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Geographic - Weather reports INFORMATION
nomic - Agriculture,
Daily newspapers
crop conditions
Nov 1952
1 - 31 Jul 1952
r r. ?.v r. tilt. .... ., i
Numbers in parentheses refer ?. appended sources. Under-
lined dates refer to days of ublication. All temperatures are
given in degrees centigrade
This morning, moderately warm weather with variable cloudiness pre-
vailed in most of the European USSR. Showers and thunderstorms were re-
corded locally. Slightly cloudy, comparatively cool weather was observed
in the Ukraine.
Temperatures at 0900 were 16 degrees above zero in Yalta, 17 in Kalinin
and Murmansk, 18 in Ust'-Tsil'ma, Leningrad, Riga, Minsk, Lvov, and Kiev,
19 in Vologda, 20 in Odessa, Rostov, Sochi, Saratov, and Stalingrad, 21 in
Voronezh and Krasnodar, 22 in Gor'kiy, 24 in Kazan', c5 in Kuybyshev, and 27
in Chkalov.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 17 degrees above zero; it
was 20 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, warm and, for the most part, slightly cloudy
weather prevailed in Belorussia. It was cloudy only in the extreme south-
eastern portion of the republic. There were showers and thunderstorms locally. 1500 were 20 degrees above zero 22 inT l'Lel'chitsy, 23 in Brest, Mi k, and Vasilevichi,nandm2I in2Vileyka.(2) k,
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 20 degrees above zero during
the morning and 23 degrees during the day.(3)
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2 July
This morning, cloudy with clearing weather prevailed in most of the Euro-
pean USSR. Rains fell locally in the northeastern portion of the central
region of the European USSR and in Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Kuybyshev, and
Rostov oblasts. It was cool and slightly cloudy in western Belorussia and
the Baltic republics.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 13 degrees above zero;
it was 17 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during tht day, variable cloudiness prevailed in Belorussia.
There were ),-we:s and thunderstorms in the northeastern portio., of the re-
public. Temperatures at 1500 were 17 degrees above zero in Polotsk, 20 in
Vitebsk, 21 in Minsk, 23 in Mogilev, Bobruysk, and Gomel', 24 in Mozyr' and
Pinsk, and 25 in Brest.(2)
On 1 July, cloudy with clearing weather prevailed in Estonia. Light
showers fell locally.
During the last few days, the mean diurnal temperature was about 15 de-
grees. Temperatures near the shore of the Gulf of Finland reached 16 to 18
3 Jul
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was i4 degrees above zero; it
was 17 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy weather without precipitation
prevailed in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 20 in Vitebsk and Mogilev,
21 in Polotsk, Hinsk, and vomel', 22 in Bobruvsk, Vileyka, and Grodno, 23 in
Baranovichi, Brest, and Mozyr', and 24 in Pinsk.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees above zero during
the morning and 23 degrees during the day.(3)
On 3 July, slightly cloudy, dry weather with light southwest winds pre-
vailed in the Estonian SSR.(4)
4 July
This morning, warm weather without precipitation prevailed in most of
the European USSR. Showers were recorded locally in the southeastern Ukraine,
the southern Urals, and the Bashkir ASSR.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 15 degrees above zero; it
was 23 degrees at noon today.(l)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy, dry, hot weather prevailed
in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 22 'n Mogilev, 23 in Minsk, Polotsk,
and Gomel', 24 in Mozyr', 25 in Vileyka, 26 in Grodno and Brest, and 27 in
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 20 degrees above zero during
the morning and 24 degrees during the day.(3)
On 3 July, warm weather with variable cloudiness and light to moderate
south winds prevailed in the Estonian SSR. Showers of a thunderstorm-like
nature fell in the western portion of the republic.
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Warm, dry weather and sufficient soil mois?.ure favored the growth of
agricultural crops and hay harvesting.
Early spring crops have begun to head locally in southern Estonia.(4)
5 July
This morning, warm and, for the most part, slightly cloudy weather
prevailed in of the European USSR. Showers fell in the Komi ASSR, Ark-
ngrad, and Novgorod oblasts and locally in the central regicns
of the European USSR.
