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08/02/95 10:00AM
STATION yijp~(T _ ~ i
I I ~?
I t
DIANE REHM (ANCHOR): I'm Diane Rehm. An indepen
presidential panel reported last week that the ? CIA ,had X111' o
involvement in murders of an American innkeeper living in Gu~ate la
and a Guatemalan rebel leader who is married to an 'American la 'r.
But an internal investigation suggests that doubts persist.~e
credibility of the CIA was substantially undermined last y
following the Aldrich Ames spy scandal.
~ ,~~~
John Deuteh, who became Director of the Agency last May, j ` ~~ a
me in the studio to talk about the CIA, its miss'ioa, and 'lis
efforts to reform its culture and priorities in the post-Cold~~~ r
era . ~ ~ 1;~
' , j;l
we will take your calls during this half hour.~.~ Join us,;~on
nnn_d~~_cn~n .,,. ~n~_an~_na~n ~ ~ ~I
Mr. Deutch, thanks for joining us.
JOHN DEUTCH (DIRECTOR, CIA): Good morning, Diane.
~I I
REFII~I : I' m glad to see you again, and I know that right ' ' ow
the administration is particularly concerned about its policy,~j n
Bosnia and what is happening there in Bosnia. What; can you t, 1
us? ~ ~
I {
DE[)TCH : well , I think that all Americans - -certainly Pres i
Clinton, is interested in seeing that there is no;los!a of life;~;no
further destruction, no further ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. ~~~
We are working with our closest allies, with members,~Of
Congress to put in place a policy that will end this long-endu g
conflict which seems to be one of the great challenges of t~ i$
period. Everybody's working hard to get some degree of peace!; n
Bosnia, stop the loss of life. ~ ~ ;I
While Radio N Rpcn~ ~nd~avon io awn *~ acnrrory of mo4rtol wppli~d by ir, R oa~nd b~ nspon~ibl~ fer mi~lak~a ?omiuions. ,' I
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. REF~I: Do you, ,are you optimistic that that can happen ~
DEUTCH: Well, optimistic would be putting it too s~ron~~,~y.
Tnihat I do think is, is that it's important that the President ',~ts
the support from Congress to take the diplomatic initiatives~~to
reach out as much as .possible for a diplomatic solution here. iI'm
very pleased with the support the intelligence community has g~en
the President and the other top leadership of the country to as ~, re
that we have timely, accurate information about what' s happenin ~ in
Bosnia. ~~
' '~I
The policy choices here are difficult. President Clin
Secretary Christopher, Secretary Perry are working hard with
allies to find a solution that will bring an end to
REF~t: All right. Be interested in hearing you talk about j
CIA's internal investigation into the murder of Je~riifer Harbu 's
(ep?) husband. She's the American lawyer. He was a Guate n
guerrilla leader. Can you talk about that? i ;;~
DEUTCH: Yes. i can, Diane. The 2nspector-General j~u0st
released a very comprehensive report, over 700 pages, going ,'to
every aspect of the CIA's involvement in Guatemala ; in the early !~9 s
with respect to the murders of Divine and Hamaca ~(sp?). ~"'
~ i~,i
REIN: Diane was the American... 1 ;I,
DEUTCH: That's correct. That's correct. And the impor~~~'~~t
point is that the report gave a clean bill of health to improper
conduct by CIA officers or Army officers or members of the National
Security Agency in their behavior in these actual incidets
themselves. ~ '
I I ~~
The original allegations were that there had been imprd'~~ r
behavior by CIA officers in Guatemala. No one believes that the ''s
true any longer. ~ ~';~
' ~ 'I
The Inspector-General's report also accurately points out s~me
very serious shortcomings with respect to how the CIA conducted ,its
business in Guatemala during that period of time and, ~,,
particular, their shortfall in keeping Congress fully and Curren '~~ly
- - ~ .,
I've made it very clear that under my Directorship at !~~he
Central Intelligence Agency, we are absolutely committed to keep, Ing
Congress fully and currently informed. And the issue now is: wHat
do we do about incidents which come up of past era in this regar'~
Members of Congress are especially concerned and differ w 'th
the inspector-General on whether it was an omission just o ~~-
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3 ,; ~~
' it
because they weren't doing their job right, or whother t*:hey
intended not to keep Congress fully and currentl~t informed.
