Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000100050003-1
4. A bwklLoopter w -i crr wla d 1.a TULUxid
a& ly becowkwr has be" po1tla.Ly id*tlll*d air a
,Let M!.4 dol.i)ptrv. rho t "Wm s 04r
clip" iato the Jt 1o kay. * by That
r r police to vo beoea of Asiat u*tsiatte , most
I hell otter ylotftxawi~ft or S1sck ?T* t.
as 41w0 *id-4 eca a*r,
atvo r a tsar u e+A tl4 government Outpost of
pass **to, just i S r the Lootti br vLttk NOVI*
a now"
TJLOIMWM" jPriaosor 4ross is s I ttbrt Loo testes
tsss osptts Od Rear MQX9 tot. i V" t e "gPWQ 1y
4atif e 0 s former P atbot Leo 001td w *60 bad
da1ei-04 4 the 6"ara est. dart era4io waa -
ca tl- attributed the csptt or soft get an orr
Year's sor 0nd to ttha z4wamd t Leto t &,
but it 0OU14 appear logical to aupp l that tt
TL*tVmAWW vi s say b.'D f* ssa : ibtod i.; its captiira,
after vbieb t y could "sily w i tt r er t tw ta& less to
the boar. "waver, IA a tovozrumat claim Mat treat
f tam Sev,zi bzt"Iloi~x Vie:er is'4tverd ato pOo riibly
T1dIst10s____ a" o t ten+ Ivem t is Lst.
*t. mve rtmW bemtw!eir+ad ea ties is Je t Of !trot
Attached aim illsatvatito *ssarpxe* of the ty t.,
0ay. lento bo" dtroa on Ow spot by r --3aotisa
"1st pereooassl.
cap bLILUO of 0 thor the patent Loo or x0ag Lo.
?be" tkus err"" a strong pission tit the apcrsU s
Meng fEusaj toaea acrd - Ust art s of
t~rdtiiati+oa *ad sdg ~s #* We .1 bey*" the
,ZAP-Mt"t LAQ ts1 "Oei tvtrh trl~ lel-t tt6s~tlt pis rss,.
6. 'files x"" aa4 off tcte1 y with I tks SAM&
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000100050003-1
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79S00427A000100050003-1
eta -11-0 t=a..~
Und" as tiS V tie y
+I~ld ? +ay
an www
Two AO.* Uelw..tSIG&O34, with
"a e y *tat* ~y at
L Igo" L'O
t Y t ,? su J" t
be rO~rt L''p e*~w
+M1 11,900.
? Umber of xOr Vift r , r
diems WWM ?irapped ?t
NaLa of rl., so"
-- 1, . _
wIth Can LO ?esth Ot vumtumwb
liittelUm a4mm
*rO ;
am se~r~sirtr~t t
*am ftosta t t '~ "'~"
~ f~O/0114'RS.
ftm not
to 00 A* M-- ? im "Ilpts
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79S00427A000100050003-1
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000100050003-1
it Pea t&0 Lao etf r c o rr;s,&v-t - ? a~rr : a
ntstei4 tie X*. %C L, *rttL1 w r 1 p .o er
were 90"r tko cow +aft at a th
start a awrtill-Rry %pto3n as es7aA" by tI4-X*O rV.
so DOc so lntorratiara That 6 .li 4ar$ prodaaod
rai1r t that tan son tea: 3.e i I Soso e ~ r
iita*; er.eah la n4 Aalcd for dlrset.u ~vu,
to .OM LAY,. 0M, utC sr 6014 10 ape-at,,'
't ,era Thai dfsI ct, owe a:.Ao.
C 60
A" 60
Gesoral es* etat" tkwa i 'th
Yiotatram*so battaiioss at waba bets two
&a "a *am area .
Lao volunteer co a7 to nertb of Yang
V iaat popart$ a ews;w a y of North
Yleta 2mose psratroopern the".
officer a to a~ L has
single sngi.aeos plaza wz to
lot pilot, 'es do.u that ? loed*r
Pr1we S44 xmwv*u r,.
"losaal a act as *evinojr to Ice"
l4-Pa- ke t Lao.
Yta4 aaa o at Yens YiOU -F g hi
are* state 72 berU.
so G~ra1 Moml ofr ?1 srcato five Barth
Vi etuawmae tU i ? wing, tram Xo
Z# t t*w rd fLa # e dew J rra . XxmS Loa
drive from 'fit mrppor t d by Sa v lot
^ ice.
3 $1 i.dtoae tear trbs~ M is.a porno .1
r+a+aatly is tbo ptaiasar d *s Jarred or".
3adtcat.4 asgaastioa ela T3*ta~aaae
pst*cipatto .it&s tae Ps .t Leo is
latest srwd vid+wrasd apvlsIAS and
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000100050003-1
Approved For Release 2009/01/16: CIA-RDP79SO0427A000100050003-1
ion 01) professionally conducted .tlitasry
attacks* They say that the Pla is a
too JRrreas max taken ay Mobil. tank
fore* deliverying secaairate. fir. over
whol+s dist?na. Iran KuSoul which
they aade in co. day c..l.ariaag any
r.siataaas?e quickly. AttscQk followed
S ditirsionary- s at 1 Not
and Ran Dan and ev1d*zbosad as iap.taa