Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
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G;otlrC()E3k, t~C7 12, 1ii 1.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
... The Aaron River raged. Itu yellow foeming water overlowed
the banka end raced away ?weeping everything before it. Tho oldest men
in Uzbekistan remembered no ouoh flood, The ctree and the brook
which need to run dry during the summer, turned into whirling roaring
s S
The water burnt into the ravine, filled it, and ruched on to the
dike of one of the oanale. fore it prod into a huge lake. A little
more and it will overflow the dike, destroy the canal, and pour
downwarde wiping out thu flawering fields and oroharde, villageo
and towns .~..
The Republic's organization, "vzryvprom" (Induoti'ial. plosive
Trust wA:a assigned the task of taming the river.
For three days, on the banks of the Burdzhar, faet preparatory
work went on. On the fourth, an explosion of tremendous strength
took place. Sixteen oubic meters of earth flew into the air. when
the dust settled, a dam 14 meters high and 22 meters wide at the base
was formed in the addle of the Burdzhar ravine. A disaster had been
averted. The blasting engineers, Kobzev, Rozhdestvenskiy and Zaglotskiy,
managed to make such a close calculation that all the earth raised by
0 tons of explosives fell exactly where it was supposed to be and
stemmed the water r s flow.
With every year the blasting operations gain more importance in
our national economy. The powerful destructive force, when guided
properly, serves the great purpose of construction. The blasting
teohnique in our country has made great strides of progress during
Stalin's Five'Year plans says MU. Dokuch rev, chief engineer of the
Pvsoyuzrzryvpromtt CAU'~tlnion Industrial Explosives Trust J. Eighteen
i y
years ago, for the first time in the world, 27 tone of. explosives
were deton tud at one time durig the oonstruction of one of our
railways. A hollow resulted 220 meters long, 20 meters deep and 7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
Mere wide ~ The obstruction Vanished. To remove it in the ueual
way would tie at leoet twQ
Looking over a 1'o book o photoSrapha, Conu'ade DokuohayeV
C2'phica11Y demonstrated where and how blaeting was applied. Mere
is pictur of the reatect bleat in the world, in which 1808
a ~
tone of axplociVaa rained 800,000 cubic meter of eoxth. This
locion W M noted by the ceicmo rapha of the Soviet Union.
Of no lace intoreet to the picture of a oora1 which appeared
e 1tan,eoue blast of eevcral thoueandc of explosive oha'Sea
after a
placed in a direct line.
There arc fro morn ourioue pictures in the book. Ono of them
shows a smokestack rioing among inhabited houses It ie pierced with
hells and ti1tinL don erously OVar one house. Should thin pile of
s S
end concrete collapse, several houseD would be wrecked. Instead,
irneera blasted it so eki1fu111 that it fell neatly between
the eng
two houses without injuriri either of them.
With the help of explosives w9 pulverize mountains, we dig
holes for Planting fruit trees, we build canals and dikes, says
oloo v. Grand work is ahead of us on Stslin' s great,
construction ojects in the Turkmen SSR, the Ukre, Crimea,
and on the Volga river. Soon, there also will be heard our oryt
1nst1" and hundreds of thousands of tone of earth
"Attention l. l..
will rise to the skies.
B. ProtopopOV.
1he picture of the exp1os3.on which appears on pale 23 cannot be
deCln9.te1y 3.dent~M1ed with any o? the eacplosione.J
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4
Takhaltubo warm epringe were known ae only ae in the 12th Century.
At that time there stood one "bathhouse", intended for the court
The health roaort Tekhaltubo and ite primitive oprin u belonged
once upon a tina to/brothcre Iooaliani who uead the o~lubrioua water
as a means off' profit.
Nowadaya, at tha resort Tukha1tubo there arc eevon bathhouses,
a sanatorium for 1,300 beds, eeveral polyo.inioe, bocvding houseo,
hotels, and rest houses. Much attention hac been paid to planting
trees amsd to public wo1 re in General. But the plannora continue
to build new sanatoria.
Thie year the bathhouse at sprint No. b , "Soe picture to the
right (internal view of the swimming pool)?; will go into operation.
In its architecture and internal arrAngement, it surpasses the
bathhouses of the resorte Matoesta, Kie1ovods1C, Yeceontuki. There
are fifty comfortable individual cabins and three swimming pools at
the disposal of the patients. The bathhouse contains also an
inhalation unit, rooms for shower and massage, and other therapeutic
equipment. The working capacity of the bathhouse is 30 patients
per hour.
The day is near when a 5-stor1 hotel ['See picture below J
with 110 rooms will open its doors. This hotel houses a large
concert and theatre hall, gyrnn'siume, a restaurant, and a telephone
The construction of a sanatorium, with 200 beds, for the Ministry
of the Coal Industry USSR is nearing completion; it will be one of
the most beautiful buildings in Tskhaltubo.
The construction of 9 new sanatoriums will begin this year.
V. I liashvili.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120059-4