Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330282-2
SUBJECT Political - Trials
HOW newspapers
PUBLISHED Warsaw; Krakow; Lodz
DATE 26 Mar - 11 Apr 1950
y 1, :.. 71 AMO 71. Al ANl ND/0. IT/ TNAN1NI1110N ON TMt 11Y 1LA71JN
NI11T1D 1T MA, NI,NODY DTION 0, 7X11 /ONN I1 ,NON111T10.
DATE DIST.?~7 Jul 1950
COURT FIRES HERS -- Polska Zbro~na, No 95, 5 Apr 50
T>s a special session the Circuit Court in Olsztyn sentenced Teodor Misz-
czak, production manager of the Pea t Self-Help Cooperative brickyard ir}
Szczyt o to 3-Years in prison. The defendant was '?ound guilty of mass pro-
ductio.of bricks without proper examination of the raw material in spite of
warnings from his superiors. As the result of his carelessness, the coopera-
tive lost 1,500,000 zlotys.
The Circuit Court in Gizycko charged Julian Paszek, production manager
of the Fermenting House in Ketrzyn, with causing a loss of 500,000 zlotys as
the result of defective production process, and. with burning out two electric
motors in the establishment by overloading the motors.
1ewspapers as indicated.
CHARGE MISUSE OF FUNDS -- Dziennik Polski, No 88, 30 Mar 50
The prosecutor of the Circuit Court in Opole charged M. ZWith appropri-
keeper of the Peasant Self-Help Cooperative in Gora~Sw. Army,
atirg money and merchandise. ?
In the Court of Appeals in Kielce, S. Kaczkowski, manager oY a coopera-
tive store in Wloszczowa, was charged wit3fi?causing merchandise shortages
amounting to 599,000 zlotys.
The prosecutor of the Court of Appeals in Lodz charged S. Misiak, A.
Ole~nik, M. Pawlaczyk, and T. Bogus with pocketing 3,300,000 zlotys earmarked
for the purchase of hogs for Meat Products Marketing Cooperative.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330282-2
DISCOVF.~R MORE ECONOMIC SABOTAGE -- Zycie Warszawy, No 87, 28 Mar 50
Maria Zelohas~beenlchargedtby thesprosecuto$eof thelCircuitpCourt inin
Gora Sw. Army,
Opole with appropriating money and merchandise valued at a half-million
zlotys from the cooperative,
The case charging Stefan Kachkowski, former manager of a General Coop-
erative of Food Consume000 zlotyslnhasobeen takenito theaKielceiCourt ofrAp-
chandise valued at 599, r
The Lodz Court oP Appeals' prosecutor charged Stefan Misiak, Antoni
Olejnik, Mieczyslaw Pawlaczyk, and Tadeusz Bogus with appropriating a
3,300,000-zloty fund intended for the purchase of hogs for the Animal prod-
ucts Marketing Cooperative,
The Bydgoszcz Court of Appeals sentenced Leon Briks, a grain buyer, and
recently employed as farm-products purchasing agent for the Peasant Self-Help
village cooperative in Debowa Lake, Walbrzezno Powiat, to a 6-year prison
term and a 100,000-zloty find for misappropriating large amounts of rye and
potatoes. To cover his crime, Briks far a long time falsified the rye and
potato inventories.
OFFICIALS SENTENCED -- Rzeczpospolita, No 92, 2 Apr 50
The Circuit Court in Wroclaw sentenced Aleksy Plajzer to 8 years in
prison and Stanislaw Jegor to ~+ years, The defendants were found guilty of
theft from the Peasant Self-Help', Cooperative store in Muchomor Wielki.
The Court of Appeals in Olsztyn sentenced Stefan Rudzinski, manager of
the Peasant Self-Help Village Cooperarore:heoCooperativeeStoretin6thearamount
prison for embezzling various goods
of 650,000 zlotys.
The prosecutor of th' Court of Appeals in Poznan charged Francisek Diacko-
wialt, former official o~ a Peasant Self-Help Cooperative, with illegally
opening an account in the.Yigricultural Banlt in the name of the Wojewodztwo
Delegation, and drawing 620,900 zlotys from this account for himself.
The prosecutor of the Circuit Court in Nysa Bummed up his case against
the treasurer of Peasant Self-Help Cooperative Store in Lambinowice, who was
found guilty of appropriating funds. A co-worker was responsible for grain
inventory shortages.
EMBEZZLEliS GET LONG TERMS -- Trybuna Ludu, No 89, 30 Mar 50
The Appellate Court in Lodz sentenced Marjan Polka, branch manager of
the Spolem cooperative, and his assistant, Jerzy Izde~ski, to 10 ,ears im-
prisonment each, for illegal transactions which caused the loss of millions
of zlotys to the state. Toro accomplices, Jan Urban and Jan Kaczkowski, were
sentenced to 8 and 5 years' imprisonment, respectively<
The Appellate Court in Katowice sentenced Walenty Latanowicz, chairman
oP.\the regional Transportation Workers' Cooperative, to 12 years' imprison-
ment, Jan Wolny, member of the cooperative's board, to 7 years, Wiktor Krawc-
zyk, Jan Maik, and Franciszek Kolodziejalt, board members, to 5, ~+, and 2
years' imprisonment, respectively, for various abuses. The cooperative hss
a membership of 36,000 railroad meii.
C:' s'
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330282-2
CONFIDENTIA~'`~~; s ~~~~.
