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Fo~raor { I area
RSdigea 1laintsinad
Former barraaka 359 moterN
above eea-level
140 ?eters above
Jftterbo~ - Old Camp
Presence of 60 fi Mere type YAK-3 (Jtltu,ui in two groups of 30
aircraft each, one group having the engine cowling painted dark blue th
~ the
other green) (N0TEi These are the distinctive signs noted in the
or of 1948. The3r seem to be onr a means of identifying particular unite
partioipating in maneuvers (red sections blue sections, eta.
License numbers on vehloleas B 5 39 40
B 5 39 95 (belonging to the 16th Aft Army).
Jdterbmg - Damm
Not being used,
No airoraf t at present. Could be used as an advance airfield for
courier aircraft, ' Barraoks are Constructed on the edges of the field.
Unoooupied, Would be usable as an advance airfield.
Jena-Aookau and Naumburg-Punsohrau
Voter fields belonging to the glider school, Converted into tilled
fields, ,
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
The regiment equipped with LA-9 fightera has left K dthon for an ucnown
At present there are at the fields 40 to 45 TX 9'.
8 to 10 P3.84 twin-engine airoraf
10 trainer I--_
1 liaison airoraft (eing1..ngin.)
Vehicles numbered B - 7 - 81 end 7 - 82.
400011 to the field is forbidden.
Great air aotivity by fighters and twin-engine airoraft
2 four-engine air oraft
50 - 60 fighter.
9 twin-engine aircraft in flight )
) old types
A dozen twin-engine airoraft on the ground)
Looation: About two kilometers aouth off' the town on the /road from Halle.
Occupation: Is said to be occupied by $OO to 900 men, about 300 of whom
are student pilot. from a fighter school.
The airoraft are single-engitie fighters, twin-engine combat airoraft,
and two-seater trainers.
The air aotivity over the field is inien?e.
A number of the offioere,sogir undoubtedly inetruotoxrs, wear ,t gold"
embroidered insignia on a blue background on the collar and cuffs of their
(sketch) yellow
The same insignia have been observed at xerbet.
Vehiolee at the field have numbers: B - 7 - 81- 15, etc,
There were several air force tank trucks with numbers B - 7 w 84 - ~nr and
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Leipsig - Mookau '
No change.
Presence of four Dakotas in the parking area. No of activity.
Leipeig - Sohkeudits (14 May 1949)
No ohange. No air aotivity.
I Alt L5nnewits
KBthen at the end of April. It is presumed that this is the unit which was
Presence of 50 to 55 fighters of the LL"9 type which were observed at
transferred from K~lthen, but the diatinctiveg have not been obaerved.
(propeller hub and upper tip of rudder painted red).
20 twin-engine tranaport aircraft (PS 84)
8 to 10 biplanes.
Yookau (5 May' 1949 ' 17May 1949)
No aircraft.
from the Nolgast Labor Office to work on it.
The airfield is being reconditioned. 400 workers have been requested
Locations 4 kilometers from Plauen, on the Plauen? 8isnttz rail line.
Occupation and traffics unoccupied at the moment, but likely to be
put back into service.
Polens M Machern
Roads are blocked. At they field there are 30 to 40 fighter aircraft ,
(YAK 9' e , LA 5's). Several biplanes.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Potsdam Borzatedter Feld
Baall liaioon airfield on the toner Aornatedter Feld oxeroise ground
Basil runw$y 300 metera long (tarred gra~ve1)
Preaeuae of theca biplanes (cagier cad liaison aircraft),
Rangodorf - Dabendorf
A single biplane on the field,
from time to time fighter aircraft land for repairs (? p`rt illegib'e)
in the former Becker factory, Engine tests,
300 Gera n workers have been working since the beginning of May on re-
oonditioning the Parohim field, which up to now has ~t not been utilised by
the Soviet 'Air brass.
Sohkeuditz (5 - 17 Nay 1949)
No airorat,
26 aircraft ebeerved on the ground and six in the air.
