = 5,266.12 rubles.
If there is any defective work caused by the workers, th
work is not paid for but the time expended to fulfill the defective
work is not deducted from the Compution of the time actually worked.
. Paying Workers Servicing Construction Machinery
Workers servicing construction machinery are paid according
to individual-output norms and piecework rates listed in the
appropriate collections of norms.
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The piecework rates were computed on the basis of tariff
rates for workers operating those kinds of machinery.
The tariff grades established for these workers (according to
the scale for metal workers in construction) are the following:
Excavator operator VI, VII
Assistant excavator operator VI
Conveyor-belt operator IV, Vp VI
Crane operator VI, VII
Assistant crane operator V
Greaser-fitter rir
Engine operator IV, V, VI, V
Tractor operator S VI, VII
Operator of freight and baggage handling
car (wide-gauge) VII
Operator of railway motor car with lifting
crane VII
Driver of drill-pole setter VII
Drivers of railway motor cars, their assistants, and operators
of mobile electric stations are paid according to tariff grades
in the uniform workers' scale in effect in railroad transport
according to, rates which are generally accepted for the stations
(junctions) where' the construction workers are working.
For each percentage of overfulfillment of the individual-
output norm by the construction machine during the month, machinists,
their assistants, tractor operators, and engine operators receiving
piecework payment and servicing excavators, drill-pole setters,
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ditch-diggers, and other machines are paid a progressive-bonus
additional payment in the amount of 1% of the piecework earnings
(or, in the event of flat-rate payment, in the amount of 0.5-1%
of the monthly salary).
For keeping the machines clean and in a good state of
operation and for preventing idle time because of inoperability
of the machines, a bonus in the amount of 20% of the monthly.
earnings (not counting additional payment according to the pro-
gressive bonus scale) is paid; with flat-rate payment, 15% of
the monthly salary.
The bonus is paid after the authorization of the next-
higher construction organization is received.
1.EmA2g_young Workers
Young workers who have completed FZ0 schools or railroad
academies and who are employed in construction-and-installation
operations must be paid in full amount during the first month
of work for fulfilling norms in the amount of 60%0 and 80% in
the next 3 months. Therefore the individual piecework operations
fulfilled by them must be paid with a consideration of correction
factors to convert the piecework rates and time norms in effect;
for the first month the factor is 1.66, and for the next 3 months
, (alter the first) 1.25.
When young workers are included in a crew alongside o
adults, in the piecework orders issued to the crews the time norms
in effect are increased in proportion to the number of young
workers employed in the crew and in proportion to the amount of
reduction in individual-output norms which is established for them.
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For example, if a crew consists of 3 persons, including one young
worker who is working his first month, the correction factor for
the time norms for the crew as a whole will be 1.22; but if the
crew consists of 5 persons, including 2 young workers working
the first month, the correction factor will be
0-.66 x 2
100 *
= 126%.
When the total amount of piecework earnings according to
the work order is distributed among the crew members for the
fulfilled work, in order to determine the extra earnings of the
crew members the tariff rates of the young workers for the first
month of their work is taken to be 60%, and in the next 3 months,
80% of the rate corresponding the tariff grades assigned to
the young workers.
Example. An installation crew made up of an installation
man, Grade VII, an installation man, Grade VI, and a young worker,
Grade rv (working the first month) received an order to work with
a norm time of 36 hour and cost of 93.60 rubles. Each worker in
the crew is responsible for 12 hours of norm time. Taking into
consideration the correction'factor-of 1.66, we obtain for the
young worker ,a time norm of 12 x 1.66 = 20 hours and the total
time norm for the brigade will be 12 12 20 = 44 hours. The
crew made up of these 3 workers completed the work in 24 hours;
in order:to.distribute.the piecework earnings among the crew
members we determine the total of their tariff rates for the
? . .. ? ? ....
. ? ? ? ? ?
time vorIceei ?(8.houks Wi4n;.Grhde VII,
? :op. ?? o op 00
? ..? o. , ? eo
? ? . ? ? ? .0 0 o? ? *a ? " * 0 a 0 a ? 0, ? ?
. ? * 00 .
? ? 0
Grade yv 614:69 imble.s ti,80.81:)..rultotal .53.88 rubies.
0 ? 0 o* ? ,?