Temperatures at 0900 were 10 degrees above zero in Murmansk, 11 in Ark-
hangelsk and Leningrad, 14 in Riga, 16 in Minsk, 19 in Vologda, 20 in L'vov,
21 in Voronezh and Kuybyshev, 22 in Gor'kiy and Yalta, 23 in Kiev, Odessa,
Rostov, Kharkov, Sochi, Saratov, Kirov, and Chkalov, and 24 in Molotov,
Stalingrad, and Astrakhan'.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 17 degrees above zero; it
was 22 degrees at noon today.(],)
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy, hot weather prevailed in Belo-
russia. Temperatures at 1500 were 25 degrees above zero in Polotsk and Mo-
gilev, 26 in Lyntupi, 28 in Minsk, 29 in Grodno and Baranovichi, 30 in Brest
and Pinsk, and 31 in Pruzhany.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 20 degrees above zero during
the morning and 21 degrees during the day.(3)
On 4 Juiy, warm and, for the most part, dry weather with light winds
and variable cloudiness prevailed in the Estonian SSR. The lowest tempera-
tures ranged between 13 and 16 degrees at night and from 19 to 24 degrees
during the day.(4)
6 July
During the past 24 hours, an influx of cold air caused a considerable
drop in temperature in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 15 in Polotsk,
17 in Vitebsk, 18 in Vileyka, 19 in Minsk, 20 in Mogilev and Grodno, 22 in
Bobruysk and Baranovichi, and 24 in Brest, Pinsk, and Mozyr'.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 11 degrees above zero dur-
ing the r?orning and 18 degrees during the day.(3)
On 5 July, it became slightly cool with 6- to 7-ball winds in the
Estonian SSR. Slightly cloudy, dry weather prevailed in most areas. Thunder-
storm-like rains fell in Narva.(4)
This morning, bad weather prevailed in the central regions of the Euro-
pean USSR. The weather was warm with abundant rain in the extreme eastern
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 8 degrees above zero; it
was 10 degrees at noon today.(],)
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8 July
This morning, cool, cloudy weather prevailed in most of the European
USSR. Rains fell in Vologda, Yaroslavl', Kalinin, and Smolensk oblasts,
and also in eastern Belorussia. Showers were recorded locally in Kirov and
Molotov oblasts, the Northern Caucasus, the Ukraine, and the central regions
of the European USSR. It was slightly cloudy in the Baltic republics and
locally in Arkhangelsk Oblast.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 8 degrees above zero; it
was 16 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in Belorussia.
Showers fell locally in Gomel', Mogilev, Bohruysk, Molodechno, and Grodno
Temperatures at 1500 hours were 13 in Vitebsk, 14 in Mogilev, 16 in
Minsk and Gomel', 17 in Mozyr' and Grodno, 18 in Vileyka, and 19 in Brest.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 12 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 18 degrees during the day.(3)
On 7 July, slightly cloudy, dry weather with moderate and locally strong
winds prevailed in the European USSR. During the day, temperatures ranged
between 16 and 19 degrees above zero.
The prevailing dry weather favors the hay harvest. Early spring crops
are heading. Despite a certain amount of cool weather, sea-water temperatures
varied between 16 and 19 degrees.(4)
9 July
This morning, cool weather with rain prevailed in the central regions
of the European USSR, most of the Ukraine, and the Northern Caucasus. Warm,
slightly cloudy weather without precipitation was recorded in the Baltic
republics, the Karelo-Finnish SSR, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Pskov, and Nov-
gorod oblasts, and the Middle Volga Region.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 8 $egrees above zero in Mur-
mansk, 11 in Minsk and Vologda, 12 in Kiev and Voronezh, 14 in L'vov, 15 in
Rostov, Saratov, and Kirov, 16 in Syktyvkar, Gor'kiy, Odessa, Astrakhan', and
Chkalov, 17 in Riga, 18 in Molotov, 19 in Leningrad and Stalingrad, 20 in
Yalta, 21 in Kuybyshev and Sochi, and 22 in Arkhangel'sk.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscc+ was 11 degrees above zero; it
was 15 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degrees above zero during
the morning and 18 degrees during the day.(3)
10 July
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero; it
was 18 degrees at noon today.(I)
Yesterday during he day, cool and, for the most part, dry weather pre-
vailed in Belorussia. Temperatures at 1500 were 14 degrees above zero in
Minsk, Polotsk, Vitebsk, and Mogilev, 15 in Gomel', 17 in Pinsk, 17 in Bara-
novichi, and 22 in Grodno and Brest.(2)
