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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020031-9
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020031-9
Basinger Sees Oil Crisis
Periling Western Society
He Tells Visitors That Failure to Solve
Economic Problems Could Break Up
Political Fabric of Democracies
SPeolal to The New York Times
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26- While not confirming that
Secretary of State Kissinger, Mr. Kissinger had expressed
has told associates and foreign that concern to Mr. Rabin, sev-
visitors in recent weeks that he' oral officials familiar with Mr.
is gravely concerned that fail-
tire to solve the world's cco-
nornic problems could lead to a
break-up of the political fabric
Kissinger's views said that they
had heard similar remarks rom
the Secretary about the 'ono
range implications of the oil-
of the West, and possible Com-1 ptlce crisis.
imunist take - overs in some "Yon have to look upon him
111 LILJ l.a Jt --
Thi; gloomy assessment of the official said. "lie grew up in1
utes ,.,..... _-_. yyhell Italy
situation, Whill,, Ill. ?al
largely to the spiraling costs oft economic depressions can lead! fore, work out co-
oil, was a major factor in the to acceptance of authoritarian' operative arrangements," Mr.
decision by President Ford and ,egimes, and he fears that this) Kissinger said, "it: is not some-
could happen in the West if' thing that they do for Italy;
Mr. Kissinger to make their; something is not done to solve it is something the, y do for
strong, rpecches on Monday' the pr :blcm."
themselves and for 01., strnc
calling for reduced oil prices) Mr
Kissinger is expected to Lure of the modern world."
and cooperation by producers repeat this concern at Camp one official said that in his
themselves and to persuane the
producers that only through
coperation can the world sur-
and consuls -rs to avoid word David on Saturday when he and speech Monday Mr. Kissinger
economic disaster,' State De-! deliberately alluded to the polite
partmcnt officials said today. ' A related article appears ical crisis he sees the West?fac-
Kissinger-and! with the financial news on ing when he said:
Although Mr. -Pa ,e 75. "The economic history of the
Mr. Ford-focused on the eco-1I g !postwar period has been one of.
nomic aspects of the problem,! Treasury Secretary Williaii E_ sustained growth-for develop-
Key State Department officialsi Simon meet with Foreign and, ing as well as developed na-
said that Mr. Kissinger was-very Finance Ministers from Japan, tions. The universal expecta-
worried about the long - term -Britain, West Germany and, tion of out peoples, the founda-.
political dimensions of the ,France to discuss the.economicj tion of our political institutions,
crisis, aides said. -- and the assumption underlying
problem, and had told this to 1 crisis, Rabin's allusion to Italy the evolving structure of oeace~
many people privately.' as especially prone to Com- are all based on the belief that'
One visitor with whom Mr. 'munist take-over, was con- this growth will continue.
Kissinger spent many hours re- firmed by officials here as a, "But will it? The increasingly
cently was Premier Yitzhak particular Kissinger concern. i open and cooperative global
Rabin of Israel. In an interview) Italy, with a critical balance-,, economic system that we have
printed yesterday i^ the Tel' of-payments problem, has the, come to take for granted is
(largest Communist party in the. now under unprecedented at-
Aviv newspaper Maariv, Mr.l (West. tack. The world is poised on
Rabin said: 1 1 Last month, the dominant ; the brink of a return to the
"The increasing cost of oil is Christian Democratic party. unrestrained economic national-
prompting a significant number rejected an offer by the Com-,ism which accompanied the
of the Americans I met during munists to join the coalition collapse of economic order in
Government, an ofer backed by the thirties. And shotR'd that
my visit to consider the price of !many Christian Democrats. occur, all would suffer - poor
oil as the main reason for a Mr. Kissinger was also' as well as rich, producer as
possible collapse of the demo- !reported to have expressed well as consumer."
critic regimes in. Western Eu concern about Italy's "going One aide said that Mr. Kis-
rope, which would make the Communist" when he met with singer not only feared for the
European countries ripe for Congressional leaders last week
to discuss the activities of the
Cormunist doiilirrition. Ameri- Central Intelligence Agency. - -
can personalities pointed of,,t to 1 At that meeting, he report-
me in many talks the serious .redly defended the need for co-
danger of Communist domina- vert activity by asserting, that
tion in Italy, and -perhaps -in despite criticism of the G.LA.,
other European countries." if Italy went Communist, there
,would be criticism that the
United States had not done; political democracies in the
enough to save her. !west - including the United
President Giovanni Leone of'-States - if the economic
Italy arrived in Washington yes-;crisis went.' unchecked, but for
terday and continued talks to-!those in the developing world,
?clay , with Mr. Ford and Mr.~ such as India.
