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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06 : CIA-RDP.c13.X000011R0001.00460001-3
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
.;..i ;. .:, t ! -'1� � "� * I i
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Pint stAtiquAtirgch
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' TaitrA 1,44 thert yim raw Uttar or.18th July, 191L5)
VAmot Itexpravior otaongrAtolWano Pot. c1t hs hoon
htwo In 0* Uoditarreino,m4
06 1, IV. e Ait
� WA:ave. you two itow oopy or 'WO lottor
Ore% 'Ite Colima 0-AAA on this hth or kt4y4 Volltng tam a oky
voritettatelot. tho ,outatarAing work ,porforoted by Lilo momberill ot tho
ti14-04174t4ii $41.1 tiglivang to Wing atmt tfto ourrondor of tho
- sta0V Ctiralill in Vat Iiimitros At atiob agt Ootlorta mottiNeney
' tiu fl$ it* mammidAtion to the Wm. Doportmont ror tho opprovaa
*1-4. VOitod Wtiatco Piotimniettod Unit OltAtion
ti b tho tionimant, T
_ thial b4Hmaritt Witly tO 40 to it An ivdoroonont Ahne tritl
ti flr
stor2ottar to Colanoa Olovt14 'Moro i*, howovor, no Rrittoh AwArd
_Alia to OA DiskilnamAohod Unit GitAtioni
ettaig4 IVO to We titetiti apportkoilv of exprepto fir to
fog* Ittifites tor WI el)M1014144 t61116 or your oretAnittatineht
-*2111.1 itiou aftiAlt% you 1 thouid t pootaile throilith
OWAVAAt in the mar Pagret
tS,Uotimwst reavinal ropirdop
lk DOWIttattUtiwiroDonovatalDirootor,
4* of Stratwea Ovrvito*mio
cos, the,.
ye�-� .05 't--; - � .. .4
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R00010046606113
fr5 J �.0
110111 Mdr4hals
Supromo A1lio4
ModitorrAnoao Thoottio.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
ugh our files ve have run across
tat& with aarginal comments by the DireCtOT
Vlach X aLietgou bRnded to me in Casertd.
l oessnme,that you balm already taken action but
vo tbst soid document properly belongs in your file
les at tbs Awards Board, Caserta.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
� I �
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
flZZi4400yas Ita) (Italian national)
tUottalStVialst of Oimoirk and Mtlany Us Warves
Itg *Wit tot having oetablished the original
sot toramon 008orta wOLYP ad th* awlos intsrmodlk
-toed Ms *Me owly tripe tfts ths Owlet bord4r to waffle
hilm *afters Ittt Yaonno and tram there to MAlhas He ItaArm
UNIX those trips kt mInsiderable personal ritths
WAX *AMU Luso OwItimrland(Ariwitis Natiettal)
por in the Swig* Army, head of tha normen Rrilnoh in
the !Woo Seeret Intelligence organientiont Through hia
active cooporation he sada tt poseible that Italian and
Osman enisoartoo ft_nd osaikm/11, aperatora oomld ontor aud
1004 awitgOrland04 lIn4ert0OX thie task alder difficult
zirenastahleco wit tor reaacnn orf en urity he alone Imd
to shoulder the responsibilLty :or hie action* which; tr
ummonoessfml, might hallo ontailvl rather unpleasant Doli.n
tisal kAd personal oonoequenovao HO W40 ronponaible for
mtittinlistane the tint tiontkot between the ttalirin intorm
poSIVY 6.44 An" gentaiives in Switterlando
14 o, _veto* tfho wiss CLIt ir tea to ni/an 4nd
114, Oa71ers1 Woiffis head% or s nolsone to
11. �
Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06 : CIALRDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Disearrea eoneldorsta or it
rikellerge wall in Taw lo.boriotio
L ourreuder vt-se the on ;mars�
foroes irn thst
-seer *mad 'to brought ahotkt the totter
or ml% oen�ntsc1, ro doserven oonsitiorealle
for IX. otoee441**1 eonolusten of VIINISait
itipULDROO 0 Lout, tivittlarlanC(Swino W4tiona1)
the &dos Ow and ala to 144,er AIRtlii�lie 0Cm.
