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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Central Intelligence Agency
Office of the Deputy Director for Intelligence
7 APR 1986
tDI- 01b 8ro
The attached contains
background and talking points
for your welcoming remarks to
the joint CIA/AIAA Symposium to
be held in the Auditorium on 8-9
April 1986. Also attached are
brochures on relevant subjects
that we intend to give to the
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
DCI Talking Points
CIA/American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Conference on Soviet Threat Technology
Tuesday, 8 April 1986
CIA Headquarters Auditorium
1. The Soviets are pursuing an ambitious, large-scale military
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) program. They are
producing an increasing number of highly capable, innovative, and
cost-effective weapons and related systems that will present a growing
challenge to US researchers and designers of offensive and defensive
systems. The fruits of the extensive Soviet program are outlined to some
extent in two documents which all of you have--the 1986 version of SOVIET
MILITARY POWER and CIA's Congressional testimony of last year on Soviet
strategic force developments. As the pace of technology developments
quickens, Intelligence Community inputs to and interaction with US RDT&E
community will necessarily become increasingly important.
2. This symposium fills a need that is not met by any other program.
Although other AIAA sponsored meetings are held at the SECRET/NOFORN level,
none covers the broad range of military technologies that this does;
further, none covers the state of Soviet developments. The classification
level allows an exchange of information that goes beyond open literature
surveys, and the inclusion of Intelligence Community speakers gives
authority to the discussions. We hope to expand on many of the areas of
Soviet military progress that are detailed in SOVIET MILITARY POWER and the
Congressional testimony reprint. Indeed, one of those who testified, Dr.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Larry Gershwin, my National Intelligence Officer for Strategic Programs,
will be one of your speakers. The wide-ranging technical dialogue we
expect to come out of this symposium is needed between the engineers and
scientists in the Intelligence Community and those in the defense RDT&E
community (our principal audience).
3. This classified symposium will provide to a large and important
audience a greater appreciation and understanding of Soviet technological
advances and innovations. Many of these are the result of, or were
hastened by, the Soviet acquisition of Western technology, both hardware
and information. The vast Soviet effort to acquire the "best of the west"
is outlined in the White Paper, SOVIET ACQUISITION OF MILITARILY
SIGNIFICANT WESTERN TECHNOLOGY: AN UPDATE, which we also have provided for
you. One of the lectures will be on this most important aspect of Soviet
threat technologies. The speaker will be
currently the Director of the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research,
and who once led CIA's Technology Transfer Assessment Center.
4. Not to be overlooked in the dialogue we hope to engender is the
possibility for 'reverse' tech transfer. The work of Soviet engineers and
scientists in many of the areas to be addressed in the symposium may merit
consideration by US laboratories and defense industries. This is something
you can tell us.
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5. Determining the nature and scope of foreign scientific and technical
developments is challenging, perhaps one of the most challenging assignments
for an engineer or scientist. The men and women with these backgrounds who
follow science, technology, and weapons at CIA and the other agencies of the
Intelligence Community are among the best. Only by getting the best together--
those from industry, academia, and the government--can the US hope to come up
with timely, effective, and affordable responses to the Soviet challenge.
That's why we are all here together.
6. Today, your program is focused on subjects critical to our maintaining
the balance of strategic forces which is threatened by the new, more accurate,
and mobile missiles which the Soviets began to deploy last year and will be
deploying between now and the mid-nineties. This balance is also threatened
by the additional missile defenses they are capable of deploying during that
same period.
7. After looking over the roster of you who are visiting our headquarters,
I'd like to mention a couple of additional concerns on which we would like to
tap the range of knowledge and experience in industry, academia, think tanks
and of technologies represented here today.
8. When the President made the speech which was quickly labeled "Star Wars,"
he stressed the prospect of applying emerging technologies to developing
conventional defenses, as well as strategic defense, which could offset effective,
and perhaps obsolete, the preponderance of tanks, planes and guns held today
by the Warsaw Pact forces. Indeed, if and when effective strategic defense
emerges to reduce the nuclear threshold and balance of terror, more effective
conventional defenses will be needed to maintain the overall balance.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
9. Also, it'is not news to you that we face today a new form of
aggression in state terrorism as an instrument of power. We are already
seeing international terrorism as a war without boundaries, and at the same
time rapidly becoming more technologically proficient. Last Saturday, the
Secretary of State had a dozen scientists in for a four-hour session on
what technology can do to enhance our conventional defense and counter-
terrorism, as well as our intelligence and strategic capabilities. A lot
of thought and work is needed there. Clearly it cannot be accomplished
without the kind of support that the people in this room can provide.
10. With those quick thoughts about our future agenda, I will let
you turn to your very full two-day schedule. I hope you are able to take
the time to see some of our campus and facilities. If you have any
questions about the Agency or our work, please ask your CIA hosts. Another
of the brochures we have for you explains the type of work our analysts do,
the backgrounds we look for, and the careers in intelligence analysis that
are available - careers that we think make a difference. I hope you enjoy
the next two days here at CIA as well as find them stimulating and informative.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
7 April 1986
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
Director of Scientific and Weapons Research
SUBJECT: AIAA Conference Agenda and Attendees
1. Attached is the agenda and list of attendees for the joint
AIAA/CIA Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. The attendees are, for
the most part, senior analysts, marketers, and mid-level managers
in the defense sector.
2. I am sorry I could not have provided this to you when you called
Saturday. The official list of attendees has been maintained at the
AIAA headquarters.
3. Total attendance will be about 500--400 paying participants
through the AIAA and about 100 free from the Intelligence Community.
4. As you can well imagine, a conference this size requires a lot
of administrative effort. We have been pleased and impressed with the
DDA's "can-do" attitude in making this conference possible.
Attachments: a/s
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
First Day Schedule Second Day Schedule
Tuesday, April 8, 1986 Wednesday, April 9, 1986
6:15 First bus departs Tysons Westpark Hotel
7:00-8:30 Registration
8:30 Opening Comments
John J. Bertin
University of Texas at Austin
Welcoming Remarks
William J. Casey
Director of Central Intelligence
STAT 8:45
9:00 I. Soviet Design and Procurement Philosophy
Richard Ward
General Dynamics/Ft. Worth
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30 II. Aircraft and Cruise Missiles
Joseph Sacksteder
Foreign Technology Division
Wright Patterson Air Force Base
11:30 III. Soviet Naval Capability
Robert Webber
Naval Surface Weapons Center
STAT 12:30-1:45 Lunch
2:45 V. Strategic Missiles
1:45 IV. Tactical Missiles
M. Leroy Spearman
Langley Research Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Defense Intelligence Agency
4:15-5:15 VI. Soviet Vehicle Technology
Office of Scientific and Weapons Research
Central Intelligence Agency
7:00 First bus departs Tysons Westpark Hotel
8:30 VII. Soviet Ballistic Missile Defense
Lawrence K. Gershwin
NIO for Strategic Programs
9:30 VIII. Soviet Directed Energy Weapons R&D
Office of Scientific and Weapons Research
Central Intelligence Agency
11:00 IX. Space Systems
E. Kenneth McDavid
Foreign Technology Division
Wright Patterson Air Force Base
12:30-1:45 Lunch
1:45 X. Technologies for Chemical Weapons
A staff member of the Life Sciences Branch
Office of Scientific and We 77 Research
Central Intelligence Agency
2:45 XI. Science and Technology, and Technology
Office of Scientific and Weapons Research
Central Intelligence Agency
3:45-4:15 Coffee break
4:15-5:15 XII. Technology and Arms Control STAT
A staff member of the Arms Control Intelligence Stat
Central Intelligence Agency
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
APRIL 8-9, 1986
William R. Adams Science Applications X X
2109 Clinton Avenue W.
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 533-5900
TRW Inc.
M.S. R1/2086
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 535-1365
Institute for Defense X
1801 N. Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2128
William Alford, Jr. DEI-Tech, Inc. X X
11838 Bunker Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23606
(804) 873-1747
Patrick J. Alsup U. S. Air Force
Wright Patterson AFB
Dayton, OH 45433
(513) 255-5889
David Anderson General Dynamics X X
Space Division
P.O. Box 83537
San Diego, CA 92138
Thomas I. Anderson
ANSER - Suite 800 X X
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3312
The Boeing Company X
1700 North Moore Street
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 558-3204
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Wayne E. Andrews
Bobby Joe Argumedo
Frederick Aronowitz
Louis F. Bahr
Eli Bail
Francis E. Baker
John S. Baltutis
William R. Banks
Robert A. Bardo
Francis A. Bausch
Analytic Sciences Corp. X
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
Boeing Military Airplane Co.
P.O. Box 7730
Wichita, KS 67277-7730
(316) 526-2621
Rockwell International X
P.O. Box 4921
Anaheim, CA 92803-4921
(714) 762-5397
Hughes Aircraft
Missile Systems Group
8433 Fallbrook Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(818) 702-3232
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.
0/61-13, Bldg. 577S
P.O. Box 3504
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3504
(408) 743-1660
Naval Surface Weapons Ctr.
Code D25
White Oak
Silver Spring, MD 20903-5000
General Dynamics/Convair X
P.O. Box 85377, MZ 82-1510
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 542-6255
Systems Support Associates X
Suite 215
6201 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22044
(703) 532-2100
LTV Aerospace & Defense
Company - VMAPD
M.S. EM-28, POB 650003
Dallas, TX 75265-0003
(214) 266-9262
E-Systems Inc. - CAPA X
Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 352-0300
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Joseph Bednarz
Robert J. Began
Patrick A. Bergin
Alan J. Bergstrom
Sushima R. Bhateley
William Bihrle, Jr.
Ronald F. Blackburn
Kenneth J. Blakely
Roland Blocksom
General Electric Co.
Room 5450L
3198 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 823-3759
LTV Aerospace & Defense
P.O. Box 225907
Dallas, TX 75265
(214) 266-3071
General Dynamics
Space Systems Division
P.O. Box 85990
Mail Zone 43-7050
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 573-8487
Analytic Decisions Inc. X
Ball Corporation
Suite 1710
1100 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 528-3337
1 Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 536-3534
Bihrle Applied Research X
400 Jericho Turnpike
Jericho, NY 11753
(516) 433-0710
Lockheed California Co.
Bldg. 311, Plant B-6
Dept. 72-22
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-9430
Garrett Turbine Engine Co.
111 South 34th Street
P.O. Box 5210
Phoenix, AZ 85010
(602) 231-4035
ORI, Inc.
Rockville, MD 20850
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Charles R. Bocook Locus, Inc. X X
2560 Huntington Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22303
(703) 960-1000
Robert F. Bohlander Arkwin Industries, Inc.
686 Main Street
Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 333-2640
National Security Agency X X rjO
Fort Meade
Columbia, MD 20755
(301) 688-7941
Peter B. Brandt TRW X X
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 536-1390
Norm Breazeal Sandia National Labs. X X
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-2733
Joseph W. Brehaut McDonnell Douglas Corp. X
Suite 550
1550 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 276-4610
Daniel J. Brockway Aerojet Electro Systems X
1025 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20036
(301) 468-1565
James A. Buckner Armament Systems, Inc. X
712-F North Valley Street
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 635-1524
George Brackett, Jr. Hughes Aircraft Company
8000 E. Maplewood Avenue
Englewood, CO 80111
(303) 793-5200
Charles D. Buell Honeywell Inc. X X
Electro-Optics Division
110 Fordham Road
Wilmington, MA 01887
(617) 657-6100 Ext. 6043
Joseph J. Bullmer U.S. Air Force/INET X X
Pentagon, Room 4B136
Alexandria, VA 22307
(202) 694-5261
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Paul L. Burstadt
William R. Bushelle
Robert C. Busser-
Glenn Buxbaum
Michael J. Caddy.
William J. Caime
Kathleen J. Callanan
John R. Campos
James R. Carruth
Robert Carson, Jr.
NASA Lewis Research Ctr. X
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135
(216) 433-2175
McDonnell Douglas Corp. X
1225 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 553-3875
Pratt & Whitney
P.O. Box 2691
Mail Stop 731-53
Palm Beach, FL 33409
(305) 840-2499
Nichols Research Corp.
4040 S. Memorial Pkwy.
Huntsville, AL 35802
(205) 883-1140
Naval Air Development Ctr. X
Code 6051
Street & Jacksonville Rds.
Warminster, PA 18974
(215) 441-2332
General Electric/Space Div. X
P.O. Box 8555
Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 354-3273
Boeing Military Airplane X
P.O. Box 7730
Wichita, KS 67277-7730
(316) 526-3183
AVCO Systems Textron X
201 Lowell Street
Wilmington, MA 01887
(617) 657-2795
Science Applications Intl.
