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Directorate of -Confidential?
The CPSU Central Committee:
Patterns of Acquaintances
Among the Soviet Elite
A Research Paper
LDA 86-12056
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Directorate of
The CPSU Central Committee:
Patterns of Acquaintances
Among the Soviet Elite
A Research Paper
This paper was prepared by
Office of Leadership Analysis. It
was coordinated with the National Intelligence
Council and the Directorate of Operations.
Comments and queries are welcome and may be
directed to the Chief, USSR?East Europe Division,
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LDA 86-12056
November 1986
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Information available
as of 25 September 1986
was used in this report.
The CPSU Central Committee:
Patterns of Acquaintances
Among the Soviet Elite
The analysis in this paper is based on the position of each Central
Committee member as of 6 March 1986, when the composition of the new
Central Committee was announced at the 27th Party Congress. Appendix
E lists all pertinent changes since then, on the basis of information
available as of 25 September 1986.
At the 27th Party Congress in March 1986, the CPSU Central Committee
underwent a 40-percent turnover in its membership. This figure reflects a
certain degree of political momentum accruing to General Secretary
Mikhail Gorbachev, because he no doubt had a large, if not controlling, say
in the new members' selection. As far as we know, however, only 16 of the
281 full members of the Central Committee who are not members of the
Politburo or the Secretariat are more closely associated with Gorbachev
than with any other senior leader. Gorbachev's list of such political
acquaintances is eclipsed in size by those of Yegor Ligachev, who has 20,
and Vladimir Shcherbitskiy, who has 26.'
An examination of the careers of the members of the most important blocs
of officials constituting the Central Committee reveals that:
? Members of the Council of Ministers tend to have few identifiable ties to
senior leaders. This lack of apparent patronage suggests that they got
their jobs more as a result of technical or bureaucratic competence than
? The military appears to be the most cohesive of the five blocs. Although
it has ties mainly to current and former rivals of Gorbachev and almost
none to Gorbachev himself, we believe it has more influence on defense
policy making than either those ties or its numerical share of Central
Committee membership would suggest. But, ultimately, it is the Politbu-
ro that makes defense policy decisions, not this group.
' These figures alone are no index of each senior leader's relative power and authority; our
data are based on many assumptions and might hide significant rivalries among political ac-
quaintances, or between them and the senior leader they know. The question of who knows
whom, however, is clearly relevant to political developments in the Kremlin. Moreover,
changes in the "acquaintanceship" data over time may point toward other political change.
LDA 86-12056
November 1986
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? The RSFSR provincial party first secretaries make up the largest single
bloc. Individually, they show the strongest pattern of linkage to senior
leaders, especially to Politburo member Yegor Ligachev. This suggests
that political patronage may count for more among the Russian party
functionaries than among other groups. The absence of an intervening
republic-level party organization may make this group particularly likely
to fix its allegiance to the General Secretary?in this case, Gorbachev.
? The non-Russian republic members are tied primarily to non-Russian
members of the senior leadership, who generally lack the political weight
of their Russian counterparts.
? The Central Committee department chiefs, with some important excep-
tions, have few longstanding links to senior leaders. However, two-thirds
of these powerful bureaucrats have gotten their jobs during Gorbachev's
brief tenure, and some are his longstanding acquaintances. Thus, he
presumably can expect strong support from this group.
? Compared with their counterparts of 20 years ago, today's Central
Committee members are more likely to have technical or industrial
backgrounds and less likely to have served in the central party apparatus.
The primacy of the Politburo more than compensates for Gorbachev's lack
of a large number of acquaintances in the Central Committee. So does the
political tradition that equates opposition with treason. Nevertheless, we
believe that the diversity of the Central Committee and the dynamics of
Soviet politics are obstacles to far-reaching change. The Central Commit-
tee now seems to be more conservative than the General Secretary. If
Gorbachev were to press for changes that a coalition of his Politburo
colleagues regarded as too extreme, they could take an alternative "no
changes" platform to the Central Committee?having assured themselves
of its cooperation beforehand?and get him ousted.
Moreover, our research suggests that the potential for the development of
fissures among the Politburo and Secretariat members is greater than it
was during the Brezhnev era. Brezhnev and many of his contemporaries
worked together in several bureaucracies before entering the senior party
leadership, while Gorbachev and his colleagues came to the Kremlin for
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the most part from a single province or section of the national bureaucracy,
never having worked together. How those provinces or sections fare in
resource allocation struggles?to the extent that we will be able to measure
such allocations?may shed light on the political balance at the top.
Most members of the senior party leadership have their base of power in 25X1
the RSFSR party organizations. A few other republics also have powerful
patrons?Shcherbitskiy's acquaintances are concentrated in the Ukrainian
SSR, Dinmukhamed Kunayev's are mostly in the Kazakh SSR, Geydar
Aliyev's in the Azerbaijan SSR, Eduard Shevardnadze's in the Georgian
SSR, and Nikolay Slyun'kov's in the Belorussian SSR. The remaining non-
Russian republics could be uncomfortably squeezed?for whatever rea-
son?in resource allocation decisions in years to come without bringing
political damage to even one senior leader. 25X1
V Confidential
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The Pattern of Acquaintances
The Key Bureaucratic Blocs
The Council of Ministers 5
The Professional Military 6
RSFSR Provincial Party First Secretaries 8
Non-Russian Republic Officials 8
The Central Committee Department Chiefs 12
Pluses and Minuses for Gorbachev 14
Methodology for Determining Each Senior Leader's 17
Acquaintances in the Central Committee
List of Senior Leaders and Their Acquaintances in the 21
Central Committee
Central Committee Members With No Apparent High-Level 27
Ties or Whose Loyalties Are Unclear
Senior Military Officials Holding Full Membership in the 31
CPSU Central Committee
Full Members of the CPSU Central Committee Whose Positions 33
Have Changed Since the 27th Party Congress
Full Central Committee Members and the Senior Leaders 35
With Whom Each Could Have Had Contact
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The CPSU Central Committee:
Patterns of Acquaintances
Among the Soviet Elite
This publication identifies career relationships be-
tween the senior leadership' and the other 281 full
members of the CPSU Central Committee who were
elected on 6 March 1986 at the 27th Party Congress.
By comparing their backgrounds, we find a pattern of
acquaintances. Although CPSU General Secretary
Mikhail Gorbachev's political position within the rul-
ing Politburo and the Secretariat depends on more
factors than "who knows whom" in the Central
Committee, we believe that these patterns represent a
noteworthy input in developing a clearer understand-
ing of the extent of his power.
Under the CPSU statutes, the roughly 5,000 dele-
gates to the party congress elect the Central Commit-
tee. In reality, the size of the congress and its
convocation for only 10 days every five years seem to
preclude the communication necessary to make a
collective decision. Instead, the choices relating to the
Central Committee's composition probably originate
in the CPSU Secretariat, with staff assistance from
the departments of the Central Committee apparatus
and final approval?before the congress?from the
These senior party organs make these choices in two
ways. Most members of the Central Committee ap-
parently reach it as a consequence of holding an
important office. As examples, the Minister of Fer-
rous Metallurgy, the first secretary of the Communist
Youth League (Komsomol), and the Chief of the
General Staff of the Soviet armed forces are always
full members.' (Indeed, the institutional composition
'By "senior leadership" we mean the CPSU Politburo (full and
candidate members) and the Secretariat.
Full Membership of the Central
Committee, 1981 and 1986:
The Institutional Breakdown
National party
National government
Republic party and government
Mass organizations and unions
Scientific and academic
Others a
a Includes industrial and agricultural managers, workers, honorary
retirees, and unknowns.
of the Central Committee remains largely consistent
from congress to congress. See table.) Therefore, the
decisions that the senior leadership makes during the
period between congresses to appoint individuals to
such positions are tantamount to giving them mem-
bership in the Central Committee, as soon as a party
congress convenes to formally confirm the fact.
The incumbents in a few other elite positions, how-
ever, do not automatically become full or candidate
members of the Central Committee. The first secre-
tary of the Kzyl-Orda Oblast Party Committee, for
example, is a full member of the current Central
Committee, but the previous incumbents never at-
tained full membership. Similarly, the Minister of 25X1
Construction was a full member from 1976 until
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1986, but when he retired his successor was elected to
only candidate membership. Just as with approving
selections to positions warranting Central Committee
membership, we believe it is the senior party leader-
ship (with staff support from the Central Committee
apparatus) that decides which of these "variable"
officials to include among the full members.
Given the Central Committee's size, infrequent meet-
ings, heterogeneous composition, and geographic dif-
fusion, it has?as a body?practically no policymak-
ing authority and evidently makes no crucial decisions
on its own. It does, however, seem to have latent
political clout?the authority to ratify or overrule a
Politburo attempt to oust the General Secretary. Such
Central Committee involvement in Politburo politics
has occurred only when a powerful leader was ma-
nipulating the outcome. The only times this has
happened were in 1957, when Nikita Khrushchev got
a vote of confidence from the Central Committee
(which was packed with his supporters) that kept him
in office after an ouster attempt by a Politburo
majority, and in 1964, when a rump Central Commit-
tee drawn together by Leonid Brezhnev and company
ratified the second ouster attempt. In both cases, the
winning faction already enjoyed the crucial coopera-
tion of the military, the secret police, or both before
bringing the Central Committee into play, but seems
to have wanted the Central Committee's vote as a
politically si nificant legitimization of the outcome.
This latent power suggests that no Politburo member
can be indifferent to the composition of the Central
Committee. We believe, therefore, that a Politburo
member would usually want a Central Committee?
warranting position filled by a friend rather than a
The leadership's collective need for an official with
technical or substantive expertise, however, often
outweighs the personal concerns each Politburo mem-
ber might have. Thus, many individuals without
evident or significant ties to any senior leader get
appointed to jobs that earn them Central Committee
Nevertheless, several Central Committee members
also are acquaintances (and possible political allies) of
various Politburo members or secretaries and are thus
positioned to help these officials solve their personal
political problems, as well as those of the regime.
We have attempted to identify such acquaintances
using fragmentary data on the careers of each full
member of the Central Committee and on the careers
of each senior leader. The patterns that emerge are
murky, at best, revealing questionable acquaintance-
ships, divided loyalties, and possibly misleading asso-
ciations. We have, however, established the ground-
work for following future changes and revealed some
interesting relationships. Appendix A explains our
The Pattern of Acquaintances
None of the 12 full Politburo members appears to
enjoy anything even approaching a sizable plurality of
acquaintances in the Central Committee (see figure
1). Of the 307 full members of the Central Commit-
tee, at most 16 (excluding other senior leaders) have
had any significant association with Gorbachev that
was demonstrably closer than with any other senior
leader. A similar situation prevails among the seven
candidate members of the Politburo and among the
seven non-Politburo secretaries as well. One hundred
seven Central Committee members have no identifi-
able or significant tie to any current senior leader, or
collateral information exists that makes their princi-
pal loyalty open to question (see appendix A for
details). Moreover, the acquaintances that do exist
might have led two individuals to be political enemies
rather than allies. Thus, the Central Committee is a
politically disparate group.
The ages of each leader's acquaintances suggest that
Gorbachev has no monopoly on the youth market in
the Soviet elite and that he will not be the sole
political beneficiary in the senior leadership as the
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Figure 1
Senior Leaders and Their
Significant Acquaintances.
a These figures are not a numerical
index of overall political strength or
policymaking influence, both of which
depend on other factors.
310125 8-88
Shcherbitskiy 26
Sokolov 22
Ligachev 20
Gorbachev 16
Slyun'kov 13
Yel'tsin 11
Solomentsev 10
Vorotnikov 8
Gromyko 6
Kunayev 6
Razumovskiy 6
Zaykov 5
Chebrikov 4
Ryzhkov 4
Biryukova 4
Nikonov 4
Dolgikh 3
Solov'yev 2
Aliyev 1
Shevardnadze 1
Demichev 1
Talyzin 1
Dobrynin 0
Medvedev 0
Yakovlev 0
Zimyanin 0
Central Committee grows older (see figure 2). Andrey
Gromyko and Mikhail Solomentsev will lose asso-
ciates with the passage of time, but the age of the
groups known to be tied to the other senior leaders is
similar, with Gorbachev's probable acquaintances be-
ing almost exactly "average." The average age (calcu-
lated as of 1 July 1986) of the full members of the
Central Committee (excluding senior leaders) is 59.5.
The pattern of acquaintanceships also suggests that
no Politburo member has a list of acquaintances that
spreads across the entire central bureaucracy or all
regions of the Soviet Union:
? Gorbachev's ties or possible ties are mostly to
officials in the national agriculture bureaucracy and
to provincial party first secretaries in the North
Caucasus region, specifically those of Stavropol'
Kray, the Dagestan Autonomous Republic, and the
North Osetian Autonomous Republic. Georgiy Ra-
zumovskiy, who apparently is one of Gorbachev's
principal allies, has ties to other North Caucasus
regional first secretaries, including those of Krasno-
dar Kray and Rostov Oblast.
? Yegor Ligachev's acquaintances or possible
acquaintances are provincial party first secretaries
concentrated principally in the Central Region?the
oblasts surrounding Moscow, including Orel,
Ryazan', Tula, and Yaroslavl'?and in Western
Siberia?including Altay Kray and Kemerovo,
Novosibirsk, and Tomsk Oblasts.
? Vitaliy Vorotnikov's acquaintances or possible ac-
quaintances are concentrated in the Central Black
Earth Region, including Belgorod, Kursk, and Li-
petsk Oblasts.
? Vladimir Shcherbitskiy's list of acquaintances is
largely limited to the Ukraine.
? Dinmukhamed Kunayev's is largely limited to the
Kazakh SSR.
? Lev Zaykov's and Yuriy Solov'yev's are largely
limited to officials and former officials of the Lenin-
grad party organization.
? Andrey Gromyko's is largely limited to present and
former Foreign Ministry officials.
? Boris Yel'tsin's acquaintances are grouped mostly in
the Urals, including Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Perm',
and Sverdlovsk Oblasts and the Udmurt Autono-
mous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR).
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Figure 2
Average Age of Politburo Member Acquaintances
53.0 a
46.0 a
310124 8-86
a One person.
? Nikolay Slyun'kov's ties are principally to officials
or former officials of the Belorussian Republic or
the USSR central planning bureaucracy.
The regional and functional character of each list of
acquaintances stems from the backgrounds of today's
senior leaders, who for the most part worked in a
single province or section of the national bureaucracy
before entering the inner chambers of the Kremlin.
This pattern contrasts with the experience of Brezh-
nev and his contemporaries, who in most cases served
successively in several regions and bureaucracies,
often with each other, before joining the senior party
leadership. Thus, the senior leaders during the period
1964-82?compared with today's leaders?had wider
experience, possibly a broader perspective, and appar-
ently longer standing personal ties to each other.
Because of this, we believe the possibility of political
fissures developing in the senior Soviet leadership may
be greater today than it was in the late 1960s or the
All our research suggests that if Gorbachev or any of
his Politburo colleagues chose to take a political
conflict to the Central Committee, they would be
unable to depend solely on their acquaintances there
for political success. All Politburo members also
probably see a collective interest in limiting all feuds
to the Politburo in order to maintain that body's
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collective monopoly of power. Therefore, all politick-
ing?all debates over policy and all decisions regard-
ing the composition of the senior leadership?proba-
bly will remain in the Politburo for the near future.
The Key Bureaucratic Blocs
The Central Committee includes officials from five
key bureaucratic blocs:
? Government ministers and state committee chair-
men, who head the administrative machinery head-
quartered in Moscow that runs industry, agricul-
ture, construction, defense, education, culture,
finance, diplomacy, justice, and science.
? The military.
? First secretaries of RSFSR provincial party organi-
zations, who coordinate at the regional level in the
Russian Republic the operation of all the Moscow-
based bureaucracies.
? Non-Russian republic party and government offi-
cials, who perform the same functions as their
RSFSR provincial counterparts, with the added
responsibility of keeping the lid on in the non-
Russian republics.
? Chiefs of Central Committee departments, who
maintain party oversight of every aspect of national
The Council of Ministers
The chairman of the Presidium of the Council of
Ministers, every first deputy and deputy chairman of
the Presidium of the Council, and practically every
minister hold full membership in the Central Com-
mittee (a total of 62). The exceptions consist mainly of
a few ministers for construction, light industry, and
food industry.
Of the 55 Council of Ministers officials who are not
also senior leaders, 36 have no identifiable or signifi-
cant ties to any current senior leader. These include
the ministers of such key sectors as energy production,
Senior Leadership Ties
Within the Council of Ministers
Murakhovskiy (State Agroindustrial Committee)
Vasil'yev (Land Reclamation and Water Resources)
Vlasov (Internal Affairs)
Yezhevskiy (Tractor and Agricultural Machine
Gostev (Finance)
Ryabov (Deputy Premier)
Voronin (Material and Technical Supply)
Vashchenko (Trade)
Shkol'nikov (People's Control)
Aristov (Foreign Trade)
Lomako (Nonferrous Metallurgy)
Aksenov (Television and Radio Broadcasting)
Bashilov (Construction of Heavy Industry
Reut (Gosplan)
Velichko (Power Machine Building)
Shamshin (Communications)
Ye! '(sin
Shcherbina (Deputy Premier)
Lemayev (Petroleum Refining and the Petrochemical
Zolotukhin (Grain Products
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ferrous metallurgy, and civil industrial machine build-
ing. They also include the defense-related ministers,
who have no identifiable ties to any current senior
leader except Zaykov, the party secretary responsible
for defense industry oversight.?
The remaining 19 ministers and state committee
chairmen have ties scattered among 11 full and
candidate members of the Politburo and CPSU secre-
This pattern of few identifiable ties holds up even
when we examine the government officials appointed
since Gorbachev became General Secretary. Of the
21 (a figure that excludes those who also belong to the
senior leadership) appointed since Gorbachev took
over, 13 lack identifiable or significant ties to any
senior leader. Only five have ties or possible ties to one
or more full members of the Politburo:
? Full members of the Politburo
? Gorbachev 2
? Ryzhkov 2
? Zaykov 1
? Candidate member
? Slyun'kov 2
? CPSU secretary
? Nikonov 1
In short, the Council of Ministers seems to consist
mostly of officials who got their jobs because of
technical expertise or skillful bureaucratic self-
promotion and political self-preservation?not be-
cause of patronage. Accordingly, if any were to lose
his job, it would more likely be for a managerial
failure (as perceived by the senior leadership) than
because of the minister's association with the wrong
member of the Politburo or the Secretariat.
4 It seems that even this relationship stems only from the coinci-
dence of each minister's responsibilities with Zaykov's, not from an
association any of them had with Zaykov before they got their
present jobs. Indeed, in all cases but two, these defense industry
ministers reached their present positions before Zaykov reached his,
and the two exceptions had both worked in their ministries for years
before Zaykov became defense industry secretary.
There are some noteworthy exceptions:
? Gorbachev's apparent ties to Minister of Internal
Affairs Aleksandr Vlasov and State Agroindustrial
Committee Chairman Vsevolod Murakhovskiy sug-
gest that they are his political allies. Any harm that
comes to either Vlasov or Murakhovskiy could
therefore reflect political damage to Gorbachev
? Similarly, Minister of Trade Grigoriy Vashchenko
has demonstrable ties to Shcherbitskiy that could
make Vashchenko a weather vane for Shcherbits-
kiy's political fortunes.
The ties of other members of the senior leadership to
individuals in the Council of Ministers could serve as
similar political indicators in their cases.
The Professional Military
Some aspects of the military's representation on the
Central Committee operate against the military's
political significance. Other factors operate in its
The nation's top officers (23 full members of the
Central Committee?see appendix D) and all the
defense-industry ministers together amount to only
about 12 percent of the full membership of the
Central Committee. By this measure, it is clear that
the senior leadership is no prisoner of the military-
industrial complex, particularly regarding questions
of the composition of the senior civilian leadership.
Although the military-industrial complex probably
has significant influence on defense policy because of
its technical expertise, we believe that defense policy
ultimately depends more on the wishes of the Politbu-
ro members themselves than on any political con-
straints imposed by the military and the defense-
industry ministries.
Another factor weighing against military influence in
policymaking is the lack of any significant career ties
between Gorbachev and senior military leaders in the
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Senior Leadership Ties
Within the Defense Ministry
Koldunov (deputy minister of defense and
Commander in Chief, Air Defense Forces)
Tolubko (former Commander in Chief, Strategic
Rocket Forces)
V. M. Arkhipov (commander, Moscow Military
Lushev (commander in chief, Group of Soviet Forces,
I. A. Gerasimov (commander in chief, Southwestern
V. G. Kulikov (First Deputy Minister of Defense and
commander in chief, Warsaw Pact Forces)
Kurkotkin (deputy minister of defense and chief of
rear services)
Ivanovskiy (deputy minister of defense and
Commander in Chief, Ground Forces)
Tret'yak (identified in Soviet publications as a
"responsible official" of the Ministry of Defense)
Zaytsev (commander in chief, Southern Theater)
Akhromeyev (First Deputy Minister of Defense and
Chief of the General Staff)
Solov57ev and Zaykov
Chernavin, (deputy minister of defense and
Commander in Chief Soviet Navy)
Gribkov (First Deputy Chief of the General Staff;
chief of staff, Warsaw Pact Forces)
Gorshkov, S. G. (member, Main Inspectorate; former
deputy minister of defense and former Commander
in Chief, Soviet Navy)
Sokolov (Minister of Defense)
Ogarkov (former Chief of the General Staff and
current commander of the Western Theater)
Shabanov (deputy minister of defense)
Central Committee.' As a consequence, he might view
the professional military with a jaundiced eye, espe-
cially given that several senior soldiers have ties to
officials and former officials of the Leningrad party
organization?bailiwick of former Politburo member
Grigoriy Romanov (Gorbachev's chief competitor for
Chernenko's mantle in l985)?and to Politburo mem-
bers Shcherbitskiy and Kunayev, both holdovers from
the Brezhnev era.
The only possible tie we can identify is a tenuous one to Deputy
Minister of Defense and Chief of Civil Defense Aleksandr Altunin,
who commanded the North Caucasus Military District, headquar-
tered in Rostov, during 1968-70, when Gorbachev was kraykom
second secretary in neighboring Stavropol' (1968-70).
These ties, however, give the military at least some
leverage in the Politburo on policy articulation. This
leverage, we think, is enhanced by another factor: the
military bloc is possibly the most distinct and cohesive
in the Central Committee. Unlike other blocs, its
members are mostly concentrated in Moscow, belong
to the same ministry, and seem to have a unique
professional self-identification and sense of apartness
from the rest of the elite; moreover, its top officials
almost certainly hold frequent meetings. Although
there are probably rivalries among the senior military
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leaders, we believe these are insignificant compared
with probable differences in outlook or policy choice
separating, say, a party first secretary in the remote
Yakutsk Obkom from one in densely populated Do-
netsk, or those separating the Minister of Power
Machine Building from the Minister of Culture.
Consequently, we suspect that the military speaks
with a louder voice in Kremlin policymaking councils
than its numerical share of the Central Committee or
its weak ties to Gorbachev would suggest.
RSFSR Provincial Party First Secretaries
Of the 71 oblasts, krays, and autonomous republics in
the RSFSR, the party first secretaries of 58 6 hold full
membership in the Central Committee. Of these, 35
got their jobs in 1982 or later-19 of them after
Gorbachev became General Secretary. Unlike most of
the government appointees, most of these RSFSR
provincial party first secretaries are or may be ac-
quainted with a senior party leader. This might be
because technical or specific substantive expertise is
probably less critical for these positions than it is for
many government positions and thus is less a consid-
eration in Kremlin deliberations over candidates.
Whatever the reason, when the senior leaders are
deciding whom to appoint to provincial party posts in
the RSFSR, personal acquaintanceships apparently
count for more?and possibly require more political
tradeoffs within the Politburo and the Secretariat?
than they do when the senior leadership is picking new
ministers or state committee chairmen.
Thirty-nine of the 58 first secretaries got their jobs
without having served in a provincial party organiza-
tion other than their present one.' The other 19 were
cross-posted?that is, moved from one province or
bureaucracy to take over in one where they had never
before worked.
'This figure includes Valentin Mesyats, first secretary of Moscow
Obkom, and Anatoliy Gerasimov, first secretary of Leningrad
Gorkom. We exclude Boris Yel'tsin, first secretary of Moscow
Gorkom, and Yuriy Solov'yev, first secretary of Leningrad Obkom,
both of whom occupy senior positions in the CPSU leadership.
' This figure includes Karelian Obkom first secretary Vladimir
Stepanov, whose career began in Karelia, although he spent much
of it in diplomatic work (1964-79) before returning there. We also
include Moscow Obkom chief Valentin Mesyats, who similarly
launched his career in Moscow Oblast before holding leading
RSFSR (1965-71) and USSR (1976-85) Government positions in
agriculture and the second secretaryship of the Kazakh Communist
Party (1971-76).
The senior party leadership has publicized cross-
posting as a method for cleaning out or preventing
regional cronyism. In fact, we see it as a vehicle by
which a senior leader can flex his political muscle,
appointing acquaintances to positions in a provincial
party organization regardless of whether the appoin-
tee worked there previously.
Whatever the motive behind cross-posting, the back-
grounds of the 16 individuals who have been cross-
posted since the beginning of 1983 reveal a pattern.
Thus, both appointments to and cross-postings within
the RSFSR provincial party apparatus suggest that
Ligachev?if his probable acquaintances are indeed
allies?might have greater political influence with
this group than any Politburo member other than
One index of the ebb and flow of political authority
within the Politburo during the next five years might
be national policies affecting various regions of the
RSFSR in which senior leaders have acquaintances.
As we have seen, the acquaintances of several senior
leaders?Gorbachev, Razumovskiy, Ligachev, Vorot-
nikov, Zaykov, Solov'yev, and Yel'tsin?are concen-
trated in different parts of the RSFSR (see figure 3).
Policies affecting the Central Region and Western
Siberia, accordingly, might be an index of the political
fortunes of Ligachev, while those affecting the North
Caucasus could reflect on Gorbachev and Razumovs-
kiy, the Central Black Earth Region on Vorotnikov,
the Urals on Yel'tsin, and Leningrad on Solov'yev and
Non-Russian Republic Officials
Of the 14 non-Russian republic party first secretaries,
all but four spent their entire careers within the
republic whose party organization they now head.'
'The exceptions are the Belorussian SSR's Slyun'kov (who was a
deputy chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee during
1974-83), Uzbekistan's Usmankhodzhayev (who was an instructor
in an unidentified department of the CPSU Central Committee
during 1969-72), Turkmenia's Niyazov (who worked during 1984-
85 as an instructor in the Organizational Party Work Department
of the CPSU Central Committee), and Kirgizia's Masaliyev (who
was an inspector in an unidentified department of the CPSU
Central Committee during June-November 1985).
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Senior Leadership Ties Among the RSFSR
Provincial Party First Secretaries
Boldyrev (Stavropol')
Kalashnikov (Volgograd)
Manyakin (Omsk)
Odintsov (North Osetian ASSR)
Yusupov (Dagestan ASSR)
Fedirko (Krasnoyarsk)
Tatarchuk (Kalinin)
Stepanov (Karelian ASSR)
Bakatin (Kirov)
Borodin (Astrakhan')
Filatov (Novosibirsk)
Gagarov (Primorski4 a
Litvintsev (Tula)
Loshchenkov (Yaroslavl')
Popov, F. V. (Altay)
Sharin (Amur) a
Sitnikov (Irkutsk)
Smol'skiy (Ryazan')
Stroyev (Orel) a
Yermakov (Kemerovo)
Zorkal'tsev (Tomsk)
Propkop'yev, I. P. (Chuvash ASSR)
Usmanov (Tatar ASSR)
Khomyakov (Saratov)
Polozkov (Krasnodar)
Volodin (Rostov)
Kolbin (Ul'yanovsk)
Knyazyuk (Ivanovo)
Ignatov (Voronezh)
Balandin (Orenburg)
Gudkov (Kursk)
Manayenkov (Lipetsk)
Murav'yev (Kuybyshev)
Ponomarev, A. F. (Belgorod)
Bogomyakov (Tyumen')
Grishchenko (Udmurt ASSR)
Konoplev (Perm')
Petrov, Yu. V. (Sverdlovsk)
Plekhanov (Kurgan)
Shakirov (Bashkir ASSR)
Telepnev (Arkhangel'sk)
Vedernikov (Chelyabinsk)
Gerasimov (Leningrad Gorkom)
No apparent ties or clear probable loyalties
Berezin (Mordovian ASSR)
Chernyy (Khabarovsk)
Foteyev (Chechen-Ingush ASSR)
Kachin (Kamchatka)
Khristoradnov (Gor'kiy)
Klimenko (Smolensk)
Kulikov (Penza)
Kuptsov (Vologda)
Mal'kov (Magadan)
Mesyats (Moscow Obkom)
Morozov (Komi ASSR)
Prokop'yev, Yu. N. (Yakutsk ASSR)
Ptitsyn (Murmansk)
Tret'yakov (Sakhalin)
Voystrochenko (Bryansk)
a Ligachev probably became acquainted with Gagarov, Sharin, and
Stroyev in the early 1980s when they worked in the party
apparatus while Ligachev was head of the Central Committee's
Organizational Party Work Department. We do not know the
significance of this tie.
