i"Clill"I"HIE'll A. A.
Lo.,!achev, A. A. "Ya imetc-i--ic try as, a Part of Frosmeclin~ .;n Ll.e Urals;.`
F-r-iroda, ll'oscow, ll.'o. 5, l')31,.,
j-rin- 'ov ent."
l,br!achev, -A. &do
joo,raficheskoj~o Clishchestvap Lanin~,,rad, vol. 71, 'a. 6, 1936,
i 1 - ~,, - -- -
- -r ~ -~
Lo-rachev, A. A. "I"easurement of tl-~e ',,a~-netic !Toverties 3,' Hcc'-s I'a.lle on Su:.~ 'es
A .1
in Their Natural Conditicn.If Infc-,r.,rztrionryi S~ornlk po :'-;;,n#Alz;.u i
Elektrlchestvu, L,~min,,rad, '!o. l,, 1937, T,p. j,2-341
1 1 ~.
i i, -. -- - I
Loga hev, A. A. and
succeptilbility in Ja"-Iples of
.le'r, Yo:3cow, "o. 1, 1933, P,
11 tA I.
~:. B. t"'casure-ments of ;jesiduul ' an.i : a.--ne ic
I . . '
!~,)Cvs (in Con ectl.-~n wit.1; 'l,-notle .)'ur,;-:YL-)." 7:.;~ z vc-~ I I :a
;. 4~-51-
--Z,:wT--uj-7U=v, -Tj. ---U. , ana-nr Aul, L.. V.-
Kurs. Magnitorezvedki, (Couse in Magnetic Prospecting) GONTI 1940.
c- Q-14 N [i,
BOOK Call No.: AF479131
Author: "LOGACHEV, A. A... Prof.
Transliterated Title: Kure magnitorazvedki
Originating Agency: None
Publishing House: State Publishing House of Geological
Date: 1951 No. PP.: 306 No. of copies: 7,000
Editorial Staff
Contributors: Kazanskiy, A. P. and Norikov, 0. P.
PURPOSE: Approved as a tex6Dook for students specializing In
geophysical methods of prospecting for mineral resources by
the Ministry of Higher Learning of the USSR,
Coverage: In this couree on magnetic prospcoting the author des-
cribes the instruments which have recentl,% come into use, including
the aerial magnetometer of his own deeign, In addition to the
commonly-used magnetometers, the course &Ins the description
of magnetometers used in the USSR. Part II deals with theoretical
principles of magnetic-survey and analyzi.3 )f typical magnetic
Kurs magnitorazvedki
AID 680 - I
anomalies. Special attention is paid to methods developed by
Soviet scientists like A. P. Kazanskiy (P-150-156),
B. A. Andreyev (p.156-i63) and others. In the last part of the
book the author discusses the organization of field work.
Methods of utilizing magnetic survey in prospecting for iron
deposits and ores of other metals such as bauxite., magnetic
pyrite, manganesej and polymetallic sulfide are illustrated by
concrete examples. The book contains many practical indications
and a map of the magnetic field Za for Central European Russia.
No. of References: 35 Russian refs, (1916-1950)
Facilities: Ivanov, N. A,, Head, Department of Geophysical
Methods of Survey, Siverdlovsk Institute of Mines
i-1z;_ v
LOGACaV, A.A.; HAWY, N.A.. redaktor.
[Manual of instructIons for surface vork in magnetic prospecting]
Inotraktsiia po magnitorazvedke dlia nazemnykh rabot, UtTerzhdena
B.T.Shatalovym 30 ilunia. 1952 g. Hooky&, Goa. izd-vo geol. lit-ry,
1952. 82 p. (HLRA 7:4)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo geologil,
(Prospecting--Geophysical methods)
LOGACHEV, A.A.; GAMBUIRTSEVA, Te.Te.. rodaktor; POPOV, N.D., tekhnicheskly
[Methods manual on malfgfitic aerial surveying] Metodicheskoe
rukovodstvo po aero";nitnoi s2emke. goakwa, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo lit-ry po geologil i okhrane nedr, 1955. 145 p.(MT.RA 8:10)
(Magnetism, Terrestrial) (Surveying)
LOGACHN, Aleksandr Andreyevich; TANIOVSKIY, B.M., redaktor; KDIDSKOVA,
-M.1., redaktorl POPOV, N.D., tekhnichaskiy radal-tor; GUROVA, O.A.
takhnichaskiy redaktor.