? 0 0
0%* . . ? 00 0 o0 o 0 0:11. ?. * 00? o ? j`V? o *00: tee? 0% ,???.:.??%
the'factor for:the crew s.; barn illgSWil,r1.0 be..0 0.?Co?
? . Co. . ? a 00 03 a a ? u 0
a etp 00 T..0 o 00
. . ? 0.? A.1;.: a a
0 ? ? ? 00?. 00 a
93.60 ru4fes: 53.88, :..
a? -? 0o ? 0
? . oto 0? .00 ?0 ? .. 0o
. oo ? ?
Do ?. o ? 0 c?00?
0 ?
? 00 00 00 a p op?
0 0 0
0 ? o ?
? 103 .
a o .
? 0 ? ? .0; ...
o ? .
: ? % ? . t 0
. ... 0
. ? ? 0
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? a
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Multiplying the tariff total determined for each worker by
this factor, we receive the following piecework earnings for each
member of the crew:
installation man, Grade VII, 24.85 r x 1.74 = 43.20r;
installation man, Grade VI, 20.22 r x 1.74 = 35.10 r;
worker, Grade IV, 8.81 r x 1.74 = 15.30 r.
The final total for the piecework earnings of the young
worker will be 15.30 rubles x 1.66 = 25.40 rubles.
Crew chiefs are paid according to the general work order
according to the grades to which they are assigned and according
to the actual time worked. For managing the crew the crew chiefs
receive, in addition to the piecework earnings, additional payment
in the amount of 20% of the basic piecework earnings, not counting
incentive earnings (when payment is made according to the group
bonus or progressive piecework system). Additional payment for
managing the crew is made provided there are no fewer than 6
persons in a specialized crew or 10 persons in a combined crew.
If the crew, completes the work ahead of ,the deadline
established by the work-order assignment and the quality of the
work ii good, crew leaders are paid an additional bonus:
it the crew fulfills the assignment no less than 10% ahead
of schedule -- 0.7% of the crew's total basic piecework earnings
on the work-order assignment;
if the crew fulfills the assignment no less than 15% ahead
of schedule -- 1.1% of the crew's total basic piecework earnings
on the work-order assignment;
if the crew fulfills the assignment 20% or more ahead of
schedule -- l.5%' of the crew's total basic piecework earnings on
the work-order assignment.
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The bonus is paid provided the crew has not had any defective
Sector chiefs or work superintendents can decrease or completely
cancel the bonus paid to crow chiefs if there is any defective work,
violation of labor discipline, or inefficient utilization of building
In order to keep construction cadres in construction organi-
zations of the Ministry of Railroads it has been authorized to
extend to workers who are in Grade IV and above, and working in
the leading trades, as well as to crew leaders and foremen and
practical workers, the advantages and benefits established for
workers in leading trades who work on railroads.
The leading trades of workers in construction organizations
of the Ministry of Railroads to whom the advantages and benefits
extend are:
Caisson operators Caisson workers
Armature workers Riveters
Asphalt workers Piledriver operators
Concrete workers Gravel and stone miners
Bitumen workers Spike drivers
Bulldozer operators Boiler makers
Drillers Stokers
Ballast workers Mine-support worker
Detonation workers Pickaxe men
Climbers, all trades Winch operators
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Drivers of freight and baggage Modelers
handling cars, railway motor
cars, and truck tractors Painters
Drivers Installation men
Water-supply workers Machinists and their assistants,
Hydraulic excavator operators and stokers for servicing
Grader operators construction machinery,
Tinsmiths machines, assemblies, pile-
Piledriver foremen drivers, hammers, cranes,
Miners mobile electric stations,
Insulation workers hoists, track-layers, ballast
Toolmaker/fitters machines, shavers, compressors,
Stonemasons 0 etc
Crane operators and their
Fitters and electricians
Roofers Marble workers
Blacksmiths Mosaic workers
Stone cutters Pavers
Shaft cutters Loaders
Facers Pile drivers
Carpenters Assemblers
Track workers Assembler/installation men
Parquet workers 'Top cagers
Furnacemen Tacklemen
Sawyers Tractor operators
Tilesetters Pipe-layers
Planners Turners
Polishers Molders
Saw setters Drivers of passenger and special motor
Press operators
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Workers involved in installing
communications equipment,
circuits communications lines, Excavator operators and their
Pipe setters
Haulers all kinds
cables t power illuminating
equipment, and the manufacture
and installation of metal designs
Workers servicing construction
machines and hoisting-and transporting
Workers operating drilling equipment
Welders, all kinds
Cabinet makers
Fitters and electrical fitters
Scraper operators
Drill operators
Operators of machine tools for
working wood, metal or stone
Mechanics, surveyors, foremen,
crew leaders, and workers of all
grades who are employed in
subterranean operations, the
construction of tunnels, or
subways by the closed, open,
ditch, or caisson method, and
workers employed in caisson
operations and in lowering pits
during the construction of
bridges; workers (from Grade
III) at the mine surface
during the building of tun-
nels and subways
The original establishment of the length of service for
workers in the leading construction trades must have been formalized
by the expiration of the year's work.