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Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 19 degrees above zero during
the morning and 25 degrees during the day.(3)
On 9 July, dry, sunny weather with light winds and maximum temperatures
ranging between 21 and 25 degrees prevailed in the Estonian SSR.(4)
11 July
This morning, slightly cloudy, warm weather prevailed in the European
USSRR. Cool weather with considerable cloudiness and local showers was re-
oblastscorded, in Rd and in azan', the Mordva Voronezh, ASSR. Saratov, U1'yanovak, and Kuybyshev
and RTemperatures at 0900 this morning were i2 degrees above zero in Muramnek
'yan-Mar, 16 in Orel, 17 in Syktyvkar, Gor'kiy, Kuybyshev, and L'vov,
18 in Arkhangelsk, 19 in Riga, Kiev, Rostov, Krasnodar, and Stalingrad, 20
in Kirov, Minsk, Smolensk, and Yalta, 21 in Vologda, and 22 in Leningrad.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero;
it was 22 degrees at noon today.(1)
During the last 3 or 4 days, comparatively cool weather has prevailed
in Belorussia; however, yesterday during the day, temperatures at 1500 were
17 in Gomel', 20 in Mogilev and Bobruysk, 21 in Pinsk, 22 in Slutak, 23 in
Minsk and Vitebsk, 24 in Brest, and 25 in Grodno, Vo)kovysk, and Lida.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 23 degrees above zero during
the ,orning and 28 degrees daring the day.(3)
12 July
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees above zero; it
was 26 degrees at noon today.(].)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 22 de,,.ees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 24 degrees during the day.(3)
On 11 July, temperatures ranged between 23 and 28 degrees above zero
in the Estonian SSR.(4)
1 Jul
Yesterday during the day, slightly cloudy, hot, dry weather prevailed
in most of Belorussia. Showers with thunderstorms were recorded in Polotsk,
Mogilev, Gomel', and Poles'ye oblasts.
Temperatures at 1500 were 22 in Polotsk, 24 in Sharkovshchina, 27 in
Vileyka, 28 in Minsk, Grodno, and Mogilev, 29 in Pinsk, and 30 in Brest and
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 21 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 26 degrees during the day.(3)
On 12 July, warm and, for the most part, dry weather with slight cloudi-
ness and light to moderate southwest winds prevailed in the Estonian SSR.
During the day, temperatures ranr ?rom 23 to 28 degrees.(4)
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Warm and, for the most part, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in most
the European USSR. Cloudy weather with local showers and thunderstorms
w of as recorded in the central regions of the European USSR, the Karelo-Finnish
SSR, the extreme western Ukraine, and the Komi SSR.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 17 degrees above zero; it
was 21 degrees at noon today.
Heavy rains accompanied by local thunderstorms have occurred during the
last few days in Moscow and the central regions of the European USSR.
The Central Institute of Weather Forecastinr gave the following explana-
tion for this type of weather:
Cool, rainy weather was caused by the formation of a vast cyclone which
gripped the central regions of the European USSR. This cyclone, contrary
to the custom of most cyclones, moved very slowly and gradually abated.
The cyclone caused an invastion of cold air masses from the Barents Sea,
which spread out in the southern regions of the European USSR. On 7 July,
the temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero. This is a rare occur-
rence for this time of the year.
Strongly rising air currents were observed in the zone of the cyclone.
Meanwhile, the rising air cooled off, thus leading to the formation of the
dense cloudiness and heavy rains of the last few days.(].)
15 July
Warm, slightly cloudy, weather prevailed this morning in the European
USSR. It was hot in the Lower Volga Region and the extreme southeastern
European USSR. Showers were recorded locally in Vologda and Arkhangel'ak
oblasts, the Komi ASSR, and Kalinin Oblast.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 17 in Murmansk and Syktyvkar,
18 in Petrozavodsk, Leningrad, and Kaliningrad, 19 in Kirov, 20 in Minsk
and Gor'kiy, 21 in Voronezh, 22 in Orel and L'vov, 23 in Kuybyshev and Kiev,
24 in Ufa and Sochi, 25 in Odessa, 26 in Chkalov and Yalta, 28 in Stalin-
grad and Rostov, and 29 in Astrakhan' and Gur'yev.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero;
it was 22; degrees above zero at noon today.(1)
During the last 24 hours, light rains fell locally in Belorussia.