(course in magnetic prospecting] Kura magnitorazvedki. Moskva, Goa.
nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr, 1955. 301 P.
(Prospecting-GeoplW.sical methods) (MLRA 9:1)
Computing the horizontal component of a magmatic anomaly
an the basis of fixed distribution of the vertical component.
Razved. i okh.nedr 21 no.1:40-44 Ja-F 155. (MLRA 9:12)
(Prospecting--Geophysical methods)
(Magnetic measurements)
"Aerogeophysical 1-kAhods, Yheir Status In Geolo_aical Surveyln~; and -lesearch
Work on Ways of Improving Their Efficacy," paper presented at ti,.c, All-Union
Interdepartmntal Conferepce on Aerial Surveying, Leninj;rad, 25 '.,;ov-1 Doc 1956.
SLM: 1391
7 75
LOGACHXV A. dektot fizike-matematicheakikh nauk.
Concerning the review on A.A.Logachev's book 'Practical handbook on
aerial magnetic surveying." Izv.AN SSSR Ser.gaefiz-as-3:371-374 Mr
'56. WaA 9M
(Haoxetism, Terrestial) (Surveying) (Logachav, A.A.)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, fir 5,
p 160 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Logachev, A. A.
TITLE: An Approximate Analytical Expression for the Magnetic
Field AT and Its Use in Calculating tLa Elements
Relating to the Occurrence of Magnetized Bodies
(Priblizhennoye analiticheskoye vyrazheniye magnitnogo
polyaAT i yego ispol?zovaniye dlya vychisioniya ele-
mentov zaleganiya namagnichennykh tel)
PERIODICAL: Materialy Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 6,
pp 185-194.
ABSTRACT: The author considers the question of the possibility of
using curves of the increasing total vector of the
earth's field AT in calculating the elements relating
to the occurrence of mDgnetized bodies. For small
values of AT, not exceeding a few thousand gammas, a
valid expression is practically identical to the
Card 1/2 expression for Za over magnetized bodies with an
15 -57 -5-6839
An Approximate Analytical Dcpression for the Magnetic (Cont. )
inclined vectorial direction for intensity of magnetization. The
author concludes that it is possible to extend to the field of A T,
measured from an airplane, the methods of solving problems con-
cerning the magnetic field of bodies having inclined magnetization.
A simple graph is given for the method of calculating 11 for a given
Z. The proposed method is illustrated by examples. The author
discusses the results of calCLI10ting the elements relating to the
occurrence of magnetizad bodian by given curves of Za of Inclined
magnetization or by curves of AT.
Card 2/2 As PM# Lo
v 'g -1 IN I la,
fit 43- 11 21
4, ilk
Calculation of the strike and dip of magnetized bodies based
on data obtained during the magnetic prospecting in mouni-
tainoua areas. Izv.vys.ucheb.s&v.; geol.1 razvo 2 no,3:
96-101 Hr 159. (MIRA 12.112)
(14agnatiem, Terrestrial)
A ~;T H C) R Loga --h OV A. A.
.-Ilc',13 t cf th~, Amcunt 0' S f--'
Aft,?--- ',fin Channe.'a
A BST a-'ACT t
d I/ T'lie, 'ILkth,,I demon3tr&t(.~
. --watcr tu-,-" i d' 7 y dl~i Y.-j
I-aE b,~,?r; imprrvel. Th-4.s
th.,) rclaticni betwa~er, thr- e r.,
Z-dina-I ,rra--"'.r--rt of th~- and t!-.~- and C~e~-67ap -n a
-;c nd i t ior svi h i 0 h a rt aL- r. i r a c, t -a a v; h V, ~:--y
a v I s --^ C ~mu 2. a ( R e f t t, n d own, Ij r d c e rm i n i rth
b i d i ty roef fic, 4. ~.,n' h,~ 1, dir,,3 f ~~:, ns dr, J :;ailr ~~,nna -t;l r r:-F
+ f-.e purpos - of a s t,--~rt,a ir: ing, tho t Ljrb 4 d-'
thf- drainage after f t n
tur'bid,.*t,v chan,r-~ OL ',hC? ~-.Id-!, Of dia,-..3 wt~re 1 v
Thesi: A'servatic.,no wure made by Un- Akalt~.%--~ya -,juk J-:SS 'i (A,: a
d c my o f S c i e tic es of -, r, e TT z b e ks k ay a 3 SR ) a - d tra v 1n,
gidrometuoroIogicl--e,.,3k-:,y -duzhby UZSSR (fly drome,. ec, r~,'t S~t-
Calculation of the Amount -:,f Lilting up for the S07/ 5-
Drainage of Rivers AftEr the Chann,~-12 Havo Been Ill.,pro-led
vice Administration of the Uzbek3l~aya SSR). Besides, dat~t were
used which had been obtained or! the turbidity ::hange in some
rivers of Soiiet Certral Asia under natural ccnditions (Surkhan-
darlya river). The diagram of figare I demonsTrates 'he change
in turbidity with the length of 'he Tedzhen, Slurkhandarlya, Ifur -
gab and Syr-Larlya r-ver-The method ustd 'r;7 deter,-,-.ir:in,3 the *ur-
bidity caeffirien,. during the drafna,-;e aftr-~ 'he afore-l-.IertiQred
improvement has been madp is based on tb-- method cf similarity
and consists in the appli.iation of a for;.nu3a writter, down horr
for the turbidity coefficign'. Figure 2 contains diagrams in.
