Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000200070020-4
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security
SUBJECT : Dulles Papers - Material Being
Retained by CIA
1. The undersigned, as of this date, reviewed the contents of
the ten drawers of Dulles Papers that are to be retained by the CIA.
The following is a listing of the material and media of present storage.
OSS - Filed loose
OSS Filed loose
OSS - Miscellaneous - Filed loose
Gray Archives Boxes (3) - Selected material
that according to should be
retained by the CIA. Copy of
memo filed in each box.
AWD Calendars - Gray Archives Box - Assorted
and in Secret trash bag in box
AWD Diary & Calendar
AWD Diary & Calendar
AWD Diary & Calendar
AWD Diary & Calendar
- Gray Archives
- Gray Archives Box
- Gray Archives Box
- Gray Archives Box
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000200070020-4
Approved For Release E%RM31300823R000200070020-4
Safe 714 (cont. )
AWD Diary & Calendar - Gray Archives Box
AWD Diary & Calendar - Gray Archives Box
U-2 - Gray Archives Box numbered 1
Cuba - Gray Archives Box numbered 2
Cuba - Gray Archives Box numbered 3
DCI Correspondence with White House -
Gray Archives Box numbered 4
DCI Special Contacts - Gray Archives Box
numbered 5 (NOTE:
material removed and returned to Mrs.
Dulles by Mr. Lawrence R. Houston,
see memo dated 3 August 1971).
Safe 2182
Organization of CIA, Dulles, Jackson
Correspondence - Gray Archives Box
g 'r g. ti 6
Gray Archives Box numbered 7
Attacks on CIA - Gray Archives Box
numbered 8
Chrono Files Classified & Interoffice
Gray Archives Box numbered 9
Chrono Files - Classified & Interoffice
Gray Archives Box numbered 10
AWD Chrono Files, Correspondence -
Unclassified but Sensitive - Gray
Archives Box numbered 11
Project -- Gray Archives Box
numbered 12
Miscellaneous Papers - Gray Archives
Box numbered 13
Approved For Release 2001/991'03`.~IP-083BQ6823R000200070020-4
Approved For Release ?O J 4 EI T4 83B00823R000200070020-4
2. Materials now maintained in Safes 714 and 2182 and
listed above consist of papers which, according to
-should be retained by the Central Intelligence Agency.
The boxes have been so labeled.
Records Administration Officer
Office of Security
Approved For Release 2~9NFIDENTIAL
19/03 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000200070020-4