Airorat on the grounds twin-engine monoplanes. Radial engines, single
The mpa ** field id said to be oooupied by:
30 to 40 aircraft of the first type
20 to 25 aircraft of the second type
l5 to 20 N g's,
There are some antiaircraft weapons set up at the edges of the field
particularly at a point 300 meters west of the Nation - Oranienburg road
opposite the panzer camp.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Sketch *. Sch5nwalde
Legends 1. Buildings where Rueaian taailiee are
2. Guard poet. Guard aonsiste of two air foroe sentri
3 , Four intact buildings where men belonging to the air
wait are quartered.
4. Field oont s s building
. Eight twin-engine, low-wing, radial-engine airoraft
6. Repair shop, '
Along the southern edge of the field there area munber of destroyed
German airorait.
Number. noted on vehioles near the fields
B.2,59.14 PL, B 7 80 21 YL, B 7 86 15 PL, E.1.01,88 PL
One fights regiment, tAK 'a and YAK 9's (10 May 1949)
A school for pilots; activity eepeoially at night.
62 officers, non-ootnmissifled officers, and men are said
to have deserted
Search parties of Rusaian patrols are looking for them 15 May ( Y 1949)
(Arrival of 60 officers, non-eommiseioned officers, and men to re
the deserters (17 dray 1949) . Very' intense activity at night over the Spandau
DSberits arcs.
35 fighter aircraft on the field (23 Vay 19b9).
Staaken (near Berlin)
1. Looations known.
2. Fields well maintained. 430 workers furnished by the Labor
in Nauen and Falkensee work here.
a. Taxi at~,p
Lengths not determined
. Width: 70 to 100 meters
In Ood con ~in~p s ,
g' dition, depressed areas in some places. After
heavy, rains there are lakis two to three meters eroas fi7, Drainage instal-
-, ?j r
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
b.Teke-off rune s (iuiiiber not determtne*) s
Oriented eae?west. ApproxiMte lengthy 2000 meters. A p.
prozimate widths 50 metore,
o, Hat gars s Sig hangars approa i ately 350 metore long, 100 met ere
wide, and 12 motors high. Oapaoity estimated at about 60 airoraft
d. Buildings s
One large four-story building where families of airfield
personnel live.
Several smell houses for offioors end their familiea~
h The airfield ' e personnel ie estimated at about 3000, in-
oluding the workehope.
The shops contain all neoeesary machinery for reptir and main-
tenanoe of the airoraft. They are modern and operate eatiefaotori
1y. There
is a shortage of drilling maohinee1
e, Adminjetrations
*# All adminietrative and supply eervioee are located in hangar fir.
f. Installations:
a. Red and white lighted beacons
b. Installation with red lights for night landings,
a. Lighted installation for take-offs
d. Radio
e. Qoniometrio and meteorological station.
The latter two installations are in a large, four-story building
l ??- semi-ciro3* y- pr
3. Aircraft: about 40 fighters.
The following numbers were noted on truokes I - 00 - 57, I - 0 - gg
Sketch of Strausberg airfield, about kilometers' northwest of Straus
a. Block of apartments
b. Workshop
a. Destroyed hangar
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
d. gentrie.
I. Hangar
f'. Radio station
g. Concrete shelter.
The yield i. located a1oAg the road from ~Vriesen to Ber
line about 3
kilometer. from 8trau.berg. There is no oemo t runwa and
y no airorsf~ at
the field. There are about 800 soldiers in the buildings marked naa an
the oketcI Numbers on vehicle. seen outside the field
Airfields in Thingen
There are no atroraft stationed in the western part of
Neimar - Hohra
Unoccupied, Would be aerviceeble as an advance airfield.
Neisow (273.310, C/3, 12 May 1949)
Qeographioal locations 25 kilometers eouthweat of Cottb
ue, 2 kilometers
aouthcaat of IVelzow, on the Welsow - Peteraht rail line.
