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Director of
E- T
Soviet Chemical and
Biological Warfare Program
Top Seeret
August 1986
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The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of the
The Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security
Agency, the intelligence organization of the Department of State.
Also Participating:
The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army
The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
The Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, Marine Corps
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NIE 11-17-86
Information available as of 21 July 1986 was used
in the preparation of this Estimate, approved for
publication on 15 August 1986 by the National
Foreign Intelligence Board.
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SCOPE NOTE ...................................................................................... 1
KEY JUDGMENTS .............................................................................. 3
CONCEPTS AND STRATEGY .......................................................... 7
The Military Utility of Chemical Weapons .................................... 7
Current Policy Regarding Employment ......................................... 9
Possible Chemical Warfare Tactics ................................................. 9
Special Operations ............................................................................ 9
Nonnuclear Warfare ......................................................................... 10
Nuclear Warfare ............................................................................... 11
Ships at Sea and Amphibious Operations ....................................... 11
Outside NATO Central Region ....................................................... 11
Proliferation of Chemical Warfare Capabilities ............................ 11
Arms Control: Negotiations and Monitoring .............................. 12
CHEMICAL WARFARE PROGRAM ............................................... 13
Chemical Warfare Production Facilities ........................................
Storage Facilities ...............................................................................
Chemical Munitions Storage ............................................................
Chemical Munitions ..........................................................................
Chemical Weapon Stockpile ............................................................
Delivery Systems ...............................................................................
Protective Capabilities ......................................................................
Protective Force Structure ...............................................................
Soviet Air Forces ...............................................................................
Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces .........................................................
Soviet Navy .......................................................................................
Offensive Force Structure ................................................................
Protective Training ...........................................................................
Chemical Troop Training ................................................................
Offensive Training ............................................................................
Staff Training .................................................................................... 22
BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM ............................................ 23
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Medical .............................................................................................. 23
Protective ........................................................................................... 24
Offensive ............................................................................................ 26
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................ 27
Biotechnologically Derived Agents .................................................. 29
Western Technology ......................................................................... 32
Equipment and Systems ................................................................... 33
ANNEX A: Glossary ............................................................................. 35
CW Agents ....................................................................................... 35
BW Agents ......................................................................................... 35
Toxins ................................................................................................. 35
New Agents ....................................................................................... 35
CBW Applications ............................................................................ 35
Antihuman CBW Applications ........................................................ 36
Antianimal CBW Applications ........................................................ 36
Anticrop CBW Applications ............................................................ 36
Antimateriel CBW Applications ...................................................... 36
Persistent Versus Nonpersistent ....................................................... 36
CBW Protection ................................................................................ 36
Genetic Engineering ......................................................................... 36
Recombinant DNA/Genetics ....................................................... 36
Massive Use ....................................................................................... 37
Selective Use ...................................................................................... 37
Warm-Base Production Capability ................................................. 38
ANNEX B: Soviet Chemical Warfare Agents .................................... 39
ANNEX C: Protection and Casualty Handling .................................. 41
Personal Protection ........................................................................... 41
Protective Mask ............................................................................. 41
Protective Clothing ....................................................................... 41
Decontamination ............................................................................... 41
Collective Protective Shelters .......................................................... 41
Ground Forces .............................................................................. 41
Air Forces ...................................................................................... 42
Naval Forces ................................................................................. 42
Casualty Handling ............................................................................ 42
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This National Intelligence Estimate reviews the Soviet chemical
and biological warfare program, with a view toward establishing
judgments about each part of the program and its implications and
defining the areas in which our knowledge is incomplete and requires
improved collection. The last Estimate that covered both biological and
chemical warfare was NIE 11-11-69, 13 February 1969. This Estimate
updates SNIE 11/17-2-84/L, 20 November 1984, on chemical warfare
and IIM 85-10009, September 1985, on new CBW agents. (s NF)
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The Soviets maintain the world's most comprehensive chemical
and biological warfare program, and the Intelligence Community
believes this capability constitutes a serious threat to NATO. We believe
there is sufficient risk of Soviet use of chemical weapons that NATO
must consider such use in all phases of a NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict,
even from the outset, in the central region as well as on the flanks,
against ships at sea and amphibious forces. We believe chemical
warfare (CW) use in any circumstances would, however, be selective
rather than massive in terms of the number and type of targets
In the early 1970s, the Soviets allocated almost $2 billion on a
program to overcome a perceived US lead in CBW and provide a new
generation of CBW weapons to be fielded in the next decade, and it ap-
pears that the Soviets have maintained and expanded their BW effort.
The initial use of chemical weapons requires approval by the
highest Soviet political authority. Evidence of Soviet planning for the
use of chemical weapons in either the nuclear or nonnuclear phases of
war is open to differing interpretations. We do believe that an initial de-
cision to use chemical and toxin weapons would be based on an
assessment of at least these factors: whether an enemy is capable of and
willing to respond with nuclear escalation; whether an enemy is able to
retaliate in kind; and the degree to which an enemy can protect its
forces against and recover from a chemical attack. These factors would
apply to any contemplated attack on NATO, whether in northern,
central, or southern Europe.
The Community remains uncertain of the Soviet perception of
NATO's threat to escalate to the use of nuclear weapons in response to
chemical attacks, and, thus, cannot confidently predict how effective
this would be in preventing the initiation of Soviet chemical attacks
during the nonnuclear phase once war began:
- One view is that, although the Soviets probably would refrain
from initiating CW if their nonnuclear offensive were proceed-
ing satisfactorily, the possibility of selective use of CW would
increase if they calculated that the benefits of such use signifi-
cantly outweighed the risk of possible NATO nuclear escalation.
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- Another is that, once the threat of nuclear escalation has failed
to deter war, it would not deter the use of chemicals any more
than it would deter the use of other nonnuclear weapons. Thus,
chemical weapons would be used as necessary, limited only by
normal military considerations of their utility.
- A third view holds that the dominant considerations would be
the certainty of NATO chemical retaliation and the risk of
nuclear escalation; consequently, the Soviets are unlikely to use
chemical and toxin weapons against NATO, if at all, until a
decision has been reached to use nuclear weapons.
We are agreed that if the war reached the nuclear phase, use of
chemical and biological warfare (CBW) would be more likely because
there could be situations where chemicals would be the weapon of
The Soviet Union has used chemical weapons in limited wars. They
probably would do so in the future when it was to their military
advantage against forces unable to protect their personnel, retaliate in
kind, or escalate.
The Soviets have a significant capability to deliver a variety of
chemical agents. Chemical munitions exist for aerial delivery and for
nearly all Soviet artillery and tactical rocket and missile systems. Direct
evidence does not exist that naval surface-to-surface missiles (SSMs) or
air-to-surface missiles (ASMs) have chemical warheads.
We have identified Odepots inside the USSR where large
quantities of bulk chemical agent, decontamination materials, and
protective equipment are stored. Storage space at these sites has
consistently grown since 1970. The Soviet chemical stockpile is believed
to be several times that of the United States (although there is
insufficient evidence to precisely describe the types, quantities, or
locations of agents.) We believe that chemical munitions are stored
(with conventional ammunition) in separately secured facilities at
national-level ammunition and select unit depots,
Chemical munitions are
stored in the forward area,
The chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) protection special-
ists found in the Soviet armed forces constitute the largest such group in
the world, with a peacetime manning of about 30,000 to 60,000
personnel in Ground Force chemical units and 2,000 to 3,000 in Air
Force chemical protection sections. The Soviets have expanded their
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CBR reconnaissance and decontamination capabilities since the late
1970s by introducing new concepts, new organizations, and new
equipment. Soviet units regularly train to operate in a contaminated
environment. They have occassionally conducted protective training
with diluted CW agents, and use all types of protective and decontami-
nation equipment. They have deployed an extensive inventory of CBR
reconnaissance and decontamination vehicles, having over 30,000 CBR-
related vehicles deployed with chemical troops.
The Soviet Union has the capability to produce CBW agents in the
large amounts that would be re uired for effective military operations.
To date, we have identified facilities that could manufacture
chemical compounds for use as chemical agents. Only one of these
facilities is suspected to have been active a few months each year,
probably producing agents at levels sufficient to replenish stockpiles and
conduct testing.
We have identified over 100 industrial microbiological plants in
the Soviet Union, most doing clearly legitimate research to provide
antibiotics, serums, and vaccines.~f these facilities, however,
appear uniquely designed for assembly and storage of biological
weapons, and there is one site that has been identified for just storage.