004nittim for Ms toittaul Gooparollon with
yam iv Cho toot ter enAlinc emieoftrios land wilT
it. enter tirril SVilletsrlsgtnti in ennnootion
lit-serXesitiakateriom tntimert)
i MflO4 t* fl*tot art gonnolate at Lugsnot4
I PIM* boAttrie ettwanteett the r one at
-The 3soiit0306 tit Is at Corp:Mao was
,sastan teettee %evil ean be little donbt
not biitone to retnrn- to Holenne the
Mite Aro- Ile Italy under the tartan of the
la 4agtorfa 11* April 1940, anti setting
if fmtm fn, the warimndor Ite4O not
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
� .�.�7� �
' �If
N z , - trzrAoill a t mon) C AK U.S fiR hi?,
4.3* V II of oonaidar4ble
ilk ' t 6#4trifit arid flbornitore throgh .,-g ,
t r
S*1:441.114 Mt.
ran r ftl*sot 44 * ti*h So t)
g k,
5 if
Ary to 001, Onovornits who worked devotod/y to mako
OVVNIMX a 4%04440.
1 1.
ItAlontasztrom, Aotoefia.Sitts atoll I ttot Nation-fa )
Vas Ilmrs4 rtapitasibl. for emintmtning porroot 000tarity
itrkiwritt Ln# neid onsooin117 after the meelando, Aa a
moult the mtetimot Imre kept 4 oomplets coorot tn spito
of the oomparntivoly taro ntimber of persona tlho had (loom
to te4-an4 In eotneetten thorowitho
NOTRIVIVA 0 Laterns BwitterlAndfitawleft NalLenta)
first tiouthant in the &Woo Arftye Ito a000mpontod many
ttoos emtsanrioa nn$ their eta fa nn4 WIT oporAtoro from
it10 &doe boriflar to the meeting plum In Asoonue Po wad
patti041arly hol AA in providinm protootion for the
SOtting up ot wit tranonittor at Aoona4
Ilk ammo 0* Urn OrliserlanC(AmorIguin 4g., Lti1Mt4
tn ih* Amorloan LogiAtion, Dorn and tiooretnry to
-JAS. atio aotod as poorstritry darind the rmotin4o
tIons 4,t11 %tortilla hurd to ?mho 311Nolut & atioodom.
� I
� i -
1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
I '-��� � 11;
\mix:Amin-et #iti
ivos,ti olimeriartil
Mani5artieztaitlaser MMUS
Oberiatletittumt vialtrarattrn
Guido 211.1M
7 '
� � ..;0,1t
� . I
� 101' *.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
� 41-
esrpsposimeri41" 'is4:68414."
0 4-
0 ytelemt)
logo* Oommendation
� Virect016
Office of Strategic Services,
Witithltgton, 140.
4 'tune 1946
1 Utters of Commendat on have been sent b he
040manding �Malmo 267?th Re ism% 068 (Prov) to the
following individuals ocemen ing them for their contribu
none to Operation SU616,14
Robert 0 i4er,
4 Gail IP, Donna ley
T/4 Lloyd 114, Jewell
Opl� Lynn Weer
Oply William Sip Neilinger
Cpl., George to Wilcox
1/6 Gregory Rabamea
T/6 Lowell ?animater
Hiss Marian L. Cooley
Kiss Marjorie My MoCormick
'iv. (6) photostat copies of *sob letter are trans
*with for your informationo
ttr to
Otir to
totr to
totr to
tttr to
zrqjin (ctl- COO
Osptainc Fate
-11.401.11v231: .7; .
yl 1 -
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
r 4.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R00
711H MI Icr
SO 0 5111v20t (PROVO
V 5. AMY
Sii1.1141z endatIon
TO Robert Giv Layer
29 May 1946
1* t gives me wit pleasure to commend you for your
�uportor partormanoe o duty during the critical period of
0 Marebt 1 through 2 May 19460 at which time this organise
nom W40 playing Its important pert In the negotiations leads.
ing to the surrender of the German forces in Italye
The 26/77th Regiment, Office of Strategic Services
(Provisional) has received official commendation for ite
Oontribations In effecting the surrender of the enemy in
Italy by Yield Marshal Sir Harold R. L. G. Alexander, Supreme
Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, General
T. Warner, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander,
Menterranean Theater or Operations, and Major General Lyman
Z. Lemnitser, Deputy Chief or Staff, Mediterranean Theater
Of Opermtloas. Your devotion to duty, necessitating extra
hours of work In addition to your normal duties, and your
careful and oontinued observance of ell eeourity precautions,
dew,* special recognition for their valued contribution*
to the success of these negotiations.
30I hove lastruoted the Adjutant to place a copy of
this comer adation lb your e01 file as part of your off teal
SD J 1p vii
Colonel, Infantry,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Kay 1045
iNAI fit4 usil rDo6nalls7
t tree lie at ploasure to commend you for your
rterseato 01 uty 41ring *No oritioal poriod of
4. ro I Way 194115. at Ithioh flit* ithie organise's.
4o 1rny$njIt. important par% in th* negotittions �load.