If I found out that any member of the agency today or in~l~~he
past willfully kept information from Congress, I will terminate
their employment. ~~
So, right now we're at a stage where i am intent, working ~'~tth
members of the House and the Senate, oversight committees,
Congressman Combest(sp?), Senator Specter, to assure that we e
to a resolution about: were there any members of the agency '~, t
willfully kept the information from Congress? Which I consider
unacceptable behavior. And have made that clear. ~ ~''i
REHM: Going back to Jennifer Harbury. I gather, she'~`as
announced she's filing suit against the CIA for failing to pro ~de
her with information about her husband's death. Can you'commen~i;Ion
DEUTCH: Well, it's difficult to comment when somebody is ;in
litigation against your agency. And I must say, I've not yet s~eien
yet the characteristics of the litigation. But let me say that~~'~,,we
are making every effort, a quite unusual effort to declassify ~ , d
make available to her all of the records that we possibly can!
I have a tremendous sympathy fvr her . She lost ~ her husb ; ' .
We think it's very important to try and get to the bottom of t~ ,
this, these facts. Y'm committed to doing so. And we are going;'to
try and make as much information available to her as we can, gi~~r~en
the requirement that we have to protect our sources and our,~~~d
our methods of collection. !,
REHIrI : CIA Director John Deutch is with me . And we do fn
your calls. 800-433-8850. Hera in the Washington area call us
2~2-885-8850. ~ ~
~,~ Pn
Talk about the internal worldwide review of CIA agents the I's
now_ underway. What do `you_ hope that that review fe going~f;~~to
DEUTCH: Well, I think that all Americans would underst"'d
that if you are in the clandestine intelligence business, andi~y;~u
era dealing with agents that the country's recruiting to ;' t
information, lets say, vn terrorist activities in one extra ~ ~~t
2slamic group or another, that you are not dealing with the ki'~~t
characters in the world. !I~'I
So, it is terribly important that in that process,~,!of
recruitment, two features take place. 'ii.
~ ~,~
The first is, is that our officers who are doing he
recruiting understand what ie acceptable and what isn't acceptabllc.
~ I~!
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4 i i ~ ~ I!,
~ i.
There may be borderline jud ants when ~ !~d
9n- you ;come 'across; !; an
especially bad character, but a person who can give you
valuable and unique information. That ud ~
j gment has ! to ~ be mad! ; on
a case-by-case basis. ~I
Secondly, the agents that we do recruit must know that if they
are going to be in our service, even clandestinely, that there;iis
certain kind of behavior that we will not tolerate. For exam~~.e,
murdering Americans.
Prospective agents are recruited against a set of criteria for
what conduct is acceptable relative to what theyicain do for this
country by providing unique information. And secondly, ~that~,we
assure that the agents know that if they are working for the Urii~ed
States government, even in a clandestine capacity, that the~e~'s
certain kind of behavior that we will not tolerate. i
c ac
to be taken as a result of CIA?s activities in Guatemala?' ~,~
DEUTCH: Well, we have already completed a complete revi~e~w,
because of the tremendous interest and concern about the evente,of
the early 90s, so that that process has taken place with respect. to
activities in Guatemala. ''
~ ~I
I was very pleased to see that Guatemalan governme 1
officials pointed out that there is a completely open ~'~ d
legitimate relationship between CIA employees in Guatemala, a st~~~~te
Department ambassador, who are supporting that government's of fo ~,,ts
on moving ,towards democratization and supporting counter- ~!g
efforts which we have great interest in throughout the CenL~~~"al
American/South American region. ,ii
So, there is a way to address important intelligence quest "~s
in today's world in a responsible and accountable manner, I~~ d
that's where we're going to move. ,;',
~ ,~
REIN: Today's world is also what everyone continues to re'E~r
to as the post-Cold War world. How does the end of the Cold waii~in
your mind change the agency's goals, its mission,; its operatio~'~
~ ~ ;,
DEUTCH: Well, there's no question that; the rangei~of
intelligence issues that we have to confront now end the prior;~'It
we place on them are entirely different. For example, we are ''iy
much committed to improving our support to law enforcement,~~~~to
those efforts which deal on international crime, international
terrorism, drug trafficking, international drug trafficking. ii
~ ;;,
There's one example of where we are reorienting our ent~!re
intelligence community to better serve our custoRner, nambly
Attorney-General Reno and others in the law-enforcement communit~.
we hive the prospects now at the end of the Cold War to really ~ e
REHI~I: Does that mean that you antici
ate an
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' ~~
~ ;;
intelligence help our military war fighters. Whether they're g ng
to be called into action, as they were in Desert Storm, whet er
they will be called into action perhaps in Bosnia or even in~~"'
very important peace-keeping operations like Rwanda sad Haiti~t~
are making sure that all of the technical competence of
intelligence community, the technical correction goes to make t ~'~
military commanders as informed as possible about the cireumst "~ce
in which they find themselves. ~ '~~
REIN: What about the issue of industrial espionage, which;~;as
come up again and again, with regard to perhaps a; new mission' or
the CIA?