Foreign Systems Research Ctr.
Suite 300
6021 South Syracuse Way
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(303) 773-6900
Charles Stark Draper
555 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02039
(617) 258-3796
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Joseph S. Casalese Martin Marietta
Orlando Aerospace
P.O. Box 5837, MP 163
Orlando, FL 32855
(305) 356-7431
C. S. Chang Teledyne Brown Engineering X X
Cummings Research Park
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 532-2625
Donald P. Chappell
LTV Aerospace & Defense Co. X X
Vought Aero Products Division
M.S. 194-61
P.O. Box 225907
Dallas, TX 75265
(214) 266-8652
Don M. Christensen The Boeing Company X
P.O. Box 3707
M.S. 45-26
Seattle, WA 98124
(206) 655-4990
Howard Christensen Northrop/Electronics Div. X
P.O. Box 5032
2301 W. 120th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90251-5032
(213) 600-5521
William Cibosky Avco Systems Textron X
P.O. Box 5867
San Bernardino, CA 92412
(714) 889-0696
Richard Clarke Jr. Raytheon Company
8929 S. Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(213) 641-5141
David B. Colby Naval Surface Weapons Ctr. X
Code D3
Dahlgren, VA 22448
(703) 663-8103
Elizabeth H. Cooper TRW Ballistic Missiles Div. X X
P.O. Box 1310
San Bernardino, CA 92402
(714) 382-6011
Joseph F. Courtney
TRW Electronics & Defense X
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 535-2140
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
William R. Craig Texas Instruments
Defense Systems and
Electronics Group
POB 660246/MS 3105
Dallas, TX 75266
(214) 480-2357
J. Patrick Crenshaw Acurex Corporation X X
520 Clyde Avenue
Mt. View, CA 94039
(415) 964-3200, Ext. 3153
Alfred Cron The Mitre Corporation X X
Suite 506
1911 North Fort Myer Drive
Rosslyn, VA 22209
(703) 522-1666
Carl E. Crone General Dynamics X X
Space Systems Division
Kearny Mesa Plant
P.O. Box 85357
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 547-7366
Henry J. Crowder TRW Inc. X X
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 535-8509
Mark Crowley General Electric X X
Reentry Systems operation
3198 Chestnut St. #6790
Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 823-3241 -
Clifford I. Cummings Jet Propulsion Lab. X
1500 Planning Res. Drive
McLean, VA 222102
James A. Cunningham Analytic Decisions Inc. X X
9800 La Cienega Blvd. #905
Inglewood, CA 90301
(213) 216-2000
Pythagoras Cutchis Institute for Defense X X
1801 N. Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2286
Rockwell International X
3370 Miraloma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92803
(714) 762-0518
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Michael C. Davis Lockheed Advanced Marine X X
P.O. Box 4000
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 742-6617
Beverly J. Decker U.S. Air Force X
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433
(513) 255-5617
Arthur J. Deex Ford Aerospace and X
Communications Corp.
3939 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(415) 852-4790
Bo Denysyk Global USA Inc. X
1823 Jefferson Place NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-2400
George DePeyster, Jr. Lockheed California Co.
Building 90-4-5, Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520-7298
(818) 847-7660
Edward Diener
Ronald W. Dobson
Larry L. Donaldson
Susan E. Dong
X c3
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
Sikorsky Aircraft
North Main Street
Stratford, CT 06601
(203) 386-6830
Lockheed California Co. X
P.O. Box 551
96-40, 63 Al
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-3180
General Dynamics Electronics X X
P.O. Box 85227
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 573-6963
George L. Donohue The Rand Corporation X
P.O. Box 2138
Santa Monica, CA 90406-2138
(213) 393-0411 Ext. 7770
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
Monte Drenner
Donald K. Dunbar
Edwin G. Dupnick
Gerald Eckman
Eric P. Erlanson
Harry Erstrand, Jr.
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808 L-20
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-1555
Hughes Aircraft Co.
8000 E. Maplewood Ave.
Englewood, CO 80111-4999
(303) 341-3457
U.S. Army Strategic
Defense Command
P.O. Box 1500
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 895-4500
General Electric Company X
1 Neumann Way
Cincinnati, OH 45241
(513) 243-3372
ECON, Inc.
1800 Diagonal Road
Suite 290
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-6044
P.O. Box 185
26 West Spring Street
Buffalo, NY 14221
(716) 631-3730
Analytic Decisions Inc. X
1100 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 528-3337
Hughes Aircraft Co.
8000 E. Maplewood Avenue
Englewood, CO 80111-4999
(303) 793-5200
Washington, DC
(703) 845-2277
Lockheed Advanced
Aeronautics Co.
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(805) 257-5301
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
W. Edwin Farley Lawrence Livermore National X X
P.O. Box 808, M.C. L-84
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-6590
Cliff Fawcett U.S. Air Force
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433
(513) 255-6261
Charles Featherstone General Dynamics X X
P.O. Box 2507
Pomona, CA 91768-2507
(714) 868-4020
P.O. Box 85154
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 453-6580, Ext. 237
Gonzalo Fernandez International Research X X
6825 Redmond Drive, #18
McLean, VA 22101
(703) 356-2560
Hubert F. Figueiredo Lockheed Space Operations X
D/62-75, M7100A
1100 W. Laurel Street
Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 865-0529
Barbara Filkins
Marc Finkelstein
Martin J. Flaherty
System Development Corp. X X
5151 Camino Ruiz
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 987-6811, Ext. 4529
Hughes Aircraft Company X X
Space & Communications Group
P.O. Box 92919
Los Angeles, CA 90009
(213) 648-1616
General Dynamics Space X X
P.O. Box 85990
Mail Zone 43-7050
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 573-8713
Jack C. Ford Northrop Corporation X
Advanced Systems Division
8900 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
(213) 948-8022
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Robert W. Forsyth
John P. Fredricks
Francis W. French
L. Ben Freudenreich
Dan J. Gareri
Geoffrey J. Garvey
Don Gendron
Allen J. Goetz
George W. Goff, Jr.
William C. Golbitz
Computer Sciences Corporation
M.C. 212
6565 Arlington Boulevard
Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 538-7752
McDonnell Douglas Astro. X
1225 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 553-3883
Science Applications X
1040 Waltham Street
Lexington, MA 01873
(617) 863-5173
Battelle Memorial Institute
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
(614) 424-7199
Planning Research Corp. X
1500 Planning Res. Dr.
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 556-1453
Defense Communication Agency
8M and'4-S. Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204
(202) 692-3083
Suite 1000
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
Computer Sciences Corp.
6565 Arlington Blvd.
Falls Church, VA 22046
21111 N. 19th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85027
(602) 869-2823
Teledyne Brown Engineering
Cummings Research Park
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 532-2005
HQ Defense Nuclear Agency X
6801 Telegraph Road
Alexandria, VA 22310-2298
(703) 325-1304
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Atlantic Research Corp. X
Economics,& Science Planning
Suite 610
1200 18th Street
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 659-1251
General Dynamics
Convair Division
P.O. Box 85377/MZ 82-1510
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 542-4780
Glenn Goodman, Jr. System Planning Corp. X X
1500 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 841-8924
William A. Goodner
New Technology, Inc. X X
4811 Bradford Blvd.
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 837-7663
The Futures Group X
76 Eastern Boulevard
Glastonbury, CT 06033
(203) 633-3501
Sidney I. Gravitz Boeing Aerospace Company X X
P.O. Box 3999
M.S. 8Y-66
Seattle, WA 98124
(206) 773-6009
J. E. Gronager Sandia National Labs. X X
P.O. Box 5800 _
Albuquerque, NM 87185
(505) 844-7481
Randolph K. Guenter
Anser, Inc. X X
Crystal Gateway 3
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3087
Lockheed-California Co. X
D/74-60, Bldg. 229
Plant 2
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(805) 257-5329
Regis A. Hacherl Boeing Aerospace Co. X X
P.O. Box 3999, MS 8A-50
Seattle, WA 98124
(206) 773-9795
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Richard N. Hadcock
Milton R. Halbert
Darryl W. Hall
Willy Hansen
Richard J. Harms
John A. Harper
Raymond W. Harr
Raymond J. Hart
Gaylord V. Hayden
David A. Heller
Grumman Aerospace Corp. X
M.S. C48-05
Bethpage, NY 11767
(516) 575-3318
Martin Marietta Denver
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
(303) 977-8957
Science Applications X
Suite 1018
994 Old Eagle School Rd.
(215) 687-5080
Range Directorate
U.S. Navy
Missile Programs Office
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 863-1940
Applied Research Corp. X
Suite 920
8201 Corporate Drive
Landover, MD 20785
(301) 459-8442
McDonnell Douglas Corp. X
Suite 108
1250 Academy Park Loop
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
(303) 574-3102
Battelle Memorial Institute
505 King Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
(614) 424-7537
RCA - Missile & Surface
Radar Division
Barton Landing Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(609) 722-7248
Lockheed-California Co.
D/72-36, Bldg. 311
Plant B-6
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-8008
Range Directorate
U.S. Navy
Missile Programs Office
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 863-1538
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Raymond G. Hemann
Rockwell International X
2230 E. Imperial Highway
El Segundo, CA 90245
(213) 647-5164
Anser, Inc.
1215 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3434
Gary N. Henry U.S. Air Force
Kirkland AFB, NM 87117-6008
Richard D. Henry General Dynamics X X
Electric Boat Division
Eastern Point Rd., D457
Groton, CT 06340
(203) 441-8915
Armin Herrmann, Jr. LTV Aerospace & Defense X
Vought Aero Products Division
P.O. Box 225907
M.S. 194-61
Dallas, TX 75265
(214) 266-3955
Robert L. Herrow U. S. Air Force X X
Washington, DC 20330
(703) 845-2305
Nathan B. Higbie Technology Integration X X
& Development Group Inc.
1 Progress Road
Billerica, MA 01821
(617) 667-3779
Theodore Hilgeman
Rikard E. Hill
John Hilliard
Grumman Corporation X X
M.S. A01-26
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-0696
McDonnell Douglas Astro.
P.O. Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 234-6321
ANSER - Suite 800 X X
1215 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3285
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Philip M. Hinkle
Bruce H. Hinton
George Hoerner
G. L. Holdridge
William R. Hood
James E. Horling
Clifford Horstman
Duane T. Hove
William F. Hubka
Joel Huebner
Alcoa Defense Systems Inc.
16761 Via Del Campo Court
San Diego, CA 92127
(619) 695-2260, Ext. 221
Hughes Aircraft Company X
8433 Fallbrook Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(818) 702-1481
Teledyne CME
P.O. Box 7244
1274 Terra Bella Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94039-7244
(415) 962-6519
Rockwell International X
North American Acft. Opns.
P.O. Box 92098
Los Angeles, CA 90009
(213) 414-2888
Lockheed Georgia Company X
86 S. Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA 30063
(404) 424-4903
Naval Air Propulsion Ctr. X
(CP3) P.O. Box 7176
Trenton, NJ 08628-0176
(609) 896-5926
NASA Ames Research Ctr. X
Mail Stop 229-1
Moffett Field, CA 94035
(415) 694-5396
Dynamics Technology, Inc. X
21311 Hawthorne Blvd. #300
Torrance, CA 90503
(213) 543-5433
Science Applications
International Corp.
1626 Cole Boulevard
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 231-9094
MRJ, Inc.
10455 White Granite Drive
Oakton, VA 22124
(703) 385-0836
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Andrew W. Hull Institute for Defense Analyses X X
1801 N. Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-3531
Dickerson W. Huskey Martin Marietta Orlando X
P.O. Box 5837, MP 163
Orlando, FL 32855
(305) 356-7431
Charles C. Ingalls
Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc.
Crystal Square 2, Suite 1100
1725 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202-4158
(703) 553-3500
U.S. Army Aviation
Research & Technology
MS 207-5
Moffett Field, CA 94035
(415) 694-5578
Dean L. Irwin Analytic Sciences Corp. X X
Suite 1000
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100, Ext. 212
Christopher Ison Systems Planning X X
& Analysis, Inc.