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Bakatin (Kemerovo to Kirov)
F. V. Popov (Kemerovo to Altay)
Sharin (Primor'skiy Kray to Amur Oblast) a
Sitnikov (Kemerovo to Irkutsk)
Smol'skiy (Organizational Party Work Department
to Ryazan')
Grishchenko (Chelyabinsk to Udmurt ASSR)
Plekhanov (Chelyabinsk to Kurgan)
Telepnev (Tyumen' to Arkhangel'sk)
Khomyakov (Krasnodar/Tambov to Saratov)
Volodin (Stavropol' to Rostov)
Tatarchuk (Krasnoyarsk to Kalinin)
Kalashnikov (Stavropol' to Volgograd)
Kolbin (Sverdlovsk/Georgian SSR to Ul'yanovsk)
Knyazyuk (Belorussian SSR to Ivanovo)
Manayenkov (Tambov to Lipetsk)
No apparent ties
Foteyev (Kuybyshev to Chechen-Ingush ASSR)
a Ligachev's tie to Sharin stems from Sharin's stint in the early
1980s in the party apparatus when Ligachev was head of the
Central Committee's Organizational Party Work Department.
Senior Leadership Ties Among
Non-Russian Republic Officials
Pugo (Latvian SSR)
Masaliyev (Kirgiz SSR)
Grishkyavichyus (Lithuanian SSR)
Because of this provinciality, the ties many have in
the senior leadership are tenuous. Gorbachev himself
has only three possible acquaintances among these
officials, and these stem from the most superficial and
unlikely of circumstances:
? Karen Demirchyan, first secretary of the Commu-
nist Party of Armenia, served in 1976 on the
presidium of the 25th Party Congress, which lasted
10 days, with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and 117
other party officials.
? Pyatras Grishkyavichyus, first secretary of the Lith-
uanian Communist Party, also served on the presidi-
um of that congress.
? Demirchyan, Grishkyavichyus, and Karl Vayno,
first secretary of the Communist Party of Estonia,
all served on the presidium of the 26th Party
Congress in 1981 with?in addition to Gorbachev
and all other members of the then current senior
leadership?Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze,
Talyzin, Yel'tsin, and a hundred or so others.
In addition to the 14 republic party heads, 33 other
non-Russian republic officials and workers hold full
Central Committee membership. Gorbachev seems to
lack ties to any of them. Therefore, any power he
derives from regional sources outside the Politburo
seems to lie in the RSFSR.
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Figure 3
Regional Concentration of Senior Soviet Leaders' Acquaintances
Economic region Boundary
Oblast, kray, or autonomous
republic (ASSR) boundary
orotni QV
Scin9beR Urraion
ASSR CaSpian
Aral '
zumoyskty Goiba6hiv Afghanistan
The United States Government has not recognized
the incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
into the Soviet Union. Other boundary representation
is not necessarily authoritative.
0 500 Kilometers
500 Miles
708389 (A04985)10-86 25)(1
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There are possibilities?from minimal to moderate?
that Ligachev is acquainted with seven of these 47
non-Russians. In addition to the limited ties to Demir-
chyan, Grishkyavichyus, and Vayno stemming from
all four having served on the presidium of the 26th
Party Congress, Ligachev was head of the Central
Committee's Organizational Party Work Department
during 1983-85, when he could have become ac-
quainted with Masaliyev and Niyazov (see above).
Similarly, he could have also gotten to know:
? Vladimir Anishchev, second secretary of the Uzbek
Communist Party, who was an inspector in the
CPSU Central Committee apparatus during
? Kakimbek Salykov, first secretary of the Kara-
Kalpak Obkom, Uzbek Communist Party, who was
an instructor, then an inspector, of an unidentified
department of the CPSU Central Committee during
Republic first secretaries other than those already
discussed have at best extremely tenuous connections
in the senior party leadership. The first secretaries of
Moldavia, Uzbekistan, and Tadzhikistan appear to
lack any ties whatsoever to senior leaders. Their
interests will not be ignored by the senior leadership,
but we think that when hard choices on resource
allocations must be made?for whatever reason?
within the next five years, these republics could be
uncomfortably squeezed with no personal political
damage wrought to any senior leader in Moscow.
Only five non-Russian republics seem politically well
off, because full or candidate members of the Politbu-
ro hold (or held) leading positions in those republics:
? Azerbaijan SSR (Aliyev)
? Belorussian SSR (Slyun'kov)
? Georgian SSR (Shevardnadze)
? Kazakh SSR (Kunayev)
? Ukrainian SSR (Chebrikov and Shcherbitskiy)
Slyun'kov, moreover, worked in Gosplan with
Ryzhkov, a relationship that might further promote
the Belorussian SSR's cause in senior party councils.
(See figure 4.)
The Central Committee Department Chiefs
The Central Committee apparatus has 20 depart-
ments that oversee every aspect of national life.
Twelve have chiefs who hold full membership in the
Central Committee. Eleven of the 12 received their
present jobs in 1982 or later?eight after Gorbachev
became General Secretary. Thus, of all the bureauc-
racies that the senior leadership uses to implement its
decisions, the central party apparatus has undergone
the most extensive turnover in its top ranks in recent
The political significance of this high turnover is
unclear, but, because so many members gained their
positions under Gorbachev, he can probably expect
strong support from this group. In several cases,
moreover, we can identify a tie between a Politburo
member and a Central Committee department chief,
and Gorbachev is the most frequent apparent patron.
The remainder of the new appointees are career
apparatchiks with no longstanding ties to any current
senior leader:
? Oleg Belyakov, chief of the Defense Industry De-
partment, judging from the scant public record of
his activities, has probably been involved in defense
industry matters throughout his career. He un-
doubtedly works under Zaykov, the CPSU secretary
for defense industry, but there is no record of any
ties to other senior leaders.
? Anatoliy Luk'yanov, chief of the General Depart-
ment, has been an apparatchik or Supreme Soviet
staffer throughout his career. He undoubtedly
works closely with Gorbachev (the General Depart-
ment does staff work for the General Secretary), but
he lacks an identifiable previous tie to any current
senior leader.
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Figure 4
Non-Russian Republics That Have Present or Former Leading Officials in the CPSU Politburo
Union republic (SSR) boundary
ze AIIyev
fghartistan PaCi.
The United States Government has not recognized
the incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
into the Soviet Union. Other boundary representation
is not necessarily authoritative.
0 500 Kilometers
0 500 Miles
708450 (A04985)10.86
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Senior Leadership Ties To Central
Committee Department Heads a
Karlov (Agriculture and Food Industry)
Kruchina (Administration of Affairs)
Razumovskiy (Organizational Party Work)
Yakovlev (Propaganda)
Mel'nikov (Construction)
Vol'skiy (Machine Building)
a We exclude two department heads from this list. Anatoliy
Dobrynin, head of the International Department, was Ambassador
to the United States from 1962 until March 1986 and undoubtedly
reported to Gromyko when he was Foreign Minister.
there was friction between the two.
We therefore believe that Dobrynin's and Gromyko 's political
fortunes are independent of one another. Similarly, Stepan Cher-
vonenko, head of the Central Committee's Cadres Abroad Depart-
ment, was Ambassador to France from 1973 until 1982 and also
reported to Gromyko. But Chervonenko was originally a party
official from the Ukrainian SSR, never a Foreign Ministry career-
ist, and his only diplomatic postings before France had been
ambassadorial assignments to bloc countries (North Korea and
Czechoslovakia), which seem to have lain outside Gromyko's
purview. Accordingly, we believe that Chervonenko's and Gromy-
ko's political futures are not linked.
? Vadim Medvedev, a CPSU secretary and chief of
the Bloc Relations Department, has been an appara-
tchik since 1970. He lacks any identifiable previous
ties to any current Politburo member. He was
deputy chief of the Propaganda Department of the
CPSU Central Committee during 1970-78, overlap-
ping for three years with Yakovlev (first deputy
chief of the department, 1965-73).
? Aleksandr Yakovlev, a CPSU secretary and chief of
the Propaganda Department, has been an appara-
tchik since 1953, except for a tour as Ambassador to
Canada during 1973-83. He lacks any identifiable
career ties to any Politburo member, although he
was in Canada when Gorbachev visited that country
in 1983 and,
gained his patronage at that time.
? Nikolay Savinkin, the one Central Committee de-
partment chief whose tenure precedes 1982, is chief
of the Administrative Organs Department?which
supervises the police, judiciary, and legal organs?
where he has worked since 1950. He was elected a
deputy to the Council of Nationalities of the USSR
Supreme Soviet in 1974, 1979, and 1984, each time
on the Georgian delegation with Shevardnadze.
Pluses and Minuses for Gorbachev
The diverse nature of the Central Committee and the
primacy of the Politburo in Soviet politics help Gorba-
chev, in our judgment. As long as he can maintain a
workable majority of Politburo allies, we believe, he
can stay in power and continue pushing his political
program, regardless of the number of acquaintances
he has in the Central Committee.
Gorbachev's political health is also helped by the
tradition that equates opposition with treason. Thus, if
any Politburo conflict overflowed into the Central
Committee, the chief goal of each committee mem-
ber, regardless of which senior leader he was best
acquainted with, would be to make sure he voted for
the winning side?a risky proposition (in our opinion)
when voting against an incumbent general secretary.
For example, all 26 of Shcherbitskiy's acquaintances
(even those who rank as his closest allies) would in our
opinion vote for Gorbachev in a wink if they perceived
that Shcherbitskiy's number was up.
Another key factor favoring Gorbachev is that offi-
cials in the Central Committee who got their promo-
tions after Gorbachev replaced Chernenko are likely
to have a loyalty to him that in many cases would
eclipse any association they might have had with any
other senior leader. In this connection, the 40-percent
turnover in the Central Committee's membership at
the most recent party congress almost certainly indi-
cates a degree of political momentum accruing to
Gorbachev. The loyalty to Gorbachev of recently
appointed officials might particularly be the case
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Comparing the 1966 and 1986 Central
Committees: Whither the Soviet Elite?
Aside from its political significance, the Central
Committee also serves as the collective embodiment
of the Soviet elite?the USSR's top political officials,
soldiers, managers, scholars, scientists, workers,
farmers, propagandists, diplomats, and journalists. A
comparison of the 1986 elite (that is, the full mem-
bers of the Central Committee elected in 1986) with
the 1966 elite reveals how the Soviet system's leading
stratum has evolved, or failed to evolve, over the past
two decades.
Age. The average age of the full members of the 1986
Central Committee is approximately 60, compared to
55 in 1966. For at least the next five years, therefore,
there will be no objective need to retire large numbers
of superannuated members. Indeed, the actuarial
potential for bureaucratic stagnation under Gorba-
chev is approximately the same as it was at the outset
of the Brezhnev era.
Education. The educational level of the newly elected
Central Committee full members appears to be only
marginally higher than that of their 1966 predeces-
sors. Approximately 79 percent of the 1986 group
completed university, military academy, higher party
school, or institute training, compared with 76.7
percent in 1966.
A subset within this category of "educated" Central
Committee members, however, reflects one notewor-
thy difference between the 1966 and 1986 groups. The
best educated members of the elite?using as our
benchmarks those who graduated from Moscow
State University, Leningrad State University, or
Bauman Institute and those who hold advanced
degrees?increased their representation among the
full membership of the Central Committee from 9.7
percent in 1966 to 16 percent in 1986, thus stiffening
the intellectual backbone of the ruling class at least
Career background. There are two noteworthy differ-
ences in the career backgrounds of the 1966 and 1986
? In 1966 only 8.5 percent of the full members had
devoted a large percentage of their careers to purely
industrial or technical work, compared with 21
percent in 1986.
? In 1966 about 21 percent of the full members had25xi
spent the majority of their careers in the central
party apparatus (as opposed to a party or industrial
management position outside Moscow). Only about
9 percent had such a background in 1986.
Provinciality. At least 56 percent of the full Central
Committee members elected in 1986 spent their 25X1
formative and professional years in the provinces
outside Moscow and Leningrad?an increase from 25X1
the 47 percent that had done so in 1966. By this
measure alone, it would appear that a large?and
increasing?percentage of the elite has still had only
limited exposure to foreigners and may consequently
have an uncritical ear for the foreign policy pro-
nouncements of their government.
The foregoing analysis, however, neglects the effect of
foreign radiobroadcasts (a topic beyond the scope of
this paper) and the possibility of unofficial foreign
travel by provincial party leaders and economic man-
agers. For instance, Gorbachev himself?according to
what he has told Westerners since becoming national-
ly prominent?traveled to France on his own in 1966
and to Italy in 1967 when he was a party secretary in
Stavropol'. We do not know if his experience is
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among RSFSR oblast party committee first secretar-
ies, who answer directly to the senior CPSU leader-
ship (because the RSFSR lacks a republic-level party
organization). Such officials, given the political prom-
inence Gorbachev enjoys as General Secretary, might
fix an allegiance to him that is stronger than their ties
would otherwise indicate.
At the same time, however, the composition of the
Central Committee and the dynamics of Soviet poli-
tics are, in our opinion, obstacles to far-reaching
change. If Gorbachev were to press for changes that a
coalition of his Politburo colleagues regarded as too
extreme, they could block those changes in the Polit-
buro. If he pressed the issue, they could take the risk
of presenting an alternative "no changes" platform to
the Central Committee (after having assured them-
selves of its cooperation) to get him ousted.
This possibility is not entirely academic. The core of
the Central Committee is composed largely of groups
traditionally regarded by Western and emigre observ-
ers as resistant to change: the provincial party estab-
lishment and the government economic bureaucracy.
Moreover, approximately 53 percent of the full mem-
bers of the Central Committee got their positions that
warranted Central Committee membership before
Gorbachev reached the senior leadership in 1978, and
38 percent of the members of the present Central
Committee were already full members by that same
year. (Of course, Gorbachev himself falls into both of
these categories, so the political predispositions of this
group are mixed, at least to some degree. Neverthe-
less, a large share of today's Soviet elite was running
the country during Brezhnev's static reign and might,
therefore, have a vested interest in maintaining the
practices that prevailed then.)
Thus, Gorbachev's calls for "radical reform" attack
the parochial interests of what seems to be a relatively
conservative body (as well as the interests of the party
at large), suggesting that the Central Committee
could become a reserve army reinforcing any anti-
Gorbachev conservative forces in the Politburo that
might risk breaking ranks with him and his Politburo
Because we lack knowledge of what Gorbachev has
proposed to the Politburo, we are unable to tell if he
faces any significant resistance in that body, but there
have been signs of continued conservative influence in
both policymaking and personnel selection decisions
that suggest that his progress toward any reformist
goals could be difficult.'
Another obstacle to any systemic reform is that
Gorbachev and the rest of the Politburo must imple-
ment these plans through the members of the Central
Committee?the individual government and party
officials who, in addition to full membership in the
Central Committee, hold the leading positions in the
national government and the central and regional
party structure. These officials could hinder Gorba-
chev's plans by their collective recalcitrance in their
respective jobs.
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Appendix A
Methodology for Determining
Each Senior Leader's Acquaintances
in the Central Committee
In most cases, when we were deciding where to place
a Central Committee member in our lists of acquaint-
ances, the choice was between a given senior leader or
nobody. In many of these cases, we opted for the
senior leader, despite our lack of information confirm-
ing that the acquaintance was also an ally.
In some cases, a Central Committee member had the
opportunity to become acquainted (and possibly allied)
with more than one senior leader. In such cases, we
made a judgment as to which single Politburo mem-
ber or secretary such a Central Committee member
would be likely to be best acquainted with. We
balanced several assumptions:
? A tie to one senior leader was stronger than it was
to another leader if the member had worked more
recently with the first leader.
? A tie to a leader who worked in the same party
organization was stronger than to a leader who
worked in any other party organization.
? A tie to one leader was stronger than to another if
the member worked longer with the first leader than
with the second.
? A tie between officials in adjacent provinces was
greater when the regions were equal in size. Accord-
ingly, for officials in oblasts adjacent to the Ukraine
or Moscow Oblast, we assumed no tie existed
between them and their neighboring counterparts.
? An association with somebody powerful superseded
one with somebody weak.
? An association established between two officials
during their assignment in party or government
work superseded one established in Supreme Soviet
or other "window dressing" assignments.
For some Central Committee members, the possibility
that an acquaintanceship and political alliance exists
between them and senior leaders is strong. For
? Yuriy Litvintsev?first secretary of the Tula Oblast
Party Committee?was first secretary of the Tomsk
city party committee as of 1975, when Yegor
Ligachev?today a Politburo member and CPSU
secretary?was first secretary of the Tomsk Oblast
party committee (1965-83). Litvintsev later was an
inspector in the CPSU Central Committee appara-
tus (1984), when Ligachev was chief of the CPSU
Central Committee's Organizational Party Work
Department (1983-85). Litvintsev and Ligachev also
were members of the Tomsk delegation to the 25th
and 26th Party Congresses in 1976 and 1981,
? Vladimir Kalashnikov?first secretary of the Volgo-
grad Oblast Party Committee?was second secre-
tary of the Stavropol' Kray Party Committee (kray-
kom) during 1975-82, when Gorbachev was first
secretary of Stavropol' Kraykom. Kalashnikov then
served as RSFSR Minister of Land Reclamation
and Water Resources (1982-84) when Gorbachev
was the CPSU Central Committee secretary respon-
sible for agriculture (1978-85).
In other cases, the evidence of a tie and probable
political alliance is less clear cut. For example:
? Georgiy Arbatov, director of the Institute for the
USA and Canada, attended the 25th and 26th Party
Congresses in 1976 and 1981, respectively, as a
member of the Azerbaijan SSR delegation with
current Politburo member Geydar Aliyev. Arbatov
was also elected to the Council of Nationalities of
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the USSR Supreme Soviet from the Azerbaijan
SSR in 1974 and 1984. In each of those years
Aliyev represented the republic in the Supreme
Soviet's Council of the Union. Despite this tenuous
connection, each man is probably preoccupied with
issues that are of less immediate concern to the
other. Therefore, we doubted that Arbatov had any
predominant loyalty to Aliyev that would withstand
a political crisis and left him off the list of Aliyev's
possible associates.
? Leonid Grekov, Ambassador to Bulgaria, was a
Moscow City Party Committee (gorkom) secretary
from at least 1971 until 1979, when Viktor V.
Grishin was Moscow Gorkom first secretary
(1967-85). Grishin is now retired and no longer a
member of the Politburo or Central Committee, so
we lumped Grekov among the Central Committee
members with no apparent significant ties to a
senior leader, despite his service on party and state
honorific bodies over the years with several other
senior leaders. (Grekov and Gorbachev, for example,
served together on the 25-man secretariat of the
24th Party Congress in 1971.)
? Yuliy Vorontsov, a Foreign Ministry careerist,
worked under Gromyko for 18 years, but Vorontsov
was also a member of the Stavropol' delegation to
the 26th Party Congress in 1981 with Gorbachev.
With such conflicting and inconclusive evidence, we
committed Vorontsov to no senior leader's list of
Two acquaintances can also be mortal enemies. For
example, in their speeches at the Kazakh Party
Congress in February 1986, Kzyl-Orda Obkom First
Secretary Yerkin Auyel'bekov and Kazakh Party
First Secretary Dinmukhamed Kunayev did all but
exchange gunfire, so we left Auyel'bekov off the list of
Kunayev's associates, despite their apparently close
career ties.
Despite such an example, we are nevertheless con-
vinced that an association between two Soviets more
likely than not signifies a political association between
them. In a system having weak institutional structures
for conferring power, personal relationships are all
important. Few ambitious Soviet bureaucrats, in our
view, would miss any opportunity to cement ties to a
potentially useful contact, regardless of their personal
In some cases, we linked leaders who had served at
the same time in adjacent regions. We recognize that
the interaction of high office holders in adjacent
regions may be infrequent or even competitive. We
nevertheless believe that having held high office at the
same time in adjacent regions makes it more likely
than not that two individuals are political associates.
Two examples of such an association of which we are
fairly confident are:
? Georgiy Razumovskiy?now a CPSU secretary and
chief of the Central Committee's Organizational
Party Work Department?rose to chairman of the
Krasnodar Kray Soviet Executive Committee dur-
ing 1966-73, serving in that position until 1981,
when Gorbachev was first secretary of neighboring
Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78). There may, of
course, be some other tie to Gorbachev.
? Aleksandr Vlasov?now Minister of Internal Af-
fairs?was first secretary of the Chechen-Ingush
Obkom (1975-84) when Gorbachev was first secre-
tary of neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78).
In other cases of service in adjacent provinces, we are
less confident. For example, Vasiliy Dinkov, Minister
of the Gas Industry, was chief of the Krasnodar Gas
Pipelines Administration and then chief of the "Ku-
ban'gazprom" Association during 1962-66, when
Mikhail Gorbachev was head of the party organs
department of the neighboring Stavropol' Kray Party
Committee (1963-66). An acquaintanceship between
the two from those days is uncertain, so we left
Dinkov off Gorbachev's list.
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However, some seemingly tenuous connections have
turned out to be important:
? Eduard Shevardnadze has told senior US officials,
for example, that he and Gorbachev have known
each other since the mid-1950s, when they were
Komsomol officials in their respective adjoining
provinces of Georgia and Stavropol' Kray.
? In 1983, when Politburo member Mikhail Solo-
mentsev was made head of the Party Control Com-
mittee, he reached back to 1959 (his last year in
Chelyabinsk Oblast) to pick an apparent acquaint-
ance from that time?Mikhail Voropayev?as his
first deputy chief. Solomentsev's only other known
link to Voropayev was comembership on the Chel-
yabinsk delegations to two RSFSR Supreme Soviet
sessions (1971 and 1976) and to the 25th Party
Congress (1976).
The political significance of these lists is clouded by
the fact that some of them would overlap if we made
no effort to squeeze each member into the list of a
single senior leader. Shcherbitskiy's list of acquaint-
ances from the Ukraine, for example, includes a
number of people who worked closely with Chebrikov
when the latter was a leading official in the Ukraine's
Dnepropetrovsk Oblast.
Reverse Blank
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Appendix B
List of Senior Leaders and Their
Acquaintances in the Central Committee "
Full Members of the Politburo
Boldyrev, Ivan Sergeyevich?first secretary,
Stavropol' Kraykom
Chazov, Yevgeniy Ivanovich?USSR deputy minister
of health
Chernyayev, Anatoliy Sergeyevich?Gorbachev aide
Kalashnikov, Vladimir Il'ich?first secretary, Volgo-
grad Obkom
Karlov, Vladimir Alekseyevich?chief, Agriculture
and Food Department, CPSU CC
Kruchina, Nikolay Yefimovich?administrator of af-
fairs, CPSU CC
Lushchikov, Anatoliy Pavlovich?Gorbachev aide
Manyakin, Sergey Iosifovich?first secretary, Omsk
Murakhovskiy, Vsevolod Serafimovich?chairman,
Odintsov, Vladimir Yevgen'yevich?first secretary,
North Osetian Obkom
Tereshchenko, Nikolay Dmitriyevich?kolkhoz chair-
man, Stavropol' Kray
Trunov, Mikhail Petrovich?chairman of the board,
Vasil'yev, Nikolay Fedorovich?USSR Minister of
Land Reclamation and Water Resources
Vlasov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich?USSR Minister of
Internal Affairs
Yezhevskiy, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich?USSR Min-
ister of Tractor and Agricultural Machine Building
Yusupov, Magomed Yusupovich?first secretary, Da-
gestan Obkom
Bagirov, Kyamran Mamed ogly?first secretary,
Azerbaijan CP
I? Positions listed are as of the time each official was elected or
reelected to the Central Committee on 6 March 1986. See
appendix E for any changes since thenl
Bobkov, Filipp Denisovich?deputy chairman, KGB
Kryuchkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich?deputy chair-
man, KGB
Pugo, Boris Karlovich?first secretary, Latvian Com-
munist Party
Yemokhonov, Nikolay Pavlovich?first deputy chair-
man, KGB
Korniyenko, Georgiy Markovich?USSR First Depu-
ty Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kuznetsov, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich?First Deputy Chair-
man, USSR Supreme Soviet
Mal'tsev, Viktor Fedorovich?USSR First Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rykov, Vasiliy Nazarovich?Ambassador to India
Stepanov, Vladimir Sevast'yanovich?first secretary,
Karelian Obkom
Zamyatin, Leonid Mitrofanovich?Ambassador to
the United Kingdom
Demidenko, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Kustanay Obkom, Kazakh CP
Mendybayev, Marat Samiyevich?first secretary,
Alma-Ata Obkom, Kazakh CP
Miroshkhin, Oleg Semenovich?second secretary,
Kazakh CP
Nazarbayev, Nursultan Abishevich?Chairman, Ka-
zakh Council of Ministers
Salykov, Kakimbek Salykovich?first secretary,
Karakalpak Obkom, Uzbek CP
Trofimov, Yuriy Nikolayevich?first secretary, Ak-
tyubinsk Obkom, Kazakh CP
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(Anishchev, Vladimir Petrovich) "?second secretary,
Uzbek CP
Bakatin, Vadim Viktorovich?first secretary, Kirov
Borodin, Leonid Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Astrakhan' Obkom
Filatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich?first secretary, Novosi-
birsk Obkom
(Gagarov, Dmitriy Nikolayevich)?first secretary,
Primorskiy Kraykom
Gorshkov, Leonid Aleksandrovich?deputy chairman,
RSFSR Supreme Soviet
Litvintsev, Yuriy Ivanovich?first secretary, Tula
Loshchenkov, Fedor Ivanovich?first secretary, Yar-
oslavl' Obkom
Mel'nikov, Aleksandr Grigor'yevich?chief, Con-
struction Department, CPSU CC
(Niyazov, Saparmurad Atayevich)?first secretary,
Turkmen CP
Popov, Filipp Vasil'yevich?first secretary, Altay
Razumov, Yevgeniy Zotovich?first deputy chief, Or-
ganizational Party Work Department, CPSU CC
(Sharin, Leonid Vasil'yevich)?first secretary, Amur
Sitnikov, Vasiliy Ivanovich?first secretary, Irkutsk
Smol'skiy, Pavel Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Ryazan' Obkom
(Stroyev, Yegor Semenovich)?first secretary, Orel
Stukalin, Boris Ivanovich?Ambassador to Hungary
Yegorov, Anatoliy Grigor'yevich?director, Institute
of Marxism-Leninism
Yermakov, Nikolay Spiridonovich?first secretary,
Kemerovo Obkom
Zorkal'tsev, Viktor Il'ich?first secretary, Tomsk
" Names in parentheses are those Central Committee members
whose possible ties to Ligachev stem from when they served a
rotational tour of duty in the Central Committee apparatus when
Ligachev was chief of the CPSU Central Committee's Organiza-
tional Party Work Department.