Since 1980 major improvements to test and
support facilities and new construction at the major Soviet CBW test fa-
The program for the modernization of the Soviet CBW arsenal,
which has been ongoing for more than a decade, has concentrated on
exploiting advances in biotechnology such as genetic engineering. This
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may, in the next 10 years, result in the fielding of new agents (chemical,
toxin, and biological)
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1. Chemical weapons were used by most of the
belligerents during World War I. The first large-scale
use of CW was in January 1915 by Germans against
the Russians at Bolimow. The Russians suffered the
greatest losses from chemical weapons during the war,
with total casualties of more than 500,000. Russian
fatalities from CW (56,000) were considerably greater
than those of all the other belligerents combined and
six times larger than any other country. The Soviets
made thorough preparations for the possibility of
chemical operations in World War II. Despite this,
chemical weapons were not used by the Soviets during
World War II, nor were they used by any of the other
belligerents in Europe. At the end of the war, the
Soviets were estimated to have produced large quanti-
ties of chemical agents in some 35 newly built and
converted industrial facilities. After the war, the Sovi-
ets captured German CW agent stocks, as well as
technology, and two nerve agent production facilities,
which were dismantled and relocated to the Soviet
The Military Utility of Chemical Weapons
2. Chemical weapons are wide-area-effect weapons
specifically designed to reduce the combat effective-
ness of the enemy by killing or incapacitating person-
nel and contaminating equipment and terrain. Cir-
cumstances in which the Soviets believe chemical
munitions provide battlefield advantages over conven-
tional munitions are:
- Denying areas to potential adversaries through
chemical contamination.
- Causing target neutralization without physical
- Enlarging the lethal area.
- Effectively attacking sheltered targets.
- Slowing down enemy advances and restricting
enemy maneuverability.
- Rendering enemy equipment unusable until
- Causing large numbers of casualties when used
against unprepared troops.
- Wearing down enemy troops both physically and
CW Use During World War II
Chemical weapons were used by several countries in
the conflicts leading up to World War II. In the
European theater, the British, French, and Germans
agreed in September 1939 to refrain from the use of
CW, though the available stocks of chemical weapons
exceeded the total quantity of chemical weapons used
in World War I. Germany had developed nerve agents
during the late 1930s, though they did not have large
stocks of these weapons until 1944. They refrained from
using their other chemical weapons because they feared
retaliation against their civilian populations. The Ger-
mans also mistakenly believed the United States had
developed nerve agents, though the Western Allies did
not know of the German capability until 1944 when
tabun-filled ammunition was captured. After that time
the Allies were reluctant to consider the use of chemical
weapons since they did not have nerve agents. Stocks of
chemical weapons were available in every major battle
area. Throughout the conflict, both the Allies and the
Axis believed their enemies had equivalent capabilities
to protect their forces and to retaliate in kind. Though
chemical weapons could have had a significant effect
on the outcome of certain battles, all sides refrained
from initiating CW because, at each point where such
use was considered, sufficient disincentives existed.F
- Requiring fewer munitions to achieve equal le-
3. On the other hand, the Soviets appear to have a
healthy respect for the side effects and limitations of
chemical weapons. They recognize that:
- Terrain and weather may reduce the effective-
ness of toxic agents and break up or prevent the
formation of the secondary toxic cloud.
- Consideration must be given to the minimum
distance from friendly troops that agents may be
- Countermeasures can be taken on short notice
and, if properly implemented, could significantly
degrade chemical weapons effectiveness.
- Operations in a protective posture are restrictive.
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- Chemical contamination of the battlefield could
slow the pace of operations for both sides, which
the Soviets believe in some cases could assist a
- Chemical weapons employment increases the
complexity of planning and executing offensive
4. On balance, selective use of chemical weapons
could be a significant combat multiplier causing limit-
ed degradation on the effectiveness of Soviet forces.
Clearly, Soviet forces would prefer not to operate in a
nuclear, chemical, or biologically contaminated envi-
ronment. They must consider the interference with
operations that would be engendered by use of chemi-
cal weapons. The Soviets would prefer weapons whose
effects are more predictable, but have derived formu-
las, nomograms, and tables to determine contamina-
tion effects from the use of a particular agent under
given meteorological conditions and terrain. Soviet
writings reflect that the zones of contamination result-
ing from the use of chemical weapons are smaller than
those resulting from the use of nuclear or biological
weapons, and, thus, are easier to bypass. However,
intentional wide-aerial spraying of persistent agents
may, in fact, create larger areas of contamination than
use of low-yield nuclear weapons. All these are consid-
erations for any military force that contemplates
operating in a contaminated environment. The Soviets
have trained their forces to maximize their combat
capabilities and minimize the inherent difficulties of
operating in a chemical or nuclear-contaminated envi-
5. The Soviets stress taking advantage of the weak-
nesses of any enemy's protective capability such as
exploiting known deficiencies in enemy individual
protective means and capitalizing on the failure or
inability of the enemy to detect contamination. The
ability to achieve surprise, the status of the enemy's
protective posture, and the enemy's combat restora-
tion capabilities are keys to determining the potential
effectiveness of a chemical strike. The Soviets believe
chemical weapons are most effective against poorly
trained, unprepared, and unprotected personnel. They
anticipate a casualty rate of up to 60 percent with a
CW attack against unwarned and unprotected person-
nel and 15 to 40 percent among protected personnel
(because of exposure to CW agent before masking,
malfunctioning equipment, and combat damage to
protective equipment). Soviet actions in using chemi-
cal protective equipment indicate a potential capabili-
ty to restore combat potential and minimize casualties.
6. While the Soviets consider enemy nuclear weap-
ons systems to be the most important targets, concen-
trations of personnel are the most vulnerable to chemi-
cal attacks. The target array for chemical attacks could
include any of the following: nuclear delivery systems;
airfields; command, control, and communications
sites; ports; air defense assets; key logistic centers;
naval bases; and other key rear area facilities within
the tactical and operational tactical depth of the battle
area. Although the Soviet's writing before World War
II emphasized that CW was intended primarily to
achieve tactical battlefield advantages, their present
combination of delivery systems provides the capabili-
ty to deliver chemical strikes throughout the opera-
tional and operational strategic depths of the enemy's
7. Sovie po icy, as officially stated, is that it will
not initiate chemical warfare. Soviet exercises often
depict NATO chemical strikes, usually in conjunction
with nuclear strikes. A major consideration by the
Soviets in deciding whether to use chemical weapons is
the risk that their enemy will retaliate in kind or, in
the case of NATO or China, escalate to the use of
nuclear weapons. If the Soviets calculated they could
achieve significant benefits at what they considered an
acceptable risk, they might use chemical weapons
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9. Successful Soviet attacks (including those with
chemical weapons) on high-value NATO targets would
threaten NATO's capability to execute its wartime
mission, and, thus, make it even more difficult for
Soviet planners to identify the level of conflict below
which NATO would not be provoked to respond with
massive use of chemical weapons is unlikely, because
the Soviets would calculate that such use would be
almost certain to cause a NATO nuclear response,
while other available means may have a better possi-
bility of avoiding nuclear response. Once war has
begun, Soviet concerns about nuclear retaliation might
be lessened, and we cannot rule out selective employ-
ment of chemical weapons.
Current Policy Regarding Employment
10. Chemical weapons employment requires autho-
rization from the highest military-political levels in the
USSR. The decision to release chemical weapons for
employment rests in the hands of the Politburo or, in
wartime, the Supreme High Command. The decision
to release chemical weapons for employment would
probably be on the basis of at least the following
- An assessment of the probable enemy response,
either retaliation in kind or with nuclear
- An assessment of the military advantage of CW
against a particular enemy.
- An assessment of the enemy's ability to protect its
forces against chemical attack and to restore its
combat capabilities following the attack.
11. Once release to employ chemical weapons has
been granted, the Soviet General Staff, the executive
agent of the Supreme High Command, implements
the decision and determines how chemical warfare
will be integrated into the overall operation. The plans
developed by the General Staff are disseminated to
each Theater of Military Operations (TVD). The High
Command of each TVD, in turn, disseminates chemi-
cal warfare plans to subordinate front, army, and
division commands. At each command level, the
appropriate fire plans for the employment of chemical
weapons are developed by the fire planning staffs.
