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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
94 Movembor 1445
Mr. Uoward K. Travers, Ohief
Visa Division
Department of 6Late
Washington. u. O.
Dear Ar. Trevera!
I shall greatl'N appreoiato every assistance
you can dive un in expediting the oonourronee of the
Department in an application for a reentry permit
recently riled with the Immidration and Naturalisa-
tion 5orvice by Ron* Lambert.
We have asked the immigration and Naturali."
aatior er-tae to kiive this applieation immediate
ettentior, and understand that it shoald be in your
hande shortly.
The upplieunt has been selected to undertake
eonridential mtmation, and it la important that he be
in a position to depart from tho country ae soon as
I am satisfied that epprovel of his appliea-
tion by the Department would be entirely consistent
vs 1. ULho nettion#0. interest.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
The lionorable Fra4ces Perkins
Secretary, Department of Labor
Washington, D.C.
J. ? a.?:0
dtar Miss Perkins:
V))%"-t). rh(31)km&
,?\/, t..04,?-t, 0,A,AA
VA' e!
t4o 04.444ti,
/7 Nov abell 190
In reply to your letter of November
requesting that members oi your staff be allowed
to consult our files ou labor conditions in
Japan, I shoula like to say that we shall be glad
to be of all possible assistance to you in the
work you have undertaken for the Provoet Marshal
General's Orrice.
I believe tLe staff of our Par East Division,
Research cad Analysis Branch, has collecteu a
certain amount of data on this subject, and it nay
be profitable for your representative to discuss
the matter with Dr. C. Burton Fels, the Acting Chief
of that Division.
an sure you will understaxid that some of
our iaormution boar e close relationship to the
enew wap potentio1 and to other aspeeLs of military
operations 4nd that we wou1a not find it possible to
make information of that type genevully available.
However, if you will send an appropriate person rpm
your office with credentials to Dr. Fah., I an sure
that details can be ironed out between then.
ins o 31r. ?els
Very sinoerely yours,
G. 'award Buxton
Aoting Director
Declassified and A?proved For Release 2013/09/26 ? CIA-RDP13X00001R0001 nnnR_i
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Attached Is
November 9, 190s
of Lebo
forwarded ;or
tIon and for
of a draft of' rep
Aot114 kreetorts
Please return tik, at
letter wIth rot* draft o
--Asiggpmpigpmermo??. ? ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
N(viWbOVO 104..
Brig. Gummi Willinm 3. Donovon
Direotor, Office of Strategic Servicee
26th ond E Otrentn M. W.
Woehington, D. 0.
Deer Oeno-ol Donovons
16 1) It i '
I( i "Iii C,N Y 41 i* I AX,A, 4 4 144
el' ( 1, it- 4 ( A
* n i . "0 v
V ?160 h 0) C:io kxli it in.A4 1
Yejelt c, c c I tcnt,',,,,,1::
At the requeet of the Provoot Marshelfe Office o$ the
War Deportment, the Bureau of Lobor btotietion of the Deport-
ment of Labor ham been making n veries of reports on labor
oonditionn in enemy-occupied countrise. For the moot part
theme 'Audis's,/ hove deelt with pre-wnr conditions, empeciaily
in the Aoiatic oountriee, to our information on developments
mince the wnr it necenwrily vary limited.
Ao en exteneion of Ulla work and in connection with the
ropponeibility of thin Deportment for odvining with reference
to labor mottera, we [Mould now like very much to obtain A
report on labor conditiono in the Japenese-occuoied territories
mince occupation occurred. T underotand that your office may
hive information of thin chorocter, nnd am writing this to
ank whether it would be posaible for thin material to be made
vvmilgIblet for nxomination by ROMO one from this Doportmint,
with much onointonce hnd under much limitattons 141 you find
it dosiroble to provide. We rocogniwt nnd of ooureo would
renpeot with the utmont otriotnene the highly confidential
charector or your file materiel.
A mimiler requomt im being We of Mr. Crowley, Admin-
istrator ot 'thin Foreign Economic Administration, end will be
mode of ouch 04,hor eginciee fte my helve information bearing
on the nubjeot of the inquiry.