which the computed values of tarlbidity are comqared with thosp
obtained from cb9e.--.-aticns. T~iere are 2 figures and 1 Srz;viet
Card 2/2
14 t
Use of higher derivatives of magnetic potential in the magnetic
survey. Zap. LGI 39 no.2:25-46 161. (MIRA 15:2)
(Magnetic prospecting)
0 0 2/000/0 05/0213/39 -7
0 1)228%3~ 07
AUTHOR: Logachev, A. A.
t 4
TITLE: A reneral analy cal exDression for the -,agne'c
field intensity 61411
PERIODICAL: Re-ferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1962, 33, ab-
3tract 5A258 (Zap. Leningr. gorn. in-ta, 39, no. 2,
1961, 47-49)
TEXT: Ar. analytical expression of LT was derived for the case of
a t,.-ro-dim-en S4 onal body with induction ma-natization, arbitrarily
U- Q
located in relation to the magnetic meridian. Xnouin'.r; the analy-
tic-~l expressions of the magnetic field's vertical and horizontal
components Ifor a body of set form that is magnetized vertically,
this exz)ression can be used to solve 'he direct problem. of mar-
netonetry with respect to the element AT. Z-Abstracter's note:
Complete tranalation.-7
Card 1/1
Conversion or 4 T curves for a comparison with 4 g curves. Zap.
LGI 39 no.2:50-51 '61. (VJRA 15:2)
LOGACM, Aleksandr Andreyevich; YPIIOVSKIY, B.H.p doktor fiziko-
miitei~ fi~uk, prof., rats6nzont; R&KHOT, L.A.; ved. red.;
SMtOiOVA, I.11".. tokhn. rod.
(Course in nagnotic prospecting]Kurs magnitorazvedki. Izd.2.,
ispr. i dop. Leningrad,, Gontoptekhizdato 1962. 360 p.
(MIRA 15:12)
(Magnetic prospecting)
,,_;-, "-I", - 'I,' .; , .,'. f,/.1
CRW, PX.; LOOACH]ff, A 0 -I-ft NA_
Livestock section at the All-Union Agricultural %zhibition.
Naukn i pered.op.v sellkhoz. 7 no.6:18-19 Je 157. (HLRA 10-7)
(Stock and atockbreeding--Exhibitions)
Professor M.N. IAkovlev; obituary. Zhivotnovodstvo 19 no.12:90
D 157, (MIRA 10: 12)
(IAkovlev, Kltrofan Nikolaevich. 1878-1957)
t J
LOGACHEV, A-V., inzh.
Studying the reduction processes of iron-ore -:!nncentrates with
the help of improved peat. Stall 24 no.7:591-592 X1 164.
(MI RA 18 - 1)
1. NovosibirBkiy elektrotekhnicheskly institut.
--2 -kx ~, i ~A
C / j /Y'
AUTHORi Logachev, 1. 2-58-5-7/17
TITLEs On a Selective Test Census of Population, Occupation and
Housing in the German Democratic Republic (0 vyborochnoy
probnoy perepisi naseloniya.zanyatiy i Zhilogo forlda 7
Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy Respublike)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Statistiki, 1958, Nr 5, pj) 47 - 50 (U36R)
ABSTRAM The TaN GDR carried out it test census of the Leipzig district
in 1958, as a preliminary to the general cen-3iju planned for
January 1959. The forms which will be used are deacribed.