Possible Chemical Warfare Tactics
12. To avoid a decrease in the tempo of offensive
operations, the Soviets might use persistent CW agent
on the flanks, in sectors that will be bypassed, or deep
in the enemy's rear area. Although the Soviets do not
doubt their ability to cross such regions, they would
prefer to bypass areas of contamination. Nonpersistent
agent attacks could be delivered along the main axis of
advance without disrupting the tempo of offensive
operations. Because of the short duration of their
effects, Soviet forces could either wait until the agent
dissipates or attempt to cross the contaminated area
using vehicle protective systems, with little prepara-
tion needed for protection and virtually no need to
13. To enhance the effectiveness of chemical weap-
ons, the Soviets may employ chemical weapons simul-
taneously with nonlethal smoke. If CW employment
can thus be disguised, enemy personnel may not have
sufficient warning to don protective masks and cloth-
ing. The Soviets may employ chemical weapons simul-
taneously with, or immediately following, high-explo-
sive or improved conventional munition barrages, to
take advantage of the confusion and degradation of
the enemy's protective posture.
Special Operations
14. Limited evidence suggests that Warsaw Pact
special-purpose (Spetsnaz) reconnaissance forces could
use chemical or biological weapons in operations
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15. Some types of CBW weapons are relatively easy
to transport and could be effective if used without
warning by Spetsnaz groups operating in the NATO
rear area against targets such as command posts or
special ammunition storage sites. In considering
whether to authorize such operations, however, we
believe Soviet leaders would be reluctant to risk
opening a weapons-of-mass-destruction phase unless
the payoff for chemical use was substantial. Addition-
ally, the use of lethal CW by such forces presents
formidable command and control problems for the
Soviets, and, we judge that, on balance, the Soviets
would not resort to widespread use of CW by Spetsnaz
forces unless a decision had already been reached for
employment of CW using other, more efficient meth-
ods of delivery (such as aircraft and surface-to-surface
missiles). The use of disabling, nonlethal chemical
agents in isolated instances is more likely, but there is
no recent, direct evidence that the Soviets plan such
use for Spetsnaz forces
Nonnuclear Warfare
16. Soviet military doctrine since the late 1970s
appears to be that an initial period of combat with
NATO, in which the Pact would seek to degrade
NATO's theater nuclear capability, might be limited
to the use of conventional weapons. This initial period
is referred to by the Soviets as the nonnuclear phase of
17. In a war with NATO, the Intelligence Commu-
nity cannot rule out Soviet initiation of CBW even
from the start of nonnuclear hostilities. The Soviets
probably believe that NATO's forces are relatively less
capable than their own for operations in contaminated
environments. Given their access to Western informa-
tion, the Soviets must be aware that NATO's ability to
retaliate in kind has diminished since 1969. Nonethe-
less, they also remain concerned with a presumed US
ability to rebuild an offensive chemical stockpile
during the period of tension leading to war.
18. Because there is little evidence as to what
specific conditions would prompt the General Staff to
recommend, and the political authority to approve,
the use of CBW against NATO, questions of when and
under what conditions the Soviets might do so during
the nonnuclear phase of war can be answered only
inferentially. Since we remain uncertain of the Soviet's
perception of NATO's nuclear escalatory threat, dif-
fering views exist on how effective this would be in
preventing Soviet first use of chemical warfare once
war had began:
- One view is that, although the Soviets would
probably refrain from initiating chemical war-
fare if the nonnuclear offensive were proceeding
to their satisfaction, the possibility of selective
use would increase if they calculated that bene-
fits of such use significantly outweighed the risk
of possible NATO nuclear escalation; for exam-
ple, a serious Warsaw Pact reversal or the pros-
pect of a significant effect because of weaknesses
in NATO's protective and deterrent posture.
- A second view is that, once the threat of nuclear
escalation has failed to deter war, it would not
deter the use of chemical weapons any more than
it would deter the use of other nonnuclear
weapons. Thus, chemical weapons would be used
as necessary, limited only by normal military
considerations of their utility. Chemical warfare
can be separated from nuclear warfare and must
be considered in that perspective. A nonnuclear
scenario makes a compelling argument for the
selective use of chemical weapons in the initial
period, if such weapons offer significant poten-
tial for achieving their objectives in a timely
manner without resort to nuclear escalation at
the onset. Chemical weapons would most likely
be integrated into initial Soviet operations if they
could be employed in ways that contributed to
the immediate neutralization of NATO's retalia-
tory theater nuclear capability, interrupted NA-
TO's command and control network, or disrupt-
ed the continuity of NATO's forward force
deployment, enabling Soviet combat forces to
retain the tactical and operational initiative. In a
nonnuclear scenario, Soviet military strategists
are more likely to view chemical weapons as
offering a solution to those critical military prob-
lems that reduce the risk of theater nuclear war
and strategic nuclear escalation and contribute to
successful conclusion of military operations in the
shortest possible time.
- A third view holds that the dominant consider-
ation in a decision to use chemical and toxin
weapons against NATO would be the certainty of
NATO chemical retaliation and the risk of nucle-
ar escalation. Further, the Soviets believe the risk
of escalation exceeds any potential benefit that
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could be derived from use of the current chemi-
cal and toxin inventory. In this view, the USSR's
chemical and toxin capability exists primarily to
deter NATO use and further ensure that the
Warsaw Pact's massive conventional superiority
would be decisive. Consequently, the Soviets are
unlikely to use chemical and toxin weapons
against NATO, if at all, until a decision had been
reached to use nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Warfare
19. Limited evidence referring to chemical warfare
in the context of a particular phase of war portrays
Pact chemical strikes simultaneous with or subsequent
to nuclear operations. This evidence indicates that
they would employ chemical weapons to complement
their nuclear munitions, or to neutralize certain sensi-
tive targets immediately before a Soviet nuclear strike.
Certainly, at this point, fear of NATO nuclear retalia-
tion was not and would not be a restraining factor.
Ships at Sea and Amphibious Operations
20. The Soviets have provided for chemical citadels
on their ships and have emphasized washdown systems
(both of which are equally applicable to nuclear
fallout protection). They maintain chemical bombs
with at least some of their naval aviation units and
have chemical weapons storage at some naval bases.
We assess that some of their terminally guided cruise
missiles are capable of delivering CW agents, and
naval CW gun ammunition has been reported. Chemi-
cal service personnel are assigned to all Soviet combat-
ants. The Soviets might perceive the selective use of
chemical warfare to be advantageous against ships at
sea; however, all available evidence indicates that the
use of weapons of mass destruction at sea would not be
independent of their use on land. Regarding amphibi-
ous operations, Soviet writings have indicated that
personnel engaged in heliborne and surface amphibi-
ous assaults would be especially vulnerable to nuclear
and chemical strikes.
Outside NATO Central Region
21. The bulk of the available evidence pertains to
Soviet use of CW against the central region of NATO.
However, the considerations for the use of CW apply
equally to NATO's flanks. As in the central region, the
Soviets store chemical weapons opposite Scandinavia
for possible use. Soviet forces facing NATO's flanks
are equipped and trained for operations on a contami-
nated battlefield. Terrain in Norway and eastern
Turkey would be conducive to the use of CW.
22. In peripheral areas outside the NATO region,
only China has the ability to retaliate with chemicals
or escalate to the use of nuclear weapons. The USSR
probably plans for the contingency of Pakistani and
Iranian CW capabilities. The Soviets maintain chemi-
cal depots in the regions encompassed by the wartime
Southern and Far Eastern TVDs, and their forces in
these areas are trained and equipped for operations on
a contaminated battlefield. The inability of these
countries to retaliate in kind, or escalate, and their
weak protective capabilities may invite the use of CW
by the USSR. While we know very little about Soviet
views of using CW against the PRC, the wide-scale use
of these weapons during a Sino-Soviet war for the
purpose of offsetting the Chinese manpower advan-
tage is a possibility.