When establishing the length of service for purposes of
paying longevity pay it is necessary to be guided by the Instructions
of the VTsSPS and the Ministry of Finance USSR.
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The length of service for purposes of paying a percentage
increase for longevity to construction workers, crew leaders, and
foremen (practical workers) includes all the time that they worked
in the leading trades (listed above) in tariff grade IV or higher.
Time worked in other institutions organizations, or
enterprises of other ministries, time worked in electoral jobs,
and time spent in the Soviet Army, etc is included in the length
of service provided all the requirements outlined by the Instructions
of the VTsSPS and the Ministry of Finance USSR are observed.
The amount of the percentage increase for longevity paid to
workers in construction organizations is established according
to the same scale as for the leading trades of railroad transport.
In the event that workers in leading trades, or crew chiefs
in all specialties or foremen (practical workers), receiving
longevity pay are transferred to enterprises or organizations
where the payment of such increases is not provided for, or
to other operations or trades (grades) which do not give the
right to obtain a longevity increase, the payment of percentage
increases stops on the day of transfer and the length of unbroken
service giving the right to receive percentage increases for
longevity is interrupted, with the exception of instances of
transfer as a result of production necessity.
In connection with the extention of the advantages and
temefits to workers in the leading trades and to crew chiefs in
all specialties in construction organizations of the MPS, the
previously (prior to 1950) computed length oi service for the
payment of longevity increases to workers in railroad transport
does not have to be recomputed.
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1. Increases Paid to Workers Whose Work Requires Them to Travel
Increases to compensate for expenses incurred in work that
requires workers to travel are paid to workers on construction-
and-installation trains, in mobile shops, employed in the con-
struction of signaling, interlocking, and block-system equipment.
These increases are paid within the limit established for this
purpose, in the following percentages to the piecework earnings
for pieceworkers or to the tariff rate (salary) for workers paid
at a flat rate:
(a) for work on a construction-and-installation train or
in one of its units on roads where trains are formed -- 20%;
(b) for work on a construction-and-installation train or
in one of its units outside the confines of the road where trains
are formed -- 35%.
Increase paid because the work requires the workers to
travel are paid only to permanent workers on the construction-
and-installation train, and the payment is formalized by a special
? Workers who have come to construction-and-installation trains
by way of organized recruiting for a definite period of work, and
those who newly come to work at the place where the train stops,
are paid the travel expenses only from the moment that the train
moves on to a new place of work.
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Note. If these workers on the basis of the transportation
conditions and the nature of the work fulfilled at the new location
of the construction-and-installation train, are able to return
every day to the place of permanent residence (whore there were
hired), they are not paid travel expenses.
Workers sent to permanent work on a construction-and-
installation train are paid travel expenses from the day they
begin working on it.
When individual workers of the construction-and-installation
train are on an official trip, they do not receive travel expenses,
but per diem is paid in the established procedure for trips outside
the confines of the area being serviced.
Workers on construction-and-installation trains and mobile
shops who do not receive travel expenses, as well as workers of
construction sectors making official trips within the confines
of the sector, provided they do not return to the place of permanent
residence for 24 hours after the moment of departure, receive per
diem in the amount of 1% of the monthly rate or salary, but no
less than 5 rubles or no more than 10 rubles for each day of the
2. Procedure of Paying for Defective Work
Defective work which is the fault of the worker and which
is completely unserviceable is not paid for.
