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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
- JtIt-
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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IINIMEN ill ME ? 45i,-ill avt . '4.P:t-, [!, =mom
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
?4:41111013N 111311
, TIPs
vt, fir
4,114,272it% A.S.
lel -1 fj. Ift 1204,
2 ago; ti eqEdINK41,..
at?Ci, 'I t-44' t14.14411,44e, .
41141/11 fib #i.14,14
1#4.4tAIV 67441110111104 IAN4L lot
MIN U. what% sue
Wit& a, ivewcy. e,
moil% ?,k,vo MA%
AAVEll Olt W1-1,4W0140',44 P. Ivo
telMaliM 6 IMAM
IdoWiriSirgia ilk$1?14.
dlirfg4. q-IWth
.1?4!is ;
Gagne, tiftiOlititeii tatts
Canunittee au cilforreivi Affniro
Mosvog of Popreoentutiiito
July 21, 1940?
My 4ear GonerAl Donovan:
X haw, boon roqueated to contoot you
behalf of Major DonVil Handlor of Now York City,
oho Med applioation recently ?or an appointment to
the staff of tho Office of Strategic Bervicoa.
Major Hgndlor is very anxioua to obtain an
6PPolntmmnt to your awl!, and I should approciato being
velvioei acnoornlng tho present atatus of hie application
elnd him prospect? :or obtaining an appointment in tile
neor future.
Binceraly yours,.
Maj. 'in. ilhtnn J, Donovan, Director,
Crtice of 3tratelic Borvices,
P6th & E Streetoo N. W.,
wAohingtonp D, 0?
npriassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
'1.41 F
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001001_90005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-R1'4.PI3-X400-44001-114R'40001041-0190005-9
C1P INZlitlillisnawnowa 11
714E iltits'AllIUTAMV O117Alt
In reply refer to ILE
April 12, 1943
My dear General Donovan:
I understand that there have been informal
discuasione between Dr. Halperin, Chef of the
Latin American Division of your office and Mr.
Mulliken, Chief of the Division of International
Labor, Social and Health Affairs of the Depart.
ment, with reference to makin certain studies
in the Latin American field.
There have been outlined a number of possible
projects relatinc to the political signiVicance and
influence of the labor moveme_t in certain countries,
the attitudes of organized workers toward the Unlied
States, the influence of Communism, Socialism,
Falangism and similar movements as they affect
or art relate? to labor movements, the attitude
and policies of goveriunentts of the other American
republics toward labor and other rulated subjucts.
I would very much appreciate your giving your
approval to nutting this work performed foco the
Department and authorizing Dr. Halperin to develop
the details of the projects with reprosontatIvom of
the Department.
t hi aftrt
au tolb
Sincerely yours,
44144*(4?4 I. 91/04
Edward 3. Mason
Deputy to the Assistant Socrotai-y
for Economic Affairs
Major General William J. Donovan,
ofrioo of Strategi4 SOVitiev,
25th and E Streets, N.W.8,
Washington 215, D.C.
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
te attached -,roposed r-th
indcrse- as dIscussed with
Lt. Barvis, zr_.o agreed that
it is a more a;prcprlate reply
than the one s...1.;ges tea b7
Of f ice. of the cec r ixt
- v..,_
4,,T,111 Amt. ?
AL.-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
I 51
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATE.5. GOVERNWNT
Lt, C. A. 1an?,6,?Aereteriet
Lt. B. C. Sarvie, iaroonnel ProclArument Drtinch
Atteehod Correspondence Re: let Lt. PAwsrd L.
.In tic:emit-ince with tolPrhone convertatIon, rotlirnhe
herewith is requett for trhn:fer ond iedoroemont, thorhto
on nbove numed officer.
It is requebted that the following reventh indor o-
ment be wicied to be signed "ieor the birector."
1. Ruturnod without notion.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
I V:
? -'---. ?I.-
`:114tentiori to inv?titd to piiGoetius 'firth
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
E, ?Rigtlk-.1.74!?:H'EF11?
IL . ;44
?1, ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9 ,171Mt.::;!:;.:. 2 $. ?-:.
la :ffi 1 At L..
:31,4ftrisiogn Re 1, ((I) 4th Ind
ihmwd'LL 4.JzTonj Ng*Nneton 250 Da 000 19 chrilIPA :;.`9,? 5
Tiro 4-11) it 4 44 04 3trilt4.0, e Sent t es ft aft fl n Goll 0 I-4 a
ror 4;tu4mmictivi
cApertmania CAVERRY.,, MY Ui Ffnv>71
4iil,tt 11! 1%; Le I lit
s jlam ,Tro 4, kl,? 1 or Ow
I ow Ir' j "' ktitili !UK,
tr4. A?11. 14 M 1 ?'
AA .At I k
:AtIltrd , ( ) 7t14 lads
?ie Jontiary 1045,
4kval 141t6.
(mJ,,t1; Cha t' ,1141,113-?AI iecirD 10 0 Ft, ; ? t n 41?
'sfvo oV Mth lqdorpomolat roquadt ootltat? I
clup,mctloan in not tavorutay iloneadorodi
Oirov top s
Lt s
UhXof s t;oorn
p (1 to
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
I En
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
'Stints. Anaj-Calitornia
10 Jecember 1944
Will3MOV: Transfer 'or assignmen to Intelligen4a Corpsp
U. S. hrmys
TO .
Attenti.onomMajor 'Little.
(Thru Channels) '
1, Requeot that I be considered for tabs/Infer or
anniqnrnant to the Intelligence Oorpss, U. S. Army,
2; Upon my enlistment in the U.S. Army, I Imd just
resigned my commission as a lot Lieutenant in the At Loorps,
California 6tato Guard. In which I was a flyin6 ofric6r0
as The extent of my sehoolin8 has boon LIM complution
of' High Sehool and in addition vane night schools inamuch
as I have boon working since I was oight years or ar,o in
positions requiring %looponsibilitys I fool my non-aondomio
education hut contributed oreatly to my general k
4. 1 have recently returned rrom 2 yoars ovorsonn
duty in the Pacific-Asiatic and European theatopo of opopWont:.
My assignment there wan ac,a Olider Pilot. flow over .10O
combat hours ma 1P0 missions in CO's and glidern.
a gliecr in liouthern Prance during the invasion, 1 row-Alt
with, the paratroopora for four days until relieved?
$9 My reason Cor requesting this transfer is duo tu
111 interest in this type or work and the t intn I lievo sind
in investigat4on4 photography and other allied suboots,
plus Any experienoe listed in nupporting lottor. I tmliovo
I wekuld ba of more ,value to the service in an :Involatgati.Jo
cgpacity# than in my present assignment.
/S/ Edward L. iianfien
OWARD L. UANnEN (hui'.(?77
lot Lt. AQ,
6 Inelfit
Porsonol ?4 Zi, Requosting Transfer
LW. B000mod. it 04. H.J. Wade, A.O.
Ltr. Mootamd. Lt. ijol, a, vioroo,
Liwo ftoommd. Capt. 414,1!s Chgalbrocht. A.Q.
title. Rommel. lat Lt. 35.1ts'Allon, A.O.
To6r. Recommd. Qiwts J.Ar Ciichton, ABC.
Copy QC Recart 004 HasminatiOns
tt? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
,. .t
-,.. 1.
, .
. . ,
10)ert_B. Liendstdn
6*-44ding,Seotion Mo
d Ind
.DT1.1111 :.,OF AC:tin:10S -43.c -PPratATIONS AAF Radio tributi-on
Santa. Anal ,Ca1i2otnia, 21 Dcc 44.
-14 nit on , {_ATTN:.
_... "MIT: ---Coniatinding General , AAF lied/ s
tioio, 4, SAAA5, Santa Ana, California.
Arnold Go Kiosk'
rdri 1.1 xiosia
Air Cort,ls
Asdid. to Diroptior (Adj
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
COnertla It 1, tP,,popi -Vfxr.toir Cumna
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
COnertla It 1, tP,,popi -Vfxr.toir Cumna
rkit '
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
gigH, -11141',
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' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
lw 11 c'T
11 t!
OU "nap,: 40ttia
28 11.s.y 45
lass 0 .4,
. . ?
Th otiz4.pal. of this has been
' ,11pr ac t io n
e4 oto et at
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R06-0100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
'II 74
5. t
?, -I 4 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
IV4' 1-
r ,10 .rsof
5 Nay 1945
Ti._Ilitioliopn .3_ bli---ts'ed me to -004Ld this to you by
-although one of a personal
. ' .
vp:45'r after yott,. s..4.-,P4r.s.t:ArlitY..0 I returned to this
uLeii'0-;]arld`,:repd,rted...,`6o1.,46040,01,?..f1140*g as ordered in process- ,0;03ioltpti 14010-4... amd, you had left word th of
.14 +4,14,..:40_0,noter ArroY oz rat'urn to the States for
*or?e the' 106:
thi 14411
am ?.L1 eled ,,,to ?
It 1' pswoni,
,1410% Are
r ?
e matter is .:aiittIed., by, my as signment to R&A.
. o44, call, ? In teliirice can be o a;.or ed on 0
:tvor144kire0- iiontadt with the local
47. 73 has since developed
e ,fo; )i.r.Or4iintie4 shippIng men and that: I
ar AO for them in; th.is Thkiater?
t#e .111/8A arid: 'Ite't into their,
tX0.ti.r4s aredu'est that. I be
prablkate.-4ti,:it ypiz. wo4cle a pprov e a uoh a
,. 'Oletal, , t.r.:: 00,:::.A0izie, CoryiS is _prepared', to rb le as o
t:10'; 0007pai:,ai)titWei.0 I'i, of courses 4ffil litoie than
1,10ist, zliknriod:?'-'' '1 .X.L' do: reel,' LOW() V er , that with
ea ;t, low las txperionces'I on at this
it v&Lu. 'to the war snort if I vrork for 113A?
,Brench Cider of R&A, Chandler
r.,that .15e will reisaas
oilisi!een d4vo1op3.
X6'00 Tot0:Contrafindor Phel,ps,
1.4?..ithr ?ugh 'Washington.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
IV4' 1-
r ,10 .rsof
5 Nay 1945
Ti._Ilitioliopn .3_ bli---ts'ed me to -004Ld this to you by
-although one of a personal
. ' .
vp:45'r after yott,. s..4.-,P4r.s.t:ArlitY..0 I returned to this
uLeii'0-;]arld`,:repd,rted...,`6o1.,46040,01,?..f1140*g as ordered in process- ,0;03ioltpti 14010-4... amd, you had left word th of
.14 +4,14,..:40_0,noter ArroY oz rat'urn to the States for
*or?e the' 106:
thi 14411
am ?.L1 eled ,,,to ?
It 1' pswoni,
,1410% Are
r ?
e matter is .:aiittIed., by, my as signment to R&A.
. o44, call, ? In teliirice can be o a;.or ed on 0
:tvor144kire0- iiontadt with the local
47. 73 has since developed
e ,fo; )i.r.Or4iintie4 shippIng men and that: I
ar AO for them in; th.is Thkiater?
t#e .111/8A arid: 'Ite't into their,
tX0.ti.r4s aredu'est that. I be
prablkate.-4ti,:it ypiz. wo4cle a pprov e a uoh a
,. 'Oletal, , t.r.:: 00,:::.A0izie, CoryiS is _prepared', to rb le as o
t:10'; 0007pai:,ai)titWei.0 I'i, of courses 4ffil litoie than
1,10ist, zliknriod:?'-'' '1 .X.L' do: reel,' LOW() V er , that with
ea ;t, low las txperionces'I on at this
it v&Lu. 'to the war snort if I vrork for 113A?
,Brench Cider of R&A, Chandler
r.,that .15e will reisaas
oilisi!een d4vo1op3.
X6'00 Tot0:Contrafindor Phel,ps,
1.4?..ithr ?ugh 'Washington.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
IV4' 1-
r ,10 .rsof
5 Nay 1945
Ti._Ilitioliopn .3_ bli---ts'ed me to -004Ld this to you by
-although one of a personal
. ' .
vp:45'r after yott,. s..4.-,P4r.s.t:ArlitY..0 I returned to this
uLeii'0-;]arld`,:repd,rted...,`6o1.,46040,01,?..f1140*g as ordered in process- ,0;03ioltpti 14010-4... amd, you had left word th of
.14 +4,14,..:40_0,noter ArroY oz rat'urn to the States for
*or?e the' 106:
thi 14411
am ?.L1 eled ,,,to ?
It 1' pswoni,
,1410% Are
r ?
e matter is .:aiittIed., by, my as signment to R&A.
. o44, call, ? In teliirice can be o a;.or ed on 0
:tvor144kire0- iiontadt with the local
47. 73 has since developed
e ,fo; )i.r.Or4iintie4 shippIng men and that: I
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SWOT; Er. andars. IC
Mr. and Ors. K, the aliens involved in the instant
ease, claim Austrian nationality. They were both born Austrora
Hungarian oitisens, Mr. K at Laibaoh (Ljublana), in that part
of Austria?Hunsary whioh was later assigned to Jugoslavia,
Mrs. X at Oernauti (Ozernowits), now part of 4077/alli as Mr IC
lived in Austria after tho World War, joining the Austrian
Nazi party, Re met Mrs. X in Romania, while representing
Nsteisnoonnsotod newspapers there, between 1938 and 1937. He
aProsra to have been expelled from Romania in 1937, and to
have married Mrs. K in Vienna in that year. He claims to have
left tho Nast party beoause ot Mrs. K's partly ononnAryan"
ancestry Thera ire some doubt, howeverg both aa to the validity
of the laarriage and as to Mrs. Vs unongeAryan" blood. Both
rosainivd in AuStriii after the Aneohluss, eventually ostabllahing
- 4
residence in hfunich, Germany: On the outbreala of the War they
appo4 o hav41-bo4ome Gorman soorst agents. Thoy travolod
under a GlitrInitilk passport* dated 1940, rilikking several return
trips to itlermtnyfiSar I. in 1944, they contaoted Al
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ofictoording to their own story, this aotion was motivated
by their patriotism as loyal Auetrianss after the affirmation
of Austriav independenoe by the Deolare.tion of iglosoow of
November 2, 1945. They olaim to have given valuable intonation
to the Allies, as a result of whioh German Ambasse'dor Von Paper/
twice demanded their surrender from the Turks. With the asolst-
once of the British and .Amerioe.n authorities, they loft Istetnbul
for Cairo, leaving their luggage and personal funds at the
British Embassy in Istanbul. This luggage, consisting of three
barraoks bags, two trunks, and one hat-box was never sent to
them, as the Britisb, apparently found reason to retain it. A
prooeeding at Oairo is supposed, aocording to ;them, to have
established the "fundemente.1 fact" that they had to flee Turkey
in order to save their lives. Other data available here, however,
indicates that further interrogation raised. a suspioion in Cairo
that they might be Nazi "plants".
The OSS and the Department of State arranged to haTe
Mr. and Mrs. ranoported to. Washington. Prior to the interr.o-
gation in Cairo, Mr,. and Mrs. X state, they were under the tuxes-
?ion. that they were to be used in Washington for psyehologioal
warfare; they hoe were greatly perturbed when, on5 their arrival
in the United States OA 22 April, they woredetained, at Ellis
Island. While they were at Ellis Island, an Iraigration offloial
jokingly informed Mrs. X that a Nazi prisoner had incluired
whether she was a prostitAte, ?I
- .
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? 2
Mrs and Mrs'. K4ore subeequently transferred te tho
detention station at Algiers. La., where they aro at present.
They wimput on.latrins duty, which on at least one occasion
naumeated Mrs. K. They have made themselves general problems
at Algiere, claiming the proteetion of the Army, and writing
numerous letters to General Donovan and to OM On one occasion
they threatened to commit suieide. (musing extra sprecautiens
of surveillanoe to be taken. They cionstantly protest the fact
that Cul l? *re being held with known Nazis as enemy aliens.