Proliferation of Chemical Warfare Capabilities
23. In the 1980s, international concern about the
use and proliferation of CBW in the Third World
increased. Although the Soviets are concerned about
certain aspects of proliferation, there have been sever-
al examples of Soviet activities related to the transfer
or use of CBW over a long period of time. During the
1960s, Egypt was reported to have received Soviet CW
technology. By 1962, the USSR had provided Egypt
with more than 250 tons of nerve agent and chemical
bombs filled with phosgene and mustard. Some of
these chemical weapons may have been used against
Yemeni tribesmen during the period 1963-67. Soviet
involvement with the Egyptian program ceased in the
early 1970s when the Soviets were expelled from that
24. In the early 1960s, the USSR provided Syria
with extensive defensive training and protective mate-
rial. Syria first obtained chemical weapons in 1973,
when Egypt provided sarin-filled bombs and artillery
shells and the USSR provided at least riot-control
agents. In the late 1970s, the Syrians reportedly devel-
oped and tested a chemical warhead for the Scud
missile; however, there is no indication that the Soviets
assisted in this effort. We have no evidence of Soviet
assistance to Syria's offensive CW program. Moreover,
Syria has attempted to conceal the existence of its
program from the Soviet Union from its inception.
25. The USSR provided toxins and, possibly, other
chemical weapons to the Vietnamese beginning in the
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mid-1970s. Toxin agents and an unidentified incapaci-
tating agent have been used by Vietnamese troops
against H'mong resistance forces and civilian popula-
tions in Laos. Similarly, chemical agents and toxins
have been used by Vietnamese forces in their attempt
to conquer Cambodia. In late 1979, a US team of
medical and CW experts investigating reported use of
CW by Vietnamese and Laotian forces against the
H'mong concluded one type of chemical employed
was probably a nerve agent. The Soviets reject US
charges about toxin weapons being used in Southeast
Asia. Although reporting of attacks persists, the num-
ber has decreased since 1984. We have been unable to
confirm these attacks. It is probable that Soviet advis-
ers still assist the Vietnamese and Lao.
26. The Soviets employed chemical weapons in
Afghanistan at least during the first years of the war.
Reporting of attacks decreased sharply afterwards.
Unconfirmed reporting suggests the Afghan Army
may have used chemical agents provided by the USSR.
However, it is extremely unlikely that the Soviets
provide lethal agents to the Afghan military. Soviet
and Cuban advisers have reportedly trained Ethiopi-
ans in offensive chemical warfare operations. Ethiopi-
an forces, aided and supervised by Soviet advisers,
may have used lethal chemical agents in selected
attacks on Eritrean resistance forces, although we have
yet to acquire proof of such attacks.
27. Recent information has indicated some Soviet
views on CW proliferation:
- The Soviets state they are as concerned about
CW use and proliferation as Western govern-
- Charges of Soviet treaty violations are countered
by a broad-based propaganda program accusing
the United States of past uses of CBW (Korea,
Vietnam, and Cuba), as well as current allega-
tions of supplying CBW materials to South Afri-
ca, insurgents in Afghanistan, and El Salvador.
US CW modernization continues to be empha-
sized in Soviet propaganda as proof that the
United States is not serious about a global CW
ban or stopping CW proliferation.
Because of the proliferation of CW capabilities
throughout the world, the Soviets may calculate
that the traditional abhorrence to chemical war-
fare is slowly being eroded as an increasing
number of countries use or attain a capability to
use CW without any major political or economic
sanctions from the world at large. This percep-
tion may influence Soviet CW doctrine concern-
ing the proper circumstances and times for the
use of CW in Third World conflicts.
Arms Control: Negotiation and Monitoring
28. Presently, the Soviet Union is engaged in multi-
lateral negotiations on a comprehensive ban on chemi-
cal weapons at the Conference on Disarmament (CD)
in Geneva and in bilateral discussions with the United
States on the margins of the CD. Problems in identify-
ing CBW agent production and storage facilities, as
well as calculating weaponized stocks, make monitor-
ing of international agreements limiting CBW-associ-
ated stocks or production extremely difficult. The
security that surrounds the Soviet CW program makes
monitoring of compliance even more difficult. The
Soviets accept the principle of on-site inspection of
destruction of stocks, but appear unwilling to declare
the location of stocks until just prior to destruction.
The Soviet position on CW production appears to
reflect concern about where at least some of their
facilities are located; for example, as part of a large
chemical complex, and what specific CW equipment
must be destroyed or salvaged.'
' See Soviet Noncompliance With Arms Control Agreements,
23 December 1985, NSC Arms Control Verification Committee. (v)
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29. We believe that the Soviets maintain a warm- In addition to dual-use chemicals such as phosgene
base production capability devoted to chemical agent and hydrogen cyanide, which are produced in quanti-
production as part of their industrial base. This oper- ty, the Soviets have pesticide plants that can be
ates in different modes and at irregular intervals to modified rapidly to produce nerve agent, binary
replenish the stockpile and supply agent for munitions components, or advanced intermediates. These modi-
fications are relatively simple to implement, and could
be completed in a matter of weeks. Change of chemi-
cal feedstock, rather than process equipment changes,
would probably require the longest leadtimes. P
Storage Facilities
32. We have identified chemical d
used to d forces
these depots pro a y are
c o n t r o l l e d by the C h i e f o Chemical Troops, and some
Chemical Warfare Production Facilities
may be national-level installations. These depots are
believed to be the principal storage centers for bulk
chemical agent, as well as large quantities of CBR-
related equipment vehicles, and smoke and incendi-
ary materials_^ther chemical depots exist
that appear to be associated with these major depots.
9 Y1
31. The Soviet civilian chemical industry has the
ability to produce chemical agents in large quantities.
33. Although small quantities of agent probably are
available for training, we believe that bulk agent is not
routinely stored at Ground and Air Force unit depots.
Reports on chemical agent storage in the non-Soviet
Warsaw Pact (NSWP) suggest that chemical agent
would normally be under Soviet control.)
facilities at national-level ammunition and select uni
Chemical Munitions Storage
34. We believe that chemical munitions are stored
(with conventional ammunition) in separately secured
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35. Chemical munitions exist for aerial delivery and
for nearly all the Soviet artillery and tactical rocket
and missile systems. Direct evidence does not exist that
naval SSMs or ASMs have chemical warheads. Evi-
dence suggests that CW landmines are available. We
do not know the extent or amount of chemical muni-
tions stored in the forward areas and under control of
the NSWP forces, but believe that, except for Roma-
nia, non-Soviet Warsaw Pact countries control chemi-
cal agents sufficient only for R&D and training. On
the basis of Soviet preservation technology,
deficiencies do exist
and Soviet conven-
tional ions storage practice, stored CW bulk
agent and munitions are probably in good condition;
however, we cannot exclude the possibility that some
pon Stockpile
'e that the Soviets maintain a stockpile
of chemical ammunition sufficient to supply their
forces during wartime,
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tors, decontamination devices and prophylactic kits,
and air filtration systems for shelters and vehicles.
While not yet reported to be in the active inventory, a
new protective mask resistant to the next generation of
Soviet CW agents is probably in development. A new
Czechoslovak airpermeable protective suit indicates
continued development of protective measures. De-
contamination practice seems to be driven by the
concept that partial treatment is sufficient in most
instances, although a new generation of agents may
require new decontaminants (figure 6). New develop-
ments in collective protection filtration systems in-
clude the use of minimal filtration systems that would
ow for reduced but acceptable individual protection
Protective Capabilities a
levels for more personnel. Past equipment develop-
39. The Soviet armed forces have a large variety of ment cycles indicate the probable appearance of these
items designed to provide protection from the effects additional protective items in the 1990-95 time frame.
of CBW warfare. They have protective masks and Over 30,000 CBR-related vehicles are deployed with
agent-impermeable protective clothing, agent detec- chemical troops.
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Figure 6
Equipment Decontamination Exercise
40. Soviet Chemical Troops, which are found in all
branches of the armed forces, are dedicated to the
protection and decontamination of troops and equip-
ment from the effects of weapons of mass destruction.
The Directorate of the Chief of Chemical Troops,
subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, is headed by
Colonel General of Chemical Troops V. K. Pikalov.
This directorate establishes force structure, training,
and doctrinal requirements, and pursues research,
training, and maintenance functions. Units and indi-
viduals assigned at division level and below are re-
ferred to as the Chemical Service, while those at army
level and above are referred to as Chemical Troops.
Their principal wartime tasks include:
- Conducting CBR reconnaissance.
- Locating nuclear bursts.
- Assessing the parameters of CBR contamination.
- Monitoring the level of contamination of troops,
equipment, materiel, and terrain.
- Decontaminating troops, equipment, buildings,
and terrain.
- Employing smoke generators, flame, and incen-
diary devices.
