Ope.ration of a packed denitrating coltv?m wnder planto conditions.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 6 no.5:807-810 163.
(MIRA 16:12)
1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Lenina,
kafedra tekhnologii neorganicheskikh Veshchestv.
Checkir.,.pe the te;--hnological scheme of '(he ~:-ombimd i3roduction of
sulfurIC arld nitric acids. Ukr. khixt.zhur, 29 no.9,,987-990
163. (WMA l7iO
1. 'Khar~kovskiy p,)Iitekhn-;'Icheskiy institut im. M.'Lenina.
A iAh t '.tANS 3. SM IR !U '.'A, 0
pn~-lbjpms ~icnc!prn-' g thp histoc-hem-leal study of acid lhucopoly-
X, v
r-'a a'A plw~entiil -74-13 i. Pjaish. i gin. 40 no.3:43-46 My-if.,
IRA 1836)
T. Ks' felra Finat,--mll (2-tiv. - prof. S.S.Kasablyan)
Instituta, Makhachkale.
L 15-562-66 EWT(1)IT IJF(4) GG
ACC NR: AP6004410 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/001/0096/0100
AUTHIOR: Ageyeva, N._ .. Dubovik. M. F.. Rvbkin, Yu. F.-. Sazonova. S. A.; Skorcb7~a/-~
z~07_v Smirnova 0. M.
- !.' - S -
ORG: none
TITLE: A method for producing lanthanon-activated cadmium fluoride crystals and an
investigation of their luminescence
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 1, 1966, 96-100
TOPIC TAGS: calcium fluoride, cadmium compound, fluoride, phosphor crystal, rare
earth element, luminescence, absorption spectrum 2 P, Y 1/) 1,-11-
ABSTRACT: The authors report on a method for producing cadmiun(fluoride phosphor
crystals activated by rare earth ions Ths-agneral nature of luminescence in these
, 44 V_
crystals is studied. The crystals%'ere'g5ro from anhydrous cadmium fluoride pro-
duced by sirtering a mixture of cadmium oxide with ammonium fluoride. The hydrogen
fluoride released during thermal decomposition converts the cadmium oxide into cad-
mium fluoride. Litmus paper may be used for determining the-degree of conversion.
The vapors released during the,process are alkaline, changing to neutral or weakly
Card 1/2 UDC: 535.37 : 548.0
L 15562-66
ACC NR: AP6004410
acid at the end. This indicates decomposition of excess ammonium fluoride. The
purity of the initial reagents has a strong effect on the quality of the product.
Absorption spectra were used for checking the degree of purity of the final crystal.
Crystals were produced with a transmission factor of 30% for a thickness of approxi-
mately 5 mm at a wave length of 200 mp. Activator concentrations were 0.2, 1, 5 and
10 mol.% for CdF2 crystals with NdF3 and 0.2 mol.% for crystals with the other lan-
thanides. The following trivalent activating ions were studied: Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu,
Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tu and Yb. A comparison of the luminescence spectra for ihes 'e
ions in cadmium fluoride and calcium fluoride crystals shows that in spite of the
identical types of lattice and the close parameters, the behavior of rare earth ions
in these crystals has very little in'common. This is emphasized particularly in the
luminescence spectra for trivalent Pr, Dy and Tb and in the absence of luminescence
for thulium. The difference between these two matrices shows up in the valence of
the impurity ions. For instance europium is usually bivalent in calcium.fluoride,
while it is always trivalent In cadmium fluoride. This may be explained by the dif-
ference in oxidation potentials for bivalent calcium and cadmium. Orig. art. has:
6 figures.
SUB CODE. 20/ SUBM DATE: 30Jul64/ bRrG FXF- 002/ OTH REF: 008
Card 2 92(?____
16:::00600000*0000 0 o s
0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 4
r 41 U 11 W 4 11 It " It It is it a A 6 11 11 91 '1
it D a 04
Oo I L 0 A L A.-X f- 0 01 1 1 to V A 1, 1 U W U
NC V11
00 N
00 lop .00
00 .00
00 01111'.11.f tho wild at post. Polish C.'XCUS
Cacti (U, It 1040,
0 (arls wnalAsiuc Sulfate. pyrethrutti. p~lschh irul~wv tie
prtluced neg. results;~ crop rotafiOu is the Only cly-ttvc
00 W, liclin
00 .00
tie 0
no 0
'i 0 0
"to 0
V, Ir
4. goo
U ts to NO Ast 2, at at (II a L tw a 5 AJ 0
*0 o
04 0 1110,0006000006006060
-:--00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 it 0910 o o0 o o o oo oo oo 0 a 4
Ts- v
777, -RN V f
kdar 6881k wd 4 WAIL
-0. N. Stnirno 1949, No. 9.24-25; Hors. Absir.,
I M6,'W nurssmom mommmo&d inclutle mmovaj of
all beetk-inkeW shOOM Applicatiom of As spray in June to IdIl
feeding laryie of the boade. and, about 7 4&ys later, application of a
DDTorCJRC; dust todes" adults of both species; this should
In 1--'10 days- A. G. PoLLAnD.
be rrpeated P
USSR/Plant niseases. General Prcblems.
Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6.. 19581 25319.
Authcr Si-irnova, I.N.
Title The Chief Diseases of Agricultural Crops and Methcds
of Controlling Them.
(Osnovnyye bolezni sel'skokhozyaystvennykh kul'tur i
mery bor'by s rimi) .
Orig Pub: V-sb.: Vopr. bor'by s vredit. boleznysrii i sornyakar;d S.-
kh. rast. v Toraskoy obl. Tomsk, Un-t, 1957, 45-53.
Abstract: The chief diseases of grains, flp-c, potatoes and
vegetable crops encountered in Tomskaya Cblast' are
Card : 1/1
SOV- 5 - 58 - ; -?,/ ,9
Several New and Specific Bryozoa ;I* trl,~- Tlppt.~r, P,?!-irjd of
the Southern Ural
There is 1 table, 2 nhotos, and 18 references, 6 of which
are Soviet, 4 French, 2 English and 6 German.
1, Geology--USSR 2. Paleoecology--Stiady and teaching 3. Fossil
Card 212
Ollier's disease in a 16-year old boy. Ortop., trav*m. i protez.
18 no-1:70 Ja-Y '57. WRA 1o:6)
1. Iz kafedry fakul'tetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.G.Karavanov)
X91ininskogo meditsinskbgo instituta (dir. - prof. R.P.Gavrilov)
as baze oblastuoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhenWy vrach
RSFSR A.A.Sokolov)
31.1111INCIVAI O,S., agronom
Appaxatus for agriculltural-labora-tories. Ze-ndedelie 25 no.7:66-67
Jl 163, (iuRA 16:c,)
(Agricultuml laborat'lories---~t,;quiprian'u and supplies)
TERIODICAL: Meditsinskaya~.Radiologiya, Y.-8,,no. .31 19639' 66-70,1.
Plague vaIcci -stimulates the xeticulo-endothelial'__-:_
TM: n6
re and
and the haematopoietic system causing-a action of.macrophages..
hyperplasia. which are abo-~e all affectedob~:_
It is these systems
ionizing 2~adiation. Earlier reports indicated that vaccines of the
E. coli and Salmonella sed the resist ce. t radiatio
group increa an 0
author studied the influence -o'f.the EB 9t ain f Pasteurella
r 0
which is widely- used: ~ for;. imr~unizati on of humans, upon thd.-..