Temperatures at 150C were 22 degrees above zero in Polotsk, 23 in Vitebsk,
Mogilev, and Minsk, 24 in Bobruysk, 25 in Gomel', Barancvichi, and Pinsk, 26
in Mozyr' and Grodno, and 27 in Brest.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 17 degrees above zero wring
the morning and 19 degrees during the day.(3)
16 July
Yesterday during the day, hot weather was observed in Belorussia.
Showers with thunderstorms fell locally. Temperatures at 1600 were 21 de-
grees above zero in Lida, 24 in Brest and Grodno, 27 in Minsk, 28 in Polotsk,
29 in tnzyr', and 30 in Lel'chitsy.(2)
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Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees above zero during
the morning and 20 degrees during the day.(3)
This morning, cloudy weather prevailed in Arkhangel'sk Oblast, the Komi
ASSR, the central regions of the European use, and in the western Ukraine.
Shovers were recorded locally in the central regions of the European USSR
and even thunderstorms in the Ukraine.
Last r.:ght's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees above zero; it
was 19 degrees at noon today.(l)
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in Belorussia.
Showers with thunderstorms fell locally in eastern Belorussia. Temperatures
at 1500 were 19 in Grodno, 21 in Brest and Polotsk, 23 in Minsk and Barano-
vichi, 26 in Mogilev and Slutsk, 27 in Slavgorod, and 29 in Lel'chitsy and
On 16 , cloudy with clearing Shovers-fellulocally; thunderstorms were arecord d along thetcoasttand adjacent
islands. Temperatures ranged between 15 and 20 degrees.(4)
18 July
This morning, rains and local thunderstorms were recorded in the central
region of the European USSR and in the western Ukraine.
was 1 lowest 9 degrees tat noon tod y.(1) a in Moscow was 17 degrees above zero; it
During the last 24 hours, showers fell in Belorussia. The greatest
amount of precipitation fell in Mogilev, Gomel, anti Polotsk oblasts (from
11 to 36 millimeters) and in Mozyr' Oblast (41 millimeters).
Yesterday during the day, temperatures were 18 degrees above zero
Zhitkovichi, 19 in Mogilev, 20 in Bobruysk, 21 in Polotsk, 22 in Vitebsk,
Gome~.', Grodno, Brest, and Pinsk, and 23 in Baranovichi.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 18 degrees during the day.(3)
On 17 July, cloudy with clearing weather accompanied by moderate to
locallystrong southwest winds prevailed in the Estonian SSR. Showers fell
1 July
Warm weather without precipitation prevailed this morning in the Euro-
pean USSR. Rains fell only in Lithuania, Latvia, extreme western Belorussia,
and the Ukraine.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 14 in Murmansk, 16 in Petroza-
vodsk and Smolensk, 18 in Nar'yan-Mar and Leningrad, 20 inArkhangel'sk, 21
in Odessa, 22 in Voronezh, 24 in Syktyvkar, 26 in Kirov, Kuybyshev, and
Sochi, and 27 in Rostov and Chkalov.
was 23 night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees above zero; it
3 degrees at noon today.(1)
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Yesterday during the day, w, dry wean, r prevailed, for the most
part, in Belorussia. Temperaturesarmat 1500 were 22 in Borisov and Slutsk,
23 in MMihnskoai Mogil vi,, u24 in Vitebsk, Mozyr', Bragin, Lida, and Volozhin, and Y, and 26 in Pinsk and Brest.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees above -ero dur-
ing the morning and 22 degree. during the day.(3)
On 18 July, cloudy with clearing weather was observed in the Estonian
SSR. Showers fell locally. Moderate southwest winds prevailed. During the
day, temperatures ranged between 18 and 20 degrees.(4)
20 july
Yesterday during the day, variable cloudiness prevailed in Belorussia.
