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By Way of Introducing
The Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene (FILS)
The reader surely expects to find in
this issue, which is No. 1 of Vol. I of
the Foreign Intelligence Literary
Scene (FILS), some justification for its
being. Just as surely, the editor would
ba a rare one who could resist the
temptation or compulsion to say what
he is about.
The root of the matter lies in three
aspects of modern foreign
intelli- gence. First is-that transformation of
intelligence which has occurred in the
modern era, especially in the last 100
years. No longer primarily espionage,
no longer the sometime spying of gen-
erally disreputable and disowned
opportunists in the service of wily
princes, intelligence has slowly
emerged as a distinct, varied, overt,
sophisticated, and permanent field of
human and political knowledge and
activity. It has become institutional-
ized, bureaucratized, and profession-
alized. It has become a recognized
department of state-a partner, per-
haps the coequal, of diplomacy and
defense in the modern state's con-
duct of foreign affairs.
A second element of this matter-a
consequence of the transformation or
emergence of modem foreign intelli-
gence-is a corresponding transfor-
mation of the literature of intelli-
gence. No longer simply an occasion-
al purloined letter, or a highly
unreliable "I Was a Spy" story, or a
devitalized government account of its
military or naval intelligence ser-
vice-although all of these show no
sign of dying out!-the literature of
intelligence has today become a
much larger, richer, more informa-
tive, even scholarly, and certainly
more varied body of writings than one
would have envisioned a few decades
ago. While there is considerable room
for improvement, there is no end of
biographies, histories, journalistic ac-
counts, reports, studies, analyses,
laws, and government documents. So
many are they that bibliographies of
intelligence literature have begun to
appear. So also have a journal or two,
and now this newsletter.
Most pertinent is the third element.
Along with the growing distinctive-
ness of both intelligence and its litera-
ture have come those people who are
both its producers and products. They
are the practitioners, the consumers,
the beneficiaries, the critics, and-for
whatever individual reasons-the de-
votees of intelligence. Given the per-
manence and size of modern intelli-
gence establishments, this corps of
.men and women grows daily, has
become organized socially and pro-
fessionally, and actively pursues a
community of interests and values
clustering about the concept of intelli-
gence. These shared concerns, a
bond among intelligence people,
need articulation and support. This
community of interest requires a liter-
ary vehicle wherein "intelligencers"
can openly read, write, and talk about
intelligence. It is for this need that
FILS makes its appearance.
FILS will offer news and views of
books, articles, and other literary pro-
ductions substantially concerned
with intelligence. It will keep its read-
ers abreast of the activities and views
of the authors of this intelligence
literature-on their work in process,
their publications, lectures, etc. It will
pay close attention to another new
phenomenon, the teaching of intelli-
gence in colleges and universities. So
also with the research and writing
being done in the think tanks, the
public talking about intelligence that
goes on in conferences, conventions,
and symposia, and all the organiza-
tional activity aimed at spreading an
understanding of intelligence. Inevi-
tably FILS will be concerned with the
overall developments, trends, oppor-
tunities, and problems affecting the
research, writing, and publication of
(cont on p. 4)
Highlights of '81
As much the year's publishing
highlight as anything was the launch-
ing by Ballantine Books, a Random
House subsidiary, of its new "Espio-
nage/Intelligence Library"-perhaps
the one and only one of its kind, a
series of paperback reprints of gener-
ally new hardbacks. To date there
have appeared 13, among which are
Beesly's Very Special Intelligence,
Top Secret Ultra by Calvocoressi,
Hyde's Atom Bomb Spies, Myakov's
Inside the KGB-which for the pub-
lisher has the best reorder record-
Sakharov's High Treason, and an
oldie by Yardley, American Black
At least 30 more are yet to come.
According to the editor of the series,
Mr. Owen Lock of Ballantine's Del Rey
Books, new volumes are scheduled to
appear through August 1984 at the
rate of one a month. On this futures
list are such asthePenkovskyPapers,
Deriabin's and Gibney's Secret World,
Masterman's Double-Cross System in
the War of 1939 to 1945. Hilton's
Hitler's Secret War in South America
1939-1945, and Khokhlov's In the
Name of Conscience.
All these volumes have come in the
popular paperback size of 4 x 7", are
attractively covered in red and black
with a special logo, have been printed
in excess of 70,000 copies each, and
generally sell for $2.75. While not
indifferent to sales, Editor Lock, with
Syracuse University and Hunter Col-
lege and four years of intelligence ser-
vice in the Air Force Security Agency
behind him, sees this collection of
espionage books-a new five-foot
shelf, if one will-asuseful and conve-
nient outside reading for university
courses on intelligence and world
affairs. They also suggest, he thinks,
the need fora good textbook on intelli-
(cont on p. 2)
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(Ballantin Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340005-5
gence. in any Uax, u' u' --.- ,n] 1 ~'1C IVIN~HL11~1G~7
prospects attest to the growing num-
ber, variety, and popularity of such
The award for the book with the
most impact on the public, particu-
larly in Great Britain, probably should
be given to Their Trade is Treachery
by the British journalist Chapman
Pincher. Certainly no other book pro-
voked Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher to make a formal statement
in the House of Commons; and no
other book did as much as Pincher's
to rekindle what one reporter labeled
"Fleet Street's Espionage Fever." The
rekindling provided reams of copy-
of charge, countercharge, and specu-
lation-for readers of both British and
American newspapers.
In his book, serialized ir the Daily
Mail, Pincher charged that the late Sir
Roger Hollis, who headed Britain's
security service (MI5) from 1956 to
1965, had been a long-time agent of
the Soviet intelligence service-in
popular language, a "mole." On
March 26, 1981, Thatcher admitted
in a detailed public statement in Parli-
ament that Hollis had been investi-
gated as a possible Soviet spy but said
that no evidence had been found to
incriminate him. In rebuttal Pincher
and others have been calling fora full-
scale reinvestigation-a proposal so
far rejected by the government.
You will read in "Some News from
London" our reporter's assessment of
the two volumes of British Intelli-
gence in the Second World War as
possibly "the most important volumes
ever published on intelligence." The
second volume, published in 1981, is
probably the intelligence book most
widely and favorably reviewed in the
year-and deservedly so. Its publica-
tion, wrote Walter Laqueur in The New
Republic, "requires the rewriting of
several thousands" of other books.
(cont. on p. 10)
On the Ethics and Law of Intelligence:
A Jesuit Philosopher, an Attorney General,
and a General Counsel
Especially noteworthy in recent
periodical literature is a trio of articles
dealing with basic and difficult issues
of ethics and law affecting intelli-
gence operations. They come from
the typewriters of an ethician and two
First under consideration here is
the product of Fr. John P. Langan, S.J.,
a Jesuit philosopher working out of
Washington's Woodstock Center for
the study of the moral aspects of pub-
lic policy issues. Fr. Langan has really
broken new ground in his article
"Moral Damage and the Justification
of Intelligence Collection from Hu-
man Sources." (There is a title which
tells much about the contemporary
and unprecedented climate of opin-
ion within which modern intelligence
operates!) For the location and availa-
bility of this article and of that by
Daniel B. Silver ,Mentioned below, see
the note at the end of these para-
Fr. Langan takes up the charge
made by the late and ex-CIA official
Drexel Godfrey in his "Ethics and
Intelligence" in Foreign Affairs (April
1978, pp. 624-42) that "the biggest
loser" in the relationship between the
clandestine collection case officer
and his source is the former in so far
as it is his "ethical scruples (which)
are most damaged in the process."
While Godfrey assumes that "moral
damage" is suffered, Fr. Langan
argues that that is not so for the case
officer who sees himself involved, by
his own free choice, in "a morally jus-
tifiable act." Fr. Langan sees that act
as "the defense of a just political
community" through the acquisition
of vitally needed intelligence even
though that intelligence is obtained
through "the use of deception and
other actions that deviate from gener-
ally accepted moral norms." Moral
damage might be suffered, warns Fr.
Langan, if clandestine collection
efforts exceeded the requirements of
national security or if the case officer
applied morally questionable practi-
ces to the pursuit of private ends, or
developed a "positive enthusiasm" for
deception, manipulation, and "dirty
Plowing, but not breaking, ground is
Benjamin R. Civiletti in "Intelligence
Gathering and the Law: Conflict or
Compatibility?" (Fordham Law Re-
view, May 1980, pp. 883-906). Civi-
letti, Attorney General under Presi-
dent Carter, writes authoritatively and
comprehensively on the evolution,
significance, and problems of that
new American legal phenomenon,
intelligence law.
A large and growing body of statu-
tory law, executive orders, judicial
decisions, executive branch rules,
regulations, and guidelines, and the
product of Watergate, that new intelli-
gence law-new in both the United
States and the world-has brought
more gain than loss, argues Civiletti.