Suite 200
5111 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 931-3500
Gary R. Jackman Boeing Vertol Company X
P.O. Box 16858, MS P30-27
Philadelphia, PA 19142
(215) 522-2015
Donald A. Jackson Institute for Defense X X
1801 N. Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-3511
Jennifer Jager ANSER - Suite 800 X X
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3310
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Jerry F. Jaggers
Kellye James
Lockheed Missiles & Space X X
D/5160, B/593
P.O. Box 3504
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3504
(408) 743-2305
The Singer Company
Link Division
2224 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, TX 77058
(713) 280-4521
Reed B. Jenkins Aerojet TechSystems Co. X
P.O. Box 13222
Sacramento, CA 95813
(916) 355-3022
Joe Jenney
Martin Marietta Corp.
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
(303) 977-7046
Aerojet Heavy Metals Co. X
P.O. Box 399
Jonesborough, TN 37659
(615) 753-4688
Donald O. Johnson Charles Stark Draper Lab. X X
555 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 258-1362
Gerald W. Johnson TRW X X
Bldg. R2-2076
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 536-1053
Michael Johnston Range Directorate
U.S. Navy
Target Support Section
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 863-1308
John J. Jondle Arvin/Calspan X X
P.O. Box 400
Buffalo, NY 14225
Robert D. Jones Rockwell International X X
Rocketdyne Division
6633 Canoga Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(818) 700-3708
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
Thomas E. Joost
Westinghouse Electric Corp. X X
P.O. Box 746, M.S. 535
Baltimore, MD 21203
(301) 765-6822
MRJ, Inc.
10455 White Granite Drive
Oakton, VA 22124
(703) 385-0869
Vincent R. Jozwiak U.S. Army X X
Washington, DC 22301
(202) 697-8186
Stanley G. Kalemaris Grumman Aircraft Systems X
M.S. C41-05
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-7470
Herschel Kanter Institute for Defense X
1801 N. Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2135
Michael S. Kaplan Naval Research Laboratory X
Washington, DC 20375
Naval Surface Weapons Center
White Oak
Silver Spring, MD 20903-5000
Ralph J. Kauffman International Research X X
6825 Redmond Drive, #18 -
McLean, VA 22101
(703) 356-2560
James A. Keller Science & Engineering X X
Associates, Inc.
6535 South Dayton Street
Englewood, CO 80111
(303) 790-1572
Ernest E. Kempe The Analytic Sciences X X
Suite 1000
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
Robert A. Kennedy Sperry
1725 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 892-0100
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Donald C. Kephart Hughes Aircraft Company
8433 Fallbrook Avenue
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(818) 702-2393
George Kirkpatrick Syracuse Research Corp. X
202 David Drive (Home)
No. Syracuse, NY 13212
(315) 458-0082
George H. Knittel MIT Lincoln Laboratory X X
P.O. Box 73
Lexington, MA 02173-0073
(617) 863-5500 Ext. 3464
William S. Kobayashi Acurex Corporation X
Aerotherm Division
P.O. Box 7555
555 Clyde Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94039
(415) 964-3200
Morris M. Kuritsky Singer Company X X
Kearfott Division
M.C. 12 B 01
150 Totowa Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
(201) 785-6008
TRW Systems
Norton AFB
P.O. Box 1310
San Bernardino, CA
(714) 382-4991
Thomas R. Lacey McDonnell Aircraft Co. X
Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 232-2890
William Laray Systems Engineering
Test Directorate
Support Systems Dept.
Patuxent River, MD 20670-5304
Thomas Larry General Research Corp. X X
5383 Hollister Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
(805) 964-7724
Vernon R. Larson Rockwell International X
Rocketdyne Division
6633 Canoga Ave. - FB29
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(818) 700-3216
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Robert S. Laskin Ford Aerospace
& Communications Corp.
1260 Crossman Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
(408) 747-2570
Hughes Aircraft Co.
8000 E. Maplewood Avenue
Englewood, CO 80111-4999
(303) 341-3461
Northrop Advanced Systems Div.
8900 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera, CA 90660-3737
(213) 948-8910
Daniel Lazich U.S. Army Strategic
Defense Command
P.O. Box 15280
Arlington, VA 22215
(202) 746-0829
Stefan H. Leader Eagle Research Corp. X
1925 N. Lynn Street
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 522-4040
Harry R. Lee
Gene Lenning
Litton Guidance & Control X
Systems Division - Ste. 356
333 W. First Street
Dayton, OH 45402
(513) 223-3285
U.S. Army Strategic Defense X X
Defense Command
P.O. Box 1500
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 895-4500
Clark H. Lewis VRA, Inc.
P.O. Box 50
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(703) 953-2036
Herbert A. Lewis Science Applications X X
Suite 800
2109 Clinton Ave.
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 533-5900
Carroll Linebaugh
Jr. El-Tech Support Assoc. Inc.
2758 Swann Way
Davidsonville, MD 21035
(301) 261-7075
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
Boeing Aerospace Company
P.O. Box 3999, M.S. 8K-16
Seattle, WA 98124
(206) 773-2040
Miles L. Loyd
R. Mack Love
Roger W. Luidens
D.D. Lundberg
Richard A. Lweicki
Mark D. Mandeles
Michael J. Mangano
John Maras, Jr.
John E. Marion
Lawrence Livermore Natl. X
P.O. Box 808, L-387
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-8940
Lockheed Georgia Co. X
86 S. Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA 30063
(404) 425-4234
NASA Lewis Research Ctr. X
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135
(216) 433-5630
Boeing Vertol Co.
Suite 210
1235 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22035
(703) 979-9500
U.S. Army
220 Seventh Street N.E.
Chulle, VA 22901
(804) 296-5171 Ext. 421
Institute for Defense
1801 N. Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2159
General Electric Company X
Bldg. 8-8036
P.O. Box 8555
Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 531-1609
The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20707
(301) 953-5000
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, CA 94550
(415) 422-2133
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Frank J. Markovich
Paul V. Marrone
Richard H. Marshall
M. K. Martin
Peter M. Martini
Thomas F. Massey
James D. Matchett
Lawrence Mattison
J. P. May
David F. McDermott
General Research Corp.
P.O. Box 6770
5383 Hollister Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
(805) 964-7724
Calspan Corporation X
P.O. Box 235
Buffalo, NY 14221
(716) 631-6716
Grumman Aerospace Corp.
M.S. A07-25
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-5690
Rockwell International X
3370 Miraloma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92803
(714) 762-2645
Pacific Missile Test Ctr. X
Point Mugu Naval Station
Point Mugu, CA 93042
(805) 989-8072
New Technology, Inc.
4811 Bradford Blvd.
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 837-7663
General Electric
1 Neumann Way
M/D G56
Cincinnati, OH 45215
(513) 243-3489
P.O. Box 185
26 West Spring Street
Buffalo, NY 14221
(716) 631-3730
IBM Corporation
1701 N. Ft. Myer Drive
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 841-7456
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.
0/80-82, B154
P.O. Box 3504
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3504
(408) 742-7050
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88GO1 1 17RO01 004020002-2
James H. McGee Flight Systems Inc. X
Suite 1201
1600 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 527-1200
Ernest R. Mclnturff U.S. Dept. of the Army X
220 Seventh Street N.E.
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(804) 296-5171 Ext. 421
Donald F. McKee Martin Marietta Labs. X X
1450 S. Rolling Road
Baltimore, MD 21227
(301) 247-0700
Henry F. McKenney Environmental Research X
Institute of Michigan
P.O. Box 8618
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
(313) 994-1200, Ext. 2345
Raymond C. McKinzie Lockheed Missiles & Space X X
Company, Inc.
Bldg. 577S, 0/61-12
P.O. Box 3504
Sunnyvale, CA 95088-3504
(408) 742-9348
George C. McKoy Hughes Aircraft Co.
Canoga Park, CA 91304
(818) 702-5311
Walter Meares, Jr.
304 West State Hwy. 38
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(609) 234-1100
Lockheed California Co. X
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-5876
Allan T. Mense Strategic Defense X X
Initiative Orgn.
Dept. of Defense
Washington, DC 20301
(202) 653-0131
Gordon K. Meriwether General Electric Co. X
1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 637-4202
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Patricia Minthorn Naval Research Laboratory X
Washington, DC 20375-5000
(202) 767-0043
Aubrey Mitchell
Gerry W. Mitchell
Michael J. Mohlere Teledyne Brown Engineering X X
Cummings Research Park
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 532-1590
Robert J. Molloy
System Planning Corporation
1500 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 841-2822
David K. Monroe BDM Corporation X X
1801 Randolph Road S.E.
Albquerque, NM 87106
(505) 848-5297
MRS, Inc.
10455 White Granite Drive
Oakton, VA 22124
(703) 385-0714
Sandia National Labs.
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185
(505) 846-7971
Martin Marietta Denver X
P.O. Box 179, M.S. L8005
Denver, CO 80201
(303) 977-0272
Erin H. Moore Lockheed Missiles & Space X
P.O. Box 3504 B/154 0/80-08
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3504
(408) 743-7516
Thomas K. Moore
Richard A. Morse
4-C. Musgrave
Vitro Corporation
14000 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MA 20916
(301) 231-1305
T. D. Myers
48 Pine Lane X X
Douglassville, PA 19518
(215) 531-7934
UTC Chemical Systems X
600 Metcalf
San Jose, CA 95150
(407) 798-4700
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Michael R. Neal
Roger P. Neeland
K. D. Nokes
Melvin A. Nosal
Frederic S. Nyland
Paul C. O'Friel
Matthew Ogorzalek
Steve Orton
Gerald A. Ouellette
Martin E. Packard
Gary W. Palafox
Lockheed Georgia Co.
86 S. Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA 30063
(404) 425-4234
General Electric Co.
P.O. Box 8555
Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 354-3708
Sandia National Labs.
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185
(505) 844-7481
Aerojet TechSystems X
Dept. 9840-BR
P.O. Box 13222
Sacramento, CA 95813
(916) 355-3647
Martin Marietta
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
(303) 977-4715
Naval Surface Weapons
Silver Spring, MD 20903-5000
(301) 394-2228
U.S. Army Concepts
Analysis Agency
8120 Woodmont Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 295-5302
ANSER - Suite 800
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3082
G.A. Ouellette Consulting X
22 Warburton Way
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 586-3999
Varian Associates
611 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(415) 424-5778
General Dynamics
Fort Worth Division
P.O. Box 748
Fort Worth, TX 76101
(817) 763-3206
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Dennis R. Pandy
David H. Parker
R. Parker
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
M.S. 124-29
400 Main Street
E. Hartford, CT 06108
(203) 565-6924
Range Directorate
U.S. Navy
Missile Programs Office
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 863-1941
TRW Inc.
Electronics & Defense
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Keith E. Parton Bell Aerospace Textron X X
P.O. Box One
Buffalo, NY 14240
(716) 696-6955
Alexander J. Patrick Avco Systems Textron
201 Lowell Street
Wilmington, MA 01887
Herbert E. Pearch McDonnell Douglas Corp. X
1225 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 553-3882
Charles R. Pedersen Riverside Research Institute X X
330 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Robert Pelletier TASC X X
Suite 1000
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
Chester J. Pentlicki Communications Satellite X
22300 Comsat Drive
Clarksburg, MD 20871
(301) 428-4451
Thomas M. Perrin BDM Corporation
2227 Drake Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 882-4900
Leo Jerome Petka McDonnell Douglas Co.
3855 Lakewood Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90846
(213) 593-1301
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Charles G. Pieroth Grumman Corporation
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-0738
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 297-2093
Science Applications Intl.
P.O. Box 2351
La Jolla, CA 92038
(619) 456-6355
-- Douglas J. Postman ANSER
Suite 800
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3267
Albert E. Preyss General Electric Company X
P.O. Box 8555
Philadelphia, PA 10101
(215) 354-3247
Allen K. Rachel Science Applications X
P.O. Box 2351
La Jolla, CA 92038
(619) 456-6397
Robert W. Radoll Aerojet Strategic X X
Propulsion Co.
P.O. Box 15699C
Sacramento, CA 95813
(916) 355-6006
Richard O. Rasmussen Space Vector Corporation X
19631 Prairie Street
Reseda, CA 91324
(818) 886-6500
John D. Ray
Science Applications X X
Suite 800
2109 Clinton Avenue W.
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 533-5900
U.S. Air Force
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433
(513) 255-6261
Jerry G. Richter HRB Singer Inc. X X
Science Park
P.O. Box 60
State College, PA 16804
(814) 238-4311
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/01: CIA-RDP88G01117R001004020002-2
Los Alamos National
Box 1663, M.S. B-231
Los Alamos, NM 87545
(505) 667-6922
Michael O. Robertson Naval Surface Weapons Center X
Dahlgren, VA 22448
(703) 663-8760
Mitchell S. Robinson
Computer Sciences Corp. X
Suite 402
1945 Old Gallows Road
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 893-0123
Institute for Defense X X
1801 North Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2412
Jacques Rollan Grumman Aircraft Systems X
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-1218
Eugene D. Rossel
U.S. Air Force
Ballistic Missile Office
Norton, CA 92409
(714) 382-5021
Figgie International Inc. X
Suite 705
1735 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 892-1400
Michael S. Rudzinsky Naval Surface Weapons Center X
Dahlgren, VA 22448
(703) 663-7146
SRS Technologies X X
1811 Quail Street
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 833-9088
Charles Stark Draper Lab. X
555 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 258-3434
Jesse Schneider ORI, Inc.