If the work is partially defective it is paid for at a
reduced rate, with the percentage of serviceability and the amount
of payment being established by the administrative personnel, but
no more than 50% of the worker's tariff rate.
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Defective work which is not the fault of the work is paid
at a reduced rate, depending upon the degree of serviceability of
the output, but the payment of labor cannot be lower than 2/3 of
the tariff rate of a flat-rate worker in the corresponding grade.
If the defective work is the result of the failure of
the material to conform to specifications or defects in the metal,
and if it was discovered after no less than one working day had
been (wended, it must be paid for at normal piecework rates.
A worker is obliged to report immediately to the admini-
stratiVe personnel that the work produced by him is defective,
but if he does not report this or continues to work after re-
ceiving an order to stop working, subsequent defective work is
not paid for.
3. Paying for Idle Time
Idle time that is the fault of the worker is not paid for,
for idle time caused not by the worker, because of the lack of
materials or equipment, or a failure in the supply or electric
power, the worker is paid wages in the amount of 50% of the tariff
rate of a flat-rate worker in the corresponding trade.
The worker must report to the administrative personnel
concerning idle time that has begun, as well as situations that
can result in idle time. If the worker fails to do so, the idle
time is not paid for.
Workers who have no work to do as a result of idle time
must' be transferred to other work in the same organization'for
the duration of the, idle time.
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It is not perm ssible to transfer skilled workers to hauling,
collecting, or transporting operations, except in instances when the
carrying out of these operations is required by elemental disasters.
If workers in Grade V or higher are transferred to other
operations in lower grades as a result of idle time, payment is
made on the basis of their, average earnings, provided the norm of
the work being fulfilled is fulfilled by no less than 100%,
If the norm is not fulfilled or if workers are transferred
to work paid at flat rate, these workers keep the tariff rate of
flat-rate worker in the grades to which they are assigned.
If workers in Grade IV or lower are transferred to other
work, or if workers of all grades are transferred to operations
with tariff grades higher than those of the workers transferred,
the payment must be made according to the work fulfilled.
Paying fort Overtime in Construction
Workers in construction-and-installation and subsidiary
operations are paid overtime in the amount of 25% of the tariff
rate of flat-rate worker in the corresponding grade for the first
2 hours and 50% for the subsequent hours of work.
Work in construction on holidays is paid for at double
rates; for work on days off, if the workers are not given time
off to replace them, payment is made at the rate of 1 1/2 times
the normal compensation.
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1. Morse Operators
Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Good
knowledge of spelling of the Russian language. Knowledge of
the minimum technical subjects required of telegraph operator
in railroad transport, signaling instructions, and train traffic
instructions. Ability to send and receive telegrams, and to
process train -telegrams. Knowledge of telegram-routing diagrams,
ability to use the code of abbreviated addresses, the alphabetic
list of railroad stations and institutions of the Ministry of
Communications, to adjust the equipment, to correct simple
damages, to carry out very simple tests of the lines, and to
determine the nature of damages. Ability to receive telegrams
from the senders and to process them for delivery, to keep a
check on processed telegrams, and to know where they are, and
to carry on official correspondence.
Speed of sending and receiving under operating conditions
must be no less than 550 words an hours for Grade 1 and 500 for
Grade I
2. Telegraph Operators, High-Speed Equipment
? Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Good
knowledge of spelling of the Russian language, Knowledge of
the minikum technical subjects required of telegraph operator
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in railroad transport, signaling instructions, and train traffic
instructions. Ability to send and receive telegrams. Knowledge
of telegrams-routing diagrams. Ability to operate morse equipment
at speeds no less than 400 words an hour.
Easy reading of morse and undulator tape. Ability to
determine simple technical defects in the equipment (within the
limits of the technical minimum).
Transmittal of telegrams under operating conditions at the
following speeds:
Grade II -- baudot operators using control tape, from
1,000 to 1,100; with self-check, from 850 to 925 words;
teletype operators -- with self-check, from 1,700 to 2,000
Grade I-- baudot operators able to work at speeds of
220 revolutions and above, with individual output: with control
tape, more than 19100 words, with self-check, more than 925 words;
teletype operators -- with self-check more than 2,000
Education no less than 7 *ears of middle shhool. Good
knowledge of spelling of the Russian language, geography, and
the administrative and territorial division of railroad transport.