Lnea-pigs~and rabbits.- It
radio,resistance of white was
found th C 6 the," above 'report vaccination with,the-,"'.
at in ontrast t S,
EB strain decreases the.resistaiied.~to-radiation6.-This is, In.the
author's view, due primarily --to: the- local inf lauffnatory reaction
Card 1/2
Use of a photonephelometer for recording serological changes
in the serum of animals irradiated and inoculated with anti-
~ plague vaccine. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. /+0 no.3:
117-118 Mr '63. (MIRA 17-2)
3~fficmw, O,V-,
~:Tfr-ct of cr,~Iiminoiry ~:r
rad i ir ~!"cl ~ i I ~
creZiz ~arlr.e I - r. z-, 4-.~"6-7rj 1, -
-, .,-I, . ,
US.SR/Chemistry Aromatic Hydrocarbons Apr 51
."Interaction of Aromatic Compounds With Allyl'
Chloride and Allyl Alcohol in Presence of Acid
Catalysts. I. Interaction of Benzene and Toluene
With Allyl Chloride and Bromide in Presence of '
Aluminum Chloride," I, P. Losev, 0. V. Smirnova,
T. A. Pfeyfer, Lab of Moscow Chemicotech Inst
imeni D. I. Mendeleyev
~'Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol aI, No 4, pp 668-676
Reacted allyl chloride with C646 in presence of
anhyd AlC13 to form hydrindene, 1,2-diphenylpro-
pane, monoallvlbenzene, o- and p-diallylbenzenes,
USSR/Chemistry - Aromatic Hydrocarbons Apr5l
-chloropropylbenzene, 9-meth~rl-9110-dihydroan-
thracene. Conducted further expts to clarify
structures. Alkyl bromide reacted under similar
conditions with C6H6 to yield similar r6sults,'
with toluene to yield 2,7,9-trimethyl-9,10-di-,
hydroanthracene and side products 7-m6thylhy-
dxind--- -- 'k,411-dimethyl-1,3-diphenylpropane.
W Reaciioxi of aromstv: compounds with allyl chloride and
11. . Reqc-
allyl alcohol in the preseme of acidic catalAkta
tion of phenol with allyl alcohol In ci lo(phosphoric
acid. API-Loev V. nva; and L. P. Ri-adneva
.i 0. Sm r co~i)-. ShI)PI111.4
Nen4eleev C ec
(D. I I
.e 'T kh-
O~x: A, M. e xa ntle' 1. 548-51
1 -53 ; cf. A. 40, 101 Wr .-Ifeating- 56.4 g. PhOl 1, 22 g.
a yl r.1c.,'and M.7~ g. Cloutd. IIIS04 to 80* (the ale. being
dcd over I hr. to the PhOH--HySo, mixt.) gave only a resin-
ous mass. To 150 g. IIIPOi(d. 1.70)and.74g. PhOH heated,
*to 70* was added. over 6 hm. -a mixt. of 165 g, HsPO~ and,
55 g. allyl ale., the mixt.. bmted 3 lirs. at.70', the layeii
-aslied with U-0, and the aq..Iayer
Sep'd., the u layer iv
extd, iith After:rritioval of solvent from, the corn-
bined, upper. layer -and XtIO ext.' 'dista. of the products -
gav~e a mixt. from-which were isolated 12% isopropenyl.'
phenol (probably the o4wmer), b. 201-591 d" 1.0,571.
1.500 (bromide, m" 85*); 11.5% b. 210--
[V!, d,, 1.06,92, nV 1.540; 11% chroman, b. 215-16% and a
iesitious residue,. which was apparently, a polynser, of, o-
Isopropedylplicuol. 11 mort,coned. acid were,used the.
telds of such pr6ducts decline even at lower-temp
50) SOV/153-56-6-16/22
AUTHORS: Losev, I. P.,
Konazhevskiy, A. S.
TITLE- Synthesis of the Esters of the a-Chloro Acrylic Acid (sintez
efirov a-khlorakrilovoy kisloty).I. Synthesis of the Methyl
Eater of a-Chloro Acrylic Acid (I. Sintez metilovoGo efira
a-khlorakrilovoy kisloty)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Yhimiya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya, 1956, Nr 6, pp 93-96 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors give the various production methods of the methyl
ester of a-halogen-substituted acrylic F-cid (Refs 1-14) and
discuss them by means of schemes. The production (synthesis)
given in the subtitle is discussed first in the experimental
part. It consists of: p r o d u c t i o n o f t h e
m e t h y 1 e s t e r o f a, P - d i c h 1 o r o
p r o p i o n i c a c i d (Table 1) and of the d e h y d r o-
c h 1 o r i n a t i o n o f t h e m e t h y 1 e s t e r
o f t h e 1 a s t m e n t i o n e d a c i d. 2 fractions
were obtained: 1) 69-70r;'~~, boiling point 65-68 0 at 50-52 mm.
2) 18-20, boiling point 73-750 at 50-52 mm. According to
Card 1/3 the analysis, the second fraction is enriched with methyl
Synthesis of the Esters of the a-Chloro Acrylic Acid. SOV/153-58-6-16/22
I. Synthesis of the Methyl Ester of a-Chloro Acrylic Acid
ester of a,P-dichloro propionic acid. From two experimental
series we may conclude that in the caoc of the application -
of 25~a Na.011-solution as dehydrochlorinating reagent a product
is obtained which approaches most closely the methyl ester
of the a-chloro acrylic acid. This ester is an achromatio~
liquid with characteristic lachrimatory properties. It causes
burns of the skin. Then the prodi,ction of the mentioned
ester from a-chloro acrylic acid and trichloro ethylene is
described. The dependence of the yield in eaters with regard
to time was determined for an experiment with the following
quantity of reactinCe substances: trichloro ethylene 100.0 g
(0.763 mole), formalin (of A~o) 76.3 G (0.763 mole), sul-
phuric acid 316.0 g (3.230 mole), methyl alcohol 30.6 &
ZO-957 mole), and copper carbonate (as inhibitor of the poly-
merization) 1.3 g (Fig 1). This shows that the maximum yield
(N2' of the theory) of the methyl ester of a-chloro acrylic
acid is obtained within 3 hours. The yield is reduced in the
case of a further heating of the reaction mass. The dependence
of the ester yield on the H 2so 4 quantity is shown in table 2.
Card 2/3 The waste acid has a concentration of 40-5(y;'O~. The temperature
Synthesis of the Esters of the a-Chloro Acrylic Acid. SOV/153-58-6-16/22
I. Synthesis of the Methyl Ester of a-Chloro Acrylic Acid
of the reaction aL~,iounted to 75. There are 2 figures, 1 table,
and 14 references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra tekhnologii vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy,
Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut
imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva (Chair of the Technology of High-
Molecular Compounds, Moscow 'Order of Lenin" Institute
of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. IJendeleyev)
SUBMITTED: February 7, '958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR; qmi rgnirp 69-58-12 -21123
TITLE: The 80th Anniversary of Ivan Platonovich Losev van
Platonovich LosevCk 80-letiyu so dnya rozhderniy
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1956, Vol XX, Nr 2, pp 246-247 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Losev was born January 16, 1878. In 1919 he began his scien-
tific career as assistant of Professor P.P. ShorygIn in the
Moscow Veterinary Institute. Since 1923, Professor I.P. Losev
has worked in the Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy insti-
tut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical Technological
Institute imeni D.I. jdendeleyev). In 1932, he organized the
first chair for plastics in the institute. His own work is
concerned with the chemistry and technology of high-molecular
compounds, with the reaction of polymerization of vinyl chlo-
ride, of simple vinyl esters and of the derivatives of alpha-
chloracfylic acid, with the copolymerization of vinyl deri-
vatives of alpha-chloracrylic acid, with the condensation of
phenol and aniline together with various aldehydes. Since
1943, he has studied the synthesis of polyester urethanes,
polyamides, polyurea, and the cation exchange resin sorbelit's.