They insist they had been informed that their status was "transi-
tional" and that they were being held in "protective oustedy"v
Personal funds, amounting to 06.469068, were trans-
mitted to Mr. and Mrs. IC in the form of a ()heck, drawn by an
088 Special Funds Agent-Cashier on the Riggs National Bank in
Washington. The U. S. Marshal in New Orleans refuaed to cah
the check on the grounds that it was not a Government awake
Arrangemente wers made with a New Orleans bank to acoept the
check tor collection and turn it over to the U. 8. Marshal
tor deposit. Mr. and Mrs. It complained bitterly over the
delay; the money, however, was paid. Mr. and Mrs. K aro now
afraid that it will bo frozen.
Mr. and Mrs. K were interned as enemy aliens under
an crtler of the Avtorney General dated 7 'Tune 1944. They finally
filled out the internee report on 10 Xuly, and have received
notice of an Alien Enemy Hearing under the regular prooedure
adopted by the Department of Juetiee. They express confidenee
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t (la
that this hearing will demonstrate their loyalty to
the Allied cause mid result in their release* The
hearing apparontly has not yet taken plaoe,
The files of OSS oontain 'confessions, signed
20 Iftrch 1944 by M. IC, tnd 84 Mhroh 1944 by Mu !C,
to the street that all their protestations or Austrian
patriotism were false, and mftde for the nolo purpose eV
saving thoir skins*
Tho Amerloan interrogating oftioor at Cairo
did not boliove that Mr* and Mrs. K oould be oonvicted
as "plants" on the basis or the evidence against them,
though his personal opinion inolined in that direction,
Ho reoommended that toy be kept in +custody, ',if only
on an internmont basis", and that the large sum of monoy
in their possession be oonfisouted after a rinding that
it had been obtained through espionage activities, if
oonfiscation were consistent with an intornmeat status,
Mr* and Mrs. It wore intormed by the Swims Consul
that the Geneva Convention or ;uly 27, 1929, ooncerninco
prisoners of war (67 Mat* 8021, Treaty Series No, 84C
Malloy, Treaties v rVpo B884) applied to themo M. cind
M. K, however, refused to discuss the matter with the
Swiss Oonsu/ on the ground that they wore not being he.I.d
etc enemies*
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? I
Z. ?
The int% nment of these aliens raison questione of
their enemy alien status, or the conntitutionality of the legis-
lative enactment by whilh they were interned an alienup or the
treatment to uhish they are entitled, either as civilian enemy
internose or as prisoners of war, and of tho poenibility that
they might properly be detainable under military rather than
civil law.
Obviously the contention which the internetto aro mont
likely to maintain in that as Austrian nationals they are friendly
aliens, and as eueh entitled to the treatment grantod to friendly
aliens within the limitn of the United Staten, In the courto of
this country, friendly aliens admitted to the U. S. are entitlod,
in time of pease or of war, to claim the came rights and proteetion
granted lo eitizons, 8 U.S.O.A. 41 (Aet of May 51. 1870) 16
Stat. 144. See also lulu. v. gamata, Story 458, Pod. Oath
No. 23,788 %Maas. 1844); galer v. agansion, 266 Fed. 17 (Mane.
1920); limner v. Maims, 194 U. 8. 279 (1904); Yiek IN V.
altaps, /8 U. EL 356 (1886); 48 Fed. Supp. 40 (1943). However,
alien enemien in timo of war do not enjoy the owe treatment. It
must be understood that oven in peaee-timo the admiasion and con-
tinued preeenee of aliens is a matter of graeop and the power of
Oongrenn and or the President to deal with aliens in timo of war
is almost plenary. Misemnoui v. glus" 320 U, S. 118 (1943), cern.
tified from la, v. Yasui, 48 Fed. Supp, 40(Ores 1942). Enemy aliens are
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sUbject to-internment =deer the Enemy Alien Act; of Ally 83 179e,
1 Stat, 577, R. J. Section 4067,,ae amended April 16, 1E418,
40 Stat. 531, 1910; SO U. S. 0. See. 910.24 (1940). The amendment
of 1918 made the Act applioable to females as well as el males*
The text of SO V. $O 00, $ea? 21, which is the legiallatLve author-
ity under which the internment of enemy aliene im juatiried, reads
as renewal
"Sec. 2;41. Restraint, re ulation, and removal*
Whenever there is a doolared war between
the United State nd any foreign nation or
government, or any invasion or predatory ineursion
is perpetrated, attempted or threatenod against
the territory of the United States by any foreign
nation or government, and the President makea
public; proclamation of the event, all natives,
eitizenso denizens, or subjects of the hostile
nation or government, being of the age of four.'
teen years and upward, who ?hall be within the
United States and not actually naturalized,
shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained,
secured, and removed as alien enemies. The
President is authorized in any such event, by hie
proclamation thereof, or other public act, to
direct the conduot to be observed, on the part
of the 'United States, toward the aliens who
become so liable; the manner and degree of the
restraint to which they shall be subject and
in what casea, and Apon what eseurity their
residence shall be permitted, and to provide for
the removal of those who, not being permitted
to reside within the United States, refute) or
neglect to depart therefrom; and to ostablinh
any other regulations which are !lc:mud neceesary
in the promiees and for the public safety*"
50 U. S. 0.0 Sec. 22, goes on to provide that an enemy alion
not ahargeable with aetual hostility Ethan be allowed a reasonable
time, in tht absence, of treaty, to eettle his ettaire and 3eave
the e untry, or it *Awe is a treaty, such time as the treaty
_ ?
* ? -
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4A. ,
stipulates. SectIon 23 further provide* that the United States
courts hovi4sr criminal jurisdietion are authorised to imprison
enemy -liens after a regular trial: while Sea tin 24 require*
the United State* Marshal of tho district In whieh an enemy alien
is apprehtnded. or his deputy, to execute the presidential warrant
OX' court order directing the ramoval of the alien from United
States territory.
The Mew Alien Act was held constitutional in the
case of glum v. %A., 24V Fed. 625 (0.0.A. 9th Calc. 1V18)
on the ground thafl even in time of peace the presence of aliens
is a matter not oe right but of favor, and that although friendly
aliens domiciled vamporarily within the United Staten are accorded
equal proteetion of the law and due process of law. under sommon-
law rule (not changed by the Constitution) enemy Aliens have no
rights or privilegoslexoept by spacial favoroduring time of war.
Thia commono-law rule has been stated In Brow! v. Oranch
110, p. 121 (1014) by Ohief Justice Marshalla an followea
"That war gives to the sovereign the full
right to take the persons and configeste the
propert7 of the enemy, wherever found. La
eoncedell the mitigation of thia rigid mina
ithich tile humane and wise policy of the
sovereign diotetes. will mere or lees street
the exercise of this right, but cannot
impair the right itself's"
See also Allusta..v. slomenamman 048 Pod. 1003 (lola);
1 81. Comm. 572.
During the World War, President Wilson, purportiag
to act under the authority cf the Bnemy Alien lot of Ma. imaued
4 Prooltmation en 6 April 1917 (40 Stat. 1660, 1601) whicA provided
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that alien alien enemies "so long as they shall conduct themselves
in accordance with law * * * * shall be understood to be in
the peaceful pursuit of their lives and occupations, and to be
accorded the consideration due all peaceful and law abiding persons
except insofar as such restrictions may be necessary for their
own protection and for the safety of the United States; and to
such enemy aliens as conduct themselves in law, all citizens
are enjoined to preserve the peace and to treat them with all
such friendliness as may be compatible with loyalty and allesianee
to the United States." The proclamation, however, further pro-
vided that "all enemy aliens who fail to conduct themselves as
so enjoined, in addition to other penalties by law, shall be
liable to restraint, or to give security or to remove mad depart
from the United States."
Following President Wilson's precedent, President
Roosevelt, on 8 December 1941, issued Proclamation Nos 2525,
6 Fed. Reg. 6321, providing that "alien enemies deemed dangerous
to the public peace or safety of the United States by the Attorney
General or the Secretary or War, as the ease may be, are seibject
to summar, appreheinsionl" The Attorney General is given juris-
diction to intern aliens within the United States, and the pro-
clamation further provides that:
"Enemy aliens arrested shall be subject to con-
finement in such place of detention as may be
directed by the officers responsible for the
execution of these regulations, and the arrest,
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detention and internment of enemy aliens in
eadh (mop or in muoh other places or
detention and internment of enemy aliens in
each cams, or in mueh other places of detenw
--Aim am may be direotod by the Attorney
Gentrali with respoot to the Continental
United States * * * and there confined until
he mhall have ouch permit as the Attorney
General shall premoribe.ft
This proolamation, originally applieable to Japan0009 wam
extended to Germans on 0 Deeember 3.941 by Proolamation No. 2626
(6 Fed. Reg. 0320p and on 17 July 1942, Proclamation 2603
(7 Fed. Reg. 6535) was issued concerning natives, citimeno,
denizens, or majectm of Hungary. Romania, or Bulgaria, over
fourteen yearm of ages A proclamation waa also issued, con-
cerning Italicn nationals, which ham no bearing on the instant
The language of President liconeveltts proclamationn
differs significantly from that of President Wilson. With regard
to German and Japanese nationals, there is absolutely nothing
similar to Wilsents proelamatien to United States citizens to
conduot themselves with friendliness so long as those aliens
keep the pease. There is no provision that they !Mall be undis-
turbed in the peaceful pursuit or their ooeupations; there im
merely the untnalified proviso that they are liable to restraint
or to give moeurity, without reference to their behavior. At
least one Pedoral Judge; Boxdales J., in pernheimer V. ymnAllot,
42 Ped. Supp. BiO, p. S32 (B. D. P. D. 1042), a decision Which
? - .
; LI "r*: .
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e 10 -
will be aUbsequently adverted to in another eonneotlon,
p. 28, has hald that thin indicatea a deliberate intent of our
Government to impose greater reatriations upion oubjeets of enemy
countriea resident here than wore imposed in 1017. The procla-
auction concerning Hungariana, Roumaniana and Bulgariana la,
however, more lenient, reading as follows:
n.o.ny native eitizen, denizen or aubject of
Hungary, Romania, or Bulgaria, of the dge
of fourteen year and upward, and not
aetually naturalized, who, in the Judgment
of the Attorney General of the Seeretary of
War, ea the case may bo, is aiding, or about
to at, the enemy, or who may be at large to
the danger of the public peaee or safety,
or who, in the judgment of the Attorney
General or the Secretary of War, aa the ease
may be, is violattng, or le about to violate
any regulation adopted and promulgated by
the President, or any oriminal law of the
United $tates, or of the Staten or territories
thereof) shell be subjeet to sumwary arrest se
an alien enemy und to confinement in a place
of detention, as may be direpted by the
PreJident or by any exeeutive offieer here-
after donignated by the Proaident or the
United States."
The telt of the proclamation coneerning Japaneae end later made
applicable to Germans reade de follows:
"Alien enemies deemed dangeroua to the
public peace or aafety of the United Staten
by the Attorney General or the Seoretary
of War, aa the case may be, are aubject to
summary apprehension. Such apprehenalon
shall be made in the eontinental United
States, Alanka, Puerto Rio?, and the
Virgin Island by such duly authorized
officer of the Department of Juatiee as
the Attorney General may determined In
the Oanaa Zone, the Hawaiian Iolanda And
the Philippine 4alande, such arreata ohail
t Si `;:(61:0-tigil
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be msde by the Military Commanders in each
ouch territory by authority of the reepectIve
tary Governors thereof: and if there be
no Military Governor: then by authority of
the Secretary of War. Alien enemies arrested
shall be subjeet to confinement in much place
of detention as may be directed by the
officer responsible for the execution of these
regulations: and for the arrest: detention and
internment of alien enemies in each ease, or in
etthplaoes ot detention aa may be directed f;rem
time to time by the Attorney General: with
respect to continents' United Staten, Alaska,
Pa4rto Rico and the Virgin Island* and by the
Secretary of War with respeot to the Canal Zone,
the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Iolanda:
and then confined until he shall have received
such permit as the Attorney General or the
Secretary of War with respect to the Canal Zone?
the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Islands
shall prescribe."
Tho Federal courts have had occasion to construe both
the term "denizen" and the term "native" as used in the Alien
Enemy Act. The meaning of "denizen" was considered in U. So ox
rel Zdunis vo phi: 1$7 Fed. (2) 858 (OCA 2d n1943), rev. 43 Fed.
Supple 688 (1942) reargo den. 47 Fed. Supp.. 520 (1942)o That
ease involved an application for a writ of habeac corpus by a
Jugoalav citizen: wheee situation was in some respecta similar
to Mr. Kts. He lived in Austria from 1922 to 1939: entered the
United Stato a in 1939 on a "Statelees" passport issued by Germany:
and was interned as an enemy alien, Els voluntary entry into
this opuntry& and the laok of evidence ooncernIng subversive
aetivIty: aro the chief factual distinctions from Mr. Kts eaoe.
It was first held by the lower court that under these facts the
alien was a "denizen" of Germany: as he had continued to live
in Austria after it "had become a German State". Bright: 30:
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Iiiiingairfaligniatfinetta ViiiMEMigna
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called attention attention to the fact. that "denizen" as understood at the
time of the passage-of the Act of 1798 meant an alien who could
own real estate and earn his living in the country, which right
the alien possessed under Austrian and later German lure A
motion for reargument on the ground that on 29 July 19t2 the
Secretary of State declared that the United States had never
recognized the legality of the Anschluss was denied on the
ground thai the alien had nevertheless enjoyed the privileges
of a ndenizenn of Germany. On appeal from the order denying the
writ, the case was reversed and remanded for further evidence
conaerning the privileges of the alien under German law. Swan, J.0
refused to extend the definition of "denizen" beyond that given
by Blackstone (1 Bl. Comm. 37), implying a limited allegiance,
and declared, at 137 Fed. (2), 858, 867, that the status required
some relation to the enemy nation which is not lost by the
alients presence within the United States. Merely former resi-
dence by him in the enemy country cannot suffice, nor can former
aomicilen. The case of-7Ex parte , 257 Fed. 110 (D. C. '1919)
in which Nayer, J., held that an alien was not a denizen of
Germane, if such there can be: was cited with approval, Swan, J?
saying, at p. 867, that Judge Uayerls doubt that there could
be a denizen effhmeamr was well fourded.
On the authority of the Zduniecase, it seems difficult-
to bellerve that emgr American court would mfuse to hold that
was e. denizen of Germany. By travelling under a German
passpo nd by his gomeral conduct* he certainly elaintained
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some type of allegiance, "same relation" to Germany which is
not lost by the fact of his physical presence in the United
States. A question can even arise as to whether Mr. I: has in
fact ever abandoned the domicile he established in Germany. It
iscenceivable, of course, that the dictum of Mayer, J,, in Ex par.to
Gilroy, sum, as to the doubtful possibility of German denizen-
ship might be followed. Aside from the fact that such a decision
would have the effect of rendering nugatory the word "denizen"
as used in the Alien Enemy. Act and the Yresidential proclamations
thereunder, such a holding would not preclude a decision that
Mr. K had made himself an alien enemy on other grounds.
The term "native" as used in the Alien Enemy Act was
thus defined by Clark, Jo, in U. S. ez_zpa_cilasatra r. Uhl,
131 Fed. (2) 9034 905 (S.D.Na*. 1943): "Natives' must include
others besides citizens or subjects of the hostile nation or
government. In its ordinary and natural meaning the sword must
include all those who by means of ties of nativity or allegiance
are likely to favor the enemy nation. In its ordinary aa
natural meaning this word refers to a person's place of birth.