Knowledge of routing diagrams and the procedure of processing
telegrams at all stages of processing; knowledge of the minimum
stechnical subjects required of telegraph operator in railroad'
transport, signaling instructions, and train traffic instructions.
Ability to operate morse equipment at speeds no less than 400
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words an hour, ability to read undulator tape, to use the code
of abbreviated addresses and the alphabetical list of rail-
road stations and institutions of the Ministry of Communications.
Grade 11 -- collection of processed telegrams knowledge
of where they are, and the keeping of records on delayed telegrams.
Ability to carry out preliminary and subsequent check on telegram
Grade I-- knowledge and ability the, same as for Grade III
but. with more ? experience. Grade I can be established only at the
Central Communications Station of the MPS and at road administrations.
4. Telegram Acceptance Clerks
Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Good
knowledge of spelling of the Russian language. Knowledge of
routing diagrams and the procedure of processing telegrams.
Knowledge of the minimum technical subjects required of tele-
graph operator in railroad transport; signaling instructions;
train traffic instructions; knowledge of tariff rates of the
Ministry of Communications and the monetary operations involved
in accepting paid telegrams; knowledge of geography and the
administrative and territorial division of the railroads of the
Ability to use the code of abbreviated addresses and
alphabetical list of railroad stations and institutions of the
Ministry ,f Communications. Ability to operate morse equipment
at speeds no lower than 400 words an hours, and to accept telegrams
and count words.
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Working speed per hour not lower than:
Grade II -- 35 telegrams, with 30 telegrams marked;
Grade I -- 40 telegrams, with 35 telegrams marked.
Incoming-Telegram Routing Clerk
Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Goodknowledge
of the spelling of the Russian language. Knowledge of the minimum
technical subjects required of telegraph operator in railroad
transport, signaling instructions, and train traffic instructions.
Knowledge of the disposition and location of production unita in
railroad transport and institutions connected with its work.
Ability to sort telegrams accotding
keep records concerning the delivery
make correct utilization of telegram
telegrams which are to be delivered,
e ,_ace of delivery and to
of telegrams. Ability to
delivery clerks, to correct
and to operate sorsa equip-
ment at speeds no lower than 400 words an hour.
Grade II -- collection of telegrams for delivery to addressees,
recording of telegrams in delivery books, dispatching of delivery
clerks to deliver the telegrams, and checking of accuracy of
delivery of no fewer than 120 telegrams an hour.
Grade I -- excellent knowledge of all phases of the work
the incoming-telegram routing office and the processing of no
fewer than 150 telegrams an hour.
Typist/Copy Clerks
Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Good
knowledge of spelling of the Russian language; knowledge of
telegraph-operation rules; signaling instructions; and train
traffic instructions. Fluent reading of undulator tape.
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Typing speed per hour, making 3 carbon copies, no less than:
Grade III
Grade II
Grade I
550 words
700 words
850 words
Education no less than 3 years of middle school. Knowledge
of operational rules for delivery. Knowledge of places and areas
of delivery. Ability to become quickly oriented in locating the
addressee. Ability to carry out subsidiary operations connected
with delivery (collection sewing, putting telegrams in envelopes).
Grade II -- beginners.
Grade I -- delivery clerks who have worked no less than
6 months and who have learned excellently how to deliver telegrams
to any sector.
8. Workers Engaged in Subsidiary Operations at the
Telegraph Office, Radiotelegraph Office or Long-
Distance. Telephone Stations
Grade II -- education no less than 3-5 years of middle
school. Operations: internal delivery and collection of telegrams,
stamping of blanks, issuing of blanks, servicing the pneumatic
tube, system, putting telegrams in envelopes, sewing, and other
subsidiary operations within the limits of their degree of skill.
Grade I -- education no less than 7 years of middle school.
Knowledge of the operational rules at their particular. assignment.
Operations: recording of telegrams in the log copying out of
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receipts for telegrams to be delivered, checking and accounting
for the time the telegrams are en route.
LongDistance Telephony
Telephone Operators
Education no less than 7 years of middle school. Knowledge
of geography. Knowledge of the minimum technical subjects required
of telephone operator in railroad transport, signaling instructions,
and train traffic instructions. Ability to operate all kinds of
switchboards. Ability to receive and to process orders over the
switchboard. Ability to use conference calls to transmit orders,
first announcing the conference call to the conferees, and expending
no more than 50 seconds to organize one discussion.