Gostev, Boris Ivanovich?USSR Minister of Finance
Kolbin, Gennadiy Vasil'yevich?first secretary,
Ul'yanovsk Obkom
Ryabov, Yakov Petrovich?Deputy Chairman, USSR
Council of Ministers
Voronin, Lev Alekseyevich?Deputy Chairman,
USSR Council of Ministers; Chairman, State
Committee for Material and Technical Supply
Boyko, Viktor Grigor'yevich?first secretary, Dnepro-
petrovsk Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Dobrik, Viktor Fedorovich?first secretary, L'vov
Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Goncharenko, Boris Trofimovich?first secretary,
Voroshilovgrad Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Kachalovskiy, Yevgeniy Viktorovich?First Deputy
Chairman, Ukrainian Council of Ministers
Kachura, Boris Vasil'yevich?secretary, Ukrainian
Kapto, Aleksandr Semenovich?Ambassador to Cuba
Kavun, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich?first secretary, Zhito-
mir Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Kolesnikov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich?mining brigade
leader, Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
Lutak, Ivan Kondrat'yevich?first secretary, Cher-
kassy Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Lyashko, Aleksandr Pavlovich?Chairman, Ukraini-
an Council of Ministers
Makarenko, Viktor Sergeyevich?first secretary, Cri-
mean Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Mironov, Vasiliy Petrovich?first secretary, Donetsk
Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Morgun, Fedor Trofimovich?first secretary, Poltava
Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Motornyy, Dmitriy Konstantinovich?kolkhoz chair-
man, Kherson Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
Mozgovoy, Ivan Alekseyevich?secretary, Ukrainian
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Mysnichenko, Vladislav Petrovich?first secretary,
Khar'kov Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Nochevkin, Anatoliy Petrovich?first secretary,
Odessa Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Parubok, Yemel'yan Nikonovich?member, Bureau,
Ukrainian Komsomol
Petrov, Vladislav Alekseyevich?lathe operator,
Khar'kov, Ukrainian SSR
Revenko, Grigoriy Ivanovich?first secretary, Kiev
Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Sazonov, Anatoliy Pavlovich?first secretary, Zapor-
ozh'ye Obkom, Ukrainian CP
Shevchenko, Valentina Semenovna?Chairman,
Ukrainian Supreme Soviet; 'Deputy Chairman,
USSR Supreme Soviet
Taratuta, Vasiliy Nikolayevich?Ambassador to
Titarenko, Aleksey Antonovich?second secretary,
Ukrainian CP
Vashchenko, Grigoriy Ivanovich?USSR Minister of
Yel'chenko, Yuriy Nikiforovich?first secretary, Kiev
Gorkom, Ukrainian CP
Patiashvili, Dzhumber Il'ich?first secretary,
Georgian CP
Afanas'yev, Viktor Grigor'yevich?chief editor,
Gustov, Ivan Stepanovich?First Deputy Chairman,
Party Control Committee, CPSU CC
Kochemasov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich?Ambassador to
the GDR
Lomonosov, Vladimir Grigor'yevich?deputy chair-
man, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
Maslennikov, Nikolay Ivanovich?deputy chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers; chairman, RSFSR
Ponomarev, Mikhail Aleksandrovich?deputy chair-
man, Party Control Committee, CPSU CC
Shkol'nikov, Aleksey Mikhaylovich?Chairman,
Committee of People's Control
Tyazhel'nikov, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich?Ambassador
to Romania
Voropayev, Mikhail Gavrilovich?deputy chairman,
Party Control Committee, CPSU CC
Yermin, Lev Borisovich?First Deputy Chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers
Balandin, Anatoliy Nikiforovich?first secretary,
Orenburg Obkom
Gudkov, Aleksandr Fedorovich?first secretary,
Kursk Obkom
Gusev, Vladimir Kuz'mich?First Deputy Chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers
Karpova, Yevdokiya Fedorovna?deputy chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers
Manayenkov, Yuriy Alekseyevich?first secretary,
Lipetsk Obkom
Murav'yev, Yevgeniy Fedorovich?first secretary,
Kuybyshev Obkom
Orlov, Vladimir Pavlovich?Chairman, RSFSR Su-
preme Soviet; Deputy Chairman, USSR Supreme
Ponomarev, Aleksey Filippovich?first secretary, Bel-
gorod Obkom
Aristov, Boris Ivanovich?USSR Minister of Foreign
Gerasimov, Anatoliy Nikolayevich?first secretary,
Leningrad Gorkom
Khodyrev, Vladimir Yakovlevich?chairman, Lenin-
grad Gorispolkom
Popov, Nikolay Sergeyevich?chief designer, produc-
tion association, Leningrad
Zakharov, Vasiliy Georgiyevich?second secretary,
Moscow Gorkom
Candidate Members of the Politburo
Borisenkov, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich?second secretary,
Moscow Obkom
Fedirko, Pavel Stefanovich?first secretary, Krasno-
yarsk Kraykom
Lomako, Petr Fadeyevich?USSR Minister of Non-
ferrous Metallurgy
Tatarchuk, Nikolay Fedorovich?first secretary,
Kalinin Obkom
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Aksenov, Aleksandr Nikiforovich?Chairman, State
Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting
Bartoshevich, Gennadiy Georgiyevich?second secre-
tary, Belorussian CP
Bashilov, Sergey Vasil'yevich?USSR Minister of
Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises
Brovikov, Vladimir Ignat'yevich?Ambassador to
Knyazyuk, Mikhail Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Ivanovo Obkom
Kovalev, Mikhail Vasil'yevich?Chairman, Belorus-
sian Council of Ministers
Malofeyev, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Minsk Obkom, Belorussian CP
Reut, Anatoliy Antonovich?First Deputy Chairman,
USSR Gosplan
Shulyak, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich?forge punch op-
erator, Minsk Automobile Plant
Sokolov, Yefrem Yevseyevich?first secretary, Brest
Obkom, Belorussian CP
Tarazevich, Georgiy Stanislavovich?Chairman, Be-
lorussian Supreme Soviet
Velichko, Vladimir Makarovich?USSR Minister of
Power Machine Building
Vol'skiy, Arkadiy Ivanovich?chief, Machine Build-
ing Department, CPSU CC
Akhromeyev, Sergey Fedorovich?USSR First
Deputy Minister of Defense; Chief of the General
Altunin, Aleksandr Terent'yevich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; chief of civil defense
Arkhipov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich?commander,
Moscow Military District
Chernavin, Vladimir Nikolayevich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; Commander in Chief, Soviet
Gerasimov, Ivan Aleksandrovich?commander in
chief, Southwestern Theater
Gorshkov, Sergey Georgiyevich?member, Main
Inspectorate, USSR Ministry of Defense
Govorov, Vladimir Leonidovich?USSR deputy min-
ister of defense; chief inspector
Gribkov, Anatoliy Ivanovich?First Deputy Chief,
General Staff; chief of staff, Warsaw Pact Forces
Ivanovskiy, Yevgeniy Filippovich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; Commander in Chief, Ground
Koldunov, Aleksandr Ivanovich?USSR deputy min-
ister of defense; Commander in Chief, Air Defense
Kulikov, Viktor Georgiyevich?USSR First Deputy
Minister of Defense; commander in chief, Warsaw
Pact Forces
Kurkotkin, Semen Konstantinovich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; chief of rear services
Lizichev, Aleksey Dmitriyevich?chief, Main Politi-
cal Directorate of the Army and Navy, USSR
Ministry of Defense
Lushev, Petr Georgiyevich?commander in chief,
Group of Soviet Forces, Germany
Maksimov, Yuriy Pavlovich?USSR deputy minister
of defense; Commander in Chief, Strategic Rocket
Ogarkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich?commander in chief,
Western Theater
Petrov, Vasiliy Ivanovich?USSR First Deputy Min-
ister of Defense
Shabanov, Vitaliy Mikhaylovich?USSR deputy min-
ister of defense
Tolubko, Vladimir Fedorovich?member, Main In-
spectorate, USSR Ministry of Defense
Tret'yak, Ivan Moiseyevich?commander in chief,
Far Eastern Theater
Yefimov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; First Deputy Commander in
Chief, Air Forces
Zaytsev, Mikhail Mitrofanovich?commander in
chief, Southern Theater
Ignatov, Vadim Nikolayevich?first secretary, Voro-
nezh Obkom
Kruglova, Zinaida Mikhaylovna?Chairman, Presidi-
um, Union of Soviet Societies of Friendship and
Cultural Relations With Foreign Countries
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Shamshin, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich?USSR Minister
of Communications
Bogomyakov, Gennadiy Pavlovich?first secretary,
Tyumen' Obkom
Grishchenko, Petr Semenovich?first secretary,
Udmurt Obkom
Konoplev, Boris Vsevolodovich?first secretary,
Perm' Obkom
Korolev, Anatoliy Maksimovich?lathe operators bri-
gade leader, Uralmash Production Association,
Petrov, Yuriy Vladimirovich?first secretary, Sverd-
lovsk Obkom
Plekhanov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich?first secretary,
Kurgan Obkom
Saykin, Valeriy Timofeyevich?chairman, Moscow
Shakirov, Midkhat Zakirovich?first secretary, Bash-
kir Obkom
Shcherbina, Boris Yevdokimovich?Deputy Chair-
man, USSR Council of Ministers
Telepnev, Petr Maksimovich?first secretary, Arkh-
angel'sk Obkom
Vedernikov, Gennadiy Georgiyevich?first secretary,
Chelyabinsk Obkom
Non-Politburo Secretaries
Kazakov, Leonid Davydovich?secretary, All-Union
Central Council of Trade Unions
Pletneva, Valentina Nikolayevna?member, Presidi-
um, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
Rybakov, Anatoliy Yakovlevich?chairman, Trade
Union of Machine Building and Instrument
Making Industry Workers
Shalayev, Stepan Alekseyevich?chairman, All-
Union Central Council of Trade Unions
Reverse Blank 25
Lemayev, Nikolay Vasil'yevich?USSR Minister of
Petroleum Refining and the Petrochemical
Prokop'yev, Il'ya Pavlovich?first secretary, Chuvash
Tabeyev, Fikryat Akhmedzhanovich?Ambassador to
Usmanov, Gumer Ismailovich?first secretary, Tatar
Khomyakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich?first secre-
tary, Saratov Obkom
Klepikov, Mikhail Ivanovich?Kolkhoz brigade lead-
er, Krasnodar Kray
Masaliyev, Absamat Masaliyevich?first secretary,
Kirgiz CP
Polozkov, Ivan Kuz'mich?first secretary, Krasnodar
Volodin, B. M.?first secretary, Rostov Obkom
Zolotukhin, Grigoriy Sergeyevich?USSR Minister
of Grain Products
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Appendix C
Central Committee Members With
No Apparent High-Level Ties or
Whose Loyalties Are Unclear "
Afanas'yev, Sergey Aleksandrovich?USSR Minister
of Heavy and Transport Machine Building
Aleksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich?president, Acade-
my of Sciences
Antonov, Aleksey Konstantinovich?Deputy Chair-
man, USSR Council of Ministers; Permanent
Representative to CEMA
Arbatov, Georgiy Arkad'yevich?director, Institute
of the USA and Canada
Arkhipov, Ivan Vasil'yevich?First Deputy Chair-
man, USSR Council of Ministers
Auyel'bekov, Yerkin Nurzhanovich?first secretary,
Kzyl-Orda Obkom, Kazakh CP
Bakhirev, Vyacheslav Vasil'yevich?USSR Minister
of Machine Building
Bakin, Boris Vladimirovich?USSR Minister of
Installation and Special Construction Work
Baklanov, Oleg Dmitriyevich?USSR Minister of
General Machine Building
Balandin, Yuriy Nikolayevich?deputy chairman,
Bal'mont, Boris Vladimirovich?USSR Minister of
the Machine Tool and Tool Building Industry
Bashtanyuk, Gennadiy Sergeyevich?fitters brigade
leader, Kama River Truck Plant, Tatar ASSR
Batalin, Yuriy Petrovich?Deputy Chairman, USSR
Council of Ministers
Baybakov, Nikolay Konstantinovich?state counselor,
USSR Council of Ministers
Bazovskiy, Vladimir Nikolayevich?position un-
known; former Ambassador to Hungary
Belousov, Igor' Sergeyevich?USSR Minister of the
Shipbuilding Industry
Belyakov, Oleg Semenovich?chief, Defense Industry
Department, CPSU CC
Berezin, Anatoliy Ivanovich?first secretary, Mordo-
vian Obkom
It Positions listed are as of the time each official was elected or
reelected to the Central Committee on 6 March 1986. See appendix
E for any changes since then.
Bugayev, Boris Pavlovich?USSR Minister of Civil
Chakovskiy, Aleksandr Borisovich?chief editor, Li-
teraturnaya Gazeta
Cherdintsev, Vasiliy Makarovich?combine operator,
kolkhoz, Orenburg Oblast
Cherkashina, Valentina Nikolayevna?spinner, cot-
ton combine, Volgograd Oblast
Chernomyrdin, Viktor Stepanovich?USSR Minister
of the Gas Industry
Chernyy, Aleksey Klement'yevich?first secretary,
Khabarovsk Kraykom
Chervonenko, Stepan Vasil'yevich?chief, Cadres
Abroad Department, CPSU CC
Chicherov, Vladimir Stepanovich?fitters brigade
leader, production association, Leningrad
Chirskov, Vladimir Grigor'yevich?USSR Minister
of Construction of Petroleum and Gas Industry
Demirchyan, Karen Seropovich?first secretary, Ar-
menian CP
Dinkov, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich?USSR Minister of
the Petroleum Industry
Fedoseyev, Petr Nikolayevich?vice president, Acad-
emy of Sciences
Finogenov, Pavel Vasil'yevich?USSR Minister of
Defense Industry
Foteyev, Vladimir Konstantinovich?first secretary,
Chechen-Ingush Obkom
Frolov, Ivan Timofeyevich?chief editor, Kommunist
Glushko, Valentin Petrovich?rocket engine designer
Golubeva, Mariya Arkhipovna?brigade leader,
breeding farm, Altay Kray
Golubeva, Valentina Nikolayevna?weaver, worsted
combine, Ivanovo Oblast
Grekov, Leonid Ivanovich?Ambassador to Bulgaria
Grishkyavishyus, Pyatras Pyatrovich?first secretary,
Lithuanian CP
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Gromova, Mariya Sergeyevna?milking machine op-
erator, state cattle factory, Moscow Oblast
Grossu, Semen Kuz'mich?first secretary, Moldavian
Guzhenko, Timofey Borisovich?USSR Minister of
the Maritime Fleet
Kachin, Dmitriy Ivanovich?first secretary,
Kamchatka Obkom
Kamentsev, Vladimir Mikhaylovich?USSR Minister
of the Fish Industry
Katushev, Konstantin Fedorovich?Chairman, State
Committee for Foreign Economic Relations
Khristoradnov, Yuriy Nikolayevich?first secretary,
Gor'kiy Obkom
Klimenko, Ivan Yefimovich?first secretary,
Smolensk Obkom
Klyuyev, Vladimir Grigor'yevich?USSR Minister of
Light Industry
Kolesnikov, Vladislav Grigor'yevich?USSR Minister
of the Electronics Industry
Kolpakov, Serafim Vasil'yevich?USSR Minister of
Ferrous Metallurgy
Konarev, Nikolay Semenovich?USSR Minister of
Kostin, Vitaliy Semenovich?mine workers brigade
leader, Kemerovo Oblast
Kulikov, Fedor Mikhaylovich?first secretary, Penza
Kuptsov, Valentin Aleksandrovich?first secretary,
Vologda Obkom
Logunov, Anatoliy Alekseyevich?vice president,
Academy of Sciences
Lomakin, Viktor Pavlovich?Ambassador to
Luk'yanov, Anatoliy Ivanovich?chief, General
Department, CPSU CC
Makhkamov, Kakhar?first secretary, Tadzhik CP
Mal'kov, Nikolay Ivanovich?first secretary,
Magadan Obkom
Malykhin, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich?electricians bri-
gade leader, Volga Automobile Plant, Kuybyshev
Marchuk, Guriy Ivanovich?Deputy Chairman,
USSR Council of Ministers; Chairman, State
Committee for Science and Technology
Markov, Georgiy Mokeyevich?first secretary, USSR
Writers' Union
Maslyukov, Yuriy Dmitriyevich?Deputy Chairman,
USSR Council of Ministers; Chairman, VPK
Mayorets, Anatoliy Ivanovich?USSR Minister of
Power and Electrification
Mesyats, Valentin Karpovich?first secretary,
Moscow Obkom
Mishin, Viktor Maksimovich?first secretary, All-
Union Komsomol
Morozov, Ivan Pavlovich?first secretary, Komi
Myasnikov, Aleksey Pavlovich?excavator driver,
mining combine, Irkutsk Oblast
Novozhilov, Genrikh Vasil'yevich?general designer,
USSR Ministry of the Aviation Industry
Panov, Konstantin Nikolayevich?ship assemblers
brigade leader, Gor'kiy Oblast
Paton, Boris Yevgen'yevich?president, Ukrainian
Academy of Sciences
Pavlov, Vladimir Yakovlevich?Chairman, State
Committee for Foreign Tourism
Pereverzeva, Nina Vasil'yevna?kolkhoz team leader,
Rostov Oblast
Pervyshin, Erlen Kirikovich?USSR Minister of
Communications Equipment Industry
Pleshakov, Petr Stepanovich?USSR Minister of the
Radio Industry
Polyakov, Viktor Nikolayevich?USSR Minister of
the Automotive Industry
Ponomarev, Boris Nikolayevich?retired; former can-
didate member, Politburo, and secretary, CPSU
Prokop'yev, Yuriy Nikolayevich?first secretary,
Yakutsk Obkom
Ptitsyn, Vladimir Nikolayevich?first secretary, Mur-
mansk Obkom
Pugin, Nikolay Andreyevich?general director, auto-
mobile plant, Gor'kiy Oblast
Rakhmanin, Oleg Borisovich?first deputy chief, Bloc
Relations Department, CPSU CC
Rekunkov, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich?USSR Procu-
rator General
Savinkin, Nikolay Ivanovich?chief, Administrative
Organs Department, CPSU CC
Shchadov, Mikhail Ivanovich?USSR Minister of the
Coal Industry
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Shkabardnya, Mikhail Sergeyevich?USSR Minister
of Instrument Making, Automation Equipment,
and Control Systems
Silayev, Ivan Stepanovich?Deputy Chairman,
USSR Council of Ministers; Chairman, Bureau for
Machine Building
Sizenko, Yevgeniy Ivanovich?First Deputy Chair-
man, Gosagroprom
Slavskiy, Yefim Pavlovich?USSR Minister of
Medium Machine Building
Smirtyukov, Mikhail Sergeyevich?administrator of
affairs, USSR Council of Ministers
Smyslov, V. I.?First Deputy Chairman, Gosplan
Systsov, Apollon Sergeyevich?USSR Minister of the
Aviation Industry
Terebilov, Vladimir Ivanovich?USSR Minister of
Justice; Chairman, USSR Supreme Court
Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna?chairperson,
Committee of Soviet Women
Tikhomirov, Vladimir Porfir'yevich?lathe operator,
electromechanical factory, Moscow Oblast
Tikhonov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich?retired; former
member, Politburo, CPSU CC, and Chairman,
USSR Council of Ministers
Tolkunov, Lev Nikolayevich?Chairman, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet
Tret'yakov, Petr Ivanovich?first secretary, Sakha-
linsk Obkom
Udalaya, Raisa Silant'yevna?riveter, aircraft plant,
Novosibirsk Oblast
Usmankhodzhayev, Inamzhon Buzrukovich?first
secretary, Uzbek CP
Utkin, Vladimir Fedorovich?academician, Mathe-
matics, Mechanics, and Cybernetics Department,
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Vayno, Karl Genrikhovich?first secretary, Estonian
Vorontsov, Yuliy Mikhaylovich?Ambassador to
Voss, Avgust Eduardovich?Chairman, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet
Voystrochenko, Anatoliy Fomich?first secretary,
Bryansk Obkom
Reverse Blank
Yagodin, Gennadiy Aleksandrovich?USSR Minister
of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education
Yershova, Neli Mikhaylovna?toolsetter, Machine
Building Plant imeni F. Ye. Dzerzhinskiy Produc-
tion Association, Perm' Oblast
Zagladin, Vadim Valentinovich?first deputy chief,
International Department, CPSU CC
Zatvornitskiy, Vladimir Andreyevich?stone masons
brigade leader, Moscow Oblast
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Appendix D
Senior Military Officials
Holding Full Membership in
the CPSU Central Committee "
Akhromeyev, Sergey Fedorovich?Chief of the Gen-
eral Staff; USSR First Deputy Minister of Defense
Altunin, Aleksandr Terent'yevich?chief of civil
defense; USSR deputy minister of defense
Arkhipov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich?commander,
Moscow Military District
Chernavin, Vladimir Nikolayevich?Commander in
Chief, Navy; USSR deputy minister of defense
Gerasimov, Ivan Aleksandrovich?commander in
chief, Southwestern Theater
Gorshkov, Sergey Georgiyevich?member, Main
Inspectorate, USSR Ministry of Defense
Govorov, Vladimir Leonidovich?chief inspector;
USSR deputy minister of defense
Gribkov, Anatoliy Ivanovich?First Deputy Chief,
General Staff; chief of staff, Warsaw Pact Forces
Ivanovskiy, Yevgeniy Filippovich?Commander in
Chief, Ground Forces; USSR deputy minister of
Koldunov, Aleksandr Ivanovich?Commander in
Chief, Air Defense Forces; USSR deputy minister
of defense
Kulikov, Viktor Georgiyevich?commander in chief,
Warsaw Pact Forces; USSR First Deputy Minister
of Defense
Kurkotkin, Semen Konstantinovich?chief of rear
services; USSR deputy minister of defense
Lizichev, Aleksey Dmitriyevich?chief, Main Politi-
cal Directorate of the Army and Navy, USSR
Ministry of Defense
Lushev, Petr Georgiyevich?commander in chief,
Group of Soviet Forces, Germany
Maksimov, Yuriy Pavlovich?Commander in Chief,
Strategic Rocket Forces; USSR deputy minister of
Ogarkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich?commander in chief,
Western Theater
" Positions listed are as of the time each official was elected or
reelected to the Central Committee on 6 March 1986. See appendix
E for any changes since then.
Reverse Blank
Petrov, Vasiliy Ivanovich?USSR First Deputy
Minister of Defense
Shabanov, Vitaliy Mikhaylovich?USSR deputy
minister of defense
Sokolov, Sergey Leonidovich?Minister of Defense
Tolubko, Vladimir Fedorovich?member, Main In-
spectorate, USSR Ministry of Defense
Tret'yak, Ivan Moiseyevich?commander in chief,
Far Eastern Theater
Yefimov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich?USSR deputy
minister of defense; First Deputy Commander in
Chief, Air Forces
Zaytsev, Mikhail Mitrofanovich?commander in
chief, Southern Theater
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Appendix E
Full Members of the CPSU Central
Committee Whose Positions Have
Changed Since the 27th Party Congress
Altunin, Aleksandr Terent'yevich
Appointed member, Main Inspectorate, USSR Minis-
try of Defense, July. Formerly chief of civil defense
and USSR deputy minister of defense.
Bal'mont, Boris Vladimirovich
Retired 14 July. Formerly Minister of Machine
and Tool Building Industry.
Gusev, Vladimir Kuz'mich
Appointed Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Min-
isters, 19 June. Formerly First Deputy Chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers.
Kachin, Dmitriy Ivanovich
Tool Position unknown. Formerly first secretary, Kamchat-
ka Oblast Party Committee (released 15 July).
Bashilov, Sergey Vasil'yevich
Appointed USSR Minister of Construction in the
Urals and West Siberian regions, 2 September. For-
merly Minister of Construction of Heavy Industry
Batalin, Yuriy Petrovich
Appointed Chairman, State Construction Committee,
when it was established on 19 August. Retains posi-
tion of Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of
Bazovskiy, Vladimir Nikolayevich
Appointed chief, Main Administration for State Cus-
toms Control, 28 March. Previous position unknown.
Bobkov, Filipp Denisovich
Appointed First Deputy Chairman, Committee for
State Security (KGB), 15 May. Formerly deputy
chairman, KGB.
Demichev, Petr Nilovich
Appointed First Deputy Chairman, Presidium, USSR
Supreme Soviet, 18 June. Formerly Minister of
Govorov, Vladimir Leonidovich
Appointed chief of civil defense in July. Formerly
chief inspector, USSR Ministry of Defense. Retains
position of USSR deputy minister of defense.
Kamentsev, Vladimir Mikhaylovich
Appointed Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Min-
isters, 1 September. Formerly USSR Minister of the
Fish Industry.
Korniyenko, Georgiy Markovich
Appointed first deputy chief, International Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee, 30 April. Formerly
First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Kuznetsov, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich
Retired 18 June. Formerly First Deputy Chairman,
Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet.
Lushev, Petr Georgiyevich
Appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense, 21 July.
Formerly commander in chief, Group of Soviet
Forces, Germany.
Malloy, Nikolay Ivanovich
Appointed first secretary, Chita Oblast Party Com-
mittee, 2 September. Formerly first secretary, Maga-
dan Oblast Party Committee.
Mal'tsev, Viktor Fedorovich
Appointed Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 8 June. For-
merly First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
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Markov, Georgiy Mokeyevich
Appointed chairman of the Writers' Union, 28 June.
Formerly first secretary of the union.
Mishin, Viktor Maksimovich
Appointed secretary, All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions, 4 July. Formerly first secretary, All-
Union Komsomol.
Petrov, Vasiliy Ivanovich
Position unknown. Formerly USSR First Deputy
Minister of Defense (released 21 July).
Ryabov, Yakov Petrovich
Appointed Ambassador to France, 20 June. Formerly
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers.
Tabeyev, Fikryat Akhmedzhanovich
Position unknown. Formerly Ambassador to Afghani-
stan (released 7 July).
Tret'yak, Ivan Moiseyevich
Appointed chief inspector, USSR Ministry of De-
fense, July 1986. Formerly commander in chief, Far
Eastern Theater.
Vedernikov, Gennadiy Georgiyevich
Appointed Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Min-
isters, 19 June. Formerly first secretary, Chelyabinsk
Oblast Party Committee.
Vorontsov, Yuliy Mikhaylovich
Appointed First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
21 May. Formerly Ambassador to France.
Yakovlev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Released as chief, Propaganda Department, CPSU
CC, 10 August.
Zakharov, Vasiliy Georgiyevich
Appointed USSR Minister of Culture, 16 August.
Formerly second secretary, Moscow City Party
Confidential 34
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Appendix F
Full Central Committee Members
and the Senior Leaders With Whom
Each Could Have Had Contact "
Afanas'yev, Sergey Aleksandrovich
USSR Minister of Heavy and Transport Machine
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Ponomarev, Romanov, and Sokolov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1966 and 1970, with
Kirilenko each time.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1974, with Kirilenko,
Ryabov, and Ryzhkov.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev,
Chernenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin were delegates
representing Moscow City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1979, with Kirilenko,
Ryabov, and Yel'tsin.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1984, with Ryabov and
USSR Minister of General Machine Building dur-
ing 1965-83, when Ustinov and Ryabov were
CPSU secretaries for defense industry (1965-76
and 1976-79, respectively) and Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84).
'' The names in brackets are those of the current senior leaders with
whom each member could have a politically significant
Afanas'yev, Viktor Grigor'yevich [Solomentsev]
Chief editor, Pravda
Became head of a chair of the Chelyabinsk Peda-
gogical Institute sometime during 1953-60, when
Solomentsev was Chelyabinsk Obkom second sec-
retary (1954-57) and sovnarkhoz chairman
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Tula,
1971, with Andropov.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Member (since 1979) of the Foreign Affairs Com-
mission, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), when Chebrikov was
a member (1979-84), while Yakovlev has been a
member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since 1986).
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Akhromeyev, Sergey Fedorovich [Sokolov]
Chief of the General Staff; USSR First Deputy
Minister of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Chelya-
binsk, 1980, with Solomentsev.
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Member of the Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, while Gorbachev (1984-85) and Ligachev
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Aksenov, Aleksandr Nikiforovich [Slyun'kovl
Chairman, State Committee for Television and Radio
Secretary, then first secretary, Belorussian Komso-
mol, during 1953-56; then secretary of the All-
Union Komsomol during 1956-59, when Shelepin
was first secretary of the All-Union Komsomol
Deputy chairman of Belorussian KGB (1959-60)
when Shelepin was chairman, USSR KGB (1958-
61), and when Mazurov was first secretary of the
Communist Party of Belorussia (1956-64).
First secretary of Vitebsk Obkom (1965-71), sec-
ond secretary of the Communist Party of Belorus-
sia (1971-78), and chairman of Belorussian Council
of Ministers (1978?July 1983) when Masherov was
first secretary of the Communist Party of Belorus-
sia (1965-80) and when Slyun'kov was first secre-
tary of the Minsk Gorkom (1972-74) and later first
secretary of the Communist Party of Belorussia
(January 1983?present).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Belorussian SSR, 1966, with
Masherov and Slyun'kov. Gromyko and Mazurov
were deputies from Belorussian SSR to Council of
the Union.
Chairman, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-
74, when Ligachev was chairman, Youth Affairs
Commission, Council of the Union, USSR Su-
preme Soviet.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Belorussian SSR, 1970, with
Masherov. Gromyko and Mazurov were deputies
from Belorussian SSR to Council of the Union.
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-79,
with Chernenko.
Member, Minsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Masherov.
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, Vorotni-
kov, and Zimyanin.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Aleksandrov, Anatoliy Petrovich
President, USSR Academy of Sciences
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and
Grishin were delegates representing Moscow
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City, 1979, with Brezhnev,
Grishin, and Ustinov. Andropov and Demichev
were elected from Moscow Oblast.
Member, Science and Technology Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1979, with Ligachev (1979-84) and Medvedev
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City, 1984, with Chernenko,
Grishin, and Ustinov. Demichev was elected from
Moscow Oblast.
Aliyev, Geydar
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee; First
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
Worked in Azerbaijan KGB during 1950-69
(chairman during 1967-69), when Shelepin's prote-
ge, Vladimir Semichastnyy, was second secretary
of the Azerbaijan Communist Party (1959-61)
and when Shelepin (1958-61), Semichastnyy (1961-
67), and Andropov (1967-82) were chairmen of the
Member, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-74,
when Ligachev was chairman of that commission.
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Dolgikh and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
First secretary, Azerbaijan Communist Party
during 1969-82, when Shevardnadze was first sec-
retary of the neighboring Georgian Communist
Party (1972-85).
Altunin, Aleksandr Terent'yevich [Sokolov]
Deputy minister of defense; chief of civil defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commanded the North Caucasus Military Dis-
trict?headquartered in Rostov?during 1968-70,
when Gorbachev was kraykom second secretary in
neighboring Stavropol' (1968-70).
Anishchev, Vladimir Petrovich [Ligachev/
Second secretary, Uzbek Communist Party
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus,
during 1984-85, when Ligachev was chief of the
Organizational Party Work Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1983-85).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Voronezh,
1980, with Zimyanin.
Member, Voronezh delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Vorotnikov.
