Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approve For Release 2007/03/15: CIA-R DP80RQ1720R000700030066-6
_V S f r, -, .. .r b ..V N++6+ ..4Irv r~~w'. V`1w"v
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EO 12356
1.3 (a) (4)
EO 12356
1.3(a) (4)
SO`jj-Nf~ . EO 12356
of the 1. 3 (a) (4)
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EO 12356
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EO 12356
1.3 (a) (4)
Approved Fdr Release 2007/03/05: CIA-RDP80RO172OR000700030066-6
Approved For Release 2007/03/05: CIA-R DP80R0;177220R000700030066-6
EO 12356
.C: ,rJo 1 be !7 v y Soo Cp
C C-":.,` 3n S gon t tiVyC : ry p r o b es ly tiVi_ Go:_^ .1C GC .., , - a , 4 in Sa'1'~ gG:
o' V-0-: a> : "P escery has insisted ".1-a- 1"0 , r;
~c; '^~:, -?cc~:.G~ , EO 12356
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dO '`` he co,-,7d d agree to this co edict on. For the job of
-,nil 7itaay t (c_ 1e g tCry ThaY.h said that zolmcr YV Corps Commander
cvolutionary Development Chief General Nguyen Luc Thang/ was
being actvoly considered but that no decision has been made. EO 12356
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