Grade II -- beginning telephone operators in charge of the
order desk, information desk, and long-distance circuits with small
work volume.
Grade I -- telephone operators in charge of road and mainline
communication and fulfilling established individual-output norms
and qualitative indexes for giving service to subscribers.
Local Telephone Communication
10. Telephone Operators
Education no less than 7 years of middle school and special
knowledge of the minimum technical subjects required of telephone
operators of railroad transport, knowledge of the signaling
instructions, and the train traffic instructions. Ability to
operate local-telephone communications switchboards, fulfilling
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the established individual-output norms and the qualitative indexes
for giving service to subscribers; service long-distance telephone
circuits plugged into a common switchboard, and accept and transmit
telegrams over the telephone.
Grade II -- operators servicing switchboards up to 100
numbers and performing satisfactorily and fulfilling the norm.
Grade 1 -- operators who have passed, with a grade of
"Good?" the minimum technical subjects required of telephone
operators and who are performing satisfactorily and overfulfilling
the norm; those who are performing excellently and fulfilling the
11. Communications Mechanics
Grade 11 -- general education no less than 7 years of
middle school and special knowledge of the minimum technical
subjects required of communications mechanic; knowledge of
the signaling instructions and train traffic instructions.
Ability to service communications lines within the confines of
the junction, and provide maintenance of sources of power supply;
carry out internal wiring, adjustment, cleaning and installation
of telephones and other simple communications equipment, test
line installations, and make very simple electrical measurements.
Carry out installation operations. Must know how to read blue-
prints and diagrams and direct the work of the repair crew when
it is repairing the lines.
Grade I-- education and knowledge same as for mechanics,
Grade 1; length of service as mechanic no less than a year, servic-
ing of more complicated equipment, TsB [tsentral naya batareya
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common battery] switchboards, and dispatcher communication. Ability
to operate morse equipment.
12. Mechanics for Mainline Communication Cable Structures
and High-Voltage Automatic-Blocking Lines
Grade II
general education no less than 7 years of
middle school and special knowledge of the minimum technical
subjects required of mechanics, knowledge of the signaling in-
structions and train traffic instructions.
In addition to the knowledge and ability of communications
mechanic, they must be able to locate and correct-simple damages
in the cable structures high-voltage lines, high-voltage equipment,
and mainline communication; must be able to solder cables with
as many as 30 pairs independently, or cables with more pairs under
supervision. Must know how to carry out simple channeling oper-
ations and know the working procedure at high-voltage installations.
Grade I ?ax education and ability same as for Grade II.
Length of service in the particular specialty no less than a
year. Ability to read complicated blueprints plans and diagrams.
Ability to locate damages with the aid of measuring devices and
to eliminate them; ability independently to solder cables with
as many as 300 pairs, to line junction boxes, to extend cables,
and to do channeling operations for as many as 7 channels.
13. STsB Mechanics for Sectors and Stations
Grade II Mr& ON general education no less than 7 years of middle
snh^^1 -11A srwmcial knowledge of the minimum technical subjects
required of STsS technician, knowledge of the signaling and train
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traffic instructions. Carries out service and current repair of
the mechanical parts of semaphores, discs, locking mechanisms,
locks, and installations for the mechanical and hydraulic inter-
locking of switches. Must know how to read blueprints and
diagrams, use measuring devices, to do forge and fitting work,
to repair signaling and interlocking instruments and replace
worn-out parts.
Grade I -- education and knowledge same as for Grade II;
length of service in the specialty of STsB mechanic no less than
one year. Ability to install mechanical parts of signaling
and interlocking switches and to make simple parts. Knowledge
of semiautomatic block system. Ability to manage a repair crew.
14. Mechanics for Automatic Block Systems Mechanized
Classification Yards and Electrical Interlocking
Grade II -- general education no less than 7 years of
middle school and special knowledge of the minimum technical
subjects required of STsB mechanic. Knowledge of the signaling
and train traffic instructions. Carries out service and current
repair of outdoor equipment in electrical interlocking, automatic
block systems, and mechanized classification yards. Must know
how to read blueprints and diagrams, to use measurement instruments,
to do forge and fitter work, and to repair or replace worn-out parts.
