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50X1 -HUM
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value. Aside from tho long and numerous articles o! the newopapere on
the Bulgarian peop e, who have r ghtly ged the to be of very little
8talihr o etatemohte to Pravda have been headlined by all ul~arian
nowepopare. Theee etatemente haVQb not made tho fainoot impraeeion on
in tor," no one has been greatly roved by the a??ortiond of he Soviet
this dub`eot, which are merely paraphrdood of the wordy of the "great
dictator Stalin' a etatementd aro coneidered ao propaganda by the people.
The atatemcnte, lectured, and declarations which have oaused oom-
mente among the Bulgariane are not those o? the Soviets but thodo which
come from the outside; tree world. The Bulgarian people are ciroulating
these comente from the free world like wiidfiro, bocaude it ie from
the tree world that Bulgaria is expecting its deliverance.
Under such conditions it would nob be proper to speak of the refo:cbions
of the Bulgarian people to Stalin's statements, Naturally the Bulgarian
leaders laud Stalin's interview and give numerouc paraphrases.
It appears that the Bulgarian leaders are preparing some Bert of a
new political trial, In view of this forthcoming trial, all of the
members of the Central Committee of the opposition Sociaiiet party (dis-
4w,,.e~ e4l4,Ar +1htrial of Nikola Petkov) including t secretary-general
v nrougnour Gne ao ntiry
Kota Lulahev,have been brought from the various prisons/where they were
the dissolved Socia,liet party, it would probably be a new trial of the
serving terms, by the State Security. According to sourees close to
ist leaders would be Loreed to be the main witnesses for the proseautionb
agrarian flowers of the late Nikola Petkov. During the trial, the Social-
The main purpose of the trial would be to spread terror again among the
peasants. The trill would show what fate awaite them if they engage in
subversive aot Lvities
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120043-1
There h~v@ been mass arre?ts a tieaharged lgarian arrmy orticore,
These arrests pro aote oh th@ part of the 1garian leaders to rore tef
act@d through Cormuniet inopiration, but it is oxt -emely peculiar that a com~
mon criminal should have been put for' tho night in the cell of Paetukhov,
who was conaid?rod on? of the moot dangoroue political: prisoners in 9u1-
garia. We are forced to boliovo that Antonov did not act on hie own ii-
not be acid with vertainty that the assassin, who otrang1ed hie victim
Some int reetii details h vo oomo to light on tho death of the wo1-
known dooia,1iet leader Krutio Paetukhovt the g1iva piaon in 1949.
The oouroo io reputable and ie in cloae contact with th? old opposition
groups. According to him, Paebukhov was killed in hies cell on the night
of 2I - 25 Auguot 1949 by a common criminal ad Anton \ntonov. It can-
any resistance or thoughts of roeint!A,
Naturally, the asaae~+ih disappeared from the Slivers prig on at the
tiative but rather carried out previous instructions.
seine tine that his victim was removed
rW Wr W-Y~1MMW MrIW WW~r~rwWllw lrwWl~MMWWrw1 /ISW/1MMM~1W W W
The condition of the p?asanta who have not joined a cooperative is be-
coming more difficult every day. Food is extremely hard to get, and many
peasants e,re forced to desert their villages and sign up as construction
with half of the point broken. 'there was no regu1at ion ne?die available
to their families at the end of the week.
A complaint of a parent who took his son to the Second Polyclinic
of Sofia for a blood analysis, was published in the official organ of
the Oulgarian Sommuniat Party on 12 February. The parent expresses his
indignation at seeing the doctor make the puncture using pan ordinary pen
meximtui that anyone may get, every day so as to have a supply to take back
unrationed bread at 0400 hours.. They buy the wo loavee which Ire the
and Pleven state that these workmen line up before the bakeries which sell
workmen in the nearby towns. Only in this way can they get the weekly
bread ration for their families Reports from Stalin (formerly Varna)
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Thin ehowo the true etat~ of and not the Communi~te ' boats on
their aohieverndnte in the rie1d of pub1io hoalth,
on 1 ~ebrua-~ the 191 plan of tho ~u1~ien-0@ohoo
~ /Dusk Culture
gro~ment wde ai~nod dtof~a~ The plan providoa for the exaha
n~o of
aoadeiOiano, profeeoors, irstelleatuala, writers, artioto and oultu
de~.Q~a~ione s
On 24 February, the c cutive Cornmitte? of the Intern tional Fedsra..