In 1946, he organized the chair for the technology of high
molecular compounds, and in 1957 the laboratory for ion ex-
Card 1/2 change resin sorbents. In 1956 Losev was elected president.
The 80th Anniversary of Ivan Platonovich Losev 69-58-2 -21/23
of the All-Union Chemical Society imeni D.I. Mendeleyev.
There is 1 photo.
1. Biography
Card 2/2
3t~l t,-.
f, c 0
-ction O-L ......
c cic
Vn 0 C
.L s tion
. , UL;
on ~5 ICC
d 0:1
th 111CO i IZ3 r: pr,
T~ 'iiith Diols 11 n 1-I r e z,_
--.cil-. On occ-13; cn C,
1 _cxv ;,:'I, t~ n vi lbu t_: nol- I
of rcl
in '_`ie 1:r~~uerco I., i I C.
I!,. d s tz~~ r t _J on o f -C, r ry r u c c' -p
o r ) r -ic 31 not
A,- in c Q
:tion of Lnd 1 t
c 7 of -*IC1- ._-.!id :,,,PC., 1;_--_,!_s to L'Gr- tii m
c t Z, C: r 0 s a i 1,e i 6 0 r,7 I C I v t -j
t Jon n c c J t h
PC- J 7
(II). Jh, t
ri. c c t io I i i2 he:-, c ~2 -1 cc n
c ~C
I -_, . " - ., t" 0C 2:_
J q _~nf (II)
I e T
U t 4on Ar-,..,-,u.ic -"(-):v.ojnd3 'Jit:i -,'Icr;' o1j in
- 1. , rI - -',6
- o" Acid C;I-
t~ily s t~-. III. Interict.--Jon of Plhcnol Wit,i D401~ J n the Prese;-ce of P'102-p'-Oric
Ac id
-olitble in bcnzene an-' ace'onp
-ch i rc -: - 11 (referc.-ice-1 ~~nd 15),
111112 r2 _1 ro 17 r,~f,3r,:nCe,3, of wll~ich are SLLvic.
-~,Ic: -,: Moscaw Chemical and Thchnological Institute imeni D. I. I-Lancleleyev
v ~andle'eye-
V, )
S UBid 1 --`2 E D: D-ii2:2i.iber 10, 1~56
AVAILABLE: Lilbrary of Con;
.-rd 7/3
AUTHORS: Losev, I. P., Smirnova. 0. V.
TITLE: Interaction of th-e-A-ro-ni-a-t-i-e-C-o-m-p-o-unds With Alcohols in the
Presence of Acidous Catalysts (Vzaimodeystviye aromati-
cheskikh soyedineniy so spirtami v prisutstvii kislykh
katalizatorov) IV. Interaction of Benzene With Poly-
atomic Alcohols in the Presence of Acidous Catalysts
(Ill. Vzaimodeystviye benzola s mnogoatomnymi spirtami v
prisutsfvii kislykh katalizatorov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,Vol.28,Nr 4,pp.991-90/4(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigation of the interaction reaction of benzene
with different polyatomic alcohols in the presence of
acidous catalysts shows the possible production of new
saturated and unsaturated benzene derivatives (phenylpro-
panol. phenylbutene and others), which would be suited
for the synthesis of plasticizing products and polymeric
compounds. When carrying out the interaction reaction of
benzene with diols the authors relied on data from pre-
vious investigations (Refs I to 8). At first
benzene was
Card 1/3 condensed by butane-,diol-I.,4- -and -1,3 in the presence of
interaction of the Arcmatic Compounds Wit~%lcohols in the Presence of
Acidous Catalysts. IV. Interaction of Benzene With Polyatomic Alcohols
in the Presence of Acidous Catalysts
Card 2/3
H PO and AM . It has been ascertained that the interaction
o? binzene witA butane-diol-1 A leads to the formatVion
of tarry products and with butane-diol-1,3 to 3-phenyl-
.,butanol-1 and 1.,3-diphenylbutane. The dehydration was a
separate problem,~as it is known from publications
(Refs 9 and 19) that the extension of the radical of the
respective alcohol makes its dehydration more difficult.
The dehydration was carried out under the conditions
su.-gested for the primary phenylethyl alcohol'(Refs 9, 11,
12). The highest yield of 2-phenyl-butene-3 (56 %) is ob-
tained in the presence of alumo-silica gel at 140-160 C.
From polymerization of 2-phenyl-.butene-3 together with
styrol copolymers with different contents of initial com-
pounds were obtained. Furthermore, the condensation of
benzene with glycerol in the presence of H 3PO AM
FeCl3 and H2so4 was investigated. Positive reiu'lts w~rle
obtained in the presence of AM at 100-102 0C and
595 - 6,0 atmospheres in the autgolave. The result of the
reaction were two products: 2-phenyl-.Dropane-diol-1,3
Interaction of the Aromatic Compounds With Alcohols in the Presence of
Acidous Catalysts. IV. Interaction of Benzene With Polyatomic Alcohols
in the Presence of Acidous Catalysts
and 2,3-diphenylpropanol-.l. There are 16 references, 14 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnoloaicheskiy institut imeni D. I.
(1.1oscow Institute for Chemical Technology imeni D. I.
SUBIMITTED: December 11, 1956
Card 3/3
UTT-HORS; Losev, I. P.,, Smirnova, 0. V.
7C-2 EI -,:-z2 /60
TITLE: Interaction of the Aromatic Compounds With Alcohols in the
Presence of Acidous Catalysts (Vzaimodey2tviye aromati-
cheskilch soyedineniy so spirtami v prisutstvii kislykh
!:ataliz,.torov) V. Interaction of Benzene Iffith Polyvinyl
'-lcohol in the Presence of ''cidous Catalysts (11. Vzai-
modeystviye benzola s polivinilovym spirtora v prisutsvii
1:7-siykh katalizatorov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnall Obshchey Khimii~1958,vol.28,Nr 4,PP-994-993(USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors condensed benzene with
polyvinylalcohol and used H rO and AM as catalyst.
On this occasJon a red -91oped which
.L -browg product dev
swelled in water, alcohol, benzene and acetone. From
---idation of the reaction product by potassium bichromate
phthalanhydride and benzoic acid were obtained. This
refers to the inclusion of phenyl rings in the chain of
polyvinyl--lco.ho-l. The analysis represents the reaction
Card 1/4 process in the following scheme.