Bence a person remains a native of the country of his birth,
although be has moved away and become a citizen of another nation
and government.'" Judge Clark further said (ibid) that "unless
bizarre results are to be accepted, the term 'native of a hostile
nation' mist include one born of native-citizen parents at a
plate which baa 1417W been recognized by our government as a com-
ponent part of a nation with wbichwe are at war". Authorltias
cited were iii re Pfleispr, 254 Pad. 511
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an Al ation rn in Alsace before its annexation by Germany in
1811 who W48 held as an enemy alien under trilson's proclumation,
and two ;enema, 841 Veda 125 (Md. 191?), But sec Muar o
alEgumm44 ocpttujemblel Boe also Minotto v. Ersam, 252
Pod. GOO (T.D ZU. 1918), holding that a "native" need hAvo no
allealance to tho oountry of his birth.
The aUeni in the ganayl case was a Vienna Jew Who
had been domiciled in Franco in 1910 before orterins the United
States in 1939 on a tourist visa, and had thuo lett Austmia long
before the Anchluop. The Court, on the authority or Jones ve
U. Stip %57 11, B0,208, 212 (1890) and Us Si 1,0 gplk, 315 U. 30
203, 200 (1942) hold that "recognition of Zoretgn nationm im
politioal question, the determination of which by the legislative
and execrative dopartments conclusively binds the courtep and
remanded the woe for further evidence as to the nonmrceognition
by the Vnited 3tatos of the annexation of Aumtria by Gemaany,
which it held necessary for a determination of the quooLion whothmr
the alion was a native of a hostile country. Swan, Jo, diomonted
on Mu) smund that tho reoodnition of the annexation wao an irre-
levant issue.
Tho definition of "native" given in the e aya ?moo
wan followed it ilemplwIsmrellarkg, msgap 54 redo 8upp10
679 (N. Dakota D 1044). This case involved Oho linternment of
an Alsatian 1111 in 1895 ilho ontored the United States in MO
but never ocroap%oted hie naturalisation* Vogel, Joo pointing
out WO nativity. wae dotormined molely by the plmee of birth
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-.? tri:
.,,?7174 ; -4
and was not a matter of choice, and that the alien's place of
tirth,. Aleo, was recognized by the Depavtment ot kitate A* now
beins aImrt or Pram)?, hold that the alien wan a n2tive or
Prance and hence not an enemy alienh
Whether Mr. and Mrs. aro "natives" cf a hootil* country
would normally depend, then, unaar the not tftecent ho:Aingo, on
the legal effect of the noneareeognition by the United natea of
the annexation of Austria by Germany.
The situation as to Mu, K appeare to bo that he in a
subject, not by birth but by election, of t country (Austria)
whose annexation by another country (Germany) ha? not 13con recog-
nized by the United States. The non-recognition of` the annexation
of Austria by Germany ia irrelevant for the purpose of deter.e
mining the country of which Mr. It in enative, clime mo wan
not born within the limits of Austria, and in spite or hia Agotro-
Hungarian birth, his birthplace is now recognized by the Uni4od
States as belonsins to Jugonlavia. Mr. Kp therefore, is a
"native" of Jusoclavia.
Mro X, however, i a "mitivo" of 'Romania. Shelteo,
wan born an Austroollungarian citizen; but her birthplace in now
reeogaized by tha United StaiWN1 as Romanian territory. She tomes,
therefore, under the toms of Presidential Proclamation No0 2563
concerning natives of Romania (pp. 740, Nara). Ph* mott
aurrondor of Romania does not affect her statue: enemy aliens
remain such until a Treaty of Peace is ratified by tho Senate;
regardless of a prior surrAlndor armiatice, kijgandsovioli,
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v. Ouckstort Lumber Co., 168 Minn. $32* 210 N.W. 4/ (1926);
Industrial Cemmiasion of Ohio v. Hotar* 124 Ohio St. 416*
1/9 N3 E. 156 (1931); earvin v4 Diamond Coal and Coke Co.*
278 Pa. 469* 12$ Atl. 408 (1$24); 6 Hackworth Digest of
International Law* 381m3(540 Tho Attorney General has deiwrmined
that Mrs. X was at largo to the danger or the public peaoo and
safety; his executive decision 1s not reviewable by the oourts.
His ultimate decision* on the basis of the recommendata of the
Alien Enemy Hearing Board* will be conclusive.
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Whethor Mr. and Mlle. K aro "citizens or subjects" or
a hostile country, within the meaning of the Allen Enemy to,
Palm) certain disputed points of international law; whether
an annexing natIon can impose lte nationality upon citizens of
the annexed country who have departed prior to the anneAation;
what effect nonimrecognition of an annexation has on tha nationality
of inhabitante of an annexed area; nnd what boaring, poetlible
"fitatoleeeneee hike on enemy alien statue. Ohief Justice Mavshall,
in American Inaartaco 0o. V. Canter, 1 Pet. 611 (1828), at p. 642
says: "On the transTer of territory the relations of its inha-
bitante with the former sovereign are dissolved; the same it
which tranorers the country, transtere the allegiance of alone
who remain in it". Hallock, International Law (4th ed. 1008),
II, at p. 508, goes further, sayingt "The allegiance of those
who do not remcin, of couree, la not cm transferred with the
territory. There le no consent either exprena or tacit, on thoir
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part, im order to make the transfer eomplete and binding."
Oppenheim, International Law (6th ed. 1937), Vol. I, 11. 240,
say a that a diatinetion must be made between thee? who leave
before and these who leave after annexation; the latter become
subjects of the now sovereign, the former do not. In Bla v.
ammo 143 U. S. 135 (1892)0 Fuller, C. a., said, at p, 162:
"The nationality of the inhabitants et the territory acquired
by eonquest or cession, beeemes that of the government undor
whose dominion they pus, subjeet to the right of eleetion on
their part to retain their former nationality by removal or
otherwise ad may be provided." This seems to be the majority
American rule. Iqslia V. Trusteea of the Sailor's Szlaii.Narbort
3 Pet. 90 (1830); Zones V. MeMaatere, 20 Howe 80 20 (1858);
U, S. V. amilma, 5 Wall. 211 (1867); American Insurance Co. v.
41) Canter, 1 Pet, 611 (1828); U. S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U. Se 342,
849 (1875). Soo aloe Moore, International Law Digest (1D06)0
p. 379, 380; 3 Haekworth, Digest of International Law,
3466 But e. MpIlvaine v. Ccx2Is Lessee, 4 Craneh 2980 214-215
(1808); In re Pflelan, 284 Pod. 611 (S.D.N.Y. 1910). There la
authority Dor Vhe proposition that when a State is wholly ab'
sorbed, all its citizens, wherever resident, beoeme citiseue
or the aequiring State. See MeNair and Lauterpaeht, Annua3
Digest (125e6), Oases Nos. 108??98 (Egyptian Mixed Court or
Appeal, 1926); Hall, International Law (1004) 70. But see Weate
lake, International Law (1904) 70 and authorities cited supra.
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This principle was squarely affirmed in thea ploont
otos of U4 Be vV.Uhl, 157 Pod. (B) 000
(N.Y.801). 1943)0 a companion ?ace to the asulya ease, !uvai.
swan, J., held in that ?ape that a Jew born in Prague who became
a citizen of Czechoslovakia on its formation In 1V10, a citizen
Qi GOMM/ by naturalination in 1920 and of Austria by 'Asturian..
zation in 1933, who immigrated to the United Statf5s under the
Ozeohoslovakian quota in 1030, and who thus rosiied here at the
time of the Anschluss, was not a Gorman eitimons Judge Swan
reached this decision on the ground that the alien had loft
AW3trili \Wort) the Anschlums. But Judge Clark in the ItiallAva
case distingWOhed the two deoisions on the ground that in the
ahmaga case tho alien was a native of territory eficially
reoognized by this Government OA legally belonging to Ozsehoslom
vakia, whereas in the Main case the alien wan a nativo of
Austria proper, as to the nonorscognition or Whose annexation
by Germany more evid6nee was nooessary.
The Ansohluss took place 13 March 1038. The Austrian
ambassador promptly informed the Departmont of Mate that Austria,
had ?eased to exist as an independent nation. On 6 April 1930
the Amerioan Ambassador delivered two not to the Gorman Foreign
Minister expressing thin Oovornmentla neoessity of a000pting
the announcement to practical purposes, replaoing tho AM00.04n
1.44ga1ion at Vienna by Consulate General and loaing to Germany
for payment of the Austrian debts. The Proaidential Proelmmation
???rta: ? `31 .-1111r.'fiTettlF1.414?116,
.1 ? ; ?
- .
t ? ?
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P ',S122KOWNWIERINEntigall
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a April 28, 193$, (Noe 228$# (2 State 1544), abolished tho
Austrian, and proportionately increased the German, immigration
quotas In Land Oberoesterroloh ve apdet, 100 Fed. (2) 835
(8.1),N.Y. 1040), oliek, 3., at pe atatos that the annexation
of Austria "000urred in a manner asseptablo to our notions of
international law, the Anaohlusa has in n wItso been disavowed
by the Department of State". He %olds howevere that a political
subdivision of former Austria, not abolished by Germany/ had
oapacity to sue in Federal Courts.
On 22 July 1942, howevor0 Seorotary of State Hull
deolaredt "This Government haa never talcen the position that
Austria was lcgally absorbed by the Conan Roloh." Presa Release
of the Secretary of State, 2/ Ail; 1942; Department of State
Bulletin, 1 Aug. 1944, p. 68. The Immigration and Naturalization
Service of the Department of Justice issued instructions to the
effect that Austrians wore not to be oonsidered as natives of
Germany. The Department of Justioe no longer Interns Austrians
as enemy aliens, Ex. Order 0785* June 14, 19410 12 U.S.C.A.
Soo. 95, note, distinguishes Austrians from normanae Austrians
who erroneously registered an Germans in 1040 under the Alien
Registration Aot ot Juno 28,140 (10 UsS.C.A.r 451400)0 have
been allowed to oorroct thin rosistrestione Daparlment of Justioo
Releases' 8 Feb. 1942 and 11 June 1048e c.k0h November 140 1942#
the Secretary et War approved oroation of an Austrian army.
? 17,
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Uhdor this state of affaira the Courts havo ilo4 yet
telt %41hemso1ves able to decide whether ean matter or law the
Executive Department haa rerused to recognize the (lorman annexa-
tion or Austria. They hold, of courae, that recognition between
nations is a political question, the determination of whioh by
the legislative and exooutive departments oonolusively bide the
courts, Jones v. U. Se, 137 U. S. 202, 212 (1890); p. q. v. Pink?
316 U. S. 2030 22t) (1042); Wilson v. Shaw, 204 U. S. 24 (1007).
The aamo applies to non -recognition (the oases uau(lly involve
"unrecognized revolutionary governments"). Roue v. pinta)x, 4
()ranch 241 (1803); Gorlston v. aa, 3 Wheat. 246, 374 (1818);
Williama v. Sufrolk insurance Com_anv, 13 Pet. 41b (1839). As
Chief Justice Marshall said in U. S. v. Palmer, 3 Wheat. 610
(1818) at p. 628, "Suoh quostiona belong more properly to those
who declare what the law ahall be; who oan place the nation in
such a position with reapoot to foreign powers ao to their own
judgment shall appear wlso; to whom are ontruatod all ita foroign
relationa; than to that tribunal whose power as well aa euty
ie oonfined to the application of the rule which tho legialature
may prosoribe tor it." Gray, 41.0 said in Jones v. U, 3.,9.22ER,
at p. 212, "Who is the novoreign, de alla or do facto0 of a
territory is not a judioial but a political quontion, tho later-
mination of which by the legialative and executive departmente
conclusively binds the judgese" Courts in doubtrul cases may
seek olarificaticin from the executives Ex parte Ultra, O. S.
766 (1833), In re Bt44/0 136 U. 8. 403 (1800). This may bo done
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" 2 "
even on appeal. OstieL v. Central Leather Co., 246 U. S. 297,
301 (1910; RUBOittn Sa.S.11, v. Ci,brario, 235 N. Y. 265, 139
N. E. 250 (1910). An Amcricsn court can accept no evidences to
establish the identity of a foretell sovereign, except tho Ftideral
executive department. William v. Suffolk, supra 21; Xenneq V.
Chambers 14 How. 380 51 (1850); Willoughby Constitutional Lim, Soc.
1940 (2d eds 1920). Thuo an AMOPiOan court could accept no
evidence au to the existence of a government differing from the
Korensky government, prior to the recognition of the Soviets.
Russian Ooyernmont v. 1.12hleh1ilkaltIlL.12., 293 Pod, 153, 1:i5
(S.D.N.Y. 1923). In the gasilliva case, however, the court refused
to apply direotly to the executive, and there the qubstion or
Austrian independence stands, insofar as the courts are concerned,
However, the present administrative practiee loaves little doubt
that the Anschlusm is considered "not reoognized" by tho United
States Oovernment as of the present day.
What consequences, then, flow from this non-recoppition,
insofar to the nationa_ity of the aliens in the instant ease
is concerned? The effects of recognition aro retroactive, and
,Adate all acts of the government prior to recognition, 22.11aa
Central Leather Co., ma; Williams V. Bruffl, 96 U. a. 176
186 (1877). Presumably non -recognition, in a doubtful este,
would be interpreted as having the opposite offeet, or rotro-
aottway invallectting aoto a the de facto government; suoh
a statement elsomA nowhere to be made, partly ptprhaps becallao
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the Austrian situation seams to be unprecedenved, partly because
in such a case no recognition is diemed ever to have takon place.
The conduct of informal relations doos not of itself imply
recbgnition. An act uhort of explicit recognization must be
of such unequivocal character aa to leave no doubt as to the
intention of the state making it to deal with the other government
as such. Thus, consuls have boon stationed in lainchmkuo without
implying recognition. 1 Hackworth 9. Cit. alera 3270 'But the
refusal of the political department to recounize a government
does not affect private rights which depend upon proving existing
conditions in that state, alTILAUENrat v. Ea....att.A.oul.Trunt
Co. of N. Y., 33 Fed. (2) 202, 206 (S.D.N.Y. 1929). It is for
this reason that the Egisula and Muni? cases were remarblad for
further evidence.
It certainly cannot now be argued that the United
States Government has over explicitly recognized the Gan
annexation of Austria. Austrian eitizens, therefore, presumably
retain their Au3trian citizenship; and under tho prevailing American
view, they would in any case retain it if absent from Aumtria
at the time of the Ansohluas, without ever returning.
It is possible, of course, under a dictum or the
Schwarsksa decision, to consider Austrians in exile "stateless",
in which case they are not aliens at all under one definition,
according to which an alion is one owing allegiance to a roreign
government. De Sano v. State, 7 Wash. (2) 613, 110 Pao, (2)
627, 6310 633 (1941); ELatto Ems Una, 6 Fed. (2) 670 (D.C. 1926
Image v. Williams, 192 U. S., (1903)
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The erect on ,AtIonality cf nonmrecegnition of a
ehange of sovereignty happens to be an uncertain point in inter..
national laws The on writer who consider? the point specifically,
without oiting authority, atates that: "Nonmrsoognition ds
am, while admitting the tact of transfer (of territory), would
bar giving effect to the legal eonsequenee of a textual oibuation,
and that "the logieckl approaoh must be from the municipal law,
rather than the international law point of view*" Tho problem
would be squarely posed by the hypothetical ease of A Latvian
citizen residing in Canada at the time of the absorption of Lativia
by the Soviet Union Ntihich absorption wan not recognized by
Canada) who marries a Ounaktian woman, who will always retain her
citizenship under Russian law, but will not under Canadian lsw
upon marriage to an alien unless the alien is eonstdored statolena,
One solution proposed 16 that sine() Canada considers
the man a Latvian citizen, a Canadian Ordermin-aouneil eould be
issued, providing that all Canadian women who mnrriod J-Jatvien
citizens would retain their eitizonohip. See Orazor, "Tranoter
of N creignty and Nonistiecognition ae Affectinm NationgliLy",
4 Alta* LA* l38, 1514-155 (1941). The view propounded is in
harmony with the American practice When such citizens aro roniding
outside a oountry when it is annexed; an discussed above, under
American eourt deoisions the effect of our nonwreeegifition of
the Ansehluss is to preserve the Austrian eitizenship of Nustrian
nationals residing outside Austria at the time or the Aneohlues*
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. ,1 14 --,A.71,y-:,f3. :-J.:4( i-4,14-1:!--..- - !_,.,, ? - ?..,-;111 - 11-4?, , ' i'7.-1-; V "
,... .. , ? .1 :: - .2*1"'"I',1,. ,:i. - 1,11L41:-Irj17:::1,.4-; ...4'. 7. '1 ?1:4...:0.1.1.,1..:4)11.,... it.
t 1 ? i2?11%???04,i+-*m,44.n:*43'...4 i'llA.._, 'Y' j.Etr?i. "II '1, ,
'..-......, .-f. - . .,.........?: - .^-. ..-- . - '.-..,Fe"-; - , .. - - -
-. . -. , .... . . - .
sl R5 vs
Fram's proposal woad seem to be in accord.