Representatives from the central statistical offices of othor
socialist countries participated. They included Kozak and
Yurochek from Czechoslovakia, Klinger and Sabadi from Hungal7y,
Balevskiy from Bulgaria and Logachev from the USSR.
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Response to D.N.Kaminskii's article wWays of ImoroTing the
organization of electromichanical service in miningO
Ugoll 30 no.9:42-43 S155. (MLRA 8:12)
1. Glavuyy mekhanik trests, Chelyabinekshakhtostroy
(Electricity in mining) (Kaminakii,D.N.)
LOGACHEV, I.A., inzh. (Sverdlovsk)
Reinforcement of shaft of the mMagnetitavaya"-bis Mine,.
supported with reinforced concrete tubing. Shakht. stroi. 5
no.10:18-22 0 161. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Treat Soyuzahakhtospetamontaah.
(Sverdlovsk Province-Mine timbering)
(Reinforced concrete construction)
-A 'T
LOGACIIEV, I.A., inzh.
Getting the heavy parts of a cone--type crusher into the
"Magnetitovayabion Mine. Shakht. stroi. 6 no.7;1,6-20 Jl 162.
OICRA 15.7)
1. Treat Soyuzshalkht,ospetsmontazh.
(Sverdlovsk Province-44ining machinery-Transportation)
AsBemb],y of mine drain pipes. Stroi. traboprcrv. 8 no.9t2l-
22 S 163. (MIRA 16:32)
1. Treat Soyuzahakhtospetsmontazh, Sverdlovsk.
LOGACHEV, Ivan Stratonovich, master; ROMSEMICH, Lev Yedorovich.
insliener; ALIKSAMMOVSKIT. B.B.. red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.,
[Handbook for coil winders for alternating current electric
machines] Pamiatka obmotchiku elektrichaskikh mashin
peremonnogo toka. Moskva. Goi.energ.isd-vo, 1958. 54 p.
(Blectrio coils) (MIRA 12:6)
LOGACHXV. K.D., Starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Spiml compression syndrome in congenital scolionis. Orto
travm. i protes. no-3:18-22 My-Je '55. (WM 8:105
1. Iz Ukrainakogo nauchno-losladovatellskogo instituta orto-
pedii t travmatologii im. M.I.Sitenko (dir.--zaaluzhannyy
dayatel' nauki, professor H.P.Novachenko.
congen. with compressive spinal synd.)
WGACHEV, K.D., ot.nauchn.so~tr.. SKOBLIN, A.P.. kandidat raeditsinekikh nauk.
G.I.Turner, pioneer in the application of nervosism to Russian
orthopedics. Ortop.travm. I protez. no.4: 64-69 Ji-Ag '55 (MIRA 8:10)
1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta ortopedii
t travmatologii im. M.I.Sitenko (dir.-zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki
prof. N.P.Novachenko)
Turner. G.I.)
(ORTHOPEDICS, history,
contribution if G.I.Turner to introduction of nerrosism
to orthopedics)
LOGAGHMV, K.D., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik (Khrrlkov)
Neurologiral syndromes following fractures of the radius. Klin.med.
33 no.4:49-53 AP 155. (MIRA S.-?)
1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno inaledovatellskogo tnatituta ortopedii i
travmatologii imeni prof. H.I.Sitanko (dIr.-zaslu%henny7 dayatell
nauki prof. N.P.11ovachanko).
radius. causing neurol. symd.)
(RkDrU$. fractures,
causire, neurol. s7nd.)
(NIRYOUS SYSTIM, in various diaeamea,
radius fract.)
LOGAGaV, K.D., starchly navichnwj ucl_-_,Axvc (Kharl
PfArSOD ten I O73if ir-atiD aA iL 18.'~ -3 ;s e~-
rac!ars3 (-,f the soine 1w 'A. t h 0 -.0 ry k. r
"~_80 Ao
1. 1z Ukrainakogn
trav.,_ntolo_gii im. prof. 11,1-00iterilw /~dir. j7-,,'. ii '3 A I HI
03PIU4, fractures
cauaEmg aptnal corl le3~'ons &
CCR~)' woualls a.-,d Injuriea
in oollne fnacL..
q;kr,A-oate-.:! in 6o Lail cord lpaio..u 11
ra 'j;
Paraossepus and para-articular ossification in patients with
a fractured opine. Vop.neirokhir. 22 no.6:34-35 N-D 158-
(MDU 12: 2)
1. Ukrainekly nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut ortopedii i
travmatologii Imeni prof. M-1. Sitenko.
