Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020052-6
2 Oct 1974
Secret Activ
i 'o Tight
Inquirer Washington Bureau
At the meeting, arranged tion to Kissinger are Joseph
by kNedzi, Kissinger a n d, Sisco, under secretary of
Colt , it was agreed to pro- state for political Affairs;
vide\ the Foreign Affairs William Clements, deputy
Committee or any subcon1 secretary of Defense; Gen.
mittee Morgan designates George Brown, chairman of
with all intelligence-gather; the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
ing information "relating -to': Colby.
foreign affairs." Nedzi's sub. Although the CIA is sup-
committee already received posed to be largely indepen-
such information in additions dent, to better supply objec-
to other intelligence mate-i live intelligence data, Kis-
rial. . .
singer has dominated the
Forty Committee and the
WASHINGTON - Central Tighter Reins
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Director William Colby has
given members of Congress
private assurances that' the
United States has ended' all
covert political operations
And an understanding has
been reached with the ad-
ministration under which key
lawmakers are to be notified
regularly and in advance of
major intelligence-gathering
projects as well as clandes-
tine operations planned by
the super-secret "Forty Com-
At President Ford's urging,
Secretary of State Henry. Kis-
singer and Colby met sec-
retly last Friday on Capitol
Hill with Reps. Edward He-
bert (D., La.), chairman of
tl:e House Armed Services
Cr nmittee, Lucien Nedzi
(li.', Mich.), chairman of the which oversees and author-
subcommittee on intelligence izes covert intelligence oper-
operations, and Thomas E. ations, is run by Kissinger,
(Doc) Morgan (D., Pa.), who also heads the National
chairman of the House For- Security Council. It has only
eign Affairs Committee. five members who, in addi-
which for agency because of. his dual,
The agreement
the first time will give the role as Secretary' of; State
Foreign Affairs Committee and the President's National
advance information on CIA security chief. And until now,
operations, is designed to the committee has ?been ac-
give a congressional body, countable to no one except
with a foreign policy jurisdic- the President.
Lion closer control over CIA But, President Ford, fol-
ventures like those in Chile lowing a meeting with con-
and Greece. gressional. leaders, approved
Nedzi said Kissinger and the idea of closer cooperation:
Colby specifically had agreed between Congress and agen=.
to provide them the same in., pies involved with intelli
telligence information that is gence operations.
in the hands of the exclusive The. decision to let mem-
Forty Committee. bers of Congress in an deci-
According to congressional. sions of the Forty Committee
and White House sources,; is part of an administration
this policy will have the ef- effort to blunt rising criti-
fect of limiting Kissinger's cism of the American role in
personal authority to use the the downfall of the elected
CIA as an instrument of glo- , government,itr Chile and-the
bal power politics. subsequent assassination of
The Forty Committee, its president, Salvador Al-
Nedzi said he has been,as-
sured that the. CIA. and the
Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020052-6
Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020052-6
Forty Committee no longer
are engaging in covert poiiti
cal operations like the one in
And he said- the CIA ad
ministration has pledged - to
keep members of Congress
.informed in advaoce.for the
first time on plans for major
intelligence operations, which'
The understanding, Nedzi
said, may afford members
the opportunity to give ad-
vice and even~belp kill some
proposed projects which they
feel could daiaage American
interests; Tha::House Foreign
Affairs Committee includes a
number of ? liberals who for
the first time..iiill be
Previous :Inquiries by
-Nedzi, who ha wrestled with
the problem of congressional
control of intelligence opera-
tions since he:took over his
subcommittee`in 1971, have
disclosed an increased tend-
ency toward ;;White House,,
control of the CIA for its own
purposes - in ;the Watergate
coverup and the harassment-
of Pentagon gapers leaker
Daniel Ellsberg and in the
Chile Affair.
In Watergate, the Presi-
dent and his top aides sought
to use the CIA in the cov-
erup. And there was evi
dence that Kissinger author-
ized a request to the CIA for
a psychiatric profile of Ells-
In the Chile affair, the
Forty Committee, acting on
Kissinger's suggestion, au-
thorized the use: of S8 million
to support opponents of Al-
lende. These opponents, spon-
sored by the CIA, created the
climate that toppled Allende
and his government.
As a result, the CIA again
has come under fire from
congressional critics, includ-
ing Sen.. Frank Church (D.,
Idaho), a ranking member of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, and Rep. Mi-
chael Harrington (D.,
Mass.), a member of the
House Armed Services Com-
mittee who leaked Colby's
testimony on the Chile opera-
The congressional critics,
noting that CIA intervention
has resulted in a military
dictatorship in Chile, again
are calling for tighter' con-
trols of the agency.
Another Culprit-
But Nedzi, who at Hawing-
ton's request had gotten Col-
by's frank testimony,, said
that the target. of cis cisn
should not be the CIA alone
but the Forty Committee..
Nedzi :is concerned that: the
Forty Committee, dominated
by Kissinger, has became a
?super-intelligence agency,'90
which. unlike the CIA, is not
governed by the National Se-
curity Act of 1947. .-:
Thus, under pressure from
congressional critics, and
with Nedzi 8n "Aimed'Ser-
vices, Committee Chairman
Hebert; acting." as.: iintermed ..
aries ; the. arrangement was
worked out for closer -rela-
tions . between -the Foreign: '4,f
fairsV ?Committee - and'tho ia-
telligence agencies.
Their hope, which the CIA-,
shares,-is that Kissinger will' .
not use the CIA as easily as
her has if he knows that con-
gressional . outsiders are
being kept informed.
Whether this new arrange-
ment. guarantees that Con-
gress will in fact exercise
closer dontrol of CIA ven-
tares remains to be seen..
Approved For Release 2011/08/09: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000020052-6