Tntc.r,artion of thLe
in the PreL;ence of
Aromatic Compounds 71ith Alcohols
V. Inturaction of Penzerie ',7i.-ti.
AcitlouL.- Catalytto
CH C11- CH - CH -CH
Oil Oil 011
in the Presence of
112PO 4)
+ C H
6 6
----> -CH2 oil __ Cil 2- r1i - C11 2- C11- 11 20
OH C6115 OH
2. CH _CH2_ CH- 711
Cil~_Cll ___C1l2_
011 011
CH~- CH - CH2_ C11 - C112_ CH- + H20
LC611 4 OTI
Card 2/4
interaction of the Aromatic Compounds With Alcohols in the Presence of
Lcidous Catalysts. V. Interaction cf Benzene With Polyvinyl Alcohol
in the Presence of Acidous Catalysts
'Me number of hydroxyl Croups substituted by the phenyl
rinC,7 depends on the quantity of catalyst and on the re-
action time. The irlvestij:Ition of the reaction products
('.3--diphen,yipen-cane) of polyvinylalcohol with benzene
in the uresence of AICI was carried out by means of
infrared sDectro3copy, Uhng a layer of 0,01 mm thickness
(Refs 2 and 3). From the analysis partial substitution of
the hydroxyl groups by phenyl radicals can be ascertained.
Consequently the pollymer can obtain the structure M
and (II). At the same tiri,.,a the development of double
bonds is also pos.,ible. By this the polymer can acquire-
the structare (III).
- CH C11 - CH CH - CH 2-- CH -CH - CH-
UH L;6H5 6A5
Card 3/4
7", - 28 32/60
interactior of the Aromat-I-- Compounds "vTitq'_'Lccho'!.s in the Presence of
Acidous Catalysts. V. Interaction of Ben2ene 71ith Polyvinyl Alcohol
in the Fresen~s of Acidol-s Catalysts
The of a doubie bo-i-d (ITI) Ccndlitions the de-
velopmen- cf d_ia~-c~~iai bonds between the 3_in,~Tie poly-
mer Th_~s iz cor-firmed by the poor scliz1bility
of the after the react.Jor. There are 1 fi,~~ure.
4 tab 1 e E. m-td .3 references, of which are Soviet.
y khImik- -te1,,1hr,o1o-"ch4-iy in t ti ti e i
ASSOCIATION; k , v. I - 3 i j i'1 11
D, 1, 7''2:ia~_.eye qa)
r I
osc,-w for Chemnical Technology imenJ D.
Mende. ~~vev,!
"I" -D: Decembef 2A. 1956
5 ITT.,
2-rd 4, if
t, SOVI/ 153-9 -4-23/32
A j'l H13RS Losev, I. P., Smirnova, 0. V., Bodnar, E-E., 11,utsenko, L_ K.,
Kona zhevs kiy-,-X.
TITLE: Synthesis of a-Chloroacrylic Acid Ester.!
P~E'RIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khitaiya i
teklinolcgiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, PP 589 - 593 (JSQ-R)
A_-1ST_~L-',CT. A report on 'this paper was given at the All-Union Conference
on `,i7ays of Synthesis of Initial Prodacts for the Production of
High Polymers" which took place in Yaroslavl' from September 29
to October 2, 1958. Among the polymer synthctics, gaining more
and more importance, the acryl derivatives are outstanding be-
cause of their many valuable properties. On the other hand, poly-
mers obtained from the derivatives of acrylic and methacrylic
acid esters show considerable shortcomings such as little resi-
stivity to heat,wear, and crack formation. One of the ways of
eliminating these shortcomings is polyncer production on the basis
of the esters mentioned in the title. Only a-substituted esters
can be used (Refs 1,2). After giving a survey of publications
(Refs 1-9), the authors state that the synthesis of the esters
Card 0 mentioned in the title in the presence of concentrated H 2so4 and
Synthesis of a-Chloroacrylic Acid Esters SC.
alcohol is of hi~--h rinactical interest (because the initial sub-
tricthylene chloride and for.-ialdehyde are easy to obtain)
(Refs 11,12). In the Paper under review, publication data on
the syn thesis of methyl esters were taken into consideration, and
the way of synthesis of other esters (ethyl, n.-Propyl-, iso-
propyl-, n.batyl-, isobutyl-, isoamyl-, and cyclo~exyl-ester)
were investibr-ated. The synthesis of the acid mentioned in the
title withan exterded carbon chain has been little described in
publications 'Ref 4). Acrylic acid ester, acrylon-itrile, and
triethylene chloride were used as raw materials. Starting from
the former, any esters can be synthesized in two sta.-es: a)
synthesis of the ester of oL, P- dichloropropionic acid, b) dehydro-
chlorination of dichloro derivatives obtained from propionic
acid by means of various separating agents. C o n c 1 u s i o n s:
1) In the chlorination of acrylic acid esters by means of gaseous
chlorine in the presence of dimethyl formamide, corresponding
-dichloropropionic acid are formed with a yield
eoters of UP/5
of more than 9oOO (of the theoretical yiold). 2) cxA-dichloro-
propionitrile was formed by direct chlorination o acrylonitrile
under the same conditions. This method of chlorination is new.
Card 2/3
~t - C,., 1 c r --, a ccc -;. d E z t e r s 3 QV/ 1:-, -2 3 132
Card V3
3)Pr~-paration of esters of the acid mentioned under I from 'the
:-,a')~;tance ;:~(:-Aioned under 2) gives a yield of up to 75~, it
is convenient, and interesting with re8ard to waste utilization
of acrylonitrile production. 4) By means of chlorination, sapo-
nification, and esteri-fication of acrylonitrile, various esters
of dichloropropionic acid can be obtained in one process (yield
up to 80%). 5) Sodium acetate proved to be the best separating
agent in dehydrochlorination o? t"he ester of cx,13-dichloro-
propionic acid (yield of 8o%). 6) Various esters can be obtained
in the preparation of 'the esters of a-chloroacrylic acid from
triethylene chloride and fori:ialdehyde in the -oresence of the
respective alcohol and H SO The ester y4 -eld decreases 7;--th in-
2 4*
creasing chain length of the alcohol radical. No esters are
formed if isoamyl- and cyclohexyl alcohol are used. There are
2 figures, 1 table, and 12 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
;.!oskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institutt i:.-,eni D. I. Mende-
leyeva (Moscow Instit-ute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Ien-
. _V, L,
Synthesis of isoalkyl eaters of a j
,/ 20
L704 L
CL 0 q5 15 Z 45
- 4Z8,
rn .60
0 .1 z
O/Z -
> zo
004t 10
amount amount
Fig. 1. Relationship between specific viscosity Fig. 2. Relationship between
and yield of polyether and amount of TrIlon B. specific viscosity and yield of
--- specific viscosity; - field. 1 and 2- polyether and amount of level-
in carbon tetrachloride 3 and 4 In Mathyleae ing agent A. Symbols same as
chloride in fig. 1.
---Card 3/5
ACCESSION HR: AP4035099 1MCL06UU 1 02
k 4
; 4
:t: qZ8 ,
- .
U) z W
q% W
0 qZ0
40. 0
z0 -Z0
404 0
0 0,5 1,5 .9 45 1,5 Z 4 5
amount amount
Figi 3- Relationship between specific Fig. 4. Relationship between specific
viscosity and yield of polyether viscosity and yield of polyether and
and amount of OP-7. amount of Nek-1
card 4/5 A-ILL!
4 -/00
;~;O 60
1 K-14-1 :3
3 40
M 0
a q5 I 'If-f j 44
Fig- 5- Relationship between specific viscosity
and yield of polyether and amouat of Avirol,
Byzibols same as iu fig, 1.
