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CFOUO iS179~ ` .
4 APRIL i9?9 ~ i OF 2 _
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
~PRS L/8373
4 Aprii 1979
~ ~ /
(FOUO 15179) ~
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
JpRS publi~aCions ennt~in Lnfnrm~Cion ~+rim~rily frnm fnreign
newgp~pers, p~riodic~ls and bonk~, buC ~lgd frdm n~wg ~gency
~ tr~ngmiggidng ~nd brnndcggCs~ M~terialg frdm fnreign-l~ngu~ge
SnurCe~ are CrandlgCed; thnge from ~ngligh-l~ngu~ge gourre~
gre transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing an~
dther ~haracCeriseicg reeained.
Neadlin~~, edieori~l repnrCg, and maC~ri~l enClog~d in br~rkee~
~re suppli~d by JpEt5. procesging indicgeorg such as ~TexCJ =
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processed. Where no processing indicgCnr is given, the infor-
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Unfnmiliar nam~s rendered phoneCic~lly or tr~nslitcr~ted are
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OCher un~CCribuCed parenthetical notes wiChin the body of an
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The conCents of this publ`.cation in no way represenC the poli-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
- JPRS L/8373 ~
4 Apr~.]. ~9 79
~FOVO i5/79)
Heroin Seixure in Nhndalay Z
Poppy Plantations Deetroyed 1
Her.oin Found in Car 1
Heroin Users Arreated ~
Opium Seizure in Mandalay p
Heroin Seized ia Tuanggyi 2 _
Poppy Suppreasion in Hsenwi 2 ~
Poppy Destruction in Kutkai 2
R'WO Arrested 3
Nationwide Antinarcotics Operation Nets 231 Suspecte
(3INAR HARAPAN, 3 Jan ?9) 4
Marihuana Crop Destroyed in 5umatra
(xo1~AS, 5 Jau 79) 6
62 Pounds of Morphine Seized in Kedah
(KIN I4a0K DAILY I~WS, 3 Feb "f9) 7
Eight Heroin Lnbs Found Since i976
(NE,W STRAITS TII~'S, 14 l~r 79) 9
H~roin Peddler 10 ~
- a - [III - INT -138 FOUO]
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
� CONT~NT4 (Continued) P~ge
Drug Dealing in Taure,nga Called ~bie~urbing~
(THE EVENIN(~ POST, 7 A'fe?r 79) ~ 11
Cannsbis 011 Smuc;gler Remanded for SentEncing
('PHE EiIENSNG PObT, 2 M~r 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Brie ~s
Druga Raid 13 _
3outhland Cannabie Plantation i3
Cannabie 011 Importing Ch~rge 13
Heroin Conviction 14 ~
J~il Officer, Cop Held Por Drug ?~uahing
( P~iILIPPINE3 LIAILY E}CPRESS, 10 Mar 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Nkrihuana Farms Busted 16
Mnrihuana Plants Uprooted 16
TC,p Cracks D~wn ~n ~~ypp~i~-Type' Tourists
(Rnnil Weerashinghe; 3UN, 16 M~r 79) 17
Brie fs
' Pot' Plantat ion 18
Sailors Charg4d 18 "
Four Men Admit Guilt in Heroin Conspiracy
(T~ GLOBE AND MAIL, 6 N~r 79~ 19
Polioe Seize 625 Kilograms of Haehish at Mirabel Airport
(Michel Auger; LA PRESSE, 6 M~r 79) 20
Cocaine Smuggling Convictione 23
- b -
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_ ~ntt 0~'~SCIAL US~ ONLY
CON'rENTB (Con~3nued) l~ge
New Form of Narcotice Smuggling Describefl
. (Al.eksandur Vaeilev; POGLED, ig ~eb 79) 24
Capture of Nhrihuana Shipment 26
DAS Qiief Responda to 'TIME' 8tory on Drugs
(Luis Eduardo Carrillo; EL SIGLO, 2~ Jan ?9) 27
French Correspondent Writes on Ar~tidz~u~ Campe.i n
(Roger Holeindre; PARIS-MATCH, 9 NSar 79~ ?0
~ Military Strikes Against Traffickers Described
(EL TIE~IPO, 10 Feb 79) 42
Traffickers' Arms Shipment Seized
- (EL SIGLO, 10 Feb 79~ 44
Recent Actiona Against Drug Trafficxers Reported
(EL TIEMPO, 19 Jan 79) 45
Colombia-Venezuela Joint Coamission 46
Cocaine Laboratory Seized 46
Details of 'Operation Cond.or' Nlaneuvera Ikscribed
(EL SOL DE SINALOA, 22 Feb iil 47
TrafPicking Ring Discovered in Mexicali Jail -
(LA VOZ DE LA FROB1TF~tA, 11 Feb 79) 52
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CONZ'~:~ ( Continued) p~ge
- Srie fs
~Angel Due~' !Chreat Cited 54
Cocaine TraFPickers Arrested 54
Antidrug Camp~ign Aesults 54
Heroin 7.'rsfficker Denies Chargeg 55 -
TrafPic to U.S. uontinuing 55
Jniled 0~�td. al Rel.eaeed 56
~ ' Finder' ot' Br3efcaee Actuall.y Drug De~].er 57
Doctors ?lruggist Involved in Fsychotropic Diet Pi11 Case
~EL PAIS, verious dates) s8
Pill R~cket Diecovered
Court Proceedinga
- Argentine Doctor Tnvestigated
Anotlier poctor J'eiled
Addi.tional Crime, More Arresta
BY'1~ .�S
Thrug Traffickers Arreated 68
- Drug TraPfic Increasing, Addiction Treatment Centera
(N3~~di Muhanna; ROSE AI,-YUSUF, 25 Dec 78) 69
Drug Carrying FYeighter in Port 76
Seven Icelanders Arrested ia l~rgest Cocaine Seizure
~ (MORGUNBLADID, 6 t~r 79) 77
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
CONT~IV~3 ( Continued) p~,g~
Narcobic~ Official Dipcusgee Hard Drug~ Sce~e