Intelligence agencies now operate
under "the most lucid statements of
authority"; individuals' rights and lib-
erties are protected and, he main-
tains, there have been few, if any,
cases in which it has proved impossi-
ble under the law to collect truly vital
information. Even so, he admits,
much more-protecting agents' iden-
tities, for instance-remains to be
As for the future of intelligence law,
Civiletti sees the need for legislative
solutions to some problems and the
need for continuing governmental
self-regulation. The latter, especially
where fourth amendment issues
(searches and seizures) are con-
cerned, will be particularly challeng-
ing, because modern technology,
(cont. on p. 3)
University Publications of America
44 North Market Street
Frederick, MD 21701
(301) 694-0100
Thomas F. Troy
6101 Rudyard Drive
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 530-3365
The Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene is published everyother month (6 times a year) fora charter subscription price of $25.
Correspondence regarding editorial comments and letters should be sent to 6101 Rudyard Drive, Bethesda, MD 20814. Corre-
spondence regarding orders should be sent to University Publications of America, 44 North Market Street. Frederick, MD 21701.
Copyright Y 1982 by University Publications of America, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(Magazines ... cont from p. 2)
growing very rapidly, is outstripping
decisional law. This imbalance will
increase the responsibility for fash-
ioning proper safeguards in intelli-
gence law, but the author is confident
that both national security and the
protection of individual rights can be
Writing a year later and echoing
Civiletti on several points, CIA's
former General Counsel, Daniel B.
Silver, takes up'The CIA and the Law:
The Evolving Role of the CIA's General
Counsel." The new body of law, strict
demands of accountability, and con-
siderable publicity have enlarged and
complicated the role and activity of
that legal officer, and have certainly
increased the size of his staff and
case load. For instance, in the thirteen
years following CIA's establishment in
1947 there were only two cases to
Which CIA was a party; at the time of
his writing there were more than 180.
The General Counsel has the three-
fold job. of developing agency-wide
rules and regulations, meeting over-
sight responsibilities under executive
orders, and ensuring both the propri-
ety and legality of CIA's activities.
Like Civiletti, Silver sees more gain
than loss in the new era of regulation.
He sees more protection for case
officers and senior officials; indeed,
he sees "no one but the General Coun-
sel exposed to the risk of recrimina-
tion and liability"-a risk that he
admits is properly his. He also sees in
government and "the responsible
sectors of the public" an awareness
that intelligence cannot be regulated
by the "counsels of perfection," and
he doubts that the Carter administra-
tion's "naive venture" in drafting very
detailed intelligence legislation will
be revived. (Both Silver and Civiletti
wrote their articles before the issu-
ance on December4,1981 of the Rea-
gan administration's executive order
on intelligence activities.)
Note: The Langan and Silver arti-
cles both appeared in an internal CIA
0 publication and FILS hopes to make
reprints of both articles available
shortly. Also, the Langan article is
likely to be published in another jour-
nal and such will be noted atthe prop-
er time.
A bibliography of other articles, es-
pecially those published in 1981, will
appear in the next issue of FILS.
Intelligence and Attempted Reagan
Assassination: Fifteen pages of analy-
sis of the role of "protective intelli-
gence" in the attempted assassina-
tion of President Reagan will be found
in the 101 pages of the "Management
Review on the Performance of the U.S.
Department of Treasury in connec-
tion with the March 30, 1981 Assassi-
nation Attempt on President Ronald
Reagan," a report made public by the
Treasury's Office of the General Coun-
sel in August 1981.
For the Casey inquiry see: U.S. Con-
gress. Senate. Select Committee on
Intelligence. Report of . . . on the
Casey Inquiry. S. Rep. No. 97-285,
Dec. 1981, 97th Cong., 1st sess.
Washington, DC: GPO, 1981, 5 pp.
New Rules for U.S. Intelligence: The
Reagan administration issued Execu-
tive Order No.12333, Dec. 4,1981, on
"United States Intelligence Activi-
ties." This new basic rulebook for the
conduct of such activities replaces
President Carter's E.O. No. 12036 of
Jan. 24, 1978, which, in turn, had
replaced President Ford's E.O. No.
11905, Feb. 18, 1976.
The "Pueblo Affair": On Jan. 11,
1982. the New York Times carried an
Associated Press dispatch entitled
"Navy's Anguish Over Pueblo Case
Described in a Long-Secret Report."
The item said that the report on the
1968 North Korean capture of the
U.S. spy ship consisted of "volumi-
nous findings and recommendations"
and had been "recently declassified."
Some NeWi from Lozidori.
Walter Pforzheimer
1. A New Controversy
One of the proudest achievements
of British intelligence in World War II
was such an early and complete
roundup of German agents that none
survived or worked in England during
the war except under British control.
This has all been excellently set forth
by Sir John C. Masterman in The
Double-Cross System in the War of
1939 to 1945 (Yale University Press,
1972). Masterman was the head of
the Double-Cross (XX) Committee.
Imagine then the surprise of many
of the British officers involved in that
achievement, in that XX work, when
this Januarya London publisher(Eyre
Methuen) announced publication of a
new (and allegedly nonfictiona1) work
n entitled The Druid by Leonard Mosley.
(Actually The Druid was first pub-
lished in the United States, by Athe-
neum late in 1981, but it has so far
had no impact here.) The jacket of the
book, when published in London, pro-
claimed "Druid" as "The Nazi Spy
Who Double-Crossed the Double-
Cross System."
In London the publisher's an-
nouncement bought a prompt protest
from Col. T.A. ('Tar") Robertson, who
headed the M15 section which ran the
double agents, and three otherformer
M15 officers also engaged in running
captured German agents back
against their German intelligence
controllers. In a letter to the British
publisher (see London Telegraph,
Jan. 5,?982) they described the book
as a "deplorable slur," said selling it
as nonfiction was wrong, and threat-
ened legal action under the Trade
Descriptions Act. They were joined in
a separate letter of protest by the Hon.
Ewen Montague, the naval intelli-
gence representative on the XX Com-
mittee throughout the war and the
author of the classic The Man Who
Never Was.
Montague and two of the former
M15 officers were taped for a BBC-TV
program shown on Jan. 5, as was
author Mosley, who was taped separ-
ately in America. Montague charac-
terized The Druid as "rubbish" and
cited many major errors which could
easily be independently checked.
Mosley contended that he had includ-
ed some errors deliberately to cover
up some of the information that he
had been given and also said he may
have been misled by some of his
sources. When challenged on the
show on another point Mosley said he
had not "consulted" Masterman's
book; actually Mosley's book contains
two quotations, with source footnotes,
from the Masterman book.
As this writer sat with Montague in
his cozy sitting room during the TV
program, we were amazed to see Mos-
ley, in support of some of his posi-
tions, draw from his pocket a letter he
claimed to have received from the
notorious former British intelligence
(cont. on p. 4)
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(LOfUVn ... Wrn. ,iWn ? ../
officer, Harold ("Kim') Philby, now
residing in Moscow. In fact, at the end
of The Druid Mosley describes a
meeting between his subject "Druid"
and Philby in which the former is re-
cruited by Philby into the Soviet
Space does not permit setting forth
all of the factual errors in The Druid.
Here, however, is an example: Mosley
lists Professor Sir John C. Masterman
as "retired and living in Oxford." Alas!
Masterman was not a professor,
became the vice-chancellor of Oxford
University, and died in 1977, some
years before The Druid was pub-
Another example: The distinguish-
ed British historian, Ronald Lewin, in
reviewing this book for The Listener
(Jan. 21, 1982), notes the alleged
meeting between "Druid" and the XX
agent code-named SNOW when
"Druid" was parachuted from a Ger-
man plane into Wales in May 1941.
Unfortunately for Mosley, M15 had
become suspicious of SNOW and had
interned him for the duration in
March 1941.
2. A Notable Two Volumes
It is possible that the most impor-
tant volumes ever published on intel-
ligence are the two volumes of the
official British history: British Intelli-
gence in the Second World War: Its
Influence on Strategy and Operations
(NY: Cambridge University Press,
Vol. I, 1979; Vol. 2, 1981). The first
volume takes us into the German
invasion of Russia in June 1941; the
second completes the campaigns in
North Africa; and covering the air war
in Europe and the naval conflict, with
emphasis on the battle of the Atlantic,
it takes us up to mid-1943.
Originally planned to cover the war
in three volumes, it will now-so we
are informed-run to four. Hopefully
the next volume will appear at the end
of this year, but experience with the
first two volumes makes that date
doubtful. Complicating factors are
that the principal author, Prof. F.N.
Hinsley, has been designated vice-
chancellor of Cambridge University-
in effect, a university president-and
thus will have a much heavier work
load; and that one of the three other
coauthors, Dr. R.C. Knight, died as
Vol. 2 neared completion. Thus an
added burden.falls on Edward E. Tho-
mas on whom much of the research
3. A Notable Death
We note, with regret, the death on
Jan. 11, 1982, at age 81, of the well-
known British intelligence officer,
Maj. Gen. Sir Kenneth W.D. Strong.