Lion of Cultural Workers will naet at Sofia, Al]. off' the Peo 1e ' e D
p omooraoi?s
and the D88A will ont offioial dole ations, aono oi' which havo alreadyrrived in Dullaria,
On 20 February, a ci?1agat4on of Du1gariana left by airplane for
!erlin to attend the regular saahion of the 'Iorld Peao? Council, The
Bul~aria,n delegation included Profeeaor Geor~i Nadyakov, preeident of the
fulgarian Ntional Committee for the Defenso of Peace, Luclmil 3toyanov,
vino-president of the ease oonunittee, and !rofoeeor Metodi Popov,
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L'hu Seaond Congress of the Union of Tu1garian Youth wa? held in 3of
21 24 Fubruary 1951, Ever~though he minutuu of the dobates and speoahee
are of no groat interest and only ,nerve to show the toted submission of
the Union to the CommuniQt Party, the government polioy toward the Bulgar-
ian youth is worth examining.
Sinop their rise to power, the Communists have nevor turned their at-
tontion ?rom the rew goneration, whom thoy expect to make the support of
their domination, and from whom they expect to draw their most trusted
elements who will be molded in the pattern of 40mmmunist idoolo.
Tho methods that the Communist have adopted to gain control over
all Bulgurian youth do not ditfer essentially from tho methods which
were used to d iesolve the political parties which had forked they Father-
land Front. The Communist Party seized control when the Soviet Army
entered Bulgaria an 9 September 1944, At that time, the Fatherland Front
was composed of the Communist, Agrarian, and Social-Derooratic Ps,rties
and the Zveno.
Each of these organizations had a youth group. By dint of pressure,
the Commuunists first removed the youth leaders who were not to their
liking and later fused all these independent youth groups into the Youth
Union, The Communtet? promised that the Youth Union would follow the
policies of the Fatherland Front and not those of any individual party
of the coalition government. Once this Union had been formed, the Com-
munists lost no time in ridding the Union of all elements which had
played important roles in their individual parties.
Naturally, the Communists quickly grabbed all the key positions and
installed trusted Communists in them. The Bulgarian youth was to be
transformed into a Communist tool, imbued with Marxist theories.
From this time on, all the `'ommunists' efforts were directed toward
molding the Aulgarian youth, beginning at the earliest age. Nothing has
been omitted to increase the number of regimented children and youth.
The Youth Union is divided into three different formations, but
each is dep ndent on the other `
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a) The po1itio inetruotjon of the ve oun ch
~'~` ~ ~ ildren who nr? not
in aoE?o1, Trio inatruotion is etartod with the thre@~ oa
b} The 't mvriyahe" Organization, which is
group of pupilo of
tho first 7 yoo' of a shoo/
a} The youth Union which oomprioos he ouch betwa
~ y en 14 ant ~1 years
of age.
Although, the methods vary acoording ~-o the a ? or the
S children, thou
three Communiot or~anizationa follow one and the eam? ur oee -
p p to remove
the children from parontal influence, to imbue thorn with Co
mmuaist th?orie?,
and in the years to come to make thorn faithful 1 oneere of tho Co
government .
For the very young there are kindergarteno in each quarter, w
, here
the parents are forced to send their children to "play" allchy under the
care of qualified nurses. The ostensible reason for the formation of thou
kindorgarteno is to k free the mothers of the care of their children and to
permit them to do other housework. The parents who refused in the
days to ? end their children to thou kindorgartens were treated as Fascists.
The entertainmenta are nothing but Communist propaganda and the
observation is applicable to the songs, which are interminable
prliens of
Stalin, the government, and the local leaders. The games are rots
S ~que
comedies and do not resemble in the least the games of our children The
political element dominates these "gamest and the stories
are all about
the important Communist deeds in the class struggle,
The final straw is the thanks that the children multi say when they
receive their free milk and ,croissant. These are distributed b y the UNICEF
under the guise of a gift from "Good Uncle Stalin," and the children are
required to say "Thank you, dear Uncle Stalin.rt
The parents are deeply worried to see their children come home at night
more and more influenced by Communist propaganda. The worst
of it in that the
parents are powerless because the kindergarten teachers tine their
charges to spy upon their parents,
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Tae u3eptemvriyoheu organi~etion in this way receives girls ~nd boys
who ere now ready for the strong@r sxs dose of poison which will be
administered, Just es the parents pro forced to send their children to
the kindergart$r, , the pupa Qf the pr ry end prepar t.or+y schooa ,,rs
forced to enroll in the "Septomveyohe" if they wish to continue their
?tudiea. if the pupils refuoe to join this organisation, they will not
be witted to the G,ininaiur and muot terminate their atudios
In the opinion of the writer the '1eptemvriyohe" is t he moot in-
f1uentia1 organisation, and its powers greatly exceed tho?e of the other
two organizations1 The children who come under the influ?noe of `the
"9eptemvriydh&' aro at the moet impressionable age, For thin reaeon tho
organization does not let an hour of the day pass without political moetings
on Mar4et sub~eote, sports, literary and musical gatherings, and other
conferences where the Communists naturally oooupy the leading roles,
The Youth Union is not the only organ for promoting Communism, be-
crauae the teaching in the schools and universities has only ono purpose -
to create good Cornnunists. Every subject preaented is full of communist
propaganda, and a professor of mathematics, for example, will not end his
period without speaking of Communism or the large and iiacomparable contri-
bution of the soviets to the multilateral development of scienoe. For
this reason, the corpr of teachers has been carefully purged of all elements
who could not successfully apply this policy. The * teaohing level in Bul-
garia has been greatly lowered since the Communists came into power, but
what difference does that make if the schools turn out good Marxists?