(BgtLINB~ TZDENDE, 10 Feb 79~ 80
Cuatoms Narcotice 3e3zureg ~teach Record in i97$ ~
(ARB~IDI~RHLaDET, 7 r^~~ 79) �~,~P�,��������........, 82
'~nifPing~ Become~ N~west You~h Druge Problems
( aRa~m~Dr,at~~,*r, i3 xeb 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 -
Hashiah Shipment Seized g7
' HURRIYEr' on Former Deputy' e Invol�,rement in ~ieroin Case
~ (H1;RRIYET, 25 t~1ar 79) 88 -
~~ahish Seized 90
Heathrow Drug Find 91
Berlin Collective Begun in Early 70's Helps Addicts
(Thomas Michelsen; DAGENS NYHETgt, 22 Jan 79) 92
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HEi~JIN SEYZURE TN MANDALAY--Mandalap, g March--Acting on a tipoff, Commander
U Kyaw Zan and some policemen of Mandalay's police atatiott No 9 and ward
people's ccuncillora yesterday aearched and seized 23 piecea of ~ade weigh-
;.ng about 300 visses [1 vis~ equals 3.6 lbs] from the housQ of U Kyaw Sein
- of Uboktawkon on the 41st atreet. They also seired some packagae of heroin
- worth 10 kyats each--12 from Min Min of Daung-yo ward, 27 from Tin Shwe
and Than Myint of East Maha-~ungmye ward, 10 from Nyunt Way of the same
~ast Maha-aungmye ward and one frorti Po Taung of Mondizu ward--and ehree
penicillin boCCles of heroin from Ma Tin San of Shwephonestiein ward. [Text]
[Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burcnese 13 Mar 79 p 5 B:i]
POPPY PLAN'TATIONS DESTROYED--Hsenwi, 8 March--A column of eoldiera ~nd police- ~
men, led by party ~nd council officials, deatroyed more than 320 ucres of
poppy plantations in klan Lin, Hwe Tawng, Namtok, Shatum, Nawnghkio and Man
Kang village tracts in Hsenwi t~wnship since the~ firat week of February 1979
under a plan to eliminate poppy cultivstion and to destroy poppy plants.
~ [~xcerpt] [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmese 15 Mar 79 p 5 BK]
HEROIN FOUND Ir~ CAR--Mandalay, 13 March--Acting on informaeion, Chairman
' U Tun Kyi of Kume township people's council and members of the heroin aup-
_ pression team for Kume townahip and Mandalay Divisioa yesterday aearched a
Datsun car with registration plat~e E/6635 at the parking place at the en-
trance of Kume and seized two packages of heroin worth 6,000 kyats frrnn
- passenger Maung Maung of Sinwin ward, Mandalay. The car wAS travellitig from
BKjnggyi to Mandalay. [Text] [Rangoon BOTATAUNG ir~ Burmebe 17 Mar 79 p 4
HEROIN tJSERS A~RESTED--Rangoon, 16 March--Acting on a tipoff, Sub-Inspector
, U Ohn Kyaing of Sanchaung Police Station, Sub-Inspector U Kh3n Maung Tint
of Bahan Police Station and some policemen raided the house of 24-year old
Aung Khin Soe at Ngwelayaung road, South ~oodliffe quarter, ~ahan townahip,
at 2300 [date not given] and arrested the house owner and r.i~ree visitora
while they were injecting heroin. They also seized four packages of heroin
worth 50 kyata each, a syringe and a needle, and a basin. Bahan police has
arresked them and filed chargea under Sections 6(B) and 14 (D) [of the
- Narcotic Drugs Law]. Those arrested were: house owner Aung Khin Soe, and
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- 21-yQer o1d Aung, Min Lwin U alia~ Pauksa ~nd 22-yQar old Na Win
Swe o,f. Mah~bandoola I'ark road, Kyauktada eownship. [Text] [Rangoon MYANMA
ALIN in ~urmese 1~ Mar 79 p 7 BK]
~ OPIUM SEIZURE IN MANDALt1Y--Mandalay, 12 March--Acting on inform~~ion, Com-
, mander U Khin Maung Htwe of polic~ station No 8 and ward councillo~~s
searched the house of Daw Li ~ar at No 154, Haym~ar Zala ward, Norehea$t
Mnndalay township, yestarday evening and aeized 3.25 visae6 of raw opium
wortl~ about 5,000 kyats hidden underground in an earthern poC. Ac~ion has
- been taken againat the owners of the opium�-Ko Naung Lun, Ma Ywe Saing, Daw
Li War and Ma Khaung 2in--under Sectiona 6(B), 10 (B) and 11 [of Ghe
NarcoCic Druga Law]. [Text] [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITI~IU NEZIN in BurmQae
" 18M:.r79p4BK] _
HER07:N SEIZED IN TAUNGCYI--Taunggyi, 13 March--Under the direction of Che
St~te Peopl$'s Police Force commander reaiding in Taunggyi, Inapector U Ye
MyinC and Sub-Inepector U Tun Myint of the State Drug SupprQSeion Unit, some
_ po!.icemen and ward councillors searched the house of Daw Shauk War aC
No Ma/87 Thirmingala road, Ye-aye-gwin quarCer, Taunggyi, [daCe n~t given].
They !:hen aeized 4.5 lba of No 4 heroin worth over 15,000 kyata at local
market. Both the housQ owner and the own~r of the heroin we:e arrested.
The owner of the heroin ia Daw Wan May Kyu of U-yin ward in Mong Nai. Ie
is said that ahe brought heroin from ~iong Nai to Taunggyi nccasiocu~lly.