- Providing detection and decontamination sup-
port to accidents resulting from the movement of
chemical weapons
41. With the exception of the employment of
smoke, flame, and incendiary devices, Chemical
Troops are protective in nature and are not involved in
the technical aspects of the offensive delivery of
nuclear or chemical weapons. Nuclear and chemical
fire-planning responsibilities rest with other staff ele-
42. Chemical Troops are organic to Soviet and
Warsaw Pact Ground Force units at all levels from
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front to regiment. The Soviet military has experiment-
ed with the organization of these units several times
during the past two decades, the last time beginning
about 1980. At that time, division-level units were
reorganized from battalions to companies, and regi-
mental-level units from companies to platoons. We
also have evidence that, at about the same time, army-
level units underwent a reorganization. Whereas ar-
mies previously had one chemical protection battalion,
we now find that they have up to six specialized
battalions and companies (observed in several combi-
nations forcewide). We also have evidence that some
front-level chemical protection brigades have been
augmented by a variety of independent battalions.
The introduction of aerial CBR reconnaissance units
and specialized nuclear-burst locating units give the
Soviets the capability to rapidly locate contaminated
43. According to unclassified Pact writings, the
reorganization at the tactical level was designed to
make more units capable of independent CBR recon-
naissance and decontamination. At army level and
above, we believe this reorganization and concentra-
tion may provide the Soviets with greater flexibility in
using their assets in wartime. It is difficult to deter-
mine how successful the Soviets have been in achiev-
ing the goals of this reorganization, but the extent to
which it has been observed throughout the USSR and
the fact that it is now being observed in NSWP forces
lead us to assess that the Soviets believe it has im-
proved the ability of their forces to continue opera-
tions on a contaminated battlefield. Our estimate of
the peacetime manning of the Ground Force Chemi-
cal Troops is about 30,000 to 60,000 personnel. In
wartime, the mobilization of reservists may at least
double that figure.
Soviet Air Forces
44. The Air Technical Battalions of Soviet airbases
have chemical protection sections to perform recon-
naissance and decontamination. Each section operates
under the staff supervision of the Regimental Chief of
Chemical Service, who is also responsible for supervis-
ing the chemical protective training of airbase person-
nel. The Soviet Air Force (SAF) is believed to have
between 2,000 and 3,000 personnel in these units. In
wartime, previously trained elements of the Air Tech-
nical Battalion would augment the chemical protec-
tion section to assist in decontamination. If further
manpower is required, the airbase can request support
from Ground Force chemical units in the area.
Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces (SRF)
45. indicates the existence of a
Chemical Protection Company, similar in composition
to those in a Ground Forces division, in SS-20 divi-
sions. The unit acts as a protection unit with routine
missions of CBR decontamination and reconnaissance.
All or most other missile divisions of the SRF are also
assessed to have a CBR protective capability
Soviet Navy
46. The Soviet Navy Chemical Service Directorate
is under the command of a rear admiral who is
directly subordinate to the Chief of the Main Navy
Staff. The Soviet Naval Chemical Service Directorate
is responsible for the Naval Chemical Service organi-
zations within each of the four Soviet fleets. The Fleet
Chemical Service is also responsible for training and
providing protective equipment for CBR operations. A
smoke unit has been noted in the fleet structure and
large numbers of smoke-generating vehicles are locat-
ed at most Navy Chemical depots.
Offensive Force Structure
47. Chemical weapons employment is a facet of
fire-support planning that is executed with fire-sup-
port assets. The basic command and control organiza-
tion at front and army level for all fire support is the
Combined-Arms Combat Control Center (CCC). In
the front- and army-level CCC, the combined-arms
commander and his principal advisers plan and coor-
dinate the major aspects of the operation, including
employment of nuclear and chemical weapons. In-
cluded in the CCC is the combined-arms commander,
his chief of staff, and the key members of his staff
representing all major functional areas. Operational or
strategic planning (depending on the level of the CCC)
on a general level occurs at the CCC. Detailed fire
planning, control, and coordination of fire-support
assets is the responsibility of the Joint Air and Air
Defense Command Post and the Command Post of the
Chief of Missile Troops and Artillery
48. The chemical plan would be determined by the
nuclear and fire-planning group, with the detailed
computations being performed at the artillery or air
Command Post, depending on the delivery system
being employed. The Chief of Chemical Troops would
provide information to the CCC on a chemical (radio-
logical) situation map, depicting areas of contamina-
tion resulting from both enemy and friendly use of
chemical and nuclear weapons.
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Protective Training
49. CBR protection training is a fundamental as-
pect of Soviet military training for all services. It
involves a variety of measures for the protection of
personnel in all services from the effects of nuclear,
chemical, and biological weapons. This includes
nuclear/chemical reconnaissance; nuclear/chemical
monitoring; and the decontamination of personnel,
equipment, vehicles, and terrain because of contami-
nation. Field training and classroom instruction ad-
dress many aspects of these measures. Individual
chemical protection training occurs on a regular basis
and covers the use and care of protective clothing, the
effects of CW agents, detection, decontamination
techniques, and emergency measures following expo-
sure to chemical agents or radiation. Field training
exercises and command post exercises involving all
types of combat units regularly feature chemical
defense. Chemical protection training is conducted in
a variety of combat situations, at different times of
day, year round. These exercises gauge the abilities of
the commander, his staff, and subordinate units to
overcome the effects of a specific CW agent. These
exercises add realism to training, and prepare partici-
pants for a specific type of contamination and the
measures that need to be taken for protection. Certain
paramilitary organizations such as the Merchant Ma-
rine and Civil Defense units also regularly receive
CBR training.
50. Chemical protection training is not a deception
measure used by the Soviets to conceal preparations
for offensive CW use; chemical protection measures
are neutral in that contamination may be the result of
a friendly or enemy chemical strike. Reports indicate
that the defensive training occasionally uses live chem-
ical warfare agents. This usually involves personnel,
equipment, and units of the Chemical Troops con-
ducting chemical reconnaissance; however, combat
arms unit training has also reportedly involved the use
of live chemical warfare agents. Fire-support elements
(MRL, artillery, and SSM) are trained similarly. Per-
sonnel are trained to don protective clothing, conduct
partial decontamination using organic assets, and con-
tinue operating their weapons in full protective cloth-
ing. Protection and casualty handling information is
offers a five-year program of study for chemical
officers. This faculty provides the officers of the
Chemical Troops with a fundamental education in the
technical aspects of chemical and nuclear warfare.
The five-year program emphasizes technical theories,
concepts, and principles of chemical warfare, rather
than tactics, specific munitions, and delivery systems.
Upon graduation, Chemical Troop officers are as-
signed to chemical units at division level or higher
throughout the armed forces to serve as commanders
and deputy commanders.
52. Personnel and units of the Chemical Troops in
all services train regularly in nuclear/chemical recon-
naissance (detection and identification); nuclear/che-
mical monitoring and analysis; and decontamination
of personnel and equipment. Chemical Troop staffs
and units support operational training of combat arms
units through a variety of CBR support methods.
Evidence exists that Chemical Troop units have con-
ducted decontamination following chemical strikes.
Taken together, the combat-support functions of the
Chemical Troops are applicable to supporting opera-
tions in which Soviet nuclear and chemical strikes are
executed, or supporting operations in which NATO
nuclear and chemical strikes are employed.
Offensive Training
training for the offensive employment of chemi-
cal weapons may continue for individual officers, for
some firing units, and for some staffs. Senior staff
officers and commanders have been reported to re-
ceive instruction regarding the use of chemical weap-
ons both at the Voroshilov General Staff Academy and
in a special 10-week course at the Timoshenko Chemi-
cal Defense Academy. Junior- and middle-grade com-
bat arms officers of all services are trained at the
Chemical Defense Academy in a five-year course that
covers those subjects necessary for the employment of
chemical weapons
provided in Annex C.
