Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25 :CIA-RDP90-012088000100050017-0
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30 June 1983
Invec:~gations of the CIA have produced dozens of rev-
elations about controversial activities. They include:
^ Plotting the assassination of two government heads
- Fidel Castro of Cuba and Patrice Lumumba of the
. Congo.
^ Undertaking covert activity against Rafael Trujillo
of the Dominican Republic and Ngo Dinh Diem of South
Vietnam -who were later assassinated, although no di-
rect CIA links to their deaths could be established.
^ Conducting "extensive and continuous" actions in
Chile aimed at overthrowing the government of Pres1-
dent Salvador Allende..
^ Wiretapping or physical spying on American news-
. men between 1959 and 1971 to learn their sources of das-
...sifted information.
^ . Collecting information- on. US. dissident groups,
compiling files on 7200 American dozens and develop-
ing acomputerized index with the names of more than
. 300,000 persons and organizations.
^ Conducting an illegal drug testing program from the
.:late 1940s until 1967.
^ Offering training courses and supplying equipment
to state and local police. : _ .
~ ,Opening more than 200,000 pieces of mail and inter-
cepting and photographing more than 2.7?million enve-
lopes over a 20-year period.
Source: Congressional aianery Almanac
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/25 :CIA-RDP90-012088000100050017-0