Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
-Approved For Releas*000/05/31: CIA-RDP83B0082V 00100030007-7
C.i+`~L a
9 ~ij ; Z54
R. L. Bin e
Director of Security
Mr. Fr Brick H. Schmidt
Director of Security
Department of Health. #ancation and Iii elfare
Washington, v. C.
audits of the
M:nclosed are the original and one copy of the executed
Memorandum of Understanding concerning the security of the
ciassifieed information as to this Agency which the Bureau of
Federal Credit Unions obtains through ira eTam4t3ee,r and
The furnishing of a safe to the Bureau's office will
await your advice as to the location of the Offices upon the
expiration of the present tease at the National 'Press Building
in Washington. When this is determined, a representative of
this Office will accompany one from your office to effect the
necessary arrangements.
Your cooperation with as is very much appreciated, and
we are pleased with the continuing good relationships between
our respective offices.
Orig &1 > Adse
As Stated Above
1 - SPA(PPS)
OS/SPA(PPS):JFMcI:jmj (8 Jung 64.
Approved F