~ ,i
DEUTCH: We do not do industrial espionage. It's not be ~ a
policy of this country, either in this administration or in~'~he
prior administration. There arc places where economic intellige~~ce
makes sense. But it is not to provide commercial advantagel,~' o
specific individual firms or industries . That' s their job to do~,l n
open competition with others in the international marke~tplace.~
' I
It is important that we keep the President and the of
leaders of our economic management team, Secretary of Comme
Brown, Mickey Kantor, our trade representative, Bab Rubin, ~'}~e
Secretary of the Treasury, keep them informed where we canll;~to
augment public information about important internatid~" 1
developments and economic matters which bear on our natidfi'ial
economic interests. ,~
That'8 a long way from industrial espionage. We do not ca~~~,
out industrial espionage. ~ ~~II
~ ;.
RF~nK: Mr. Deutch, I think ou re well aware that a rest
gment of the American eo le has alwa s had some
se P P y f Y Problems w~ ~~
the CIA, has always felt that an agency operating at that level'i,in
clandestine activities was itself to be suspect. And now, ini~ie
aftermath of the Aldrich Ames episode, perhaps that kind''';of
suspicion, that kind of attitude toward the agency has been
solidified. How do you as the agency's Director counter that
attitude on_ the part, of the American public, that: perhaps does~i~~ t
- - ~,
I '
DELJTCH: Diane, when President Clinton, President and '
Clinton came out to the agency two weeks ago, President Clir~pn
gave a very good address about the role of intelligence in Ameri an
democracy. But one point that he made, and one which I thoroug~~ly
agree with is that the American people do support intelligen,~c ,
they do support the Central intelligence and their people in w~~t
I don' t think there' s a doubt at all .about that support (.'in
Congress, or with the American people. sut what the American
'I ;i
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people insist upon--and correctly so--is that than intellige~iice
operation is carried out responsibly and carried out properly'E;
And what we raw in the Aldrich Ames case is ,not shock at.' he
American people that the Russians were able to, by paying mill`~ns
of dollars to one individual, to find a rotten apple in our barr,~l,
but the length of time that it took the agency to monitor its'own
conduct of its employees and finally find this person. 'k,.~
So, the way I would put it is that the American people 'do-~~and
historically have, all the way back to the time of George
Washington support intelligence. But what they want .to be sur I~of
is that it's done in a responsible way and that it's carried' ut
effectively. And that's what I'm committed to do at the Cential
Intelligence Agency and everywhere in the intelli'gence~eommun
REHM: CIA Director John Deutch.
And let's open the phones. 800-433-8850. If you're call
from around the country. Here in the Washington area,, 202-8
Kathy in D.C., you're on the air.
KATHY iN D.C. (CALLER): Thank you, Diane. My questio ~~'~is
this : There are so many of us, as you just men>rioned, who e
been sick at heart with the history of the CIA in,destabilizati~~ n
and overthrowing govemments, especially in Latin 'America. An , ;,eve
have followed Guatemala, Chile, the Contras in Nicaragua. Now e
have revelations in the Baltimore Sun, a series of articles ab`~ t
CIA in Honduras. This is beyond intelligence. And I'm j~i'~t
wondering if Mr. Deutch could answer: What would 'the Amerm an
public lose if the...activities of the Division of Operations w~~ e
just abolished? ~ ,~~
DEUTCH: I think that ou're correct to ~
y point out that there
has been a lot of debate about the role of~covsrt acti~}~,
especially in the mid 8os and earlier in Latin America, in Cent~,al
America. Today, it is significantly less than it was ~ and(?); .in
that region, except for the counter-drug effort ~ which we do~ ~;~in
close collaboration with the countries down there who share ,our
efforts to remove the--or reduce the supply of; drugs, into ~~he
United States. ~,
I would say that the old reasons for covert action in Cent~lal
or Latin America, that is to destabilize or to ,stabil,~~e
governments, are behind us. we have a new set of questions the'~e,
fundamentally to counter narcotics and counter terrorism. But
generally speaking, it's an entirely different aigenda, and it's
carried out with governments, not entirely alone. ;',
REHM: All right. Kathy, tihankB for your call.