Mr. K would, therefore, normally be recovIlmed es an
Austrian citicon, becauae of OUP nonarecognition or tho Anmohluna
There would be no doubt about thiA if ho .had lett Austria prior
to the Ansohluos and never roturnod thoro, or 1r ho had alootaa
to loave Austria pormanantly shortly aftnrwarda? In point cut
fact, however, he followed the opposite 00UPgg or conduot; ho
wam #pparontly in Austria at the time or tho Annahluss, anti sub-
sequontly, far from loaving GOMM Jurisdiction upon onnimationp
he established residence In Munich, within tbo IlmIts or Oormany
ltsalfe Tho quantlon, then; la whathor ha luts not by him omi
aot oleotod Gun oltlzanahly. In oases or doOto thfo burclon
of proof la on hh 14
..o le ..an to allow tbat he does not possods onomy
citizenship. 3.4.2,4 Graber, 247 Ved. 8W2 (N.D. Ala. 1W10)0
Minotts v. Braga, supra, p. 14. The Amarloan aourts 'Imre ndvor
gono so far as to hold thai Austrians who remaine0 in AuktriN
voluntarily aft4r the Anschluss aro not to bo oonaidmrod oittn30
subjects or "danizono" of Oormany for tho purpose or 00cmy 101011
intornmonti It may h boo414 " f
000... we440 MAOh d conclusion, plAvaAoxi-
cally, would give effect to the unrocognigod annexation for oart4nin
purposese To this objootion the knower can he mAde that ad A
matter of Oerman law, which ia rosoRnisod ror somo PuPPolgoa (LAtta
V. (ludo era, p. 10), the alien by his own
conduct became & German national, We therefore conclude that
Mr. I( probably would be hold to be a "ottttlan" of Omilmony?
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lira* E is claiming Austrian nationality on the some
theory aa her husband. She oould furthor assert that she had
acquired such nationality by virtua of her marriage. This;
however a matter of foreisn law (Romanian) which mot be
proved in our courts; and the burden of proof is entirely upon
the alien. In ay case; by a parity of reasoning (loss of nationa-
lity by marriage) oho might be considered to have aoquired German
(and hence enemy) nationality by her marriage. In any event;
the question of her present nationality has nothing to do rith
hor internaiility as a "native" of Romania.
It wou'ld appear; then; that both Mr. and Mrs. It are
alien enemies; K as a citizen or denizen of Germany; Mrs. K
possibly AO a citizen of Germany but certainly as a native of
Romania. The question thua arises as to What judieial remedies
they; a talon (=each, may posaoss. Resident talon onomios
may sue in our courts; even for personal injurion, urder the
Trading with the Enemy Act (80 U. S. Co 7)0 In the absonoo of
a Presidential proclamation; which hes not been forthomang;
except as bareivbelow stated to the contrary (p. 34; Iran!).
Eugle Kumazo Igiawato; 317 Uly B. 69 (1042); Birefe-Forbet: v.
gomill 251 U. S. 517 (1919); Uberti v. Maiatias; 44 Veda Sam.
724 (D000' 1942)i Apaataeio v. Analgio; 44 Fedi Supp. 725
(D*00 1942); Zoog, v. de ArissaltUIFILSILL.TInes; 44 F04. Supp.
720 (2,40 1942); aiteza v. BEilpya# 44 Pod. Supp. 726 (D.C. 1v42);
PetitimuLalmalimer; 130 Fed. (Rd 300 (04. 0. A. 3d 1g42);
idol ve N? Biamtow COrp 243 V d. 021 (R.I4 1W.7); Itaaman V.
i .
, .,+,
4.- -,- r .1.I %
t' " -
4 17.*-,IIr Vt i.7 ; 1. 7
rf..3." ' ?,;;s4:41.741Elii
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1:E.`z !" ? ' ..4?21
? 11, ,
4016, It.441-4T-Ial4.
Bisenbergy 3211a.3. (2) 450 (1942); Wolf V. Oud 7.21EllABIO3o.,
105 Kan. 017, 162 ?ao. 395 (1919). The thoory is that our Gourts
dhould remain open to alien enemies reading peacefully in this
country under its laws* without disturbing the on or aiding
the enemy cause. Oittaim v. mama, 2 De Oe 1089 Fed. ?a.
No. 10, 818 (1814); Arndt-Ober v. alual1122.2mit 000y 169
N. Y. Suppe 944 (1918); athou v. Team, 229 No Ye 2229 128 NeEe
186, cert. denied 854 U. 8. 640 (1919)0 There is no longer any
danger that properiy recovered by the alien enemy will swell the
rescur.As of the enomyolnoe the Allen Property Custodian laws
preolude this. 13r2wn; v. Moan3_.?21_r .ACloe, 31 N. Y. 8upp2
( 2d ) 815 ( 1941 ) Elachanake v ? home ].'?5 175 N ? 0 0 438, 437,
96 S.E. 881 (1918).
Non-rosident enemy aliens, on the other hand, may not
sue under the Aote M3621Ele Oolonna, 314 Vs Se 510 (1943);
tallalgjoe V. skio Takaoka Maru, 44 Fed. Supp. 939
(S.D.N.Y. 1942); phxbaum v apiourasioni Generally 34 N.Y.S.
(2) 480, 482 (1942); prat% v.Italia Wp....Eskizig.aplarist. 35
ituris. (2) 246 (1V42); The Sauta tucia, 44 Fed. Supp. 70$ (vy
1942). The prohibition extends under the Act to nou-rosideti
allies of enomiesv inoluding Finnish sailors - glundell voliotIWJ
gpLE2,00 44 Fed, Supp. 816 (8.D.N.Y. 1942). A lirwagemien sailor
Who had overstayed his shore leave, and henoo, being illogell
in the United Statest vas aubjeot to deportation, was held not
a resident enemy alien or the purpose of 'suing for personal
41. r*?-
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.14=.-4';1- it ',.4?
:4: 51t,"
imjurioss The Liontion i!axagl, 45 Fed, Supp* 016 (i-GoDo)ao
1042)s A contra:17 mat in Bernheimer V. VuteklIet, supaia,
po Of (not involwing a question of residenee), reached on tho
ground that President Boosevelt/a procr.aination intends greator
restrictions than President Wilsonts, hos not been allowed to
stands Under pp Loontios Terrazos it le possible that because
of the nature of their immigration, the alio= In tho 'Instant
case bt not bo oonsidered resident slim enomios and kAinoo
could not use the Vederal Courts,
At common law, alien enomios had no right to sue, not
even or a writ of habeas cmrpus; "alien enemy was an ocV.out; plonk".
An pointed out on ippo 6-6 !ma, this rule still Applies in tho
Unitod txt030 Cf. Cgstan V. amp, 14 Wullo 216 (1671); kaar
V. Abbott, 6 Walls 532 (1867); Masterson vo Holy.ard, 16 Wall, in,
106 (1873); Rotpart vo Horzfold, er/ N.Y.S. 109 al'. 226 N. 67E4
119 N.B. 1078 (1018). It has not boon ehansed in Finglando por.tot
v6 Frovitem (1918)0 1 Kam 857. But is iii hold in the United
States that a person interned aa un alien enemy may now raise the
question Of juriitdiction over hie citizenship by moans cf haboan
corpuA procoodingo. Ex arto Oi3ax,267 Vod, 110 OLD.Y4Y. 191i0;
FamEarte Rimao0 (4in ro Otalltorth), 257 Fod? 102 (444N.Y6 1010); ore
ELzeito amber, imala po 25; Ei.24EILLIpnIGirl,, Voelo 064 (103v);
alma v* Earl pe 14 4016); Ue So ex rel Zdunic vo Uhl,
po 11, se ox reuammars phl, puprn pi IN S.
111,1',0 Ranuiva vs pig, supra ps 13. The cAsso cited ho:ld
that the determInution of whother or not an alion on=
-ii- iy.1.331
? ; - - ? I
t - ?
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in fact to be olieemed? dangerous io an executive tunetion, poll"
tiol in naturo (oimilar to that of reeognition and non-racos-
nition of foreign Rovernmento); who the courts have no power
to review, under the principle that whore a statute giveo dis-
cretionary power to an executive to be exorcised on his own
opinion of certain facts, he is the solo judge themot. Martin v.
Motto 12 Wheat. 10, G L. Ed. 067 (1827). Under those 4ocinion4,
then, the aliona in the instant 04,30 have the r1Rht to quontion
the determinatJon by the Attorney aoneral an to their citizonahip
and, booed thereon, their ntatun as alien enemies, but not ',to
determination by the Attorney General ot the filet that they are
aliens "danGerous to the public peace or aaftity of the Unite
Soot1on 3 of the Alien Amy Act (60 UoSsC,A00 to WO,
provides for a hearing before a criminal court prior to thm
detention of an alien enemy; the (moo* cited agata hikim, in eftect,
reed thia provicion out of the Act, by holdine that the exoeutive
acAon of internment ie non-reviewable (except us to thm rtotual
question or citimennhip) even though no court hearing w*a ever
held and there thus wam no compliance with the atatutory require-
ment. The Dopartmont of Jumtice haa novertholeas nlii; up a
number of Aliou Enemy 130ar1a throughout tho eountry to hoar tho
0A00. Or alien enemiee. Thane Soards have thm power to make
recommendations to the Attorney ooneralo in whom mato the t nal
diecrotion a* to whothor intornment ahould take place. See
.4*7;ait Oiti
?tx . -4 Ifirk;?41:'
ili.. I,: 1 ... ?,? 14. t. 4. 1.-f._. j...._--as.' .
''''' 7:. ...:3 ' ?;i4,?.:74 ..? i .- :1 -? {Ji ? r
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Mamoragdum-to-this filo. dated o August 1044, The aliens in
the Instant case have apparently filed the preliminary papers
required in ouch a hearing.
It ham been pointed out above that. as A matter of
OU r national lawp the aliens in the instant case aro now being
validly detained under the law, subjeot to their it to raise
the question of jurisdiction by habeas corpus pzooeedings. even
though no Alien Enemy hearing on their sass has yet been held.
The final disposition on the question of their irttormont will
not be made until artor the hearing takes pleop. Their riethts
under internwtional law remain to be oonsideruL
These aliens cannot question tha righrei or thw United
States to intern thern. am a matter of internationol L. The
original doctrine recognized the unqualifiqd right of a suverciol
to detain the persons or enemy aliens rout4 in 111.0 dominions
in time or war4 arotius.Liv.tt, oh. ix.'41oth 4. The practice!
however, gradually boom() obsolete. vklimLer:shoelc. !Mpestionon
kgeltuel:0 oh. ix. See. 4. In the eighteenth century
the rule WA0 that enemy aliens should be given a reasonable
time to depart. VOtel Droit dem Oanal 1110 oh. iv. Age. 6. The
laat general internment occurred prior to the World War in 1803,
when NApoloon declared all Englishmen resident in Torwno4 to In
priscom of wort in alleged reprisal for Unglish violations or
international law concerning the seizure or Preneh vessels; by
the outbreak of' the World War the aceepted rule W40 that no general
right to intern onomy aliong existed. Hershey. Essentials of
^ 411b,?-?41?, ? i il",t7t: t
. ta; r
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Interactional Law (1012) p. 462. Weutloko, Internation41 Law
(1007). 42. A Japanoue proponal at the tlocend Hague 4fice Cons'
rowan** (1007) for theoretical limitation of bolligerent riAhta
eoncerning alien enemy internment wao rejeetod, loot tin obooleto
practioe be revived. ProceerdillaIALgailume Peace Oonferenceos
Ma pp. 1104.14, 1240 125, 243. Nevertholeou. there W46 author-
ity to the effect that maleo capable of bearing armo coald be
interned. Bontilo. Manuel do Droit International Public (1001).
Sec. 1062; Calvo. Droit it. pub.. IV, p. 64j Twino. Law or
Nation, 11, Boo. O. England never abandoned the old rule,
which wao in conformity with the common law rule that alien
anomie* had no right* in time of war, and during the World War
there wau A general reveraion to the practioe of internment which
it now reoognimed ao a lawful belligerent manure. 2 Oppenheim.
international Law (6th Ed. 1040), 2ec. 100. lt in jaotiflod on
the ground that improved methodo of communication have made any
other rule nob only oboolote but dangerouoy 2 Hyde, International
Law Chiefly au interpreted and Applied by the United St4ten (1022)
Sec. 6160617.
The only queetion 'which can be raised. thereXores ao
Lt matter of inr?ernationcl law, in that of treatment during intortim
mont. The diacipline or roqtraint which may bo oxortei over
onemieu hu boon hold to be a matter or treaty or internationd
"au:4"i". Ealiam vo 2gmEttaaa..qata, 0244k, ps 7, TW)
*tutu* of civillan intorneou, however. hao "not boon nettled
by generally accepted conventional, au diotinguivhod from cuotoman;
rule* of international law". Keeouler. "Enom A
- .
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with special reeeroiao to Great Britain and Frances" 137 Ilia.
Sot Qs 08; 100. A dratt of regulations for the treatment of
civilian prisoners of war was submitted by the Prisoners of War
Ctteo or the International Law Association at its thirty-0
third conference (Stoekholm; 7024). The Vifteenth International
Conference of the Hod Croom (Wm); 1034) adopted a draft reeom-
mendation which VW tO be submitted to a diplomatic) conference
announced by the Swiss Vederal Council tor 19400 Whiela never
met due to the outbreak of hostilities. Koesolor; ibid.; p. 00;
sOO Work of tilt International Hod Cross Committee and.pf,the
ggIxal.kanu.for PrisoneLs..2LOLamiLlake Ouqreah pf gpr
(Geneva; 1940). It b000mos neeosnary; therefore; to examine
the customary praetieo of the United States with regard to the
treatment of eivilian enemy internees.
The Rules of Land Warfare of the War Department of the
United States &solar() (Basic Vield Manual 07.M. 27.010 194270
le - at p. 275)t
"Lxcept an otherwise hereinafter indioated; every
peroon eaptured or Interned by a bellioront
power bOOMMO orThriV7W, during the period
of ouch internment a prisoner of wav9 tind
entitled to be roe)gnime and treiatedtth sush
undtr the laws of war."
No dintinotion appears to be drawn between olvillan internees
and military intornoos, although tho distinction le rueognizod
under international law. Plory$ Pricontrs of War 0194g pp, 24-23.
The English rule is; however; that a civilian enomy internoo
"my properly be described on a prisoner of wart oltlruip not
: 2..
''''414it"In0 "A??