Strong served as General Eisenhow-
er's intelligence chief from early 1943
in North Africa through war's end in
Europe. After the war, Sir Kenneth
became the head of the British Joint
Intelligence Bureau and subsequent-
ly became the first director-general of
intelligence in the reorganized British
Ministry of Defence.
General Strong was the author of
two interesting books on intelligence:
Intelligence at the Top (Garden City,
N .Y.: Doubleday, 1969) and Men of
Intelligence (London: Cassell, 1970).
An old associate of Strong recently
wrote this reviewer that his death-
coming peacefully after weeks of not
stirring from his room-was "the end
of an era for many of us."
(introducing ... cont. from p. 1)
works on intelligence. Need it be said
that in this activity FI LS seeks to make
a positive and fruitful contribution to
that literature and tothe field of intelli-
gence itself? Most important of all,
FILS wants to serve those who enjoy
books on intelligence.
The Name: An Explanation
The title of this newsletter could not
do without the word intelligence. No
way could its seriousand comprehen-
sive purpose be served by the use of
such as spy, cloak and dagger, or,
least of all, dirty tricks. At the same
time, it was thought that intelligence
could not stand by itself, that it would
lead to confusion with all that stuff
about tests and measurements, argu-
ments about I.Q.s, and so forth.
Hence, as a modifier, foreign-in the
sense of intelligence of one state or
government about another-seemed
the only appropriate one. With Foreign
Intelligence in place, Books, as the
primary focus of interest, followed
easily, and then Scene fell in place.
But lo! When reduced to its acronym,
the Foreign Intelligence Book Scene
stood revealed as FIBS! Call itafailure
of nerve; FIBS gave way to FILS.
The Editor. A Few Facts
He is Thomas F. ("Tom") Troy, who
retired this year after 30 years with the
Central Intelligence Agency. Building
on World War II service, he had joined
the CIA as an analyst of political and
military developments in the Middle
East. Next he spent several years
developing and teaching a variety of
area and language courses in which
the relevancy of foreign cultures to
the work of intelligence was a major
consideration. From there it was an
easy jump to the subject of intelli-
gence itself-its history, philosophy,
organization, structure, and numer-
ous problems; and on all these he has
done much researching, teaching,
and lecturing. While in the CIA he
wrote numerous book reviews and
articles. His Donovan and the CIA: A
History of the Establishment of the
Central Intelligence Agency was pub-
lished in softcover and publicly
released by the CIA and has now been
published in hardcover by University
Publications of America, the pub-
lisher of this newsletter. Elsewhere in
this issue of FILS the editor has
immodestly included an outsider's
(favorable) review of the book.
The Publisher. UPA
FILS is published by University Pub-
lications of America, Inc. (UPA). Its
founder and president is a young
Georgetown University graduate,
John Moscato.
UPA, though young, has become a
leading academic publisher of books
and microforms. It has published
numerous works and archival records
in the fields of modern history, world
affairs, and current national prob-
lems. Thus, it has published briefs
and arguments of the Supreme Court,
hearings of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, historical collections on
oil and energy, and thousands of
reports of the OSS, the CIA, and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. UPA will gladly
send catalogs and brochures to inter-
ested readers!
Not the one on which so much has
been written since 1972 when Group
Captain Winterbotham wrote The
Secret War but that "Soviet enigma"
spoken of by Winston Churchill.
The Soviets published in 1980 for
the first time ever, so reports an expe-
rienced observer of the Soviet scene,
a Russian translation of My Silent War
by their erstwhile man in London, Kim
Philby. The original English edition
(NY: Grove Press) appeared in 1968,
but the Russian version, Moya Tai-
naya Voina (Moscow: Military Press)
only showed up 12 years later.
Why now? asks our observer.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA RDP90-00845R000100340005-5
Books Published in 1981 on Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Topics
Here for the first time is a listing by year, in this case 1981, of the books published in English on intelligence and intelligence-
related topics. Inclusion of a book means not that it is primarily concerned with intelligence but that it contains enough material on
the subject to warrant bringing it to our readers'attention. Since most of these books have not been reviewed, or hardly mentioned
elsewhere, it is likely that many readers will find this list their introduction to them.
This compilation and the accompanying notes are largely the work of Col. Russell J. Bowen, who has added the books to the Bowen
Collection in Georgetown University's Lauinger Memorial Library.
Pre-20th Century
Brett-James, Antony (ed.). Escape from the French: Captain
Hewson's Narrative 1803-1809. Exeter, Eng.: Webb & Bower,
1981, 192 pp. Escape and evasion, Napoleonic Wars.
Davis, Richard Harding. Real Soldiers of Fortune. Boulder, CO:
Paladin Press, 1981, 228 pp. Reprint of articles published in
1906: military scouting, guerrilla warfare, soldiers of fortune,
Godechot, Jacques. The Counter-Revolution: Doctrine and
Action 1789-1804. Transl. from French by SalvatorAttanasio.
Princeton: Princeton Univ., 1981, 405 pp. Anarchists, white
terror, Jacobins, conspiracy, counterrevolution, insurrec-
tipns, espionage and intelligence, Committee of Public
Safety, internal security.
Garrett, Richard. P.O. W. London: David & Charles, 1981, 240 pp.
Stories of POW treatment and behavior over the years; state
security, military security, monitoring of POW conversations,
censorship of mail, escape and evasion, informers, intelli-
gence gathering, propaganda, torture.
Early 1900s
Antonov-Ovseyenko, Anton. The Time of Stalin: Portrait of a
Tyranny. NY: Harper & Row, 1981, 374 pp. State security,
Cheka, GPU, NKVD, assassination, conspiracy, Abakumov,
Beria, Dzershinsky, Great Terror, Menzhinsky, Mekhlis,
NKGB, Okhrana, organs, OSO, prison camps, Serov, Yagoda,
Hoyt, Edwin P. Guerrilla: Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck and Ger-
many's East African Empire. NY: MacMillan, 1981, 216 pp.
Counterintelligence, defensive camouflage, propaganda,
guerrilla warfare, intelligence, Meinertzhagen, HUMINT,
espionage, sea raiders, Schutztruppe, raiding parties.
Katz, Friedrich. The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United
States and the Mexican Revolution. Chicago: University of
Chicago, 1981, 659 pp. Period from 1910 to 1920: secret
diplomacy, espionage, sabotage, Zimmerman telegram,
Leggett, George. The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police. Oxford,
Eng.: Oxford, 1981, 514 pp. State security, Cheka, political
police, OGPU, Okhrana, Dzerzhinsky, NKVD, Menzhinsky,
GPU, Latsis, Special Department.
Nelson, Steve; Barrett, James R.; and Ruck, Rob. Steve Nelson:
American Radical. Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1981, 454
pp. Memoir of a working-class intellectual who rose high in
the U.S. Communist Party; underground activities, state
security, conspiracy, espionage, atomic bomb, Comintern,
HUAC, Robert Oppenheimer, anarchists, Matthew Cvetic.
Roskill, Stephen. Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty. The Last
Naval Hero. NY: Atheneum, 1981, 430 pp. Naval intelligence,
Admiral Sir Reginald Hall; contains historic reference to the
liquidation of the British spy Alexander Szek in World War I.
Ulam, Adam B. Russia's Failed Revolutions: From the Decem-
brists to the Dissidents. NY: Basic Books, 1981, 453 pp. State
security, dissidents, terrorism, assassination, underground
activity, Okhrana, KGB.
World War II Era
Haestrup, Dr. Jorgen: European Resistance Movements, 1939.
1945: A Complete History. Westport, CO: Meckler Publishing,
1981, 660 pp.
Russell, Francis, and Editors of Time-Life Books, The Secret War.
Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1981, 208 pp. Photographs
and text from World War II intelligence; espionage, Abwehr.
Canaris, codes and cyphers, Donovan, XX Committee,
Enigma, cryptanalysis, intelligence estimates, guerrilla oper-
ations, flying bombs, rockets, OSS, propaganda, resistance
groups, deception, sabotage.
Stanley, Col. Roy M., II. World War 11 Photo Intelligence: The First
Aerial Photoreconnaissance and Photo Interpretation Opera-
tions of the Allied and Axis Nations. NY: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1981, 374 pp. World 1ZVar 11, Allied and Axis PHOTINT,
aerial reconnaissance, camouflage, Sidney F. Cotton, pho-
tointerpretation, Auschwitz photo story.
Weigley, Russell F. Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The Campaign of
France and Germany, 1944-1945. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
Univ. Press, 1981, 800 pp. Reconnaissance, British JIC,
cavalry, commandos, SS, estimates, FFI, intelligence,
national redoubt, Maj. Gen. K.W.D. Strong, Tactical Recon-
naissance Group, Ultra, V-weapons, Window.
Baron, Richard; Baum, Maj. Abe; and Boldhurst, Richard. Raid!