The police hae taken action under Sections 6(B) and 10 (B) [of thQ Narcotic
' Drugs Law]. It has been learned that the Stute Drug Suppression Un3t had
dur ing a pariod of over 2 months aeized heroin about 10 times, involvin~
over 30,000 kyats worth nf the drug. [Text] [Rangoon MYAHI~lA ALIN in
BurQ?eae 19 Mar 79 p 6 BK]
POPPY SUPPRESSTON IN HSENWI---Hsenwi, 6 Mar~-Under the pro~ect to eliminate
the threat of naz~cotic drugs in Hsenwi Township, poppy plantations are being
~.::.~royed. Accordingly, townahip party unit chairman U San Myint and com-
mittee membere, aoldiers from the 69th in~antry re~iment, member of the town-
~ ship people's council and police persom~el have destroyed 130.75 acres of ~
po~~y along the Loi-tao mountain range. Plans are underway to aubetitute ~
poppy with other crops. [Textj jRangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmege 10 Mar 79 BK]
POPPY DESTRUCTION IN KUTKAI---Kutkai, 2 Mar-~-Under the pro~ect to destroy
poppy p~antatione in Kutkai ToWnship, campa have been established since
25 February to enable frontier military colunms to raze poppy under the super-
vision and guidance of the township party unit and counci?.. The No 1 mili-
tary column has its base camp in Kutkai while No 2 col~n has set up camp in
_ Ta~Mo-nye and No 3 colunm in Namhpakka. It was learned that the~No2 military �
co~umn has deatroyed 35 acres of poppq in Ta-Mo-nye while the Nd 3 military
column has ra~-ed 30 acrQS of poppy in Namhpakka. [Text] [Rangoon LOKTHA
PYEITHU NEZI:i in Burmese 9 Mar 79 p 2 BK]
2 ~
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~ 7'WO ARRESTED--Paungde, 1 Mar--Aceing on a eipoff, Subinepector U Ohn Maung
and police c~nstdble U Hla Kliin from Paungde Townehip people's pol~.ce force
, at 2200 yesterday waiCed at Che bua depoe on Paungdz's Shwedaung Sereet,
which ie part of the ltangoon-Prome route. L~tigr, when U r!aung Khwe af Okkan
rown enCered "Swin Win" cafe with two handbange~ he was sea:ched. The search -
uncovered .57 vies (1 vise ~ 3.6 pounds] of npium from U Mautig Khwe's hand-
bag. He was charged under Sections 6.B and 7.B of ehe Narcatiic~ Drugs Law.
U Maung Khwe teatified thaC he had bought the opium from Maung Pauk Sa of
Tine ChiC ward 3n Paungde. Maung Pnuk Sa was arrested for interrogation.
[Text] [R$ngoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 7 Mar 79 p F. 0K]
CSO: 5300
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Jakarta STNAR F1nRApAN in Indonesian 3 Jan 79 p 3
(Article: "231 Narcotics Dealers and Usera Arrested"]
[Text] Indoneaian police arrested 231 narcotics de~lers and usere during
operation "Badai II/Harum Seri.." Theae included six foreigners, and sev-
eral types of proscribed drugs were also confiscated.
Questioned on Tuesday, Police Col Dr Darmawan Soedarsono, chief of the
Information Service, e~cplained that oparation "Badai II/Harum Manis" was
aimed at combatting narcotics abuse and proscribed narcotics, along with
the crimes which result from them. It was conducted in Aceh, Sumut, Riau,
Southern Sumatra, metropolitan Jakarta, Jabar, JaCeng, Jatim, West
Kalimantan and the Lesser Sundas.
The operat:~n., initia~ed on 7 Sept~amber 1978, was conducted in three stages:
investigation, action and interrogation.
r.,-?~~ the investigative sCage, begun by operational units, 300 people were _
targeted, but 4 of them had already died.
The four deceased were Chong PB (Jakarta); Ong BH (Tan~ung Asahan, Sumut); -
Mrs Syam (Prapat, Sl.malungun, Sumut); and Liem KH (Semrang).
The six foreigner.s wno were arrested were Tjan SM, alias Lie M(Chinese);
Deborah AL (Australian}; Anthony VM (New Zealander); Frederic L(French);
and Jeffrey AR (Auatralian).
Jakarta Police Headquarters, which launched operation "Madai II/Harum Manis"
with officers from metropolitan Jakarta, arrested eight suspected of selling
or using narcotics or proscribed drugs.
Mare in Risu
Of the 10 area commr~nds participating in the operation, Riau Area IV appre-
hended the moat suspects.
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Th3s area commnnd cau~ht 72 auspecrs with evidence comprising 34,OU0 mi11i- _
grams of morphine, 554,100 mil~igrama of opium, 6,100 milligrams of processed
opium and ~ quantiiCy of proscribed druga.
Area Police in Ache I apprehended 3 suapecCs with 8 kg of opium; Sumut area
police caught 29 suspecta with 5 ouncea of opium and 39 packagea of opium;
Sumbag~el apprehended 10 suspects and confiscated a quantity o� marihuana;
Jabar caught 30 suspecCs, confiscating 43 kg of opium togeCher wiCh 199 '
sCicks of marihuana; JaCeng apprehended 13 suspects and confiacated a quan-
City of narcoCics ingredients; Jatim apprehended 23 suspects with 3 kg of _
opium and 2,088 kg of proscribed drugs; West Kalimantan capCured 4 suspecCa
and confiscated a quantiCy of marihuana plants; the Lesser Sundas caught 4
suspects, including 3 foreigners, and confiscat~d a gram of heroin, 18.9
gr~ms of hashish, 3 ampuls of morphine, and 2 hypodermic needlea.
MosC Conspicuous
Information Service Chief Soedarsono also said thaC the police caught a gang -
covertly selling narcotics, including, in the area of Bogor (Jabar)
and Jakarta.
The gang, which sold foreign narcotics, was led by Frd, a Chinese in Bogor, _
assisted by three from JakarCa: Str, Ab Ksr and Swrs.
The informaCion chief said the activities were undertaken individually and
stealthily by the distributor.s, sellers and users.
But iC was pointed out also Chat it is evident from other current develop-
ments that there is ~ plan and schedule for planting marihuana on a grand
Fr~m severai it is known that previously ~he youth used prohibited
drugs sparingly, but at the presenC time it is apparent that they are uaPd
without restraint.
The information chief said that the obstacles to continuing the operation
involve a lack of narcottcs expertise on r,he parC of the police and a lack _
of data.
CSO: 530Q
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Jakart~ Kt~MPAS in Indonesinn S Jan 79 p 8
[ArtiC1~: "Hect~re of Marihugn~ Di~cov~red in ~nggae f'~re~t")
~TextJ About n hect~re of mariht~ana aag diacov~r~d by th~ 622 Pn1iC~ Ccnnm~nd
Ree~rt in g forest atop Gnggag Mount~in, some 30 km eagt of Curup, ~engkulu.
The marihuana field was ldcat~d d~ep in the middle of th~ jungle, about 2
houre walk from Kampung Baru Mani~, a n~~rby village.