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? P ?
combatant or apy"s mmumys aggiallegylof vino mmt
PoliceStation,/ ang7 1 Kills 900, 274m50 "IX recouree io had
to internmentp the individualo taken into cuotody, until conk*
victed of offenoca apjainot the local law, aro believed to be
entitled to treatment aa favorable ao that accorded priponern
of war." Memorandum o2 Sir Edward Grey to Mr. Page, American
Ambaaaador at London, Dec. 14, 1014, Mice. No. 7 0.016), C.
7817, p. ea, in 2 Hydei cite p. 340.
There appear to be row Amoriean dociolono diocuceing
the definition of prioonero of war. One or thew) lb an Arizona
dooioion holding that an indian taken into cuatody after an affray
on an indian remervation, no 6bato of war having boon deolnrod
againat the Indians, io not a prisoner or war. MiLaarto Bi-a-
Ukbe, 12 Ariz. 160: 100 Pio. 450 (1)00)* In another, the rocont
cabotour case, Mulirte galia, 317 U. S. 1 (1040), (Thief Juotioe
Stone drawn a diatinction between lawful be13igerento under the
lawa or War who are entitled to priaoner of war treatment and
unlawful beiligerontu who APO not, giving at 0. 01 the following
illuotrationo of the lattori
"The spy who occrotly exeld without; unifovm Num)
the military linoa of a belligerent ln bimo of
war, ?coking 0 gather military intormubion tind
communicate it to the enemy, or any enemy comba-
tant, who without uniform acmes aocrebly through
the linen for the purpoec or waging war by deotruc-
tion of lifo or property, aro familiar examplem
of belligevonto who QP0 generally deemed not to
be entitled to the etatuo of prioonero of wtir, but
to to offendere Widalat the law or warp aubjeet
to trial and puniohment by military tribunalo."
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Zislif se "
This decision discusses only the statue of unlawrul
belllsoronts, mt that of civilian intornoes in general. During
the World War the Judge Advocate Gohora had cceamion to dim-
tinguish botwoon prisoners of war and civilian lalterneos. Tho
former were deflnorl asi "Poroons who halm boon at war idth the
United States and have boon oapturod by our forces in tho course
or military operations." The latter were thus characterised:
"They are portions who have never fought against us and VVO havo
nover boon pert of a forco fighting against any ono. Tho h4vo
never assumed the hazard of becoming prisonors of war ln tho
otriot aonao. Tho y have novor boon captured by otir Nines.
They havo novo" boon interned by rest= of a duty owed to nom
other country. It is also intorosti1 to 'note that thsy hsvo
never boon convictod of any crimoi They aro simply in onomiom
who wore withia our boundurioo when wo ontorod tho wur mnd alai()
have so aotod as to be doomed dantroorouse" Opinions of alo audRo
Advcoato Go r3 (1018), vol. 2, pp. va, 374.
Tho Judo Advocate Ooneral also decided thst rOormaft
Naval Rosary? ?Moor interned as an enemy alion was not a prisoner
of war, cayin81 "Internment doom not mice tho prisoner lntornod
a prisoner et war in the striot sons?, nor does it clotho him
with Any milizary status that he didilat have whon iMornoda"
Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate Oonoral of the Army,
19124040 (104 )o 652437$ all, 101240310 pp: 10070 WOH.
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- 55
See also Opinions of the Judge Advocate General (opinions dated
July 20$ 1918), 19180 Vol. 2, p. 522. The Department of J'ustice
took the same position. See 6 Hackworth 191.
On 11 November 1918 an agreement concerning civil
prisoners, never ratified because of the Armistice, was signed
between the United States and Germany, wherein prisoners cf war
were defined as "persons captured while in the active service
of the armed forces of their state of origin:" while civil prisoners
were defined as all other "citizens or subjects of either con-
tracting party held in confinement of the other for any reason
except violation of the penal laws of the captor state:" er,cept
sanitary personnel and war correspondents. Text in 15 An. Journ.
Int. L. (1919), Stipp.' pp.
During the World
internees and prisoners of
States. Their treatment was discussed at length by the Judge
Advocate General, Who ruled that it was lawful to exact care of
quarters and standardized work from civilian internees. Standard-
ized work was defined as that which, while not adjusted to per-
sonal peculiarities, is within tie physical and mental abilities
of the average person, though possibly distasteful in !individual
cases, Care of quarters was defined as not work, but "a normal
incident of independent life. Work so laborious or unpleasant
as to smount to the inflicting of punishmant VAS not to be exacted,
as they were not criminals; neither were tasks to be assigned
to those mentally or physically =ably to perform thm, for that
1-72, 71.
War, the distinction between civilian
war was thus recognized by the United
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would amount to punishment. Diversities of sex, strength and
health were to be considered, but, in order to avoid mutiny,
preference was not to be given to persons of wealth or refinement.
Opinions of Judge Advocate General, 1918$ vol. 2$ pp. 373-376.
As a further illustration of United States policy
towards civilian internees during the World War, Article 170
of the Agreement between the United States and Germany concerning
Civil Prisoners, provided as follows:
"Civi5 prisoners shall not be (milea on to
undertake any form of compulsory work, exceot that
directly connected with the maintenance and
sanitation of the comp or other place in which
they may be detained. In apportioning such work,
consideration shall be given to the education and
profession of the prisoner, No force, threats,
menaces, deprivation of privileges, nor any other
means shall be employed for the purpose of inducing
civil prisoners to undertake any other form of
work than herein specified. They shall, however,
upon writzen request, and not otherwise, be
zlq&a, allowed to perform work of a character similar
to that performed by prisoners of war and under
no less favorable terms." Text in 13 Am. Journ.
Int. L. (1919) Supp. p. 48.
Various articles of the proposed agreement pertaining
to the treatment of prisoners of war were made applicab3e to
civil pit/ sown', including Article 23, giving female prlsoners
"overy protection against harsh treatment, insult or manifesta-
tion of disrespect in any way related to their sex." Ibid. pp.
1"12, 222!#.2*
In ahort, the disposition of the United States during
the World War was to accord civilian internees treatment sub
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tr ,j11. 1 ;44j Retr;.
av m
stantially similar to that accorded prisoners of war, while
rocogniting the distinction in theory, so as to prevent members
of onOmy rest:Ivo forces tram claiming special militttry treatment.
"On tho tntry of the Vhited States into the War, this country
informed the Dorman, Italian, end Japanese Oovernmonts that it
intended to lipply to civilian onomy aliens taken into custody
the provisiota of the Genova Oonventton on Prisoners ot.4 War# no
far as those provisions might be applioable to eiviIiann."
aormany accoptod. 11 Geo. Wash. L.R. 0050 510 (1043). 0 De-
partment of Ettate bulletins 445 (May 23, 1042). Articles 2 and
3 of the Genova Oonvention provido tAB follows (Ooneva grisonoro
O f War Convention of 27 July 1980. 07 State 8021; Treaty
Seams No. 646; Malley, Troatios0 Vol. IV,
"Prinonors of we. aro tn the power of the holtile
Power, but not of the individuals or eorps who
have captured them.
"They must at all times be humanely trented and
protected, particularly againat acts of violionno$
insults and publio curiosity.
"Measures of ropriaal arsainst them are prohibited6
"Prisoners of war have the right to have thoar
person, and their honor respooted. Women sha%1 bo
treated Nith all the regard due to their aox.
"Prtsoners retain their full civil statua."
It would appear$ thomfore that into Mr. mid Mrs. X
wit) to be oonsidorod alien (meat's, they would bo entitlsa to
the treatmont accord*4 to prisoners of Inv, in spite or 'Altar
rolustance to olaint ouch privileged troatment tallow) they are
guilty of acta forfoiting their prisoner ()V war status (an
:."...1:- ? 2,. :TA , r , t;' .4
? 1"*4?344 .A? aiai f. ,.11%......r4 , t'.7- ez
- : ? ?..$4,,r ...;-? P,;-- '..
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exception to be discussed subeequantly)? They would neem to
be preoludedi however, from tlaiming both Austrian eititenohip
and prisoner of war statueo An there lo nome question an to
the "purity" of Wes Itto "Aryan" pttrentsgeb the quenblon might
SriMO an to her possible ntatelessnenap on the theory thpit she
had both been granted and deprived of German clUzenehipi The
?Metal exeoutive attitude an to ntateleonnensi an bearinr, on
enemy alien otatuo, in indleated in the Regulationn innupd by
the Attorney General on 6 rebruary 104g, 7 Vedi Reg. 0440 con-
trolling the travel or alien 0116Mies. By Stotion Mlb theme
regulatienn opeeitleally apply to aliens over 14 yearn o.,r ago
who (WO Otatelean but prior thereto Wore citimons or oubjeebo
or rlermany, Italy or tIapano By 840. 30.8bp it in to be nOted
that they to not apply to Austriana or Austro-ftagarldno who
registered an ouch in 1040, prOVided they have not voluntarily
at any time become German, Italian or as/inflow) 01bitens. Tho
bale seetion provideo, however, that these regulationo ohall
not be conotrued to define or limit the olansen of allow or
enemy nationallty subject to apprehennion, detention, or intern-
ment in Presidential PrO010AktiOti1 3626# grAGi Pt5B7 or 2667.
Sineo otateleonneno does not preclude that an alien
be oonmidered ao an enemy for the purpotie of Internment* it
would seem logleal to conolude thSt dn interned t& 10 alien
or enemy origin would be entitled to the benefitn of the Geneva
Convention But in Myth Klo to it would gem ramp -loot to
` I ?
? ,L
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t , _
' ? r - 4
oonoidor Wm. K ao g Itnativo" of Romania for tho purpooe of
intornmontl and while the Unitnd &baton doom not 'moor to halm
dotorminod formally to apply tho 'malt@ or the oonvontLon
to nOMMAidn intornooni ouch bonorito probably wou14 bo grontod.
It oho la to bo trnatod AA a Oormmn noon, this Oonventort would
Under ono dorinitiono an han boon uhowno It In 1o4n1blo
that thin. Itp if lonoidorod nbatolonn, would not ho oonnidorod on
wimp an an talon onomy in ono who non allogionoo to ntl, onomy
nationality. talon v. Niokmani 00 Ala. 600 (107). But au,
bettor vlow in that a pornon who would othorwIno uo ollon onomy
but for tho nolo faot that h@ hi loot hin wationality or origint
may otill bo oone,dored an nlion onomy if no hao n.a acquired
anothor. Wall: I. ite,MbSivotudAla" at, 0411,044 (1?3)) 4 04"
1401 Mayo tLoi P,44.110..
Liebmann, gum p0 $31RecarilLIV,912/1.! (1010) 1 A4 'J.
npulTruotoo (1g26) Oh. Da 116. An olion imti pornoo born out
of tilo jurimd$Ation ot to Unit tato@ And nob naturialgod
tording to its lawn. Lialiglman v. chum 206 U. BO 46ok 473
/13 la to bo notod tuat prinonorm or wgii nro not
ontitlod to aoply Por writd oC haboan oorpunwL.
P e VA; 22ontu v. all, 17 quobon Pra lo0 (1010)u jio oordatli.
33 Ont. Law Repmlat (1010.
This foot, howovor, prooably would not 160 hp14 tt)
4oprive nivillun intornoon of tho ri t to Nano thm quAntton
o 1ii1otoztum by manna ot that writ; Lho Onnova 0
1 ,
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- ? .7,;
? Tr..
would probably be held to determine only the treatment they
aro efttitlod to receivol and not to medity their other rightm.
An interned alien enomy hi e boon hold to rotain hie rtgllt to
duo on & contract modo prior to hie interniont. pakvaranlm
mama (ma) 1t, . 0040 It might be oontondod tticE an
alien but into this country againmt hia will would ho a
prieoner of war AO tl matter of Ptatue, and hence not antltled
to any aort of civil romodyn There seem to bo mom@ detR bo
flui)port such a defintbior.. Sod 0014110MM c3rCiallipi'drip
in al v. grebe,' (1043) 4 MIA. 8830 holding thatan enoamid
prieoner of war is not oriminally reoponcible tor broaking
and ontering R dwelling Immo and utealing articlon momonttal
to hie eacapoo and deacribing tho deVandant (at p. 587) RO "an
opon and avowed onemy - R MIth takon in war and a man
whoa it it le not hits duty, may quito rounonobly tool that
it io hie duty bo ofloaoo from the demaine ot hie captor 411JaL00
andi ir ho can, return to tho stato to which he ?woo alloginnoe
and perform hio duty to that flute" (tng enveral NnAL6flh
It its flubmitbod that wr. and mres X by their own con-.
duct aro precluded from the operation of my nuah definition.
The fomde alien's chaetiby wan once publicly oallod
into queatien, and oho mac made to perform letrino duty. gho
could pooeibly bo (moldered Wit tor the lubber work, mlbhough
tioy Imo been noconflary for bike floatation of hor quarteras
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Etwever2 both are minor oomplaints at bestp and it gppears
that ntithor alien has received treitment of which he or she
could complain under international law. liven ir Mr. and Mre.
were to be (=steered not alien enemies; but statelosa or
neutral or allied subjo,ots: they cannot complain. Arrests
upon suspicion ir time of wax' will not serve as foundation for
olatma for damagts before inttornational tribunals and thin rule
applies to neutral sUbjects. Ralston, The Lew wnd erocieduro
of International Tribunals (1)26)2 p. 411. If they are deter-
mined to have been guilty of opplonags2 of ?ours?, the alien
enemy statua or prisoner of war of these aliens beoomes irre-
levant and they have no right to complain of any treatment on
grounda of its mnial oharaotor.
Assuming tor the mosonts however, that Mr. and Mrs. K
are internable solely no alion enemies, without reference to
their condust2 it ie to be noted that the Alien Enemy Act and
the Presidential 1?rool4mations thereuneir have reforenoo to
alien aremies t'within the United States". Do the) Act and
Prool ations apply to al/cat,* not within the United antes ut
the outbreak of hostilities gnd latdr brought in by the Government?
Would thoso facts have any bearing on their right to be con-
sidered as pxlsoners of war? Tho language2 both of the Act
au well as the procicmationse ia certainly broad enough to
incLudo all alien enemies physically within the United States
the tito or their approhonaion2 regardless of the timo or
mode of their entry. That the Department of Justice atte in
accordance with swab a construotion is proved by the pi,
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of therm aliens thomsolvene At ommon laws alien enemies had
no right to entor England in time of war. all:Poster's case
(1702) 7 Mod. 150; ne? also Ex maarlailaars amm 1)0 ZO! Elu
V . ape OterroMice ritation.swara p. 33; esti() phamryks 25
Manitoba 50 (1014) (holding that an a15.en enemy has no right
to a writ of habeas corpun)s Reraneks aa Orb. LAM Bop. 14
(1015). DurinR the World Wars the Canadian courts had lecesion
to hold that an alien enemy had no ri4lit to enter CanadA during
the wars wan always liable to 'Arrest for do!.na to and that
therefore an enemy alien who entered Canada illegally rrom the
United Staten oould obtain no redrees after internment. Ito
Gottesman,' 41 Om, L. 547 (1910. The elaborate regulations
govorning the entry and departure of aliens in the United States
noem to justify a similar interpretation in thin country.
The mere phyeical prenenoo of an enemy alien within
our borderes regardlene of hin mode of entry' should suffioe
as baals for hi a internment) nubjeut to his privilege of
treatment as 3 prisoner of war if entitled thereto by virtue
of hit nationitlity and hip conduot. But Lhe more existenoe
or a state of war gives the Prenident many powers' under certain
cireuantancen, to deal with those aliens regardless ca their
tnamy ntatus. In Eingland even a dangeroun citizen ean be
intsrnod without recourse to a writ of naboam corpus. ViadiVs
gall, (2917)s A. 00 200. Pelligoront governmnte enjoy the
wident rightm to take nocens4ry steps for their won proteotion.
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- ? ?