Antonov, Aleksey Konstantinovich
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers;
USSR Permanent Representive to CEMA
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Ponornarev, Romanov, and Sokolov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Rostov, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1979, and
1984, with Solomentsev each time.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
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Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Arbatov, Georgiy Arkad'yevich
Director, Institute of the USA and Canada
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1974, with
Zimyanin. Aliyev was elected to Council of the
Member (since 1974) of the Foreign Affairs Com-
mission, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), when Chebrikov was
a member (1979-84), while Yakovlev has been a
member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since 1986).
Member, Azerbaijan SSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, and 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Aliyev both times.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1984. Aliyev
and Medvedev were elected to Council of the
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Aristov, Boris Ivanovich [Zaykov]
USSR Minister of Foreign Trade
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Ponomarev, Romanov, and Sokolov.
Member, secretariat of 24th :arty Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Rose through the Leningrad party organization at
same time as Romanov. First secretary of the
Leningrad Gorkom (1971-78) when Romanov was
obkom first secretary (1970-83) and Solov'yev was
an obkom secretary and later second secretary
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-79,
when Sus/ov was chairman of the commission.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Lenin-
grad City, 1971, with Kirilenko.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City, 1974, with Romanov
and Suslov. Shelepin represented Leningrad's ru-
ral electoral district in Council of Nationalities.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Arkhipov, Ivan Vasil'yevich
First Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
As First Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council
of Ministers since 1980, Arkhipov worked under
Tikhonov when the latter was Chairman of the
USSR Council of Ministers (1980-85).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1974. Kirilenko,
Ryabov, and Ryzhkov were elected to Council of
the Union.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1979. Kirilenko,
Ryabov, and Yel'tsin were elected to Council of the
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Arkhipov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich [Sokolov]
Commander, Moscow Military District
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Various positions in the Central Asian Military
District (MD) during 1979-85, including MD com-
mander (1983-85), when Kunayev was first secre-
tary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Auyel'bekov, Yerkin Nurzhanovich
First secretary, Kzyl-Orda Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Kazakh SSR
Rose through the Kazakh party and government at
same time as Kunayev.
Held leading positions in the North Kazakh Oblast
party and government (1961-65), when Soloment-
sev was first secretary, Karaganda Obkom (1959-
62) and then second secretary of the Communist
Party of Kazakhstan (1962-64).
Member, Agroindustrial Complex Commission,
Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, while Nikonov has been deputy chair-
man of the commission.
Bagirov, Kyamran Mamed ogly [AliyevI
First secretary, Azerbaijan Communist Party
Rose through the Azerbaijan party and govern-
ment (starting in 1968) when Aliyev was first
secretary of the Azerbaijan Communist Party
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1974, with
Zimyanin. Aliyev was elected to Council of the
Member, Azerbaijan SSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Aliyev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1984, with Aliyev
and Medvedev.
Bakatin, Vadim Viktorovich [Ligachevl
First secretary, Kirov Oblast Party Committee
Secretary, Kemerovo Obkom from at least 1977
until the early 1980s, when Ligachev was first
secretary of neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus,
sometime between 1983 and March 1985, when
Ligachev was chief, Organizational Party Work
Department, CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Bakhirev, Vyacheslav Vasil'yevich
USSR Minister of Machine Building
First Deputy Minister of Defense Industry (1965-
68) and USSR Minister of Machine Building
(1968-present) when Ustinov was CPSU secretary
for defense industry (1965-76) and USSR Minister
of Defense (1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79),
Romanov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-present)
were CPSU secretaries for defense industry.
Bakin, Boris Vladimirovich
USSR Minister of Installation and Special
Construction Work
Baklanov, Oleg Dmitriyevich
USSR Minister of General Machine Building
Deputy minister, then First Deputy Minister of
General Machine Building (1976-83) and USSR
Minister of General Machine Building (since 1983)
when Ustinov was CPSU secretary for defense
industry (1965-76) and USSR Minister of Defense
(1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-
85), and Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secre-
taries for defense industry.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Balandin, Anatoliy Nikiforovich [Vorotnikov]
First secretary, Orenburg Oblast Party Committee
Chief agronomist, then director of a machine trac-
tor station, presumably in Orenburg Oblast, during
1952-57, when Polyanskiy was first secretary of
Orenburg Obkom (1955-57).
Instructor, then a raykom first secretary in Oren-
burg Obkom during 1957-62, when Voronov was
first secretary of Orenburg Obkom (1957-61).
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, during 1966-74, with Chernenko (1966-74)
and Grechko (1966-70).
Secretary, Orenburg Obkom (until 1966), and
chairman, Orenburg Oblispolkom (1966-80), when
Nikonov was second secretary of neighboring Ta-
tar Obkom (1961-67) and Vorotnikov was secre-
tary, then second secretary of neighboring Kuyby-
shev Obkom (1961-67) and chairman of Kuybyshev
Oblispolkom (1967-71).
Secretary, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-79,
when Chernenko was a member of the commission.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Balandin, Yuriy Nikolayevich
Deputy Chairman, State Agroindustrial Committee
Member, Consumer Goods Commission, Council
of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-
79, with Razumovskiy.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Bal'mont, Boris Vladimirovich
USSR Minister of Machine Tool and Tool Building
Rose through the USSR Ministry of General Ma-
chine Building to deputy minister (1973-76) and
First Deputy Minister (1976-81) when Ustinov and
Ryabov were CPSU secretaries for defense indus-
try (1965-76 and 1976-79, respectively) and when
Ustinov was USSR Minister of Defense (1976-84).
Bartoshevich, Gennadiy Georgiyevich [Slyun'kov]
Second Secretary, Communist Party of Belorussia
Rose through the Communist Party of Belorussia
(starting in the 1960s) when Masherov was first
secretary (1965-80).
Appointed second secretary of Communist Party of
Belorussia in August 1983, after Slyun'kov was
made first secretary the preceding January.
Bashilov, Sergey Vasil'yevich [Slyun'kov]
USSR Minister of Construction of Heavy Industry
Chief of a Gosplan department (1976-79) when
Slyun'kov was deputy chairman of Gosplan (1974-
Bashtanyuk, Gennadiy Sergeyevich
Fitters brigade leader, Kama River Truck Plant,
Tatar ASSR
Batalin, Yuriy Petrovich
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
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Baybakov, Nikolay Konstantinovich
State counselor, USSR Council of Ministers
Chairman, North Caucasus sovnarkhoz, as of
1963, when Gorbachev was entering party work in
Stavropol' Kray.
Chairman of Gosplan (1965-85) when Ryzhkov
was First Deputy Chairman (1979-82) and Slyun'-
kov was deputy chairman (1974-83).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Grishin, Gromyko,
Kirilenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shele-
pin, Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev
and Grishin were delegates representing Moscow
Member, editorial commission, 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Romanov and Zimyanin.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1966, 1970,
and 1974, with Zimyanin each time. Aliyev was a
delegate from Azerbaijan SSR to Council of the
Union in 1970 and 1974.
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev and Dolgikh and all members of the
then current senior leadership.
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, and 26th Party Congress, 1981, with
Gorbachev each time.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1984. Aliyev
and Medvedev were elected to Council of the
Bazovskiy, Vladimir Nikolayevich
Position unknown. Former Ambassador to Hungary
Member, Georgian delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Shevardnadze.
Belousov, Igor' Sergeyevich
USSR Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry
USSR deputy minister (1969-76), First Deputy
Minister (1976-84), and Minister (1984-present) of
the Shipbuilding Industry when Ustinov was
CPSU secretary for defense industry (1965-76) and
then USSR Minister of Defense (1976-84) and
Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-85), and
Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secretaries for
defense industry.
Belyakov, Oleg Semenovich
Chief, Defense Industry Department, CPSU Central
Deputy chief, Defense Industry Department, dur-
ing 1982-85, when Ustinov was USSR Minister of
Defense (1976-84), and when Romanov (1983-85)
and Zaykov (1985-present) served successively as
CPSU secretary for defense industry.
Berezin, Anatoliy Ivanovich
First secretary, Mordovian Oblast Party Committee
Second secretary, then first secretary of a city
komsomol committee (presumably in the Mordovi-
an ASSR) during 1953-57, when Shelepin was first
secretary of the All-Union Komsomol (1952-58).
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
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Biryukova, Aleksandra Pavlovna
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee
Secretary of the All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions during 1968-86, when Shelepin was
its chairman (1967-75).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
City, 1971, with Brezhnev, Kosygin, and Podgor-
nyy. Kapitonov was elected from Moscow Oblast.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
City, 1975, with Brezhnev, Kosygin, and Podgor-
nyy. Gromyko was elected from Moscow Oblast.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
City, 1980, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, and Kosy-
gin. Gromyko was elected from Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin, Yel'tsin,
and all members of the then current senior
Bobkov, Filipp Denisovich [Chebrikov]
Deputy chairman, KGB
Various positions in KGB (since at least 1964)
under Andropov (KGB chairman during 1967-82)
and Chebrikov (chairman since 1982).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Bogomyakov, Gennadiy Pavlovich [Ye! tsin]
First secretary, Tyumen' Oblast Party Committee
First secretary, Tyumen' Obkom (1973-present)
when Yel'tsin was first secretary of neighboring
Sverdlovsk Obkom (1976-85).
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, Tyumen' Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Dolgikh.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Boldyrev, Ivan Sergeyevich [Gorbachev]
First secretary, Stavropol' Kray Party Committee
Member, Stavropol' Kray delegation to 25th and
26th Party Congresses, 1976 and 1981, respective-
ly, with Gorbachev each time.
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus
sometime before November 1985, when Ligachev
was chief of the Organizational Party Work De-
partment, CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Borisenkov, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich [Detnichev]
Second secretary, Moscow Oblast Party Committee
Komsomol work during 1946-59, presumably in
Moscow Oblast, when Shelepin was a secretary
(1943-49), second secretary (1949-52), and first
secretary (1952-58) of the All-Union Komsomol;
when Kapitonov was first secretary, Moscow Ob-
kom (1954-59); when Demichev was a secretary of
Moscow Obkom (from sometime in the early or
mid-1950s until 1958); and when Grishin was
second secretary of Moscow Obkom (1952-56).
Secretary (1972-74) and second secretary (1974-
present) of Moscow Obkom while Grishin was first
secretary, Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Elected to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Mos-
cow Oblast, 1975, with Gromyko. Biryukova,
Brezhnev, Kosygin, and Podgornyy were elected
from Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev, Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin were delegates rep-
resenting Moscow City.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1979, with Andropov
and Demichev. Brezhnev, Grishin, and Ustinov
were elected from Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
represented Moscow City.
Borodin, Leonid Aleksandrovich fLigachev]
First secretary, Astrakhan' Oblast Party Committee
Inspector, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU Central
Committee, during 1962-63, when Ligachev was a
deputy department head of the bureau (1961-65)
and when Kirilenko was a member (1961-62) and
then first deputy chairman (1962-66) of it.
Member, Agriculture Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-
70, with Nikonov.
Second secretary, Bashkir Obkom, during 1963-67,
when Ryabov was first secretary of a raykom in
neighboring Sverdlovsk Oblast and later first secre-
tary of Sverdlovsk Gorkom (1960-66) and second
secretary of Sverdlovsk Obkom (1966-70).
Member, Protection of Nature Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1970-74, with Gorbachev.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Boyko, Viktor Grigor'yevich [Shcherbitskiy1
First secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Oblast Party Com-
mittee, Communist Party of the Ukraine
Komsomol work, presumably in Dnepropetrovsk
Oblast, during 1955-60, when Shelepin was first
secretary of All-Union Komsomol (1952-58), and
when Shcherbitskiy was first secretary of Dnepro-
petrovsk Obkom (1955-57).
Party and government work in Dnepropetrovsk
Oblast since 1961, when Shcherbitskiy was serving
a second tour as first secretary of Dnepropetrovsk
Obkom (1963-65) and was first secretary of the
Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-present),
and when Chebrikov was second secretary, then
first secretary of Dnepropetrovsk Gorkom (1958-
63), secretary of Dnepropetrovsk (industrial) Ob-
kom (1963-65), and second secretary of Dneprope-
trovsk Obkom (1965-67).
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Chebrikov and Tikhonov.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Chebrikov.
Brovikov, Vladimir Ignat'yevich [Slyun'kovj
Ambassador to Poland
Performed party and journalistic work in Vitebsk
Oblast (1955-72) and was second secretary, Com-
munist Party of Belorussia (1978-83), when
Masherov was first secretary (1965-80).
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Chairman, Belorussian SSR Council of Ministers,
during 1983-86, when Slyun'kov was first secre-
tary, Communist Party of Belorussia (1983-
Bugayev, Boris Pavlovich
USSR Minister of Civil Aviation
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1970 and
1974, with Zimyanin each time. Aliyev was elected
both times to Council of the Union.
Member, Azerbaijan SSR delegation to 25th and
26th Party Congresses, in 1976 and 1981, respec-
tively, with Aliyev each time.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1984. Aliyev
and Medvedev were elected to Council of the
Chakovskiy, Aleksandr Borisovich
Chief editor, Literaturnaya Gazeta
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Member (since 1966) of the Foreign Affairs Com-
mission, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), when Chebrikov was
a member (1979-84), while Yakovlev has been a
member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since 1986).
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1966,
with Zimyanin (1970-79) and Yakovlev (since
Chazov, Yevgeniy Ivanovich [Gorbachev]
Director, All-Union Scientific Cardiology Center;
USSR deputy minister of health
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Gorbachev.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
represented Moscow City.
Chebrikov, Viktor Mikhaylovich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee;
Chairman, Committee for State Security (KGB)
First secretary, Leninskiy Raykom, Dneprope-
trovsk Oblast, sometime during 1951-55, when
Kirilenko was Dnepropetrovsk Obkom first secre-
tary (1950-55) and when Shcherbitskiy was secon(
(1954-55) and then first secretary (1955-57) of
Dnepropetrovsk Obkom.
Second secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Gorkom (1958-
59) when Tikhonov was chairman, Dnepropetrovsk
sovnarkhoz (1957-60).
Secretary, Dnepropetrovsk (industrial) Obkom
(1963-64), secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom
(1964-65), and second secretary, Dnepropetrovsk
Obkom (1965-67), when Shcherbitskiy was serving
a second tour as first secretary, Dnepropetrovsk
Obkom (1963-65).
Deputy chairman (1967-82), then First Deputy
Chairman (April-December 1982), of the KGB
when Andropov was chairman (1967-82).
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1979-
84, when Ponomarev was chairman of the commis-
sion and Zimyanin deputy chairman.
Cherdintsev, Vasiliy Makarovich
Combine operator, Rassvet Kolkhoz, Orenburg
Cherkashina, Valentina Nikolayevna
Spinner, Kamyshinskiy Cotton Combine, Volgograd
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Volgo-
grad in 1980 with Pel'she and Vorotnikov.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Chernavin, Vladimir Nikolayevich [Sokolov]
USSR deputy minister of defense; Commander in
Chief, Navy
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City, 1984, with Solov'yev
and Zaykov.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Chernomyrdin, Viktor Stepanovich
USSR Minister of the Gas Industry
Worked in the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant
during the 1950s and 1960s, when Polyanskiy
(1955-57) and Voronov (1957-61) served successive-
ly as first secretary of Orenburg Obkom.
Chernyayev, Anatoliy Sergeyevich [Gorbachev]
Aide to General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev
Deputy chief, International Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1970-86), when Ponomarev
was chief (1955-86).
Chernyy, Aleksey Klemeneyevich
First secretary, Khabarovsk Kray Party Committee
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, during
1970-74, with Zimyanin.
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Chervonenko, Stepan Vasil'yevich
Chief, Cadres Abroad Department, CPSU Central
Ukrainian Communist Party Central Committee
apparatchik (1949-56) and then secretary, Commu-
nist Party of the Ukraine (1956-59), when Podgor-
nyy was a secretary (1953-57) and then first secre-
tary (1957-63) of the Communist Party of the
In diplomatic work, including assignments as
Ambassador to Korea, Czechoslovakia, and France
(1959-82), when Gromyko was USSR Minister of
Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Member of the Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet
(since 1984), when Ponomarev was chairman of the
Commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), while Yakovlev has
been a member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin
has been chairman (since 1986).
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Chicherov, Vladimir Stepanovich
Leader, fitters brigade, Leningrad Metals Factory
Production Association
Elected deputy to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet
from Leningrad City, 1975, with Kirilenko,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Elected deputy to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet
from Leningrad City, 1980, with Tikhonov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Chirskov, Vladimir Grigor'yevich
USSR Minister of Construction of Petroleum and
Gas Industry Enterprises
Demichev, Petr Nilovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central Com-
mittee; USSR Minister of Culture
Official, Moscow Gorkom, then secretary of Mos-
cow Obkom (1950-58), when Grishin was second
secretary, Moscow Obkom (1952-56), and when
Kapitonov was a secretary and then second secre-
tary of Moscow Obkom (1951-52), first secretary of
Moscow Gorkom (1952-54), and first secretary of
Moscow Obkom (1954-59).
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Grishin. Brezhnev, Gromyko,
Kirilenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shele-
pin, Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin were dele-
gates representing Moscow City.
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Zimyanin.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1974, with Andropov.
Brezhnev, Grechko, Grishin, and Podgornyy were
elected from Moscow City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1979, with Andropov.
Brezhnev, Grishin, and Ustinov were elected from
Moscow City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1984. Chernenko,
Grishin, and Ustinov were elected from Moscow
Demidenko, Vasiliy Petrovich [Kunayevl
First secretary, Kustanay Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Director of a series of grain sovkhozes in Kazakh
SSR during 1955-58, when Brezhnev was second
secretary, then first secretary of the Communist
Party of Kazakhstan (1954-56).
Secretary, Tselinnyy Kraykom, then first secre-
tary, Tselinograd Obkom during 1961-65, when
Solomentsev was second secretary, Communist
Party of Kazakhstan (1962-64).
Member, Agriculture Commission, Council of Na-
tionalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-74,
with Nikonov (1966-70).
First secretary of North Kazakh Obkom (1965-81)
and Kustanay Obkom (1981-present) when Kun-
ayev was first secretary, Communist Party of
Kazakhstan (1964-present).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Kazakh SSR, in 1966. Kun-
ayev was elected to Council of the Union.
Member, Consumer Goods Commission (and its
successor organization), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974, with
Razumovskiy (1974-79).
Demirchyan, Karen Seropovich
First secretary, Communist Party of Armenia
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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Dinkov, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich
USSR Minister of the Petroleum Industry
Chief, Krasnodar administration of main gas pipe-
lines, then chief, "Kuban'gazprom" association
(1962-66), when Gorbachev was chief of the party
organs department, Stavropol' Kraykom (1963-66),
and Solomentsev was first secretary, Rostov
Obkom (1964-66).
Dobrik, Viktor Fedorovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, L'vov Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Performed managerial and party work at
Dneprodzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Station during
1957-61, when Tikhonov was chairman, Dneprope-
trovsk Sovnarkhoz (1957-60).
Rose through the Dneprodzerzhinsk (Dneprope-
trovsk Oblast) party organization during 1961-69,
when Chebrikov was rising through the Dneprope-
trovsk party organization (1958-67) and when
Shcherbitskiy was first secretary of the Dneprope-
trovsk Obkom (1963-65).
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Chebrikov.
Member, Protection of Nature Commission (and
its successor organizations), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-84, with
Gorbachev (1970-74).
First secretary, Ivano-Frankovsk Obkom (1969-73)
and L'vov Obkom (1973-present), when
Shcherbitskiy was Chairman, Ukrainian Council
of Ministers (1965-72) and first secretary of the
Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-86).
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member of the Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, while Gorbachev (1984-85) and Ligachev
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Dobrynin, Anatoliy Fedorovich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee; chief, Interna-
tional Department, CPSU Central Committee
Graduated in 1942 from Moscow Aviation Insti-
tute. Ligachev graduated from the institute in
UN Deputy Secretary General (1957-59), chief of
the American Countries Department, USSR Min-
istry of Foreign Affairs (1959-61), and Ambassador
to the United States (1961-86), when Gromyko was
USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 26th
Party Congress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council
of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1986, while Zimyanin has been deputy chairman
of the commission (since 1974), while Yakovlev has
been a member (since 1984), and while Ligachev
has been chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union (since 1985).
Dolgikh, Vladimir Ivanovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
First secretary, Krasnoyarsk Kraykom, during
1969-72, when Ligachev was first secretary of
neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnoyarsk, 1979. Ryzhkov was
elected to Council of Nationalities.
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Fedirko, Pavel Stefanovich [Dolgikhl
First secretary, Krasnoyarsk Kraykom
Chief engineer, then director of a factory (1958-60)
in Noril'sk, then first deputy chairman of the
Noril'sk Gorispolkom (1960-62), when Dolgikh was
chief engineer, Noril'sk Mining and Metallurgical
Works (1958-62).
Official, Krasnoyarsk Kray party organization
since 1960; kraykom second secretary during 1971-
72, when Dolgikh was first secretary (1969-72).
Succeeded Dolgikh and served as kraykom first
secretary (1972-present), when Ligachev was first
secretary of neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnoyarsk, 1974, with Dolgikh.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnoyarsk, 1979, with Dolgikh.
Ryzhkov was elected to Council of Nationalities.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnoyarsk, 1984, with Dolgikh.
Fedoseyev, Petr Nikolayevich
Vice president, USSR Academy of Sciences
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and
Grishin were elected from Moscow Oblast.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1962-
70, with Ponomarev (1966-86) and Zimyanin (since
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, during
1966-79, with Zimyanin (1970-79).
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Filatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich [Ligachev]
First secretary, Novosibirsk Oblast Party Committee
Official, Novosibirsk party organization since
1948, when Ligachev was also working there (1955-
61). Later, Filatov was second secretary (1973-78)
and first secretary (1978-present) of Novosibirsk
Obkom, when Ligachev was first secretary of
neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Finogenov, Pavel Vasil'yevich
USSR Minister of the Defense Industry
Has worked in various areas of the defense indus-
try since 1953, when Ustinov was CPSU secretary
for defense industry (1965-76) and then USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84), and Ryabov (1976-
79), Romanov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-
present) were CPSU secretaries for defense
Foteyev, Vladimir Konstantinovich
First secretary, Chechen-Ingush Oblast Party
Frolov, Ivan Timofeyevich
Chief editor, Kommunist
Gagarov, Dmitriy Nikolayevich [Ligachev]
First secretary, Primorskiy Kray Party Committee
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 26th Par-
ty Congress, 1981, with Dobrynin and Kapitonov.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus
during 1983-84, when Ligachev was chief of the
Organizational Party Work Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1983-85).
Gerasimov, Anatoliy Nikolayevich [Zaykov]
First secretary, Leningrad City Party Committee
Chief of Heavy Industry and Machine Building
Department of Leningrad Obkom, during 1975-81,
when Romanov was Leningrad Obkom first secre-
tary (1970-83) and Solov'yev was a Leningrad
Obkom secretary (1974-78) and then first secretary
of Leningrad Gorkom (1978-84).
Chairman of Leningrad Oblast People's Control
Committee, 1981-84, and a Leningrad Obkom
secretary since 1984, when Romanov was Lenin-
grad Obkom first secretary (1970-83), when Zay-
kov filled that position (1983-85), and when
Solov'yev was first secretary, Leningrad Gorkom
(1978-84), and then first secretary, Leningrad Ob..
kom (1985-present).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Gerasimov, Ivan Aleksandrovich [Sokolov]
Commander in chief, Southwestern Theater, USSR
Ministry of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commander of Kiev Military District (1975-84)
and commander of the Southwestern Theater
(1984-present), while Shcherbitskiy has been first
secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukraine
Glushko, Valentin Petrovich
Rocket engine designer
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev, Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin were delegates rep-
resenting Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
were delegates representing Moscow City.
Golubeva, Mariya Arkhipovna
Brigade leader, state breeding farm, Altay Kray
Golubeva, Valentina Nikolayevna
Weaver, worsted combine, Ivanovo Oblast
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Goncharenko, Boris Trofimovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Voroshilovgrad Oblast Party Commit-
tee, Communist Party of the Ukraine
First secretary of Voroshilovgrad Obkom (1973-
present), while Shcherbitskiy has been first secre-
tary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974,
when Sus/ov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (since 1985)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
when Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev,
Vorotnikov, and Zimyanin.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
General Secretary, CPSU Central Committee
First secretary, Stavropol' City Komsomol Com-
mittee during 1956-58, when Shelepin was first
secretary of the All-Union Komsomol (1952-58);
when Shevardnadze was second secretary (1956-
57), then first secretary (1957-61), of the republic
Komsomol organization in neighboring Georgian
SSR; and when Polyanskiy was first secretary of
neighboring Krasnodar Kraykom (1957-58).
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Head, party organs department, Stavropol' Kray-
kom, during 1963-66, when Kulakov was first
secretary, Stavropol' Kraykom (1960-64), and
when Solomentsev was first secretary of neighbor-
ing Rostov Obkom (1964-66).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko and Vorotnikov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Stavropol' in 1970 and 1974, each
time with Kulakov.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Shevardnadze and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
CPSU secretary responsible for personnel from
June 1983 until March 1985, when Ligachev was
head of the Organizational Party Work Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Gorshkov, Leonid Aleksandrovich [Ligachev]
Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
Secretary, then second secretary (from sometime in
the 1960s until 1974), and then first secretary of
Kemerovo Obkom (1974-85), when Ligachev was
first secretary of neighboring Tomsk Obkom
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
As deputy chairman of the RSFSR Council of
Ministers, since 1985, Gorshkov works under Vor-
otnikov, Chairman since 1983.
Gorshkov, Sergey Georgiyevich [Sokolov]
Member, Main Inspectorate, USSR Ministry of
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister of Defense since Decem-
ber 1984.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Romanov, Ponomarev, and Sokolov.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1970, when Ligachev was a member of the com-
mission (1974-79) and Ryzhkov was its secretary
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Susiov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Grornyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Gostev, Boris Ivanovich [Ryzhkov]
USSR Minister of Finance
Worked in the USSR Ministry of Light and Food
Industry and its successor organizations during
1953-57, when Kosygin headed the USSR Minis-
try of Light and Food Industry and its successor
organization (1953-54).
Chief of Planning and Financial Organs Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee (1975-83), when
Ryzhkov was First Deputy Chairman of Gosplan
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Demichev.
First deputy chief of Economics Department,
CPSU Central Committee (1983-85), when Ryzh-
kov was chief (1982-85), then succeeded Ryzhkov
as chief (August-December 1985).
- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Govorov, Vladimir Leonidovich [Sokolov]
Deputy minister of defense; chief inspector, USSR
Ministry of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1979-84,
when Sus/ov (until 1982) and Chernenko (1982-84)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
when Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member (since 1984) of the Foreign Affairs Com-
mission, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), while Yakovlev has
been a member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin
has been chairman (since 1986).
Grekov, Leonid Ivanovich
Ambassador to Bulgaria
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and
Grishin were Moscow Oblast delegates.
Moscow Gorkom second secretary (from at least
1971 until 1979), when Grishin was Moscow
Gorkom first secretary (1967-85).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
City, 1971, with Biryukova, Brezhnev, Kosygin,
and Podgornyy. Kapitonov was a delegate from
Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City in 1974 with Brezhnev,
Grechko, Grishin, and Podgornyy. Andropov and
Demichev were elected from Moscow Oblast.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1974-79, when Ligachev was a member of the
commission and Ryzhkov was its secretary.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, during
1974-84, with Zimyanin (1970-79).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Gribkov, Anatoliy Ivanovich [Sokolov'
First Deputy Chief of General Staff; chief of staff,
Warsaw Pact Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Member, Armenian delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Dobrynin.
First deputy commander (1969-73), then com-
mander (1973-76) of Leningrad Military District,
when Romanov was first secretary, Leningrad
Obkom (1970-83), and when Solov'yev was deputy
chairman, Leningrad Gorispolkom, then secretary
and second secretary, Leningrad Obkom (1973-78).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad Oblast in 1974. Sus/ov
and Romanov represented Leningrad City, and
Shelepin represented Leningrad's rural electoral
district in Council of Nationalities.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Suslov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Grishchenko, Petr Semenovich [Ye! sin]
First secretary, Udmurt Oblast Party Committee
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Solomentsev.
First secretary of Magnitogorsk Gorkom (Chelya-
binsk Oblast), then secretary of Chelyabinsk Ob-
kom, from at least 1980 until 1985, when Yel'tsin
was first secretary of neighboring Sverdlovsk
Obkom (1976-85).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Chelya-
binsk in 1980 with Solomentsev.
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Demichev.
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee, during June-
December 1985, when Razumovskiy was chief of
the Organizational Party Work Department,
CPSU Central Committee (June 1985?present).
Grishkyavichus, Pyatras Pyatrovich
First secretary, Lithuanian Communist Party
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-
79, when Ponomarev was chairman of the commis-
sion and Zimyanin was deputy chairman.
Member, Lithuanian SSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Ponomarev.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Lithuanian SSR delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Talyzin.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Gromova, Mariya Sergeyevna
Milking machine operator, State Cattle Factory,
Moscow Oblast
Milking machine operator in Moscow Oblast
(1962-present), when Grishin was first secretary of
Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1979,
when Suslov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (since 1985)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
represented Moscow City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast in 1984, with Demi-
chev. Chernenko, Grishin, and Ustinov were elect-
ed from Moscow City.
Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich
Chairman, Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Kirilenko, Kosy-
gin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Vor-
onov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and Grishin were
delegates representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, from Moscow
Oblast, 1975. Biryukova, Brezhnev, Kosygin, and
Podgornyy were elected from Moscow City.
Member, Georgian SSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Shevardnadze.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Zaykov.
Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme
Soviet since 1985, when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86)
and Demichev (since 1986) were successive first
deputy chairmen and Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev
(since 1962), Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev
(since 1986), Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov
(1984-86) were members.
Grossu, Semen Kuz'mich
First secretary, Moldavian Communist Party
Member, Agriculture Commission, Council of Na-
tionalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-70,
with Nikonov.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Moldavian SSR in 1966 and
1979. Chernenko represented Moldavian SSR both
years in Council of the Union.
Member, Moldavian SSR delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Chernenko.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Gudkov, Aleksandr Fedorovich [Vorotnikov1
First secretary, Kursk Oblast Party Committee
Member, Health and Social Security Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1970, with Vorotnikov (1970-74).
First secretary of Kursk Obkom (1970-present),
when Vorotnikov was first secretary of neighboring
Voronezh Obkom (1971-75).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Gusev, Vladimir Kuz'mich yorotnikovI
First Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
Elected deputy, RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1975,
from Saratov Oblast with Ponomarev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
First Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Minis-
ters (1985-present), while Vorotnikov has been
Chairman (1983-present).
Gustov, Ivan Stepanovich [Solomentsev]
First deputy chairman, Party Control Committee,
CPSU Central Committee
Second (1957-61), then first secretary (1961-71) of
Pskov Obkom when Mazurov (1956-65), then
Masherov (1965-80) were first secretaries of the
neighboring Belorussian Republic party organiza-
tion and when Romanov was second (1964-70),
then first (1970-83) secretary of neighboring Lenin-
grad Obkom.
Member, credentials commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974, from Karelian ASSR. Sokolov was
elected to Council of Nationalities.
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1974, with Vorotnikov (1974-79) and Gorbachev
(commission chairman during 1979-84).
First deputy chairman, Party Control Committee
(1974-present), while Solomentsev has been chair-
man (1983-present).
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1979,
with Yakovlev (1984-present).
Guzhenko, Timofey Borisovich
USSR Minister of the Maritime Fleet
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1970, from Estonia with Rusakov.
Ignatov, Vadim Nikolayevich [Solov'yevl
First secretary, Voronezh Oblast Party Committee
Rose in the Leningrad Oblast party organization to
secretary and second secretary (successively during
1968-75), when Romanov was Leningrad Obkom
first secretary (1970-83) and when Solov'yev was
deputy chairman, Leningrad Gorispolkom (1973-
74), then a secretary of Leningrad Obkom (1974-
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1971, from
Leningrad Oblast. Kirilenko was a delegate from
Leningrad City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974, from Leningrad Oblast. Romanov
and Sus/ov were elected from Leningrad City.
Shelepin represented Leningrad's rural electoral
district on Council of Nationalities.
Member, Voronezh delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Vorotnikov.
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1979 and 1984, from Voronezh Oblast,
each time with Vorotnikov.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Ivanovskiy, Yevgeniy Filippovich [Sokolov]
USSR deputy minister of defense; Commander in
Chief, Ground Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commander, Belorussian Military District during
1980-85, when Slyun'kov was first secretary, Com-
munist Party of Belorussia (1983-present).
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Demichev and Grishin.
Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosygin, Mazurov,
Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Voronov, and
Zimyanin were delegates representing Moscow
Elected to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Tula,
1967, with Andropov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1970, with Andropov.
Brezhnev, Demichev, Grishin, and Podgornyy were
elected from Moscow City.
Member, credentials commission of 24th Party
Congress, 1971, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1974, with Andropov
and Demichev. Brezhnev, Grechko, Grishin, and
Podgornyy were elected from Moscow City.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1979, with Andropov
and Demichev. Brezhnev, Grishin, and Ustinov
were elected from Moscow City.
Kachalovskiy, Yevgeniy Viktorovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First Deputy Chairman, Ukrainian SSR Council of
Director, Dnepropetrovsk Electric Locomotive
Building Plant (1962-67), when Shcherbitskiy was
first secretary (1963-65) and Chebrikov was secre-
tary (1963-65), then second secretary (1965-67), of
Dnepropetrovsk Obkom.
Chairman of Dnepropetrovsk Gorispolkom and
then chairman of Dnepropetrovsk Gorkom (1967-
74), then second (1974-76), then first (1976-83)
secretary of Dnepropetrovsk Obkom, and First
Deputy Chairman, Ukrainian SSR Council of
Ministers (1983-present), when Shcherbitskiy was
Chairman of the Council (1965-72) and first secre-
tary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Chebrikov and Tikhonov.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Chebrikov.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Kachin, Dmitriy Ivanovich
First secretary, Kamchatka Oblast Party Committee
Member, Consumer Goods Commission (and its
successor organization), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974, with
Razurnovskiy (1974-79).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Kachura, Boris Vasil'yevich IShcherbitskiy1
Secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine
First secretary, Zhdanov Gorkom (1968-74), sec-
ond (1974-76), then first (1976-82) secretary,
Donetsk Obkom, and secretary, Communist Party
of the Ukraine (1982-present), while Shcherbitskiy
has been party first secretary (1972-present).
Member, Donetsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Dolgikh.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Kalashnikov, Vladimir Il'ich IGorbachevl
First secretary, Volgograd Oblast Party Committee
Agricultural, economic, and party work in Stavro-
pol' Kray during Gorbachev's rise there and when
Solomentsev was first secretary of neighboring
Rostov Obkom (1964-66); secretary (1975-82) of
Stavropol' Kraykom when Gorbachev was first
secretary (1970-78).
RSFSR minister of land reclamation and water
resources (1982-84) when Gorbachev was CPSU
Central Committee secretary for agriculture (1978-
Kamentsev, Vladimir Mikhaylovich
USSR Minister of the Fish Industry
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 26th
Party Congress, 1981, with Dobrynin and
Kapto, Aleksandr Semenovich [Shcherbitskiy]
Ambassador to Cuba
Member, Kiev Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976. Shcherbitskiy was a delegate rep-
resenting Kiev City.
Secretary, Communist Party of the Ukrainian
SSR, during 1979-85, when Shcherbitskiy was
first secretary (1972-present).
Karlov, Vladimir Alekseyevich [Gorbachev]
Chief, Agriculture and Food Industry Department,
CPSU Central Committee
Member, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU Central
Committee (1965-66), when Kapitonov was a mem-
ber (1964-66) and Kirilenko was first deputy chair-
man (1962-66) of the bureau.
Member, Tatar ASSR delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Nikonov.
Chairman, Agriculture Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-
70, when Nikonov was a member of that
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko and Katushev.
Chief, Agriculture Department, CPSU Central
Committee (1976-83), then chief of the Agriculture
and Food Industry Department, CPSU Central
Committee (1983-present), when Gorbachev was
CPSU Central Committee secretary for agricul-
ture (1978-85).
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of Na-
tionalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1984, with
Sokolov (a member since 1974).
Karpova, Yevdokiya Fedorovna [Vorotnikov]
Deputy chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
Second secretary, Yegor'yevsk Gorkom (Moscow
Oblast) during 1956-59, when Kapitonov was first
secretary, Moscow Obkom (1954-59), and Demi-
chev was a secretary, Moscow Obkom (from mid-
1950s until 1958).
Deputy chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
(1966-present), under Solomentsev (1971-83) and
Vorotnikov (1983-present).
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Demichev and Grishin.
Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosy gin, Mazurov,
Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Voronov, and
Zimyanin were delegates from Moscow City.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1971, from
Moscow Oblast with Kapitonov. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosygin, and Podgornyy were deputies from
Moscow City.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1975, from
Moscow Oblast with Gromyko. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosy gin, and Podgornyy were deputies from
Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev, Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin were delegates from
Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
were delegates from Moscow City.
Katushev, Konstantin Fedorovich
Chairman, State Committee for Foreign Economic
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko.
Deputy chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1970-77, when Suslov was chairman.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Kavun, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Zhitomir Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Member, Presidium of USSR Supreme Soviet
during 1966-74 with Brezhnev, Grishin, Kunayev,
Masherov, Podgornyy, Rash idov, Romanov,
Shcherbitskiy, and Shelest.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, during
1970-79, with Zimyanin.
Chairman, Vinnitsa Oblispolkom (1970-78), and
first secretary, Zhitomir Obkom (since 1978), while
Shcherbitskiy has been first secretary, Communist
Party of the Ukraine (since 1972).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Kazakov, Leonid Davydovich IBiryukoval
Secretary, All-Union Central Council of Trade
Unions (AUCCTU)
Secretary of AUCCTU since December 1985,
when Biryukova was also a secretary (1968-86).
Khodyrev, Vladimir Yakovlevich [Zaykov]
Chairman, Leningrad City Soviet Executive
Rose through Leningrad party organization (1974-
83) when Romanov was first secretary of the
Leningrad Obkom (1970-83), Solov'yev was first
secretary of the Leningrad Gorkom (1978-84), and
Zaykov was chairman of the Leningrad Goris-
polkom (1976-83).
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Chairman of the Leningrad Gorispolkom since
1983, when Zaykov was Leningrad Obkom first
secretary (1983-85), and while Solov'yev has been
obkom first secretary (since 1985).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City, 1984, with Solov'yev
and Zaykov.
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, when Ligachev (1984-85) and Razumovskiy
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Khomyakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
First secretary, Saratov Oblast Party Committee
Leading industrial, Komsomol, and party positions
(presumably in Krasnodar Kray) during 1955-65,
when Polyanskiy was first secretary of Krasnodar
Kraykom (1957-58).
Second secretary of unidentified gorkom (presum-
ably in Krasnodar Kray), and then secretary and
later second secretary of Krasnodar Kraykom dur-
ing 1965-78, when Solomentsev was first secretary
of neighboring Rostov Obkom (1964-66), Gorba-
chev was first secretary of neighboring Stavropol'
Kraykom (1970-78), and Razumovskiy was a de-
partment head of Krasnodar Kraykom (1967-73)
and chairman, Krasnodar Krayispolkom (1973-81).
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Razumovskiy.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Khristoradnov, Yuriy Nikolayevich
First secretary, Gor'kiy Oblast Party Committee
Secretary, then first secretary of a raykom, then
second and later first secretary of Gor'kiy Gorkom
during 1962-74, when Katushev was first secre-
tary, Gor'kiy Obkom (1965-68).
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1974, when Ligachev was a member of the com-
mission and Ryzhkov was its secretary (1974-79).
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Member, Gor'kiy delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Solomentsev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Klepikov, Mikhail Ivanovich [Razumovskiy]
Brigade leader, Kuban' Kolkhoz, Krasnodar Kray
Brigade leader, Kuban' Kolkhoz, Krasnodar Kray,
since 1960, when Razumovskiy was chairman,
Krasnodar Krayispolkom (1973-81), and Gorba-
chev was first secretary of neighboring Stavropol'
Kraykom (1970-78).
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Razumovskiy.
Member, presidium of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Gromyko and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnodar, in 1966, 1970, and 1974,
with Razumovskiy (in 1974). Polyanskiy was elect-
ed to Council of Nationalities from Krasnodar all
three years.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1974, when Ligachev was a member of the com-
mission and Ryzhkov was its secretary (1974-79).
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Razumovskiy.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnodar, 1979, with Razumovskiy
and Talyzin. Zimyanin was elected to Council of
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Razumovskiy and Zimyanin.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnodar, 1984, with Razumovskiy
and Talyzin. Zimyanin was elected to Council of
Klimenko, Ivan Yefimovich
First secretary, Smolensk Oblast Party Committee
Leading posts in Yaroslavl' party and government
(1949-65) when Kapitonov was first secretary of
neighboring Iva novo Obkom (1959-64).
Second (1965-69), then first (1969-present) secre-
tary of Smolensk Obkom when Masherov was first
secretary of the neighboring Belorussian Republic
party organization (1965-80).
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Klyuyev, Vladimir Grigor'yevich
USSR Minister of Light Industry
Department head, then first secretary of Ivanovo
Gorkom during 1961-66, when Kapitonov was first
secretary of Ivanovo Obkom (1959-64).
Member, Ivanovo delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, and to 25th Party Congress, 1976,
each time with Kapitonov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Ivanovo, 1974, 1979, and 1984, each
time with Kapitonov.
Member (1974-79) and deputy chairman (since
1979), Consumer Goods Commission (and its pre-
decessor organization), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, with Razumovskiy (1974-
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, Vorotni-
kov, and Zimyanin.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Knyazyuk, Mikhail Aleksandrovich ISlyun'kov]
First secretary, Ivanovo Oblast Party Committee
Second secretary of Minsk Obkom during 1983-84,
when Slyun'kov was first secretary of the Commu-
nist Party of Belorussia (1983-present).
Kochemasov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich ISolomentsev]
Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic
Secretary of the All-Union Komsomol as of 1954,
when Shelepin was first secretary of the All-Union
Komsomol (1952-58).
Deputy department chief in USSR Ministry of
Foreign Affairs during 1960-61, when Gromyko
was Minister (1957-85).
Deputy chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
(1962-83), when Solomentsev was Chairman
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Kolbin, Gennadiy Vasiryevich fRyzhkoyl
First secretary, Ul'yanovsk Oblast Party Committee
Secretary of a plant party committee and then rose
through the party organization in Nizhniy Tagil
(Sverdlovsk Oblast) during 1959-70, when
Kirilenko was first secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk, 1966, with Kirilenko.
First secretary, Nizhniy Tagil Gorkom (Sverdlovsk
Oblast), then secretary and later second secretary,
Sverdlovsk Obkom, from late 1960s until 1975,
when Yel'tsin was a department chief and then
secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom (1968-76), and when
Ryzhkov was general director of Urals Heavy
Machine Building (Uralmash) production associa-
tion (1970-75).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, from Sverd-
lovsk, 1971, with Ryabov.
Second secretary, Communist Party of Georgia,
during 1975-83, when Shevardnadze was first sec-
retary (1972-85).
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Georgian SSR, 1979. Shevardnadze
was elected to Council of Nationalities.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Koldunov, Aleksandr Ivanovich (Sokolov]
Deputy minister of defense; Commander in Chief, Air
Defense Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Deputy commander, then commander of Baku
(Azerbaijan SSR) Air Defense District during
1960-70, when Aliyev was deputy chairman (1965-
67) and then chairman (1967-69) of the Azerbaijan
KGB and first secretary of the Communist Party
of Azerbaijan (1969-82).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
Oblast, 1971, with Kapitonov. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosy gin, and Podgornyy were elected from
Moscow City.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Kolesnikov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich [Shcherbitskiy]
Brigade leader, Molodogvardeyskaya Mine, Voroshi-
lovgrad Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
Coal miner since early 1950s in Voroshilovgrad
Oblast and a member of the Ukrainian party
organization since 1966, when Shcherbitskiy was
Ukrainian Premier (1965-72) and first secretary of
the Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Kolesnikov, Vladislav Grigor'yevich
USSR Minister of the Electronics Industry
First Deputy Minister (1971-85) and USSR Minis-
ter (since 1985) of the Electronics Industry when
Ustinov was CPSU secretary for defense industry
(1965-76) and then USSR Minister of Defense
(1976-84), and Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-
85), and Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secre-
taries for defense industry.
Kolpakov, Serafim Vasiryevich
USSR Minister of Ferrous Metallurgy
Konarev, Nikolay Semenovich
USSR Minister of Railways
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from the Georgian SSR, 1984. Shevard-
nadze was elected to Council of Nationalities.
Konoplev, Boris Vsevolodovich [Ye! tsin]
First secretary, Perm' Oblast Party Committee
Secretary of Molotov Gorkom (Perm' Oblast) dur-
ing 1955-59 and first secretary of Perm' Gorkom
and second secretary of Perm' Obkom during
1959-63, when Kirilenko was first secretary of
neighboring Sverdlovsk Obkom (1955-62).
Chairman, Perm' Oblispolkom (1963-72), and first
secretary, Perm' Obkom (since 1972), when Rya-
boy was first secretary of neighboring Sverdlovsk
Obkom (1971-76) and when Yel'tsin was a depart-
ment chief, then secretary, then first secretary of
Sverdlovsk Obkom (1968-85).
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Korniyenko, Georgiy Markovich [Gromyko]
USSR First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rose through USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs
when Gromyko was Minister (1957-85).
Works under Shevardnadze, USSR Minister of
Foreign Affairs since 1985.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'-
yev and Sushov.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1979,
when Sus/ov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (1985-present)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Soko-
lov, Solov'yev and Zaykov.
Korolev, Anatoliy Maksimovich [Yel'tsin]
Lathe operators brigade leader, Urals Heavy Machine
Building (Uralmash) Production Association,
Ryzhkov was general director of Uralmash during
Member, Sverdlovsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with V. V. Kuznetsov and Yel'tsin.
Kostin, Vitaliy Semenovich
Mine workers brigade leader, Zimink Mine,
Kemerovo Oblast
Kovalev, Mikhail Vasil'yevich [Slyun'kov]
Chairman, Belorussian Council of Ministers
Chairman of the Minsk Gorispolkom (1967-77),
first deputy chairman of BSSR Gosplan (1977-78),
and deputy premier of BSSR (1978-83) when
Slyun'kov was first secretary of the Minsk Gorkom
(1972-74) and when Masherov was first secretary
of the Communist Party of Belorussia (1965-80).
Has worked under Slyun'kov (first secretary of the
Communist Party of Belorussia since January
1983) as First Deputy Chairman (1983-86) and
Chairman (since January 1986) of the Belorussian
Council of Ministers.
Kruchina, Nikolay Yefimovich [Gorbachev]
Chief, Administration of Affairs, CPSU Central
First secretary, successively, of Novocherkassk and
Kamenskiy city Komsomol committees (both ap-
parently in Rostov Oblast) and of Smolensk Oblast
Komsomol committee during 1952-59, when
Shelepin was first secretary of the All-Union Kom-
somol (1952-58).
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Secretary, Tselina Kraykom, Kazakh SSR, during
1963-65, and then first secretary, Tselinograd
Obkom during 1965-78, when Solomentsev was
second secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
(1962-64) and Kunayev was first secretary (1964-
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1966-70 with Dolgikh.
Member, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1970,
when Aliyev was a member (1970-74) and Ligachev
(1970-74) and Gorbachev (1974-79) were successive
chairmen of the commission.
Member, Tselinograd delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Polyanskiy.
First deputy chief, Agriculture Department, CPSU
Central Committee, during 1978-83, when
Gorbachev was CPSU secretary responsible for
agriculture (1978-85).
Kruglova, Zinaida Mikhaylovna ISolov'yevl
Chairman, Presidium, Union of Soviet Societies of
Friendship and Cultural Relations With Foreign
Rose through the Leningrad party organization at
same time as Romanov. Secretary of Leningrad
Gorkom and then of Leningrad Obkom during
1963-74, when Romanov was first secretary of
Leningrad Obkom (1970-83) and Solov'yev was
deputy chairman of Leningrad Gorispolkom (1973-
Deputy minister of culture (1974-75) when Demi-
chev was Minister (1974-present).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Ponomarev, Romanov, and Sokolov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1979,
when Susiov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (1985-present)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yensin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1979,
with Yakovlev (1984-present).
Kryuchkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich [Chebrikovl
Deputy chairman, Committee for State Security
First secretary of a rayon Komsomol committee,
then second secretary of the Volgograd City Kom-
somol committee, during 1944-46, when Shelepin
was a secretary of the All-Union Komsomol
Third secretary, Embassy, Budapest, during 1956-
59, when Andropov was counselor, then Ambassa-
dor (1953-57).
Rose to section chief in Bloc Relations Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee, during 1959-67,
when Andropov was chief of the department
Joined KGB in 1967, rising to deputy chairman in
1978, when Andropov was chairman of the KGB
Now works under Chebrikov, chairman of the
KGB since 1982.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Kulikov, Fedor Mikhaylovich
First secretary, Penza Oblast Party Committee
Rose to first secretary through Penza Oblast Kom-
somol committee during 1946-58, when Chernenko
was a secretary, Penza Obkom (1945-48), Kulakov
was chairman of Penza Oblispolkom (1950-55), and
Shelepin was first secretary of the All-Union Kom-
somol (1952-58).
Kulikov, Viktor Georgiyevich [Sokolov]
USSR First Deputy Minister of Defense; Commander
in Chief, Warsaw Pact Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commander, Kiev Military District during
1967-69, when Shcherbitskiy was Ukrainian SSR
Premier (1965-72).
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-79,
with Chernenko (1966-79).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Kunayev, Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee; First
secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Chairman of Kazakh Council of Ministers during
1955-60, when Brezhnev was second, then first
secretary of Communist Party of Kazakhstan
First secretary of Communist Party of Kazakhstan
(1960-62) and Chairman of the Kazakh Council of
Ministers (1962-64) when Solomentsev was first
secretary of Karaganda Obkom (Kazakh SSR)
(1959-62) and second secretary of Communist
Party of Kazakhstan (1962-64).
Member of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme
Soviet since 1962, when Podgornyy (1965-77),
Brezhnev (1977-82), Andropov (1983-84), Cher-
nenko (1984-85), and Gromyko (since 1985) were
successive Chairmen of the Presidium; when V. V.
Kuznetsov (1977-86) and Demichev (since 1986)
were successive First Deputy Chairmen; and when
Grishin (1970-86), Masherov (1966-80), Rashidov
(1970-83), Romanov (1971-84), Shcherbitskiy
(since 1972), Shelest (1966-72), Slyun'kov (since
1984), Solov'yev (since 1986), Yel'tsin (since 1984),
and Zaykov (1984-86) were members.
Kuptsov, Valentin Aleksandrovich
First secretary, Vologda Oblast Party Committee
Kurkotkin, Semen Konstantinovich [Sokolov]
USSR deputy minister of defense; chief of rear
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Georgian SSR, 1974, 1979,
and 1984, with Shevardnadze each time.
Kuznetsov, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich [Gromyko]
First Deputy Chairman, Presidium, USSR Supreme
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs during
1955-77, when Gromyko was Minister (1957-85).
Again under Gromyko when Gromyko became
Chairman, Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet in
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Andropov, Ponomarev, Ro-
manov, and Sokolov.
Member, Volgograd delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Mazurov.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
Oblast, 1980, with Gromyko. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Chernenko, and Kosygin were elected from
Moscow City.
Member, Sverdlovsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Yel'tsin.
First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the
USSR Supreme Soviet during 1977-86, when
Brezhnev (1977-82), Andropov (1983-84), Cher-
nenko (1984-85), and Gromyko (since 1985) were
successive Chairmen of the Presidium and when
Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev (since 1962), Masherov
(1966-80), Rashidov (1970-83), Romanov (1971-
84), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972), Slyun'kov (since
1984), Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov (1984-86)
were members.
Lemayev, Nikolay Vasiryevich INikonoyl
USSR Minister of Petroleum Refining and the
Petrochemical Industry
Worked in the Tatar Sovnarkhoz (1960-63) and
was director of the Nizhnekamsk Petrochemical
Combine in the Tatar ASSR (1963-85) when
Nikonov was second secretary of the Tatar Obkom
Member, Tatar delegation to 25th Party Congress,
1976, with Demichev.
Ligachev, Yegor Kuz'mich
Member, Politburo, and secretary, CPSU Central
Deputy chief of Agitprop Department, then of
Party Organs Department, then of Agitprop De-
partment again, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU
Central Committee, during 1961-65, when
Voronov was first deputy chairman of the bureau
('''(1961-62), Kirilenko was a member (1961-62) and
first deputy chairman (1962-66) of the bureau, and
Yakovlev was an instructor, Agitprop Department
for the Union Republics, CPSU Central Commit-
tee (as of 1962).
First secretary, Tomsk Obkom, during 1965-83,
when Dolgikh was first secretary of neighboring
Krasnoyarsk Kraykom (1969-72).
Chairman, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-74,
when Aliyev was a member of the commission.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1974-79, when Ryzhkov was commission secretary.
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Shevardnadze, Talyzin, Yel'tsin,
and all members of the then current senior
Head of the Organizational Party Work Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee (1983-85), when
Gorbachev was CPSU secretary for personnel
(June 1983 until March 1985).
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council
of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1985,
when Ponomarev was chairman, Foreign Affairs
Commission, Council of Nationalities (until 1986),
and while Dobrynin has been chairman, Foreign
Affairs Commission, Council of Nationalities
(since 1986).
Litvintsev, Yuriy Ivanovich f Ligachev]
First secretary, Tula Oblast Party Committee
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
First secretary of Tomsk Gorkom as of 1975 and
second secretary of Tomsk Obkom as of 1984,
when Ligachev was first secretary, Tomsk Obkom
Member, Tomsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Ligachev.
Member, Tomsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Ligachev.
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus, as
of July 1984, when Ligachev was chief, Organiza-
tional Party Work Department, CPSU Central
Committee (1983-85).
Lizichev, Aleksey Dmitriyevich [Sokolov]
Chief, Main Political Directorate of the Army and
Navy, USSR Ministry of Defense
Worked with Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works with
Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Member, Grodno delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Biryukova
Logunov, Anatoliy Alekseyevich
Vice president, USSR Academy of Sciences
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
Oblast, 1975, with Gromyko. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosygin, and Podgornyy were elected from
Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev, Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin represented Moscow
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City, 1984, with Chernenko,
Grishin, and Ustinov. Demichev was elected from
Moscow Oblast.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1979,
with Yakovlev (since 1984).
Lomakin, Viktor Pavlovich
Ambassador to Czechoslovakia
Chairman, Construction and Construction Materi-
als Industry Commission, Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-84, with Ro-
manov (1970-74).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 25th Par-
ty Congress, 1976, with Talyzin.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, and all members
of the then current senior leadership.
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 26th Par-
ty Congress, 1981, with Dobrynin and Kapitonov.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Lomako, Petr Fadeyevich [Dolgikh]
USSR Minister of Nonferrous Metallurgy
Chairman, Krasnoyarsk Sovnarkhoz during 1957-
61, when Dolgikh was chief engineer of Noril'sk
(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Mining and Metallurgical
Works (1958-62).
Deputy chairman, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU
Central Committee, during early 1960s, when Li-
gachev was a deputy department chief of the
bureau (1961-65) and Kirilenko was a member
(1961-62) and first deputy chairman (1962-66) of it.
Member, Krasnoyarsk delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Dolgikh.
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Lomonosov, Vladimir Grigor'yevich [Solomentsev]
Deputy Chairman, All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions
Rose during 1953-58 to secretary of plant party
committee, "Serp i Molot" metallurgical plant
(Moscow), and was secretary, then first secretary of
Kalinin Raykom in Moscow (1958-62) when Gri-
shin was second secretary of Moscow Obkom
(1952-56), Kapitonov was first secretary of Moscow
Obkom (1954-59), and Demichev was first secre-
tary of Moscow Obkom, then of Moscow Gorkom
Chairman, Central Asian Bureau, CPSU Central
Committee, during 1962-65, when Solomentsev
was second secretary of Communist Party of Ka-
zakhstan (1962-64) and when Kunayev was Chair-
man of Kazakh SSR Council of Ministers (1962-
64) and first secretary of Communist Party of
Kazakhstan (1964-present).
Member, editorial commission, 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Romanov and Zimyanin.
Member (1966-70) and deputy chairman (1970-79),
Planning and Budget Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, with Dolgikh
(1966-70), Ligachev (1974-79), and Ryzhkov (com-
mission secretary during 1974-79).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
"Responsible worker" of CPSU Central Commit-
tee during 1983-86, when Ligachev (1983-85) and
Razumovskiy (1985-present) served successively as
chief of the Organizational Party Work Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee.
Loshchenkov, Fedor Ivanovich [Ligachev]
First secretary, Yaroslavl' Oblast Party Committee
Rose through Novosibirsk party organization and
served as an inspector of the CPSU Central Com-
mittee apparatus during 1946-61, when Ligachev
was rising through the Novosibirsk party and
government (1949-61).
First secretary of Yaroslavl' Obkom since 1961,
when Kapitonov was first secretary of neighboring
Ivanovo Obkom (1959-64).
Member, Industrial Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-74,
with Dolgikh.
Member, credentials commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Member, Consumer Goods Commission (and its
successor organization), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974, with
Razumovskiy (1974-79).
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev,
Vorotnikov, and Zimyanin.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Luk'yanov, Anatoliy Ivanovich
Chief, General Department, CPSU Central
Probably worked in apparatus of USSR Supreme
Soviet during 1961-68, when Chernenko was chief
of the secretariat of the Presidium of the USSR
Supreme Soviet (1960-65).
Lushchikov, Anatoliy Pavlovich [Gorbachev]
Aide to General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev
Deputy chief of Agriculture Department, CPSU
Central Committee, from at least 1967 until 1981,
when Gorbachev was CPSU secretary for agricul-
ture (1978-85).
Lushev, Petr Georgiyevich [Sokolov]
Commander in chief, Group of Soviet Forces,
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commander, Central Asian Military District, dur-
ing 1977-80, when Kunayev was first secretary of
Communist Party of Kazakh SSR (1964-present).