Kissinger on energy, economic; What concerns Mr. Kissinger,
and security problems. !aides said, is that. other roun-
In a toast yesterday, Mr. (tries do not see the problem
'Kissinger said that in recent:sions. He believes that. the oil
!months, "as the result of cir-!producers must be shown the
cumstances outside tho'control need to keep. the economic
of Italy," the country . "faces order viable, and. the oil con:
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020031-9
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020031-9
ts he'
U.S. A assado r to Chile
Sneclat to The ';:w York Timei
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26--' about Mr. popper's attempt to)
Secretary of State Kissinger; link proposals for additional l
rebuked David H. Popper, the military aid to Chile, to -the'
United States Ambassador to' human rights issue.
Chile, after Mr. Popper had Question of Behavior {
discussed torture and other) "It was more a question ofI
human sights issues during a
m eeting on military aid with) how
have," another Ambassadors are official to be-
Chilean officials, Administra I "We can't have an Ambassa-
tion sources said today. ! dor going into a meeting with
Mr. Kissinger's action hasi, the Defense Minister for one
provoked a bitter dispute i
, ,,c
in ? et in -~
ene Mate ueparrment, some oil Mr. Kissinger had privately,'
whom say that his rebuke was' f
at urged
at demonstration of the Admin- f
least three occasions Popper on
6i the ;
istration's unwi11ingress to
press fully the human rights
--issue with t! a junta now ?rul-
ing Chile.
Sources close to Mr Kis-
singer insist, however, tint however, chat;?acterized the
the Secretary's complaint was, State Department's explanation,
based only on his objec;:iai tol as misleading.
Mr. Popper's efforts to link! "That's the -name of the,
unrelated issues such as li+.tman; game," one Administration of-
riglits and military aid in. lu ficial said. "You tell these guys
level diplomatic talks. that if they went something
! like more arms, they've got to
Kissinger Anger Reporteu behave,"
In recounting the. incident,) "It's not only perfectlk, ap-I
the sources Said that Mr. Kiss-!. pr opriate to raise the issue dur
inger reacted angrily aftc, liav inn meetings about other mat-'
ing learned from a Stcite' tors." the official added, "but-
Department cablegram that Mr. the legislation requires-that you'
Popper had initiated a clircue-. must. keep the human rights;
sion of human rights during a- issue right up in the junta's;
Meeting on military aid in face, particularly when you're;
Santiago last July 22 with talking about aid matters."
Oscar Bonilla, the Chilean N1111- The official was referring tot
ister of Defense. Also present amendments in the 1973 for
at the meeting was Secretary; cign aid bill that ca!lest on the
of the Army Howard H. Calla- Nixon Administration' to re
way, then visiting Chile. quest: that the Chilean Govern
"Tell Popper to cut out the ment "protect the human rights
political science lectures," the of all individuals." The amend-'
sources said Mr. Kissino.ier mcnt also linked the granting
scrawled over the cable, R. step. of aid money to Chilean guar-
that led to a fori'nally drafted
antees of safe conduct for refu-'
State Department letter of com gees and the humane treatment!
plaint to Mr. Popper, a career;
of political prisoners.
diplomat. , The military Junta that over-t
The Ambassador and others, threw President Salvador Al-I
the United States mission in lende Gossens in a bloody coup!
Santiago were "amazed" and; Last year ha been criticized
angered by the Kissinger re-; ~
buke, the sources said, as were as making r,:,;
are not quite sure Her distrust stems from such
what's going to forge links cased on euuality~factors as United States sup-
News happen next. OnlThis word-it is especially pop-Iport of Pakistan during the
Analysis the one viand ula.r with the American Embas-11971 war that resulted in the
Prime Minister In-sy too-means the'end of thelforrnation of Bangladesh, for-
dira Gandhi has donor-recipient relationship of merly Last Pakistan; lingering
condemned the United States the ninceen-fifties and sixties, a1resentment over American aid,
and hinted darkly that thcirelatic.tship that brought a which Indians view as humiliat-
Central Intelligence Agency;ilood of ;Americans and nearlying; the feeling tyhat the Amer-
has been intent on subvcrtingl$10-billion in assistance. icans turn hot and cold on In-
India. on Oil the other hand the oil the other side 'of the con-dia: enduring, deep-seated anti-.