(SPIO, fractures,
causing pararosseous & para-artleular ossification
(OSSIFICATION, stiol. & pathogen.
spinal fract. causing para-osseous & para-articular
ossification (Rue))
LOGACEEV, K. D., Doe 14ed Sci (diss) -- "Paraosnal ossification in trawnas of the
spinal cord and spine". KharIkov, 1959. 22 pp (Min Health IrIcr SM, I*iarlkov
Med Inst) (KL, No 21, 19592 118)
LOGACEIXV, K.D., starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Paraosseous ossifications in Juries of the spinal cord and spine.
Ortop.traym. I protes. 20 no-7:33-38 Jl '59- (MIRA 12:10)
1. Iz Ukraini3kogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inatituts. ortopedii
i travmtologii im. M-I-Sitenko (dir. - chlon-korrespondent
AW1 SSSR prof.N.F.Hovachonko).
OPIAL CM wds. & inj.)
(SPON wds. & inj.)
LOGACIMVq K.D.s dotsent
Some dystrophic syndromes accompanying myocardial infurct. Vrach.
delo no. 102-34 161. (141RA 14:4)
1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent K.D. Logachev) K[Larl-
kovskogo meditsinBkogo stomatologicheskogo instituta.
?qkc IzY I . ~
Tasks of neuropathology and psychiatry. Zhur. nevr. i jikh.
62 no.5:772-775 162. (YdRA 5:6)
LOGAGHEY, K.D., prof.
Neurological symptoms in progressive muscular ossification.
Trach.delo no*3-1:73-V N 162. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav* - prof* K.De logachav)
M2arIkovokogo maditsinsko o stomatologicheskogo irstituta.
LOGACHEV, K.D., prof. (Kbarlkov, Primerovskaya u1., d. 22, kv.1)
Clinical aspects of agenesis of the sacrococaygeal region
of the spine. Ortop., travm. i protez, 24 no.8:28-32 163.
(MIRA 17: 1r
1. Iz kafedry ner-vnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. K.D. Logachev)
Khartkovskogo meditainakogo stomatologicheskogo instituts.
(rektor - dotaent G.S. Vororq=skiy) i Ukrainskogo instituta
ortopedii i travmatologii imani M.Li.Sitenko (dir. - chlen-
korTeapondent AMN SSSR prof. N.P. Novachanko).
:.c- .3.4 C: 1114, K.D.
Familial form cf 3,,ftcral syring.017el', ev r . I
paikh. 64 nc.6:80~-81C (Mfr'~~ 17:12"
1. Klinika nernvklr~
Neurological syr-dromess in some diseases of the
apparatus. Zhur. nevr. i spikh. 65 no.2:204-209 165.
(MVIA 1S: 9)
1. Klinika nervnykh bolczney (zaveduyushchiy - prof. K.D.
Logachev) Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo
Progressive muscular ossification as a neurological disease. Zhu--.
nevr. i psikh. 65 no.7tIO14-1018 165. (MIRA 1817)
1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. X.D.Logachav) Kharlkovskogo
maditainskogo stomatologichookogo instituta.
.,.-LDGACHEV, K.D., prof. (eC-inrIkov)
In memory of NaL~,.Laliieksandrovna Zolotova, 1894-1944. Ortop.,
travm. i protez. 24 no.11:719 N 163.
(MIRA 17:10)
FROKAPALO I.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; TREGUBENKO, M.Ya.
(Trehubenko, M.IA.1, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ARTYUMOV,
Y.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; iaYACHKO, P.G.[Kriacbko,
P.H.], st. nauchn. sotr.; MJkKODZEBA, 1.0., kand. sell-
khoz. nauk,; SIDE71KO, 1.0., kand. biol. nauk; SUSIDKO,
P.I., kand. biol. nauk; REPIN, AX.[Riepin, A.M.], kand.
sellkhoz. nauk; LOGACHOV, 14.I.(Lohachov, M.I.J, kand.
sellkhoz. nauk-y-USMM-,V*'.-f., kand. sellkhoz. nauk-
ZAFOIiOZHCIMKO, O.L., kand. sellkh.naukjFLYAGINOA Do
. '[Fjj*hjn,A.D.1l
kand. ekon. nauk; KANIVETSI, I.D., st. nauchn. sotr.;
SMIFNIK, P.S (Skrypryk, P.S.], red.; GULENKO, 0.1.