Card 5/5
ACCESSION NR: AP4041775 a/0191/64/000/007/0025/001a
AUTHOR: Losev, 1. P. (deceased); Smirnova, 0. V..; Yedeyeva, 8. B.
TITLE: Synthesis and inviestigation;4polyesters afcaz~bonic acid. Polyesters of cutonic;
acid based on 1, 1-(4.4-dihydro)ty~3,31-dichlorodiphomyt)-cyclobexme an& pboagens
SOURCE: Plasticheiddye m"W**, no. 7, 1M, 16-.17
TOPIC TAGS: polyester, carbonic acid polyester, cyclobexane, pboagene, 1.1-(4.4-
dihydroxy-3.3 dichlorodiphanyl)-cyclobexane, carbonic acid, polymer, polycondensation,
heterophase polycondensation, polyester electrical property
.ABSTRACT: Polyesters of carbonic acid based on 1, 1-(3,3 -dichloro-4,4 -dihydr;xydiphe&~W
cyclohexane were obtained by the method of heterophase. polycondenwition with phosgene - I ':
The average specific viscosity and yield of the polyesters was found to depend conalderably
on the concentration of the initial substances and their molar ratios.
carbon tetrachloride gave Me beat results at a of 0. 4 - 0. 4 mol. /liter. Mw
optimal amount of a1W1 was 200% of do theoreUc4al. further Increase In aWl led to a
ra 1/2
decrease in the molecular weight and yield of the polyesters The dependence of the speeffic:
viscosity and yield of polyesters on the amounts of.catalyst and alkali, the concentration of
initial substances, temperatpre and stirring rate I& plotted. The beat reaWta were obtalvAd.
with a slight excess ofoosgpne (20%). A stirring Xat6 up to 2800 r.p. m~ -increased this
yield of polyester. Regirtilliss of the. low molectilar weight of the polymdr, strong trana-
parent films were obtained from a 15% polymer so*tion with methydene chloride. Films of
a polymer having a mol. wt. of 18, 000 had a tensile strength of 760 kg/cm2 with 8%
elongation. IntroduqUon of the two chlorine atoms into the phenyl ring thus increases the,
rigidity of the polymer chains and the mechanical strefigth, and Imparts the property a
self-extinction to the polyester. The 4islectric constant was 2.3-2. 5 and the-tit4gent
dielectric lose was 0..002. !11U-1,JL-j3,31~-dich1oro--4,41
angle of
cyclobexane was provided by. the personnel of the V9esoyu.=y*y
institut reaktivov (AH-Union Scientific Research Institute fdr Reagnts).": Orig., art.
7'figures and I structaral forniAa...'
ZNCL. 00-
mmmrrTzD: oo
SUB CODE.-- OC, MT:t =F'WV: 0ou", 079M., 002
'ACCESSION RR: AP403o361 S/0190/64/006/003/0459/0462 I
'AUTHORS: Smirnova, 0. V.; Losev, I. P. (Deceased); Khorvatt E.
'TITLEj The synthesis and investigation of polycarbonates by the interfacial
ipolycondensation method- 4. Effect or excess of one of the components on the
:course of the interfacial polyaondensation of 2,21-bis-(4-bYdroxyPhenyl) propane
'and phosgene
SOURCE: Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no- 3P 1964t 459-462
iTOPIC TAM polycondensation, polycarbonate, interfacial polycondensation, 2121-
'bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane, phosgene, constant concentration method, constaht
.1volume method, organic phase, aqueous phase, dichloromethane, carbon tetrachloridep-
1benzene, n-heptane
-ABSTRACT: Solutions of 2,21-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane (HPP) in n-heptane,
carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and dichloromethane were prepared, having a conoen-
;tration of 0.10 mole/liter and 0.02 mole/liter. Aqueous phosgene solutions of
varIOUS concentrations were prepared,and the two phases were superimposed on ea
[other, allowing interfacial polycondensation to take place in the presence of twice';-
the amount of sodium hydroxide required for neutralizing the liberated hydrochloric'j~-,~
C.,d 1/?.
',ACCESSION NR.- AP4030361
acid. One experimental approach consisted in keeping the concentrations of HPP andl
jof phosgene identical, while in the other the volumes of the superimposed phases
!were kept even but the phases had different concentrations of HPP and phosgene. It',
!was found that the highest yields and m9leoular weights were obtained at a 20-4o~
:excess of phosgene over the EIPP component requirement for an equimolar ratio. The
inature of the solvent had no effect on the polycondensation. The same excess of
lphosgene produces a polycondensate of higher molecular weight under conditions of
1constant concentration of the phases, as compared with the constant volume setupf! I
U large excess of phosgene causes the formation of low molecular weight fractioneg
jas does a large excess of HPP, while the total yield of the polycondenoate is
higher. Orig. art. has: 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimioo-tekbnologichookiy inatitut ime De Is Hendeleyeva
(Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute)
NO 1W BOVS 005
1-Card 2A..
AVEMI SMUMMI 00 To I &*GeV, 1, (DOGGSWA)l - nbirnto v. I Asftdwv% 1. 36
TITIEs The m7nthesis and invwtigatian of Fuli A-11-me 1W aw
polycondensation method* 59 Ifftat of the 0~t =a 00MOURtratim of MUM
ydroxide on the cource of the JAterraol" of 2t2#_b1s-4-
(bydroaWphaWl) Vmpaw =A phoagne
SOURCEs Vy*sokozol uVediumiyat `v- 6# no- 3P 19649 463-469
.,TOPIC TAGSt polyosrbmatet dibWdr0z7diPbftW3a]1M"G# 2#2'-bis-(4-krdrCmbUWl)
propane, phoagene# pv17*sterq sodium b7droxideg polyoondm=tiont interfsoial
polycondensationg aqueow phasep orgenic phasoo, iphm=dde iong smoromolocule
:ABSTRACT& Equimolecular amounts of 2q2'-bis-(4-krdroVyhezWl) proSane (MIP) and
i phoagene (in 0.01 - 1 00 mole/liter awcentratives) were subjected to interfacial
polycondensation In the presmas of an equisolocular moat of sodium b7drmddo in
the aqueovA phase* M7=wa of low moleaular weight (20004M) were obtainedt
irreapeotive of the nature of the. organic pbmet *U9 the sidditim of a 100-360AI
excess modiuat kWdroxide *oused an Increase In the molecalm weight of polyin",
the magnitude of which varied ~ with the solvent. Thus,, at 0. 1 sole/liter cancentra.
tions of the reacting componen%e, an or6=10 Ph&80 Of carbon tetrachloride yielded
a POlYcarbOnate with a molecular weight of 65 000, an again t IL MX or a
i~ nly
40 000 from an n-heptane phase and 10 000 and T 800 from benzene and aetWlene-
chloride phases, respectively. The yield of polyowbonsteg increased with higher
.concentrations Of sodium bqdroxidep reaching In owbon tetrachloride and a-heptane
phases a ma3ciTmi- coinciding with maxianm molecular weightp declining thereafter.
0 am inned
In benzene and methYlenechloride phaseso an the other hand, the yj Id t to
.climb long after the maximm molecular weight had been reached. It was also found
that the degree of phosgene b1drolysis increased with higher conoentrations of
sodi= hydroxide and that it depended on the nature of the orgmic phase* A 10-30A
,excess phosgehe over the equisolsoular ratio prov beneficial In ackleving optiml
.yields and molecular weights of the polywro. ftils further aWtims at phosguns
continued to increase the yield of the polyosr'bonatey its mleoulw w*i^t declined.