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~ '
Let's go to LePlate(?) in Maryland. Stan, you're on the a r.
STAN (CALLER): Thank you, Diane. I would like to have .
Deutch's opinion regarding the recent article that appeared in 'he
Post, with respect to the Army sergeant who was a member of " he
military and paved the way in getting information from Nori `'a,
having dinner with him at least on one occasion and provid d,
therefore, information to various federal agencies prior to ~t~he
invasion of Panama, which apparently was a foundation for tli~i
invasion. Why wasn't the CIA more closely involved is that kin ~~of
activity? Why did they haves to rely on a member of the ttiilitar~j', to
do that?
DEUTCH: Stan, I'm not familiar with the particular case t~~ t
you mention. I haven't read the Washington Post article. Bti~~ I
--r------____ _~
Deputy Secretary, i've been absolutely insistent that especially,
ourr human operations,L we run-an integrated and under--complet~~.y
intelligence does. I have gone over(?) Admiral setty Blair;~~to
review all those relationships to assure that there's f.?~11
understanding. ~
The military do like when they're about 'to~ uridertak
military operation to have some of their own profeseio' s
involved. And we are committed to working with them and assur`~~g
that we know exactly what the right hand and the left hand ,~~e
doing at all times . ~~III~
REHIK: Thanks for calling, Stan.
2s the relationship with the military, as you see it now!~~ a
new or changing relationship? Is the CiA moving toward grew: r
support, perhaps, with Bosnia as an example of trying to prov~~e
J _ ~ 7 7 ? _ I t - _ - - i ~ - _ i L L _ ? 7 J i _ - _ _ A
DEUTCH: The answer is yes. Both for short-term and longb'-
term reasons . The relationships between the intelligence commune ~' y
and the Defense Department are especially close now, because I ~me
friends but are of like mind on what needs to be done.
And there' s a tremendously strong relationship between bot '~'~~
us and John Shalikashvili, the Chairman of the ~Joint'Chiefsl~',o
Staff .
But underneath that is a much more important and longer t~~na
opportunity, and that is, all of our military commanders, if t' ey
have more timely intelligence, if they know what an enemy; is doing,
both in disposition of forces and where targets are, before ~he
enemy knows where we are, we can carry our military objectives mu~h
more rapidly, with much. less loss of life. ~ il';~
~ ~,
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e i ~ ~ , ~,;
That dominant battlefield awareness is going to be the corg~vf
our military power in the future, and it is going to require fiat
military commanders have access to the most tachaically-adva~eed
and accurate and timely intelligence.
So, we have to work to assure that the intelligence commun 1, y,
because of the technological advances that have happened, to ase~u~re
that joint military commanders have accurate and ti ply
information, and that's the basis of our military strength inl,he
future .
REHM: Does that mean beefing up a certain sectoriof the~GlA
to do that kind of intelligence? ~ i
DEUTCH: It?s not only the CIA that is involved here. I 's
the National Security Agency. It's the Defense Intellig' e
Agency. It's all parts of the intelligence community have to foes
on the exploitation of the information that is collected ands
distribution to the user, the end user, which 'is out m~lit
commander, whether that commander is in Rwanda, whether t t
commander is in Iraq, whether that commander is in ;Haiti,;;~pr
whether that commander is off of Bosnia.
REHIri : We were talking about the CIA's relationship to ~
international intelligence community. what about the relations
with the FBI in the United States?
DEUTCH: Well, you strike me on a particularly good day;,
that regard. I have been absolutely thrilled with the personal
professional relationship that has developed between Louis Fr
and myself. I've the greatest admiration for him~and his team.
think that Louis Fresh is doing an outstanding job. And we ~ e
cooperating in a way that's never been true before on matters s~~h
_. , _
we're on the road here to really working effectively together,,~tid
2'm very pleased with it.
REIN: Now, again, does that raise some red flags for seine
Americans who--by your own mission, you're an iaternatio~i~l
intelligence-gathering and intelligence-operating agency. $ut
doesn't the relationship with the FBI suggest something eligli~Iy
threats that are coming to the IInited States from abroad. That~~~s
where we are cooperating. We are not active in the United Stat~;e,
have no intention of being. The threats of when you have a ,~t~w
York Trade Center bombing, you have a New York Trade Ceder
bombing, those come to the United States from overseas, and we hake
to cooperate with law-enforcement agencies like the FBI to eom~~t
those threats.
