? 41,
C-9000Z?001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 9Z/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei .10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI .
' ? 1-1.tup -???????
C-9000Z?001-00n11-0000X?1-dCl-V10 9Z/60/?1-0Z eSeeiei .10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
9 FEB 1945
Mr. Cheston:
Herewith a oopy of the Rendon
notes which were prepared by Mr. M.
7.44 1$41041irfov-.4.,,-
4 ?? ?
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l'AiNialf 4 ?
TO: Brig. Gen. John Magruder
Dr. W. L. Langer
FROM: Maurioe Halperin
SUBJECT: Interview with Mr. Joseph RendOn
(0, % iqtAi
(11m- ctrwu
MOST glidiktp,"-)it titi...ututtedi,m,
ck 144
Cv16c. Cqf rlettioe.*
7 February 1045
Acoording to your instructions I interviewed Mr. Joseph
Ren66n during the afternoon of 3 February 1045 and found it
desirable to continue the interview during the evening of
6 February. Mt'. Renadn gave me a typewritten dooument signed
by gen. Federico Ponce, Provisional Provident of guatemala,
whose government was overthrown by an armed revolution on
20 October 1944. Mr. Rend6n obtained theme documents from
General Ponca In Mexico City where the General and his wife now
Mr. Rend6n is a young man of neat appe*rance, probably in
hie late 20's or early 30's. He describes himself as a news-
merman, 4 writer, an artist, and a person of independent
means. He nays that he is ft native-born New Mexicen but for
sevtoel years hao made his residence in Mexico City. He 414011.R
tains that he became interested in the Guatemalan situation as
it newspaperman end that hin effort to present the 0444 of
General Ponce to the government of the United States stem
solely from patriotic motives toward the United States. He
olaima to have obtained the sympathetic interest of several
members of Congress, including Mrs Ploeser of St. Louis,
MP* Luther Johnson of TOM, Mr. Jonkman of Michigan, And
Mr. Wadsworth of New York.
The documents turned over to me include copies of telegrams
sent by general Pone') on 0 November 1044 and 03 December 1944
to Preeldent Roosevelt and of a telegram sent to *resident Vargas
of Brasil on 7 November 1044. These telegrams express the
pathies of GORIVAi Ponce for aemocracy and the United Nations,
deolare that the overthrow of his goverment was sponsored by
the Nests, and offer to provide the U. S. and Braxil with
evideno, to that effect. Mr. Rend(in stated that ho persontlly
believes these telegram were not permitted to leave Wi0Ot
MOST 8b;Citer
- rr Pease 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X000 1R00
:1 S
!' 4
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(ntui. Pit'r tIooumnt, 1nt.t }4exioo City, J*nu*r'y 9,
it*ki th tol w1n ttonit
1. 111 ovvnmnt w overthrown by ii&try pLot anc
not by the tii o1 the peopis whoee oo ft4enoe he 'tt11 hie.
2. Th derhip o the inoveiaent *ainat ii?r*J Ub&oo,
wto w toroad to resiign n June i44, is ow ov.rnent
whiolt suooantst thftt or (enrL 1bioo in t oonntitutton1
tanner. oonsieted o:V members oi the reottonry Cons.rvtive
Party workthi o oeLy with th Ct.ho1io oiory or Gu*te*ii.
3. ()tJtr enent ljmvQivei ftnct whioh *euniet the main
role in ovot'thiwin h govemnent on 2U October' 144 thol4e4
Nfti?, itailf4n 1oits, Fgt, entine N*i F*soistN,
Cornnnmi8 ti.
4. Junong t;ht Nttzt nc F otte n&me4 ro Cpt. 3#oobo
Arbiin, of th Gut*ln Army, "of 1erm*n origin who lived
tn,ny yeris in t'niany", anti Jorge Tor1eLio, one of the le*4ers
of the 4ovoiuttonaty movement, nt "eon of N politn
fhmntomhLun womnn nl w.. th trly Foi t tiot ."