Rains fell locally, for the most part, in the western half of the republic.
in Breemperatures atts50C were 15 in Grodno, 16 in Vileyka, 18 in Pinsk, 19
Vitebsk, .(2) , 23 in Mozyr , 24 in Mogilev, and 25 in Gomel' and
the moesterday's26 m ratures in Leningrad were 18 degrees above zero during
and degrees during the day.(3)
This morning, slightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed
in most of the Eu- pean USSR. Cloudy weather with rain was observed in Belo-
theswia, the estern andtnorthwestern,reextreme gions of western
the r European nUSSRthe Ukraine, and
in MiTek e atL es at 100900 this morning were 14 in Leningrad, 15 in Riga,
Murmansk, and , g , 18 in Kiev, Kharkov, and Voronezh2 20 i in
khangel sk, Odessa, and Gor'kiy, 21 in Kirov, 23 in Syktyvkar and
Rostov, 24 in Molotov, 25 in Sochi, 26 in Yalta, 27 in Stalingrad, 28 in
Saratcv and Kuybyshev, 30 in Chkalov, and 32 in Astrakhan'.(])
22 JulyL
Cool, cloudy weather prevailed this mornsn
Belorussia, and the western central regions ofthe EuropeanBaltic
USSR . SShniwe,
and thunderstorms occurred locally. Warm, weather was in the
Northern Caucasus and the eastern and southeastern regions ofthee European
USSR. It was warm and clear in the eastern Ukraine and in the Crimea.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was
was 17 degrees at noon today.(1) 11 degrees above
During the past 24 hours, unstable weather has prevailed in Belorussia.
Yesterday during the day, temperatures were 14 in Drissa, 19 in Vitebsk,
Polotak, Minsk, Mogilev, and Grodno, 20 in Slutsk, 21 in Brest, and 22 in
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 18 degrees during the day-(3)
On 21 July, cloudy with clearing weather with moderate west winds
vailed in the Estonian SSR. Rains fell almost everywhere. Temperatures
ranged between 17 and 21 degrees.(4)
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090398-0
This morning, warm, slightly cloudy weather prevailed almost every-
where in the Ukraine, the Northern Caucasus, and the Lower and Middle Volga
regions. The weather was warm and, for the most part, without precipitation
in the eastern and northeastern regions of the European USSR. Rains fell
is the Baltic republics, Belorussia, and locally in the central regions.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 13 in Murmanek and Leningrad,
14 in Vologda and Riga, 15 in Kirov and Gor'kiy, 16 it Arkhangelsk, Minsk,
and Kazan', 17 in Orel and Lvov, 18 in Voronezh, 21 in Kuybyshev and Kiev,
22 in Molotov and Odessa, 25 in Rostov, 27 in Sochi, and 30 in Chkalov.
it was Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees above zero;
15 degrees at noon today.(].)
Yesterday during the day, cool weather prevailed in Belorussia. Tem-
peratures at 1500 were 17 in Folotsk and Vitebsk, 18 in Mogilev, 19 in Minsk
and Grodno, 20 in Gomel', Bobruysk, Volkovysk, Baranovichi, and Slutsk, 21
in Brest and Pinsk, and 22 in Pruzany.(2)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 18 degrees during the day.(3)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees; it was 25
degrees at noon today.(1)
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees above zero; it
was 19 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 17 degrees during the day. (3)
Precipitation which has fallen in the last few days in the Estonian
SSR has been exceptionally favorable for the growt:. of early spring and truck-
~;arden crops and also for the rapid development of the second growth of sown
and natural grasses. Winter crops are ripening everywhere. Following winter
rye, winter wheat has entered the milky maturity stage, and spring barley
has reached that stage locally. Individual heads of rye already have entered
the waxy maturity stage. Cherries, red currants, and raspberries are ripen-
ing in the orchards.(4)
26 July
fNo weather reports were published on this date]
2 July
Yesterday during he morning, temperatures were 2 degrees above zero
on Dikson Island, 9 :., Murmansk., 1.2 in Riga and Tallin. 15 in Arkhangelsk,
16 in Kiev, 17 in Moscow, 21 in Rostov on the Don, 23 in Yalta and Sochi,
29 in Stalingrad, 30 in Tashkent, 31 in Kuybyshev, and 35 in Ashkhabad.