Dimeneionsx About 1500 x 2000 metes. No take-oflf runways
Nature of grounds firm, grass, landing area in good o0
TnstQllati one s
Herder (Havel)
Buildinge are occupied by air force troops (non-tiring personnel). No
gg airorat. The eurroundinga of the field have been declared a restricted
a. two hanggrs meaeuring 500 x 100 metera, part damaged but sti11
b. Norkehops one repair shop of the came dimeneinne
part 1y damaged,
o. Quarters s barracks.
d. Control towers on the field,
e. Radios one radio station 300 meters east of the field.
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E, n
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Di,iperaii areaos dioporoal is possible is the woods to the 4o]eted7
of the field.
Unite station4 at the fields 70 to 80 fighter airoraft of the !AK type,
,Defense i none.
r?]flC of whim have the nu~ber C.O. 27 on the ta31,~ Noae ie anted
Aa yellow.
Obstaolces none.
Supplier 1
Gasoline: threu gaaoline etationa with wdergrowad tanks oa
~ pacify
s 50,000 sat liters eaoh.
Beacones Complete installation, in condition to funotion.
Acoeae and aommunicationa s
There used to be a
Rail networks /apeoial branch of the Welssow - Peterehain line
ning to the field; it ie out at present.
Legend to eketoh of IVelaow airfield
Wittenberg (23 May 1949)
The ramp former engineer camp) ~ Boosted across from the field in
Wittenberg (17 May 1949)
Very little air activity; fire to eix U 2 biplanes normal on
l' the field.
s occupied by an air force unite jr1jj
1. Manegement
2. Workehop
:3,4. Hangars
5,6,7, Gasoline stations
~,9,1O. Barraake (troop quarters)
ll. Radio station,
No aircraft,
Pratau airfield. Presence of two biplanes with in-line engines on this
The field is located south of the Elbe in the fielda bordering th
the river.
No hard-eurfaoed runway.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
lix biplanes s 450 - 500 tlyora
Lieenee numbers on gehioleat B 7 81- 82 aeries,
wittat oak
The field ie looated about four kilometers from Wittatock on the road
between Nittetoek and Roebel
The buildinge and hangars appear to be new.
The field is occupied by about 1000 to 1200 men,
Between 20 and 22 April 1949, 500 now reoruita (19 and 20 yeara old)
arrived from the USSR.
The flying pereonnel conoiete nc almost exoluaively of ogfioere.
10 to 12 airoraft, single-engine monoplane, in-line engines.
Little air aotivitys night flights.
The gasoline storage tanks are located in the former anunition bunker.
Numbers on vehioloa= B 7 85 82 PL Aviation
B 7 85 69 PL Aviation,
Wittetook - Meoklenburg
Geographical locationi
a. Wittotook is a rail center 30 kilometers south southwest of
burits lake.
and a half
b? The field is four/kilometers north northea?t of the town, on the
southern edge of Wittetock heath (see eketoh).
c. Blevationt 70 meters.
Dimeneions t
a. Total: 2200 meters east-west and 1500 meters north-south
b. Ueable s 2200 meters east-west and 1000 meters north-south.
700 x 15 meters
No hard~eurface runiiay. There is a concrete strip/in front of the
Nature of the grouat Grass on arable ground. Sub"ooil is gravels dry,
Inatallatione - See sketch ~- detailed legend.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Y L c'
Dispersal amass No taxi area. Anti-fragmentation shelter (i.e aketoh,
at Beet of bold).
Nuabxous pasaibilitios for oasaouflage and disperaal in the aurround~rsg
Defense; node observed.
Units stationed at the fields
17 fighter aircraft have been observed at the field.
. perked
There are two P.0.2-type airoratt on the field and one
is apparently'
LA 7, dual control type. The formatio mai~uc a night fighter unit.
a. The small hill known ae t?RooketadterbergW~nhioh riser aoroee
from the southern edge of the field. With its buildings it ie about 35
meters high
b. A factory ohimney in the town of Wittetook; it is about 35
meters high.
c. Forests surrounding the field.