F. A?1tne nn .tton wtth the rvoiution *ro rttri-
butet tQ the "Arut4t.ne Nhi ot 4et, Jwtn 4Toee ArVi*,"
now Preti ctent of flueteiiut1,
6, 3eotai ttent.ton i given to the i*d ie In the
revo.ut1.on of "mor of t;ti flermn t't' who by
tt nnie of Lwiw kemt, but; whoie re1 nme ? 1rQn Von
(oeenn, h'ut?dnnt of the Ltin (s) C &ttee of
Gnni in Nnxtoo, Pt kitoi 4,ti who opertee i1r**eiy in 1ts
Mtix.1on Ripuh.Lic n1 who h* jt been In Oubi. . .in 0m14,t1 to
pt'ovoke gttion u tntit the ovemment of Gm'*u Sn Ljrttn.
It; ti known thnt thit inivInnni. eent vrtous N*t agents to
Coiomnbia, Vntsu&ta, nd the Wnt of Santo 1)omingo. .."
7 in the evotton is attributed
to Aon Dentoom'tUoa Coutmerioana, with ha quarters in
?7? n. ??_,t??___
Mexioo (ily, snd undeL' Ut m*ied proteotton Of 14o. s.q4a
pa(tlLa, iintmter of Foroin t1on, an of Lie. Al.mit,
Mthiter or Interior And Jut1o., who m*Intlrts nttuts cntot
with the oV.i.nt lmhy by men of hi* p*'tvte secretary, the
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Nicuaraguan, Lie. Rogelio de la Solve." Baron VoilOoelsenau
is also declared to have intimate connections with Jodi%
Democratioa Centro-Americana.
General Ponoe also states in a special addendum that
Col. H. Honing of the U. S. Army, attaohed to the Military
School of Guatemala, also partioipated in the revolution which
overthrew him. In addition, General Ponce claims that in the
"night or treason", 2M-20 October 1944, the leaders of the
revolt met in the Amerioan Embassy and used its telephone
facilities in order to communicate with other members of the
insurrectionary group.
Mr. Renddn stated that much more information and fuller
documentation could be obtained directly from General Ponce,
He also stated that Goner41 Ponce told him that he was pre-
paring an armed movement to oust the present Guatemalan govern-
ment and regain power. Ho would give Mr. RendOn no further
details. Mr. Rend6n expressed the opinion that General Ponce
would perhaps be willing to give such details to a representa-
tive of the U. S. government.
Mr. Rend& stated emphatically that General Pomo only
wished the U.S. government to be informed of his mide of the
0400 and his intentions and is not asking for more than a
sympathetic understanding.
According to the information in our files and from what
wo know about the information in the possession of other agencies
of the U.S. government, including the State Department, the
charges of olerlcal, Nazi, Fascist, Falangist, Argentine, and
Communist participation in the leadership of the revolution
which ousted General Ponos are probably unfounded. In any
ones they would requira further substantiation in view of in-
formation in our possession to the contrary. Nevertheless,
further investigation of the charges is recommended inasmuch
RR they may reveal unknown factors in the revolution and serve
to check upon the veracity and sincerity of General Pones. It
is further recommended that effort be made to ascertain the
exact plans of General Ponce to overthrow the present government
of Guatemala.
mom slaw
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. ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
?Sr. Cheston does not wa
to Trrite anct her letter in re
to this matter but wondered if you
could not mention the matter
orally sometime when you are over
inthe Stet e Departasnt.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
anuary 1945
The Honorable Nelson Rockefellar
Assistant Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D. C.
Apar Nelson:
I am writing with regard to General
Donovan's letter of 16 December concerning a
possible reliable informant on Central America.
I will be iLterested in getting your
reactions to the possibility of using this
Charles S. Cheston
Acting Director
kAlhk. atAA.A..
Ali (iv, lokt? I:Ai 1. A404 SvvitincA Ott)
aio.4404 PkA+ rkk LiLk .saik it. 1161
kik>. tN01\1\?M"t "k"ak *4 I
a.?) 4AA io
1410 0 0,J. II 41 t1 A1t"Ne)l L /31
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
?) 9rozzi
re41.114.z.ClkuLh rcok.,?,
C t (0-06, aitkAA c 040.,
As. iN
December 27. 1944
Thank you very much for your letter of Deeember
sixteenth transmitting II memorandum regardinq a posaible
r?liable Informant on Central Amorioas I 1411 1ook imto this
and let you know prompt4.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
/ON 10401 44044e
The attached letter and
rondum to Mr. Neloon Rookete14.
were prepared *t your request.
