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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100210006-5
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100210006-5
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100210006-5
(1) PAKTI'A REGION--There has been intense fighting going-on here since mid-September
1983,. and there has been a marked increase over the last few weeks. It has
been so intense that the Soviets have been forced to air-lift supplies to ,
the besieged Soviet/DRA troops. The insurgents have simply closed down the
over-land supply routes to Paktia through numerous attacks on supply caravans.
The Khowst garrison in Paktia is under extreme insurgent pressure and the
fall of this garrison would be the worst government defeat since an Afghan
unit was almost destroyed last s rim .
the measures to protect the transport 25X1
aircraft flying into the besiege howst airfield include providing a
fighter escort from Kabul and keeping the engines running during unloading
to allow for a quick takeoff if the airfield comes under attack.
(2) SALANG PASS--This is a major supply route to Kabul. The insurgents have
attacked several caravans along the pass over the last few weeks. This
problem for the Soviets has been. compounded by, the snow which often creates
a natural barrier along the route.
(3) JALALABAD--Being a major city, the Soviets have put a great deal of effort
into keeping this city under control. The-security situation has been
described as the worst that it has ever been. Resistance-activity has
increased greatly including a recentattack.on Khad (Afghan Intel Service)
Headquarters in downtown Jalalabad.
(4) OANDAHAR PROVINCE--According tol _ linsurgents
using SA-7 missiles on 1 December downed two Afghan MI-8 helicopters 'near
Qandahar city, killing eight senior Afghan Army and Air Force officers,
possibly including the Qandahar airbase commander. This attack has
reportedly caused the Soviets serious concern. _
(5) QANDAHAR CITY--As of this week, the city of Qandahar is almost completely
cont .by.the,insurgency. The U.S. Embassy reported that the insurgents
fn icted over 40 casualties during an attack in late December there. The
insurgents also reportedly attacked an Afghan corps headquarters in the
Qandahar area causing heavy regime casualties, and even established a
judicial system that, according to one source of the Embassy, was recognized
by the city's mayor.
(6) HERAT PROVINCE--Special intelligence indicates that Afghan, Soviet, and
insurgent casualties were heavy in operations and clashes around Herat city
over the last three months. The Afghan Army reportedly transferred two
armored divisions and a reinforced regiment to Herat Province in early
September. Thereafter, the area quieted down until recently when the
insurgents regrouped and increased once again the intensity of their
(7) TORKHAM-BORDER POST-- The insurgents captured a government outpost at Torkham,
which is a major transit point for Afghan Government exports-outside the
Soviet Union. It was reported, however, that the insurgents abandoned the
post under pressure from the Pakistanis who were uncomfortable with the
post being directly on the border.
(8) and (P) Mazar-E-Sharif and Baghlan Air bases,-These two strategic
ai.r bases have been under constant harassment by the insurgents.
The Soviet have reportedly been forced. to sweep the area
surrounding these bases before allowing aircraft to take off.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP88B00443R000100210006-5