Commander, Moscow Military District, during
1980-85, when Grishin was Moscow Gorkom first
secretary (1967-85).
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Andropov.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow Oblast, 1984, with Demichev.
Chernenko, Grishin, and Ustinov were elected
from Moscow City.
Lutak, Ivan Kondrat'yevich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Cherkassy Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR
Member, credentials commission, 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Second secretary of Communist Party of the
Ukrainian SSR during 1969-76, when Shcherbits-
kiy was first secretary (1972-present).
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1970, when Solomentsev (1966-74), Gorbachev
(1979-84), Ligachev (1984-85), and Razumovskiy
(since 1985) were chairmen of the commission and
when Vorotnikov was a member of it (1974-79).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Chebrikov and Tikhonov.
Lyashko, Aleksandr Pavlovich [Shcherbitskiyl
Chairman, Council of Ministers, Ukrainian SSR
Worked in Novokramatorsk Machine Building
Plant in Donetsk (1945-52) when Ryzhkov was at
Kramatorsk Machine Building Technicum (gradu-
ated 1950).
First secretary, Kramatorsk Gorkom, then secre-
tary, second secretary, and first secretary of Do-
netsk Obkom during 1952-63, when Podgornyy
was second (1953-57), then first secretary (1957-
63), Communist Party of the Ukraine.
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko and Katushev.
Chairman, Industry, Transport, and Communica-
tions Commission, Council of the Union, USSR
Supreme Soviet, during 1966-70, when Ligachev
was a member of that commission.
Secretary (1963-66), then second secretary (1966-
69) of Communist Party of the Ukraine and Chair-
man, Presidium, Ukrainian Supreme Soviet (1969-
72) when Shelest was first secretary, Communist
Party of the Ukraine (1963-72), and Shcherbitskiy
was Chairman, Council of Ministers, Ukrainian
SSR (1965-72).
Deputy chairman of the Presidium of the USSR
Supreme Soviet during 1970-74, when Brezhnev,
Grishin, Kunayev, Masherov, Podgornyy, Rashi-
dov, Romanov, Shcherbitskiy, and She/est were
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Demichev and Zimyanin.
Chairman, Council of Ministers, Ukrainian SSR
(1972-present), while Shcherbitskiy has been first
secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
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Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Makarenko, Viktor Sergeyevich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Crimean Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
First Secretary, Sevastopol' Gorkom (1972-77) and
first secretary, Crimean obkom (1977-present),
while Shcherbitskiy has been first secretary, Com-
munist Party of the Ukraine (1972-present).
Makhkamov, Kakhar
First secretary, Communist Party of Tadzhikistan
Maksimov, Yuriy Pavlovich [Sokolov]
USSR deputy minister of defense; Commander in
Chief, Strategic Rocket Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Malloy, Nikolay Ivanovich
First secretary, Magadan Oblast Party Committee
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 25th Par-
ty Congress, 1976, with Talyzin.
Malofeyev,, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich [Slyun'kov]
First secretary, Minsk Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Belorussia
Rose in Belorussian party organization, starting in
1962, holding leading party positions in Gomel'
Oblast during 1972-85, when Mazurov (1956-65),
Masherov (1965-80), and Slyun'kov (1983-present)
were successive first secretaries, Communist Party
of Belorussia.
Martsev, Viktor Fedorovich [Gromyko]
USSR First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador to Sweden, Finland, then India (1967-
77), then First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
(1977-present) when Gromyko was USSR Minister
of Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Member (since 1979) of Foreign Affairs Commis-
sion, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), when Chebrikov was
a member (1979-84), while Yakovlev has been a
member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since 1986).
Malykhin, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich
Leader, electricians brigade, Volga Truck Plant, Kuy-
byshev Oblast
Manayenkov, Yuriy Alekseyevich [Vorotnikov]
First secretary, Lipetsk Oblast Party Committee
Positions in Tambov Oblast party organization
during 1968-84, when Vorotnikov was first secre-
tary of neighboring Voronezh Obkom (1971-75).
Manyakin, Sergey Iosifovich [Gorbachev]
First secretary, Omsk Oblast Party Committee
Chief of the Agriculture Department of Stavropol'
Kraykom during 1957-60, when Polyanskiy was
first secretary of neighboring Krasnodar Kraykom
Agricultural, party, and government work in Stav-
ropol' Kray during 1948-61, when Gorbachev held
leading Komsomol positions there (1955-62).
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko and Katushev.
Member, Agriculture Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-74,
with Nikonov (1970-74).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1974, when Ligachev was a member of the com-
mission (1974-79), and Ryzhkov was its secretary
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Marchuk, Guriy Ivanovich
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers;
Chairman, State Committee for Science and
Member, Novosibirsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kosy gin.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Markov, Georgiy Mokeyevich
First secretary, USSR Union of Writers
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1966-74,
with Chernenko (1966-74) and Grechko (1966-70).
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1966
with Zimyanin (1970-79) and Yakovlev (since
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974,
when Sus/ov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (since 1985)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate from Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Moscow City with Chernenko,
Grishin, and Ustinov. Demichev was elected from
Moscow Oblast.
Masaliyev, Absamat Masaliyevich IRazumovskiy1
First secretary, Communist Party of Kirgizia
Worked as a CPSU Central Committee inspector
during June?November 1985, when Razumovskiy
was head of the Organizational Party Work De-
partment, CPSU Central Committee (June 1985-
Maslennikov, Nikolay Ivanovich [Solomentsev]
Deputy chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers;
Chairman, RSFSR State Planning Committee (Gos-
Second secretary of Gor'kiy Gorkom, then an
obkom department head, then first secretary of
Gor'kiy Gorkom during 1961-68, when Katushev
was first secretary, Gor'kiy Obkom (1965-68).
Maslennikov replaced Katushev as obkom first
secretary in 1968.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1970, from Gor'kiy Oblast with Katushev.
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Chairman, RSFSR Gosplan and deputy chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers (1975-present) when
Solomentsev (1971-83) and Vorotnikov (1983-
present) were successive chairmen of RSFSR
Council of Ministers.
_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet in 1975 and
1980 from Sverdlovsk Oblast when Yel'tsin was a
secretary (until 1976) and first secretary of Sverd-
lovsk Obkom (1976-85).
Maslyukov, Yuriy Dmitriyevich
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers;
chairman, Military-Industrial Commission (VPK)
Worked in USSR Ministry of the Defense Industry
from at least 1974, serving as deputy minister
during 1979-82, when Ustinov and Ryabov were
CPSU secretaries for defense industry (1965-76
and 1976-79, respectively) and when Ustinov was
USSR Minister of Defense (1976-84).
First Deputy Chairman of Gosplan during
1982-85, when Slyun'kov was a deputy chairman
(1974-83) and Ryzhkov was a first deputy chair-
man (1979-82).
Member (since 1984) of Foreign Affairs Commis-
sion, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zitnyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), while Yakovlev has
been a member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin
has been chairman (since 1986).
Chairman of Military-Industrial Commission since
November 1985, while Zaykov has been CPSU
secretary for defense industry (since July 1985).
Mayorets, Anatoliy Ivanovich
USSR Minister of Power and Electrification
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1984, from Azerbaijan SSR. Aliyev
and Medvedev were elected to Council of the
Union from Azerbaijan SSR.
Medvedev, Vadim Andreyevich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee; chief, Bloc
Relations Department
Secretary, Leningrad Gorkom during 1968-70,
when Romanov was second secretary, Leningrad
Obkom (1964-70).
Deputy chief, Propaganda Department, CPSU
Central Committee, during 1970-78, when Yakov-
lev was first deputy chief of the department (1965-
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1984, with Aliyev.
Mel'nikov, Aleksandr Grigor'yevich [Ligacheil
Chief, Construction Department, CPSU Central
Leading official in Seversk Gorkom (Tomsk Ob-
last) during 1959-70, then served as a department
head, secretary, and second secretary of Tomsk
Obkom during 1970-83, when Ligachev was first
secretary of Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Replaced Ligachev as first secretary of Tomsk
Obkom in 1983.
Member, Tomsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Ligachev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Tomsk Oblast with Ligachev.
Mendybayev, Marat Samiyevich 1KunayevI
First secretary, Alma Ata Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Deputy chief of heavy industry department of
Communist Party of Kazakhstan Central Commit-
tee as of 1981, then held leading positions in
Kustanay Oblast party and government during
1982-85, when Kunayev was first secretary, Com-
munist Party of Kazakhstan (1964-present).
Mesyats, Valentin Karpovich
First secretary, Moscow Oblast Party Committee
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Worked in a department of a city Komsomol
committee (unidentified) sometime between 1946
and 1948, when Shelepin was a secretary of the
All-Union Komsomol (1943-49).
Leading agricultural, government, and party posts
in Moscow Oblast during 1948-65, when Demichev
(1950-58) and Kapitonov (1951-59) were leading
officials in Moscow Obkom and Grishin was ob-
kom second secretary (1952-56).
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Demichev and Grishin.
Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosy gin, Mazurov,
Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Voronov, and Zim-
yanin were delegates representing Moscow City.
Member, credentials commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Second secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
(1971-76), when Kunayev was first secretary (1964-
Chairman, Credentials Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-79,
when Chernenko was a member of the commission
(1966-79) and when Shevardnadze was chairman,
Credentials Commission, Council of Nationalities
Member, secretariat of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Chernenko.
USSR Minister of Agriculture (1976-85) when
Gorbachev was CPSU Central Committee secre-
tary for agriculture (1978-85).
Mironov, Vasiliy Petrovich [Shcherbitskiy1
First secretary, Donetsk Oblast Party Committee
Rose to first secretary of Donetsk Oblast Komso-
mol committee during 1943-55, when Shelepin was
secretary (1943-49), second secretary (1949-52),
and first secretary of the All-Union Komsomol
Rose in Donetsk party and government apparatus
(1960-present) when Shcherbitskiy was first secre-
tary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Member, Donetsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Dolgikh.
Miroshkin, Oleg Semenovich [Kunayev]
Second secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Rose in Kazakh party apparatus (1970- present)
when Kunayev was first secretary, Communist
Party of Kazakhstan (1964-present).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Chairman, Credentials Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1984,
with Sokolov.
Mishin, Viktor Maksimovich
First secretary, All-Union Komsomol
Komsomol work in Moscow from 1968 until 1978
(aside from a period in the mid-1970s, when he
headed a department in the All-Union Komsomol),
when Grishin was first secretary of Moscow Gor-
kom (1967-85).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Sverdlovsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with V. V. Kuznetsov and Yel'tsin.
Morgun, Fedor Trofimovich IShcherbitskiyl
First secretary, Poltava Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Director of a sovkhoz in northern Kazakh SSR
during 1954-59, when Brezhnev was second, then
first secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Rose in Pavlodar Oblast and Tselinnyy Kray party
organizations during 1959-65, when Solomentsev
was second secretary (1962-64) and Kunayev was
first secretary (1964-present), Communist Party of
Kazakh SSR.
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Inspector, Central Committee, Communist Party
of the Ukraine (1972-73), then first secretary,
Poltava Obkom (1973-present), when Shcherbits-
kiy was first secretary, Communist Party of the
Ukraine (1972-present).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Morozov, Ivan Pavlovich
First secretary, Komi Oblast Party Committee
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Motornyy, Dmitriy Konstantinovich [Shcherbitskiy1
Kolkhoz chairman, Kherson Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
In current position since at least 1981, while
Shcherbitskiy has been republic first secretary
Mozgovoy, Ivan Alekseyevich iShcherbitskiy1
Secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine
Department head, then second secretary, Kherson
Oblast Komsomol committee during 1953-55,
when Polyanskiy held leading party and govern-
ment positions in neighboring Crimean Oblast
(1949-55). Mozgovoy was a secretary of the Ukrai-
nian Komsomol during 1955-62, when Shelepin
was first secretary of the All-Union Komsomol
Second secretary, Transcarpathian Obkom (1962-
66), then first secretary, Rovno Obkom (1966-72)
when Shelest was first secretary, Communist Party
of the Ukraine (1963-72).
Member, Health and Social Security Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1970-84, with Vorotnikov (1970-74).
First secretary of Kherson Obkom (1972-80), First
Deputy Chairman of Ukrainian SSR Council of
Ministers (1980), then a secretary of the Commu-
nist Party of the Ukraine (1980-present) when
Shcherbitskiy was first secretary (1972-present).
Member, Kiev Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981. Ryzhkov and Shcherbitskiy were
delegates representing Kiev City.
Murakhovskiy, Vsevolod Serafimovich [Gorbachevl
Chairman, State Agroindustrial Committee
First secretary, Stavropol' City Komsomol commit-
tee during 1954-56, when Shelepin was first secre-
tary of the All-Union Komsomol (1952-58) and
Gorbachev was a department head (1955-56) and
first secretary, Stavropol' City Komsomol commit-
tee (1956-58).
Leading positions in Stavropol' Kray party organi-
zation since 1965, during Gorbachev's rise through
the same party organization (1963-78) and while
Razumovskiy held leading positions in neighboring
Krasnodar Kray (1967-71, 1973-81, and 1983-85).
First secretary, Stavropol' Kraykom during 1978-
85, when Vorotnikov was first secretary of neigh-
boring Krasnodar Kraykom (1982-83).
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Gorbachev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Stavropol', 1979, with Gorbachev.
Member, Science and Technology Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet
during 1979-84, when Ligachev was deputy chair-
man of the commission.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gorbachev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Stavropol', 1984, with Gorbachev.
Deputy chairman, Legislative Proposals Commis-
sion, Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, when Ligachev (1984-85) and Razu-
movskiy (since 1985) were successive chairmen of
the commission.
Murav'yev, Yevgeniy Fedorovich iVorotnikovl
First secretary, Kuybyshev Oblast Party Committee
First secretary, Syzran' Gorkom (Kuybyshev
Oblast) during 1962-76, when Vorotnikov was
secretary, then second secretary of Kuybyshev
Obkom (1961-67) and chairman of Kuybyshev
Oblispolkom (1967-71), and Nikonov was second
secretary of neighboring Tatar Obkom (1961-67).
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Vorotnikov.
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Andropov.
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Ponomarev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'stin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Myasnikov, Aleksey Pavlovich
Excavator driver, Korshunovo Mining and Concentra-
tion Combine, Irkutsk Oblast
Mysnichenko, Vladislav Petrovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Khar'kov Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Deputy chief of a department, Khar'kov Oblast
Komsomol committee, from sometime after 1952
until 1957, when Shelepin was first secretary, All-
Union Komsomol (1952-58).
Rose through Komsomol and party work in
Khar'kov Oblast when Podgornyy was first secre-
tary of Khar'kov Obkom (1950-53), then secretary
(1953-57) of the Communist Party of the Ukraine,
and when Podgornyy (1957-63), Shelest (1963-72),
and Shcherbitskiy (1972-present) were successive
first secretaries of the Communist Party of the
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Nazarbayev, Nursultan Abishevich [Kunayeil
Chairman, Kazakh SSR Council of Ministers
Leading Komsomol and party positions in Kara-
ganda Oblast during 1969-79 and a secretary of
the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1979-84)
when Kunayev was first secretary of it (1964-
Nikonov, Viktor Petrovich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee
Deputy chief, then chief of the agriculture depart-
ment, Krasnoyarsk Kraykom, from 1958 until
sometime before 1961, when Ligachev was a secre-
tary of neighboring Novosibirsk Obkom (1959-61)
and Dolgikh was chief engineer of the Noril'sk
Mining and Metallurgical Works (1958-62).
Second secretary of Tatar Obkom during 1961-67,
when Vorotnikov was secretary, then second secre-
tary of neighboring Kuybyshev Obkom (1961-67).
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Ponomarev, Vorotnikov, and
USSR deputy minister of agriculture (1979-83)
and RSFSR minister of agriculture (1983-85) when
Gorbachev was CPSU secretary overseeing agri-
culture (1978-85).
- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Chairman, Agroindustrial Complex Commission,
Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, when Razumovskiy was chairman,
Agroindustrial Complex Commission, Council of
the Union (1984-85).
Niyazov, Saparmurad Atayevich [Ligachey1
First secretary, Communist Party of Turkmenistan
Instructor, Organizational Party Work Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee, during 1984-85,
when Ligachev was chief of that department (1983-
Nochevkin, Anatoliy Petrovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Odessa Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Leading positions in the Poltava (1963-81) and
Odessa (1981-present) party organizations when
Shcherbitskiy was first secretary, Communist Par-
ty of the Ukraine (1972-present).
Novozhilov, Genrikh Vasil'yevich
General designer, USSR Ministry of the Aviation
Evidently in the aviation industry since 1949,
probably coming into contact with Ustinov (who
was CPSU secretary for defense industry during
1965-76 and then USSR Minister of Defense
during 1976-84), Ryabov, Romanov, and Zaykov
(CPSU secretaries for defense industry during
1976-79, 1983-85, and 1985-present, respectively).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976 with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981 with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Odinstov, Vladimir Yevgen'yevich [Gorbachev]
First secretary, North Osetian Oblast
Party Committee
Department head, Kalmytskiy Obkom, during
1961-65, when Solomentsev was first secretary of
neighboring Rostov Obkom (1964-66).
Second secretary of Dagestan Obkom during 1970-
79, when Gorbachev was first secretary of neigh-
boring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78), Shevard-
nadze was first secretary of the neighboring
Georgian Republic party organization (1972-85),
and Aliyev was first secretary of the neighboring
Azerbaijan SSR Republic party organization
Ogarkov, Nikolay Vasil'yevich [Sokolov]
Commander in chief, Western Theater, USSR Minis-
try of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Chief of staff, then deputy commander, then first
deputy commander of Belorussian Military District
during 1961-65, when Mazurov was first secretary
(1956-65) and Masherov was a secretary of the
Communist Party of Belorussia (1959-65).
Commander of Volga Military District (headquar-
tered in Kuybyshev) during 1965-68, when Vorot-
nikov was in the Kuybyshev Obkom secretariat
(1961-67) and then chairman of the Kuybyshev
Oblispolkom (1967-71).
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Vorotnikov.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Orlov, Vladimir Pavlovich [Vorotnikov]
Chairman, RSFSR Supreme Soviet; Deputy Chair-
man, USSR Supreme Soviet
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Leading positions in the Kuybyshev Oblast party
and government (1951-79) when Vorotnikov was
also on the rise there (1956-71), when Polyanskiy
(1955-57) and Voronov (1957-61) were successive
first secretaries of neighboring Orenburg Obkom,
and when Nikonov was second secretary of neigh-
boring Tatar Obkom (1961-67).
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Vorotnikov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Kuybyshev, 1970, with Vorotnikov.
Chairman, Consumer Goods Commission (and its
successor organization), Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974, when Razu-
movskiy was a member of the commission (1974-
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Andropov.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Replaced Vorotnikov as First Deputy Chairman of
RSFSR Council of Ministers in 1979 and worked
under him during 1983-85 after Vorotnikov be-
came Chairman of the RSFSR Council of
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Panov, Konstantin Nikolayevich
Leader, ship assemblers brigade, Krasnoye Sormovo
Plant, Gor'kiy Oblast
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Gor'kiy,
1980, with Andropov.
Member, Gor'kiy delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Solomentsev.
Parubok, Yemel'yan Nikonovich IShcherbitskiy1
Member, Bureau, Komsomol of the Ukraine
Member of bureau of the Ukrainian Komsomol
since sometime before 1984, while Shcherbitskiy
has been first secretary, Communist Party of the
Ukraine (1972-present).
Patiashvili, Dzhumber Il'ich [Shevardnadze]
First secretary, Communist Party of Georgia
Rose through Komsomol and party apparatus of
Georgian SSR during 1965-present, when She-
vardnadze was first secretary, Communist Party of
Georgia (1972-85).
Paton, Boris Yevgen'yevich
President, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Has worked in Ukrainian scientific community
since 1942, when Podgornyy (1957-63), Shelest
(1963-72), and Shcherbitskiy (1972-present) were
successive first secretaries, Communist Party of the
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1966 and 1970, from Kiev Oblast with
Shelest and Shcherbitskiy both times.
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974, from Kiev Oblast with Shcherbitskiy.
Member, Kiev City delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Shcherbitskiy.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Kiev City delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Ryzhkov and Shcherbitskiy.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Kiev City with Shcherbitskiy.
Pavlov, Vladimir Yakovlevich
Chairman, State Committee for Foreign Tourism
Secretary, Moscow City Komsomol committee,
from at least 1953 until 1956, when Shelepin was
first secretary of All-Union Komsomol (1952-58).
First secretary, Dzerzhinskiy Raykom (Moscow
Oblast) during 1956-62, when Demichev (1950-58)
and Kapitonov (1951-59) held leading positions in
Moscow City and Oblast party organizations.
Member of Industry, Transport, and Communica-
tions Commission, Council of the Union, USSR
Supreme Soviet, during 1966-70, with Ligachev.
Secretary, then second secretary of Moscow Gor-
kom during 1962-71, when Grishin was first secre-
tary, Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Ambassador to Hungary (1971-82), then to Japan
(1982-85) when Gromyko was USSR Minister of
Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and
Grishin were delegates representing Moscow
Member, credentials commission, 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1966, from Moscow City with Brezhnev,
Demichev, and Podgornyy.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1970, from Moscow City with Brezhnev,
Demichev, Grechko, Grishin, and Podgornyy.
Andropov was elected from Moscow Oblast.
Pereverzeva, Nina Vasil'yevna
Team leader, Put' Lenina Kolkhoz, Rostov Oblast,
Current job in Rostov Oblast since 1974, when
Vorotnikov (1982-83) and Razumovskiy (1983-85)
were party committee first secretaries in neighbor-
ing Krasnodar Kray and when Gorbachev was first
secretary in neighboring Stavropol' Kray (1970-
Pervyshin, Erlen Kirikovich
USSR Minister of the Communications Equipment
Deputy minister of the radio industry during 1970-
74 and then USSR Minister of the Communica-
tions Equipment Industry from 1974 to the present,
when Ustinov was CPSU secretary for defense
industry (1965-76) and then USSR Minister of
Defense (1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79), Roma-
nov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-present) were
CPSU secretaries for defense industry.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974, 1979, and 1984 from Georgian SSR.
Shevardnadze was elected to Council of National-
ities from Georgian SSR each time.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Sus/ov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Soko-
lov, Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Petrov, Vasiliy Ivanovich [Sokolov]
USSR First Deputy Minister of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov, Brezh-
nev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov
were delegates representing Moscow City.
Petrov, Vladislav Alekseyevich iShcherbitskiy]
Lathe operator, Tank and Locomotive Factory imeni
V. A. Malyshev Production Association, Khar'kov,
Ukrainian SSR
Present position since at least 1957, while Shcher-
bitskiy has been first secretary, Communist Party
of the Ukraine (1972-present).
Petrov, Vuriy Vladimirovich, [Ye! tsin]
First secretary, Sverdlovsk Oblast Party Committee
First secretary, Nizhniy Tagil Gorkom (Sverdlovsk
Oblast), as of 1975, when Ryabov was first secre-
tary of Sverdlovsk Obkom (1971-76).
Secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom, from at least 1976
until at least 1981, when Yel'tsin was obkom first
secretary (1976-85).
Deputy chief of the Organizational Party Work
Department, CPSU Central Committee, from
1983 until at least 1984, when Ligachev was chief
of that department (1983-85).
Member, Sverdlovsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with V. V. Kuznetsov and Yel'tsin.
Plekhanov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich [Ye! tsin]
First secretary, Kurgan Oblast Party Committee
May have been in Chelyabinsk party organization
when Solomentsev was in Chelyabinsk Obkom
secretariat (1954-57) and then chairman Chelya-
binsk Sovnarkhoz (1957-59).
Secretary of Chelyabinsk Obkom as of 1975, when
Ryabov was first secretary of neighboring Sverd-
lovsk Obkom (1971-76) and Yel'tsin was either a
Sverdlovsk Obkom department chief or Obkom
secretary (1968-76).
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus,
around 1984-85, when Ligachev was chief of the
Organizational Party Work Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1983-85).
Pleshakov, Petr Stepanovich
USSR Minister of the Radio Industry
Has worked in defense industry since 1952 and was
USSR deputy minister, First Deputy Minister,
then Minister of the Radio Industry from 1965 to
present, when Ustinov was CPSU secretary for
defense industry (1965-76) and then USSR Minis-
ter of Defense (1976-84), and Ryabov (1976-79),
Romanov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-present)
were CPSU secretaries for defense industry.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1984, from Dagestan ASSR with
Pletneva, Valentina Nikolayevna [Biryukova]
Member, Presidium, All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions (AUCCTU)
Member, Presidium, All-Union Central Council of
Trade Unions (AUCCTU), since at least 1977,
when Biryukova was a secretary of the AUCCTU
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Polozkov, Ivan Kuz'mich [Razumovskiy]
First secretary, Krasnodar Kray Party Committee
Secretary of Krasnodar Kraykom as of 1984 and
probably previously, when Razumovskiy was
chairman of Krasnodar Krayispolkom (1973-81),
Vorotnikov was kraykom first secretary (1982-83),
and Gorbachev was first secretary of neighboring
Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78).
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Sector chief in the Organizational Party Work
Department, CPSU Central Committee (1984-85),
when Ligachev was chief of that department (1983-
Polyakov, Viktor Nikolayevich
USSR Minister of the Automotive Industry
Member, Kuybyshev delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Ponomarev.
Ponomarev, Aleksey Filippovich [Vorotnikov]
First secretary, Belgorod Oblast Party Committee
Deputy chairman, Belgorod Oblispolkom, during
1972-78, when Vorotnikov was first secretary of
neighboring Voronezh Obkom (1971-75).
Ponomarev, Boris Nikolayevich
Retired. Former candidate member, Politburo; secre-
tary, CPSU Central Committee; and chief, Interna-
tional Department, CPSU Central Committee
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Romanov, and Sokolov.
Chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council
of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1966-86, when Zimyanin was a member (since
1966) and deputy chairman (since 1974) of the
commission, when Chebrikov (1979-84) and Ya-
kovlev (since 1984) were members, and when Sus-
boy (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84), Gorbachev
(1984-85), and Ligachev (since 1985) were succes-
sive chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union.
Ponomarev, Mikhail Aleksandrovich iSolomentsev]
Deputy chairman, Party Control Committee, CPSU
Central Committee
First secretary, Kalmyk Obkom, during 1959-61,
when Gorbachev was rising to first secretary of the
neighboring Stavropol' Kray Komsomol committee
First secretary, Vladimir Obkom, during 1961-83,
when Kapitonov was first secretary of neighboring
Ivanovo Obkom (1959-64).
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko and Katushev.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1966-74, with Dolgikh (1966-70).
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Demichev and Zimyanin.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-84,
when Sus/ov (until 1982) and Chernenko (1982-84)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, Vorot-
nikov, and Zimyanin.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Deputy chairman, Party Control Committee (1983-
present), while Solomentsev has been chairman
Popov, Filipp Vasil'yevich [Ligachevl
First secretary, Altay Kray Party Committee
Second secretary of Kemerovo Obkom as of the
mid-1970s and chairman of Kemerovo Oblispol-
kom from the late 1970s until 1983, when Ligachev
was first secretary of neighboring Tomsk Obkom
RSFSR minister of housing and municipal services
during 1983-85, when Vorotnikov was Chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers (1983-present).
Popov, Nikolay Sergeyevich IZaykov]
Chief designer, Kirovskiy Zavod Production Associa-
tion, Leningrad
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Has worked in Leningrad since 1955, when Roma-
nov (1970-83), Zaykov (1983-85), and Solov'yev
(1985-present) were first secretaries of Leningrad
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, Solov'yev,
and Sus/ov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Prokop'yev, ll'ya Pavlovich INikonov]
First secretary, Chuvash Oblast Party Committee
Department chief (1959-63), secretary (1963-74),
then first secretary (1974-present), Chuvash Ob-
kom, when Nikonov was second secretary of neigh-
boring Tatar Obkom (1961-67) and first secretary
of neighboring Mari Obkom (1967-79).
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko and Solov'yev.
Prokop'yev, Yuriy Nikolayevich
First secretary, Yakutsk Oblast Party Committee
Ptitsyn, Vladimir Nikolayevich
First secretary, Murmansk Oblast Party Committee
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Pugin, Nikolay Andreyevich
General director, Gor'kiy Automobile Plant
Pugo, Boris Karlovich [Chebrikov]
First secretary, Communist Party of Latvia
In KGB in Moscow then in Latvia during 1976-80,
then was chairman of the Latvian KGB (1980-84)
when Andropov (1967-82) and Chebrikov (1982-
present) were chairmen of the USSR KGB.
Rakhmanin, Oleg Borisovich
First deputy chief, Bloc Relations Department, CPSU
Central Committee
Leading positions in Soviet Embassy in China
during 1945-63, when Gromyko was USSR Minis-
ter of Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Rose to deputy chief of CPSU Central Commit-
tee's Bloc Relations Department during 1963-68,
when Andropov was chief of the department (1957-
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Deputy chairman, Foreign Affairs Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, when Gorbachev (1984-85) and Ligachev
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Razumov, Yevgeniy Zotovich ILigachev]
First deputy chief, Organizational Party Work
Department, CPSU Central Committee
During 1961-67 was inspector, CPSU Central
Committee apparatus, then assistant to Kirilenko,
who was first deputy chairman of the Bureau for
the RSFSR (1962-66) and a secretary (1966-82) of
the CPSU Central Committee. Ligachev during
this period (1961-65) was a deputy department
chief, Bureau for the RSFSR.
