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The planning, engineering.
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recruiting and training of
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? effective cor.-; rn uni tions.
development of special-
. warehousing, shipping.
skilled operators, tech -
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Mn vith rtractiml krgyviedge are trained as technicians or
orrt-Thtor--tetchnicians. Others are trained as operators, for field OT base
station& or mobile unit.
Operators get a minimum of 60 hours practice in "Base Station
Watch"? sending and receiving messages, maintaining schedules and
keeping logs under conditions closely simulating those at a base station.
A transmitter is located in Area "M" in Midwest to give men on
"Base Station Watch" in Area "C" practice in long-range sending and
Also, n-en especially recruited for Direction Finding work, for
both mobile and fixed stations. are trained at Areas "C" and "M".
Field station operators get in addition to their basic studies, a
minimum of 60 hours practice in the field with the OSS Agents' Set
contacting mobile units on schedule with the Control Room. They are
also sent out to distant points up to 1,000 miles to contact area "C" Base
Station, maintaining cover and working entirely on their own.
All men in the communications schools also take military subjects,
given under the direction of the commanding officers of the areas.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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Miligil,assified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-711
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A NIN' MSION - Chart I
The spEOFIlized nature of OSS operations require special corn-
TillirijVatierM Tirnepdurm and in many cases special equipment.
This rifkomsitfitt-s special training for operators, technicians and
held agents
The recruiting of suitable instructors and men for this training,
the training curriculum of its schools. and the qualifying and assigning
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Chart I shows the general administrative functions of the
Division, as well as the flow of recruits from their various sources to the
Schools. and from there to their assigned stations
Chart H shows the training program given at Area "C". In order
to meet the rapidly rising requirements for trained men, and to maintain
a pool ready for assignments, an additional school at Area "M" has been
acquired in the mid-west.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
60 tons oi equipment are shipped every month by the Commimica.
bons Branch, and it iS the function of the Supply. Shipping and Ware-
bcrusin.g Dirision it procure, stork and deliver this equipment.
The clo..7e.s1 liaison is maintained with the supply services of the
Army and Navy for procuring standard military equipment, and with
manufacturers of common and special equipment As all sources of
supply are great:1y swamped with high pnority requests, the procurement
of the desired equipment in the desired time constitutes a never-ending
battle for the executive officers of the Division
Three warehouses are maintained for receiving and stocking
equipment., and for checking, packing and shipping
The remaining functions of the Division fall into the various
clerical categories of requesting estimates, writing specifications,
sending orders and confirmations, keeping stock records and inventories,
shipping schedules, financial accounts, etc.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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Declassified and Approved
P''.:41.11111)h ?
For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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&kthe itprr9ent rp-cruirefl 'h-r Oss
logions 13-1vineb has to be sps-tially
-Tb&-tte probiems are the rezpons;ihilit v
ti&tlearch and nere7opmen1 Diris;ion
'Designing a piece of special equipment in -
a...i-ctady of all the conditions entering its uss,e.
I. The specibc job to be done.
2. The terrain, climate, and degree of cover""
in the locale.
& The knowledge and skill of its users
4_ Limitations of size, weight. portability, and
S. Adaptability to other equipment. such as
power sources, etc.
6. Efficiency of materials going into its
c r?ce 7
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maintaing a MAII laboratory for
rk rnakinE models, re-modelling
r 4
R.nr) for standardization.
s;t;li7Ps the facilities of out-
ff,r rn,pflei:F:, made
df,vple, pl."!
the main group of
?ciai dovPlopment; other
by thP Opti-
r;1: 54mailini Equipment, Homing
The Division maintains close contact with
experimental laboratories and factories that make
some of the melds and produce the equipment in
; 4
In addition to working on the problems sub-
other Divisions, the Operational
Branches and Theatres of Operation, Research and
Development Division also does anticipatory re-
search on communications equipment likely to be
needed in future operations.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
The technit*1 ocordination of the Canuminicationa Branch Is the
responsibility of the Plant and Engineering Division.
It approves all equipment? whether standard, common, or specially
designed, before such equipment can be secured by the theaters of opera-
tion, by the Communications School, or by the Operational Branches
of OSS.
It is responsible for the construction and technical equipment of
the Base Stations, Sub-base Stations, and Mobile Units, and maintains
contact with all sources of supply of equipment.
Plant and Engineering Division also is responsible for the
technical operation and maintenance of two radio receiving stations,
one in Lone Island; the other in California, for monitoring foreign
propaganda press dispatches. These stations are operated by the Com-
munications Branch for OSS. The Army and Navy Signal Security
Sections have been allotted positions at both stations for their work.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X-00001R000100110005-7
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"The terang and rectekivittg of all official telegrams and cables for
the Washington Iteadquallers of MS is the specific function of the
Washingtirm Message Center, a Division of the Oomtnunications Branch.
Each classified message to be transmitted in OSS code is checked
for correctness of clas_tificat4on, completeness of address and conformity
towatt, ity mtfuirements;
by a traffic expert;
Its message is encoded or enciphered by specially trained cryptog-
raphers; and is
Teletyped (or forwarded by courier, as may be required) to the
selected transmission facility; and finally
Its message is paraphrased for security and the requisite number
of paraphrased copies are typed and returned to the sender and other
interested parties for their records.
Some classified Anny and Navy messages relating to OSS opera-
tions are coded by these services for transmission. There are also a
number of non-classified; straight message telegrams to be handled
each month.
Besides handling all the incoming and outgoing OSS cables and
telegrams in Washington, the Message Center through its Specialist
Section prescribes and checks on cryptographic methods throughout the
entire OSS, and provides special training in cryptography for other OSS
personnel when requested.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7
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The Cominunications granch is responsible for the planning,
ortganitat4on and operation of ail OM communications other than tele-
and courier service.
To effectively integrate the activities of the Communications
graneh with the expanding needs of the OSS, the Chief of Branch main-
tains contact with the Planning Group, the Secretariat, Headquarters
and Headquarters Detachment, the neater Officers and Desks, and the
various operation.al groups (SI, SO, MU, MO, OG and X-2).
In the theaters of operation it sets up and operates ? with person-
nel recruited and trained by the Branch ? the main base stations with
their subsidiary sub-bases, mobile bases and mobile units necessary for
handling communications with field operatives and with other theater
base stations. It also arranges through existing Army, Navy and com-
mercial facilities, the incoming and outgoing flow of information between
Washington and OSS headquarters in the field. It trains the personnel
for, equips, maintains and operates all fixed DF Stations and DF Units.
It is also responsible for the construction of MO Stations when
The Chief of Branch administers all of its activities through 6
Division chiefs and their staffs.
A detailed description of the functions and activities of each of
the Divisions appears on their respective charts.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100110005-7