Chemical Troop Training
51. The Engineering Faculty of the Red Banner
Military Academy of Chemical Defense, imeni Mar-
shal of the Soviet Union S. K. Timoshenko, in Moscow,
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55. Although the procedures used at unit level for
firing guns, dropping bombs, or launching missiles for
the delivery of chemical ordnance are virtually identi-
cal to the delivery of conventional ordnance, some
evidence indicates that artillery units in the 8th
Guards Army, GSFG, were required to perform chem-
ical fire missions as part of their end-of-cycle qualifi-
cations in 1979. These qualifications are the culmina-
tion of the semiannual training cycle and test of the
unit's ability to perform all its tasks. Other evidence
indicates that a multiple rocket launcher (MRL) unit
of the 20th Guards Army, GSFG, was actually con-
ducting chemical fire-mission training during the por-
tion of its semiannual training when it had previously
been reported as conducting chemical protective train-
Furthermore, the offensive CW training is authorized
and administered by front-, army-, and division-level
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58. By the 1950s, the 7th Main Directorate of the
Soviet Ministry of Defense had the responsibility for
the BW program and established military microbiolog-
ical research institutes near Sverdlovsk and Zagorsk.
During the 1960s, industrial-scale production plants
and storage facilities, called special storage areas or
SSA were added to these institutes, giving them the
ability to function as BW production plants. Also
62. The adverse effects of a BW attack may be
lessened by physical protection, by prior immuniza-
tion to prevent a specific illness or lessen the severity
of the disease, and by treatment with antibiotics or
other therapeutics. The Soviet Union has continued to
develop new vaccines, with more recent interest di-
rected toward the exotic viruses, genetically engi-
neered vaccines, and continued improvement of arbo-
viruses vaccines. Among these are anthrax, smallpox,
plague, cholera, tularemia, tickborne encephalitis, yel-
low fever, and typhoid vaccines, and staphylococcal
and botulinum antitoxins.
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63. The NSWP countries frequently collaborate on
basic research and production of immunopreparations
through the USSR Ministry of Health. The Soviets use
inhalation and intranasal (aerosol) immunization meth-
odologies to increase immunity for already vaccinated
personnel. During the last five years, various Soviet
prophylactic inhalation experiments have been con-
ducted on humans against many diseases such as
typhoid and paratyphoid, botulism, gas gangrene,
plague, anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, ornithosis, in-
fluenza, and tuberculosis. Over 10,000 people report-
edly have been vaccinated using single and combined
vaccine preparations. The effectiveness of these meth-
ods for primary vaccinations has not been demonstrat-
ed. At present in the Soviet Union, three types of
vaccines are known and widely used against infectious
diseases: (1) vaccines from live attenuated or noninfec-
tious agents, called live vaccines; (2) vaccines that are
suspensions of nonliving, pathogenic organisms, virus-
es, or rickettsiae, generally called dead vaccines, or
inactivated vaccines; and (3) vaccines composed of
antigens extracted from live organisms, called chemi-
cal vaccines.
64. The Chemical Troops and the Medical Service
assets of all the services are jointly responsible for
detecting and identifying types of biological contami-
nation, determining the extent of contamination and
establishing procedures for the protection of personnel
from the effects of biological agents. Medical Service
personnel are responsible for monitoring epidemics of
various types
65. Some level of protection from biological weap-
ons effects on personnel is provided by the various
individual and collective protection systems developed
for protection against chemical agents.
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cording to doctrinal requirements, protective masks
and clothing are to be used for biological warfare,
which indicates that they provide a degree of protec-
ets generally consider infectious BW agents to be a
weapon for use against selected targets, usually deep in
the enemy's rear area. This indicates they may not
foresee the use of infectious agents against enemy
forces on the tactical battlefield. Alternatively, be-
cause of the lack of field detectors and the rapid onset
of symptoms, toxin agents and possibly new biotechno-
logically derived compounds may represent tactical
battlefield agents
Training for Military Operations
67. Pact CBR protective training encompasses a
variety of actions taken to protect personnel from the
effects of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
Many exercises portray specific scenarios involving
nuclear or chemical contamination that results from
the use of weapons of mass destruction. Other exer-
cises, however, do not identify a specific type of
contamination. Exercise activity in the mid-to-late
1970s portrayed Soviet units encountering a biological
hazard and undergoing BW protective measures to
restore combat capabilities following exposure to al-
leged NATO use of BW agent. General CBR protec-
tive training is considered by the Soviets to include
protective measures against the effects of BW. We
have no example of exercises that depict the offensive
use of BW by the Soviets.
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68. In the early 1970s the Soviets embarked on a
multifaceted research and development program de-
signed to overcome a perceived significant US lead in
chemical and biological warfare. They allocated al-
most $2 billion to this program to concentrate on
emerging areas of science in search of significant
breakthroughs that could result in a new generation of
biological and chemical weapons to be fielded in the
1985-95 time frame. The program was also to improve
the storage, effectiveness, deliverability, and safe han-
dling of existing and emerging agents.
70. The Soviet CBW RDT&E Program is directed
from the Council of Ministers. Responsibility for pro-
gram direction is focused in the Ministry of Defense
(MOD) with continuous oversight by the Scientific and
Technical Council for Biological and Chemical War-
fare. The military is involved at various civilian and
military institutes in directing and conducting the
actual research and development. The MOD tasks
military institutes and laboratories directly, and con-
tracts for studies in civilian institutes. Biomedical
scientists from the military are assigned throughout
the complex of either military or civilian research
facilities with BW interest. Although the conventional
Soviet BW program is reported to have been initiated
in the 1930s in response to perceived external threats,
it has always included emphasis on offensive weapons.
The program also directs research on protective prod-
ucts such as detection systems and immunizations.
71. Responsibility for development and acquisition
of offensive and protective CW systems and equip-
ment is delegated to the Scientific Research Chemistry
a Hetero-organic compounds contain a bond between carbon and
a nontypically organic element such as silicon. Candidate agents are
bicyclic phosphates, silatranes, and fentanyl derivatives. (u)
Institute (NIKhI), subordinate to the Directorate for
Chemical Troops (UKhV) of the Ministry of Defense.
NIKhI was located in Moscow until the late 1960s,
then moved Central Chemical Proving Ground ito the at Shikhany This institute is responsible for
the acquisition, testing, and weapon integration of all
CW equipment and materials, including chemical
products used as chemical agents. Research on toxicity,
CW application capabilities, and testing of toxic chem-
ical products is performed at NIKhI. Work not within
the institute's capabilities is contracted to appropriate
organizations of the Academies of Science (basic and
theoretical research) or to organizations of the chemi-
cal industry (applied research, development, and pro-
duction) (RD&P). NIKhI departments
that have the responsibility for the entire CW R&D
program, including flame, obscurants, and smoke. We
believe that portions of the test range are controlled
and operated by the various departments within
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Biotechnologically Derived Agents
75. Soviet research institutes believed to be engaged
in the development of biotechnologically derived BW
agents are the All Union Scientific Research Institute
of Molecular Biology (IMB Kol'tsovo) and the All
Union Scientific Research Institute for A lied Micro-
biolo IAM Ser ukhov .
Both institutes have large research, produc-
tion, and storage facilities and each could have a work
force of 5,000 personnel when completed. Although
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LJ/\ I
77. We believe that the Soviet new CBW agent
program has progressed from the basic research and
development phase into preliminary aspects of pro-
duction, testing, and weaponization. We believe fur-
ther that the first set of new agents are now progress-
ing under joint auspices of the Chemical and
Microbiological Industries. We believe testing may be
under way at Shikhany, and associate some of the
at Shikhany with the new agent
we a ieve that Soviet mi itary plan-
ners in the early 1970s decided to shift the emphasis of
their CBW programs toward biotechnologically de-
rived agents. This shift was gradual in order to
accommodate the RDT&E time required for this
agent development program.
79. We believe that the future Soviet military
threat from infectious agents will come from naturally
occurring organisms that have been genetically altered
to enhance weaponization potential. Technological
advances in the 1970s and 1980s have significantly
reduced the difficulty of producing effective biologi-
cal weapons and have allowed the optimization of
agents for effectiveness by deliberate genetic manipu-
lation, a much more certain process than selection of
natural agents that marked the period from 1940 to
1960. The Soviets report extensive research on micro-
biological agents, including pathogenic bacteria, rick-
ettsia, and viruses, which have potential application
for BW weaponization. The Soviets have the capabili-
ty to use some toxins at present, and we believe that
additional toxins are being developed for offensive
purposes. Toxins will not replace existing CBW weap-
ons, but are part of a spectrum of threat agents. We
believe that the Soviets are conducting research to
expand their capability to conduct CBW operations
employing toxins, and we believe that the composition
and magnitude of the toxin threat will change in the
future as research and development continues. The
diversity of potential agents and the fluidity of the
threat may require development of generic, rather
than agent-specific, countermeasures. Evidence sup-
ports the US charge that the Soviets supplied the
Vietnamese with the toxin agents used in Laos and
Cambodia. Vegetation samples from the early 1980s
attack sites and biomedical samples (blood, urine,
and/or tissue) have shown the presence of unusually
high concentrations of trichothecene mycotoxins.F
Western Technology
80. Acquisition of Western technology has been
central to the rapid progress of biotechnology develop-
ment in the USSR. In the last decade the United States
has been increasingly supplanted by other Western
nations as the principal supplier of research equip-
ment and materials. Curtailment of technology trans-
fer from the United States might slightly slow research
progress, but would not prove a serious impediment.