Deputy chief, Organizational Party Work Depart-
ment (1967-83), CPSU Central Committee, when
Kapitonov was chief of the department (1965-83).
Became first deputy chief of the Organizational
Party Work Department in 1983, when Ligachev
was chief (April 1983-1985). Razumov now works
under Razumovskiy.
Razumovskiy, Georgiy Petrovich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee; chief, Organi-
zational Party Work Department, CPSU Central
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Rose to first secretary of a raykom in Krasnodar
Kray during 1964-67, when Solomentsev was first
secretary of neighboring Rostov Obkom (1964-66).
Chairman of Krasnodar Krayispolkom during
1973-81, when Gorbachev was first secretary of
neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Krasnodar in 1979 and 1984, each
time with Talyzin. Zimyanin was elected both
times from Krasnodar to Council of Nationalities.
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Chairman, Agroindustrial Complex Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1984-85, while Nikonov was chairman,
Agroindustrial Complex Commission, Council of
Nationalities (since 1984).
Rekunkov, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich
Procurator general, USSR
Assistant procurator, then procurator of a series of
raykoms in Rostov Oblast during 1945-58, when
Gorbachev was first secretary of the neighboring
Stavropol' City Komsomol committee (1956-58).
First deputy procurator for the RSFSR during
1971-76, when Solomentsev was Chairman,
RSFSR Council of Ministers (1971-83).
Reut, Anatoliy Antonovich ISlyun'kov]
First Deputy Chairman, State Planning Committee
Director of Minsk Instrument Making Plant dur-
ing 1966-70, director of Minsk Computing Ma-
chines Plant during 1970-74, and second secretary
of Minsk Gorkom during 1974-75, when Masherov
was first secretary of Communist Party of Belorus-
sia (1965-80).
First Deputy Minister of the Radio Industry dur-
ing 1975-83, when Ustinov and Ryabov were
CPSU secretaries for defense industry (1965-76
and 1976-79, respectively) and when Ustinov was
USSR Minister of Defense (1976-84).
Deputy chairman of the Belorussian SSR Council
of Ministers and chairman of that republic's Gos-
plan during 1983-85, when Slyun'kov was first
secretary of the Communist Party of Belorussia
Revenko, Grigoriy Ivanovich IShcherbitskiy]
First secretary, Kiev Oblast Party Committee, Com-
munist Party of the Ukraine
Rose through Kiev party organization (1972-
present) when Shcherbitskiy was first secretary,
Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-present).
Member, Kiev Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981. Ryzhkov and Shcherbitskiy were
delegates representing Kiev City.
Ryabov, Yakov Petrovich fRyzhkov]
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
Raykom first secretary, then first secretary of
Sverdlovsk Gorkom during 1960-66, when
Kirilenko was first secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
First secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom, during 1971-
76, when Ryzhkov was director of Urals Heavy
Machine Building (Uralmash) production associa-
tion (1970-75) and when Yel'tsin was a department
chief, then secretary of Sverdlovsk Obkom (1968-
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk in 1974 with Kirilenko and
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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CPSU secretary for defense industry during 1976-
79, when Ustinov was USSR Minister of Defense
First Deputy Chairman, State Planning Commit-
tee (Gosplan), during 1979-83, when Ryzhkov was
a first deputy chairman of Gosplan (1979-82) and
Slyun'kov was a deputy chairman (1974-83).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk in 1979 with Kirilenko and
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk in 1984 with Ryzhkov and
Rybakov, Anatoliy Yakovlevich [Biryukoval
Chairman, Trade Union of Machine Building and
Instrument Making Industry Workers
Chairman, Trade Union of Machine Building and
Instrument Making Industry Workers since 1977,
when Biryukova was a secretary of the All-Union
Central Council of Trade Unions (1968-86).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow city delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City in 1984 with Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Ustinov. Demichev was elected
from Moscow Oblast.
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, when Ligachev (1984-85) and Razumovskiy
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Rykov, Vasiliy Nazarovich [Gromykol
Ambassador to India
Member, editorial commission, 23rd Party Congress,
1966, with Romanov and Zimyanin.
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Demichev.
Ambassador to Algeria during 1975-83, when
Gromyko was USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ryzhkov, Nikolay Ivanovich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee;
Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
Leading official at Urals Heavy Machine Building
Plant (Uralmashzavod) in Sverdlovsk Oblast dur-
ing 1959-65, when Kirilenko was first secretary,
Sverdlovsk Obkom (1955-62).
Director, Uralmashzavod (1970-71), then general
director, Urals Heavy Machine Building (Ural-
mash) Production Association (1971-75), when
Ryabov was first secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom
(1971-76), and Yel'tsin was a department chief,
then secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom (1968-76).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk in 1974 with Kirilenko and
Secretary, Planning and Budget Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1974-79, when Ligachev was a member of
the commission.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Krasnoyarsk in 1979. Dolgikh
was elected to Council of the Union.
Member, Kiev City delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Shcherbitskiy.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Sverdlovsk in 1984 with Ryabov and
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
Salykov, Kakimbek Salykovich [Kunayevl
First secretary, Kara-Kalpak Oblast Party Commit-
tee, Communist Party of Uzbekistan
Elected to the Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Central Committee in 1971 and identified as sec-
ond secretary, Dzhezkazgan Obkom, in early
1970s, when Kunayev was first secretary of
Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1964-present).
Instructor, then inspector, CPSU Central Commit-
tee during 1982-84, when Ligachev was chief,
Organizational Party Work Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1983-85).
Savinkin, Nikolay Ivanovich
Chief, Administrative Organs Department, CPSU
Central Committee
First deputy chief (1960-68) and chief (1968-
present), Administrative Organs Department,
CPSU Central Committee, when Shelepin (1961-
67) and Romanov (1983-85) were CPSU secretaries
responsible for administrative organs.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, from Georgian SSR in 1974, 1979,
and 1984, each time with Shevardnadze.
Saykin, Valeriy Timofeyevich [Yertsinl
Chairman, Moscow City Soviet Executive Committee
Rose to general director, Moscow Automobile Fac-
tory imeni Likhachev during 1956-86, when Gri-
shin was first secretary, Moscow Gorkom (1967-
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Moscow City in 1984 with Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Ustinov. Demichev was elected
from Moscow Oblast.
Chairman of Moscow Gorispolkom since January
1986, while Yel'tsin has been Moscow Gorkom
first secretary (since December 1985).
Sazonov, Anatoliy Pavlovich [Shcherbitskiy]
First Secretary, Zaporozh'ye Oblast Party Commit-
tee, Communist Party of the Ukraine
First secretary of Voroshilovgrad Obkom from at
least 1980 until at least 1984, then head of the
chemical industry department of the Communist
Party of the Ukraine (as of 1985), and first secre-
tary of Zaporozh'ye Obkom since November 1985,
while Shcherbitskiy has been first secretary of the
Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-present).
Shabanov, Vitally Mikhaylovich ISokolovj
USSR deputy minister of defense
Deputy minister of the radio industry during 1974-
78, when Ustinov and Ryabov were CPSU secre-
taries for defense industry (1965-76 and 1976-79,
respectively) and when Ustinov was USSR Minis-
ter of Defense (1976-84).
Member, Voronezh delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Vorotnikov.
Deputy minister of defense since 1978, while Soko-
lov has been Minister (since December 1984).
Shakirov, Midkhat Zakirovich [Yertsin]
First secretary, Bashkir Oblast Party Committee
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Member, Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet since
1970, when Podgornyy (1965-77), Brezhnev (1977-
82), Andropov (1983-84), Chernenko (1984-85),
and Gromyko (since 1985) were successive chair-
men of the Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov
(1977-86) and Demichev (since 1986) were succes-
sive first deputy chairmen; and when Grishin
(1970-86), Kunayev (since 1962), Masherov (1966-
80), Rashidov (1970-83), Romanov (1971-84),
Shcherbitskiy (since 1972), Shelest (1966-72),
Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986),
Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
First secretary of Bashkir Obkom since 1969, when
Ryzhkov was general director of Urals Heavy
Machine Building (Uralmash) production associa-
tion (1970-75) in neighboring Sverdlovsk Oblast
and Ryabov (1971-76) and Yel'tsin (1976-85)
served successively as first secretary of Sverdlovsk
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Shalayev, Stepan Alekseyevich Miryukoval
Chairman, All-Union Central Council of Trade
Unions (AUCCTU)
Secretary of the AUCCTU during 1968-80, when
Shelepin was chairman (1967-75) and Biryukova
was a secretary (1968-86).
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Gorbachev.
Member, Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, when Chernenko (1984-85) and Gromyko
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the Pre-
sidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86) and Demi-
chev (since 1986) were successive first deputy
chairmen; and when Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev
(since 1962), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972), Slyun'kov
(since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986), Yel'tsin (since
1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were members.
Shamshin, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich [Talyzinl
USSR Minister of Communications
USSR deputy minister of communications (1968-
75) when Talyzin was a deputy minister of commu-
nications (1965-75). USSR First Deputy Minister
of Communications (1975-80) when Talyzin was
Minister (1975-80).
Sharin, Leonid Vasil'yevich [Ligachev]
First secretary, Amur Oblast Party Committee
Member, Primorskiy Kray delegation to 26th Par-
ty Congress, 1981, with Dobrynin and Kapitonov.
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus,
during early 1980s, when Ligachev was chief,
Organizational Party Work Department, CPSU
Central Committee (1983-85).
Shchadov, Mikhail Ivanovich
USSR Minister of the Coal Industry
Shcherbina, Boris Yevdokimovich [Ye! tsinl
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
Second secretary of a raykom and then secretary of
Khar'kov Gorkom (1948-51) when Podgornyy was
first secretary of Khar'kov Obkom (1950-53).
Member of Industry, Transport, and Communica-
tions Commission (and one of its successor organi-
zations), Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, during 1966-74, with Ligachev (1966-70).
First secretary of Tyumen' Obkom (1961-73) when
Kirilenko was first secretary of neighboring Sverd-
lovsk Obkom (1955-62) and Yel'tsin was a depart-
ment chief and later a secretary of Sverdlovsk
Obkom (1968-76).
Member, Tyumen' delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Dolgikh.
Shcherbitskiy, Vladimir Ivanovich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee; first
secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine
Second secretary, Dneprodzerzhinsk Gorkom
(Dnepropetrovsk Oblast), during 1948-52, when
Brezhnev was first secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Ob-
kom (1947-50).
First secretary, Dneprodzerzhinsk Gorkom (1952-
54); second secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom
(1954-55); first secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom
(1955-57); and secretary of the Communist Party
of the Ukraine (1957-61) when Chebrikov was
rising (starting in 1951) through the Dneprope-
trovsk party organization to first secretary, Dne-
propetrovsk Gorkom (1961-63). Chebrikov later
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/05: CIA-RDP87-01133R000100040002-4
was a secretary of Dnepropetrovsk (industrial) Ob-
kom during 1963-65, when Shcherbitskiy had a
second tour as first secretary of Dnepropetrovsk
Obkom (1963-65).
First secretary, Dneprodzerzhinsk Gorkom (1952-
54), then second secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom
(1954-55), when Kirilenko was first secretary, Dne-
propetrovsk Obkom (1950-55). Shcherbitskiy suc-
ceeded Kirilenko as first secretary, Dnepropetrovsk
Secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine during
1957-61, when Tikhonov was chairman of the
Dnepropetrovsk Sovnarkhoz (1957-60).
Member, Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet
since 1972, when Podgornyy (1965-77), Brezhnev
(1977-82), Andropov (1983-84), Chernenko (1984-
85), and Gromyko (since 1985) were successive
chairmen of the Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov
(1977-86) and Demichev (since 1986) were succes-
sive first deputy chairmen; and when Grishin
(1970-86), Kunayev (since 1962), Masherov (1966-
80), Rashidov (1970-83), Romanov (1971-84),
Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986),
Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were
Member, Kiev City delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Ryzhkov.
Shevardnadze, Eduard Amvrosiyevich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee;
USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs
Second (1956-57), then first secretary (1957-61) of
Georgian Komsomol when Shelepin was first sec-
retary of All-Union Komsomol (1952-58) and Gor-
bachev held leading Komsomol positions in neigh-
boring Stavropol' Kray (1956-62).
First secretary, Georgian Communist Party during
1972-85, when Gorbachev was first secretary of
neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78) and
Aliyev was first secretary of the neighboring Azer-
baijan Communist Party (1969-82).
Chairman, Credentials Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-
79, when Sokolov was a member of the commis-
sion (1974-present).
Member, Georgian delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Gromyko.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Talyzin, Yel'tsin, and
all members of the then current senior leadership.
Shevchenko, Valentina Semenovna [Shcherbitskiy1
Deputy Chairman, USSR Supreme Soviet; Chair-
man, Supreme Soviet, Ukrainian SSR
Komsomol and party work in Krivoy Rog (Dnepro-
petrovsk Oblast) during the late 1950s?early 1960s,
when Chebrikov was second secretary, then first
secretary of Dnepropetrovsk Gorkom (1958-63).
Deputy chairman of Ukrainian SSR Supreme So-
viet (1975-85) when Shcherbitskiy was first secre-
tary of Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Shkabardnya, Mikhail Sergeyevich
USSR Minister of Instrument Making, Automation
Equipment, and Control Systems
Chief engineer of Krasnodar Electronic Measuring
Instruments Plant by 1968, when Razumovskiy
was a department chief of Krasnodar Kraykom
Rose through the electronic instrument making
industry when Ustinov was CPSU secretary for
defense industry (1965-76) and then USSR Minis-
ter of Defense (1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79),
Romanov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-present)
were CPSU secretaries for defense industry.
Shkol'nikov, Aleksey Mikhaylovich [Solomentsev1
Chairman, Committee of People's Control
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First secretary of Volgograd Obkom during 1960-
65, when Solomentsev was first secretary of neigh-
boring Rostov Obkom (1964-66).
Member, secretariat of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Chernenko and Katushev.
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1966-74, when Solomentsev was chairman of that
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
First Deputy Chairman of RSFSR Council of
Ministers during 1965-74, when Solomentsev was
Chairman (1971-83).
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Shulyak, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich [Slyun'kov]
Forge punch operator, Minsk Automobile Plant
Worker, Minsk Automobile Plant since 1963, when
Slyun'kov was its director (1965-72).
Silayev, Ivan Stepanovich
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers;
Chairman, Bureau for Machine Building
Chief engineer, Gor'kiy Aviation Plant, sometime
during 1965-71, when Katushev was first secre-
tary, Gor'Iciy Obkom (1965-68).
Rose through aviation industry when Ustinov was
CPSU secretary for defense industry (1965-76) and
then USSR Minister of Defense (1976-84) and
Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-85), and
Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secretaries for
defense industry.
Sitnikov, Vasiliy Ivanovich [Ligachev]
First secretary, Irkutsk Oblast Party Committee
Chairman of Kemerovo Oblast trade union council
(1968-74), then secretary and later second secre-
tary of Kemerovo Obkom (1974-83), when Liga-
chev was first secretary of neighboring Tomsk
Obkom (1965-83).
Sizenko, Yevgeniy Ivanovich
First Deputy Chairman, State Agro-Industrial
Committee (Gosagroprom)
First deputy chairman of Moscow Oblispolkom
during 1967-70 and secretary of Moscow Obkom
during 1970-78, when Grishin was first secretary
of Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
Oblast, 1971, with Kapitonov. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosygin, and Podgornyy were elected from
Moscow City.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Moscow
Oblast, 1975, with Gromyko. Biryukova, Brezh-
nev, Kosygin, and Podgornyy were elected from
Moscow City.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kirilenko. Brezhnev, Cher-
nenko, Grishin, and Zimyanin were delegates rep-
resenting Moscow City.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Slavskiy, Yefim Pavlovich
USSR Minister of Medium Machine Building
USSR Minister of Medium Machine Building
since 1957, when Ustinov was CPSU secretary for
defense industry (1965-76) and then USSR Minis-
ter of Defense (1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79),
Romanov (1983-85), and Zaykov (1985-present)
were CPSU secretaries for defense industry.
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Slyun'kov, Nikolay Nikitovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee; first secretary, Communist Party of
Director, Minsk Tractor Factory (1965-72), and
first secretary, Minsk Gorkom (1972-74), when
Masherov was first secretary, Communist Party of
Belorussia (1965-80).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Belorussian SSR in 1966
with Masherov.
Deputy chairman, State Planning Committee (Gos-
plan), during 1974-83, when Ryzhkov was a first
deputy chairman of Gosplan (1979-82) and Ryabov
was a deputy chairman (1979-83).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Minsk in 1984 with Gromyko.
Smirtyukov, Mikhail Sergeyevich
Administrator of Affairs, USSR Council of Ministers
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Demichev and Grishin.
Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosy gin, Mazurov,
Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Voronov, and
Zirnyanin were delegates representing Moscow
Member, Voronezh delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Vorotnikov.
Smol'skiy, Pavel Aleksandrovich ILigachevl
First secretary, Ryazan' Oblast Party Committee
Official, Organizational Party Work Department,
CPSU Central Committee, from at least 1966,
serving as deputy chief from at least 1979 until
1985, during which time Kapitonov (1965-83) and
Ligachev (1983-85) were chiefs of that department
and Kirilenko was the CPSU secretary responsible
for internal political questions and party work
Smyslov, V. I.
First Deputy Chairman, State Planning Committee
(Gosplan), USSR Council of Ministers
Leading official in USSR Ministry of the Ship-
building Industry since at least 1977, including
service as First Deputy Minister during 1984-85,
when Ustinov was USSR Minister of Defense
(1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-
85), and Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secre-
taries for defense industry.
Sokolov, Sergey Leonidovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee; USSR Minister of Defense
First deputy commander (1964-65) and command-
er (1965-67), Leningrad Military District, when
Romanov was second secretary, Leningrad Obkom
Member, Leningrad delegation to 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Andropov, V. V. Kuznetsov,
Ponomarev, and Romanov.
Member, Credentials Commission, Council of Na-
tionalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1974,
when Shevardnadze was chairman of the commis-
sion (1974-79).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Solov'yev, and Suslov.
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1979, on Leningrad rural delegation.
Romanov, Solov'yev, Suslov, and Zaykov were
elected to Council of the Union from Leningrad
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Solov'yev,
and Zaykov.
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Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1984, from Leningrad rural electoral
district. Romanov was elected to Council of Na-
tionalities on the Leningrad City delegation.
Solov'yev and Zaykov were elected to Council of
the Union from Leningrad City.
Sokolov, Yefrem Yevseyevich ISlyun'kovj
First secretary, Brest Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Belorussia
Leading positions in Brest Oblast trade union
organization and then in Belorussian party appara-
tus during 1965-77, when Masherov was first
secretary, Communist Party of Belorussia (1965-
80), and Slyun'kov was first secretary, Minsk
Gorkom (1972-74).
Brest Obkom first secretary since 1977, while
Slyun'kov has been first secretary, Communist
Party of Belorussia (1983-present).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1979, from Belorussian SSR with
Mash erov.
Solomentsev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee;
Chairman, Party Control Committee
Secretary, then second secretary of Chelyabinsk
Obkom during 1954-57, when Polyanskiy was first
secretary of neighboring Orenburg Obkom (1955-
Chairman of Chelyabinsk Sovnarkhoz during
1957-59, when Voronov was first secretary of
neighboring Orenburg Obkom (1957-61).
First secretary, Karaganda Obkom (1959-62), and
second secretary, Communist Party of Kazakhstan
(1962-64), when Kunayev was first secretary of the
Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1960-62) and
chairman of Kazakh SSR Council of Ministers
First secretary, Rostov Obkom, during 1964-66,
when Gorbachev was chief of party organs depart-
ment of neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1963-
Solov'yev, Yuriy Filippovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee; first secretary, Leningrad Oblast
Party Committee
Rose through Leningrad party organization when
Romanov was first secretary, Leningrad Obkom
Secretary, then second secretary, Leningrad
Obkom (1974-78), and then first secretary, Lenin-
grad Gorkom (1978-84), when Zaykov was chair-
man, Leningrad Gorispolkom (1976-83).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Lenin-
grad City in 1975 with Kirilenko and Zaykov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Romanov, Sokolov, and Sus/ov.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City in 1979 with
Romanov, Suslov, and Zaykov. Sokolov represent-
ed the Leningrad rural electoral district in Council
of Nationalities.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress in 1981 with Gromyko, Romanov, Sokolov,
and Zaykov.
Member, secretariat of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Chernenko.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City in 1984 with Zaykov.
Romanov represented the Leningrad City electoral
district in Council of Nationalities and Sokolov
represented the Leningrad rural electoral district
in Council of Nationalities.
Stepanov, Vladimir Sevast'yanovich (Gromyko]
First secretary, Karelian Oblast Party Committee
Probably involved in Komsomol work in the
Karelo-Finnish Republic when Andropov was sec-
ond secretary of the Karelo-Finnish Communist
Party (1947-51).
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Secretary, Karelo-Finnish Republic Komsomol
committee during 1952-55, when Shelepin was
first secretary of the All-Union Komsomol (1952-
Counselor, Embassy, Helsinki, during 1964-70;
employed at USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs
from 1970 until 1973; and Ambassador to Finland
during 1973-79, all while Gromyko was Minister
of Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Stroyev, Yegor Semenovich fLigachevi
First secretary, Orel Oblast Party Committee
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus
sometime between 1980 and 1985, when Ligachev
was chief of the Organizational Party Work De-
partment, CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Stukalin, Boris Ivanovich fLigachev]
Ambassador to Hungary
Sector chief in the Agitprop Department of the
Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU Central Committee
during 1960-63, when Ligachev was deputy chief of
that department (from 1961 until about 1963 and
again in 1965), Voronov was first deputy chairman
of the bureau (1961-62), Kirilenko was a member
(1961-62), then first deputy chairman of the bureau
(1962-66), and Yakovlev was an instructor, Agit-
prop Department for the Union Republics, CPSU
Central Committee (as of 1962).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Stavropol' in 1974, 1979,
and 1984. Gorbachev and Kulakov were elected to
Council of the Union from Stavropol' in 1974, and
Gorbachev was elected to it from Stavropol' in
1979 and 1984.
Member, Donetsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Dolgikh.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1984,
when Ponomarev was chairman of the commission
(1966-86), while Zimyanin was deputy chairman
(since 1974), while Yakovlev has been a member
(since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been chair-
man (since 1986).
Member of the USSR Parliamentary Group, since
1979, with Yakovlev (since 1984).
Systsov, Apolion Sergeyevich
USSR Minister of the Aviation Industry
In the aviation industry since 1956, including
positions of general director, Ul'yanovsk Aviation
Industrial Complex (1972-81) and First Deputy
Minister of the Aviation Industry (1981-85), when
Ustinov was CPSU secretary for defense industry
(1965-76) and then USSR Minister of Defense
(1976-84) and Ryabov (1976-79), Romanov (1983-
85), and Zaykov (1985-present) were CPSU secre-
taries for defense industry.
Tabeyev, Fikryat Akhmedzhanovich INikonov]
Ambassador to Afghanistan
Secretary of Tatar Obkom during 1959-60, when
Voronov was first secretary of neighboring Oren-
burg Obkom (1957-61).
First secretary, Tatar Obkom, during 1960-79,
when Nikonov was second secretary of Tatar Ob-
kom (1961-67) and later first secretary of neighbor-
ing Mari Obkom (1967-79), and when Vorotnikov
was a department chief (1960-61), secretary, and
later second secretary (1961-67) of neighboring
Kuybyshev Obkom and chairman of Kuybyshev
Oblispolkom (1967-71).
Member, Tatar ASSR delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Nikonov.
Member, presidium of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Gromyko and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1966, from Tatar ASSR. Nikonov was
elected to Council of Nationalities.
Member, Presidium, USSR Supreme Soviet, dur-
ing 1962-84, when Podgornyy (1965-77), Brezhnev
(1977-82), Andropov (1983-84), and Chernenko
(1984-85) were successive chairmen of the Presidi-
um; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86) was first
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deputy chairman; and when Grishin (1970-86),
Kunayev (since 1962), Masherov (1966-80), Rashi-
dov (1970-83), Romanov (1971-84), Shcherbitskiy
(since 1972), and Shelest (1966-72) were members.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, during
1966-84, with Zimyanin (1970-79).
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Member, Tatar ASSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Demichev.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Ambassador to Afghanistan since 1979, when Gro-
myko (1957-85) and Shevardnadze (1985-present)
were USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Talyzin, Nikolay Vladimirovich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee; First Deputy Chairman, USSR
Council of Ministers; Chairman, State Planning
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers
and Permanent Representative to CEMA (1980-
85) when Ryzhkov was CPSU secretary responsi-
ble for the economy and chief, Economics Depart-
ment, CPSU Central Committee (1982-85).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1979 and 1984, from Krasnodar, both times
with Razumovskiy. Zimyanin was elected to
Council of Nationalities from Krasnodar each
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Yel'tsin,
and all members of the then current senior
Taratuta, Vasiliy Nikolayevich [Shcherbitskiy]
Ambassador to Algeria
Rose through Vinnitsa party and government dur-
ing 1957-83, when Shcherbitskiy was Chairman,
Ukrainian SSR Council of Ministers (1961-63 and
1965-72), and secretary (1957-61) and first secre-
tary (1972-present), Communist Party of the
Ambassador to Algeria since 1983, when Gromyko
was USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs (1957-85).
Retains the post under Foreign Minister
Tarazevich, Georgiy Stanislavovich [Slyun'kov]
Chairman, Supreme Soviet, Belorussian SSR
Second, then first secretary of a raykom, then
second secretary of Minsk Gorkom during 1972-
80, when Masherov was first secretary of the
Communist Party of Belorussia (1965-80) and
Slyun'kov was first secretary of Minsk Gorkom
First secretary of Minsk Gorkom during 1983-84,
when Slyun'kov was first secretary of Communist
Party of Belorussia (1983-present).
Tatarchuk, Nikolay Fedorovich [Dolgikhl
First secretary, Kalinin Oblast Party Committee
First secretary of a raykom, then deputy chairman
of a krayispolkom, then second secretary of Kras-
noyarsk Kraykom during 1960-64, when Nikonov
was deputy chief, then chief of the agriculture
department of Krasnoyarsk Kraykom (1958-61).
Chairman of Krasnoyarsk Krayispolkom during
1964-83, when Dolgikh was first secretary of Kras-
noyarsk Kraykom (1969-72) and Ligachev was first
secretary of neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Member, Krasnoyarsk delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Dolgikh.
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Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, 1984, from Krasnoyarsk Kray. Dol-
gikh was elected from Krasnoyarsk to Council of
the Union.
Member, Agroindustrial Complex Commission,
Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, while Nikonov has been deputy chair-
man of the commission.
Telepnev, Petr Maksimovich [Ye! sinl
First secretary, Arkhangel'sk Oblast Party
Second, then first secretary of Khanti-Mansiysk
Okrug Party Committee during 1963-70 and secre-
tary (1970-78) and second secretary (1978-83) of
Tyumen' Obkom when Yel'tsin was a department
chief, then secretary (1968-76), then first secretary
(1976-85) of neighboring Sverdlovsk Obkom.
Instructor in CPSU Central Committee apparatus
in 1983, when Ligachev was chief of Organization-
al Party Work Department, CPSU Central Com-
mittee (1983-85).
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1984,
when Gorbachev (1984-85) and Ligachev (since
1985) were successive chairmen of the commission.
Terebilov, Vladimir Ivanovich
Chairman, USSR Supreme Court
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Tereshchenko, Nikolay Dmitriyevich fflorbachevl
Chairman, Put' k Kommunizmu Kolkhoz, Stavropol'
Present job since at least 1975, when Gorbachev
was first secretary, Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78).
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Gorbachev.
Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna
Chairperson, Committee of Soviet Women
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Presidium of USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, when Chernenko (1984-85) and Gromy-
ko (since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86) and
Demichev (since 1986) were successive first deputy
chairmen; and when Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev
(since 1962), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972), Slyun'kov
(since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986), Yel'tsin (since
1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were members.
Tikhomirov, Vladimir Porfir'yevich
Lathe operator, Electromechanical Factory imeni
V. I. Lenin, Moscow Oblast
Present job since at least 1981, when Grishin was
first secretary of Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Tikhonov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich
Retired. Former member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee, and Chairman, USSR Council of
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Chairman, Dnepropetrovsk Sovnarkhoz (1957-60)
when Chebrikov was second secretary, Dneprope-
trovsk Gorkom (1958-59) and Shcherbitskiy was a
secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1957-
Member, credentials commission, 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Kapitonov.
Member, credentials commission, 24th Party
Congress, 1971, with Kapitonov.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Chebrikov.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, and Suslov. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Titarenko, Aleksey Antonovich [Shcherbitskiy]
Second secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine
Member, Construction and Construction Materials
Industry Commission, Council of the Union,
USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-84, with
Romanov (1970-74).