An excess of EPP over the equlmwlscular ratio with phoagme led to sWIm r*mltso
The authors oonolude that &.2arge excess of sodim b7d"xide is requlzvd for optiml
remats in the EPP-pbosgme lntuVb"e ca re"Ume CrIge arts Woo
4 obarts and I toible,,
ASSMIATIONs MomkovWdy dwddy 11widifts in. D. 1. us""Vem
ACCESSION MR: AP4032559 S/0190/6V0O6/0O4/0594/b599
AUTHORS: Smirnova, 0. V.; Losev, 1. F. (Deceased); Khorvat', S*
TITM- : Synthesis and investigation of polycarbonates by the method of inter-
facial polycondensation. 6. Effect of emulsifiers on the Course of interfacial
polycondensation of 2)21-bis-(4-1Vdroxyp1-.eryl) propane and phoagenois and on
~he rate of phosgene hydrolysis
SOPME: Vy*sokomolek. soyedin., v. 6., no. 4, 1964P 59449
TOPIC TAGS: polycarbonate, polycondensation., interfacial polycondensation.,
hydroxyphenylpropane, phosgene,. surface active substance, emLlsifier, sodium
oleate, sodium lauryl sulfate, OP 10, n heptane, carbon tetrachlorides benze=.*
inethylene- chloride, hydrolysis
ABSTRACT: Tests were conducted on the emulsifiers sodium cleats, sodium
laurylaulfixte,and the polyethyloneglycol aster of isooctylphenol (OP-10),, which
constituted up to 0.40"A of the aqueous phase. The medium of the organic phase
consisted of n-hkotane, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, or matkWlene chloride. The
mixing rate w2z 4200 rpm. It was-found that the effect of the emulsifiers depended
Card: 1
ACCESSION kal: AP4032559
0111 their nature, their concentration, and'on the nature of the organic phase.
Thus, in the presenc6 of s6dium. oleate, only small concentrations of the latter
(0.05,-J-) and an organic phase of benzene resulted in increased molecular weight
of the 2,21-bis-(4-h~droxyphenyl) propane"(11PP) polycondensate. With sodium
.1aux7ylsulfate, a sixfold increase in molecular weight of IMP was obtained where
benibne was the orgar4c phase, as against~.only a Urofold increase with a methylene
,chloride solvent. OP-10 yielded a polycondensate of higher molecular weight only
with methylene chloride as the organic ph6e. It was found ihat an increasein
molecular weight of W could be obtained only in an alkaline medium (the concen-
tration used in the inirestigation amounted to 0.20 riwle/liter of NaOH). The rate
oil p1hosclene hydrolysis in the process of intbrfacial polycondensation was recorded
simultaneously with a determination of the amount of the Polymer dissolved in the
organic phase. It was observed that the rate depended strongly on the nature of
-the e-,mlsifier and of the organic phase, For example,, in the presence of sodium
:lauz7lsuli~ate and n-haptaria, the expenditure of phosgene increased 3.5 times.
'The presence of an e=lsif or was also found to affect the amount of polymer
dissolved in the orgihic 1~use. The authors present a discussion of the theoreti-
cal aspects of interfacial po3,,rcondensation. Orige art. has: 3 charts and 2
ASSOCI-M.110IN: Ytoscovskiy ',dlimico-te;clinoloc;icl-,eskiy institut im.:D. 1. Xlendeloyeva
(~ioscow Chemicotooluiological lnstitul~clf
SUB=TM i 25~~r63 DA:.,r; Ac(2: 1L-,ay64 EiNd: 00
SUB CODE: GG 140 lt;~? SOV t003 OTHM: 002
rd 3L"
ineuiLum.13M V'L T'Urd "k %#uu tj'yu umm.Lts VL 'UUAJVM.WUVAu&u%It3 jyj.,
interfacial polvoondensation
-SOURCE Vysokomoleku1,yarnyyO, eAineniya v- ~'7
no 9
OY 1965s .12 134
topic VLGS: polyeawbonate'j.inteif6.bial~I)olI dema,Aion'. tertiary L Mine ph("gene
.ABSTRACT: The catalytia'activity. of- tertiary II anines and of qiqtej~__L
-a from" Me~. W
amMoniuni bases the synthesis of., poly.-carbonate h a d.diphenols
__ I . 'j., - L ~'. di ~- 1),
ale o po carbons, es thy
investigatZ tv, 4 L ", L oxy~-3-md lpheny pro
~rnthe f
pane with trietbylamine.(i), trie enzylammaniichioride (II)j: I
orid ii)- -chloride. IV),
dimethylphenylbenWlammoniachl i;ltqtTaetby, onia I
tetraot,bylamonlitbromide:(V)t,tetrabutylammcmiaiodidd (V'I) t:L triethylmethylaMmonia.
bromide (VII), and hexametbylenetiitr ine'(VIII),catsj7zers showed that cata3yzers
and II gave best resultOL(89 and 92% Yield)--.- SolibilityL a*indicated that the
catalyzer-offectiveYies,i3.depended on the solubilit -complex ~with phoegeneL
y of its
When ' - I
with phosgene
the organic solvent and ite, ability to disso reacting
Based on tho reaction datafthe role of L the catalyzer was hypothesized as followsV
rdiphen ole, part of
Iyoarbonate synthesis from phosgene o the chlorof
in. yo
the data tabulateds It was.foW14 t.hat . only the poly varbonates fro6: (1)_ + (4)
(1) + (5) in equal molar ratios haiij hi volvike resistivityIat:a
-voltage, of 1000
Y. The dielectric corotant doolines-with increase.in ftequp1mr- -the electric
field&.. All of the yolycarbonites, are.11,1-611*~istable in this prevence:.cf camstla
. . . . . . . . .- - - - - -
~,ACCBSSION NR:, AP5011255
soda. Replacement of one, unit by -anoth6r1h i polycarbonotes. id.; mewested in
~ ast6dd
itiomorphic substitutionj%
g t116 Wit
ra ures: some-'-'::
iderease of units that contain residue Of t
e4 ng t
what above the glasq point., the.order-ing of the pioiymar is inoreasid,' .,Orig6
art. hast 2 figures wd tables'
ASSOCIATION:- Moskovskiy khiniko-tekhnolbgicheskiy._ tvat: is D, I". He
gineerin :Institw
(Moscow 0hemical In
SUBMTw: oijui64 JWB COM $00. M_.
NO MF BOTt 001
L 2732e=�6 EWT(m)/E.WP(J)/T IJP(c) RM
ACC NR, Ap6ooa984 SOURCE CODE: UR 61961
AUMORS: Omirnova, 0. V.; Fortunatov, 0. G.; Garber, H. M.; Koleenikov, G. S.
ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technologr im. D. I. Mendeleyev (Moskovski~
khimiko-tek4nqtlogichaskiy institut)
TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of olycarbonates prepared by interphase
polycondensation of di-(4-hydroxyphenyl5-phenylmethane
SOURCE: Vysok lekulyarnyye Boyedineniya, v- 7, no. 119 1965t 1989-1992
TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polycarbonate plastic, polymer chemistry, polymerization,
sodium hydroxide
ABSTRACT: This investigation was undertaken to extend the work of H. Schnell (Industr.
and &igag. Chem 51~ 157, 1959) on the synthesis of poly6arbonates. The reaction of.
di- phenylmethane with phosgene was investigated. The conditions for
maxirmim yield of product and the effect of NAOR concentration and the initial concen-
'tration of reactants on the yield and on specific viscosity were determined. The
experimental results are presented graphically and are in good agreement with those
obtained by Ell Said Ali Khasan (Dissertatsiya, 1964) for the synthesis of polycarbon-
ates from metbyl- or chloro-substituted diphenyls. Origo art. hast 3 graphs.
