Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/23 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401660028-2
The wash~n9ton Post _
The New York Times
the Wasnm9ton Times . ~'~,
The Wall StrNt Journal
The Chnatlan Science Morntor _
New Yak Oafly New!
USA Today
TM Chicago Tribune
. Date ~ ~~,~~~~~
Webster bids
far~IMell to CIA
William H. Webster said goodbye
yesterday to employees of the Cen-
tral Intelligence
Agency, saying
his four years
as director were
"a great and
worthy adven-
The agency
"worked hard to
build the trust
t~nr~ rnnfi.i e..we
rrer[~5eer that W8S 30
badly needed" in its relationship
with Congress, he said.
Mr. Webster's four years at the
CIA was the fourth-longest tenure
of any director. He announced his
retirement on May 8. Mr. Webster
leaves the post later this month,
planning to practice law in [he
Washington area.
At the ceremony, he was pre-
sented the Distinguished Intelli-
gence Medal, the CIAs highest ca-
reerachievement award.
Page ~? _
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/23 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401660028-2