Secretary (1966-82), then second secretary (1982-
present) of the Communist Party of the Ukraine
when Shcherbitskiy was first secretary (1972-
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1984, when Ligachev (1984-85) and Razumovskiy
(since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Tolkunov, Lev Nikolayevich
Chairman, Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Demichev and Grishin.
Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosy gin, Mazurov,
Polyanskiy, Shelepin, Suslov, Voronov, and
Zimyanin were delegates representing Moscow
Member (1966-79) and secretary (1979-84) of the
Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of National-
ities, USSR Supreme Soviet, when Ponomarev was
chairman of the commission (1966-86), while
Zimyanin has been deputy chairman (since 1974),
and when Chebrikov was a member (1979-84).
Member (1966-70) and deputy chairman (1970-79),
USSR Parliamentary Group, with Zimyanin
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party Con-
gress, 1971, with Demichev and Zimyanin.
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponornarev, Vorotni-
kov, and Zimyanin.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party Con-
gress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Kirov Oblast. Nikonov was
elected from Kirov Oblast to Council of
Tolubko, Vladimir Fedorovich [Sokolov]
Member, Main Inspectorate, USSR Ministry of
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet in 1967 from
Saratov Oblast with Ponomarev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974, 1979, and 1984 from Krasnoyarsk
Kray, with Dolgikh each time.
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Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gri-
shin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Science and Technology Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since
1979, when Ligachev was deputy chairman (1979-
84) and Medvedev a member (1984-present).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Tret'yak, Ivan Moiseyevich [Sokolov]
Commander in chief, Far Eastern Theater, USSR
Ministry of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Commander, Belorussian Military District during
1967-76, when Masherov was first secretary, Com-
munist Party of Belorussia (1965-80), and Slyun'-
kov was first secretary of Minsk Gorkom (1972-
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR Su-
preme Soviet, in 1970 and 1974 from Belorussian
SSR, with Masherov each time.
Member, Minsk delegation to 25th Party Con-
gress, 1976, with Masherov.
Tret'yakov, Petr Ivanovich
First secretary, Sakhalinsk Oblast Party Committee
Trofimov, Yuriy Nikolayevich [Kunayey1
First secretary, Aktyubinsk Oblast Party Committee,
Communist Party of Kazakhstan
Chairman of Turgay Oblispolkom during 1970-78,
then a secretary of the Communist Party of
Kazakhstan during 1978-85, when Kunayev was
first secretary (1964-present).
Trunov, Mikhail Petrovich [Gorbachev]
Chairman of the board, Central Union of Consumers'
Cooperatives (Tsentrosoyuz)
First secretary of Belgorod Obkom during
1971-83, when Vorotnikov was first secretary of
neighboring Voronezh Obkom (1971-75).
Member, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-84,
when Gorbachev was chairman of the commission
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Became chairman of the board of Tsentrosoyuz in
1983, when Gorbachev was CPSU secretary for
agriculture (1978-85).
Tyazhel'nikov, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich
Ambassador to Romania
Teaching, Komsomol, and party work in Chelya-
binsk Pedagogical Institute during 1950-61, when
Solomentsev was in the secretariat of Chelyabinsk
Obkom (1954-57) and chairman of Chelyabinsk
Sovnarkhoz (1957-59).
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
Member, Youth Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-79,
when Aliyev was a member (1970-74) and Ligachev
(1970-74) and Gorbachev (1974-79) were successive
chairmen of the commission.
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Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Moscow Oblast delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kirilenko. Andropov,
Brezhnev, Grishin, Medvedev, Suslov, and Tik-
honov were delegates representing Moscow City.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Udalaya, Raisa Silant'yevna
Riveter, Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant imeni
V. P. Chkalov
Ligachev worked in the same plant during 1943-44.
Usmankhodzhayev, Inamzhon Buzrukovich
First secretary, Communist Party of Uzbekistan
Has been deputy chairman (1979-84) and member
(since 1984) of Presidium of the USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Brezhnev (1977-82), Andropov (1983-
84), Chernenko (1984-85), and Gromyko (since
1985) were successive chairmen of the Presidium;
when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86) and Demichev
(since 1986) were successive first deputy chairmen;
and when Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev (since 1962),
Masherov (1966-80), Rashidov (1970-83),
Romanov (1971-84), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972),
Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986),
Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were
Usmanov, Gumer Ismagilovich iNikonovl
First secretary, Tatar Oblast Party Committee
Rose through Tatar ASSR party organization,
eventually serving as chairman of the Tatar ASSR
Council of Ministers during 1966-82, when
Nikonov was second secretary of Tatar Obkom
(1961-67) and first secretary of neighboring Mari
Obkom (1967-79).
Member, Tatar ASSR delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Nikonov.
Member, Tatar ASSR delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Demichev.
Member, Presidium of USSR Supreme Soviet,
since 1984, when Chernenko (1984-85) and
Gromyko (since 1985) were successive chairmen of
the Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86)
and Demichev (since 1986) were successive first
deputy chairmen; and when Grishin (1970-86),
Kunayev (since 1962), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972),
Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986),
Yel'tsin (since 1984), and Zaykov (1984-86) were
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Utkin, Vladimir Fedorovich
Academician, Mathematics, Mechanics, and
Cybernetics Department, Ukrainian Academy of Sci-
In the Ukrainian SSR scientific community since
1952, while Shcherbitskiy has been chairman of
Ukrainian SSR Council of Ministers (1965-72) and
first secretary of Communist Party of the Ukraine
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1974 and 1979, from Dnepropetrovsk
Oblast, with Tikhonov each time.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Chebrikov and Tikhonov.
Member, Dnepropetrovsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Chebrikov.
Vashchenko, Grigoriy Ivanovich IShcherbitskiy1
USSR Minister of Trade
Member, presidium of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
with Gromyko and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
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Member, Industrial Commission, Council of the
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-74,
with Dolgikh.
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev and Dolgikh, and all members of the
then current senior leadership.
First Deputy Chairman, Ukrainian SSR Council of
Ministers (1972-83), when Shcherbitskiy was first
secretary, Communist Party of the Ukraine (1972-
Chairman, Planning and Budget Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1974-84, when Ligachev was a member of
the commission (1974-79) and Ryzhkov was its
secretary (1974-79).
Vasil'yev, Nikolay Fedorovich fflorbachevl
USSR Minister of Land Reclamation and Water
Began work in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast party and
government in 1946, when Brezhnev (1947-50) and
Kirilenko (1950-55) were first secretaries of Dne-
propetrovsk Obkom. Vasil'yev was chairman of the
Dnepropetrovsk Oblispolkom during 1961-64,
when Shcherbitskiy was second (1954-55) and then
first secretary (1955-57 and 1963-65) of Dneprope-
trovsk Obkom, Tikhonov was chairman of the
Dnepropetrovsk Sovnarkhoz (1957-60), and
Chebrikov held various leading party posts in
Dnepropetrovsk Oblast (1958-67).
First Deputy Chairman of the RSFSR Council of
Ministers during 1971-79, when Solomentsev was
Chairman (1971-83).
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party
Congress, 1971, with Demichev and Zimyanin.
Member, credentials commission, 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Kapitonov and Ligachev.
USSR Minister of Land Reclamation and Water
Resources since 1979, when Gorbachev was CPSU
secretary for agriculture (1978-85).
Vayno, Karl Genrikhovich
First secretary, Communist Party of Estonia
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Vedernikov, Gennadiy Georgiyevich [Ye! tsin1
First secretary, Chelyabinsk Oblast Party Committee
At metallurgical plant in Chelyabinsk during
1960-70, when Ryzhkov was chief engineer (1965-
70) of Urals Heavy Machine Building Plant (Ural-
mashzavod) in neighboring Sverdlovsk Oblast.
From 1978 until sometime in early 1980s, Vederni-
kov was second, then first secretary of Chelyabinsk
Gorkom, then was a secretary of Chelyabinsk
Obkom, when Yel'tsin was first secretary of neigh-
boring Sverdlovsk Obkom (1976-85).
Elected to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1980, from
Chelyabinsk with Solomentsev.
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Demichev.
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus,
sometime before 1984, when Ligachev was chief of
the Organizational Party Work Department,
CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Velichko, Vladimir Makarovich [Slyun'kov]
USSR Minister of Power Machine Building
Worked at a machine-building plant in Leningrad
during 1962-75, rising to director, when Zaykov
was director of an unspecified factory (1961-71)
and general director of an unidentified scientific
production association in Leningrad (1971-76);
Romanov was first secretary, Leningrad Obkom
(1970-83); and Solov'yev was deputy chairman,
Leningrad Gorispolkom (1973-74), and later a sec-
retary and second secretary of Leningrad Obkom
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First Deputy Minister of Power Machine Building
during 1975-83, when Ryzhkov was First Deputy
Chairman (for heavy industry) of Gosplan (1979-
82) and Slyun'kov was deputy chairman (for ma-
chine building) of Gosplan (1974-83).
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Rostov Oblast with
Vlasov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich [Gorbachev]
USSR Minister of Internal Affairs
Unspecified Komsomol work during 1954-60, even-
tually serving during 1960-61 as first secretary of
Irkutsk Oblast Komsomol committee, when
Shelepin was first secretary, All-Union Komsomol
First secretary of Chechen-Ingush Obkom during
1975-84, when Gorbachev was first secretary of
neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78) and
Shevardnadze was first secretary of neighboring
Georgian Republic party organization (1972-85).
Chairman, Industry Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1979,
when Ryzhkov was a member of the commission
First secretary of Rostov Obkom during 1984-86,
when Razumovskiy was first secretary of neigh-
boring Krasnodar Kraykom (1983-85).
Member, credentials commission, 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Volodin, B. M. [Razumovskiy]
First secretary, Rostov Oblast Party Committee
RSFSR deputy minister of the food industry as of
1978, when Solomentsev was Chairman, RSFSR
Council of Ministers (1971-83).
Secretary of Stavropol' Kraykom from at least
1983 until 1985, then chairman of Rostov Oblispol-
kom (1985-86) when Razumovskiy was first secre-
tary of neighboring Krasnodar Kraykom (1983-85).
Vol'skiy, Arkadiy Ivanovich [Slyun'kov]
Chief, Machine Building Department, CPSU Central
During 1970-83 was head of a sector, then deputy
chief, then first deputy chief of Machine Building
Department, CPSU Central Committee, when
Slyun'kov was a deputy chairman (for machine
building) of Gosplan (1974-83).
Economic adviser to Andropov during 1983-84.
Aide to Chernenko during 1984-85.
Voronin, Lev Alekseyevich [Ryzhkov]
Deputy Chairman, USSR Council of Ministers;
Chairman, State Committee for Material and Techni-
cal Supply (Gossnab)
Deputy minister (1972-79), then First Deputy Min-
ister of the Defense Industry (1979-80) when
Ustinov and Ryabov were CPSU secretaries for
defense industry (1965-76 and 1976-79, respective-
ly) and when Ustinov was USSR Minister of
Defense (1976-84).
First Deputy Chairman of Gosplan during
1980-85, when Ryzhkov was also a first deputy
chairman (1979-82) and when Slyun'kov was a
deputy chairman (1974-83).
Vorontsov, Yuliy Mikhaylovich
Ambassador to France
Has worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign
Affairs since 1967 under Gromyko, Minister dur-
ing 1957-85, and Shevardnadze, Gromyko's
Member, Stavropol' delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gorbachev.
Voropayev, Mikhail Gavrilovich [Solomentsev]
Deputy chairman, Party Control Committee, CPSU
Central Committee
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Secretary, then second secretary of the Chelya-
binsk Oblast Komsomol committee during
1945-49, when Shelepin was a secretary of All-
Union Komsomol (1943-49).
Industrial, Komsomol, and party work in Chelya-
binsk Oblast during 1940s and throughout 1950s,
rising by 1960 to raykom party secretary. Solo-
mentsev during this time was a secretary, then
second secretary of Chelyabinsk Obkom (1954-57)
and later chairman of the Chelyabinsk Sovnarkhoz
(1957-59), and Polyanskiy (1955-57) and Voronov
(1957-61) served successively as first secretaries of
neighboring Orenburg Obkom.
Member, Planning and Budget Commission, Coun-
cil of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during
1966-70, with Dolgikh.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Chelya-
binsk in 1971, with Solomentsev.
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Vorotnikov.
Member, Consumer Goods Commission, Council
of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1974-
79, with Razumovskiy.
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Solomentsev.
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, Chelyabinsk delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Demichev.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Deputy chairman of the Party Control Committee,
CPSU Central Committee, since January 1984,
working under Solomentsev, who has been chair-
man since 1983.
Vorotnikov, Vitaliy Ivanovich
Member, Politburo, CPSU Central Committee;
Chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
Department head in Kuybyshev Obkom during
1960-61, when Voronov was first secretary of
neighboring Orenburg Obkom (1957-61).
Secretary, then second secretary, of Kuybyshev
Obkom during 1961-67, when Nikonov was second
secretary of neighboring Tatar Obkom (1961-67).
Member, secretariat of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Chernenko and Gorbachev.
First Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Minis-
ters (1975-79) when Solomentsev was Chairman
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Kuyby-
shev, 1967, with Sus/ov.
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, and
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from
Volgograd, 1980, with Pel'she.
Voss, Avgust Eduardovich
Chairman, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Member, presidium of 25th Party Congress, 1976,
with Aliyev, Gorbachev, Ryabov, Shevardnadze,
Tikhonov, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Deputy chairman, USSR Parliamentary Group,
since 1984, while Yakovlev has been a member.
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Voystrochenko, Anatoliy Fomich
First secretary, Bryansk Oblast Party Committee
Unspecified Komsomol and party work during
1957-78, when Shelepin was first secretary of the
All-Union Komsomol (1952-58).
Yagodin, Gennadiy Aleksandrovich
USSR Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized
Yakovlev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee
Instructor, Agitprop Department for the Union
Republics, CPSU Central Committee, as of 1962,
when Ligachev was deputy chief, Agitprop Depart-
ment, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU Central
Committee (1961?circa 1963).
First deputy chief, Propaganda Department (called
the Agitprop Department before May 1966),
CPSU Central Committee, during 1965-73, when
Medvedev was deputy chief of the department
Ambassador to Canada during 1973-83, when
Gorbachev visited that country (1983).
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1984,
while Ponomarev was chairman of the commission
(1966-86), while Zimyanin has been deputy chair-
man (since 1974), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since June 1986).
Yefimov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich [Sokolov]
USSR deputy minister of defense; First Deputy Com-
mander in Chief, Air Forces
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet, 1971, from
Saratov Oblast with Ponomarev.
Yegorov, Anatoliy Grigor'yevich fLigachevl
Director, Institute of Marxism-Leninism, CPSU
Central Committee
Deputy chief, Agitprop Department for the Union
Republics, CPSU Central Committee (as of 1962),
when Ligachev was deputy chief, Agitprop Depart-
ment, Bureau for the RSFSR, CPSU Central
Committee (1961?circa 1963 and 1965), and
Yakovlev was an instructor, Agitprop Department
for the Union Republics, CPSU Central Commit-
tee (as of 1962).
Member (since 1974) of Foreign Affairs Commis-
sion, Council of Nationalities, USSR Supreme
Soviet, when Ponomarev was chairman of the
commission (1966-86), while Zimyanin has been
deputy chairman (since 1974), when Chebrikov was
a member (1979-84), while Yakovlev has been a
member (since 1984), and while Dobrynin has been
chairman (since 1986).
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Soko-
lov, Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1979,
with Yakovlev (since 1984).
Yel'chenko, Yuriy Nikiforovich [Shcherbitskiy1
First secretary, Kiev City Party Committee,
Communist Party of the Ukraine
Secretary, then second secretary of Kiev City
Komsomol committee during 1957-58, when She-
lepin was first secretary, All-Union Komsomol
(1952-58), and Shelest was first secretary of Kiev
Obkom (1957-62).
Secretary, second secretary, and first secretary of
Ukrainian Komsomol during 1958-68, when She-
lest was a secretary (1962-63), then first secretary
(1963-72) of the Communist Party of the Ukraine
and Shcherbitskiy was Chairman of the Ukrainian
SSR Council of Ministers (1965-72).
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Member, Kiev City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Ryzhkov and Shcherbitskiy.
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
Yel'tsin, and all members of the then current
senior leadership.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Kiev City with Shcherbitskiy.
Yel'tsin, Boris Nikolayevich
Candidate member, Politburo, CPSU Central
Committee; first secretary, Moscow City Party
Department chief, then secretary of Sverdlovsk
Obkom during 1968-76, when Ryzhkov was gener-
al director of Urals Heavy Machine Building
(Uralmash) production association (1970-75) and
Ryabov was first secretary, Sverdlovsk Obkom
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1979, from Sverdlovsk with Kirilenko and
Member, presidium of 26th Party Congress, 1981,
with Biryukova, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Talyzin,
and all members of the then current senior
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1984, from Sverdlovsk with Ryabov and
Member, Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet
since 1984, when Chernenko (1984-85) and Gromy-
ko (since 1985) were successive chairmen of the
Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86) and
Demichev (since 1986) were successive first deputy
chairmen; and when Grishin (1970-86), Kunayev
(since 1962), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972), Slyun'kov
(since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986), and Zaykov
(1984-86) were members.
Yemokhonov, Nikolay Pavlovich [Chebrikov]
First Deputy Chairman, Committee for State
Security (KGB)
Chief of a main administration (1968-71), then
deputy chairman (1971-84) and First Deputy
Chairman (1984-present) of the KGB when Andro-
pov (1967-82) and Chebrikov (1982-present) were
KGB chairmen.
Yermakov, Nikolay Spiridonovich iLigachev]
First secretary, Kemerovo Oblast Party Committee
Leading party positions in Kemerovo Oblast since
at least 1975, when Ligachev was first secretary of
neighboring Tomsk Obkom (1965-83).
Yermin, Lev Borisovich iSolomentsev]
First Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Ministers
Raykom secretary, then a raykom first secretary in
Rostov Oblast during 1952-59, when Polyanskiy
was a first secretary of neighboring Krasnodar
Kraykom (1957-58).
Member, credentials commission, 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Kapitonov and Tikhonov.
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party
Congress, 1971, with Demichev and Zimyanin.
Member, Penza delegation to 25th Party Congress,
1976, with Dobrynin.
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, Vorot-
nikov, and Zimyanin.
First Deputy Chairman, RSFSR Council of Minis-
ters, since 1979, under Solomentsev (1971-83) and
Vorotnikov (1983-present).
Member, Credentials Commission, 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Kapitonov.
Yershova, Nell Mikhaylovna
Toolsetter, Machine Building Plant imeni F. Ye.
Dzerzhinskiy Production Association, Perm' Oblast
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Yezhevskiy, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich [Gorbachev]
USSR Minister of Tractor and Agricultural Machine
Worked in Gosplan during 1957-62, when Kosygin
was Chairman of Gosplan (1959-60).
Chairman, USSR State Committee for Supply of
Production Equipment for Agriculture (1978-80)
and USSR Minister of Tractor and Agricultural
Machine Building (1980-present) when Gorbachev
was CPSU Central Committee secretary for agri-
culture (1978-85).
Yusupov, Magomed Yusupovich [Gorbachev]
First secretary, Dagestan Oblast Party Committee
Official, Dagestan ASSR party and government
since 1957, when Gorbachev was first secretary of
neighboring Stavropol' Kraykom (1970-78), She-
vardnadze was first secretary of the neighboring
Georgian SSR Republic party organization (1972-
85), and Aliyev was first secretary of the neighbor-
ing Azerbaijan Republic party organization (1969-
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1984,
with Yakovlev.
Zagladin, Vadim Valentinovich
First deputy chief, International Department, CPSU
Central Committee
Deputy chief (1967-75), then first deputy chief
(1975-present) of the International Department,
CPSU Central Committee, when Ponomarev was
chief (1955-86).
Secretary, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, since 1979,
when Sus/ov (until 1982), Chernenko (1982-84),
Gorbachev (1984-85), and Ligachev (1985-present)
were successive chairmen of the commission and
Zaykov was a member (1979-84).
Zakharov, Vasiliy Georgiyevich [Zaykov]
Second secretary, Moscow City Party Committee
Head of the agitprop department (1974-78), then a
secretary (1978-83) of Leningrad obkom when
Romanov was Leningrad Obkom first secretary
(1970-83), Solov'yev was a secretary and second
secretary (1974-78) and then first secretary (1978-
84) of Leningrad Gorkom, and Zaykov was chair-
man of Leningrad Gorispolkom (1976-83).
Elected to the RSFSR Supreme Soviet in 1980
from Leningrad City with Tikhonov.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Soko-
lov, Solov'yev, and Zaykov.
Works under Yel'tsin, who has been Moscow
Gorkom first secretary since 1985.
Zamyatin, Leonid Mitrofanovich [Gromyko]
Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Attended Moscow Aviation Institute (graduating
in 1944) with Ligachev (who graduated in 1943)
and Dobrynin (1942).
Rose in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
starting in 1946, to chief of the Press Department
(1962-70) when Gromyko was Minister (1957-85).
Member, Legislative Proposals Commission,
Council of the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet,
during 1970-74, when Solomentsev was chairman
of the commission (1966-74).
Member (since 1974) and secretary (since 1984) of
Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of National-
ities, USSR Supreme Soviet, when Ponomarev was
chairman of the commission (1966-86), while
Zimyanin has been deputy chairman (since 1974),
when Chebrikov was a member (1979-84), while
Yakovlev has been a member (since 1984), and
while Dobrynin has been chairman (since 1986).
Member, USSR Parliamentary Group, since 1974,
with Zimyanin (1970-79) and Yakovlev (since
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Chief of International Information Department,
CPSU Central Committee, during 1978-86, when
Gromyko was Minister of Foreign Affairs
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, editorial commission, 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Zimyanin.
Zatvornitskiy, Vladimir Andreyevich
Leader, stone masons' brigade, Mosstroy-1 Trust,
Moscow Oblast
Has worked in Moscow since 1947, when Grishin
was first secretary, Moscow Gorkom (1967-85).
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, Voronov, and Zimyanin. Demichev and
Grishin were delegates from Moscow Oblast.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet in 1975 from
Moscow City with Biryukova, Brezhnev, Kosygin,
and Podgornyy. Gromyko was a delegate from
Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko,
Grishin, and Zimyanin. Kirilenko was a delegate
representing Moscow Oblast.
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet in 1980, from
Moscow City with Biryukova, Brezhnev,
Chernenko, and Kosygin. Gromyko and V. V.
Kuznetsov were delegates from Moscow Oblast.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Andropov, Brezhnev, Grishin,
Medvedev, Suslov, and Tikhonov. Kirilenko was a
delegate from Moscow Oblast.
Zaykov, Lev Nikolayevich
Member, Politburo, and Secretary, CPSU Central
Chairman, Leningrad Gorispolkom during
1976-83, when Romanov was first secretary of
Leningrad Obkom (1970-83) and Solov'yev was a
secretary, then second secretary of Leningrad Ob-
kom (1974-78) and then first secretary of Lenin-
grad Gorkom (1978-84).
Elected to RSFSR Supreme Soviet from Lenin-
grad, 1975, with Kirilenko and Solov'yev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City, 1979, with Romanov,
Solov'yev, and Suslov. Sokolov was elected to
Council of Nationalities from the Leningrad rural
electoral district.
Member, Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
the Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1979-84,
when Suslov (until 1982) and Chernenko (1982-84)
were successive chairmen of the commission.
Member, Leningrad delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Gromyko, Romanov, Soko-
lov, and Solov'yev.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, from Leningrad City, 1984, with Solov'yev.
Romanov was elected to Council of Nationalities,
representing Leningrad City. Sokolov represented
Leningrad's rural electoral district in Council of
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Member of the Presidium of USSR Supreme
Soviet since 1984, when Chernenko (1984-85) and
Gromyko (since 1985) were successive chairmen of
the Presidium; when V. V. Kuznetsov (1977-86)
and Demichev (since June 1986) were successive
first deputy chairmen; and when Grishin (1970-86),
Kunayev (since 1962), Shcherbitskiy (since 1972),
Slyun'kov (since 1984), Solov'yev (since 1986), and
Yel'tsin (since 1984) were members.
Zaytsev, Mikhail Mitrofanovich [Sokolov]
Commander in chief, Southern Theater, USSR
Ministry ,of Defense
Worked under Ustinov when Ustinov was USSR
Minister of Defense (1976-84) and now works
under Sokolov, Minister since December 1984.
First deputy commander, then commander,
Belorussian SSR Military District during 1972-80,
when Masherov was first secretary, Communist
Party of Belorussian SSR (1965-80) and when
Slyun'kov was first secretary of Minsk Gorkom
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Belorussian SSR, 1979, with
Zimyanin, Mikhail Vasil'yevich
Secretary, CPSU Central Committee
First secretary of Belorussian Komsomol organiza-
tion during 1940-46, when Masherov was first
secretary of Molodechno Oblast Komsomol com-
mittee in Belorussian SSR (1944-46), when
Mazurov was a secretary of the Belorussian
Komsomol (1942-46), and when Shelepin was a
secretary of the All-Union Komsomol (1943-49).
Secretary, then second secretary of the Communist
Party of Belorussia during 1947-53, when Ma-
sherov was first secretary of Belorussian Komso-
mol (1947-54) and Mazurov held leading positions
in Belorussian party apparatus and in Minsk Gor-
kom and Obkom (1947-53).
Official, USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs during
1953-56 and again during 1957-60, when Gromyko
was First Deputy Minister (1953-57) and Minister
Member, Moscow City delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Brezhnev, Gromyko, Kiri-
lenko, Kosygin, Mazurov, Polyanskiy, Shelepin,
Suslov, and Voronov. Demichev and Grishin were
delegates representing Moscow Oblast.
Member, editorial commission, 23rd Party Con-
gress, 1966, with Romanov.
Member (since 1966) and deputy chairman (since
1974) of Foreign Affairs Commission, Council of
Nationalities, USSR Supreme Soviet, when Pono-
marev was chairman of the commission (1966-86),
when Chebrikov was a member (1979-84), while
Dobrynin has been chairman (since 1986), and
while Yakovlev has been a member (since.1984).
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Azerbaijan SSR, 1970 and
1974. Aliyev was elected to Council of the Union
each time.
Member, editorial commission, 24th Party
Congress, 1971, with Demichev.
Member, Moscow City delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Brezhnev, Chernenko, and
Grishin. Kirilenko was a delegate representing
Moscow Oblast.
Member, editorial commission, 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Nikonov, Ponomarev, and
Elected to Council of Nationalities, USSR
Supreme Soviet, from Krasnodar, 1979 and 1984.
Razumovskiy and Talyzin were elected to Council
of the Union from Krasnodar each time.
Member, Krasnodar delegation to 26th Party
Congress, 1981, with Razumovskiy.
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Zolotukhin, Grigoriy Sergeyevich IRazumovskiy1
Razumovskiy and Talyzin both years. Zimyanin
USSR Minister of Grain Products
was elected to Council of Nationalities from
Krasnodar Kray both years.
Leading Komsomol and party work (presumably in
Tambov Oblast) during 1939-55, when Shelepin
Zorkal'tsev, Viktor ll'ich [Ligachev]
was a secretary (1943-49), second secretary
First secretary, Tomsk Oblast Party Committee
(1949-52), and first secretary (1952-58) of the All-
Union Komsomol.
First secretary of Kolpashevskiy Gorkom (in
Tomsk Oblast) as of 1976 and first secretary of
Member, presidium of 23rd Party Congress, 1966,
Strezhevoy Gorkom (in Tomsk Oblast) as of 1981,
with Gromyko and all members of the then current
when Ligachev was first secretary of Tomsk
senior leadership.
Obkom (1965-83).
First secretary, Krasnodar Kraykom during 1966-
Member, Tomsk delegation to 25th Party Congress
73, when Gorbachev was a leading party official in
in 1976 and to 26th Party Congress in 1981, with
neighboring Stavropol' Kray (1966-78) and when
Ligachev each time.
Razumovskiy was a Krasnodar Kraykom depart-
ment chief (1967-71).
Inspector, CPSU Central Committee apparatus
sometime before 1986, when Ligachev was chief of
Member, Agriculture Commission, Council of the
the Organizational Party Work Department,
Union, USSR Supreme Soviet, during 1970-74,
with Nikonov.
CPSU Central Committee (1983-85).
Member, presidium of 24th Party Congress, 1971,
with Aliyev, Dolgikh, and all members of the then
current senior leadership.
USSR Minister of Procurement (1973-present; the
name was changed to USSR Ministry of Grain
Products in December 1985) when Gorbachev was
CPSU Central Committee secretary for
agriculture (1978-85).
Member, Krasnodar Kray delegation to 23rd Party
Congress, 1966, with Razumovskiy.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, in 1966, 1970, and 1974, from Krasnodar.
Polyanskiy was elected to Council of Nationalities
from Krasnodar all three times. Razumovskiy was
elected to Council of the Union from Krasnodar in
Member, Krasnodar Kray delegation to 25th Party
Congress, 1976, with Razumovskiy.
Elected to Council of the Union, USSR Supreme
Soviet, 1979 and 1984, from Krasnodar Kray with
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