With the help of th~ community, Comcnand 622 officera ripped up the pro-
hibited planta and burned them. Th~ police confiscnted Sg ~ealkg of 2-meter
long marihuana gnd mor~ ehan 7 kg of dried marihuana leaves as evidence.
In addition, 125 etalks of harv~gted marihuang, 708 sCelkg long 2
, meters, ~nd 350 neWly planted s~~dlingg, aere burned in an action witneesed
by the off_ci~le gnd local community.
A^.ommand 622 stacemeat signed by Police Ma~or Dr Soetiicno Hadiprajitno and
r.~~~: �.o Kompas cited three people arr~sted as suspected of having planted the
marihuana. They were AB bin AM (30), An bin At (35) and Azr bin R(27), all
farmers. Since 1976 the suspects had obtained eeeds from the Kepahyang area
and the n?arihuana aas pl~nted for cammercial purpoeee.
Command 622 Commander Soetikno took the opportunity to testify to the de-
atruction of the marihu~na field.
CSO: 5300
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5~l~ngor K~N ItWOK bAI1~Y P1~WS in Chinesa 3 Feb 79 p 1
~Text~ Kugig Lumpur ~~eb--The anti-nercotice group of ehe police force
folloaed gnd int~xcepted a car with Thai regietration ar. Shuang-chi Ta-lie~~,
K~dgh, gnd sei~ed 62 pounde of morphine hidden in a gpecially-made compart-
ment in ehe gaeolin~ tenk. 7'he black market value of thie illicit drug ie
eetimgted aC $13 million in Malaysian currency. Z~ao euapecta were arree-
The abovementioned morphine, weighing a total of 62 pounds~ was found in
- 15.5 bars wbich bear the mark "999." They can be pr~ceesed into the eame
weight of heroin~ Which can be aold on the bl~ck market for 13 n~illion
Malayeian dollare.
Thie ig the largeat seizure so far thie year. DepuCy police chief Na-tu-
ah-tu-la-man~ who is in of the criminal investigation group~ said
et a press conference thia afternoon that on 25 January a equad of anti-
narcotice policemen followed a Toyota sedan with Thai registration in the
vi~inity of the Alorstar etadium.
The police car fol.lowed the sedan all the way to Shuang-ct~i Ta-lien. and
did not etop it until it reached a court houee. `
A eearch led to the eeizure of the merphine. The eedan Wae driven by a
23-year old resident cf Shuang-chi Ta-lien. He was arrested at the scene.
In a follos~-up of thie caee 2 days later, the police, acting on the basie ~
of intelligence in:orm~tion provided by the public~ arreeted a 27-year old
unemployed youth from Aloretar, and detained e car in Aloratar.
In addition~ the deputy police chief d~.~closed that the police, ncting on
the basie of an intelligence report, put a reeidential house at Hua-quan
Middle Road in Kuela Lumpur under eurveil2ance at 9:00 am on 19 Jaauary.
About an hour later, ti+o men emerged from the housis. The two and a Wom~n
inaide aere arrested for suepected poeeeeaion of narcotice.
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A~~aarcf~ nf th~ hous~ yi~lded 200 gr~m~ of heroin in 18 package~, pno-
Che~c 37~ gran~~ of. heroin were found in a vinegar bgrrel oureide ti~e house.
Anot;her three mai~ euepecta ~ere arr~~t~d at Pengng on 23 January. Tao
pomnds of heroin were e~s~.zed from their Coug~r eedan.
Of theeg e3x euepect~, the three detained ~ti Kua~a LumpUr will b~ proeecu-
ted today~ and the other thres deteined at Penang ~,~ill be proeecuted on
5 February~
Thie ie the largeet gei~ure mede by the police in recent yeare.
Tha d~puty police chtef diecloaed that in 1978 thp police seized 56.1 kilo-
grame of morphine, 5y.16 kilograme of marihuana~ 429.85 kilograms of opium~
end 72.5 kilograms of heroin. A total of 6,649 pereone ~ere arrested for
pogeegstng or p~ddling narcotics. Among th~m~ 188 adulte and ~36 qoutha
- w~re prosecuted for posseeeing more than 5 pounde of illicit drugs~ and
� 123 pereone were proeecuted for peddling drugs.
The police units i:~volved in the above cases were led by Fan Cuocai.
CSO: 53Q0
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
Mni,nYS 1 n
LIGH7' ll~KOIN LAIS5 ~'OUNll 5INCC~ 191~
Ku~la Lumptir NLW 5TItAL'TS TIrt~5 in F:ngligi~ 14 M~r 7g p 9 BK
~'1'rx e ~
B~~tCMgAN, Tues, dela~d ~re aomparative�
Efght underground luk ~a~e~ ea~d ~unt," De�
herdin�prdceeefng lib~
dratoriee have been N~w 9ourC~s
uncovcr~d since lOTe
and there are indica� batuk Rgle, who 1~
tfone that there ~tre aleo the Mentrl Be~a~ ot
better equfpped nne~, Negrl 8emblian, wae
Pemadam preafdent epeskln~ to reporters et�
Datuk Rafa Yat1m ter a meeting ot 8tate
sald today. a
Ivee at the 9tate
~ Datuk Rale ~afd ~oene atlone Room here.
of the pureet torm ot h~r� He eald "Number~
oln known ae Numbar has a concent~a�
Flve" were '~ecently
selsed by the Custom~ tlon of 9S per cent herofn,
and polfce 1n Pensn~. comparcd to Tb per cent
ta AO pe~ cent in
Althou;h nnne wu In� "Number ~our.