The Untold Story of Patton's Secret Mission. NY: Putnam,
Brownell, George A. The Origin and Development of the National
Security Agency. Laguna Hills, CA: Aegean Park Press, 1981,
96 pp. (paperback). NSA, COMINT, codes and cyphers, com-
munications security, organization of COMINT agencies.
Coon, Carleton S. Adventures and Discoveries: The Autobio-
graphy of Carleton S. Coon. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1981, 404 pp. Contains two chapters on the author's
World War II service with OSS in North Africa and the
Costello, John. The Pacific War. NY: Rawson, Wade, 1981,
742 pp. British intelligence, censorship, intercepts, G2, Pearl
Harbor attack, Magic, NSC, Doolittle raid, Allen Dulles,
Enigma, Kamikazes, Adm. Kimmel, Col. Frank D. Merrill, Mid-
way, OSS, Purple decoding machines, Ultra.
Daniels, Gordon (ed.). A Guide to the Reports of the United
States Strategic Bombing Survey. London: Royal Historical
Society, 1981, 115 pp. (paperback). Collection of information
on World War 11 bombing results.
King, Michael J. William Orlando Darby: A Military Biography. L
Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1981, 219 pp. U.S. Rangers,
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340005-5 makes World War II, Darby's Rangers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th through crashes near Annecy in Switze land and Fgance9 toSpam.Th eemon'thsof
Ranger battalions, special forces, Dieppe.
eluding capture.
Prange, Gordon W. At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl
Harbor. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1981, 873 pp. Pearl Harbor investi- Hampshire, A. Cecil. Undercover Sailors: Secret Operations of
gation, security of findings, aerial reconnaissance, Army Sig- World War Il. London: William Kimber, 1981, 208 pp. Secret
nal Intelligence Service, intelligence, censorship, deception, British naval operations in World War II, special operations,
n- , COPP,
orce, Deuxieme
, co
codes and cyphers, Magic, Combat Intelligence
Reconnaissance Unt
munications security, COMINT, conspiracy theory of Pearl OSS, raiding forces,
escape and evasion.
Harbor, Japanese espionage, sabotage, FBI, ONI, Purple, Cdr. Boat oat Section,
Joseph Rochefort, sabotage, Wind messages. r% Hinsley, F.H. et al. British Intelligence in the Second World War: Opera
ions. L
HMSO Rostow, W.W. Pre-Invasion Bombing Strategy: General Eisen- Its influence on Strategy and from m at1941 loom d 1943 and
hower's Decision of March 25, Ideas and Action Series a9 aspeco of strategic intelligence; has 22 appendices deal-
One Austin, TX: Univ. of Texas, 1981, 166 pp. (paperback).
One of a projected series on the relationship between the ing with such as cryptography, Ultra, Enigma, deception.
ideas-the abstract concepts which public officials bring to Peskett, S. John. Strange Intelligence: From Dunkirk to Nurem.
bear in making decisions-and actions in which the author berg. London: Robert Hale, 1981, 208 pp. A British Air Staff
had some personal involvement. In this first monograph Ros- intelligence officer for seven years, the author nostalgically
tow touches upon the role of intelligence in Eisenhower's recounts the varied-and for the RAF-unusual jobs he was
bombing strategy. given: studying downed enemy aircraft, interrogating POWs,
at Bletchley, and
Schultz, Duane. Hero of Bataan. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981, broadcasting n Alpropagand, working on bert Speer at Nuremberg.
479 pp. The story of Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright; Japanese- g
run POW camps, guerrilla operations, blockade running, U Pincher, Chapman. Their Trade is Treachery. London: Sidgewick
cavalry, scouts, reconnaissance, OSS rescue operations. & Jackson, 1981, 240 pp.
Stillwell, Paul (ed.). Air Raid: Pearl Harbor. Annapolis, MD: Naval Sproat, Ian. Wodehouse at War: The Extraordinary Truth about
Institute Press, 1981, 299 pp. Naval intelligence, censorship P.G. Wodehouse's Broadcasts on Nazi Radio. New Haven:
of communications, Combat Intelligence Unit, Pearl Harbor, Ticknor & Fields, 1981, 167 pp. Story of British security's
counterintelligence, Communications Intelligence Unit, investigation of the alleged treasonous broadcasts of Wode-
code-breaking, communications intercepts, Magic, patrol- house from Germany at the outset of World War II; though
ling reconnaissance. Wodehouse was cleared, the investigation results remained
Troy, Thomas F. Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establish- classified until relatively recently.
ment of the Central Intelligence Agency. Frederick, MD: Uni- West, Nigel. M15: British Security Service Operations 1909-
versity Publications of America, Inc. 1981, 589 pp. 1945. London: Bodley Head, 1981, 366 pp. M15. M16,
b It. Bremen double agents, deception, British security
Beevor, John Grosvenor. SOE: Recollections and Reflections
1940-45. London: Bodley Head, 1981, 269 pp. Organization
and operations of SOE in Europe and Southeast Asia, secret
service, Abwehr, D Section, sabotage, intercepts, MI5, M16,
M19, intelligence, escape and evasion, MEW, counterespio-
nage, special forces, Col. Passy, OSS, resistance movements,
V-weapons, Ultra.
Brown, John H.O. In Durance Vile. London: Robert Hale, 1981,
160 pp. The story of a British agent who, as a POW, was
instructed by M16 to observe and record the activities of noted
British traitors and not so noted British POWs who joined the
British Free Corps, which was developed by the Nazis to fight
for them against Russia.
Colville, John. Winston Churchill and His Inner Circle. NY: Wyn-
dam Books, 1981, 287 pp. Churchill's private secretary dis-
cusses affairs of state and personalities; atomic weapons,
intelligence activities, Coventry raid story, espionage, Stewart
Menzies, Desmond Morton, Ultra, V-weapons, Sir William
Fraser-Smith, Charles, with McKnight, Gerald, and Lesberg,
Sandy. The Secret War of Charles
of British "Q" gadgets,
Michael Joseph, 1981, 160 pp. Story
special equipment for secret agents, escapees, special oper-
ations personnel, SOE, escape and evasion, XX Section, M15,
MI6, M19, photographic reconnaissance, Official Secrets Act,
BCRA, defensive camouflage.
Griffiths, Frank. Winged Hours. London: William Kimber, 1981,
192 pp. An escape and evasion story. A flight commander
personnel, French security, DNI, GCCS, Intelligence Corps,
JIC, M18, Official Secrets Act, sabotage, Ultra, XX Committee.
Patrick. Flaws in the Glass: A Self Portrait. London: Jona-
than Cape, 1981, 260 pp. In this autobiography there are
fragmentary references to the author's service as an RAF
operational intelligence officer in World War 11.
Winton, John. Below the Belt: Subterfuge and Surprise in Naval
Warfare. London: Conway Maritime Press, 1981, 192 pp.
Ginzburg, Eugenia. Within the Whirlwind. Transl. from Italian by
Ian Boland. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981, 423 pp.
Labor camps, U.S.S.R., Stalin era, state security, NKVD.
Tolstoy, Nikolai. Stalin's Secret War. London: Jonathan Cape,
1981, 463 pp. Covers Stalin's internal and external policies
between 1938 and 1945; state security spies, concentration
camps, GULAG, Katyn, NKVD, propaganda, purges, SMERSH.
Brice, Martin H. Axis Blockade Runners of World War 11. London:
B.T. Batsford, 1981. 160 pp.
Cooksley, Peter G. Operation Thunderbolt The Nazi Warships'
Escape-1942. London: Robert Hale, 1981, 190 pp. Aerial
reconnaissance, offensive tactical deception, RADINT,
ELINT, PHOTINT, camouflage, communications security.
Dallin, Alexander. German Rule in Russia: AStudyof Occupation
Policies. 2nd ed. London: MacMillan, 1981, 707 pp. Abwehr,
Berger, Bormann, collaborators with the Germans, Canaris,
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forced labor, Gehlen, Gestapo, Gisevius, Goebbels, von Has-
sell, Heydrich, Himmler, anti-Hitler movements, Kalten-
brunner, NKVD, NTS, Nuremberg trials, Ohlendorf, antiparti-
san warfare, Schellenberg, Vlassov movement.
De Jaeger, Charles. The Linz File: Hitler's Plunder of Europe's
Art. Exeter, Eng.: Webb & Bower, 1981, 192 pp. Bormann,
Reichsleiter Rosenberg's secret operation, Gestapo, Him-
mler, Heydrich, Wilhelm Hoettl, Kaltenbrunner, SS Col. Muhl-
mann, resistance groups, SD, SS General Wolff, Waffen SS,
Italian SAP, secret operational group.
Galante, Pierre. Operation Valkyrie: The German Generals' Plot
against Hitler. NY: Harper & Row, 1981, 274 pp. Conspiracy,
SS, Abwehr, Canaris, Gestapo, state security, Himmler,
assassination attempt, SD Col. Stauffenberg.
Hilton, Stanley E. Hitler's Secret War in South America 1939-
1945: German Military Espionage and Allied Counterespio-
nage in Brazil. Baton Rouge: La. State Univ. Press, 1981,
353 pp.