Very little interest is taken in the actual studies because in the
1949 sohool year about one out of eight pupils was forced to repeat his
year. Out oi.' 500,000 pupils in the pr1inary schools 90,000 were not pro--
rooted; out of 300,000 lycee pupils, 35,535.
The situation in the Gmnasiums, where the Youth Union has charge of
organiing the young stud?nts, differs only from that in he prepara~clry
schools be stressing even more the inculcation of the Communist. principles.
The same observation can be made for he universities
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In the universities the student eutomatioally baQomea a member Q1 th@
Youth Union, hio attondanoe tae Union meetin~e is more ale 1 aheoked
than in tha preceding years. The otudenta at the Universities mnot be
eepea ia11y attent ivo beaause the slightest clip ny load to diemi?s 1 from
the Youth Unio? then even to dismissal From the sohoal or univureit,
Taking advantage oft the expeated emthusiam of its members, the
Youth Union organized, a? soon as it wa? Formed, work to be performed by
its members during the long oummer vaaationQ, This work inaluded the
building of rondo, railroads, bridges,. and other ?truaturus, The plan
was catastrophic becauna all tho young Bulgarian? forced to work at this
beak-breaking labor porformad it eo poorly that tha only results were
lou of time, material, and health.
A monumont to this forced labor ie the railroad line from Sofia to
the Georgi Uimitrov mines at Pernik, a dietanae of 30 kilometere. The
very first train, carrying the officials who were to inaugurate the opening
of the line,. caused the rails to sink into the roadbed, which ha$ not been
properly prepared to carry each a load.
At the decond Congress of the Youth Union it was announced that such
work would be abandoned. However, nothing was said of the decision to
spend 50 days of the vacations in military training. This training was
to be effected in special; camps where the lycee and university students
would supplement the daily theoretical t mining after school with practical
The importance of the Union of Bulgarian Youth is ahown by the follow-
ing data. Out of a population of about seven million people, the Union
has at present 737,000 members, of which 263,000 are girls. To these
shoo;td be added the 200,000 members of the ~'Beptemvriyche,? This gives a
total of about one million members not counting the large number of very
small children in the kinderga,rtens. According to official figures, 46,000
boys and girls, all members of the Youth Union, ached as agitators in the
Communist agitation groups during the year 1950.
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During th. cpeeohoc at th? last Con~re$a, it appearo that tho young
peoplo of the villages and the iabororc chow the greatest opposition to
being inoorporntod into the Union. Theo young people are the ones who do
not attend eahool and on whom th@ youth ox, anizationc an put 1e?e prep-
The plaoe of the Youth Union in the Communist Party ie de'ined in the
spe@ohaa of the goverment orators. They announce that the Union is to
be the ?ource o? supply for the Communist Party and th? Army. From the
Union will come the new porsonnal of the government and the armed ?oroes.
The maohinationa of the youth organize tion8 are cleverly blended, and
c `
the Cortunistc Jknow that they will attain their goals by patienoo and
work, if the future gives them enough time.
The boys and girls over 12 or 13 have not yet been poisoned by the
youth organizations. Their indoctrination could not be started early enough,
and their belief' and trust in thcir parents has been stronger than the
propaganda of the youth organizations.
The Communists are quite aware of this situation and distrust this
class of young people just as they distrust the present generation. The
present generation has been transfornrecd into a pack mule which dill be
used, according to the Communists statements, "to assure a happy future
for the coming generations." A very aerious danger threatens the young
people who are now under 12, becaune they cannot help being strongly in-
fluenced by the systematic work of the Communists.
Unfortuely, the present threat to the ulg~rian young people is
80 great and so well organized that the Communization of the children in
the primary schools is almost inevitable, if the `'ommunist regime r$-
mains in power in Bulgaria.
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