SO CODE:07j ll/SUBM DATEI 31Dec64/ ORIG. REF: 2/ UM REP: 001
Car 1/1 -,Pi-) UDC: 54
L 18418-66 EWT(m)/EWP( )/Ar
ACC NR: 003426 "OURCE CON: U!(/0190/66/008/001/0146/0152
AUTHORS: Smirnova, 0. V.; Kolesnikov, .G. S.; V14sova, V. A.; NaLir, R.. XK. 3 7
ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering im. D. 1. Mendeleyev (Moskovskiy
khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institTt-)
TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of the properties of polyurethane carbonate
based on 4;Z2-(4-hydroxyphenvl)isopf,opYI7-phenyI ester of hexamethylene dicarbamic
acid and p osgene
A . I
SOURCE: VysokomolekalyarrVye soyedineniya, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 146-152
TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, polycondensationp phosgene, polymer strnctitre
ABSTRACT: The effect of reagent concentration, excess of alkali and phosgene,
presence of emulsifiers, and number of phosgenations upon interphase suspension
polycondensation of 4-Z2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)isopropyl7-phenyI ester of hexamethylene
dicarbamic acid and phosgene has been investigated. The basic reaction proceeds
according to the scheme: CHI CHI
--%OCHN (CH.).NHCO//--%-C-,O'-'-%"'-o if + nr-Orl,
Card 1/2 UDC: 678-01:53+678.664+678.674
L 18418-66
ACC NR: AP6003426
,yielding polyurethane carbonate (I). It was established that the highest values
for reduced viscosity (0-42) and highest yield of I (4Wo) are obtained with the
reagent concentration of 0-4 mole/1 and at 4W4 excess of phosgene. Five
phosgenations yielded 65% of I having 1.2. Its physical and chemical proper- i, V-1
ties were determined; (I) was remarkably inert to alkaline hy4olysis and to
organic solverts. Orige aFt. has: 2 tableas 5 figuresp and 1 equation.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: O4Mar65/ ORIG HF.- 001/ OM REF: 004
Card 212~W
L 24489-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T/E -6 IjP(c) w~/Rm
ACC NR: "66o SOURCE CODE: U,910190/66/008/002/0302/0307
AUTHORS: Smirnova, 0. V.~ Koleanikov, G. S.; Vlasova, M. A.; Ledneva, 0. A.
ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology im. D. I. Mendeleyev (Moskovskiy
khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy inatitnt)
TITLE: Synthesis and study of the properties-of o1yurethane carbonatelbased on
4.-/2--(3-meth,yl-4-hydroxyphenyl)isopropyl7-2-methylphenyI eater of hexamethylene
diZarbamic acid and phosgene
SOURCE: Vysokomolekmlyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 8, no. 2, 1966, 302-307
TOPIC TAGS: organic synthetic process, polycarbonate plastic, thermomechanical
property/ PKU-2 polyurethane plastic
ABSTRACT: Synthesis and properties of ]eo ethane carbonate PKU-2 W based on
4-Z2-(3-methYl-4-hydroxyphenyl)iso]?ropy -2-methyl ester of hexamethylene
dicarbamic acid (II) and phosgene (IIi)-are described. The material, having a
molecular weight of 20 000 and an elementary unit represented by the formula
Card 113 UDC: -541.64+678.674
L 24489-66
ACC NR: AP6006984
CHI" ctj~ CHI- CHI ell$ CHI'
Pine the excellent mechanical properties
was of interest afKit was expected to com
of polycarbonatesv'With higher e:Lasticity%nd alkali resistance. Compound II has
een synthesiFe-dfor the first time, by reacting 2,2-di-(3-methyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)
propane with hexamethylene diisocyanate. I was preparedby interphase polyconden-
sation in suspension. Study of the yield and viscosity of the product as functions
of the reaction conditions is summarized graphically. Optimal concentration of
r preased
eagents was found to be 0.2 moVi. Phosgenation repeated three times in
the yield.from 15 to 45%- Comparison of the thermomechanical propertiesPof I with
those of homopolycarbonate is illustrated in Fig.A& The product was resistant to
alkaline hydrolyeio and to organio solvents.
-A ~Card 2/~
L 24489-66
ACC NR.- AP6oo6984
LCard, 3/3
L 38730-66 0wT(1)/&T(m)/EWP(j)/T
SOURCE CODE: UP/0190/66/008/oolt/0708/0712
AUVOR: Srrdrnova, 0. V. Korovina. Ye. V.; ~olesnikov, G. S.; Lipkin, A. M.
Kuzina, S. I. L
ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology im. D. I. Mendeleyev (Moskovskiy
khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institutj I
TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of polycarbonatLrom cyclopentane and phosgene.
SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye sqjedineniya, v. i, no. 4, 1966, 708-712
TOPIC TAGS: phosgene, cyclopentane, polycarbonate, polycondensation
ABSTRACT: A polycarbonate from 1,1-di-(Ii-hydroxyphenyl) cyclopentane was synthesized
by the condensation of cyclopentanone with phenol. The polycarbonate was prepared
by means of interphase polycondensation. Optimum conditions were established for the
polycarbonate synthesis and its physical, mechanical and dielectric properties were
determined. It was found that transparent polycarbonate filmsll~)repared from a 20%
solution in methylene chloride are suited for use at ele~vated~temVeratures. Orig.
art. has: 5 figures. [NT)
SUB CODE: 11, 07/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr65/ ORIG REF: 0061 OTH REF: 001
ijp(c) RM/W/Ro
C.,d 1/1 )b UDC: 541.64+678.674
4-r- T 7 1 ~I'M
,6_Qz~ ~,:` 7,7 ( M ', "' r 1 ) '- I
ACC-N =z--A?6024050 SOURCE CODEI UR/oigi/66/000/005/0043/0046!
AUTHOR: Smirnova, 0. V.; Yerofeyevaj S. B.
ORG: none
TITLG: Some properties of chlorinated polycarb
SOURC2: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 5, 1966, 43-46
TOPIC TAGSS polycarbonate plastic, amorphous polymer, polymer stability, polymer heat
ros.stance, polymer pl-kysical property
1 M',CT: In order to determine the technical value of chlorinated polvearbonates,
i their polydispersity, thennal stability 5thermomechanical and chemical Droperties, and
also the prope'rties of their films1were studied on samples with an average molecular
i waight of 25,000. The thermomechanical curves showed a considerable rigidity and the
absence of a highly elastic state because of the rigidity of the molecules themselves;
1; this results in a looseness of packing in the vitreous state. Thus, the polycarbonate
films displayed an appreciable deformation (several percent). The polyca'rbonates were
stable up to 3000C. X-ray structural analysis showed the presence of an amorphous and
an ordered region. The x-ray and thermomechanical data indicate that the polycarbon-
ates are basically amorphous polymers with an ordered structure in the microregions.
it, is shown that in thermal stability and moisture resistance the chlorinated poly-
Icarbonate films match polyethylene terephthalate (dacrong mylar) films, and are
C. d 1/2 UDCt 6?8.6741 515-01 1 536.495 1 537.226 1 54
-L '37215-66 F,! P ( j ) IIEXI' (m ) AIJP(c),
;,p6ol8l27 SOURCE CODE:
AUTHOR: -KQvarQkaya, B. M ; Kolepaikov. 0. 3-.; Levantovska a, 1. 1-j
Sm:Lrnova, 0. V.; Drakyuk, G. V.; Poletakhtna.