7945 MacArthur Boulevard
Cabin John, MD 20818
(301) 229-5405
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J. Thomas Schriempf
Physical Sciences Inc.
603 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 548-6410
McDonnell Douglas
3855 Lakewood Blvd. 35-95
Long Beach, CA 90846
(213) 593-1687
Polly B. Sehnert Space Applications Corp. X X
Suite 400
901 Follin Lane
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 255-5200
P. M. Sforza Polytechnic University X
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(516) 454-5129
Loretta M. Shaw NASA Lewis Research Ctr.
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135
(216) 433-5658
Stanley I. Siegel Aeronautical Research Assoc. X X
of Princeton, Inc.
Suite 114
1800 Old Meadow Road
McLean, VA 22102-1815
(703) 734-1930
Milton A. Silveira NASA
600 Independence Ave.
Washington, DC 20546
(202) 453-2406
Roger A. Simmons Lockheed Missiles & Space X X
1825 Eye Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 955-3389
Robert Singellton Rockwell International X X
1800 Satellite Blvd.
Duluth, GA 30136
(404) 564-4531
Clarence Smith Space Applications Corp. X X
Suite 400
901 Follin Lane
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 255-5200
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Sidney E. Solomon
W. F. Sowder
Donald J. Spencer
Newton E. Spiess
Harry C. Spiliotis
James C. Springer
Ralph J. Starks
Walter L. Steele
Leo Steg
Aerojet Strategic
Propulsion Co.
P.O. Box 6384
San Bernardino, CA 92412
(714) 889-9551
McDonnell Douglas Astro. X X
Co. - Suite 93
3322 S. Memorial Parkway
Huntsville, AL 35801
(205) 883-9244
The Aerospace Corporation X
2350 E. El Segundo Blvd.
El Segundo, CA 90245
(213) 648-7618
Grumman Electronic Systems X
Grumman Aerospace Corporation
M.S. A06-GHQ
1111 Stewart Avenue
Bethpage, NY
(516) 575-2789
Raytheon Company X X
Hartwell Road, M.S. M4-20
Bedford, MA 01730
(617) 274-7100, Ext. 3861
Martin Marietta X X
Denver Aerospace
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
(303) 977-9806
Eagle-Picher Industries X
P.O. Box 798
Quapaw, OK 74363
(918) 673-2201
Martin Marietta Aerospace X X
P.O. Box 5837
Orlando, FL 32855
(305) 356-5141
American Electronic X X
Labs Inc.
Box 552
Lansdale, PA 19446
(215) 644-1300
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Raymond Strazzulla Litton Guidance & Control X
Systems Division
5500 Canoga Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
(818) 715-2122
Bernard Stupski
Dick Sudheimer
Jr. System Planning Corp.
1500 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 841-2840
David B. Sullivan
George W. Sutton
Stanley I. Swinney
Edward Tagliaferri
Robert T. Taylor
William J. Tedeschi
U.S. Air Force
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433
(513) 255-6261
Grumman Corporation
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-5697
P.O. Box 85154
La Jolla, CA 92138
(619) 453-6580
Boeing Military Airplane Co.
P.O. Box 1470
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 532-8180
System Development Corp. X
5151 Camino Ruiz
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 987-6811, Ext. 4479
DEI-Tech, Inc.
Suite 500
11838 Bunker Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23606
(804) 873-1747
Sandia National Labs. X
Division 1652
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185
(505) 846-7969
Richard W. Telsch Stanford Telecommunications X
6888 Elm Street
McLean, VA 22101
(202) 646-2171
Ottis F. Teuton, Jr. Lockheed Georgia Co. X
86 South Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA 30063
(404) 424-5026
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Richard G. Titus
James E. Tomlin
Daryl M. Tompkins
Terry L. Tooley
Homer C. Tourkakis
John J. Traxler
Robert B. Tupper
David M. Urie
Jose Valdez, Jr.
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Weapons Lab.
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-6008
(505) 844-0341
Rockwell International Corp.
Autonetics Marine Systems Div.
3370 Miraloma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92803
(714) 762-3073
LTV Aerospace & Defense X
Vought Missiles & Advanced
Programs Division
Box 650003, M.S. EM-76
Dallas, TX 75265
Anser, Inc.
Crystal Gateway 3, Suite 800
1215 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 685-3456
Norden Systems Inc. X
P.O. Box 5300, M.S. C231
Norwalk CT 06856
(203) 852-5390
McDonnell Douglas Acft. X
Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 234-9999
The Aerospace Corporation
P.O. Box 92957
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Box 158
Madison, PA 15663
(412) 722-5206
Lockheed California Co.
P.O. Box 551
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-1521
Naval Air Systems Command X
Building 94
Naval Air Station
San Diego, CA
(619) 437-5925
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Richard Van Allen Hughes Aircraft X X
Bldg. E-11
P.O. Box 92919, MS V104
Los Angeles, CA 90009
(213) 647-4908
William Van Tassell Science Applications X
International Corp.
4232 Ridge Lea Road
Amherst, NY 14226
(716) 834-0045
F. D. Verderame The Larkin Corporation X X
1431 Towlson
Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 255-2811
Vincent Volpe Grumman Corporation X
Aircraft Systems Division
Bethpage, NY 11714
(516) 575-9890
Raymond L. Wagner Ford Aerospace and X
Communications Corp.
10440 St. Highway
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
(303) 594-1118
Gary A. Wallace Acurex Corporation X X
Aerotherm Division
520 Clyde Avenue
Mt. View, CA 94039
(415) 964-3200, Ext. 3142
Thomas L. Wamble McDonnell Douglas Corp. X X
P.O. Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 233-6509
Louis F. Wang
Westinghouse Electric X
Marine Division
P.O. Box 3499
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3499
(408) 735-2333
Science Applications Intl. X X
1200 Prospect Street
La Jolla, CA 92037
(619) 456-6368
David G. Ward FMC Corporation X X
1105 Coleman Avenue
San Jose, CA 95108
(408) 289-2154
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Richard D. Ward
Cynthia Lee Waters
G. W. Webber Lockheed Georgia Co. X
86 South Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA
(404) 424-2569
General Dynamics
Fort Worth Division
P.O. Box 748
Fort Worth, TX 76101
(817) 763-2137
General Dynamics
Fort Worth Division
P.O. Box 748, MZ 2847
Fort Worth, TX 76101
(817) 763-2168
Robert Weinland Institute for Defense Analyses X X
1801 N. Beauregard
Alexandria, VA 22311
(703) 845-2146
Physical Sciences Inc. X
P.O. Box 3100
Research Park
Andover, MA 01810
(617) 475-9030
Albert B. Welch
LTV Aerospace & Defense X X
9314 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75265
(214) 266-1709
Robert O. Werka Teledyne Brown Engrg. X
Research Park
Huntsville, AL 35807
(205) 532-2158
James L. West Verac, Inc. X X
3100 Presidential Drive
Fairborn, OH 45324
(513) 429-5005
Don M. Westergren General Dynamics X
Space Systems Division
P.O. Box 85990
Mail Zone CI-7104
San Diego, CA 92138
(619) 547-7274
C. H. Wheatley The Singer Company X
Kearfott Division
M.C. 3 B 07
1225 McBride Avenue
Little Falls, NJ 07424
(201) 785-5300
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Stephen D. Whiston Lockheed California Co. X
P.O. Box 551
D72-36, 311, B6
Burbank, CA 91520
(818) 847-3466
Robert I. Widder Eagle Research Group
1925 N. Lynn Street
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 522-4040
Thomas F. Wiener Analytic Sciences Corp. X
8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 734-4100
William Wiesemann Naval Air Development Center X
Code 0112
Warminster, PA 18974
(215) 441-3058
Gary Wilson
Pacific Missile Test Ctr.
Point Mugu, CA 93042
(805) 989-8072
CZhris W}lt Congressional Staff MemberX GUEST
Cong. Mal Sweeney
17 3 -Longwarth Lab.
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2831
Fred D. Wood
Robert W. Woolfolk
F. H. Wright
System Planning Corp. X
1500 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 841-2927
SRI International
1611 N. Kent Street
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 247-8457
Aerojet Electrosystems
Bldg. 160, Dept. 4201
P.O. Box 296
Azusa, CA 91702
(818) 812-2375
Raymond Y. Yagami TRW
1 Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(213) 536-1146
Robert A. Yano Teledyne.CAE X X
1330 Laskey Road
Toledo, OH 43612
(419) 470-3370
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John J. Young, Jr. BDM Corporation x X
2227 Drake Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35805
(205) 882-75333
Nancy Zimmerman
Zernow Technical Services x
425 W. Bonita Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(714) 592-4002
Zimmerman Associates
Suite 420
7700 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 790-5060
Nichols Research Corp. X
Suite 150
1764 Old Meadow Lane
McLean, VA 22102-4307
(703) 893-9720
Patrick W. Zwartjes U.S. Air force
Air Force Weapons Lab.
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-6008
(505) 844-2996
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1 APR 1986
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
VIA: Deputy Director for Intelligence
Director of Scientific and Weapons Research
SUBJECT: Talking Points for Opening Remarks to Joint CIA/AIAA
1. ACTION: None. Per your request, we have attached talking points
for your welcoming remarks to the joint CIA/AIAA symposium on Soviet threat
technologies. Also attached are copies of four brochures relevant to the
subject of the symposium that we plan to give to all participants. The
information below is background material on the symposium.
CIA Headquarters 8-9 April 1986 is the second SECRET/NOFORN conference on
this subject to be sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA). The first was held in April 1985 at Sandia National
Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For that conference, the AIAA
invited eight speakers to talk on Soviet capabilities, major
accomplishments, problems and future directions in a variety of military
systems. CIA made two presentations. The meeting was attended by about
350 professionals from U.S. Government agencies (DoD, DoE, etc), defense
contractors, national laboratories, and academic institutions. The
responses received through AIAA Headquarters, Sandia National Laboratories,
and OSWR were overwhelmingly positive and complimentary. The response was
a clear indication that this type of classified forum filled a need for
regular exchanges of information about Soviet threat technologies.
3. Late last year, Dr. John Bertin, Professor of Aerospace
Engineering at the University of Texas and a Regional Director of the AIAA,
requested that CIA host and co-sponsor the second symposium. The subject
certainly was relevant to our mission, and, with the DDI's approval, we
agreed. The program for the April symposium here at Headquarters has been
expanded to a full two days with a total of 12 speakers. (The Graphics
Design Center will print the final program.) The content of all
presentations is once again restricted to SECRET/NOFORN. We are expecting
close to 400 non-CIA attendees at this meeting.
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SUBJECT: Talking Points for Opening Remarks to Joint CIA/AIAA
4. The Offices of Logistics and Security have been most helpful to us
in planning for the symposium. The North Cafeteria has changed its normal
operations for the two days and will serve a special buffet luncheon for
the participants. We plan to show several short films about advanced
technologies and the Agency during breaks. We also will have copies of the
attached brochures for the participants' retention--the Tech Transfer White
Paper; the 1986 version of Soviet Military Power; a reprint of the
unclassified Congressional testimony of the DDI and NIO/SP on Soviet
Strategic Force Developments; and the pamphlet on DI careers.) A brief
walking tour of the first floor areas is scheduled after hours on the first
as stated
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JUNE 26, 1985
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By the mid-1990s, nearly all of the Soviets' currently deployed
intercontinental nuclear attack forces--land- and sea-based ballistic missiles
and heavy bombers--will be replaced by new and improved systems. New mobile
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and a variety of cruise missiles
are about to enter the force. The number of deployed strategic force warheads
will increase by a few thousand over the next five years, with the potential
for greater expansion in the 1990s. We are concerned about the Soviets'
longstanding commitment to strategic defense, including an extensive program
to protect their leadership, their potential to deploy widespread defenses
against ballistic missiles, and their extensive efforts in directed-energy
weapons technologies, particularly high-energy lasers. Their vigorous effort
in strategic force research, development, and deployment is not new, but is
the result of an unswerving commitment for the past two decades to build up
and improve their strategic force capabilities.