Aft W. Auohlnoloss
1st Lt., XAGD
Office of the Secretariat
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
Nr. Nelson A. Rockefeller
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Commerce Building
14th Street & Constitution Avenue, N.V.
Washington, D. C.
Dear Nelson:
I am enclosing a memorandum which
I think will be of interest to you.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
v4;,"-11:?? "?.q" ? ?
r?, I
?*4-, .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
There is wtsilable posmible informant on setters i*
Control Merle'. This individual'is a eolored woman epproselv.
in middle age, edueoted at Columbio University, an antbro4.
polociot and writtar by profession. She is hichly skilled t*
her profeselln, ht done considerable field work in the west
India*, and hea received substantial researoh fellowships
from very reputable foundations. She is about to embark o* *
two-ye$r field e: edition to Honduras and )%es boom *worded *
fellowmhip for this purpose.
In order to rucilitoto problamo or transportation oil
living, she la endow/0rin4 to purehstso a boat. She hos le-
ostad a tasnws)rty 000t whiah sun be purchsood for 0,000.
She hu o carsday rrisold 11500 spa thus requires Woo to Imo.
plots the purchaaa. it this amount wore turnished to her,
she might agree to send poriodic reporta on politioal and woo-,
=mite develoomonta in lioneunks *ad other Control Amerieon
countries. he nicht well be &las to provide firsthand intork?
metion th$t ecnAld not be obtained in ony other feohlon.
There Is believed to be no prIbles of eommunieetlose,
end it i* *mid that plans for the purehose aid us* of Um boat
ore reascaable end practieal. It io thouelt that the lammat
is entirely reliable and well qualified tor the work, am4
the financiel trensoetton con. be handled In such a way es to
provide exoellent cover. 14,(.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 ? CIA -R
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
/'-"N Dr. W. L. Langer
Maurice H 4alperin (4.
Poneible informant in Central America.
have Jut returned from New York where I interviewed the person
whom Mr. Edwin Merrill of our New York office had proposed to us as a
possible informant in Central America. I believe that the subject is
well qualified for the work, that excellent cover can be provided and
that she would probably be willing to be of service. In terms of the
noeda of the Latin America DiViNiOn, she could be exceedingly offoo-
Woo in providing first hand information whia could not be obtained'
in any other fashion and which no other agency of the government
could obtain. There would be no problem of communications. IIth
respect to general OSS policy at thin time, I suggest that ths3
matter be referred to General Donovan.
The eubject is a colored woman approaching middle ago, educated
at Columbia Univereity, an anthropologist and writer by profession.
She is highly ektlled in her pref0001,011, has done considerable field
work in the Went Indiee, and has received substantial research fellow.
ships from very reputable foundationo. She is about to embark on a
two-year field expedition to Honduras and has been awarded A follow-
shiF for this purpose.
In order to facilitate problems of transportation and living,
oho is endeavoring to purchase a bout. She has located a imaworthY
boat which can be purchased for $5,000. She has already raised $1500
and thus requires $3500 to compl.eto ,he purchase. It is proposed that we
auprly thin amount in return for which nhe would furnish us with periodic
row:lite on political and economic developments in Honduras and other
Central American countries. Since this area is now seething with unrest
and revolt, Lheye report would be or great value for purposes of evalua-
tion and analypie of the current Central American scene.
Both Mr. Merrill and I have checked into the background of the
subject and believe her to be entirely reliable. Mr. Merrill, who has
had some experience with boats, is of the opinion that her plans for the
purchaee and use of the boat are reasonable and practical. Mr. Morrill,
who is known to the subject only as a director of the Phelps Stokes
Foundation, can handle the amino transaction in such a way as to
provide excellent cover.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
itiortram 61,tiPlAir friM00440,01FAirrok its
V040' 40:00.11ANY efF 614111i
V/01044INfeTt1041 Hi el
Thank*, for yew( letter ef the fourteenth with
the enoleeed nem.
I shall leek fmrsard with a great deal of
inter;:et te disoussing this with yeu Ispen your return.
nrigadier Clews' William J, Donovan
Director, Office of Strategic Servioes
Weshington, D. 0.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
Mr? Nelson Roekefeller, Coordinator
Offiee of the Coordinator of Inter-Aaerieen Affairs
Cameros Building
Washington, D. C.