43 in
2 xrde, at 'papas 226L,2320 816-617. Offenoes under the
Espionage Act of June 15s 1917, 40 Stat. 217 (BO U, S. C. Sec.
31-42) do not depend on the fact of &lion enemy status; it would
be sufficient to prove the accused guilty of obtaining infor-
mations obtaining possession of government paper, delivering
such information or papers to a foreign government or oonnpiracy
to perform any of these acts. See Gorin v. Ti. Sep 312 U. S. 19
(1940) aft. 111 Fed. (2) 712.
Under the term of Presidential Proclamation No. 2661,
July 3, 1942, 7 Fed. R. 6101 (10 U.S.C.A. Sec. 18540 note)
"All persons Who are subjeotos citimenss or residenta or any
nation at war with the United States, or whip ...Ave obedience
to or actundey the direotion of any such nations and who during
time of war enpet or attempt to enter the United Statems or
any territory thereof, through costal or boundary defonness
and are charged with coimeitting or preparing to commit sabotages
espionage, hostile or warlike acts, or violations of the law
of wars shall be subjeot to the law of war and to the jurindiotion
of military tribunals; and suoh peroona shall not be privileged
to seek any remedy or maintain any prooeeding directly or
indirectly, or to have any ouch remedy or proceeding eought
on thoir behales in the oourto of the United States, or of
its States, territories and possesoionos except under mmoh
regulatione as the Attorney Generals with the approval of the
Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe."
This proclamation wam issued by the Presidents under
hie authority as Commander in 011ie of the Armed Foro ,
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connection with the Supreme Court doelalon In tho nabotour
ease, px.aansuiarin, 9,211 p. 33. That ease involved tile
right of enemy aaboteura, ono or whom was an American citizen,
to apply for a writ or habea* corpus inetead or being tried by
udlitary oommisbion under the proalamation. It wan held that
ordinary oonatitutional limitation do net impoito the Yeaeral
government in its dealings with enemieu, on the authority or
V. U. S.0 nuera. p. 7; Miller. v. U. S., 11 Wall. 26 (1870);
Law Iron Co. v. U. $ag 212 U. S. 207 (1908)4 440 DoLucev V.
U. S., 41,a2the Ile 70 It wan further hold that the prenldential
power over armed aliens enterinp: the country with hostile intont
LI absolute; that the Cenatitution roeognizes the common law
or war, citing FX parte) Vallaniaganno 1 Wall. 20, 249 (1063),
Winthrop, Military Law and Vreoedents (1M2o), 17, 41, 42, 773.
A distinction (moo pp. 26-!e7 pueva) wan made between lawl'ul
belligerents undor the common law or war, emboCiod in Rule 00
Hulos of Land Warfare, and flague Loonvontion, Art. 1, Annex
to Hague Convention, No. IV of Oetober 18, 100Y0 Treaty 30viom
No. 539, ratiViod 30 Stat. 2296, and unlawrul belligerent:a undor
Jhe Fifteenth Article ot W. Congress and the ilronident wore
held to peaces() together the power to wage war nmecoanfully, on
euthority of Homl Aaatra. v. Blaisdell, 200 U, S. 30S,
476 (19i3): Since our own soldiers are subject to bria] by Mili-
tary Commisaion, under military law (A. W. 14. Up 81, 112, 10
U. S. C, Soo. 1400, 160, 1663, 1564) war oriminaln have no
riKL.ts denied our own so14torei As to the Amoriean oltizon,
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it was held that the law of war embraces citizens as well as
aliens (whether enemy or not). civilians as well as soldiors.
Winthrop, Military Law and Precedents (1920) 831-841; Wiener,
Manual of Martial Law (1941), 137; Morgan, "Court Martial
Jurisdiction over Nonmilitary persons under the Articles of
War, 4 Minn. L. Div. 79, 109; 16 Op. Atty. Gen. 292 (1679);
24.22Epe Wildman, 29 Fed. das. 1232 (Han. 1876). "Of all hostile
acts, those by civilians are most dangerous." The citizen
saboteur was held triable as an "enemy cobelligerent".
Under this sveeping decision there would be a question
as to whether these aliens should not be turned over to the
military authorities, not for the reasons they urge, but for
the purpose of having them tried wider military law. There
should be little question of their being entitled to treatment
as ordinary prisoners of war, even under the evidence now at
the disposal of O. Persons otherwise entitled to the status
of prisoners of war may forfeit the right by such acts as
espionage,' violation of parole, and war crimes. Flora.,On. Cte
sunray p. 32.
The war power of the national gcverronent comprehends
all that is required to wage war successfully. Easltayillihi v.
United States 320 U. S. 81 (1943); Minoru Yam/ v. U. 3., pliaa
p. b; poktuaner v. Drum, 51 Fed: Supp. 363 (S.D.N.Y. 1943);
Korematsu v. U. 3., 319 U. S. 439 (1943). Theo cases upheld
the constitutionality of statutes barring certain classes of
American citizens from certain designated military areas, and
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--r? e
I" 46 ft
Pvesidential proclamatIono lasued thereundeP. It nhould he
nbtloci that a recent lowor court deci4lon has rerunod to tollow
Omit, 04008 14 the aboence of proor or aottlal eaplanuge OP
oabotauo. 19perzberi v. pailezie (U. S. D, 0. 0 Pa. 1944),
14 L.W. 207V. Novertholonn, on the authority or the 4,1upr@me
?Qv:Pt cowl's there ean be little doubt that the Preoldent!al
Preolamat104 ieeued wadoo the Alien f4nomy Act would kie hoild to
Armod Porcon.
be valid, a4teftlao or hie war power an Oommander In Chief or the
A quention han boon rained an to the right or the
United Statea to eontiaeate the property oV theme aliens, At
common lAW tho property or alien Esnemies altuated withIn the
Jurladietion cd) a country at the outbroak or war b000mioa liable
to confiscation by itn Sovereign. flrown v. L4 11.142.4:11 p. 7;
V. U, So, 11 mal.280 (1a7o). A deolaration or war. docla
not' howeveri raotos oporato aa a conriscation or ememy
property withir, the territory. prown v. U. aupra.
the modern policy la agalnot conrineatic4. Varer v. A
akezaP. Ea, OuldW01; v.illirdAu 1 Lowell a,J60
20302 Nano. leo); Juok4011,xlm. 10e0 V. Stewart,
13 Pod. C400 NO. 7* 262 (*to 1a66)0 Tho tliao
enOillY g0941 agegana t Cal the world exe_lat
Adventyro,, tho
8 Cranch gex (183.4). aim; wh v
ateer ri
onemlon are elven na a matter or grace. Brand()
Ot4 CI* 060 (1911)a Atithorltv to aolgo enemy-ow
proporty root(' in Congrenov tamburPftAmeriefin
v. ELS.il P77 U. 8. a me7). oonaro
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Presidential proolamations issued thereunder. It should be
not that A resent lower court decision haa rorused to follow
these oases in the absence of proof of aetual espionage or
gabotsge. Sf3her,,,zbIta v. Madoria S. D. 004, 01. PA. 1944),
la L.W. 2079. Veverthelesse on the authority or the l',Wpreme
Court cases there ?an be little doubt that the Presidential
Proolamation issued undor the Alien falemy Mt would be held to
be valid exercise or his war power an Commander In Chief of the
Armed Raves.
P. question has boon raised as to the right or the
UnLted States to confiscate tho property of these aliens. At
common law the property of alien enemies situated within the
jurisdiction of a country at the outbreak of war beeolaes liable
to confiscation by its Sovereign$ tirgyin. v. U9 $4 aw?:?(! pi 7;
Miller v. U. 8., 11 Wa11.208 (1870). A declaration of war does
not, however, aso ;cwt.?, operate am a eonflaoation of onamy
property within the territory. E,vown v. U. S., supra. hnd
the moaern policy is againnt conrimcation, frank= v. Ahoott,
lava p. 28, Oal4wel? v. Hardiae, 1 Lowell UO, 4 Pod, Cans
2,302 (Mass, 1809); Jackson Ian. Oct. v. Stewart, 1 HugheD z1u,
la Fed. Case No 7, 152 (Md. 180(3). The title of the lLen
(tufty in good against all the woria 9m2pt the sovereign. The
AlymtArs, 8 Oranzh 221 (1014). But whatever rights are granted
enemies are given 46u mattor of graoe. kranqa if. U9 3,0, 46
Ott, Cl. 569 (1911). Authority to ati40 enemy-ewned pviv4te
property rents in Congress. Hamburavalitionn 14no
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even in the case of property believed to be enemy owned, ao
long as proVision is made for oompensation in ease of mistake.
V. BlItherland0 271 U. Si 298 (1920; Stosthr v. Wel:Lace;
255 U. St 23.9 (1921); Ce*rel Union lailli.a4..o17 116 Y6 V. gamaa,
254 U. S. 659 (1920). Under this authority Congress has provided
for the seizure of alien enemy property by 6n Allen Proporty
Custodian. By virtue of the Trading with the Enemy Aot of
October 69 1947, 40 Stat. 4110 50 U.S.C.A. .t.pp. 1-51 cnd the
First War Powers Act of 1941 (50 U.B.C.A. & 601.-122) President
Roosevelt issued Executive Uder No. 9095 on March 11, li)42p
7 Fed. Reg. 19170 amended by BO 91n, July 6, 1942, 1 Pod. Rw.
5205 setting up tho Uffioe of Alien Property Custodian. The
Alien Property Custodian has power to leize property determined
by him to be enemy-owned, and vest such interest in himself.
The Antanetta, (0. C6 Pat 1945) 49 Fed. Supp. 148. However,
as to the money carried by Mr. wad Mrs. K, according to Section
2(c) of Ex. Ord. 9095 the Alien. Property Custodian oan take over
enemy-owned cash' bullion, moneys, currencies, del'osito and
credits only if necessary to safeguard other enemy -owned. property.
It may be that if the funds of Mr, and Mrs. N are the fruits
of espionage activity for the enemy0 this Government could
confiscate the money unthe law of war. But no btatutery
authority for ouch confisoation exists in thin covntry and
it is clear that undlr the Presidential Preelumation cited
above) the fundu of Mr. and Mru# K cannot be oonfisoated or
*sized by the Alton Property Custodian. See 6 Hackworth Op.
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Cit Supra* ppn 199237o
The smite undoubtedly wil:0* however* be frozen until
atior the termination of hootilittos* under SO 03$9, April 10*
1940, 3 Pod. ReS* 1400 (1940), thij amended under BO 87860 June 14,
1941. This Vrderp lowed under Section 5(b) or the Trading
with the leinamy Act or October 0, :1017 (40 StAto 41); forbade
payments by ix, to any banking inotitution in the Unit od Statee
or property bolInging vo Norman or Austrian nationals, and
authorising the Soo rotary or the Treasury to make roaulations
to oar417 out Oho purpose of the Order. The relevant section
of the Trading with the Enemy Act waa amended by Title III c:
the First War Powora Act or December 18, 1042 (50 U. 8. CA Af,
Socatille) to authorial the Presidentp among other thine, to
prohibit transactiongilvvolvAing the property ol? toreign nationals,
through any agency, that ho may designates The aamo act* ex-
Pressly approved and ratiVied BO 8389 and tho regulations
immod thereunder by the Secretary or the Treasury. On 10 March
1942 onoral Ruling No, 11 of the Troaaury 1Jepartment (7 Pod.
Rego 091) declared unlawful all tranmitions involving trado
with an "enemy national" unlock) licensed under freeoing regu-
AA4ions. "Enemy national" is ao defined as to include repro,'
sentativca or agenta of tbo Governmenta or Germanyp Italyp
Japanp Blasgrin, Hungary or Aomanian The reason tamt the
Alion. Property Cuatodian cannot sequester thesis? twig le because
they Aro frozen by the Foreign ?Linda Control Unit or the Tro4aury
Depsrtmonto The real line or division between the duties of
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. I - -
- ? '
?? , ? 1-5k.:
t. gr?
the Custodian and the Seoretary or the Treasury is the praotioal
one of whether the assets seized by the United States are
passive assets--oash, moneys, ete.--or actual business enter-
prises or patents which can be put to use in the services of
the war effort of the United States. ll Geo. Wash. L. R. 35V,
565. Under Sec. e(2) of the General Ruling No. 12 relating to
Foreign Funds Control, the term "property" includes gold, silver,
bullion, currency, coin, credit, checks, book credits, etc.
In this conneetion, it should be noted that if Mr.
and Mrs. K claim the status of prisoners of war, their property
cannot be seized. Their bank accounts could still be blocked,
however, in the same fashion ae any other alien enemy internee's.
It would seem that both Mr. and Mxs. K are now being
legally detained, and BAY Lagally intern able for the duration
as enemy aliens. Mr. K can be interned as a denizen or citizen
of Germany upon tho facts available, and the burden iu on IlLm
to rebut such facts by showing that he does not have enemy
nationality. Mrs, K can be interned as a native of Romania,
and possibly also as a citizen of Germany; the burden of rebut-
ting proof is likewise upon her. Unless guilty of hostile nets
such as espionage, both Mr. and Mrs. K have the right to raiee
the question o their citizenship by habeas corpus proceedingo;
they have no right however, if they fail to dieprove their
alien enemy status, to queztion the determlnation of th
Attornay Genezal that they are in tact dangerous enemy
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" t4
Ao intormoos aloy would 004M to bo onti_t3od to olaim
CA@ troatmont a000rdod milmonerm of wort though thoy havo not
yet dono goo Thor@ may bo momo quontion in thim PaAp0Ot 44 to
I. Rt go tho United Otatog ham n@VOP promlomd to owitaN iili
troatmont to Romaaian notionolmt but gm a mattor ot polloy it
IA proboblo muoh 4voa11ont would bo gppliod to hope
How@v@r; tho ov,idonoco ogairimt P. ond mrme X In tho
Mom or OB2 in muoh ma to Palm? a vogmonmblo gumploion that
thoy oro guilty or having oonmpirod to oomoilt, gotm of oomionovm
uottor tho dirmobion or 4 h00;110 powore In guolt o ommot ontll
01@arod by a military tribuhAl thoy avo not on1itlo4 tPO4t-
MObt gm primonoPm oV WAP 404 two doniod oonotim to 4ho Wridc)110
TA@ only quomtion romoininfe, would 4pphar to be) whothor
thoy ghoul bo Orgnmtorrod to th miflty outhoritiom ror appm-
priato pr0000diAgme Thin promumobly will bo doolamti bo tiho
Attoruoy 0000P41 attar ho ripmt dotorminon wkothov bhoy aro
donitoroum allows, All Information in tilt!) pommommion oV (418
mhotade ot 00UP?0. bo mado uv4i1c,b10 to tho Attovnoy Oov,oral to
htm to m4ko tho propor dimpomitton or tho 04404.
Albmet* Dart.
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vrtioAnD row Ho, t24
xhe Piles pm! 9 August 1944
Office of General Oouneel
The procedure adopted by the Departmant of Justice
in dealing with eases of salon enemies interned by
Presidential Proclamation is outlined in Department of
Justice Oireular No. 3616, Supplement 1, dated Tanuary 70
1942, Supplement 2, dated Ienuary 9, 1940, Supplement 3,
Late d February' 160 19400 Supplement 40 dated April 3,
1942, and Oiroular No. 5600 Supplemant 1, dated Nieem-
ber 150 19410 Supplement 0, dated December 17, 19410 and
Supplement 50 dated December 07, 1941.
The procedure set up in accordanee with the cited
circulars is outlined in this memorandum,
One Alien Enemy Board has been set up in each judicial
district, to consist of a chairman and two other members;
all responsible citizens of the community, ono of whom
is an attorney. In congested districts a pama. of
eligible names has been set up, and in oertain cases
additional boards have been ereated. The oath, of office
is administered to me bore by any qualified offieial.