Soviet leaders are attempting to prepare their military forces for the
possibility that they will actually have to fight a nuclear war. They have
seriously addressed many of the problems of conducting military operations in
a nuclear war, thereby improving their ability to deal with the many
contingencies of such a conflict.
We judge that the Soviets would plan to conduct a military campaign that
would seek to end a nuclear war on their terms--by neutralizing the ability of
US intercontinental and theater nuclear forces to interfere with Soviet
capabilities to prevail in a conflict in Eurasia.
II. Strategic Offensive Forces
The most notable recent trend in offensive forces is the construction of
bases for mobile strategic missiles--SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic
missiles (IRBMs) and new ICBMs:
--During 1984, the Soviets embarked on an unprecedented program for
constructing new SS-20 bases, starting more new bases than in any
previous year.
--The Soviets have made major strides in preparing for the
deployment of their two new mobile ICBMs--the road-mobile SS-X-25
and the rail-mobile SS-X-24. The Soviets' commitment to deploy
mobile ICBMs represents a major resource decision; such systems
require substantially more support infrastructure than do silo-
based systems, and thus are much more costly to operate and
All elements of Soviet strategic offensive forces will be extensively
modernized by the mid-1990s, as the result of programs that have been in train
for many years. While the Soviets will continue to rely on fixed, silo-based
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ICBMs, mobile ICBMs will be deployed in large numbers (see figure 1), and
major improvements will be made to the sea-based and bomber forces. The major
changes in the force will include:
--An improved capability against hardened targets. The Soviets
already have enough hard-target-capable ICBM reentry vehicles
today to attack all US ICBM silos and launch control centers and
will have larger numbers of hard-target-capable RVs in the
future. In such an attack today, they would stand a good chance
of destroying Minuteman silos. The projected accuracy
improvements for the new heavy ICBM we expect the Soviets to
deploy in the late 1980s would result in a substantial increase in
this damage capability.
--Significantly better survivability from improvements in the
submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) force--through quieter
submarines and longer range missiles--and deployment of mobile
ICBMs. Today, a large part of the Soviet silo-based ICBM force
would survive an attack by US forces. However, with the
increasing vulnerability of Soviet ICBM silos in the next ten
years if more accurate US missiles are deployed, the Soviets will
increasingly depend on the survivability of their mobile ICBM and
SLBM forces.
--A substantial increase in the number of deliverable warheads for
the bomber force as a result of the deployment of new bombers with
long-range, land-attack cruise missiles.
Chart 1 shows new Soviet strategic ballistic missiles, land- and
sea-based, and submarines--those recently deployed or now in testing and those
we expect to see tested over the next five years.
The ICBM force, as shown in figure 2, will have been almost entirely
replaced with new systems by the mid-1990s:
--The Soviets are preparing to deploy the SS-X-24 ICBM in silos in
1986 and on rail-mobile launchers in 1987. We expect SS-X-24-
class ICBMs equipped with 10 multiple independently targetable
reentry vehicles (MIRVs) to replace the MIRVed SS-17 and SS-19
silo-based ICBMs, which carry fewer warheads.
--The Soviets have started to retire older silo-based single-RV
SS-11s as they prepare to deploy the single-RV road-mobile
SS-X-25. We expect the SS-X-25 to be operational by late 1985.
--We expect at least three new ICBMs will be flight-tested in the
1986-90 time period:
- A new silo-based heavy ICBM, to replace the SS-18.
- A new version of the SS-X-24.
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- A new version of the mobile SS-X-25, which could have a MIRVed
payload option.
The SS-20 force of intermediate-range ballistic missiles is expected to
expand to over 450 deployed launchers by 1987, as a result of an extensive
program of constructing new bases. More new bases were started in 1984 than
in any previous year. The total would have been considerably higher if the
Soviets had not deactivated SS-20 bases in the central USSR to convert to
SS-X-25 ICBM bases. A follow-on to the SS-20, which also carries three
warheads and is probably designed to improve lethality, began flight-testing
in 1984.
An extensive modernization program will result in replacement of the
entire MIRVed Soviet SLBM force and deployment of much better nuclear-powered
ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). The major changes, as shown in
figure 3, will include:
--Deployment of Delta-IV and additional Typhoon SSBNs. These boats
have improvements that will contribute to their survivability. In
addition, a new class of submarines is likely to enter the force
in the early 1990s.
--Deployment of the new SS-NX-23 SLBM beginning in late 1985 or
early 1986 on Delta-IVs and on Delta-IIIs. The increased range of
the SS-NX-23, relative to that of the SS-N-18 missile currently on
Delta-IIIs, will make SS-NX-23-equipped SSBNs more survivable
because they will be able to operate closer to Soviet shores,
where the Soviet Navy can better protect them.
--A replacement for the SS-N-20 on Typhoon SSBNs will probably be
flight-tested in late 1985 or 1986, and a missile in the SS-NX-23
class will probably be tested later in the 1980s.
Heavy Bombers
Chart 2 shows new Soviet strategic bombers and a variety of new long-
range, land-attack cruise missiles.
The Soviet heavy bomber force is undergoing its first major modernization
since the 1960s; by the mid-1990s, as shown in figure 4, most of the older
bombers will have been replaced. The heavy bomber force will have a greater
role in intercontinental attack:
--The AS-15 air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) became operational on
newly produced Bear H aircraft in 1984. By using newly produced
aircraft of an old design, the Soviets were able to deploy ALCMs
at least four years earlier than if they had waited for the new
Blackjack bomber.
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--We project Blackjack will be operational in 1988 or 1989, carrying
both ALCMs and bombs.
The ALCM is the first in a series of deployments of long-range, land-
attack cruise missiles. Over the next 10 years, we expect them to deploy
2,000 to 3,000 nuclear-armed ALCMs, sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs), and
ground-launched cruise missiles (GLCMs). The deployment of cruise missiles
provides the Soviets with new multidirectional capabilities against US
Growth of Intercontinental Attack Forces
The projected growth in the number of deployed warheads on Soviet
intercontinental attack forces, under various assumptions, is shown in
figure 5:
--The force currently consists of over 9,000 deployed warheads on
some 2,500 deployed ballistic missile launchers and heavy
bombers. Most warheads are in the ICBM force.
--Warheads are increasing: new Soviet Typhoon and Delta-IV
submarines, Bear H bombers, and SS-X-24 ICBMs will carry many more
warheads than the systems they are replacing.
--By 1990, if the Soviets continue to have about 2,500 missile
launchers and heavy bombers and if they are within the
quantitative sublimits of SALT II, the deployed warheads will grow
to over 12,000.
--The 1983 Soviet proposal at the strategic arms reduction talks
(START) would also result in an expansion in the number of
warheads, although under its limits the Soviets would have about
1,000 fewer by 1990 than under SALT II limits.
--The effect of the 1983 US START proposal would be to reverse this
trend and, by the 1990s, lead to substantial reductions.
--While the Soviets would not necessarily expand their
intercontinental attack forces beyond some 12,000 to 13,000
warheads in the absence of arms control constraints, they clearly
have the capability for significant further expansion, to between
16,000 and 21,000 deployed warheads by the mid-1990s. The lower
figure represents a continuation of recent trends in deployment
rates; the upper figure is not a maximum effort but would require
a substantially greater commitment of resources.
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The Soviets will face important decisions in the next few years, as they
proceed with flight-testing the ballistic missiles which are scheduled to
begin deployment in the late 1980s and early 1990s. (See Chart 1)
Specifically, they have technical options to test new ICBMs in such a way as
to conform with, or exceed, the limitations on characteristics and
improvements in the unratified SALT II Treaty.
III. Strategic Defense
Soviet active and passive strategic defenses, while unable to prevent
large-scale damage from a major attack, are intended to provide a degree of
protection for the leadership, military, and military-related facilities
necessary for wartime operations. The Soviets will significantly improve the
capabilities of their strategic defenses over the next 10 years, as a number
of new types of weapons are introduced and many of the older systems
retired. Significant developments include the following:
--The Soviets have actively engaged in antiballistic missile (ABM)
research, development, and deployment programs for many years.
--When completed by about 1987, the improved Moscow ABM system will
consist of 100 silo-based high acceleration missiles and modified
Galosh interceptors, providing an improved intercept capability
against small-scale attacks on key targets around Moscow.
--By the end of the decade, when a new network of large phased-array
radars (including the Krasnoyarsk radar) is expected to be fully
operational, the Soviets will have a much improved capability for
ballistic missile early warning, attack assessment, and accurate
target tracking. These radars will be technically capable of
providing battle management support to a widespread ABM system,
but there are uncertainties about whether the Soviets would rely
on these radars to support a widespread ABM deployment.
--The SA-X-12 system, to be deployed in the Soviet ground forces in
1985-86, can engage conventional aircraft, cruise missiles, and
tactical ballistic missiles. It could have capabilities to
intercept some types of US strategic ballistic missile RVs. Its
technical capabilities bring to the forefront the problem that
improving technology is blurring the distinction between air
defense and ABM systems. This problem will be further complicated
as newer, more complex air defense missile systems are developed.
We are particularly concerned that the Soviets' continuing development
efforts give them the potential for widespread ABM deployments. The Soviets
have the major components for an ABM system that could be used for widespread
ABM deployments well in excess of ABM Treaty limits. The components include
radars, an aboveground launcher, and the high acceleration missile that will
be deployed around Moscow. The potential exists for the production lines
associated with the upgrade of the Moscow ABM system to be used to support a
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widespread deployment. We judge they could undertake rapidly paced ABM
deployments to strengthen the defenses at Moscow and cover key targets in the
western USSR, and to extend protection to key targets east of the Urals, by
the early 1990s. In contemplating such a deployment, however, the Soviets
will have to weigh the military advantages they would see in such defenses,
against the disadvantages of such a move, particularly the responses by the
United States and its Allies.
Deployment of new low-altitude-capable strategic air defense systems will
increase. (See figure 6.) The Soviets are continuing to deploy the new SA-10
all-altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM), are deploying new aircraft with
much better capabilities against low-flying targets, and will deploy the
Mainstay airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft in 1985.
Penetration of Soviet air defenses by currently deployed bombers would be more
difficult as improved systems are deployed. These defenses, however, would be
considerably less effective against US cruise missiles. Against a combined
attack of penetrating bombers and cruise missiles, Soviet air defenses during
the next 10 years probably would not be capable of inflicting sufficient
losses to prevent large-scale damage to the USSR. We judge, however, that the
Soviets will be able to provide an increasingly capable air defense for many
key leadership, control, and military and industrial installations essential
to wartime operations.
The Soviets still lack effective means to locate US ballistic missile
submarines at sea. We expect them to continue to pursue vigorously all
antisubmarine warfare (ASW) technologies as potential solutions to the
problems of countering US SSBNs and defending their own SSBNs against US
attack submarines. We are concerned about the energetic Soviet ASW research
and technology efforts. However, we do not believe there is a realistic
possibility that the Soviets will be able to deploy in the 1990s a system that
could pose any significant threat to US SSBNs on patrol.
Leadership Protection
The Soviets have a large program to provide protection for their
leadership. We judge that, with as little as a few hours' warning, a large
percentage of the wartime management structure would survive the initial
effects of a large-scale US nuclear attack. We estimate there are at least
800, perhaps as many as 1,500, relocation facilities for leaders at the
national and regional levels. Deep underground facilities for the top
national leadership might enable the top leadership to survive--a key
objective of their wartime management plans.
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IV. Command and Control Considerations
While significant improvements in the capabilities of both Soviet and US
strategic offensive forces will occur throughout the next 10 years, sizable
forces on both sides would survive large-scale nuclear strikes. The Soviets'
confidence in their capabilities for global conflict and in their ability to
limit damage to the Soviet Union would be affected to a large extent by
command and control considerations--the need for continuity in their own
command and control capabilities, and their prospects for disrupting and
destroying the ability of the United States and its Allies to command and to
operate their forces.
--Although US attacks could destroy many known fixed command,
control, and communications facilities, the Soviets' emphasis in
this area has resulted in their having many key hardened
facilities and redundant means of communications; thus, it seems
highly likely that the Soviets could maintain overall continuity
of command and control, although it would probably be degraded and
they could experience difficulty in maintaining endurance.