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REHI~I: CIA Director John Deutch. You're listening tol
Diane Rehm Show. '
DEUTCH: Well, I think the remark I made was: willfu
withholding information. (OVERLAPPING VOICES) ...,important portt~
There are many others. I think committing crimes agafl~~~et
Americans, against American interests would be another example of
where we would absolutely not tolerate misbehavior by any of }~r
circumstances might cause you to really sock an officer
something that he's done wrong, or she's done wrong?
that this would really be immediate grounds for firing. !what ot,
that if there's been any withholding of information from Congre
CLIFF (CALLER): Great show. ~~~
i i II
I I~'
REHIK : Thanks . ~ ~ i I'
CLIFF: r[r. Deutch, Ijust--could you clarify your state~1nt
about agency officer mistakes? You were pretty adamant! in sa~i~g
And wd'll go back to the phones now. 800-433-8850.
In D.C., Cliff, you're on the air.
CLIFF (CALLER): Good morning, Diane.
instances of drug trafficking and terrorism, sand taking ~ ~e
offenders back to the United States to be dealt witT~ . I ,'~ as
wondering if the CIA had a role in this. And if so, will C~~s
JULIE (CALLER): Hi. I have a question about the Un'~ed
States (GARBLED) history of using (GARBLED) extraterritor~~~.l
arrest, which is going into other countries, ~speeifically '~.n
officers in the field. That would be one particular example.~~.
REHM: All right, Cliff. Thanks for your call. ~~'
i ~,
And let's go to Julie. You're on the air. II
ana bringing them bacx to the unites szazes, ana 1 wouia expo
DEUTCH: The answer is, is that the CIA sometimes facilit~~bs
our law-enforcement officials from (SIC) obtaining criminals abr,~ad
JULIE (CALLER) : What doss this say about, sow that
ha? bees a problem in the th~ited States, what does this say ab~ t
how it will be dealt with here? If we're willing to go to of r
countries and take people? Will the civil liberties and rights~~f
the people so in America be used in a bad way? i,
~ ~ ~ G',
~ ~ ~';
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DEUTCH: I wouldn't think so. i believe that when tl}~ee
individuals return to the U. S . justice, they are covered by all ~~he
protections of the II.3. judicial system. The issue ie: Can;l'ou
get a terrorist who was involved in a bombing back--let's say,,,,~n
New York--back to the United 6tates for trial for that pers
alleged participation in the terrorist activity?
REF~i: You bring me to a question about the leader of Ha ~; s,
who has been cited in New York and, in fact, the P~aleetinian g ~ p
that supports this leader is saying that if he is, in f ,t,
extradited to Israel, as the Israelis have requested,_ that tl~y,
To what extent does the, the II.S. CIA play a role in both ;~~he
identification of and concern about threats against Ameri;~an
citizens as a result of that? I
DED'I'CH: Well, overseas, of course, we're very concerned w' th
threats against American citiaens. And. we play a great rol~~'n
identifying individuals who are threatened. It is not a decia n
of the CiA, but, rather, the decision of our law enforcement bo~' s
about whether a specific individual would be extraditedlor not.
REHIK: At the same time, Mr. Deutch, I think, increasin ~~y
Americans are worried about the threat of terrorism in C
country. Are you saying that the .CIA's role stops at ~ ~e
identification at the border of someone coming in~and threateri~ g
this kind of action against the II.S.? ';
DEUTCH: what we're trying tv do, Diane, is to collj~'
information from groups or individuals who threaten Amer fan
citiaens or American interests. we are not responsible, and~l~~we
have no intention of becoming responsible for bringing those peo ale
tv justice. It is our job to let law enforcement community k~Qw
where those people who have committed crimes or who
to commit crimes are coming into this country and working aga'~t
our people and our society. ' i'
i ~~
REHM: And you feel that the CIA can really perform a v,~~y
important role there in terms of allaying people's fears in t~~s
country? i ,~
DEUTCH: I don't think there's any question about it. end
it's more than just in this country. Our efforts to uaderstand e
behavior of international terrorist organizations have prq', d
fruitful in a--in collaboration with a number of our other--of r
allies in our other countries who are, indeed, facing the ~ e
kinds of threats in their countries, whether it's Paris, or Rome,
~ I,,
or Bonn .
REIIlK: CIA Director John Deutch, I want to thank, you so m~ h
for joining us. Coma back again. ~ I;
' ~
n. i
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AII /A1 /AII 1 7 ? A 9 X91 9 1AA 1 AA1 DATTA TV DL`DADT .ril A Li~Oll.
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DEUTCH: Thank you, Diane.
(END )
i i~
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