flirt is a powerful ant' Ameri-Ipattry to United States capita-
Foreign Minister, Swaran Singh,+can group that is genuinelytlism among the' British-trained
had a substantive 55-minute; convinced that ? the United Socialists who are Mrs. Gand-
talk with President Ford, theiStates seeks to dominate India hi's contemporaries; perhaps
other elan: it was the first time and that intelligence and mili- most importanx, Mrs. Gandhi's
in i'lorc than three vcars that)tary operatives are wand 'ing apparently genuine conviction
an Indian Cabinet o''ficer had around the country. One of that the C.I.A. is indulging in
coil conferred at the White house. Mrs. Gandhi's highest science nefarious activities here.
Siru ray, the Congress par- adviser; insisted recently that, MORE MORE
r r ~---- - -- - - .
ty, which has dominated Lldialdespite Indian Govcrnn.ent. de- What she fears remains un-
sine her independence 27 nials, the United States Army clear. She has not said that the
y,ar?c a? o, has denounced Sec-had s(.cretly supported barter- i.itelagence agency wants to,
retai, of State Kissinger andologicai-warfare evperienrents overthrow her Government, bu.t1l
the over the agency's here involving mi ?i'tri'g birds. she has vaguely indi-aced that;
rnvo'vr gent in the Chilean the group seeking to spur it is a social sin vehicle for
rnriivu which ousted Dr. closer tie::, based on mutual bp- businessmen ocking tc, block
Satvtdo,Jtrode Gossens fromnefit, includes Foreign Minister socialism and radical
the p eidency. The party has Singh, the staff of the Indian Her disquiet was underscored
said tha i. ' some foreign powers Erl'? Y in WAShine;ton and ill a leaked cahlegra;.. sear t byl
may think this is a poteptial some of ivlrg. Gandhi's ctusest'Umted States ambassador, ,)a-
place for another experilrient advisers. Those opposing such niel P. Moynihan, who said ti,at
as in Chile." ties include several key figures her "worst Stzspicior.s and en-
Yet Mr, Kissinger, who is to in the Con;;ress party and the uine fears" had been confirreed
- tt o~
Indian - American relations ters. A Socialist magazire.'_`hr TWIt t,I
"have' improved dramatically While the Foreign Ministry is safer this week: "India is not
and we expect a rapid and sub- pressing for, improved relations Chile; nor is Mrs; o.i 3;,t91ii aria
stantial improvement in our and preparing for Mr. Kissin- Allende. The country is too big
Ivery good relations." ger's visit, Mrs. Gandhi seemes and too stable, in spite of it?i
Admission of failure to be siding with the hostile divisions on Cie surface. And
group. Her view was most its leader has not vet forgot
If all of this was not confus- evident recently when she told ten the art of retreat from
irig enough, Indian officials in thousands of South Indians in the precipice in a matchless re-
Washington have failed to re- Madras: "When the Chilean volutionary style, if you will.
spond to the Ford Administra- President was killed I spoke of We want this kept in mind not
tion's readiness to assist India the outside hand and it was ri- only by Mr. Moynihan and Mrs.
in coping with her food emer- diculed. More and more facts Gandhi but by those who claim
genet'. Several weeks ago India are coming out." to see another convincing piece
made it quietly known that) "Whenever a country wants of evidence of the United States
food was needed. Now, with the Ito change its existing structure, of America's unprecedented
United States caster to help, then powerful forces inside and, out- wickedness."
Indians have backed off, partly side excit power and money to
hecause Mrs. Gandhi has a thwart that attempt," she ad-
strong aversion to American I ded. "Some 'affluent countrie's
food aid at bargain prices. I find it difficult to reconcile
Such purchases would be an themselves to the idea that we
admission that India's efforts, can raise our head. This was
toward self-reliance had failed!clear at the time of Bangladesh
and would offend the powerfulland again at the' time of the
left wing, which seems more in-(peaceful nuclear explosion."
tent on maintaining ideology) The Prime Minist c's corn-
than on feeding the millions ofjments were deeply felt since
hungry people in a wide belt of her audience -mostly rural
northern India. folk-seemed to have little clue
On one side in the conflict auto what she was talking about.
the highest levels of the;It is a measure of the state of 0066)
Government is a broad group of;relations that most newspapers'
officials who, bent upon im-iignored the anti-American re-
proving ties with she United marks since she had made them
States, are worried about lean-Iso often.