--We believe the Soviets would launch continuing attacks on US and
Allied strategic command, control, and communications to try to
prevent or impair the coordination of retaliatory strikes, thereby
easing the burden on Soviet strategic defenses, and impairing US
and Allied abilities to marshal military and civilian resources to
reconstitute forces. While the Soviets would devote substantial
efforts to this mission, they probably are not confident that they
could accomplish these objectives.
V. Space Program
The vigorous Soviet space program is predominantly military in nature.
More than 70 percent of Soviet space missions are for military purposes only,
with much of the rest serving a dual military-civil function. The Soviets
view space as an integral part of their overall offensive and defensive force
structure, not as a separate arena or as a sanctuary. While the Soviets seek
to be able to deny enemy use of space in wartime, current Soviet antisatellite
capabilities are limited and fall short of meeting this apparent
requirement. Today, in addition to the dedicated nonnuclear orbital
interceptor, other systems--the nuclear Galosh ABM interceptor and two ground-
based high-energy lasers--have the potential to destroy or interfere with some
satellites in near-Earth orbit, but the potential threat to satellites in
higher orbit is limited. It is likely that the Soviets would attempt to
destroy or interfere with US satellites during an intense conventional
conflict, and in the initial stages of a nuclear war. These capabilities,
however, would not survive a nuclear attack. Some improvements in Soviet
antisatellite capabilities are expected.
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VI. Directed-Energy and Hypervelocity Kinetic-Energy Weapons
Directed-energy and kinetic-energy weapons potentially could be developed
for several strategic weapons applications--antisatellite (ASAT), air defense,
battlefield use, and, in the longer term, ballistic missile defense (BMD).
There is strong evidence of Soviet efforts to develop high-energy laser
weapons, and these efforts have been taking place, in some cases, since the
--We estimate a laser weapon program of the magnitude of the Soviet
effort would cost roughly $1 billion per year if carried out in
the United States.
--Two facilities at the Saryshagan test range are assessed to have
high-energy lasers with the potential to function as ASAT weapons.
--We are concerned about a large Soviet program to develop ground-
based laser weapons for terminal defense against reentry
vehicles. There are major uncertainties, however, concerning the
feasibility and practicality of using ground-based lasers for
BMD. We expect the Soviets to test the feasibility of such a
system during the 1980s, probably using one of the high-energy
laser facilities at Saryshagan. An operational system could not
be deployed until many years later, probably not until after the
year 2000.
--The Soviets appear to be developing two high-energy laser weapons
with potential strategic air defense applications--ground-based
and naval point defense.
--The Soviets are continuing to develop an airborne laser.
--Soviet research includes a project to develop high-energy laser
weapons for use in space. A prototype high-energy, space-based
laser ASAT weapon could be tested in low orbit in the early
1990s. Even if testing were successful, such a system probably
could not be operational before the mid-1990s.
The Soviets are also conducting research under military sponsorship for
the purpose of acquiring the ability to develop particle beam weapons
(PBWs). We believe the Soviets will eventually attempt to build a space-based
PBW, but the technical requirements are so severe that we estimate there is a
low probability they will test a prototype before the year 2000.
The Soviets are strong in the technologies appropriate for radiofrequency
(RF) weapons, which could be used to interfere with or destroy components of
missiles or satellites, and we judge they are probably capable of developing a
prototype RF weapon system.
We are concerned that Soviet directed-energy programs may have proceeded
to the point where they could construct operational ground-based ASAT weapons.
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The Soviets have expended significant resources since the 1960s in R&D on
technologies with potential applications for hypervelocity kinetic-energy
VII. Resources for Projected Developments and Arms Control Considerations
Strategic offensive and defensive forces account for about one-fifth of
total defense spending--about one-tenth each. The Soviets are increasing
their resource commitments to their already formidable strategic forces
research, development, and deployment programs. We estimate that total
investment and operating expenditures for projected Soviet strategic offensive
forces (intercontinental attack and intermediate range) and strategic
defensive forces (assuming no widespread ABM deployments) will result in a
growth in total Soviet strategic force expenditures of between 5 and 7 percent
a year over the next five years. (The rate would be 7 to 10 percent if
widespread ABM defenses were deployed.)
A growth rate of 5 to 7 percent a year for strategic programs, combined
with the projected growth rate for nonstrategic programs of about 3 percent,
would lead to a growth in total defense spending of between 3 and 4 percent
per year--at the same time that we foresee sluggish growth in the Soviet
economy for the rest of the decade. Increasing the share of the GNP devoted
to defense will confront the Soviets with the difficult choice of reducing the
growth in investment, which is critical to modernizing the industrial base, or
curtailing growth in consumption, which is an important factor in the Soviet
drive to improve labor productivity.
Despite serious economic problems since the mid-1970s, Soviet military
procurement has been at high annual levels; in particular, the Soviets have
continued to procure large quantities of new strategic weapons. Since the
mid-1970s, for example, the Soviets fielded their MIRVed ICBM force, and then
improved it; deployed the MIRVed SLBM force on new SSBNs; and deployed their
mobile SS-20 force. In recent years the Soviets have increased their resource
commitments to emerging new systems, particularly with respect to the
deployment of costly mobile missile systems.
While Soviet economic problems are severe, we see no signs that the
Soviets feel compelled to forgo important strategic programs or that they will
make substantial concessions in arms control in order to relieve economic
pressures. Soviet force decisions and arms control decisions are likely to
continue to be driven by calculations of political-strategic benefits and the
dynamism of weapons technology. We judge that strategic forces will continue
to command the highest resource priorities and therefore would be affected
less by economic problems than any other element of the Soviet military. We
believe, however, that, as a result of the stark economic realities, decisions
involving the rate of strategic force modernization probably will be
influenced by economic factors more now than in the past and some deployment
programs could be stretched out.
We believe the Soviets are determined to prevent any erosion of the
military gains the USSR has made over the past decade. They recognize that
new US strategic systems being deployed or under development will increase the
threat to the survivability of their silo-based ICBM force, complicate their
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ASW efforts, and present their air defense forces with increasingly complex
problems. By their actions and propaganda, the Soviets have demonstrated they
are very concerned about the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and its
focus on advanced technology. In their view, it could force them to redirect
their offensive ballistic missile development programs to reduce
vulnerabilities or could stimulate a costly, open-ended high-technology
competition for which they probably are concerned that the United States can
outpace their own ongoing efforts. They are probably also concerned that SDI
will lead to a sustained US effort in strategic defenses.
Soviet leaders view arms control policy as an important factor in
advancing their strategy of achieving strategic advantage. They have been
willing to negotiate restraints on force improvements and deployments when it
served their interests. Moscow has long believed that arms control must first
and foremost protect the capabilities of Soviet military forces relative to
their opponents. The Soviets seek to limit US force modernization through
both the arms control process and any resulting agreements. A salient feature
of Soviet arms control policy will be its emphasis on trying to limit US
ballistic missile defense and space warfare capabilities. The Soviets will
try to use arms control discussions as a means of delaying or undercutting the
US SDI program.
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Figure 1
Soviet Intercontinental Attack Forces,
Warhead Mix
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Figure 2
Modernization of Soviet ICBMs
New heavy
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Figure 3
Modernization of Soviet SLBMs
Note: Color changes for D-I11 and Typhoon in the mid-1990s
indicate new missiles deployed in existing submarine classes.
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Figure 4
Modernization of Soviet Heavy Bombers
Heavy Bombers
Bison - Bear H Older Bears Blackjack
Older Bear H
Heavy Bomber Weapons
Bear H
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Figure 5
Growth in Number of Deployed Warheads on Soviet Strategic
Intercontinental Attack Forces
Thousands of warheads
Thousands of warheads
until mid-1990
until mid-1990
Expansion beyond
arms control
Expansion beyond
arms control
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Figure 6
Modernization of Soviet Strategic
Air Defense Forces
Strategic SAMs
Air Defense Interceptors
Military District
Air Defense
District Aviation
a Represents different assumptions about our projections of modernization.
b New interceptors are: Foxhound, Fulcrum, Flanker, long-range interceptor.
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Chart I: New Soviet Strategic Ballistic Missiles
Recently Deployed or in Testing
SS-X-24 SS-X-25 Follow-on
SS-N-20 SS-NX-23
To be Tested 1986-90
SS-18 SS-X-24 SS-X-25
Follow - on Follow - on Follow-on
SS-N-20 SS-NX-23
Follow - on Follow-on
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Chart II: New Soviet Strategic Bombers and Cruise Missiles
Bombers I Long-Range Cruise Missiles
Bear H
AS-15 SS-NX-21 SSC-X-4
Black lack
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A professional career eident and supports other the
with new horizons
As a member of the
Directorate of Intelligence,
you can make vital
contributions to the nation.
You will be asked to work at the
leading edge of your professional field
with colleagues who are dedicated to
supporting senior policymakers with
the best possible intelligence.
Consequently, the Directorate of
Intelligence offers you a unique
opportunity to build a satisfying
career. And we back you with state-of-
the-art technology and equipment,
access to vast sources of information
available nowhere else, continued
training and education, travel and
The role of the CIA's Directorate of
Intelligence is to analyze and interpret
foreign intelligence information for
our nation's leaders. Those who
formulate and carry out the foreign
policies of the United States rely
heavily on foreign intelligence
information that is integrated,
analyzed, and produced by our
component. These national policy-
makers include the President of the
United States, the Secretaries of State
and Defense, other key members of
the President's Cabinet, and members
of the National Security Council.
Our task in the DI, then, is to
provide timely, accurate, and compre-
hensive intelligence information of
vital importance to the US
policymaker and to the security of our
nation. In organizing and presenting
assignments in foreign lands and contact the facts and in assessing their
with leading experts in your own field
in this country and abroad, as well as
interaction with experts in related
In joining our organization's quest
to understand and to explain a highly
complex, ever-shifting, and often
confusing world, your assignments
will be highly meaningful ... to you
and the United States. We emphasize
the ability to think for yourself, to
think creatively, and to exercise sound
The Directorate of
Intelligence (D is the
analytical arm of the CIA.
The Directorate of Intelligence is
one of the four major components of
the Central Intelligence Agency. The
other three directorates of the CIA
are responsible for developing and
operating technical collection systems,
for collecting foreign intelligence
information and carrying out intel-
ligence activities abroad, and for
providing administrative and support
services. In this brochure, however,
we want to tell you about the special
role of the Directorate of Intelligence,
or "DI," as we know it.
implications, we take particular pride
in objective analysis and reporting. We
can do this because we are not
responsible for making policy
decisions or for advocating one policy
over another.
But you can be sure that your
thinking and judgment can influence
the direction of significant decisions at
the highest levels of our government.
What is meant by
intelligence production?
Intelligence production involves the
conversion of raw information into
"finished intelligence." It includes the
integration, evaluation, and analysis of
data from all available sources and the
preparation of a variety of intelligence
products. Such products or estimates
may be presented as briefings, daily,
weekly, or monthly publications,
concise ad hoc reports, or
comprehensive, in-depth studies and
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This conversion is not a simple
process. It requires careful thought and
patience. The raw information is often
fragmentary, complex, and, at times,
contradictory. DI analysts, who
specialize in various subjects or
particular areas of the world, must
exercise sound judgment. They also
must be able to present their findings
clearly and concisely, both orally and in
writing. Because of the urgency and
importance of the tasks at hand, our
analysts frequently have to respond to
short deadlines.
How we are organized.
The subjects with which our
analysts work are many and varied.
They may concern different countries,
regions, problems, or personalities in a
variety of contexts: political,
geographic, economic, military,
scientific, sociological, or biographic.
Accordingly, we concentrate our
research and analytical efforts on
particular areas and cultures as well as
specific disciplines. To achieve these
objectives, the Directorate of
Intelligence is organized along both
regional and functional lines.
There are five regional offices: the
Offices of African and Latin
American, East Asian, Near East
and South Asian, Soviet, and
European Analysis. These offices
conduct multidisciplinary analysis of
all countries and topics within their
particular areas of responsibility. By
placing together political, economic,
and military analysts working on the
same country or geographic area, these
offices not only foster broad area
specialization among analysts but also
ensure that every analytical discipline
will be involved in intelligence
assessments from inception to
There are also five functional offices
in the DI: the Offices of Global
Issues, Current Production and
Analytic Support, Scientific and
Weapons Research, Imagery Analysis,
and Central Reference.
The Office of Global Issues
analyzes international economic,
geographic, and technological issues as
well as special topics such as terrorism,
narcotics, weapons transfers, and
political instability.
