Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/18: CIA-RDP90-0055
ON PAGE_____ - 25 May 1982
1manages to- maintain a three-day
J.S. Analysts growth of beard at all times, the
View PLO Chief his b grubby bb probably doesn't
ne is a a cal realize that ru y appearance culat-
As Vacillator
ed effort to "add drama, to make
Yassei Arafat is a vacillator and a
compromiser, "an inadequate per-
sonality who has received and seized
opportunities 'to reach: a political
power level that would not be gained
had there been a contest"-for lead=
ership of Palestinian-exiles.
This is the conclusion of U.S in-
him stand out from his Palestinian
colleagues, who generally dress more
Western and more conservatively,"
as the study puts it.
Though his dark' glasses "make
'of Peter Sellers caricature of an Arab
sheik, the - analysts conclude that
Arafat's "cloak and' dagger move-
ments, his striking and unforgettable
telligence experts contained in a se- psychological faces will be admired
cret psychological profile of* the Pal- only because they can b_ a many
estine Liberation Organization lead- things to many people."
er. My associate Indy Badhwar has ? Behind the facade lurks a weak, .
had access to those'-rat stud which insecure person, torn by indecision,
g a a- thought, manipulated by his ' of irritation, not to the degree of
lysts whose business it is to know '
associates. As a result, he expends. 'open attack; if that occurs,. he will
why Arafat behaves as he does, and "as much psychic energy in mainte- retreat and compromise."
what his response to changing cir- nance of his own position as he does . ? Essentially a moderate, Arafat i3
cumstances in the explosive Middle on the cause." bound to no
[Palestinian] particular ideology
'East is likely to be. Arafat is essentially an actor, and other than establishing a Palestinian
The question of peace or war in , his true power is hard to determine. state under his personal control. His
the troubled region often turns as - "Whether he is fundament-all a A - real li" 1
f incapable of bold action or original Fors are carefully attuned to a degree
retl~cts 0-A best 'ud ment y
y . g power may , m contro o
much on the personalities of a hand- urehead' cannot be determined in PLO's funds, rumored to be : kept in
flit of tit' 1 1 d -
o Ica ea
the president and his policy advisers. other Arab leaders; they have differ- removed from a covert, guerrilla type
Here are the highlights of the se- ing assessments of his political pow- to one in an elected or appointed
cret Arafat psychological profile: er, his ability- to plan and recruit, position, Arafat would have a very
? Beyond wondering how Arafat and his effectiveness as_a leader...,.- ._..difficult adjustment."
makes the character appraisal of ? Arafat is regarded with mixed reached in the Middle East, "and the
someone like Arafat so important to feelings by his PLO colleagues and pressure for the kind of behavior
ers as. on geopo- fact; that he is a person who would Arafat's own Swiss bank account.
litical events over which they have quite willingly play that role, the - ? Though undoubtedly a skillful
little or no control. That's what answer is probably yes." .. - survivor if a olitical
t t'
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/18: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100180006-7
appearance, his series of changing
him look ridiculous to some," a sort
? When he com'promises,I is not
from the confidence of strength, but
"probably because nuances of the
political context escape his mind."
The massive amount of information .,.
he receives confuses Arafat, who has
"less-than adequate capacity to'or-
ganize and interpret it himself." So
he sticks to a few simple, familiar
themes and leaves the formation of
new. ideas to others.
? It is oversimplification to ' de-
scribe him as merely "weak,: vain, . .
effeminate, crafty and silly," as'many
have done. "There is more to Arafat
than the general summary statement
used by most Western writers, but
there is less than some of his. com-
rades see." -
? Arafat can be "ingratiating, ar-
rogant and petty, but all such behav-