* surroador of the Dorman forces in Italy.
tti The Set?th Regiment' Officio of Stratogic Service,
Orovieloaal) has r000lvod official commendation tor its
Oomtributione in effoctiog the surronder of tho *new, in
May by Field MAVehal $ir Narold P4 Lls ON� AlemAnder, Supreme
Allied OiaisMp, MAtiterreinemn /boater of Operations, General
4 Ko$$r7, Dipar Supromo Allied Commander.
I*t.rrM ?hosier of Operations. and Xajor (Iowa' Lyman
10" temnitiorp Deputy Chief of Staff. Nediterranean Theater
at Operations" Your devotion to dutyl nocAssitsting extra
bows of merit in addition to your normal dutioso and your
oarotal awl liontinuad Observaneo of all security precautions.
0,441411 re000141on for thoir valuod contributions
to the sum's' of %hoe* nogotiationsi
3" Z have imetruetid the Adjutant to place a copy of
thic eommendation in your SO1 filo as pert of your official
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
ii on
T/41 Lloyd LJewell
ft 41 no Sr.st pleasure to commend you for your
*rFw nee 0 duty during the critioal period of
h 2 May 1940, at which time this organism's
MI Will pisyin it. important part in the negotiations load
mg 'te the or of the Gorman fore** In Italy.
1, The 2677th Regiment, Office of Strategic Services
ttroviolonal) has reosived official eammendation for its
oontributions In efteoting the surrender of the enemy in
bp Mad Marshal Sir Harold 141. L. 0, Alexander, &Wen,
Allied Commander, Moditerranian Theater of Operations, General
J*140 V. kanrnoY, Deputy 'uprose Allied Ocetandsr,
Msditsrramoan Theater of Operations, and Major General Lyman
tomnitser, Deputy Chief of Staff, Mediterranean Theater
Of Operation*. Your devotion to duty, necessitating extra
hears of work in addition to your normal duties, and your
**real and continuo4 observaneo of all security precaution*,
4***rve special recognition for their valued oontrihutions
to the suostoso of these negotiation*,
3. I have instructed the Adjutant to place a copy of
tht� 0011 endation in your 201 file AO part of your official
-; - JilT1-7T4"
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
TO Opl, Lynn keys*,
104 It Wee is past pleasur, to aommend you tor your
* pier performance at duty tr)n the eritioal RerlOd of
0 WWI 1046 through I May 1445* at which time %hie organitaw
ttom was plan,* Its topertant part In the ne 0%10100 load%
tag to the ourrender of Oa German torsos In tall.
I Th 1677th Regiment* Office of Strategic) Services
(Proviel nal has received oftistaX oommendation tor its
eentribu Ions In effeoting the surrender of the enemy In
Italy I) 'told Marshal Sir Harold M6 L. O. Alexandsr, 00Prome
Allied OasaaMar, $stt.rr.naan Theater of Operations* General
44400 410 Wastnir, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander*
MediterrMacen Theater of Operation** end Major General Lyman
L. LomnItser* Deputy Chief of Staff* Mediterranean Theater
Of Operationo. Your devotion to duty* necessitating extra
hours of work In addition to your normal duties, and your
earetul aa4 eontinued observaaco of all eocurity precautions*
deeerve speelal recognition for their valued contributions
to the 'meows of these negotiations.
4. ihive inetruoted the Adjutant to oleo* a copy of
this me Motion In your 001 tile as part of your offAcIal
Amter .
Oslonei, Infa
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
� �
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/06: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100460001-3
mum oemintaidielt
140PL Willa* Rik teelinger
gives se % pleasure to sonnend you for your
�5 roman** % durimg the critical period at
Waugh R Ny$40# at whit* %toe this organisaw
414 vsi paJiSit. IrportaP% part in the ns tiatione ludo
4 eurreader et the Orman torsos in Zta2.
14 MOTTO Neersents OM*. or Strata to &instills.
(Previsional) bee reserved *Metal comendation ter its
oentributions in sttesting %he surrender or the mummy In
Mir* nett Marshal $ir Nereid M4 tko G. Alexander, Nom
All 'A i ander, Mediterranean theater or Operationao General
Warm, Deputy Supreme Allied 004041n4ir.
yeoman Theater at Operations, and Major d.neral LOW
Mier, Deputy �hist of Start, Mediterranean Theater
Of ktienso Tour devotion to 40yo necessitating extra
t weft in addition to your nernal Ottees and your
sM. e*4inu44 ebeervanoe at all eacurity precautions,
swots/ recognition for their valued *contributions
LM slopes et thiles negotiations.
46 I have instrusted he Adjutant to lass a oopy of
t$seelashNitiom in your $01 tile as part of your *Metal