The Office of Current Production
and Analytic Support publishes all DI
intelligence reports and produces CIA
maps, charts, and specialized graphics
for use in CIA reports and briefings
and for the White House. It also
manages the CIA's 24-hour Operations
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The Office of Scientific and
Weapons Research assesses the
technical capabilities of foreign
weapons and space systems. It also
studies technology transfer, nuclear
weapons/energy, and scientific and
technological developments on a
worldwide basis.
The Office of Imagery Analysis
produces intelligence assessments and
in-depth reports, based on
photography and other sources.
The Office of Central Reference
produces biographic intelligence,
provides reference services, and
operates map, document, and open
literature libraries.
An Analytic Support Group assists
these regional and functional offices
with computerized programs and
advanced methodologies. This group
provides ADP training and
consultative assistance to DI analysts.
It identifies and develops advanced
quantitative methods to enhance
analyst effectiveness and productivity.
In addition, the Directorate of
Intelligence has staff elements
involved in arms control intelligence,
the development of intelligence
collection requirements, product
evaluation, planning and management.
It also participates actively - often
providing the leadership - in various
interagency intelligence committees.
It should be noted that the I)I is a
dynamic organization subject to
continuing refinement as new issues
emerge and as the needs of the
President and other policymakers
expand or change.
You can advance rapidly
and will enjoy many
There are several factors that
promote your personal and
professional advancement at the
Directorate of Intelligence:
? Promotions are competitive and
based on your accomplishments.
You are given additional responsi-
bilities as soon as you are ready to
assume them.
? You can select the career direction
you prefer. You may specialize in
one field or subject, expand your
professionalism to cover several
fields, or concentrate on developing
managerial skills. And you may
switch career directions as your career
progresses and your interests change.
? You will be working on important
projects at the leading edge of your
field of interest.
? Direct contact with senior US
officials and policymakers is an
important part of your job.
? You will associate with senior
experts in your field, not only at the
CIA but in other government
agencies, in universities, and in
private industry.
? You get unequaled access to
? Some persons who join us directly
from college will enter the Career
Training Program. The Career
Training Program involves intensive
training and exposure to all aspects
of CIA's mission. Those selected for
this special training ultimately will
be able to move on to positions of
leadership with a broader and
keener understanding of the
? To bolster your thinking power and
talents, we support graduate study,
provide various training courses
throughout your career, and offer
opportunities for sabbaticals.
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? As part of your ongoing training,
you can expect to travel in foreign
countries and have the opportunity
for assignments abroad (although
willingness to serve abroad is not a
requirement in the DI).
? We seek to offer you the best career
benefits found in both academic
institutions and private industry at
salaries that are comparable to those
in private industry.
? CIA is not part of the Civil Service
(even though our general rules, pay,
and benefits are patterned after
those of the Civil Service).
When you join the Directorate of
Intelligence, you will be given
opportunities and levels of challenge
seldom found elsewhere.
You work for the President
of the United States and
national leaders.
You interact with the highest
echelons in the US Government in two
First, the results of your research
and analysis are presented to these
leaders and form part of the
foundation on which they make
national policy decisions.
Second, some of your assignments
will be in direct response to requests
issued by these leaders, who seek the
information needed to arrive at
intelligent decisions.
Thus, your work is exceptionally
The resources at your
command are unique.
Sophisticated research and analysis
demands that you start with complete
information on the issue at hand.
Here, our organization has unique
capabilities to provide and secure what
you need.
You will, of course, obtain
information from published works, the
media, academic contacts, and other
government agencies in this country.
Then, we will back you with the
capabilities of our Central Reference
Office, which include an extensive and
valuable store of data as well as
computer access to our own data
banks and other data banks
throughout the nation. We also place
at your fingertips the computer
support and power necessary to do the
job right. And when the information
you need is not available by
conventional means, we have unique
capabilities to secure it through
clandestine collection and by advanced
technical means ... anywhere in the
Naturally, we cannot guarantee to
give you complete information on
every issue. Often you will have only
some of the pieces to the puzzle and
some of these will be incomplete or
sketchy. But this often makes your
challenge even more interesting. And
you can be sure you are getting the
most complete information from the
best sources in the world. Ultimately,
however, the quality of your product
and your own success will depend on
your analytical ability, intelligence,
imagination, and insight.
The emphasis is on
continued education and
You learn on the job by tackling
increasingly more demanding projects
and through interaction with senior
colleagues and national leaders in your
profession. But you also increase your
knowledge and capability by formal
training. We encourage and support
advanced study at universities, and we
offer you a wide range of specialized
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courses given in the DI. This
emphasis on self-improvement is not
limited to the early years of your
association with us. Economists on our
staff, for example, typically spend
more than 10 percent of their time on
formal studies throughout their
As part of this training, you may
travel in or be assigned to work in
foreign nations in order to give you
firsthand knowledge and familiari-
zation. However, your primary duty
station will be in our professional
offices in the Washington, DC
metropolitan area.
Where we work ...
The CIA Headquarters is located in
suburban Virginia, only seven miles
from Washington, DC. Its location
otters you a variety of choices of where
to live. You may choose to reside in
the countryside, in the city of
Washington, or in the adjacent
suburbs of Virginia or Maryland.
Each location has its own amenities to
suit your tastes.
As the nation's capital,
Washington, DC offers something of
everything for everyone. Noted as one
of the most beautiful cities in the
country, Washington is a highly
cosmopolitan area, home to embassies
from almost every country in the
world. It has more parks than any
other major American city, and the
many sidewalk cafes, the quaint,
pebbled streets of Georgetown, and
the sparkling monuments add to the
international flavor of this city.
Cultural, historical, and sports
activities abound ... and the seashore
or mountains are but a few hours
with both experienced professionals and
recent college graduates.
To qualify for a position with the
Directorate of Intelligence, you must be
a native US citizen or a naturalized
citizen for at least five years. If you are
married, there is a similar requirement
that your spouse has, or is acquiring,
US citizenship.
Following, you will find a list of the
disciplines used by the Directorate of
Intelligence. Career opportunities in
several of these disciplines are detailed
on subsequent pages.
Behavioral Science
Computer Science
- operations
- programming
- systems analysis
- agricultural
- area
- econometrics
- finance
- general
- industrial
- international
- aeronautical
- aerospace
- electrical
- electronic
- general
- industrial
- mechanical
- nuclear
Foreign Area Studies
Graphic Design/Illustrating
Imagery Analysis
International Relations
Library and Documentation Sciences
Life Sciences
Military Analysis
Political Science
Q ilenging positions are
available in many
The Directorate of Intelligence
employs a wide diversity of disciplines
and experience. So, if you have a
bachelor's, master's degree or a
doctorate, the chances are very good
that we can offer you an interesting
career. We arc interested in meeting
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Career opportunities in
Economic Research
and Analysis
Economic events anywhere in
the world can be of inter-
est and concern to the
Directorate of Intelligence.
We are engaged in economic
research and analysis on the economies
of foreign countries as well as on
global issues such as those concerning
international trade, monetary
development, and the international
commodity markets.
The wide scope of our activities
gives a broad dimension to the career
opportunities we offer the economist.
But there are several other unique
factors that are also worthy of your
You must be able to write and
speak well - to explain exceedingly
complex economic issues clearly and
concisely, so that a person with limited
knowledge of economics can readily
Most of your reports will be in
written form, but it is possible on
occasion for even a junior economist to
be invited to the White House - for
example, to give oral briefings to
members of the National Security
The opportunities to find job
satisfaction and professional
recognition are evident.
You work in an
The Directorate of Intelligence
employs economists who are
generalists as well as specialists in
varied fields including macro-
economics, international trade,
international finance, labor and
industrial economics, econometrics,
and public finance. You will, of
course, interact with other economists
as you carry out your assignments.
However, many of the problems we
tackle are so complex that you also will
deal with staff members who are
experts in political, military, techno-
logical, and social disciplines.
This interdisciplinary approach to
economics will help stimulate your
professional development.
The qualifications you need.
To qualify for an appointment, you
should have an M.A. or Ph.D. in
economics, although persons with
good qualifications at the B.A. level
will be considered. You should also
possess analytical ability and research
Desirable attributes of lesser
importance are knowledge of torcign
areas and foreign languages, advanced
training in mathematics and
automated data processing, and
practical industrial or agricultural
If you meet the US citizenship
requirement and have these
qualifications, we would like to meet
with you. Let us hear your career
objectives, and we will clarify in detail
how well you can reach them at the
Directorate of Intelligence.
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Career opportunities in
The Physical
and Ennguiee
Most scientists and engi-
neers at the Directorate
of Intelligence are
assigned to the Office of Scientific and
Weapons Research, whose responsi-
bility is to determine the nature and
scope of foreign scientific and technical
programs and activities. It also evaluates
the performance capabilities of foreign
weapons and space systems.
Specific areas of research and
analysis include scientific policy, the
physical and life sciences, military
technology, nuclear energy and
weapons, nuclear proliferation,
offensive and defensive strategic
weapons systems, tactical and general
purpose weapons, antisubmarine
warfare, space systems, and
technology transfer.
Three examples
To further clarify what we do, let us
look briefly at three case studies.
An electronic engineer, who is 25
years old and has served on our staff
for three years, developed a strong
technical understanding of foreign super
computers. He applied this knowledge
to potential future energy and weapons
systems. He then came up with new
and profound concepts of vital
significance to our nation. After writing
the results of his research, he published
his findings and conducted briefings on
these subjects at the White House and
at other national policymaking
In another instance, a foreign
nation plans to develop a new air-
craft. Our multidisciplinary teams
will study every aspect of the plane's
characteristics, production, and
deployment, its impact on United
States interests, and how we can best
counter this development.
In still another example, a foreign
nation gains the technical ability
and may have the objective of
developing aggressive weapons to be
used in space. Our teams ask: "What
is the nature of this threat? What
American satellites and spacecraft are
vulnerable? When? How can we best
counter the threat?"
What do these assignments
mean to you?
They mean that you work almost
exclusively on state-of-the-art
On a worldwide scale.
On issues of profound concern to
America's security and economic
You live and work in the future.
How do our career
assignments compare with
jobs In private industry?
The primary difference between
working for the Directorate of
Intelligence and private industry is
one of scope. In the DI you are
concerned with major technological
systems on a worldwide basis.
Corporations are, on the other hand,
rarely able to tackle such broad
assignments but are usually limited to
producing parts of systems or
Another difference is found in the
support you are given to perform your
tasks. A corporation is typically
limited by contractual restraints, while
the Directorate is equipped with
resources appropriate to the importance
of its mission. Consequently, we can
furnish you with superior support in
many areas: clerical, data processing,
library services, access to data banks,
computer science consultation, pro-
fessional conferences, and advanced
study and training.
It is obvious that these differences
will affect your career development
and job satisfaction. So, when you take
into account that our salaries are
competitive with those paid in private
industry, you have several compelling
reasons for exploring career oppor-
tunities at the Directorate of
You will work with leading
experts in many disciplines
... here and abroad.
As part of an interdisciplinary team,
you will associate with senior members
in your own field ... plus experts in
such disciplines as economics, political
science, sociology, and geography.
You will also work with experts in
various fields at universities, private
companies, and other government
agencies who can shed light on
problems you are seeking to solve.
And you may interact with your
counterparts in the intelligence
services of allied nations.
When new and fresh information is
needed for your analysis, you may
work with operational intelligence
specialists who are skilled at obtaining
valuable information through clandes-
tine personal contacts in foreign
countries and through sophisticated
technical means.
The persons you will associate with
as a staff member of the Directorate of
Intelligence will add an extra dimension
to your career.
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Career opportunities in
Political Science,
History, InternauonaRelations, Foreign
Area Studies
olitical analysts in the
Directorate of Intelligence
work on some of the most
pressing and important foreign issues
of the day, from nuclear proliferation, to
the future leadership of specific
countries, to social and demographic
trends. If it affects the interests of the
United States, political analysts at
CIA are working on it.
Our audience is the most
demanding in the world. It includes
the President and other senior policy-
makers as well as colleagues throughout
the US Intelligence Community. As a
political analyst and expert in your
particular field, you make judgments
that will assist our leaders in the
decisions they must make.
The job
In its simplest terms, the task of
political analysts is to think and write.