Here is the aesorendua.
to wake the m I discussed available to you if you
are interested. Also, I think you might wish to
have our man in charge of Research talk with you.
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? 1
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
.44414esta.61 144.048,4 .414104.41161 I a ( 6 48 4
,!I, ta-1 rolt LI.;111.; 1 Ttt Lawn: 1 rt 1444c3 lang
walligialbolINININsli41?00 Itl
The poeition Lilo Utattid Antos in Lktin Alhertsa is
ri.,1 d ;et t 're t is ir untitir tho attlieth t ultrp-nationa tot itiover-
:rants epearheeded by Argentina c.cnd supported sy surviving A4s
ROlitioql ad economic interest:Is
Ovetint: inie nvieles the United Astos is gravely
h,ndlomppod ivy its Luah of a *ell ?oribenlmedf alort seerst intalw
1 tromp, tservice for 1 :Ain k '1001401:0 )tfrtntLtt.d in phut, ii,ontbn
III Soul irk: 4,1 It the) r tint I t nit t*T tvis4n reitiJueu. Nazi 0044001111SAS
h014110ia nd iUlati Gresnirtitiona tissvelorisse. throuthout Letin
kterloa detftonstrate tho noest tor at4ch aerviee?
l'endine comprehensive solution of the intelligeOSO
rtr, 1.:ire.tvilit,e or t.he tittoti Luting irt Ltth ...1611,414, a trort. shAagi
Wo Ludo at onov to obtaIll Iloclre find full date OA aortpan urigehe
pleviii *oat a,; rgantlar t. I t. try rropirst tonal inaltrat.1.40 int*
1$31Liibo,riglig Gotintelwa, nd tho z.gt.ntt Lindforgrosiubdi (M) 14iintitt?
tuttion of,,xis g?srugsf ;isr,onnI and funds anti dertdrittrot ion qf
shannelas Lotel cloitking rultrwatotit.a 1 it ins usgvd.
%q I ? 44 t',4, Y
C mitION1114.111.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3 .
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 : CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
?rieN p
3 IA, 11,4J I
Aloft among the NOW vewere, the United Btatee has failed 14
develop tin intelligens* wan lees noomeary ha beak its peellide Ai
a woad posers This failure pavehabli isloot eonapiesese in Whim
Moriai sphere ths naintemase .t tb. Sairisios patsitics noder the SW
Weightier p.2ti depend* upon volitieal NM somata 4iplest.7 booed wen
re akijiluguadimuidaki
Ai the war in iAlrope aram to a elms, the hardpans partial
etabilitp of Latin Awls%) shish gnaranteed* amour* and
healapherei is ravid4 and risiblip diaintegretiog* The Um ted Steles
I s tbme treed tir the pared= at aehiering striking memos in the theaters
it Isar while at the same time lie position in the weetern NeeimOhore
bosom* inermeloglip 'miserable.
Zs resent month* there has been an alarmiogpu or oaten-
nationalist and anti-Uoited Aosta* nativity ?ftempd 4, it tsetse*
earthier eeomemio distress; teem that the defeat of the Axle memlid femme
ell limitations upon the predomimme of the United Natio in this temies
phere and would eneoerage the outbreak of metal rerolatime aod the
deliberate efforts of still powered Ada nod pram-Axis intermits In the
Iteetern Hemia04114
Ultro-oatimalist and nati-Uoited 9tatee movemoke bace Wee
able to esquire a elemeiderable degree of mem a.pest, esal Moe bees obis
to owborn s1poitiean4 somber* of room am A* 4 remitium
there hap arisen a new vhememmoon in the reeternsholiagime* the
tartan mop "parried out Axisrnimelemeed amp effieme* Thee* etleopt
to etiraet mem support by, the was of PM4*U111 antimeavitalis4 sal
antimferaige elegane, and oppXy, the tasMiqws epsdhv earepeao
feats* for *antra of the state* Them mreral revamlime he
differed oisnifisantly from the traditional Latin *prima petters it
U.. palaee meat.