Sinoorely yours,
7;4 /
,c 44
?Iiintipralaii?,-,???????? 1,-,,oura. ?
? itegeki??????????????.10.1...0.....??????????????,????????
....iftri.wor*gr ar
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
? 40)i-a
, 0
()\ ()
tO ikt()
\'s 1 0 00?
t, A
10 November 145
Could you have investigated
the possibility of using in M.
the eervioes of Lt. Le Calves. the
subject or the attaohed letter from
Lt. 5enera1 Haskell. No reply te
Oeneral Haskell's letter has yet
been made.
C. As D.
) () --
4, t-
4tor', , (1--No, NNt1,-V-Mst$14.401.""
OWN.letm cf \I"oVicyv.46-461 ctik, tkr--tcv.:111. A. 4.4?
? 1116111?? I. A.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
t ? "Irlifillit"T
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Mr. Charles 8. Choston
rnsign r. J. Putsill, Jr.
Aate ot rxohange in Chungking
29 OetoLer l94,
Colonel Buxton requests that Colonel Rehm
and you oonsider the subjeot matter in light
or the attaohment, with a view toward making
reoommendations for helping 058 representatives
in the Far lost.
It was suggested by Colonel Buxton that you con-
tact Dr. Langer and other interested parties in
the organisation. Insofar as military personnel
is conoerned, you will probably went to ()amount-
cat* with Headquarters Detachment end Naval
? a
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Since the meettng with Col, Guenther on Tuesday,
I have tried to track down the story leather soles
for the Middle East.
I find that oz 26 Juno 1943, you cabled from
London to Buxton for Halliwell and Huntington (#25162)
as follows:
"60-80E in the Middle East urgently need
th(, following items for Greece) and Yugoslavia:
Foods dehydrated by the new method, vitamins,
atabrine, and the largest quantity of sole
leather available. Please answer soonest."
On 12 July 1943 Cable 626 from Buxton, Huntington
und Halliwell was sa4t to you. Sovvices was not advised
of this cable. Reference to leather soles in the oable was
"A reaLonable portion of 1,000,000 out leather moles is
available. As directed in AG-4000 requisition in regard to
all item has to be forwarded through the Commanding General."
As far an I can find out, there has been no further
action and no request from Cairo for leather soles.
I have cabled Col. Toulmin todLy as follows:
We, are advised that SO-SOE in the Middle
East urgently need tilt) largest quantity of solo
leather available.
On July 12th Cable 628 to Donovan Cairo said,
a reasonable portion of 1,000,000 out leather solos
is available and stated that they would have to be
procured under AG-400.
Advise us or quantity needed and obtain Theater
Commander approval for ohinment."
Ar,nrrwpri For Release 2013/09/26:
4 ^s
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1 September 1943
Mr. Chas. A. Lieber
c/o A. Layman
2104 South 39th Street
bt. Louis, Missouri
Dear Mr. Lieber:
Thank you for ;your letter of
23 August, 1943, with its enclosures.
/2- 41
Unfortunately, this agency is
unable to make use )f your composition,
but Ana? OWI now handles foreign maws and
propaganda it is suggested that you might
appropriatuly send the song to that organisa-
Declassified and A
Sine, rely yours,
William J. Donovan
??????? . ?
proved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001nnn2nnnR_1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
2104 So.39th St.
Brig,Uen.Willionm Donovan
'1/4,hief of OSS:Washington,D.C.
My dear General bonovan,
In your work with foreign news and
I am wondering if u more o- less serious song
As part or my war effort I have published a song
I wrote some time ago, in the !Illief that it might possi-
bly appeal to the more serious side of our national life
&And thereby help us all to befter roalize the importance
of principle and morality in human relations.
Thermusic is written in good march time and the
four voice arrangement has proven very effective for quar-
tet or glee club wcrk.
An the sole copyright owner, I shall be glad to
hnve you use it in any way you may. wish.
Give it a trial. It gashl be the song we're
3868 Russell Qlvd,bt.Louis,Mo.
d For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320008-1
4 P. ;
rwtoid?o toy?NIA/Mu,
11,0t-diko t*-44-/A ck--1A-A ttft.?
9 /44-el 4