Our product can be divided into three
broad categories. We prepare quick
assessments of fast-breaking situations
that are akin to newspaper articles and
are written in a matter of hours - for
example, the impact on US interests
of a sudden coup d etas in an
important Third World country. We
also do longer, more reflective analyses
of events and trends, such as an
examination of a particular country's
foreign policy or foreign election
results. And we write in-depth
analyses of specific issues and
developments, such as the role of
the military in a country's political
Career patterns
As a new political analyst, you will
be assigned a specific "account" - an
intelligence issue or specific country or
region - on the basis of your interests
and expertise. Under the tutelage of a
supervisor and with the assistance of
veteran analysts, you will "learn the
ropes." Responsibilities and rewards
increase as you demonstrate your
You can work on one area or
country during your entire career or
you can change, as most analysts do. the
choice, however, is yours. All
managers are promoted from the
ranks; so you also have the option of
moving into a supervisory position or
rising to become a Senior Analyst.
Education, training and
Political analysts bring a solid
mastery of their basic discipline with
them, but the craft of intelligence
analysis is learned on the job. The
Directorate of Intelligence will help
you acquire the skills and knowledge
needed to succeed in your chosen
career. There are numerous special
courses offered in-house, including
language training, to help you become
a better analyst, and the Directorate
will sponsor and pay for course work
at local universities as long as it is
related to your job. Foreign travel
opportunities are also generous.
A bachelor's or advanced degree in
Political Science, International
Relations, Area Studies, or the social
sciences with a strong academic record
is required. Strong written and oral
communications skills are essential.
The ability to work independently,
take the initiative, and meet deadlines
~i? .,:..,1 T , e ..1.1:... or
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Career opportunities in
Computer Science
C omputer science applications
L at the Directorate of
Intelligence focus on har-
nessing the power of the computer
and making it a useful tool in the
hands of our analysts. Essentially, we
provide the necessary computer
consultation for any group within the
Directorate. Our tasks may be broadly
divided into two areas: data processing
and analytical methodology.
Data processing
On the data processing side, we are
concerned with storage and retrieval of
data, office automation, and data
bases, and we train analysts in various
disciplines in the use of computer
In office automation, we develop
and install systems which include
word processing, graphic
presentations, electronic mail, and
other electronic dissemination of
We develop large and small data
bases in such a way that analysts can
easily and effectively access them for
information and thus study different
combinations of relationships. In
addition to our own data bases, we
also access data bases around the
nation and around the world.
To create and install useful ADP
systems requires knowledge and
understanding of computer science as
well as awareness of how analysts
function. Consequently, we are
seeking persons who have a B.A.,
M.A., or Ph.D. in computer science
along with a minor in Statistics,
Economics, Political Science, History,
or Social Sciences.
Analytical methodology
In analytical methodology we
support analysts through four
academic disciplines: mathematical
statistics, operations research,
econometrics, and political
The mathematical statistician may
apply theory to a mass of jumbled data
to render it coherent and meaningful.
The operations research specialist will,
for example, find which of the many
possible paths is the most cost-
effective way to move oil from the
Persian Gulf to the United States.
The econometrician helps build
mathematical models of foreign
economies. The political meth-
odologist, with a background in
both mathematics and political
science, applies statistical reasoning to
political data.
Our work is always original, and we
continuously face new challenges that
demand high levels of creativity. We
continually seek out complex analytical
problems and help to develop new and
unique ADP solutions in support of DI
You get state-of--the-art
The data processing facilities we
place at your fingertips may well be
You will have the latest hardware,
IBM and IBM compatible, at all
times. The serial numbers on our
mainframes usually read from 2 to 10.
You can log into the systems at any
time, there is no need to wait for
availabilities at odd hours. And do not
worry about storage. You can have all
that you need.
We are constantly searching for the
latest and best in off-the-shelf
applications software. We have
whatever packages that are of interest
to you as well as many more. Because
we test new software for a number of
organizations, we can even make
packages available to you before they
are released to the marketplace.
We also support your personal
growth by encouraging attendance at
technical conferences and meetings,
the publishing of technical papers
whenever security permits, and
advanced training and education,
including paid study leading to
Master's and Ph.D. degrees.
The Directorate of Intelligence
gives you the tools and the
opportunities to advance your
computer science career as rapidly
and as far as your talents allow.
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Career opportunities for
and Specialists
Imagery Analysis
he field of imagery analysis
should be of particular
interest to anyone with an
undergraduate or graduate degree in
the political, social, physical, or earth
sciences. We provide both formal and
on-the-job training, including an 18-
week imagery analysis familiarization
The Central Intelligence Agency
uses imagery from various recon-
naissance systems. As an imagery
analyst, you will analyze resulting
photographs, derive as much in-
formation as possible from them, and
then correlate your findings with data
from other sources to produce reports
of vital importance to our nation's
policymakers. Our analysis covers a
wide range of subjects, including
economic, military, transportation, and
industrial studies.
As an imagery analyst, you will
participate in an ongoing training and
professional development program.
You can expect to visit selected US
facilities and to exchange ideas with
other intelligence specialists. Imagery
analysis - in large focus and small -
will show you the world.
Military Intelligence
Maintaining peace in today's
precarious world is a complex and
demanding challenge. To meet that
challenge, the President of the United
States and our other top national policy-
makers must have a clear under-
standing of the military situation
around the world. Supplying this
understanding is the responsibility of
the CIA's military analysts in the
Directorate of Intelligence.
If you are a new analyst, joining us
directly from college or from another
job, we furnish the formal and on-the-
job training you need to bring you to
the highest level of expertise. Military
experience is helpful, but not essential.
We are looking for people with an
undergraduate or graduate degree in
Foreign Area Studies, Political Science,
History, International Relations,
Economics, Econometrics. We are
also looking for people with intel-
lectual curiosity, analytical and
research skills, and the ability to write
clearly and swiftly on complex
subjects. Some of the positions we
offer require a strong background in
statistics, data processing, or both.
As a military analyst with the DI,
you will be part of a multidisciplinary
team, working with economic, polit-
ical, technical, and other military
analysts. You will prepare reports on
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foreign military programs, activities,
capabilities, and intentions. Drawing
on extremely sophisticated sources of
information, you will conduct research
? The organization, development,
and doctrine of the military forces of
selected countries.
? The relationship between economic
resources and military programs.
? The strengths and weaknesses of
modem military forces, and their
effectiveness under various
? Arms control.
? Comparisons of military power in the
modern world.
? Insurgency and counterinsurgency.
? Fast-breaking developments in
impending wars, primarily in the
Third World countries.
In all of these areas, military
intelligence is vital in keeping our
policymakers informed. As a military
analyst, you will make a vital
contribution to their understanding.
Information Handling
CIA has information handling
positions to:
? Design, develop, and operate
sophisticated information and
reference facilities for all of CIA.
? Receive and disseminate intelligence
reports and publications.
? Provide remote computer access to a
large number of information
? Operate special libraries of books,
documents, maps, and photographic
? Procure publications and maps.
To the librarian, the Directorate of
Intelligence offers truly unique career
horizons. You will use state-of-the-art
technology in the library and
information sciences. You will collect
information on a global scale, and you
will utilize sources of information not
available elsewhere. The work is
dynamic, demanding, fast paced, and
exciting. Your material is read and
used, and you watch history being
made. Professional positions as
Information Resources Officers are
available to general liberal arts majors.
You will analyze, index, and
disseminate intelligence documents.
Or you may work in procuring books,
and periodicals or maps.
Most librarian positions require a
master's degree in library science, but
opportunities are also available for
geographers, information specialists,
and other liberal arts majors with a
concentration in foreign area studies,
political science, history, or foreign
languages. Information science
training is highly desirable for all
positions. Reading proficiency in one
or more foreign languages is a plus.
Geographic Analysis
Every development of foreign pol-
icy interest takes place within a geo-
graphic context. Often these geo-
graphic dimensions of policy concerns
are critical to understanding the likely
course of events or their implications
for the US. Geographic analysts work
as both specialists and generalists,
applying their academic training in
physical, human, and transportation
geography to answering specific ques-
tions; exercising their integrative
faculties in regional analysis, or calling
on their abilities to identify and inter-
pret broad patterns. More specifically,
geographic intelligence officers
? describe and interpret emerging
global patterns of population
growth and refugee movements
? examine boundary disputes on land
and in the oceans to determine the
potential for conflict and; the possi-
bilities for resolution
? analyze transportation networks and
development in international
shipping 1, 1
? assess terrain and environmental
conditions as they bear on the out-
come of insurgent and governmen-
tal activities~in areas of conflict
? study water -resources and rights
issues, and anticipate possibilities
for conflict over access to natural
Qualifications for geographic ana-
lyst positions generally include
advanced degree training in geography
and 'a special interest in foreign area
research. Foreign language and ADP
skills are also highly desirable. Suc-
cession the job depends on ability to
communicate conclusions and analysis
through clear and concise written
reports and briefmgs, and on demon-
stration of talent in integrating graph-
ics, maps, and words into an effec-
tive consumer; oriented presentation.
Ability to interact constructively with
the widest range of professionals from
other disciplines both within CIA and
beyond is also part of the job.
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Biographic Intelligence
Acting as a biographic area
reference specialist, you will write
reports on foreign leaders and provide
answers to a wide variety of questions.
You will obtain information through
research in manual and computer-
based files, by interviewing persons
returning from overseas assignments,
and through CIA's varied and
sophisticated means of collecting
needed data.
You will often work under pressure
to produce reports urgently requested
by other staff members and by
government leaders.
The ability to analyze and to write
clearly and concisely on short
deadlines is essential. Interest in
information storage and retrieval as
well as the ability to read one or more
foreign languages is desirable.
The positions require a master's
degree with emphasis on area study,
but a bachelor's degree with some
area focus and relevant practical
experience will be considered.
Practical experience may take the form
of overseas or military intelligence
The Directorate of Intelligence has
an organization staffed with
professionals who are involved in the
full range of cartographic activities and
functions. To support the creation of a
wide variety of maps, they have avail-
able the very latest in computer
mapping technology. Such maps, and
cartographic services, are used by DI
analysts and other Agency employees to
provide graphics that complement and
support intelligence reports, briefings,
and reference work.
Our capability is varied. We create
maps of the world, continents, nations,
and cities. We develop thematic maps
that show political, economic, and
agricultural subjects. We also create
maps that explain political adminis-
tration, transportation trends, popula-
tion characteristics and movements, and
the flow of commodities as well as other
special concerns.
A noteworthy achievement is our
digital data bank of the world, which
dramatically facilitates and speeds the
development of maps. As the data bank
is updated and enlarged, it eventually
will be possible to create entire maps
electronically with no or, at most,
limited hand work.
The DI offers excellent career
opportunities to persons with master's
degrees in cartography and geography.
Individuals with a bachelor's degree in
one of these disciplines, a strong
academic record, and practical experi-
ence will also be considered. We
provide advanced training in these
disciplines, as well as flexible career
paths. You need to supply the initiative
and creativity. The DI is mapping
intelligence issues throughout the world
... want to help?
Graphic Design/Illustrating
As a graphic designer or illustrator
assigned to the Office of Current
Production and Analytic Support, you
will have the responsibility for designing
DI intelligence reports and producing
specialized graphics, charts, and
illustrations for CIA reports and
briefings and for use by the White
As a vital part of an interdisciplinary
team, you will associate with senior
members in the design field ... plus
experts in such disciplines as Car-
tography, Economics, Political Science,
Sociology, Geography, Science, and
Engineering. In addition, you will
participate in an ongoing training and
professional development program with
strong emphasis in publication design
and computer graphics.
A bachelor's or advanced degree in
design or illustration and a good
portfolio are required for all such
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How to explore a
Directorate of Intelligence
Experienced professionals and
college students who are
interested in a career with the
Central Intelligence Agency are
invited to apply for employment.
Because of the nature of our
responsibilities, we must conduct a
security investigation of each
applicant. For this reason, it is
important that you contact us well
ahead of the time you expect to start
working. (As much as nine to 12
months leadtime is desirable.)
To apply, write to the Director of
Personnel, Central Intelligence
Agency, Washington, DC 20505.
Enclose a resume of your education
and work experience and request
preliminary application forms.
If you are in the metropolitan
Washington area, you may call the
CIA Recruitment Office to inquire
about employment or to arrange for an
interview appointment. The number
to be called during weekday business
hours is (703) 351-2028.
Or, ifyou are in college, see your
Placement Officer (preferably six to
nine months before graduation) and
request an interview with the CIA
representative who visits your campus
or whose regional office may be
situated nearby.
CIA is an Equal Opportunity
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