Grade I -- education same as for Grade II. Length of
service no less than one year. Must know how to carry out instal-
lation operations for automatic block systems and electrical
interlocking and how to make simple parts. Ability to manage a
repair crew.
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15. Electrician/Communications Technicians
Line. Grade II -- general education and special knowledge
of the minimum technical subjects required for the specialty of
communications worker. Knowledge of the signaling and train
traffic instructions. Operational servicing of a line subdivision
that does not have complicated communications or STsB installations.
Carries out operations in the current maintenance of telegraph,
telephone, and signaling lines. Maintenance of power-supply
sources, correction of breaks in the internal wiring; installation,
repair, and replacement of parts in communications and STsB
equipment. Cleaning and adjusting of apparatus and installation
of them. Carrying out of equipment tests and electrical measure-
ments under the supervision of an engineer or senior electrician;
looks for damages, determines the nature of them, and eliminates
them; draws up reports for the work book concerning the work
fulfilled. Must have production experience of one year as
mechanic and must know how to operate morse equipment.
Grade I -- education and knowledge same as for Grade II.
Operational servicing of a subdivision with more complicated
communications and STsB installations, such as terminals of station
communications, supply points of line-track communications, switch
communications of an STsB system semiautomatic block-system, or
staff signaling. Independent tests of the apparatus and electrical
measurements. Must have production experience of one year as
electrician, Grade II.
Station. Grade II -- general education and special knowledge
of the minimum technical subjects required for the specialty of
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communications worker. Knowledge of the signaling and train traffic
instructions. Operational servicing of the communication apparatus and
lines of station subdivisions. Current repair of equipment, instal-
lation, adjustment, and cleaning of them. Ability to fulfill
independently and direct installation operations and repair;
test instruments and make electrical measurements; look for damages,
determine the nature of them, and eliminate them; draw up reports
for the work book concerning the work fulfilled. Must have pro-
duction experience of one year as mechanic and must operate morse
equipment (or baudot equipment, if servicing such).
Grade I -- education and knowledge the same as for Grade II.
Operational servicing of subdivisions with more complicated
equipment -- high-speed apparatus, their relay points, telephone
relay points, high-frequency installations, and road and mainline
communication. Must have production experience of no less than
one year as electrician Grade II.
16. STsB Electrician/Technicians
Grade II -- general education and special knowledge of
the minimum technical subjects required for the specialty of
STsB worker. Knowledge of the signaling and train traffic
instructions. Operational servicing of the electrical and mechanical
part of signal installations, staff signaling, semiautomatic block
systems (track and station), mechanical interlocking of medium
and large stations, and switch equipment. Ability to lay cables,
signal and switch rods, set up and install semaphores, light
signals, discs, control locks, locking mechanism and switch-and-
lock movements hoists, switch and signal levers, rail contacts,
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and interlocking and block-system equipment. Good ability to read
mechanical-locking diagrams; to repair and adjust the installations
named and to replace individual parts; to look for and prevent
damages. To draw up reports for the work book concerning the work
fulfilled. Must have production experience of one year as STsB
Grade 1 -- education and knowledge same as for Grade 11.
Operational servicing of installations of semiautomatic block
systems of large and complicated junctions automatic block systems,
electrical interlocking, mechanized classification yard, dispatcher
interlocking, and automatic stops. Ability to lay cables, set up
and install light signals, electric actuators, battery wells,
relays, relay boxes, rail circuits, rectifiers, power-supply and
relay transformers, interlockers, etc.
Good ability to read electrical diagrams and designs of the
installations being serviced; to repair and adjust the installations
being serviced and to replace individual parts, and look for and
prevent damages; to draw up individual diagrams of very simple
plans for electrical interlocking and automatic block systems and
to draw up reports for the work book concerning the work fulfilled.
Must have production experience of no lass than one year as mechanic
for automatic block systems and electrical interlocking.