Marrus, Michael R. and Paxton, Robert 0. Vichy France and the
Jews. NY: Basic Books, 1981, 432 pp. Concentration camps,
assassinations, SS, Dreyfus affair, Final Solution, Gestapo,
Himmler, propaganda, RSHA, SD.
McKale, Donald M. Hitler: The Survival Myth. NY: Stein & Day,
1981, 270 pp. Survey of the stories of Hitler's survival in World
War II; U.S. intelligence, British intelligence, Martin Bor-
mann, Heinrich Himmler, NKVD, SMERSH, SS, analysis of
information, state security.
Pryce-Jones, David. Paris in the Third Reich: A History of the
German Occupation, 1940-1944. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Win-
ston, 1981, 294 pp. Abwehr, Mathilde Carre, censorship,
concentration camps, state security, Resistance, Fl, FTP,
Milice, sabotage, SD, Gestapo, SS, terror, Underground.
Speer, Albert. Infiltration. Transl. from German byJoachim Neu-
groschel. NY: MacMillan, 1981, 384 pp.
Anger, Per. With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Memories of the
War Years in Hungary. Transl. from Swedish by David Mel
Paul and Margareta Paul. NY: Holocaust Library, 1981, 187
pp. (paperback). Wallenberg in Budapest at the end of World
War II; state security, concentration camps, SS, Eichmann,
special operations, Arrow Cross party.
Bierman, John. Righteous Gentile: The Story of Raoul Wallen-
berg, Missing Hero of the Holocaust. NY: Viking, 1981, 218
pp. Concentration camps, Budapest, World War II, SS, state
Clarke, Thurston. By Blood and Fire: The Attack on the King
David Hotel. London: Hutchinson, 1981, 347 pp. Irgun Zvai
Leumi, Irgun leaders, Manachem Begin, British intelligence,
Haganah, LEHI, Stern Gang, Palmach, Operation Agatha,
Operation Chick.
Torbado, Jesus, and Leguineche, Manuel. The Moles: An Ac-
count of Courage and Tenacity During the Franco Years.
Transl. from Spanish by Nancy Festinger. London: Secker &
Warburg, 1981, 226 pp. A story of opponents of the Franco
regime in hiding in Spain after the Spanish Civil War.
Post-World War II Years
Barker, Wayne G. andlCoffman, Rodney E. The Anatomy of Two
Traitors: The Defection of Bernon F. Mitchell and William H.
Martin. Laguna Hills, CA: Aegean Park Press, 1981, 130 pp.
(paperback). NSA, defection, treason, state security, codes
and cyphers.
Garrow, David J. The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.: From 'Solo'
to Memphis. NY: Norton, 1981, 320 pp. FBI, internal security,
Communist conspiracy. A powerful argument against FBI
procedures against King, even though much of the analysis is
based on inadequate data.
Kohn, Howard. Who Killed Karen Silkwood? NY: Summit Books,
1981, 462 pp. (paperback). Nuclear materials processing,
Kerr-McGee, plutonium, state security, FBI, investigative
reporting, Karen Silkwood, possible assassination, whistle.
blowing, antinuclear movement.
Martin, David, and Johnson, Phyllis. The Struggle for Zimbab-
we: The Chimurenga War. London: Faber & Faber, 1981, 378
pp. CIA, Cuba, Frelimo, Frolizi, guerrilla warfare, ZIPU, SANU,
SANIA, NATPAC, NRM, NSSM, Selous Scouts, guerrilla
MacLear, Michael. The Ten Thousand Day War: Vietnam, 1945-
1975. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981, 368 pp. CIA, chemical
warfare, Daniel Ellsberg, guerrillas, Gen. Edward Lansdale,
OSS, Maj. Archimedes Patti, Phoenix program, Frank Snepp,
William Colby.
Moczarski, Kazimierz. Conversations with an Executioner. Ed. by
Mariana Fitzpatrick. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
1981, 282 pp. Author was jailed with SS General Jurgen
Stroop in Poland in 1949 and stayed with him for 255 days;
numerous references to: SS, concentration camps, state
security, Canaris, Gestapo, Himmler, Jewish Fighting Organi-
zation -ZOB, SA, SD.
Neff, Donald. Warriors at Suez: Eisenhower Takes America into
the Middle East. NY: Linden Press and Simon & Schuster,
1981, 479 pp. Israeli military intelligence, CIA, Allen Dulles,
SIS, spies, Irgun, Fedayeen, U2 planes.
Sinha, B.M. The Samba Spying Case. New Delhi, India: Vikas
Publishing House, 1981, 220 pp. An Indian army officer is
freed of charges of spying for Pakistan.
Wynne, Greville. The Man from Odessa. London: Robert Hale,
1981, 235 pp. More details on the life of intelligence agent
Greville Wynne; Penkovsky, defection of Maj. Sergei Kuznov,
service in MI5 and M16, deception of the Russians.
Diedrich, Bernard. Somoza: and the Legacy of U.S. Involvement
in Central America. NY: Dutton, 1981, 352 pp. CIA, Bay of
Pigs, guerrilla forces, assassination, FSNL, MPU, conspiracy,
counterinsurgency, censorship, Sandanistas, UDEL.
Hinkle, Warren, and Turner, William W. The Fish Is Red; The
Story of the Secret War Against Castro. NY: Harper & Row,
1981, 373 pp. An anti-CIA polemic; assassination, Bay of
Pigs, Richard Bissell, General Cabell, CIA, Allen Dulles, FBI,
Richard Helms, William Harvey, J. Edgar Hoover, E. Howard
Hunt, Robert Maheu, Lee Harvey Oswald, special operations.
Poelchau, Walter (ed.). White Paper Whitewash. NY: Deep Cover
Books, 1981, 204 pp. (paperback). Being interviews with
Philip Agee on the CIA and El Salvador, a propaganda tract
against the Department of State white paper on El Salvador;
purported copies of documents forged by the CIA for a variety
of South American operations.
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D. et al. Operation Zapata: The Ultrasensi- 9
tive Report and Testimony of the Board of Inquiry on the Bay
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340005-5
of Pigs. Frederick, MD: University Publications of America,
1981, 367 pp. CIA, Bay of Pigs, special operations, Cuban
resistance, guerrillas, NSC, propaganda, paramilitary force,
Operation Zapata, CIA project personnel.
U.S. and IRAN
McFadden, Robert D.; Treaster, Joseph B.; and Carroll, Maurice;
et at. No Hiding Place: Inside Report on the Hostage Crisis.
NY: Quadrangle and N.Y. Times Book Co., 1981, 314 pp. The
Iranian hostage crisis.
Pelletier, Jean, and Adams, Claude. The Canadian Caper. NY:
William Morrow, 1981, 239 pp. Story of smuggling of several
American diplomats out of Iran at the end of 1979; covert
activities, references to CIA, smuggling of weapons and
Rivers, Gayle, and Hudson, James. The Tehran Contract. NY:
Doubleday, 1981, 260 pp. The failed rescue mission.
Salinger, Pierre. America Held Hostage: The Secret Negotia-
tions. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981, 349 pp. The Iranian
hostage situation; CIA, coup d'etat, secret diplomacy, PLO,
SOVAK, rescue mission.
Sullivan, William H. Mission to Iran. NY: Norton, 1981, 296 pp.
Embassy security, CIA, Islamic revolution, PLO, SAVAK, intel.
ligence, state security.
U.S. Congress. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign
Affairs. Iran's Seizure of the United States Embassy. Wash.,
DC: GPO, 1981, 285 pp. (paperback). Hearings on Feb. 17,
19, 25, and March 11, 1981; hostage situation in Iran, PLO,
embassy security, rescue attempt, Iranian militants, intelli-
gence analysis.
Present Scene Current Issues
Aubrey, Crispin. Who's Watching You: Britain's Security Services OGodson, Roy (ed.). Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's:
and the official Secrets Act. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Covert Action. Wash. DC: National Strategy Information Cen-
Books, 1981, 204 pp. (paperback). Investigative reporting on ter, 1981, 243 pp. (paperback). Covert action, political war-
British security services; Agee Hosenball Defense Commit- fare, morale operations, propaganda, political action,
tee, signals intelligence, CIA, communications security, sur unconventional warfare, CA methodology.
veillance, Official Secrets Act, MI5, M16, NSA, Special
Branch. Jordon, Amos A., and Taylor, William J., Jr. American National
Security: Policy and Process. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins,
Baker, Blake. The Far Left: An Expose of the Extreme Left in 1981, 604 pp. (paperback). CIA, counterintelligence, elec
Britain. Nicolson, 1981, 182 pp. (paperback). Britain, Corn- tropics in intelligence operations, guerrilla warfare, assassi-
munist subversion, all aspects of far left, state security, per- nations, aerial reconnaissance, NSC, terrorism.
sonalities, Soviet influence.