[Hulenko, O.I:b tekhn. red.
Ddvanced practices in growing corn] Peredovi metody vy-
roshchuvannia kukurudzy. 2., perer. i dop. vyd. Kyiv,
Derzhsillhospvydav, UASR, 1962. 231 p. (MIRA 17:1)
;v"t t!
S/1 31j/62/000/0G6/G0V2/V-G2
B1 1 7/bl 01
AUTHORS: Strelets, V. Ii. , Pitak, H. V. , Kulik, A. 1. , Logachev, M. S.
TITL-'-. Laboratory investigations of the technology of zircon
PEERIODICAL: Ogneupory, no. 6, 1962, 283-288
TEXT: The influence of the following factors on the physico-chemical
properties of zircon products was studied: grain composition, molding
pressure, burning temperature, admixtures of clay, raw zircon concentrate
~U'M_Ij" 2002-47 (TabITU 2002-47)), and raw non-ferrous zircon (L~MT 4469-54
(Ts!'TU 4469-54)), the object beIng to establish optimum masses and
workin- standards for the production of proportioning ladles for use in
continuous 3zeel-casting foundries. The lowest apparent porosity and the
hii~hest weight by volume were determined after drying (at 1200C) of samples
Made uJ of 1-5-0.5 mm grains (5Ci/'*) and of 60 MeV. The particle flux
recorded by the telescope was greater than the cosmic ray flux at
all the points where the measurements were recorded-, In-1he region
of the equator the average flux was 1.2 particle_ aM etc , while
at high altitudes the figure was 3.3 particle cm see Another
unexpected result was the discovery of regions with anomalously
large intensities. Among these regions was that above the
southern part of the Atlantic Ocean where on August 19, 1960 there
was an increase in the counting rate every time the satellite
passed through the region. This is indicated by Fig.1 which shows
the counting rate as a function of local Moscow time. The three
peaks (1,2,3) correspond to the passage of the satellite through
the anomaly. The anomaly lies between 25 and 500 S and 0 and 55* W.
A further anomaly was discovered between 50 and 650 S and 30* W and
400 E. A anomaly was found in the northern'hemisphere
between 60 and N and 137 and 1700E. It is suggested that the
northern anomalk may be assoclated with the outer radiation belt
and is affected by solar flares. The South Atlantic and Southern
anomalies may be associated kith the existence in the southern
Card 2/4
Detection of anomalies in the ... S/56o/61/ooo/oo8/m/olo
hemisphere of large negative magnetic anomalies (Ref.4i
B. M. Yanovskiy. Zemnoy megnetizm. M., GTTI, 1953), i-e re no
in which the magnetic field strength in lower than the Corm
field strength. A. J. Dessler (Ref*5t J. Geoph. Ilea., 64, 7tal,
1959) has suggested that negative anomalies may act as sinks for
the charged particles in radiation belts. V. L. Ginzburg has
pointed out to the present authors that T. D. Carr, A. G. Smith
and H. Bollhagen (Ref.6t Phya. Rev. Lett., 5, 418. 196o) have
discussed the variation in the intensity of radio-waves of Jupiter
and have pointed out that the longitude dependence of this inten-
sity becomes understandable if it is assumed that there are
magnetic field anomalies on Jupiter. In such regions the charged
particle concentration will be enhanced and there will be an.
increase in the radio emission. This effect may be analogous to
the increase in the intensity of radiation in the region of
magnetic anomnlies reported in the present paper. Acknowledgments
are expresse,' to Professor V. L. Ginzburg and Professor
N. A. Dobrotil for their advice. There are 2 figures and
6 references; 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.
SUBMITTED: December 27, 1960
Card 3/4
KUPI-10SOVA, L.V.; WGACHEV, V.I.; WOREOV, L-,L; avd FFiD111,111, M.I.
"Cosmic Rny Investigation by the Slecond Cosmic Rocket Landed
on the Moon."
report presentdd at the First Intl Space Symposium, Hice, France, January, 1960.
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR.'
==-j- - P 3
Radiation effects at a great altitude. Friroda 50 no.4:85-87
Ap 161, (XERA .14:4)
Is Fizicheakiy institut im# P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Cosmic radiation)