17. Electrician/Technicians Automatic-Block-System High-
voltage Lines
General education and special knowledge of the minim=
technical subjects required of high-voltage electrician. Knowledge
of the signaling and train traffic instructions. Ability to carry
out operational servicing of high-voltage installations of automatic
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block systems, feeder and oil management, and current-repair operations
on high-voltage lines and el ctrical apparatus. Look for damages,
determine the nature of them, and eliminate them. Check for phase
asymmetry of high-voltage lines, supervise the taking of tests of
transformer oil, and check the work of mechanics and workers.
Draw up reports for the work book concerning work fulfilled. Must
have production experience of no less than one year as mechanic
for high-voltage installations.
/8 Senior Electricians for Communications and STsB
Knowledge and requirements same as for electricisns, Grade I.
Direct and supervise the work of electricians and mechanics of the
section which is subordinate to them, and give technical instruction
to them. Must know how to introduce advanced work methods, to
draw up plans, estimates, and technical reports. Carry out critical
operations, adjustments, and electrical measurements themselves.
For all practical purposes, take the place of an engineer. Ex-
perience of no less than 3 years as electrician.
Knowledge of the signaling and train traffic instructions,
which are stipulated in the job descriptions.
19, Electrician for Radio Commuaications
Grade II -- general education and special knowledge of the
minimum technical subjects required for the specialty of radio-
?communications worker.
Knowledge of the signaling and train traffic instructions.
Or electricians in intrastation and train radio communi-
cations, knowledge of Instruktsiya o poryadke pol'sovaniya
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obsluzhivani a radiostantsi tipa MR-1, ustanovlennykh dlya
vnutristantsionnov radiosvyazi na zheleznodorozhnom transport?
[Inst*uctions for the Procedure of Using and Servicing Radio
Sets of the Type MR-1 which are Installed for Intrastat ion Radio
Communications in Railroad Transport].
For electricians at broadcasting radio-rediffusion stations,
knowledge of Pravila tekhnicheskoy ekspluatatsii radiotranslyatsionnykh
uzlov [Rules for the Technical Operation of Radio-Relaying Stations],
approved by the Ministry of Communications.
For electricians at train radio stations, a knowledge of
Instruktsiya o poryadke pol'zovaniya I obsluzhivaniya poyezdnykh
radiopunktov [Instructions on the Procedure of Using and Servicing
Train Radio Stations].
For electricians in mainline radio communications, knowledge
of Pravila tekhnicheskoy ekspluatatsii magistral'noy radiosvyazi
[Rules of Technical Operations of Mainline Radio Communications],
approved by the Ministry of Communications.
Ability to carry out operational servicing of apparatus and
relay lines, current repair of apparatus, adjustment and cleaning;
? independently fulfill installation operations and repair of radio
equipment; carry out maintenance of power-supply sources. Study
the work of the radio-communications installations being serviced
with the aim of preventing them from having their normal work
Ability to carry out tests and make electrical measurements
under the supervision of senior electrician. Draw up reports
on work fulfilled. Must have production experience of no less
than one year as mechanic.
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Grade I-- education and knowledge Same Is for Grade II.
Carry out tests and make electrical measurements independently.
Operational servicing of intrastation, train, and mainline radio
communications, radio receivers, broadcasting, and classification-
yard radio .stations with power of 500 watts or more.
Mist have production experience of no less than one year
as electrician Grade II.
20. Radio-Communications Mechanics
Grade II -- general education no less than 7 years of
middle school and special knowledge of the minimum technical
subjects required of a radio-communications mechanic.
Knowledge of the signaling and train traffic instructions.
Knowledge of instructions approved by MPS and the Ministry of
Communications for the radio communications being serviced.
Ability to carry out operational servicing of relay lines and
antenna structures; lay internal wiring, adjust and clean repro-
ducers, installation operations, current repair of mechanical parts
of radio apparatus.
Grade I -- education and knowledge same as for mechanic,
Grade II, servicing of more complicated radio experience, working
experience of no less than one year as mechanic, Grade II.
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Proletarians of all
countries, unite!
Signaling and Communications Service of the ? . . . Railroad
Qualification Certificate
The bearer .?...? ? dr 0 .... 0 .........
(last name, first name, middle name)
before a qualification commission of the . ..
0 ? 0 0 ? ?
(name of road division or
has met the requirements for .......... .
(name of speciality)
and has been given Grade
Commission chairman . . ? .
Commission members .
(job title)
? ?
(job titles and signatures)
Acknowledgement of certificate holder
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