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degrees above zero dur-
ing the morning and 14 degrees during the day.(3)
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28 July
This morning, cool, cloudy weather with local rains prevailed in the
Baltic republics and the northern and northeastern regions of the European
USSR. Cloudy weather with rains and thunderstorms also prevailed in the
eastern Ukraine, the south-central regions of the European USSR, and the
Middle Volga Region. It was slightly cloudy in most of Belorussia, the
western Ukraine, Moldavia, and the northern central region of the European
USSR. Cloudy weather with showers and thunderstorms prevailed in the
Northern Caucasus.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees above zero;
it was 21 degrees at noon today.(1)
2 Jul
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees above zero;
it was 22 degrees during the day.(1)
Yesterday during the day, dry, warm weather prevailed in Belorussia.
Temperatures at 1500 were 20 degrees above zero in ?ychikha, 21 in
Gomel', 22 in Bobruysk and Orsha, 23 in Minsk, 24 in Pinsk, 25 in Grodno,
and 27 in Brest.(2)
Yesterday morning, temperatures were 4 degrees above zero on Dikson
Island, 8 in Murmansk, 14 in Kiev, Tallin, and Arkhangel'sk, 16 in Riga,
20 in Moscow, 24 in Yalta and Sochi, 33 in Tashkent, and 36 in Ashkhabad.
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees above zero
during the morning and 20 degrees during the day.(3)
O Jul
This morning, warm, slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the central
regions of the European USSR and in most of the Ukraine. The weather was
mostly cloudy in western Belorussia, the Baltic republics, and the northern
and northeastern European USSR. Rains fell locally in Archangel'sk Oblast
and the Komi ASSR. Warm, cloudy weather prevailed in the Northern Caucasus
and the Urals.
Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 6 degrees above zero in Murmansk,
12 in Arkhangelsk, 14 in Kaliningrad, 17 in Vologda, 18 in Riga and Kirov,
19 in Leningrad and Smolensk, 20 in Minsk, Kiev, and Gor'kiy, 21 in Kazan'
and Voronezh, 22 in Odessa, Saratov, and Molotov, 23 in Khar'kov, Sverdlovsk,
and Stalingrad, 24 in Rostov, 25 in Sochi and Ufa, 26 in Krasnodar, 28 in
Yalta, and 30 it Astrakhan'.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees above zero; it
was 26 degrees at noon today.(1)
During the past 24 hours, slightly cloudy, warm weather prevailed in
Belorussia. Yesterday during the day, temperatures were 24 in Bragin, 25 in
Polotsk, 26 in Mogilev, Gomel', Minsk, and Vitebsk, 28 in Pinsk and Grodno,
and 29 in Brest.(2)
Yesterday during he day, temperatures were 2 degrees above zero in
Runskaya Gavan', 4 on Dikson Island, 9 in Murmansk, 13 In Nar'yan-Mar, 16 in
Arkhangelsk, 18 in Tallin, 23 in Gor'kiy, 24 in Kiev, 25 in Moscow and
Stalingrad, 26 in Minsk and Yalta, 27 in Rostov on the Don and Odessa, 28
in Riga and Sochi, 31 in Novosibirsk, 32 in Kuybyshev, 36 in Tashkent, 37
in Sverdlovsk, and 40 in Chkalov.
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Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 17 degrees above zero during
the morning and 21 degrees during the day.(3)
1 July
This morning, slightly cloudy, very warm weather prevailed in most of
the European USSR.
Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 15 degrees a.,ve zero; it
was 27 degrees at noon today.(1)
Yesterday during the day, rain, accompanied by a drop in temperature,
fell in Belorussia. Warm, dry weather prevailed in the rest of the republic.
Temperatures at 1500 were 16 degrees above zero in Grodno and Brest, 17
in Volkovichi, 25 in Minsk and Slutak, 26 in Polotak, Vitebsk, Borisov, Zhit-
kovichi, Lida, and Orsha, 27 in Ivatsevichi, and 28 in Gantsevichi and Plnak.(.^)
Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were. 19 degrees above zero during
the morning and 25 degrees during the day.(3)
Following a period of cold, rainy weather, warm, dry weather bns pre-
vailed durini the last few days in Estonia. Temperatures during the day
ranged between 26 and 28 degrees in the southern regions and between 20 and
25 degrees in the northern regions and on the islatls. The beginning of
warm weather has favored the ripeni.hg of grains. Rye has entered the waxy
maturity stage in most areas. Harvesting may begin in the next 3 or 4 days
in southern Estonia.(4)
1. Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva
2. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya
3. Leningradskaya Pravda
4. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya
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