Supplies s There is a gasoline etation in front of the hangars (aee eketch).
Beaoones The original beacon installation ie in good condition and
functions normally.
Aooees and communioatione s
a. By roads the field is eerved by the main Wittstock - Boebel
road along Murite Lake; this road borders the field on the Meet and the
main entrance opene onto it.
b. There ie no rail line.
Special remarks:
An important night practice took place during the night of 4 - 5
- May between 2300 and 0200 houre. Only night fighter aircraft partio~pated
in this practice. 18 flights were observed. The beacon lights were lighted
only for the takerofte and landinge. No auxiliary searohlighte.
Legend for sketch (1:10,000) of Wittetook airfield
1. Entrance and guard
2. Rydraulio station
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
~,, ~J*3k
3. workshops
4. Quua'teri
5. ?dministration
?. Barracks
8. Athletic field
91 Daaiged houeee
10. former Leteorologioal station
12. Formal' paraohute storage
13. Co~mand
14. Gasoline station
15. Former shelter,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
Field in exoellent condition. Four large hangars intact.
Camp in the forest
Concrete runway 1500 x ~O meters.
Thirty TIC 9'a. Little air activity.
One old-type twin-engine aircraft continually, landing and taking off.
Large pereonnel in comparison with the niber of aircraft.
There were paxatroope at the field.
1. Locations about 5 kilometers east of Zerbet i bounded on the east
by the road between Zerbet and Dgbrits, on the west by the road between
Zerbet and Deets, on the north by a forest, anI on the south by a road
linking the roads to Dgbrits and Deets (see sketch.
2. Installations
The field has an asphalt runway 1200 meters long and approximately 50
uoetere wide, oriented gore or leee eaet-meet.
on the
There is one large hangar/north of the field, at the edge of the forest,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
There are two bui1dinga slag the road to Deets which serve as quaxtere
and hour. the administrative services of the tield.
It is poaaiblt that there are barraoka in the foreat to the north of
the field.
There is no external obstacle which might impede landing or takeoff
The field is in good condition and is being used. There is no rail
oor nection with the geiohabahn.
3. Oooupation
The field is occupied by a fighter +mit equipped with TAX 3'. or YAK 9'.
and oommanded by Colonel Olgin.
At present there are not more than 200 men stationed at the field.
There are a three TAX' e azd two biplanes 'the field.
The oloeed hangar probably contains other aircraft.
There are four hangars, two large and 1o amall, boated at the edge
of the foreat north of the field.
Two large buildings along the road aerve as administration building
Looation: About b kilometers from Zerbat on the road from wiesenburg
(see sketch). Former Luftwaffe field, occupied by the kuaaiana.
Installationes The field has one runway, oriented approximately east-
west; the Ruseiane have had it concreted.
and qu&rtere.
said to be
The field is/occupied by a ataff headquarters which is also reaponeible
for the fields of Deeaau and Xlithen and which supposedly also has contact
with another important headquarteralocated at 7itterbog.
The field is occupied by l O air forces men, O or 600 of whom are
paratroopers. The latter average about 20 yeare of age and are acid to
have arrived recently from Siberia.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/04/04 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100060085-2
The airoraft oomprises
23 TiAXX fighter.
20 IL 2 combat aircraft
10 D 2 liaison aircraft
40 twin-engine combat airoraft
20 twin-engino bombers
23 three-or~gine transport airoraft, probably JO 52's.
The motor v.hicles at the field are numbored s - 8 - 7.80 - xx
Sketoh of Zerbst airfield
1. quarters
2. Hangars
3. Runway
8k?toh of Zerbet airfield
Road from Niesenburg
Sketch of Zerbet airfield
LindAu Deets
Zerb at
No change to report (6~ - 70 TAX ' e , 15 biplanes).
Intense activity,
. Motor vehicle license nutberet B 7 80 - gl - 82 - $3
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Water filtering