terceptPd at entry pofnt~ Datuk Rals ~ald the
"we be11~ ie that then amount ot dru e
are modern laboratorf~~ i~ m~�
1n exletence uaing ~a ~~ed Into ~urope and the
phfeticsted apRsratu~ to Malaeala hadtdro t~om
procees drugs , he ~ald. y PP~�
"On1 tar e amourft~ "~nBi are now mwt�
ot raw o ium hsve b~en ~~y comin trom the
P Mlddle Bu~and they are
eefsed at the entry pofnt~ m a I n 1 y m o rp h 1 n e~
but the herMn, morphin~ hashlah and Illa," he
and othcr derlvaUv~~ aald, p
~.:in: r).~~U
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1t~R0IN PBDbL~R--Taiping, Mo.~.--A 20-year-old eu~pected drug pediar was
- arreRted yest~rday by the palice anCi-drug uuit at Pokok Asaem and 25
ser:.wu df heroin were recovered from him. Anoth~r 26-year-old euapecC
wgs lgter picked u~ in Jglan Lawan Kude. ~'ive str~we of heroin were
fo~md on him. ~TeacC~ ~Kuala Lumpur ldEW STRAITS TIMES in ~nglish
13 Mgr 79 p 9 BK~ `
CSO: 5300
~O -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
W~111ngtnn 'TH~ ~V~NING I'O5T in ~ngligh 7 Mnr 79 p 3
TAURANt~r.A, MtttCh 6(PA).--~Ftlt' tbo tcnrcd to Hiree r�nnth~ tmprt.
mt1Ch dCilg-de~ling was going on in the Y~?un~nt on n cli~u�ge ot u~ing
Taur~nga area, Mr D B Wilsnn~ SM, said ~~iValkrr hacl pre~~~a~y ~d�
in the Magistrate's Cour~ tc~day. mitt~f the dinra~.
J1r ~VILam anid he wne clta�
1f~ Wil.~ca? sald he w~i?s refcr� turixvl diat ~Valkcr hnct bcm
rf~~ ~x~t only to hsrd dn4c~, .~ted on this olfence after
twt n!~ lo aoR dnigs avch a.r having appcared fn Cr~ut oNy
rannabi~. a week betore.
Twenty pcop~ oppearaf in Keccope Howattt tiennolt.
Mn Coun talsy on charaee rc� 19. iabourcr, of ltount :1inu�
!:deci to dniR+. mo~t ur u r~? n~tnnut. w;u~ fined Si50 ou a
~uit nf cirug rnGls in Tnurunua charge ot u.ity~ hrroin.
su~d ~iount ~taungunui on F~~Ir Scraeant R t~ L,rrch anid
r~~, I3ennett told police he waa
F~lrven faced charges ot R~vee Ir~lt a p.~ckot o( hemic~
plying hc~in. ~ and in)ected ~r~me of it.
Couttse~. 11r P ~ Gorrtnge,
~ir tYtl,~n trm.v~ded eiqhl ~.~id I3ennctt had h,M {tltM fr?
clMerxlants till April b or 8 tor ~�oi~�ement with ~icinX dnig~
the lalcing of tkpoeitlet?~. pre~�iarsly.
A Zt�yeanoM }aFxurer.
K:~mam~te Tai Kalker, of
1laint ~IaunK;uxti. N�r~. .rn-
CSO: 5320 -
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
ct~w z~nLnNn .
Wcllington '1'li~ I:V~NINC 1'US~ in ~nglieh 2 M~r 7g p 1
(`t'~~t1 _
S~1',000 worfh M eannab~~ Hi~ patspe~t wa~ Ic~nd in and staMd~ �'1 don'1 tMnk you
eit was impoHed lnie W~I� M~ IM sak aed wMn qva� w~dxsf~r~d fl~ yeu~qp~epI�
Itn~jfon eonca~led in 1~ eoM Norwd abouf ih eorrcNim~nf er fM h~rm ~veu ~n doino by .
free~pfiv~? In th~ newm M tM aeeuad indleaf~d M Md tkpaln4 N fro~n eanin~ In. If
~ W~tlin9~ rnae, flw Mayis� net want~d hif errival h b~ wili M I~p~l In a hw y~~n
M~t''~ Courf ~aid teday. not~d 11 wa~ his {eMunon ~w~y, oml k la nef w
aob.rt Jehn Gwm~ u, ro I~h. M~parf e mo+x rr~ hamrv~ Mroln. 1 iutt ?eeic
au~o~leefriei~n. r~pr+sMf~d hiel~ und~r 1M d~M fr+e~ een~ fM ri~lt and lat. fhaf'~ ~q:'
by hk MlehNi Re~d, ~teaded e~ss{en.
9uiltp bMen Mr W M WitHs, QwtNa~ad (n nlaNen le v~~
SAA, fe Imporfin, e~m?a6is oil efMr pat~t ea fM 1\
IMo New Y~dand lat! F~i� AI9hf, fM aetv~d d~ni~d
daY. Fobwary i7. N+~ fofal n+p uatl~fien wifh M~rn+. Th~ aesw~d ~al~ tAa1 "1M
wrhiht sf vrhteh wM ~.1~ TM iew~ NAc+n aNA I~ hMh Ni N~ wN
Orams. ~r+ nN sNfs w{fh M� lahr X{~~ N WMqnqfa~
N� wst co~nn+ifNd M th~ ~xplanaMM, and a~lad hM� i! Hespll~l h~slablFth tM
S~pr+nk GuA Nr ~~n1~++a M wa in ~3on ef anp ~+umb~r ~f n~nain~M a~
r+d nmsnd~d In eusled~r. e~ntro~f~d ~ IM Nid h~ lraapfivN inhrnall~ een~
M~ K G fton~ ~ Prot~colin~. watn'f. aaltd. but 4M X~n~n orev~d
uid tM ~ecus~d an~vrd M FI~ am�N~d h haw ~ ineondvsiw and M wat d~�
Welli~fon irom Sydnc, r� ~}K tid~d le fytOrK a~ry ff~
3..'pm a~d hsd b~en mark~d ~x~rni~afie~ aed al~ ts haw ~c~ainiiq cenNae~ptiws bp -
4~11 tearck ~t custems eatural /roc~ss.
x~~~n fak~n N his aeda~+i~ai
officen wun awar+ Ihat pra TM iv~nfual 3~ een~
viovs Mawl anc~gen?~M~ hac~ptivh w~re lak~n !e fh~ `
did nof eorrospond wiM fh~ !1~ ~rai eomr~w~d te a DSIR ler Malrti~ ad fM
psrticulan M had tndic~d ~s wrNry wi�n ae in~ ~~~y 1~.
en hi: currenf ~ival decw ~~x~^~0^ w~ e~' fili~d ~s an~+aWt eil, a dai~
ments. rkd aef. 11 ~u1Nd in fM ~ 1! teMroll~d dnvo.