ORG: none
TITLE: Thermo-oxidative degradati f polycarbonates
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1966, 4o-42
TOPIC TAGS: polycarbonate plastic, heat resistance, oxidative
degradation, oxidation kinetics, reaction mechanism
ABSTRACT: Polycarbonates, molecular weigpt of about 30,000, based on
2,2-di-(4-hydrox henyl)-propane (PK-1),\9on 1 1-di-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-
eye'lohexane (PK-12 and on di-(4-hydroxyphenyl~-phenylmethane (PK-3)
wc-re subjected to thermal oxidation in vacuum.1 Kinetic curves of the
thermal oxidations showed PK-l was most stable and FK-3 the least
stable. Energies of activation for the oxidations were calculated;
21.0, 17.6 and 13.0 kcal/mol, respectively. Reaction mechanisms are
discussed. Auto-accelerated processes are indicated in the initial
period of thermal oxidation of PK-1 and FK-2. Radical-chain oxidation
uDc: 678.674,41'5.o1:620.192.424
, L 37215-66
IACC NRt Ap6o18127
mechanisms are indicated for all three materials. It is concluded
that polycarbonates with increased resistance to thermal oxidation
should contain a minimum number of "aliphatic" hydrogen atoms in the I -
main polymer chain and the bisphenols with aliphatic carbon atoms bonde t
to hydrogen. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 6 equations and 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 009/ -OTH REF: 002 147",
L o8795-67 EWT(m)/LW(j) IJP(c) RH
X6C-N-R'e AP6030847 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/009/0020/0022
AUTHOR: Kolesnikov, G. S.; Kotrelev, V. N.; Kostrvukova, T. P.; Lyam)dna. Z. V.-
Pechenkin, A. A.; Smii;R3-vaq 07=;Korovina, fe-. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Film materials based on polycarbonat~"ilonll
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 20-22
TOPIC TAGS: polycarbonate plastic, synthetic material, polymer, dielectric layer,
polymer dielectric, dielectric material .
ABSTRACT: Physicomechanical, structural, and dielectric properties of the polycarbon-
ate "ilon" films prepared from 1,1-di-(4-oxyphenyl)-cyclohexane and phosgene were
studied in the temperature range from 60 to 2100C. It was found that the tensile
strength of the ilon films was a function of the molecular weight of the polycarbonate
The softening point of the ilon films was found to be approximately 160-1700C. It was
also found that the structure of the ilon films is less regular than that of the
I'diflon'l-films [diflon is a brand name of a commercial polycarbonate resin]. It was
found that ilon films exhibit constant dielectric properties in the range from -60 to
+1700C. It is concluded that the ilon films are superior to diflc~n films for applica-
tion as dielectric films. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATEs 00/ ORIG REFt 003/ OTH Ws 002
Card III R7A-R7-'41LL1'r--nJVWQA
T-~ WC)'41-67 EwT(j)/EWT(m)/T-/EWP(J-) IJP(c-)- RG/-RIU
ACC Nit, IP6012715 SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/006/004/oTO7075r
AUTHOR: Kolesnikov, G. S.; Smimova, O.'V ; Ell Said Ali Khasan
ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology im. D. I. Mendeleyev (Mbsio-vskiy
khimikotekhnologicheskiy institut)
TITLE: Mixed polycarbonate9ifrom di-(4-hy roxy-3-methyli)henol) methane
SOURCE: Vysokowlekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v.,8, no. 4, 1966, 703-707
TOPIC TAGS: phosgene, propane, cyclohexane, methane, pDlycarbonate, polymer,
dielectric property
ABSTRACT: By interaction of_211M~nkith mixtures of di-(4-hydroxy-3-met4-lphe~n-,l"
. yj
methane with the 2,2-di-(4-hydroxy-3-metbylphenyl) propane, 1,1-di-(4-hydro.V-3
metbylphenyl) cyclohexane, and di-(4-hydroxy-2-phenyl-methyl) pheny1methane,.mixed"'
polycarbonates of different compositions were synthesized. The second-order*transi-
tion temperatures of the mixed polycarbonates changed monotonously with changes in.-i
their composition, indicating. the isomorphous substitution of the main polymer link6,-
in the exchange of one diphenole fortanother. The mechanical and dielectric prope
of films of the mixed polycarbonate4Dwere determined. The hydrolytic resistance, of.
the mixed polycarbonates obtained with 9 N NaOH is considerably higher than that of
polycarbonates based on diane. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 5 tables. (Based on
authors' abstract] [NT)
SUB CODE: 11, 07/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001
Card 1 /1 ob TMO. 47A 47h
TT-4 bW7W/DJ
ACCESSION NR: AP3006475 S/0145/63/000/004/01058~0079~! L
AUTHOR: Berger, Ye. G. (Candidate of.technical sciences$ AssistL'
ant); Kel'zon, A. S (Candidate.of technical sciences,, Docent);
Pryadilov, V. I. (Docent)-; am Te_ (Engineer-); Troitskav~
V. (Engineer); Sh eyzma TMe e i
TITLE: Investigating vibrations of a system of coaxial"rotors
SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 4, 1963, 58-79
TOPIC TAGS: aircraft turbine, gas turbine, self centering,:self--
aligning, turbine compressor- free turbine, rotorg coaxial..rotor
high speed turbine, vibration,.elastic bearing, ii-id bearing,
damped bearing, critical revolution-, vibration amplitude*,~Vibra*
tion free
ABSTRACT: The object of the investigation. was the self -41igning,..
dynamic conditions in aviation gas turbine enkinesi-,,consisting of
a compressort a compressor turbine, anda free turbine.' The ~:systii
investigated consisted of an aircraft gas turbine engine yi th iii
Card J/
8-stage axial compressor. flexibly coupled with the turbine and.a
free turbine. The free turbine was mounted coaxially with the com-
ine (Fig., 2) but rotated indep gine
pressor turb endently. The en
operated in the range of 25,000 to 45,000 rpm. The.compresSor and 1- -i
turbine used the full range of operational velocities;,the free' f
turbine did not exceed 25,000 rpm. The experimental study was made'
with an 8-stage compressor having a'rigid horizontal shaf t on two
bearings - either or both.elastic or rigid. The various relation-
ships derived are presented graphically in Figs. 3-5. It is shown
that self-aligning conditions may be achieved by adequate deSign of
the rigid and elastic bearings.\\ Self-aligning may occur in coaxial!- ,
rotors of any type after passing the critical speed. Ap
art from
the system shown in Fig. 6 of the Enclosure, other self-alignin
systems exist. It is characteristic of these systems that both
bearings situated between the coaxial rotors are rigid and the
mounting of the system to the-stationary turbine body secures 4 di-
grees of freedom without counting the rotor revolution. In this,
category of coaxial rotors, the amplitudes of vibrations increase'
Cqrd 2/&