The oases are held, insofar as possible, in conformity
with the order in which the aliens have boon apprehended.
The actual priority is determined by the relative date
of completion of investigation, while preference in given
in cases of hardship or cther exceptional circumstances,
including those whore thgt United States Attorney recommends
A mitten notice of the hearing is forwarded to the
alien sufficiently in advance for him to prepare sueh
evidence as ho my wish to get.
The hearing is hold in the district of residence or
aPprehensiOn of the alien, rather than in that of hie
temporary detainment. Oertain sped. 1 situations aro
provided to in the regulations.
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The Yileo
41' ga 9 August 1944
The Boar& may eeneider any Dot o oubmitted by the
PSI before the &Oliva hearing* It it domino to queetion
the alien, he shall have aa opportunity to present ouch
witnesses, doeuments or other evidenee ae he may denire,
subject to limitations imponed in the intereet of
administrative efficiency by the Board* Witnecume
testifying on behalf of the alien are morn iu by
members of to Beard* '
' The alien may be accompanied by ea advicer who may
be an attorney but has no right to objoet to (ivy proe
eeedinge and must be OWVA in. A otenographie repoTt
le unnecessary but important testimony may bo troneeribed
literally* A gummy of the testimony is cuffieient*
Tho Memento aro then elbmitted to the Attorney
General. The filo should inelude:
(1) The nett?, et the hearing;
(a) The report and r000mmendation of
the Board;
(3) The tranmeript and the Dummy of
the testimony;
iit The FBI report;
The alien enemy queetionnaire;
Ala affidavits or lettere filed
in the proomedings;
(7) Any other doeuments or papere
inoluded in the file*
The Board may make one of throe r000mondationet
(11 Internment;
18 Parole;
3 Uneonditional ramie.
The recommendation muet to based upon the evidenoe*
The mord is eclat to the Attorney Gouvral through the
United Statee Attorney, The Immigration andlieturalimetion
Service is authorimed to supply any uocemmery trennlatore*
The recommendation of internment is made when the
alien is eeneidered daxigeroue to the national weeny*
If he is considered harmless, a reemorittation of releaoe
is madeo Zu doubtful mum a reeommandation of parole,
with or without boa, under the obligatiet of reporting
to a deoignated parole offieer, is surftcient*
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The Piles
- 3 - 9 August 1944
The Immigration and Naturalization Service is charged
with responsibility for the parole of the alien enemies.
,A Supervisor of Alien Enemy Parole has been appointed in
its central office and a Chitar District Parole Officer
has been designated in each Immigration Di atriot to be
assisted by suoh assistant district officers as may be
required. EVery paroled alien enemy must report semi-
weekly or at some. other interval designated by the Board,
or directly by ( rder of the Attorney General to a loyal
United States citizen "sponsor" chosen by the Board4
The alien's suggestion may be considered in the choice
of the "sponsor", The "sponsor" must be in a position
to observe the alien's movements independently and deter-
mine when ohanses in his parole conditions become neces-
sary. The "sponsor" makes periodic -4eporte at determined
intervals to the District Parole Officer and reports
violations, if any, of the parole conditions. The
"sponsor" must sign a written statement accepting his
undertaking. Any reasons for a change of "sponsor" are
to be brought to the United States Attorney's attention,
The phroled alien must report weekly or at the
Attorney General's direction to the District Parole
Officer in person or in writing, as directed. Any
violation of parole is reported to the United States'
Attorney and in extreme oases the Parole Officer may
take the alien into custody. Parole may end, on ardor
of the Attorney General, either by release or by tartb.er
detention. The alien and the "sponsor" are both elven
wTitten notice. Action taken nill be reported to the
oentral office, the United States Attorney and the looal
office of the FBI.
Forms for the detention of an alien by 'presidential
warrant, a telegraphic report of emergenoy apprehengion?
notice of hearing, report and recommendation of the hearing
board4 and the order of the Attorney General as to the
dispositiao of an alien enemy are available at the Allen
:gamy Control Unit, Deperizisnt of Zustice.
A spacial hearimg board has been set up for the
rabsaring of internee =M. Cases nay be refefrred to
it either by the United States Attorney of the district
*here the case originates or by the Ali= lffnagsy Control
vat of the Department of Zusties. Thatraaticas aaaaerairkg
are set fortb, iLu Department of Stastice
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fa a
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The Filee
e 5 e 9 August 1944
The Immigration and Naturalization Servioe is ehared
with responsibility for the parole ot the alien enemies
A Supervisor of Alien Enemy Parole has been appointed in
its oentra3. office and a Chief Distriot Parole Offioer
has been designated in each Immigration Dietriot to be
assisted by suoh assistant distriot ?Moors as may be
required Very paroled alien enemy muet report sent
weekly or et some, other interval designated by the Board,
or direotly by order of the Attorney General to a loyal
United States oitizen "sponsor" ohosen by the Board?
The aliente suggestion may be considered in the eholoo
of the "sponser". The "sponsor" must be in a position
to observe the alien's movements independently and deter-
mine when changes in his parole oonditions beooma woes-
say. The "sponsor" makes periodio reports at determined
intervals to the Distriot Parole Officer and reports
violations, if any t of the parole ?auditions. The
"eponsor" must sign a written statement aooepting his
undertaking. Any reason for a obange of "sponsor" are
to be brought to the United States Attorney's attention.
The pnroled alien must report weekly or at the
Attorney General's direction to the District Parole
Officer in person or in writing, as direoted. Any
violation of parole is reported to the 'United States
Attorney and in extreme oases the Parole Officer maY
take the alien into oustody, Parole may end, on order
of the Attorney General, either by release or by further
detentiom. The alien and the "sponsor" are both given
written notice. Action taken will be reported to the
central offioe, the United States Attorney and the looal
office of the FBI.
Forms for the detention of an alien by presidentiel
warrant, a telegraphic report of emergency apprehension,
notice of hearing, report and reoommendation of the hearing
board, and the order of the Attorney general as to the
disposition of an alien enemy are available at the Alien
Ittegmy Control Unit, Department of Tustioes
A special hearing board bas been set up for the
rehearing of internee oases. Oases may be referred to
it either by the United Statea Attorney of the district
hers the case originates or by tbe Alien Shemy Control
Unit of the Department of Tnetioe. ineereoeions coneerning
rehearings ere set forth in Department of ;untie?
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..,5 .3
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;4,71 ,a.51
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BffliaaSIMNMBIEIMMdglnngngrfiadrgfMMMF. -19!
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Tho /ties a 41 43 0 Maggot 1044
Oiroulact No. 0569; Oupplament 15 datad 'must 10; 19450
Othor Dapartmont of Patios Circulars oantain inatruod,
tions to boards 00/106rUillit intiO0 and waight or avidenoo;
typos ot organizations sampoatad a oubversivo aotivitiaa
ant similar mattorse
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BffliaaSIMNMBIEIMMdglnngngrfiadrgfMMMF. -19!
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Tho /ties a 41 43 0 Maggot 1044
Oiroulact No. 0569; Oupplament 15 datad 'must 10; 19450
Othor Dapartmont of Patios Circulars oantain inatruod,
tions to boards 00/106rUillit intiO0 and waight or avidenoo;
typos ot organizations sampoatad a oubversivo aotivitiaa
ant similar mattorse
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
6-90006 I- 00 I- 0001 0000X? 1,c1C1I-V10 ocioio eseeiej -101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
Washingteng D. Co
lartaxiANDUN PORI CotalriVi.es iitualItc0
Porroarient Matv Orderoi tor (iii'crseas
You are stotiwrized sad directed to
preceid to London, ErigIentip *or :you ifiX.1 report
to the Strategic Sorvicen 11)facex?.* European Ifleater.
You aro# thereafter, to act =der the inotrIltet,10110
or the Strategic Services Ottleer for Ulm, lituroMut
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
RECIPember 30 4.944 6:22 PM
...-arroonemrer,-. 2.-ammeree.s.,...escossairsitt ......d.ewTrsm,r.?,-s--se,we-trsnas=tSeRIRrl'ar,Stti
Yugy 0.165 46
#22d54c Per olonel Coughlin*
It Is necessary ;tor us to have 4n efficiency report for
Colonel Robert Bo Hall for the perlod from fkly to Dezember or VALI
youto Please prepare War Department 400 Form #67 on hu st
109'Is Intereoted tn this mutterl hence you should it him roAd
arst, and than pouch it to us at onoo
12 4
92 Pla
048 EaPp
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
(k)lonel Robert B. Ball
270 Barton shore Drive
An Arbor, Michigan
My dear Colonel:
/ a
fric? 0,1)
coemter 1941
Ur. Ruthven of the University of Vichigan has
written to us asking for your release fr ctIvE duty.
1 appreciate all you have done for us, lAnd I
should be sorry to have you go. I encloe h copy of my
letter to Dr. Ruthven which wresses .)ur appreciation
of the work you have done for us and our ho ilo that
you may, in special tesku, be of further assistance.
WillittA J. Don:wan
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Fabgr 9144
andel' G. Ruthve
1h1t7 of Mhigei4
'Ann Mbo, Michigan -
dor Dr. Ruthvon:
have your letter of 12 December auggeNting
the release le Colonel Robort B. Hall. I have die-
ousee&the utter with Colonel Ball and havo approved
his application to be transferred to inactive atat nc.
1 am srateful for your willinRneso to how
Colonel Nall !.lontinue Do long tith ua, rd oro very
sorry to lose him aD he has rendered very valuubla
advice and we hope that from time to time vie muy coil
upon him for important 1.1:.ecia1 toska.
Thar you again for your help.
Williwn J. Donovm
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
4 4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9 .
. '- v*
711* z,
? ?? ---
. -
(34r0Tia1? ?
We TuiVei cons L&.: Dr. -Liattliter with
refererl.ee to the ..atIttiehed. request
from tte 'presicl.ent of the -Tiniver$1:c,y
o:_f W.43,an. Thr the re s,T.;e of
Colonel Hi9.11 from actite duty. Dr.
Lancret- that he his no viev.-2
on the, iubject, and accordint:,17 be-
lieves '1:ha t the se)cis.1 on. should b3
in'ade elsewhere.
11.7e, understand that you have co-n-
terred with Color]. rii4 If your
decision Is that Colonel Hall cqr
be relentsed, drfift art ap-
proprtate reply to the univo-si t:;
of 1higan0
t '
C. A. i=orme
Offico of the Secretariat
:14 (9139)
1.110;.1., i; ?
1411(V---? ?,AJ 9 lip -..-. - ? ,', -41
'., 7 ' :', ? '
kkr g 4,
alziril,s: k4.4. F , .... .., ...-,...1:41- ' ..,:k. 31.....1.4 ' ir..,.....,-: .9?',,1 L'n. 2 ' . 1 ,. ''. _ , : . ,:vig.,?-yolgittiN4`,:r--- -, I .,:_.! :41:'?:i-4''',,c,.!,-.0i.p._ _ ,,, ,..,,
1g,, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
1?-11? NI
I" t (- 1( ? "Li (i),fr
December 12, 1944.
Major Gen.ral William J. Donovan,
Office of Strategic Servioes,
Washington, D.C.
My dear General Donovan:
The University of MichiEan finds it imperative to
present to the Army and to the Office of Strategic Ser-
vices a formal request for the release of Colonel Robert
B. Hall from active duty by February 1, 1945.
The University realizes that no one In educetional
work can estimate the continuing need of army personnel.
Several problems which have arisen at the University of
Michigan make it necessary, however, that we regain the
services of Colonel Hall at the earliest possible date.
Veterans of this war are already returning to our campus,
and the development of new programs of instruction is be-
coming daily more imperative. The University expects to
undertake a broad intensive program in Far-Eastern affairs
for both undergraduate and graduate students. Colonel
Hall's field cf specialization in geography 4 as well as
his recent experience In China and Indis, make him the
ideal portion to place in chargeof this development. This
new type of program has many implicatiohs for the return-
ing veterans and the responsibilly placed, upon the uni-
versities by the Congressional action in passing the
"G.I. Bill of Rights" forces us to request the release of
Colonel Hall as soon as is possible.
In addition to Colonel Hall's special qualifications,
our need for additional staff is very preseing, niece the
staff now in Ann Arbor is fully occupied. It is for these
reasons that the University is takinh tho initiative in
this matter, with the hope that Colonel Hell may bo re-
leased to Us within the next few months.
Very truly yours,
Alexander G. Ruthven
President, University
of Michigan
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
11 r1L
In a000rdrinoe with yuur
request I have prepared let-
ters for your sivnnturo to
Colonel U411 and to Mr, Ram8.
dell of the University of
MiohilLans authorizing Colonel
Ball to deliver a leoture at
the Univvrsity.
, _
f,4 . _ ? 11_ HfifilE.-
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
0o1onel obt
0 Etirton 814Ore Drive
bor. Athictan
dear Co3o44t
I have rsosived a letter from Mr. W. P. Pam
dellt Dirooter of the Oivil AVgairs Tralaino Sohool at
the Witermi4y ot Miohigan, requeottag that you be alio
thorised to deliVer a leoiume to tho sehool on the nub**
jeot of ;open and the
huvo replied to Ur. Ramsdell that ahould be
Woad to have you do thie, and X am now writing to nay the
same thn4 to you. I slued hardly add that in bio looture
you ehoul not tough OA og4.1 intelligenee or peAding OBS
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Vire 14,11.amiteoll, DireorV,Or.
Civil -Artairs Training Sotlooi
Raabe* Building
Anu. rlidro IA Obis=
D00.r bLrWO:adoollt
I tame your letter of 50 November 1944,
tn whiOli you *0 that 001onel Halt may give a loom
:re at the Civil AtrfaTil Trainittg School.
I ehou1d bo glad to have Colonel Hall
speak at the soh,00li and I have writtefl him to that
effett? X h4e the leoture will be helpful.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Ilit.41SFa-1--..-PqYll. fl,
1,tidatilAlii 1g 13, 1.06t:Or fes;i4 r
11.1aNtlai0,ti a k1.441,e.tin I 1.,11.004t. iihto,
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. bitty or" tfiA0-; fiki:5,-??001.0 wl; 0 kl Orin*
tilt" 6 1_10.10a ralP ti01-3? II i,; 1.r,,..:(1 to
-pt;61., ri, ;o0304 for :/caor 14 L,,,41.10.
ij 1-grarAIOTA ico VeJ 00 elNon,
.604t4T.? tO 0010)404 W-1110
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Declassified and pproved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
? r.r. '
7!s- 5, . .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Major General William Jo Donavan
Director, ?Mee of Strategic Services
25th and E Streets
Washington, D. Co
Dear General Donavan:
30 November 1944
The Univeraity of Miehigan is among the soboola en-
gaged ander oontraot with the Training Division, alGO, in training
Army and Navy offieera for military government dutiee in Japan.
We have 121 officers in such training here at the preeent time.
We feel it our du%r to give these offieero the very
best available instruction and brine in many outside experte to
supplement the leeturee und consultations of members or the present
University start. You may recall that Colonel Hobert B. Hall of
your organization is on leave from the Univeenity or Miehigun
ruculty and that for many years Colenel Hall has apoeialized in
the geography and other aopeoto of j'apen. Colonel Hall lo now
on leave at his home, 270 Barton Shore Drive, Ann Arbor, Miah4,,an;
and, while here, we are partieularly anxiouo to 80014'0 the
neeesoary permission oo that he may appear before our School.
Hie leeture would deal with japan and the Japanone, and in nowl8o
with the Chinese eitaation or South China, Colonel Hall lo
willing to make the one appearance befLeo tha 8ohool If upproval
is granted. As you know, thmre are all too few pmoplo available)
who are qualified to eontributo as can Colonel Hall to our
training program, and we are most anxious to take advantage or
his temporary presence in Ann Arbor.