navd M leur eaMraoptiwt "Thr nN w~iohl el fM ear
. cadainf~ eann~bk eil frem nabh ~il is a~ra aMh
Nerat~ve ~ TM~ ~ ~ ~
dxM~ ia~eNrd MKS w~n valw d fNA00~"' Mr fl~
His bi4paq~ wK ~ubNeNd ~ ~~~s ~ ~ ~aid
ro� luq beit ~eD+~v~ ~artA M ws~ ueabM fe nmsw ~M MhrmNhe Md b~
ond ~s NK antort~s Mliten M~m wiM~eu~ eausina undw I~id ind~cl~bf~ Md wri eM
w.n ~N~~ rwt +a11sMd. M. dhesn+la~ h M1~ Ke~d. whieh had ro~roead thrwoh
aecus~d was infanwd M At that ~oinf th~ aeew~d ro f!~ Sup~ ~aM. Ti~~
would be :ubj~cfrd le ~ psr~ wM h~ wi~lwd h~iw an ex. aecw~d ~nhr~d � pba ef
sanal searcfi. v~~n~liee ~bouf t!w maM~r Mit~? und~r sMien 1SlA el
Swt?n++ry+ PncMdin~�
Am~ndmenf Ad, if1~, AM
R~ed had prwiwtly In~
hrn+~d fM Ceurt.
G50: i 1'LU
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
N~W z~AL~+.ND -
vRUG5 ItAID-=raurang~ (pA)--Nin~ person~, thr~~ of them wom~n~ wer~
r~m~nded it~ cu~tody when thay fac~d druge-relat~d eharg~~ in the Magis-
etat~'g C~urt at T~ur~nga y~gt~rday aft~r g police raid on Tu~eday. Th~
chgrge~ included po~~e~~ion, ~upplying~ gnd u~in~ her~in. ~'w~enty-two
pe~song werp before the Court. Oth~r~ wnre charged wieh the p~s~~e~ion
and gupply of canngbig, and were remand~d on bail of $1000. Ma~t of the
defendanta ~rer~ from Mount Mgunganui. Orhere w~re from Wgikino and
_ P~pamoa. They a~re recaanded to February 27. No pleag were entered
yeet~rday. (TexC) (Chrietchurch Tli~ PItLS5 in ~nglieh 22 ~eb 79 p 2j
50UTHI.AND CANNABIS PLANTATION--Invercargill (PA)--About 1000 c~nn~bie
plante, the biggest plentgtion found in 5outhland, w~re uprooted by
detectives who vent on to an ieland in the Waiau Itiver, north of
AlQnowai, after the arreat of tWO men in the area on Wedneeday evening.
The plante Would have had a etreet value of "tens of thou~unde of dollara."
accQrding to the police~ Who had kept ~atch on the remote area in the
- ~'iordland National P~rk ~fcer receiving inforn~tion la8t Nov~mbgr. The
plants Were groWing in dense bu~h. Detective Senior-Sergeant K. Schwaee,
the head of the Invercargill C.I.B., said that police resourcee in the
area had been atretched to the limit, in what had been one of the bi~gest
actiona of its kind in Nea Zealand. Ttro men ~ppeared in the Magiatrate's
Court at invercargill on Thursday~ one charged With cultivating cannabie~
and the other with posaession of cannabis. They Were remanded to March l.
(Text) (Chrietchurch THE PRESS in 8nglieh 24 feb 79 p 3)
~ CANN~?BI5 OIt It~ORTINC CHARGE--A 24-year-old auto-electriciaa ane charged
in the Magiatrate'e Court last 5aturday ~rith imporcing cannabie oil the
- day bgfore. The accueed, gr~nted interim auppre~eidn of name, Wae charged
indictably and rRmanded in cuetody to appear again in the MagieCrate's
Court on Monday When application can iater be made to a Supreme Court
Judge for bail. The prosecut~on Wae brought by the Customa Department,
represented by Mr K. G. Stone. Mr Ml.ka Reed appeared for th~ accu~ed.
- The charge was laid under Section 6(1)a of th~ Mieuse of Drugs Act 1975
i+hich deeme the alleged offence to be in the dealing category. Tn apply- -
ing for interim suppreseion of name~ Mr Reed eaid that he had not had tiaie
to gain full instructiona from the accuaed but there might be grounds to
~uetify auch aa order. (Text] [Wellington THE EVENItdC POST in Engliah F
26 Feb 79 p l7j
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
N~ROIN ~.,1NViG"rldN~-AuCkl~nd, 2 Mgr (~A)~-A ~g-y~gr-o1d m~n~ ~~rry Thoma~
~a~g G~.mmc~11~ un~mploy~d~ who Cwice ~suppl~~d h~roin to ~n undercovar
co~.?eti~bl~i wae r~manded to the Supr~ma Coure ~oday for ~entianc~. He
~dmitit~d boeh charg~e when he ~pp~arad b~for~ Mre G~ C. P. A. Wa11ac~, SM.
Th~ ch~rge~ Were l~id indi.cta~ly, but Gennn~li al~nted to diepen~~ witih
deposition~. H~ ~g~ Cbt1V~CC~d and remand~d in cu~tody pending aeneence. -
~TexC] (W~113ngton THB EV~NING POS~ in ~ngli~h ~ Mer 79 p 4~
CSO: 5320
- ~
14 ~
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
I'lli l,l l'I'iNl;~+
JAIL O~~IC~It, Cbp fI~LU ~OR UttUG PU5~1iNG
rtanil~h PHILIPPtNf:5 UAILY ~XpIt~55 in ~ngligh 10 M~r 7g p G
[`Cext J THE ADMWiS7'RATNB ofli~e~ his invcstigation.
of thc Manl~? clty j~11 �nd ~ Colderon w~~ dennunced by
pollamm wera roliev~d of their fortner Moni4 city ~11 Ir~mate~ for
dutk~ �nd paced under techniail ilkged drug tr~f~lcking. Caldcron'~
arrett for ~lla1ed cfnu4 trof~icking. ~toup hpnrtedly suppHed drug~ tn
Atrated ~nd row being InvKN� ~'0 a~t of the 1,SOO Im�tes of ~he
gated on adea ot Mi). G~n. ~idel V, city j~il
Ramos~ - PC chltf xnd polloe Mecuoyo w~~ ordered uro~ted
dCrector�genenl~ u~ Cpl. ~dwrdo ifter a gi~i pointed to htm as the
C~Ideron, ~dmioYtt~tive oniar at lader of a druj~pusht~y ~nd thett
the Ma~i? dty jiil, and P~t. Ruban t~ng in the tourist lkit.