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83. Improvements in the accuracy and reliability of
current and future Soviet weapon systems would
further enhance their capability to deliver chemical
84. The Soviet's well-supported R&D program for
protective measures has potential for significant break-
throughs. The rapid advances in the fields of genetic
engineering and biotechnology will have considerable
impact on the development of medical protection
against agents of biological origin, including antidotes
and prophylactics. Recent emphasis in Soviet personal
protection research has been directed to the develop-
ment of oxygen generating devices. The Soviets are
currently testing the duration of these devices to
increase the range of oxygen generation from its
current limit of 45 minutes to two hours. Also, the
Soviets are conducting research in filtration techniques
and methods that could provide an innovative form of
CBW protection against specific agents. Extensive
research is being conducted in the area of chemically
active protective methods such as Petryanov fibers, ion
exchange, and catalytic filtration for removal of both
vapors and aerosols. Future mask and collective pro-
tection filters may be smaller and more efficient, and
modifications of the polymers used in the Petryanov
filters are being researched to improve their thermal
resistance and mechanical integrity. Impermeable im-
pregnated types of protective clothing remain the
mainstays of the Pact countries. This clothing is avail-
able in a large variety of overgarments, boots, and
gloves and is designed for diverse uses. Although
impermeable clothing cannot be worn for extended
periods in warm weather due to heat stress,
he Warsaw Pact is
attempting to develop lighter weight overgarments.
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CW Agents
1. Chemical agents are nonliving toxic substances
produced through industrial processes. The initial
chemical agents were industrial gases, such as chlorine,
phosgene, and various irritants and toxics. In the latter
part of World War I, mustard was used, and presented
for the first time both contact and vapor hazards.
Traditional chemical agents remained practically un-
changed until the development of nerve agents in the
1940s. Nerve agents act rapidly because of their
primary action on the nervous system and present both
a vapor and a contact hazard. During this same era,
cyanogen chloride and phosgene oxime were devel-
oped to improve blood and blister agent capability.
The latter agent has a rapid decomposition rate. The
most recently developed of the agents are the halluci-
nogenic compounds (BZ and LSD derivatives) and the
antiplant agents (herbicides).
Common riot
control agents, which are use wor wide by police
forces, are not considered to be chemical agents. These
agents can be developed, produced, and used in a
manner whose origins would be virtually impossible to
BW Agents
2. Biological agents are defined as living organisms
that produce their effects by reproduction in their
environment. Biological agents cause illness except
when used in the antimateriel role, where the effect is
deterioration. Since ancient times military leaders
have been concerned with the impact of natural
disease on operations. In early programs, biological
agents were isolated from the natural environment
and grown in an industrial setting. An early specializa-
tion in BW exploited active products of living organ-
isms. Some micro-organisms, like some of the higher
plants and animals, produce nonliving substances that
affect living organisms (sometimes lethally). These
products of living organisms are called either toxins,
or, simply, metabolic byproducts.
3. Toxins are produced, extracted, and concentrat-
ed from large quantities of living materials, or, as with
exotoxins, extracted from the medium in which these
organisms are grown. Toxins or venoms not normally
found in humans can be derived from other organisms
such as bacteria, fungi, plants, and some animals,
including their altered or synthesized forms.
New Agents
4. Current advances in science, particularly bio-
technology, increase significantly the number and
variety of potential CBW agents while making large-
scale production of the different agents more feasible.
The theoretical) ossible new agents are in four
infectious agents that are naturally occurring but ave
been modified to enhance their militarily favorable
characteristics; (3) naturally occurring compounds,
their active fragments, or similar compounds that
affect the normal physiology of the attacked organism
in a predictable manner; and (4) toxin agents that are
nonliving chemical substances of biological origin, or
synthetic analogs or derivatives, which, in sufficient
concentration, can adversely affect a living organism.
Toxins or venoms not normally found in humans can
be derived from other organisms such as bacteria,
fungi, plants, and some animals, including their al-
tered or synthesized forms.
CBW Applications
5. Chemical and biological agents and weapons
demonstrate versatility and may be used against a
wide variety of strategic, operational, and tactical
objectives. Their use depends on the target as well as
the characteristics of the agent to be employed. Biolog-
ical agents may be employed against economic targets
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or populations either prior to military action or inde-
pendent of military action.
Antihuman CBW Applications
6. Humans are especially vulnerable to attack by
chemical and biological agents, and a wide variety of
CBW agents and weapons have been developed. CBW
agents can cause effects ranging from death to var in
degrees of physical and mental incapacitation.
Persistent Versus Nonpersistent
10. Persistent and nonpersistent are subjective
terms used to describe the duration of military effec-
tiveness of the chemical or biological agent. Duration
is generally dependent upon physical and chemical
properties of the agent, weather, method of dissemina-
tion, and terrain conditions. Generally a persistent
agent remains effective for a relatively long time
(hours to months) while a nonpersistent agent is effec-
tive for only a short time (minutes to hours). -
Antianimal CBW Applications
7. Animals are also vulnerable to CBW attacks.
Various animal disease organisms can be employed as
BW agents that cause death, incapacitation, or failure
to grow and thrive. Chemical agents such as mustard
and the nerve agents affect animals in the same
manner as they affect humans.
Anticrop CBW Applications
8. There are both chemical and biological antiplant
agents. The primary CW agents are defoliants and
herbicides that kill or inhibit the growth of plants and
render the soil unsuitable for plants for a variable
period of time. The primary antiplant BW agents are
living organisms that cause disease only in certain
kinds of plants. The objective of an antiplant attack is
a nation's economy and its ability to wage war through
its food supplies. Defoliants, herbicides, and some
biologically based growth regulators that are widely
used in agricultural, forestry, and weed-control activi-
ties by all developed nations are not considered as
anticrop agents. US policy defines only those agents
that have been purposely designed or enhanced to
attack a nation's economy through its food supplies as
anticrop agents
Antimateriel CBW Applications
9. Various chemical and biological agents could be
used against materiel, including fuel supplies. Chemi-
cal agents could directly attack the structural integrity
of various materials. Corrosive materials can degrade
electrical components, rubber, and perhaps even some
metals. The objective of antimateriel attacks is degra-
dation of the materiel with which the enemy conducts
war. Communication equipment, vehicles, and air-
craft theoretically could be rendered inoperative or
hazardous to their operators because of the use of
chemical weapons or decontaminants.
11. CBW protection includes detection, protection,
and recovery from the effects of the use of chemical,
toxin, or biological weapons. Detection involves deter-
mining that a CBW attack has occurred, and using
CBR reconnaissance means to predict/plot the spread
of contamination and its effect on the operations of
your forces. Protection includes both individual and
collective protection against the effects of CBW agents
in order to enable personnel to operate in a contami-
nated environment. Recovery includes the deconta-
mination/disinfection of personnel, equipment, and
terrain that has been contaminated in order to allow
operations unencumbered by protective equipment. In
order for CBW defense to be effective, units and
individuals must be thoroughly trained and properly
Genetic Engineering
12. Capability to modify the genetic characteristics
of cells or organisms at the molecular level.
Recombinant DNA/Genetics
13. A specialized area of genetic engineering in
which new genetic material is placed into (chemically
recombined into) a host organism in order to alter that
organism's properties.
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Figure 13
BCW Threat Spectrum
r Living
I (ABOs)
organisms BRMs BRMs
engineered I PACs PACs
frenetically Native New
ABO=Agents of Biologic Origin
PAC=Physiologically Active Compounds
BRM=Biological Response Modifiers
14. Biotechnologically derived CBW agents comprise
two distinct classes or groups of agents (see figure 13):
- Infectious agents and those genetically enhanced to
increase their potential for weaponization, or or-
ganisms into which the biological elements to
produce a foreign substance have been introduced.