Lendvai, Paul. The Bureaucracy of Truth: How Communist
Blumberg, Stanley A., and Owens, Gwinn. The Survival Factor: Governments Manage the News. London: Burnett Books,
Israeli intelligence from World War 1 to the Present. NY: Put- 1981, 285 pp.
nam, 1981, 307 pp. A general treatment of the role of Israeli
intelligence in the growth of the state of Israel. Pollock, John Crothers. The Politics of Crisis Reporting: Learning
to be a Foreign Correspondent. NY: Praeger, 1981, 221 pp.
Cline, Dr. Ray S. The CIA Under Reagan, Bush and Casey.
Washington, DC: Acropolis Books, 1981, 351 pp. This is Dr. collection and analysis by newsmen, Bayof Pigs,
investigative reporting, personal networks of sources, anal.
Cline's earlier book (Secrets, Spies, and Scholars) updated ogy to intelligence; based on answers to a questionnaire.
with three additional chapters; touches all aspects of stra?
tegic intelligence as related to the CIA. Scoville, Herbert, Jr. MX: Prescription for Disaster. Cambridge,
Halabi, Rafik. The West Bank Story: An Israeli Arab's View of MA: MIT Press, 1981, 231 pp. Numerous references to: C',
observation satellites, verification of MX, security of MN
Both Sides of a Tangled Conflict. Trans. from Hebrew by Ina bases, strategic threat estimation.
Friedman. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981, 304 pp.
Arafat, PLO, El-Fatah, Black September, terrorism, counter- Tyson, James L. Target America: The Influence of Communist
terrorism, George Habash. Propaganda on U.S. Media. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1981
284 pp. Propaganda, subversion, CIA, Church committee
Ci Hurt, Henry. Shadrin: The Spy Who Never Came Back. NY: FBI, KGB, disinformation, Victor Marchetti, dissident groups
Reader's Digest Press, 1981, 301 pp. Espionage, double
agents, CIA, FBI, James J. Angleton, British intelligence, Weinberg, Steve. Trade Secrets of Washington Journalists
Shadrin, DIA, HUAC, IOB, KGB, ONI, Stansfield Turner, Rufus mWash., DC: at on and Privacy acts,ks.1981, 1981,253 pp. Freedom of Infor
Kumar, Satish. CIA and the Third World: A Study in Crypto-
Diplomacy. London: Zed, 1981, 200 pp.
Oberg, James E. Red Star in Orbit: The Inside Story of Soviet
Failures and Triumphs in Space. NY: Random House, 1981,
272 pp. Soviet secret weapons programs, state security
propaganda, space-spying, spy-satellites, space program.
Plate, Thomas, and Darvi, Andrea. Secret Police: The Inside
Story of a Network of Terror. Garden City, NY: Doubleday,
1981, 458 pp. State security, secret services of Israel, Argen.
tina, So. Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Chile, U.S., Cuba,
Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Greece, France, Syria, Great Britain,
Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Philippines, So. Korea, U.S.S.R., Pales-
tinians, Paraguay, Portugal, Romania, Taiwan, Poland, Yugo-
slavia, Uganda, Uruguay, West Germany.
Rositzke, Harry. The KGB: The Eyes of Russia. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1981, 295 pp.
Seagrave, Sterling.Yellow Rain: A Journey Through the Terror of
Chemical Warfare. NY: Evans, 1981, 316 pp. Secret weapons
systems and gas warfare.
Shackley, Theodore. The Third Option: An American View of
Counterinsurgency Operations. NY: Reader's Digest Press,
Weissman, Steve, and Krosney, Herbert. The Islamic Bomb.
New York Times Books: Quadrangle and N.Y. Times Book Co.,
1981, 339 pp. Detailed treatment of the nuclear arms race in
the Middle East; secret weapons programs, atomic bombs,
conspiracy, smuggling, illegal technology transfer, terrorism
and sabotage by country, secret operations to obtain mate-
rials and equipment.
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An txceptiona i iy
Good Novel
by W.T. Tyler.
NY: The Dial Press, 1980.
This is an exceptionally good novel
by a very gifted writer. Like many of
the novels published during the last
few decades its raw material is the
world of espionage. It presents that
world as a metaphor of a radically
defective society, "people, like na-
tions, pushing their lives to the limit,
and then standing in terror at the
vacuum on the other side," as the
American agent Plummer expresses
it to himself. It surpasses most fiction
of this type in the skill with which that
metaphor is stated and developed
through fully realized characters
compelled to acknowledge and artic-
ulate more and more explicitly their
deepest motives and the essential
nature of their actions.
The principal protagonists, Plum-
er and the KGB officer Strekov, pro-
ceed from a profound but inadmissi-
ble sense of alienation from the
societies they serve to acts of explicit
defiance of those societies. They are
by no means mirror images of each
other, and there is no room here for
the tiresome inference that the Soviet
and Western worlds are after all pretty
much alike. Each man has for differ-
ent reasons been forced into the isola-
tion he suffers, each confronts his
problem in an entirely personal
manner, and each encounters a fate
wholly characteristic of the separate
systems in which they live. The events
of the last weeks of their finally inter-
locked careers constitute a story
which is skillfully developed in a suc-
cession of dramatic scenes sup-
ported by vivid subordinate charac-
ters and subplots. The love between
Plummer and the politically naive
Elizabeth Davidson, the identification
of a Soviet penetration of British Intel-
ligence, Strekov's remembered love
for a wife now dead, even the defec-
tions, kidnappings, murders, and
other acts of violence serve to press
the main action towards its finally ter-
rifying scenes.
One of the more remarkable fea-
tures of the book is its sustained mood
of despair which nevertheless does
not in the end communicate despair
to the reader. The resistance of
Plummer and Strekov is of course
Sanitized Co
roved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340005-5
uiruany ueweatea oymetatuouscareer-
ists and insensate automata of their
own services, the really lost souls who
deter recognition of the truth of their
condition in pointless activity and
occasional bouts of sensuality. But
the act of resistance has been made,
the essential freedom of the human
person to recognize truth and assert it
has been established. This is of
course not very consoling, and it can-
not be meant to be. At the end we still
confront a world of arrogant power in
which only the very ignorant or the
deliberately evil can enjoy any confi-
dence. But the thoughtful reader may
close the book feeling perhaps a little
less lonely.
The jacket material tells us that
"W.T. Tyler" is a pseudonym for an
American foreign service officer. It
also tells us that this is the author's
first published work. Which means,
we hope, that there will be more. His
perception of character is precise, his
events are well selected and paced,
and his power of physical description
contributes significantly to the total
effect of the book.
-Joseph F. Hosey
Holey, with a Ph.D in English Literature from the
University of Pennsylvania, has long maintained
interest in contemporary fiction.
The Origin of CIA
by Thomas F. Troy.
Frederick, MD: University
Publications of America, 1981.
Only now available to the public,
this massive study was initially written
following [prior to] the Watergate era
to provide young recruits to the CIA
with a noninflammatory account of
the agency's origins. Because the au-
thor, himself a CIA veteran, was com-
missioned to write an internal his-
tory, he received access to classified
documentation and the cooperation
of many agency and other govern-
ment officials. Troy acknowledges
that the security review of the 1975
edition led to the deletion of "no more
than six typewritten pages." Other-
wise he revised the manuscript only
The result is an exceptionally
detailed, well-referenced, yet highly
readable narrative of the develop-
ment of an independent intelligence
agency in the U.S. With painstaking
care Troy traces the torturous path of
the CIA's origins, from its earliest
roots prior to Pearl Harbor, through its
germination as the COI (Coordinator
of Information) and OSS (Office of
Strategic Services) under Donovan,
its abolition in 1945 and resurrection
as the NIA (National Intelligence
Authority) and CIG (Central Intelli-
gence Group), culminating with its
emergence in 1947 after the passage
of the National Security Act.
Along the way Donovan and other
advocates had to overcome both
innate hostility to the concept of an
American "gestapo" and the bureau-
cratic infighting of jealous competi-
tors-particularly the FBI, military,
State Department, and Budget Bur-
eau. Troy sympathizes with the strug-
gle, although he does not attempt to
evaluate the CIA's or its ancestors'
effectiveness and leaves it for the
"future historian" to examine covert
actions and dirty tricks. The 47 illus-
trations, 26 appendixes, and lengthy
bibliography enhance the volume's
great value as an institutional history.
Recommended for advanced under-
graduate and graduate use.
Reprinted from Choice, a publication oftheAsso.
ciation of College and Research Libraries, a divi.
sion of the American Library Association.
by Ronald Lewin.
NY: Farrar Strauss & Giroux, 1982.