The Appellate Court confirmed court sentences against Josef Pupkiewicz
and Zbigniew Kaminski, manager and business manager, respectively, of the
Spolem cooperative in Kamienna Gora. They were convicted to 10 and 7 years'
imprisonment, respectively, and the loss of civil rights for a period of 10
years for diverting textiles to the black market.
Boleslaw Dembowski, former manager of the Spolem cooperative in Lomza,
*aill be tried for selling on the black market merchandise intended for rural
Zenon Gluszak, manager of the Peasants' Self-Help cooperative in Obr-
zycek, rras sentenced to 5 years imprisonment, confiscation of his property
and loss of civil rights, for misappropriation of nearly 650,000 zlotys.
SEVERE SENTENCES FOR DEFRAUDERS -- Rzeczpospolita., No 99; 11 Apr 50
Henryk Kolodziejski, bookkeeper at the Lyceum of the Coal Industry in
Walbrzych, absconded with one million zlotys belonging to the lyceum. The
Emergency Court in Walbrzycn sentenced him to prison for q-2 years. Tadeusz
Kerpert received a 4-year prison term and Wojciech Gorecki a 3-Year term
for harboring Kolodziejski while in i~Tarsaw,
The Circuit Court in Lodz sentenced Ryszard Stec, collector for the
General Cooperative of Food Consumers, to a 7-year prison term for defraud-
ing the cooperative of approximately ? million zlotys. Barbara Tosik, Stec's
accomplice, received a 5-year prison term and was fined 60,000 zlotys.
Poznan's Court of Appeals sentenced Stanislaw Zmijewski, former cashier,
of Spolem Cooperative in Zielona Gora, to a 5-year prison-term for defraud-
ing the cooperative of one million zlotys.
Piotr Kobusinski, an employee of PCH (State Central Marketing Office),
rras sentenced to ~. 4-year prison term~for defrauding the PCH of a ha'_f-million
The Circuit C~t of Appeals of Bydgoszcz, while in Torun, reviewed the
case of Stanislaw $~noradzki, director of the People's Bank in Chelmza, and
Teodor Prembicki, IIiember of the bank's adm'nistration. Sinoradzki was ac-
cused of loaning honey to Prembicki to expand the lr:tter's private enterprise.
Each loan amounted to several thousand zlotys which made normal bank credit
activities difficult. The court sentenced Sinoradzki to a 3-year prison term
and Prembicki ,to a 2-year term>
Julian Kuc, manager of the Peasant Self-Help village cooperative in Gar-
batka, Kozienice~Powiat, and Stanislaw Bernacik, treasurer of the cooperative,
charged with appropriating one million zlotys of the cooperative's funds, are
now in prison awaiting trial by the Kielce's Court of Appeals.
Konrad Olejniczak, manager of t'tte Consumers' Coope~?ative drug store, stole
merchandise and cash amounting to 600,000 zlotys, Olejniczak will be tried by
Bytom's Circuit Court of Appeals in the near future,
Jan Swiba, manager of the State Hosiery Factory in Gubin, stole approxi-
mately 200 kilograms of wool, a large number of socks, sweaters, and other mer-
chandise valued at 2 million zlotys, Swiba also owned a farm, and had factory
employees working on his farm on the factory's time.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330282-2
EMBEZZLERS,, SABOTEURS SENTENCED -- Trybuna Ludu, No 85, 26 Mar 50
The Appellate Court in Poznan sentenced Dionizy Grzeszkowiak, former
chief of the Agricultural Finance Department of the Poznan Wo~ewodztwo, to
13 years' imprisonment for. gross neglect of duties and sabotage. The stiff
sentence was given to Grzeskowiak for failing to take an inventory in about
100 flour mills and to draw up leases for about 200 mills, thus causing
losses amounting to many million zlotys.
The Appellate Court in Bydgoszcz sentenced Stefan Grobelny to 4 years'
imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 zlotys for abuses contrary to the inter-
ests of the Bydgoszcz Consumers' Cooperative,
The Regional Court in Szczecin sentenced Stanislaw Szopik, manager of
the Nowogard waste collection depot of the Peasants' Self-Help Cooperative,
to 8 years' imprisonment for appropriating 785,4+5 zlotys of textiles and
80,000 zlotys in cash intended for the purchase of waste.
The following persons were arrested as a result of misappropriation of
funds and bribery while occupying executive posts with the administration
oP the Central Gardening Cooperative: Engr Bogumil Mielnicki, chairman of
the cooperative; Engr Eohdan Eichler and Engr Wincenty Czernyszewicz, pro-
duction managers; Jan Senycia, administrative and financial officer; klodzi-
mierz Glogowski, assistant business manager; and Krystina Ka~cubowska, office
employee. They are charged with accepting bribes from private firms manu-
facturing cans for pickles. Eichler and Czernyszewicz sold 300 cases of
cantted pickles on the free market and appropriated 150,000 zlotys.
All will be tried by the Appellate Court in ~i/arsaw at an emergency hear-
SPECULATION IN LEMONS -- Dz,iennik Lodzlci, No 88, 29 Mar 50
Josef idodka, director of the Lodz Gardening Cooperative, and Edward Bed-
narczyk, assistant manager, were sentenced to 7 years and 6 years in prison,
respectively, plus Pines of 150,000 zlotys each. The defendants were found
guilty of diverting an entire 28-ton shipload of lemons destined for the co-
operative to private merchants at prices higher than the price of lemons in
the cooperative stores. As a result oP this, the consumers were forced to
pay 35o zlotys per kilogram instead of 250 zlotys.
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