ing ton far toward the Soviet The unavoidable question,
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09T00207R001000020031-9
T U " ~, I
OT I 11"'t . ' "if lr !!T D
)F=ord and Congress ,Leaders
Agree ttli Move to Reduce
Chances to Halt Funds
By 1.ES1,IE 11. GELB,
:?,,; a: to 't::ex'ea Yo k Tins
WASPINGTON, Sept. 26---The
Democrat's and Republican
---1ea.dcl' i of Congress met today
with President Ford and Secre-
tary 'of state Kissinger and
agreed to : upper t a weaker cer-
siOn of 1 gislation to suspend
military aid to Turkey than the
House soled Tuesdlay.
,~%ccoed'.; g to the. Senate IrTa-
jority i..e: ler, Mike Mansfieid,i
and the House Republican lead-
er, John Rhpcies, the leaders
ag: eed to back a pr that
,aid be suspenaed unless the
President certifies that Turkey
"is making good-failil efforts"
to reach a settlement on Cy-1
This wrording is considerably
softer than that of the amend-
ment voted by tine House,
307 to 00, calling for a cut-
off in military aid to Turkey
until "substantial progress" is
achieved toward a military set-,
tlgment on Cyprus. The amend-I
ment was attached, over the
protests of the House leader-
ship, to a. measure that would
continuc funds at current levels
for Federal departments and
programs whose annul ap.-
propriations bills have not yeto
been passed.
The proposal that th- Con-
gressional leaders backed today
is also weaker than the non-
binding resolution on halting
aid to Turkey that was proposed
Continued on Page 12, Column 3
Continued From Page 1, Col. 4
fly Senator Thomas F. Eagleton,
Democrat of Missouri, and;
adopted by the Serrate lastl-
Turkey under the weaker legis-!
]ationrdiscussed today. all they
president woiild~ have to do is(
to continue to tell Congress-
as the Administration has been)
doing-that progress is being
made in the Cyprus talks. tl
While legislative leaders)
would not predict the outcome
Administration . sources ex?
pressed the hone that the lead'.'.
ers could use their control over
the legislative. prose-,s to will
adoption of the weaker version.
The pledge of support today
by the Col:gressiot,i! lead i:;.
,Jwa.s the principal result of aI
two-hour-and-l5-rninute break-
fast meeting.-According to-re.lia
hh: sources, hit'. hissin;
briefed the leaders on
Cyprus situation and was ablei
to persuade them t;::et a cutoffi
of military aid to Tn:Pee would;
seriously impair his negotiating
As stated by the White House:
Press Secretary, Ron Nessen,l
"The Administration view is!
that passage of restrictive legis-
lation would work against the
interest of all parties, especially
Greece, because it will inhibit
negotiations to settle thei
Cyprus situation."
The softer language discussed)
at the breakfast was drafted)
,,by the State Department and
-,proposeed yesterday by th Sen?
ate Appropriations Committee. ,
According to some of hose)
present, President 1 ord an(! Mr.,
Kissinger tried to * err Jnd Sen-
lator Mansfield, Democrat of .
Montana, to defer a vote on thel
foreign-aid bill a3 recommended
male Foreign Relations .
by the:
Cor,~rettre until after'the` No-'
veembcr elections. The bill con-
tains a number of restrictions
on the president's freedom of
action in foreign affairs.
Mr. Mansfield asid in an in-;
terviev., that he still intended
to call the bill to a vote within)
the next few weeks.
Administration. otficials seic).,I
however, that they expected a i
long discussion of the bill and)
the offering of many amend-i
ments. The Administration's'
strategy is to avoid a new aid)
exto seek tension instead
of t las year's
biller if it cannot remove the
o-ed restrictions.
P101, Senate is
On Monday the ,ro-
scheduled to take up a F
posed resolution to continue,
forty r i+id spending based on
last ;ear's bill. The softer tan
guar,e on aid cutoff to Turkey
lie to be voted on Monday, too
ui the first test of strentth of
the Actministration's latest
A second' t?st of'strenEth is~
~Idcte shurtiy there;o.
ties, under the rationale that ,lane's Fighting Shins
de- riving out such details would
The Kashin-class destroyer?compre nise parts of the US. Scribes the Kashin class
was believed to he testing t:ellidcnce?i atherin r net 4fe -missile destroyers as
some new a,,caponry and ? 475 feet lour, 53 feel. wide and