M~arayo ef polla n,tion 1 in Su. 'i'I~e ~ir1~ a Wspect in ~ thcft au, _
An~. . told 1ud~e Herminio Mviano of d~e ,
~?.bo beinj iew~tigrted art sbc M'niL oourt ~t' I'irst Inst~noe~ th~t
polfam~a~ ~+t~o iro reportedty M~caroyo h~d inkcted hcr wtth
membtn of th~ ~ru~ v(iicldr~ heroin ind induced her to ~ted and
_ syndlat~. tell drup.
S~n~fic: tc?1d the court she vr~t
RAMOB GAVB &i~. Cen Pror A~cked up by M~csroyo ror wgtincy
pao A. Olta~, Altdrocam d~ief ~nd ti~t month. but a~s not char~ed ind
directa of the Metropollun Potke instcad uken to the poliam~n's
force. until Much 13 to oompiet~ ~nd forced w kil drug~.
f:SO: 53(~
l `j
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
MARIHUANA FARM3 ~USTED--Seven of the 77 farme raided by operatives of thc~
con~atabulary t~ntinarcotics units in F~bruary yielded more than 6,000 mAri-
hunn~ pl~nte worth 680,000 peeos and marihuana eaadiinge worth mor~ than
150,000 pgaos. In ~ report tn Defenee Minieter Juan Ponce Enrile, Con-
atabulary Chief Ramos said the I'hilippine conetabulary also conducted 37
r~ids resulting in the arregt of 45 pereona. [Manila ~'EBC in English 2330
GMT 27 Mar 79 OW]
MARIHUANA PIANTS UPR00'TED--Sane 1,200 ~narihuana planta were uprooted by
government agentg during a raid Wedeeeday at Carranglam, Nueva Ecija. Th~
marihugna plante, ~orth 120,000 peeos, were brought Co Camp Crame for analy-
sis. The raid in Barangay (Tuklan) in Carranglam was the third ~tithin this
month. [Manila Domeetic Sexvice in Englieh 0400 GMT 23 Mar 79 OW]
CSO : 530J
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
s~~ r,aNxA
Colombd SUN in Engl~sh lE Mar 79 p 1 BK
_ CArtiele by Ranil Weeraghingh~
~ex~ Inepector General of
Police Mr. Ana Seneviratne yesterday ordered
the Palic~ top brass in the country to crack down on 'hyppie type~ tourista
who are believed to be responsible for escalating the drug~ menace in Sri
These drdera come in the wake of intelligence reporta that grc~upa of these
hippiea were found engaged in the use and sale of narcotics ar,d indul ging
in blatant nudiam.
According to Mr. Seneviratne, the Police have nrn+ di.acovered that there
is an increasing flow of gan,ja from areas auch as Wellawaya, Vawniya and
Monerag~la to the Southern coast.
~ In viPw of theee findings, the police "Task Force" which is preaently
engaged in operation aimed at ~iping out gan,ja plantations in the island's
'gan,ja belt' are ta be deployed in the Hikkaduwa and Bentota areas for
special anti-hyppy operstions. They Will be aesisted by Police narcotics
dogs 'Sentry' nnd 'Bright'.
Commenting on the hippie problem ia these areas, DIG (Crimea} Mr,
R. Sunderalingam added that the Police Were carrying out discuasions with
the Sri Lanka Touriat Board in respect of opening up Police posta in
Hikkadus~?a, BeruWala and Bentota.
It had also been noted, he added, that there xas a audden Increase in the
number of local gangs touting for mu~hraom tourist resorts in these areas.
This had reaulted in clashes betWeen these rival gangs.
CSO: 53~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
'POT~ PLANTATION--Nong Khai--A provincial police unit uncovered a 15-rai
martjuana plantaeion at Tambon Chumpon in Phon Phisai Dietrict here
ye~eerday afCernoon, police reported. The diacovery was ~nade under a
narcotic suppression operation to rid the province of narcotica. Police
arres~ed Eive persons guarding the planCation and confiacaCed some 150
kilogrammes of dry marijuana hidden in a cottage. ~Text~ (nangkok POST
in Engliah 15 Mar 79 p 3 BK~ �
SAILORS CHARGED--The public prosecutor ~e~texday filed a charge o� ~
posaessing heroin for gale againBt two Spanish seamen arr~sted on
December 19 last year wiCh 220 grammea of No 4 heroin in their posaession.
The suspecCs, Jose Menco Reguart and Ricos Mallach, who both a~miCtied
being heroin addicts, were caughC in a Sukhumvit hoCel with the heroin
hidden in a porcelain sCatue. Thay said the drug was meant for their
own consumption. ~ive syringea, a amall scale and 19 pages of a book
reportedlv discussing the heroin trade were also found with the two men.
The courC was told that Jose Menco pleaded guilty during police interro-
gation but Ricc: *~llach denied the charge. The court has scheduled a
nreliminary he~ring for Monday. (Text~ LBangkok POST in English
1~ Mar 79 p 5 BK~
CSO: 5300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
Toronta T11~ GLOBE AND MAIL in English 6 Mar 79 p 9
WELLANb - Four Nf~- er, 1y78, granted b,y the then
gura Nallti men pleud~d Attormy-Gencral of Cuna�
gullty to ch~rges ot conspir- d~, Ronald B~yford. A pre-
acy to trattic In heroin and terred indfctmenl ullows
brought a switt end to thelr rosecutors to
trial that begun in Welland tPrlul without a p liminary
Y~~~~Y� hearing on the evidence.
John Thor Widema, Z6. Mr. Mutheson suid charg�
6ennis Peck, 25~ Thomu~ es were luld u(ter a year-
Eugene Agretto, 33, and long investigation that in-
Fortunato Caliguiri, 45. will voived sophisticuted elec-
appear for se;ntence tx:tore tronic surveillance by a joint
Mr. Justice Frank Cuilag- drug investigntion squad
han ot the OntArio Supr~me made up af th~~ RCMP, pra
Court on Murch 22. vinciul police und Niagaru
~.A charge against a titth Regionnl Police.
man, (Vorman Patrick Frail~ 7'he prosecutor said thret:
27, alsn of Niagara Fulls. ounces ot heroin were seized
was dropped in court as the during thc investigation
Cruwn o(fered no evidence. (rom washrooms in two
Pasquule Rocco, 50~ and Niagara Falls motels.