May I aek you to give every favorable oonoideratton
to this request and to 0.ease inform Colonel Hall diet at his
Very sinoormly youre,
4. F. hamadell
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Tot Atriall_
PorImm you would wAnt to
opoalc with Colonol Coughlin but
Colonol Hollto Army 201 rile.
Offtoe of Lho Wioitivo nefintw
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R0150100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
- ?
Nomeouelmio.~.064. d1.4116/111,404MIL
Office of Strategic Services
China and India Burma Theaters
APO 885
,f 7 oto
I Li 1%
3 November 1944
SUBJECT: Theater Service Record (OSS Form No, 809).
TO ?
Director, OSS, Washington, D. C. (Att: FE Theater
Forwarded herewith is OBS Form No. 809 (Theater Ser-
vice Record) on Robert B. Hall, Colonel, AUS.
For the Commanding Officer:
Form 809 re Hall
cc: Lt.Col. Roberts (PPB)
let Lt., AGD,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
3 0, s `a
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4. DATE OF i3IRTI 18 40496 ? ,
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la, SPECIAL -SKILL - Knowle e of Japan,
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Lt. Colonel
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
ItY* 4 WI%
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eplation? o approoistlon ot OS mission to serve Theater Commander* Znm
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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. ... Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30 : CIAIRDP13X00001 R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
TO Ur. Charles S. ChestonN
VIA.: Dr. William L. Langer
FROM k Ga. Robinson FOL
Proposed cable to General 'Donovan from Mr. Cit ton, Dr. LanEer
and C. T. Robinson regardim! Major Thomas it. Hall
In November 19411, lemral Donovan slectod Taj or Thnman v. Hall
for duty as Russian Liaison Officer for the OSS Mission to 1ormany.
At that time, the following qualifications of Major Hail hat, hnen
presented for Ueneral Donovan 's consideration:
1. A conversational, read n, and writing 1now1edt!0 or qwisian.
2. A conversational and reauinz knowledge or Oorman.
3. An experience or 30 months in OSS. Of this ex.)orionco, 16
months were as Chief of thn USUZ Division/MA Outpwt in iondon.,
position which demanded a constant anJ thoroty,h knowled:7,e of Russian
affairs and a regular, thouji not constant, practice in spoaldn.,, the
411"in" languaCe. DurinL the 14 monthn prior to .'a,) or Hall's anninmont
to Lonuon, ho wan finL,,a,:nd in political analysis in the USSR Division/WA
in 2iash1.ni:ton.
Tmvol :411(. niudy in Cv.ochosiovakia, Yit,;oslaviv? rrance, and
Err.Janq, from 'I)vember PA7 to Octohor 1233.
i. A.. oo r aashini:ton "nivernIty.1 1)33
orl:o .;ashin!!,ton Uoivor:.Ity, 1' 01
h. 0. (Run:vian Ilintorv)
Urillrernity or ?,:nica::o, ly42
1.'011CW1111V, 1Or)VILtt'i Jo IoeI.j.oi ol'Prijor. Utl 1 ror'
' :1, It I ';u tt? ri)id, /111(1 ()yr-11)111,1,m or :or i
doeicied to no)nd a,) or Hall Lu ".:MT) for an ,4?.-.A assLgnmonl in :iuwarY,
ahnre he woul 'a in additional wcperience in tioalin- plth Pussians and
tOinsian probtww" prOpaP4tinn !.nr htn ,iork in :oritiany. it is cyoqily
to l'ajor ai 1 c rod II. that, al thouiTh tho 1(1.1 t ?l'un VJflfI n,svor 1110
tttftr :Ary , wro lo rn I n tent :;And HT, )10 i I r)
-o:itact 'J1 I it ot rICIni 'tut; in taly. (1n J(wor1i 1 f w("Ln I on ti : .1,10
RetAtd i: itt or 41-10 intPaTrotor In tho conduct official h-sInoss
i1, threlve...entatIvon of the :Jovi (ovornment. A. I U.:it -wino rot)o ?t. or
0m1?, or thot?, ne(1Liationn 1).y a dinInterostod ohsvrvr, (.:n)Laivi lorh,w,1 V.
lu,acaten that Till r.ondux.ted himaelf off(lc,ivoly
+01-yaro +he li.)itimitinn. To the 1w:3t or my knowladfy:t, all or Lhn
In vlAch Helm particinatod "fern fitiC(!ONOrIll, 'old in at inast tvio ',!;t -tcs
1f.ti tJ00 til (IXCht41 Fee
-4, ( ii iit ? fl
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
In April it W40 lmarnod in UI1, rf,100 that 0010fla ch41,100
Thayer had boon appointed in plagm or Major Hall 4M Itklmelanii ic,n
Ofrigor for the Oti$ Oormany Mimoiono With a oilbeequont ammioment
ot Colonol Thayor 4fl Ohier a the WO Weldon ror Auetri44 13, to onr
undorotanding tnet the aneelan liaieon poet fop Clerwm Jo agetn
It ie evidont that. Major MIL in tho pamt eix monthm ham Inoreemed
hid qualiTigationm ror thie poeition and it le the intent or Lhe attaohed
gable to oneure a thorough oognanoe or theme qualtawiLionm hy Omnorat
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
at, ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
&la Noy -fast s.
filo a us.
q, c)
ctt ei 3ert ;
Commanding ?Moor, Naval Command
Aoting Direotor.
27 July 19460
Subjects Commander Roger Davis Halliwell, USN%
Reoommendation for promotion.
1. Attaohed is a oopy of the rejection on the r000mmendation
for promotion of CommarAer Halliwell to the rank of Captain. Tho original
of the letter has boon placed in the Naval Command files.
Lieut., USNR,
By dirootion.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
co 1, r
47, ItkItia
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9_
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
co 1, r
47, ItkItia
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9_
L-kil Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9 t
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
?kozr ..,ilifh.tat.44.1. a . '4-?h.-1!!. !sV#0:12,J44mx?i 7a5gijliff
tY qW11416110tiattiY1 n'tt114.,/
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
qt: 74.wr. emir - 4111W'
t-45, ..161144 'OrA,I2M
? Pti''
whether he this Capt. Armour
or Comdr. Atwater would be
suitable, at least for the time
? _
Office af the Executive Officer
c'ffLcc: th-= Txecutive
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
- 6-900061.001.00a11.0000X?1,c1C11-V10 0?/01./?1.0Z eseeiej JOd panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
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by rsn.t?d to you in
ord.** 41'4017 suoh olsesi-
:Osoaolossair to MA, proper per.*
'04 INelse aopuments msy tle ahem
. 0 v. beim authorised to *how Ulm,
viskoolawn lat all times until
- grid to their soldressoes, if any.
Charles Be Oheston
Atittna Pirootor
Fr T
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
4. ? . ? :5
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? Donqwel Moire!) that steps be taken to rem
tp, promotion of Corphi!And,orUiwe11 to Captain
tho Naval ileservoo' The tieneral asked me pat,*
tioAltrly to'requOt you ,to 4o whatever you (ion to
oarehil roOnoltterastidin of the request by the
awl NAval
Xn lialiOraLTIO your instruotio am having
3he?rvaveosary papers prepared to submit thnst e Generale
' reti*In fot'v plinotion of Commandor 1?Q1jwtjj to our
ihr4t4 Of Officers and win inform you immediate.ly of
I deoinime
5 At;'?
? ?
='7.. ? ? A". tc'1"4
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4-7;',14;47;i7,te ilk) 4- eer,
$ ? - _.???t_ ?
. ?
, 4. ? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
6-90006 I- 00 I- 0001 0000X? dCI 1-V10 ocioio eseeiej -.101 panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
? . .
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1111 (1 eti V 1 litt 3
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411,Toupuol 4ittod4ut wirattteT povaviatioolitets.
gar 0Vt, Lel TA Volt prmit%v a two, tty 4 tittm 000.4
Artnoisvo tun
amiptm oto UT StIpTivt* co 4041 VostrAriet_ i104401J.
*pi tiPnagtql itroolimrpt4i ? VON artiOdnit 1441304
04404 vow/ *AIR xllowthoo 0,014 LIT *6T4mr, tittl ityt***11
04101,4tnitipit*T4 701% Vadit injlosora v*V4TATiotilt RIOJ?0110tt.
trg 4114014 eV; pltn 401441t *til tuttlotirtif veTtufil 14041 tott
11:04Irt1ilt 4optilitAttoor) &Won? t *Mate Eft
?0011 ttilicpmflov iv) ow law jo moll)
ttinito, ftopt1v1400 Jo lopv ittsirtilottrol 041 optent
ly *tom ovuoto ibmo, Aptp *410* 41:TOTrunirititttO0
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ittivoti tirto UT 4.ptritrat)t) 4trOugiiricet p$130140Miro.
rtmartIVIT 4410tivtgwot 44 *t.44 sttla
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ow; I Otto Ovntott AVMj tiortx titioliwitooOft ItArtr ?,74th
Mlan ?AtI001011 rtAfkft om. *Avow * Plitthi"ais
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6-90006 I- 00 I- 0001 0000X? 1,c1C1I-V10 O/O/O eseeiej -.101 paAaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
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2, This ill in addition to your preeent duties', and on cow.,
grotto thereof* you will proceed to a port In the United Statseie and
upon'arrival* return to Washington* De O. and misuse your regular duties,
3. Tim are authorised to omit or revisit anw of the abovom
mentioned pltoes* and to vary the above itinerary AO my be deemed
In performing the above travel* government air and/Cr
eemmeroiol air is directed wkwre missilery to expedite completion
of this dutyd
Yor travel by naval transport sdroraft* Oleos One priority is
hereby eertified?
6. A per diem of $6.00 in lieu of subeistenos will be allowed
While outside the sentimental limits of the United Statile travelling
to your first foreign special duty stotion and returning from your
lost foreign special duty station. While on special duty in obedience
to them, orders* per diem ollowonoes are hereby authorised in accordance
with the Secretory of the Movy's letter of April 30, 1943, quoted in
Nreou of Naval, Personnel Oiroular Letter No. 6243.
7. A per dies of $6.00 in lieu of eabsietence will be cllowed in
an sir travel status in the aatod Stets..
. Ititack?diggi ,:frO
.t4*-POS' dt.^crutotoit;vt,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
1 II' %1,?????".? .1.7.'r ? ,..; ti;
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
'Inaemuqh as,I have jut retpmed from a trip to the Far 'East, and U3
General Donovan ha e direotea'me.to Prepare myself for an early departure
to another theater, I find irwse%f with only a limited period of ttme in
which to prepare the reports 'which it is desirable to file on my recent
surveys, and to organize the material and noteo which have been given ma
by the General*
It is obvious that I '._sannot pure the above schedule as direoted, and at
the same time attempt to perform any routine servicee or supervision in
the Secret Operations Branoh, 'where I am still charged with titular =spoil-
ability as Weft
therefore, respectfully request that I be relieved from any implJcation
of responsibility for that branch, and herewith tender my resignation as
Obief of SO.
I shall be happy to accept any assignments, temporary or otherwise, in
connection With the duties already outlined for me, which the rirectorts
offioe may desire me to undertake.
-. '',;?4 ! 14'; y:17. -.%! $.. t . ? ell- ? '? - ? :',.- It?Gr-. r - "l-'' .,,..f,,,,,.....,-..
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
i7pcTA:arrival at Cairo you 4111 report to
4etive ilehther, Strategic Wirvicoa ?Moor,
ait eikter.of Opergtiona, and carr7 out your
tn that artias'
?1Tht3serim 'N De
ow lhi you will vie ort to th
J7 o
_ ?
-taladqua Limits Oenaral sTcselti, Ws Sti well and
taffir wU Isie'ots Colonel Richard, Vs Heppner, PA, Btraw
togic Service's ()Moor on the attar of Oenoral Ztilwell,
And carry out your aesignment In that aroas
4s You will proceed to Dotaohment 101, Llumat
attch reconnalmoanee in nurma or Chine an in
jtt nion'becomori neceeacAry or deairables
Teu will at all timen mate youroolr aval
014 to met Oanoral Donovan tar conl'oraneet
-; 5
= '
? ,i--;:,42:4:g44_
Vftr'" ft?4?.
04 Authority. la beroby panted, to carry ouoh
't 4n4 ocuriftntial documenta ati may be nocoosAry to
roper piertormanoe ot your mionions To doeumente
o #11own to authorized peracaa, hut muat remain in
posavoicn at all ttme until thew aro delivered to
adareseess, If any,
Os =ward Mixt=
Aoting Director
?;',-?-'' ; ' Z-.t'-a.-7.
4.V.4.34. 1 -,.N. 1.,"5 - ! " .""t;*???? ? 'T ? ....L. .. ... ,,-
?,.. -A.:. \ ' '''''' " ' ''.... ? ., , .i44.,' 4.4- -- - ....., ' " . .f.,Z .'1.-4.4: J?pr ...1?7??A'', ..,.?.
_ . ,,- .....3.,:l.-N4c?nr: h..V,W.k .::- - ? u? ., ?.>".- ? ,,-."
: . ? ' - . '
. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
? . ,ra,11.1 .4.
44 4' ? - ? t?
2.-1...et. ?
? 4.4,1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP135(00001R0601.00190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
.,,,..;4-......_ ..... .... 4; '
110. .:.:6 '...r. 1 " i 1 ,.....z.?
-. ? - ? ' . ,--...,,..
? ? ???.* A . ? -...4 ? f
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.4'1 ..- ' .t. ??*.i,.....,
3 eeptember 1943
MORAN= TO General Donovan
FROM Captain Carl Os Hoffmann
WNW, Draft of Commander Haillwellve order*.
- ? -
. ? ' _
? ? 'I-4,"
? ,
cfc ? er
? . 4,4 -
"To Commencer Hal/keen
Pr** General William J. Donovan
4442- f=4-",z..1-4.1... ?
Of neoessity, I mia obliged to give you ora/ instructions.
You will prooeed to Cairo by fastesti means. UPon oompletion at your duties
there, prooeed to Now Delhi when you will Gofer with Lt. Oolonel Beppu.
Then prooeed to Detaohment 101 when you have oomploted your sosignment at
New Delhi.
t? You will st all timeti make youreelf Available to moot me
;At iy po d for conference4.
3. If any problems oome to your attenbion whioh maks mon.
naissance in Burma or China neoessery or desirable, you arc authorisod to
make any suoh reconnaissanoe trip.
4. Am en officer of the ()Moe of Otrttegio Oarvices, you
are, irrespeotive or the taws thkt you are a Naval offioer, under the
command ot General Otilweil end / direct you to report in kt his headquarters."
Captain, AM
? ??'' ? ?
, ???'?"t7-.
? ? ?>: 0.14- ?
.4:0??.t ;?.:cre .I't",
-14?4:43' C.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
me mat pme*I to Cam 1,1xypts
Ottosidrig, C,Ittr** ft% titopover
ton with auld al/4ton*
rL4tcv Of VA. 4471M)
At WV th0 40141Vath
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
- ?
6 a.
flt,?0, ?
? ;1/??????:',:zi; ???-?_,Vt'
. T.
?-? -
- ''"???
? "?".
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
. ? . Is-. ? ' T ? '4 4c
? 4 -- "174
rt r tY. 2:?i"
1", ?
? - ' ,
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thai le recommend:9o, tiro, for the
?Healisfeil t ander
.my ,endOrsethent. Tht Iagi
tn fact X von14; eippreciitti it.0'?::the Board': -0ou1a
Lt we axve io.us to send Command
441,1410.U, ?to:Ukt.rar East at once* I thia his prootion
wo:41d mole his visit more effective.
? ?.4
s__;?,44.: ? ?
?? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9
. 1 ?t?1?? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190001.2-
???t, ? >Tr
? 4tr: --4;?ji? v..t? teh A - cile4Ozt ? -571
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100190005-9