The distinguished British military
historian Ronald Lewin has followed
his fine book on the impact of cryptol-
ogy on World War II in Europe (Ultra
Goes to War) with a first-class work on
the contribution of cryptology to the
American victory in the Pacific. The
American Magic is both readable and
While the fact that the Americans
had broken into the high-level Japa-
nese ciphers has been known since
the 1945-46 congressional investiga-
tion of the Pearl Harbor attack, The
American Magic is the first compre-
hensive book to relate the effect of
this work on the battles and cam-
paigns in the Pacific. (In this regard,
British writers have outstripped us in
the several excellent books they have
produced on the impact of Ultra on
the war in Europe. In part, this may
have been the result of a more rapid
British declassification of the Ultra
decrypts for historical use.)
(cont. on p. 10)
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(American A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340005-5
Lewin clearly sets forth the Ameri-
can cryptologic attack on the highest-
level Japanese Purple (diplomatic)
cipher, which took some 18 months to
break and which was read steadily
from 1940 until the end of the war.
Behind success lay a team effort and
the towering figure of Col. William F.
Friedman, perhaps America's finest
cryptanalyst ever and high among the
all-time greats of the world in this vital
Thus, before Pearl Harbor, the
Americans had the inestimable ad-
vantage of reading the Japanese
diplomatic traffic, especially that
which passed between Tokyo and
Washington. Interestingly, on occa-
sion the Japanese speculated (as did
their German allies with the Enigma
system) on whether their high-level
ciphers had been broken. After
respective investigations, the Ger-
mans and the Japanese always came
back with their self-assuring answer:
impossible! In discussing Pearl Har-
bor, Lewin considers the arguments
of those who felt that President Roose-
velt (armed with this fine intelligence)
deliberately allowed the attack to
occur in order to bring the United
States intothewar. Sharingthe view of
most reputable historians, and find-
ing no credible evidence of so sinister
a plot, Lewin answers this charge in
the negative.
However, the utility of the break into
the Purple system-the decrypts of
which are code-named Magic-did
not end with Pearl Harbor. Through-
out the war, as General Marshall
pointed out in his 1944 letterto Gover-
nor Dewey, a letter with which this
book begins, the Japanese diplomatic
traffic, particularly from Ambassador
Oshima in Berlin, was an important
source of intelligence on German
strategic capabilities and sometimes
their intentions. This was particularly
true when Baron Oshima met with
Hitler and other senior German offi-
cials. Lewin makes a unique contribu-
tion when he discloses the contents of
the Japanese diplomatic traffic as the
German war was drawing to a close,
and as the Japanese became con-
cerned that perhaps they too should
sue for peace if they could get any
terms short of unconditional surren-
Essential to the winning of the war
in the Pacific was the American break
into the Japanese military and naval
codes and ciphers, now generally de-
scribed under. the code-name of
Ultra.Thisdid not come intimetobea
major factor at Guadalcanal and the
early battles of the Solomon Islands.
As Lewin points out, major intelli-
gence there came from traffic analy-
sis and the intrepid coast watchers, of
whom many were Australians, who
were secreted with radios at vantage
points among the islands. Certainly,
some low-level military and naval
codes had been broken, but there was
not enough to have a serious impact.
Space does not permit lengthy dis-
cussion of Lewin's lucid exposition of
the cryptanalytic work which brought
victory at such battles as the Coral Sea
and Midway. To be sure, the Ameri-
cans had broken the high-level Japa-
nese naval ON-25) cipher in time for
Midway; but the Japanese routinely
changed it after Midway, and we did
not recover it for many months there-
after, certainly not in time for the bat-
tles for the Solomons.
Lewin gives attention to the shoot-
ing down of Admiral Yamamoto, an
action which was a very dangerous
use of Ultra since it might well have
been the key warning to th a Japanese
that we were reading their traffic_ if
they had studied it properly. Lewin
thinks-and he is not alone-that
General MacArthur showed "intermit-
tent blindness" to some intelligence,
particularly when it was supplied by
sources not under his control.
In sum, this is an important book
which can be enjoyably read as his-
tory. We are fortunate indeed that at
last we have the broad story of Ameri-
ca's cryptologic war in the Pacific in
more detail than heretofore and have
its telling in such competent hands.
-Walter Pforzheimer
by Theodore Shackley.
NY: Reader's Digest Press, 1981.
Arguing that the survival of the free
world is at stake unless Soviet expan-
sionism in the third world is halted,
Shackley urges a rebuilding of CIA's
covert action capability, particularly
in the paramilitary field. He sees this
capability providing policymakers
with a "third option" between sur-
render and preemptive nuclear war.
Shackley, a former high CIA official
with Far East experience, identifies
the various phases in Communist
insurgency movements and Illus-
trates them with case studies: the
So long, detailed, comprehensive,
and authoritative is it that different
reviewers can find many different rea-
sons for considering it a book of great
quality. What particularly commends
it here is the high and unusual promi-
nence it gives-perhaps unintention-
ally but effectively-to the work of
those people who generally get short
shrift in the literature of intelligence,
namely the scholars and theoreti-
cians, the scientists and technicians,
the historians, economists, the ana-
lysts of so many disciplines-the peo-
ple whose work is fundamental and
pervasive in modern intelligence.
Though reviewed and praised, and
though it will surely be well studied by
some, it probably is one of the year's
most unread books. Its scholarship
will deter the nonexpert. Its style is
severe. Its namelessness-if we can-
not identify all individuals, we will
identify none-takes all the fun out of
Basque dissidence in Spain (cadre
phase), El Salvador (incipient phase),
Western Sahara (operational phase),
and Angola (covert war phase). He
concludes each case with sugges-
tions of steps the U.S. could take to
assist in confronting these insurgen-
cies, ending with a scenario for overt
American military intervention in a
Middle East War. This would arise
from an insurgency in North Yemen in
which the U.S. Rapid Deployment
Force drives Russia's Cuban surro-
gates back into South Yemen.
Throughout, his focus is on tech-
niques, tactics, and programmatic
actions, rather than on policies and
strategies; and he largely limits his
discussion to intelligence and covert
operations and omits consideration of
supportive political, economic, infor-
mational, and military programs. He
brushes aside the problem of encour-
aging political reforms that might dis-
arm an insurgency lest "political
naivete" get in the way of "reality."
This book is a useful guide to com-
batting Communist-inspired insur-
gencies, but should be read in
conjunction with the more compre-
hensive work by his former col-
league-and predecessor in directing
the "secret war" in Laos-Douglas
Blaufarb. His The Counterinsurgency
Era: U.S. Doctrine and Performance,
1950 to the Present (NY: The Free
Press, 1977) underlines the pitfalls of
(cont. on p. 12)
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k I _ I _ ! 1 - .. 11- -
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Two on General Donovan
Authors Anthony Cave Brown and
Richard Dunlop each have biogra-
phies of Maj. Gen. William J. ("Wild
Bill") Donovan slated for publication
this year.
Britisher Brown, who wrote Body-
guard of Lies and edited The Secret
War Report of the OSS, reports that
his new book on Donovan will be
published by New York Time Books in 0
June. It is entitled Donovan: The Last
Hero, a description coined by General
Eisenhower. For his research Brown
has had exclusive access to the Dono-
van Papers, which had long been on
loan to the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency but have now been deposited
in the U.S. Army Military Institute at
Carlisle Barracks, PA. Brown, who
lives in Broad Run, Virginia, hasa sec-
ond book, Donovan in Asia, down
the road a bit.
In Arlington Heights, IL, OSS veter-
an Richard Dunlop is putting finishing
touches on his Donovan: America's
Master Spy. It will be published in
September by Rand McNally. Dunlop
served in OSS Detachment 101 in
China and Burma and is the author of
Behind Japanese Lines: With the OSS
in Burma.
For his book Dunlop reports he has
interviewed over 200 people, corre-
sponded with another 100 and work-
ed in 30 different archives, here and
overseas, and draws on a personal ac-
quaintance with the late General
Both of these biographies promise
to tell us more about the General's full
career than is presently available in
book form. There is really only Corey
Ford's Donovan of OSS, which was not
based, however, on any great re-
search and is more a tribute to than a
critical study of Donovan, under
whom Ford had served. Other vol-
umes, such as OSS: The Secret His-
tory of America's First Central Intelli-
gence Agency by R. Harris Smith, con-
centrate on his role in starting and
running the Coordinator of Informa-
tion and its successor the Office of
Strategic Services.
Reviews of 500 Books
Also ahead is Intelligence and Es-
pionage: An Analytical Bibliography.
It is the fruit of years of critical reading
of the literature of intelligence. It is
the work of a retired foreign service
officer, George C. Constantinides,
who lives in Potomac, MD. He has
served for 25 years in the field of
national security and intelligence and
has been a consultant on national
security studies to Ketron, Inc. of
Arlington, VA.
Constantinides' book, to be publish-
ed this summer by Westview Press in
Boulder, CO, will offer 400 pages of
critical reviews of 500 books on intelli-
gence. The reviews will run from half a
page to two pages in length. Accord-
ing to Constantinides the reviews will
judge the books in terms of accuracy,
originality, and thoroughness; they
will also point out those areas in which
research has been either lacking or
"A Scholar's Guide" to an
Unusual Collection
"A Scholar's Guide" to an unusual
intelligence book collection will be
ready for the printer in March and
available to the public this year, ac-
cording to Mrs. Marjorie W. Cline of
the National Intelligence Study Cen-
ter (NISC).