- Bioregulators, toxins, venoms, and their biologi-
cally active subfractions, produced through ge-
netic engineering/biotechnical means.
15. Bioregulators are compounds that are essential
for the normal psychological and physiological func-
tions of a living organism. They can cause a wide
range of harmful effects if introduced at higher-than-
normal concentrations or following genetic or chemi-
cal manipulations
Massive Use
16. We believe that the Soviets earlier (in the 1950s
and 1960s) planned for the large-scale employment of
chemical weapons, in part as substitutes for an insuffi-
cient number of nuclear weapons, and to make up for
the inaccuracy of other weapons systems. Such use
apparently envisioned massed strikes (using as many
weapons as necessary to achieve the required levels of
agent concentration) on hundreds-of targets through-
out the depth and breadth of the battlefield and into
the operational depth of the enemy. While chemical
weapons were not necessarily the best munitions to use
against many of the targets, apparently they were
believed to be the best weapons available at the time.
We do not know how close the Soviets came to being
able to accomplish such large-scale use of CW.
Selective Use
17. We believe that, with the increase in the quan-
tity of battlefield nuclear weapons and the improved
accuracy, range, and lethality of conventional weap-
ons, the Soviets have adopted the concept of selective
use (vyborochnoye primeneniye) of chemical weapons,
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though we do not know how the Soviets define this in
relation to CW. For the purposes of this NIE, selective
use refers to employment of CW on a smaller scale
and against more carefully selected targets, in conjunc-
tion with other means of destruction, to achieve the
desired casualty or contamination results. Chemical
strikes on the selected targets will still employ the
massed application of agent to achieve the levels of
concentration required in Soviet norms.
Warm-Base Production Capability
18. In a warm-base production capability mode, the
production plant is not actually producing agent. The
production equipment, however, is being constantly
maintained. Active periodic equipment surveillance is
performed, which may include running pumps, turn-
ing valves, and purging pipes of condensation. Equip-
ment repairs are performed as needed.
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In terms of tactical purpose, the Soviets divide toxic
agents into groups according to the nature of their
action: lethal, incapacitants, irritants, and training. In
terms of physiological action on the organism, the
Soviets make the following distinctions:
(a) Neuroparalytic action: GA (tabun), GB (sarin),
GD (soman), and VX.
(b) Skin-blistering: H (commercial sulfur mustard), HD
(distilled mustard), HT and HQ (mustard formulas),
HN (nitrogen mustard), and L (Lewisite).
(c) General toxic action: AC (prussic acid), CK
(cyanogen chloride).
(d) Suffocating: CG (phosgene).
(e) Psychochemical: BZ.
(f) Irritants: CN (chloracetophenone), DM (adam-
site), CS, and CR.
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1. The current Soviet standard-issue mask (ShLEM)
effectively protects against known CBW agents. A new
mask is replacing this mask and provides increased
protection. Special versions have been made for com-
munication, for accommodation of eye lenses, and for
casualties with head wounds. Efforts to improve the
mask are continuing, and reports persist that a secret
gas mask exists to be issued only in wartime that may
have a changeable, cheek-mounted filter.
Protective Clothing
2. Soviet individual protective clothing is effective
in providing protection against chemical agents in
vapor, aerosol, and liquid form. The protection re-
quires wearing an ensemble of chemically impregnat-
ed underclothing, impermeable overgarments, bus-
kins, and gloves, in addition to the mask. The Soviets
are aware of the limitations of their impermeable
clothing. It causes heat stress and reduces mobility and
dexterity, as well as combat activity
3. The Soviets are conducting research in semiper-
meable films, ionexchange fibers, and activated car-
bon fiber technology associated with individual pro-
tective clothing. They also continuously monitor
similar research in non-Communist countries but have
not found a film or fiber material that is better than
butyl rubber to repel agents disseminated in liquid or
solid form.
4. Partial individual decontamination is conducted
on an emergency basis to allow the soldier to continue
to fight and use his equipment. Complete decontami-
nation is conducted by specialized units of the Chemi-
cal Troops when residual levels exceed minimal levels.
5. Personal decontamination kits are available to be
issued to all soldiers. The unit supply includes collec-
tive protection kits for individual vehicles or shelters.
Chemical defense units are issued larger pieces of
equipment, which are designed for complete decon-
6. The Warsaw Pact has a wide variety and large
amount of decontamination equipment, which it con-
tinually upgrades and improves. The Pact emphasizes
speed of decontamination, accepting partial decon-
tamination, because they recognize that complete
decontamination is virtually impossible to achieve and
is seldom necessary. Weathering for short periods is
often sufficient to reduce contamination to acceptable
levels. Overzealous decontamination may make an
item unusable, because most decontaminants are ex-
tremely corrosive.
7. Future efforts appear to be directed toward
contamination avoidance. This can be accomplished
through agent-resistant coatings and improved detec-
tion capabilities. Some of the new agents may not be
susceptible to decontamination by the available stan-
dard chlorine-based compounds. Even if new agents
require new decontaminants, the equipment needed
to apply the decontaminants probably would not
assembly. The kits may also be installed in buildings. 25X1
Projected changes in protection systems include con-
tinued development of filters that absorb more toxic
gases per unit of activated charcoal and providing new
8. The Soviets emphasize overpressure systems that
have a centrifugal dust filter to remove particulates
that might contaminate. The overpressure collective
protection system also has a charcoal-based particulate
and vapor filter. These are installed in almost all
armored vehicles, artillery and missile system vehicles,
combat support vans, and in civil defense shelters. For
battlefield underground shelters, the Soviets have kits
that consist of a filter system and an airtight door
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materials to resist new agents, prolonging operating
life and reducing deterioration while in use.
more uniform distribution of nozzles, greater portions
of the superstructure covered by the resulting water
barrier, and internal routing of water washdown sup-
Air Forces
9. CBR collective protection shelters are located at
most operating Air Force bases. The older shelters
were designed for eight to 30 people and are dispersed
around the airfield work areas. Bases having under-
ground command posts, alternate command posts,
underground base operations centers, and flight crew
centers with CBR filtration and hardening have also
been identified. The newest shelters have airlocks.F_
Naval Forces
10. Most current Soviet naval surface combatants
are provided with CBR protective citadels. The Soviets
protect all manned spaces, and especially the bridge,
fire control tower, major battle stations and magazines,
communications spaces, central engine room control
compartments, as well as medical stations. These
protective citadels are provided with an overpressure
system of filtered air that is generated by dedicated
ventilation systems, or, in some cases, by the normal
ventilation flow redirected through filters capable of
removing toxic chemicals, radioactive particulates, or
biological organisms. Additionally, the Soviets have
incorporated rapid closing, remotely controlled, exter-
nal. hull fittings to protect many of their ships from
CBR contamination
.11. Soviet surface combatants have extensive, well-
designed water washdown systems for the protection
of ship surfaces from CBR contamination. In addition
to providing a seawater barrier to isolate the super-
structure and deck from CBR agents, this system
would also be used to assist in the decontamination of
those areas following a CW, BW, or fallout attack.
Improvements in seawater washdown systems include
ply piping.
Casualty Handling
12. Soviet medical tactics at lower echelons include
minimal first aid and stabilization procedures and the
assembly of wounded at collection points. Casualty
decontamination is performed at regimental and divi-
sion levels. According to Soviet doctrine, contaminated
casualties enter a separate treatment and evacuation
chain. Equipment and nonmedical personnel are as-
signed to the regiment level to provide "partial"
personnel decontamination. Disinfection and decon-
tamination platoons are organic to division level, and
the decontamination capabilities of this level are
described as "complete." A larger and more special-
ized medical staff operates in a clean area at the
division level but maintains the primary function of
receiving and sorting casualties. Only casualties who
are expected to return to duty in 10 to 12 days remain
at the division level, and those who require a longer
period of convalescence are moved to specialized
mobile field hospitals at Army level. Definitive care
for casualties expected to recover within 30 days is
provided at Army-level medical support elements.
Others requiring longer treatment are evacuated to
front level or higher.
13. There is little evidence that the Soviets provide
for decontamination of large numbers of nonambula-
tory casualties or those with combined wounds. It is
possible that Soviet policy is to categorize these casual-
ties at regiment and division level. Such a policy,
coupled with the well-defined provision for isolation
of contaminated casualties, would substantially reduce
the liability on the Soviet medical support system.
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