The moot premisiont and dangerous example of tide 40111 sent is is the military leeeramemt in Apgmntinas 'hash hes bsessm the pounaa
head of the nttaek upon the Intermiemovieen hoot* It hes flamotei sod
to foment similar soups in mighberimg emotriee with the eke it
establishing an Argentine dominated Mee1 venereal mem to ebellage
the United *steel, It is now arming with the &mime lotookiee it mill
Wiliturir fires to earn' ant HA P14104
The endow hardships imelleted wpm Latta aoarieme bp' moths
memmie disleeatim hare breught about a me* feeling it reembemot
and desperation* As molts there me mists 4 reeernehr arraiplages
usr%hi* sen he harmemed tool:44r baftwassis titAttisk,
riist or emtremo leftist eature* tiltrah-eationalistoe seioing the lead
thee far base been direeliog this mem sweet ageism* their 4144111441611141
4nd againot the United ittatee. Portherooreo the demprowe pebeetiaLiky
it an extreme leftist me it this unreel at ones fobs,* date eeensi be
e,-IccifiC1arr1 Anrrovedor
lease 2013/09/26? CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/26 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100320006-3
r.! r
co Diaffikaajfijkigjaadjugan
Pacertal CSersan aossereial 004 sommilostoring letereete. sereildly
integreted into the esoneer of Latin Anarioei hove heat able to feriftio
sith rslativa1.7 littls &sago, MSc blaoklist end eWher terms at MIMI
asoosolawarturo. They are in a position to emerge leis the OM el the
and 0 the war and sewn* their rapid pregrese of the premolar period,
eensieteat4 mottled advise sod eeeistemee to asioNsolto
to the United AMA* and govereemete seegowatieguith ea?
nie ~dial of thee* interest* poseemte an eves peeler
=min that they provide an *Meisel aeoluentan ter the roompties aid
leaSt refugee Nati reads and pereennel* githeut effeshise sesster?
measuree, there ssmoll be eseeted within war ova bootaptors a earvisteg
osatar of Nail iaI2asss..
The develepammt of the Latin anorioas oriels hass bow
7:1:4been unweliideble4 Higher and mere ptomaie n eemaideratiess 0
4 apply, Sr examples have distated the largemeemlo divorolus of
shipping sod switos to other areas. oa the other hand, aortas prehleme
oak 4,6 the *Motive sleeking ot MIA essmoade leiereets. might have hese
handiedmesh mere etteetivally it the gaited **tee hut a wellmergesieedo
alert eseret intelligens and 1n4e111gemee aealysie eerviee ter Lakin
AM0,1014. thieh a movies, in additieqr 14r todegiiiis aim sidsvskilf
the ssienti direstion and prebehle ettest ofduovolopbs tendemeles,
weeld permit this government to antieipate the tell est** ot the prehlame
it spot dall With.
The averisnos of the past three yews hoe aulgirtamaaotrotail
the need for a United tate', secret intelligens* servile* in Latin meriem4
a. The 4 Amos 1943 eonp estat ifi Argentina eft.' 66 10166140,
Lankleg fsoilities rapid); to &tombs, the mature of the new reg$Nos this
government extended recognition, eirieh it is. famed to id.tildrompasour
later. The interval of a year enabled the military regime to istreash
itself and to anhiliss support in eaislibaring seentriee.
be .10mi1arly, altheogb Allied reports ot ma impendift
tinemispassered eon', le Saida ~bed beildsgben awe seas bellernr.
numbor 1944 the Umited Apates bed rawourtisisat sow to sheik the
validity of these reports. As a melt. ora1iq otter the imp MO
a hasty lagwoviostlas. and Wilted Motes eatered4 postiesies4
beesuse an Allied gevernsent hed bees sd se easily iith A$ M.
6 United Aides attempts to laroditatto Moat oimassiolualitme
in Latin Ame;iaa nave been eaemikered to it large ahem( smosousell.
eleakimg titivates shish ear leek et admgmehe seen* lattollismobledio.
eve as from foreetalith&Ohme, of approaliatolyThOok)sromourlAiso
La Latin Almeria*, fewer than ten per east him bums elimieeted. AM,
three peer* of ear is *an mar ommetee the femerel PUN, et Glom
deomminseeuress we Cs sot knew $al nottirw do our loft
the *mut eitemt and odors of sawriving Qemme esseemie ebremOths Iluto
La ems of the meet dmpaertas gaps in our imialligemmes
Pnr Release 2013/09/26
- _____
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