The collection is "The Russell J.
Bowen Collection on Intelligence, Se-
curity and Covert Activities," now on
deposit at the Georgetown University
Library in Washington, D.C. Contain-
ing over 5,500 volumes, the Bowen
collection is probably the largest body
of published intelligence materials in
any university library. It is the harvest
of years of collecting by a military
intelligence officer now retired, Army
Col. Russell J. Bowen, and has been
deposited with Georgetown as an aid
to researchers, students, and writers
concerned with intelligence.
The preparation of "A Scholar's
Guide" to the collection has been for
two years a special project of NISC,
which, under its president, Dr. Ray S.
Cline, has provided financial and pro-
fessional assistance. The work itself-
the cataloging, categorizing, and
cross-referencing-has been in the
hands of Mrs. Cline, a former Harvard
librarian, assisted by Carla Christian-
sen, Elizabeth L. Lacy, and several of
Dr. Cline's Georgetown graduate stu-
Of great importance to future users
of the guide is the detailed breakdown
by which the 5,000 volumes will be or-
ganized for quick and profitable use.
The numerous headings will cover all
aspects of intelligence, various intelli-
gence organizations and activities,
different historical periods, countries,
and geographical areas, and such
intelligence-related topics as assassi-
nations, economic warfare, escape
and evasion, foreign relations, sabo-
tage, terrorism, and so on.
Assisting in this work of organiza-
tion have been Colonel Bowen him-
self, Walter L. Pforzheimer-who also
has a noted collection on which FILS
will report later-and Herbert Fockler,
Special Assistant to Joseph Jeffs, the
Georgetown librarian.
Writers and- Scholars at Work
Edward Alexander of Bethesda,
MD, is finishing a manuscript on
Soviet efforts over a 15-year period to
recruit him-a USIA (now ICA) officer
of Armenian origin. He has titled his
manuscript The Serpent and the
Bees: A KGB Chronicle. Scott Breck-
inridge, once CIA's deputy inspector
general, now retired (The Oaks, #13,
395 Redding Road, Lexington, KY,
40502) is working on an intelligence
textbook entitled National Intelli-
gence; it closely follows the organiza-
tion of a course he taught in 1980 at
the University of Kentucky. Donald
Coers, associate professor of English
at Sam Houston State University
(Huntsville, TX, 77341) is looking for
confirmation of, or at least material
on, the reported influence of COI's
then Col. William J. Donovan on the
writing of John Steinbeck's 1942
novel The Moon is Down, which was
Steinbeck's first since The Grapes of
Wrath. Douglas L. Wheeler (Depart-
ment of History, HSSC, University of
New Hampshire, Durham, NH,
03824) wants help on intelligence
operations in Lisbon, Portugal, 1941-
1945, and would particularly like to
hear from former OSS officers who
served in Lisbon and/or Lourengo
Marques (Mozambique).
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for your
Information ...
October 1, 1981.
At Annapolis, MD, at the Fifth Naval
History Symposium, Patrick Beesly,
author of Very Special Intelligence,
spoke on "Cryptanalysis and Its Influ-
ence on the War at Sea, 1914-18"; as
fellow panelist, Jurgen Rohwer, co-
author of Radio Intercept and Its Role
in the Second World War(in German),
covered "The Role of Radio Intelli-
gence in the German Coastal Bom-
bardment of December 1914 and the
Battle of the Dogger Banks, January
December 31, 1981.
The Justice Department announ-
ced in Washington that former CIA
director William E. Colby had agreed
to pay $10,000 to the government to
avoid being sued for breaking a
secrecy agreement involving the
French edition of his 1978 memoir
Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA.
Through a mixup, the French edition
had gone to press before changes re-
quested by CIA and incorporated in
the English edition could be made
in it.
Maj. Gen. Sir Kenneth W.D. Strong,
intelligence officer and author, died in
Eastbourne, England at the age of 81.
(See, "Some News from London,"
p. 3.)
January 19, 1982.
Leopold Trepper, founder and lead-
er of the "Red Orchestra," one of the
Soviet Union's World War II under-
ground networks, and author of The
Great Game: Memoirs of the Spy
Hitler Couldn't Silence (1977) died in
January 23, 1982.
CBS-TV newsmen Mike Wallace
and George Crile revived, reexam-
ined, and reignited a famous Vietnam
War controversy when they aired their
documentary "The Uncounted Ene-
my: A Vietnam Deception." Appearing
on the program-the result according
to Crile, of CIA analyst Sam Adams's
"magnificent obsession" with the
Vietcong troop estimate controver-
sy-were Gen. William C. Westmore-
land, Gen. Joseph McChristian, Col.
Gaines Hawkins, and George W. Allen.
On Jan. 26 an' angry Westmoreland
held a news conference at Washing-
ton's Army-Navy Club to voice several
objections to the CBS show. The con-
troversy had not died down when Fl LS
went to press.
January 31, February 1-2, 1982.
The Washington Post ran a series of
articles on the contents of a 13-
volume paperback set of purported
secret U.S. documents on sale "for a
few rials" in "the bazaars of downtown
Tehran." According to one article, one
of the documents allegedly is a CIA
survey of Israeli intelligence. The doc-
uments were reportedly found and
reproduced by the Iranians after the
seizure of U.S. Embassy personnel in
November 1979. The Post said it
obtained the documents from three
free-lance journalists who brought
them into the U.S.
for your Calendar ...
Spring, 1982.
The Association of Former Intelli-
gence Officers (AFIO) will participate
in a one-day "National Intelligence
Symposium" in Naples, FL, on a day
early this spring. Topics to be dis-
cussed are the KGB and the Cuban
threat, terrorism, and the FBI's do-
mestic intelligence function. The
exact date and speakers' names can
soon be obtained by interested par-
ties by either writing AFIO at 6723
Whittier Ave., McLean, VA 22101, or
calling AFIO at 703-790-0320.
April 21-23, 1982.
The U.S. Military Academy will
sponsor a symposium at West Point,
NY, on "The Theory and Practice of
American National Security 1945-
1960." While none of the proposed
papers will concentrate solely on
intelligence, says Col. Paul L Miles of
the Department of History, a number
of speakers-Richard D. Challener
from Princeton University and I.M.
Destler of the Carnegie Endorsement
for International Peace-will consider
the role of the intelligence community
in shaping U.S. foreign policy and
strategy. Additional information may
be obtained from Colonel Miles at the
Department of History, U.S.M.A.,
West Point, NY, 10996.
(Third option ... cont. from P. 10)
committing U.S. prestige and resour-
ces in support of regimes unwilling or
unable to risk the reforms necessary
to win the popular support essential to
successful counterinsurgency opera-
tions. -George W. Allen
Mr. Allen. & retired CIA official, has worked exten-
sively on counterinsurgency.
Two different groups have recently
established memorial funds for fos-
tering, among other objectives, the
teaching of intelligence in American
universities. One group is the New
York-based Veterans of Strategic Ser-
vices (VSS), which has established
the William J. Donovan Memorial
Foundation, Inc. The other, consisting
of friends and classmates of Richard
S. ("Dick") Welch, has established at
Harvard University the Richard S.
Welch Memorial Fund.
The Donovan fund is headquarter-
ed at the offices of the Donovan law
firm, Donovan Leisure Newton & Ir-
vine (39th Floor, 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, N.Y., 10020). It was estab-
lished through the efforts of such VSS
members as William J. Casey, now
CIA director, Henry Hyde, James
Withrow, and Geoffrey M.T. Jones, the
VSS president and treasurer. Among
the Foundation's purposes, for which
contributions are being sought, is the
encouragement of research and edu-
cational activities centering on intelli-
gence. Envisioned is the awarding of
scholarships and research grants to
individuals and institutions, and the
initiation of lecture series and univer-
sity chairs of instruction.
Former CIA officers Christopher
May and John A. Bross have been
spearheading the fund-raising efforts
of the Welch Fund, established in
honor of CIA station chief Dick Welch,
who was assassinated in Athens,
Greece, on Dec. 23, 1975. The Fund
has the further support of Harvard's
Center for International Affairs, head-
ed by Samuel Huntington, and of the
John F. Kennedy School of Govern-
ment underGraham Allison. The Ken-
nedy School's Dean Bayley Mason (79
Boylston Street, Cambridge, MA,
02138) is the treasurer of the Fund
whose immediate goal is $50,000.
The Welch Fund hopes to encour-
age teaching and talking about intel-
ligence, at Harvard and across the
country. It stresses the rationale and
historical importance and contribu-
tion of intelligence to the making of
informed foreign policy. Welch class-
mate Frank Boaz has already estab-
lished at the Center for International
Affairs a substantial fellowship for re-
search on intelligence.
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