Natule Mastroiani, 45, who Members ot the group who
also were charged but falled were charged we~e ubse~rvE~d
to ~ppcur, are believed by entering and leaving the
poli~c to b~r in Italy, speciai wushrcx~ms.
prosecutur Barry Matheson An RCMP spok~wman sa~d
- said ufter the trinl. War- after the trial that Ihe drugs
r,unts havc been issued for were undiluted und had a
their urrcat, but Mr. Mathe- str~et v~lue of E135,000. Nc
son said no extradfUon trea- said ofticial spt~culatiun is
ry exi5ts be~tween Cr~n~d+~ that thc drugs are part ut a
and Italy. c:iche left uver trom a drug
Mr. Mavtroieni is bclievod crackdown by U.S. and
lo have Icft Canada before a French agents in Fronce
prelfmin~ry heAring on thc during the eurly 1970s. The
charges, which were I~id in drugs are bclicvcd to havc
1976. Mr. Racco Icft tlx~ found their wuy to It~ly ~nd
country fullowing :i pre- then to T~~ronto, from which
ferred indictrr'�nt in (ktob- they had be.~:n distribul~~d in
CSO: 532J
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
Montreal LA PR~SS~ in I~'rench 6 M~r 79 p A 3
_ [Article by rtich~l Auger "phnney CIA AgenC Arrpet~d at Mirable with 625 Kiloa
of N~~hi~h; Lgrg~st Configcgeion at New AirpnrC"~
['Cext~ A young Am~rican, 27, who claimed to be e CIA agent, wns apprehended
on ch~ weekend at Mirabel in po~segsion of a dozQn fnrg~d pgesporte end 32
guitcases containing haghigh worth $9 million on the blgek market.
It ig Chanks to the per~picacity of customs officers at thp airport that th~
alleged trafficker~ Garry Dale Wellis, was fir~t suapected of rriminal activ-
icieg. Investigation then led to the moat important eeizure of drug~ eve:r
made nt Mirabel.
~arrying a~~rged diplo?n~tic pag~pnrr and varioug identity cards deecribing
him as a sp~cial couri~r of the Am~rican Departmc3nt of Defense, Wallis pre-
sented himself to c~�:,tom~ officers Yves Berr and J. Duhgmmel for the ugual
i11Sn~-'~'L~OII� The suspicious appearance of the young man, who declared that
!~e l~ved in San Franciaco, prompted the officials to begin a detailed aearch.
Looking more cloeely at hig diepatch case, they discovered a double bottom~
which~ once opened, revealed a dozen forged pasaports and aa many identity
cnrds in the names of different "diplomatic couriers."
RCMP [ Royal Canadian Mounted Police)~ when first informed of the discovery,
initially thought they were confronting an international terroriat. The
forged passports and the sum of $25,000~ Which the young man had on hie
person~ put the investigators on this track.
With remarkable composure~ the suspect described himself as a CIA agent on
an ultra-secret mission. "You haven't had a call from Washington yet?" he
asked them after his arrest. He squarely refused to ans~+er prying questions.
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t~'innlly~ wh~n th~ ~dlirE~ ~haw~d hfm th~ t~g~ d~ 2, ~uiCcg~~~ ~nd five gdlf
bagg ~nn~ign~d eo eh~ ~frpdrt, W~113~ ~impiy told th~~a td b~ ~~r~ful whpn
_ ?lendling ehe bagg~ge, which~ ~~Cnrding rd him~ cuntgin~d ~1~rtroniC ~pp~r~tu~.
"It',~ d~ngerdug," he rdld them.
6~5 Kiingr~mg
S~~rchin~ the ~uit~~~~r~ in quegti~n, eh~ pnli~~ loge nn Cime in digcnv~ring
b2S kiingr~tng df h~~hi~h frdm Souehp~gt Asi~. ~t~is drug, whieh ~~~1,~ ~ar
~ppraxim~~ely $8,000 wholesale, is worch mi~lion ~rh~n re~old in ~roa~l
qu~ntiti~~ Co ug~rg.
"Th~t'g ~ ceng~rv~tiv~ egtim~te," pointed dut S~t Raymdnd Ayotep e~f rhp ~CMp
which ig regpongibl~ f~r invegtf~atian df narcotie gmuggl3ng in th~ Mir~bpl
be~epening the invegtigntiun~ Cpl tt~b~rt perrin end hig ~a11e~~ue J~~n 5nint-
Cyr reedngtructed the ent~re periplus ~erfe rn~d by W~llig. 'The 1aee~r, ~e-
_ r.omp~nied by 11 nther pc~raons~ n~l hnlding fdrg~d dipldmatic p~ggpbrtg, h~d
1pEt New belhi in Indi~~ to go to Mitabel vin Lvndon.
'The finbl distinati~n oC the p,roup, aCCOrding tn the ~tr ticketg~ wauld h~ve
been A~~pulco. 5ti11~ the police think that it is highly improb~ble Ch~~t
this drug would have been ~ent to Mexicd, gince hashigh is produced in ~h~t
' country in indu~rrial quentftieg.
Not to be ~nund
Uespite an intense search, the 11 courier:~ Were ahle to escane polf~e. 1'he
investig~tors believe th~t by his compnsure their "nlleged CIA fello~.~" W~g
~bl. to permit all hig r.c~uriers ro flee, c~nd tliis even b~for~~ the drug hnd
b~~n discuv~red.
Tl~e young American, who yayg he i~ from Misaouri, appeared yesterday befnre
.JudRe 5tephen Cuddihy of Saint-Jerone, where he pleaded not guilty to the
charge of ha~hish :~muggling. Orderin~ non-~~h~icacidn of the detaile ~f the
case, the ,judge ordered the investigation held over on bond until Thursd~y.
~t~anwl~ilc~, With tt~e l~el~ oE ngents of thc Amerlcan Uru~ ~nforcemcnt Admini~-
trntion (b~A), Iocal polica of the CRC tried to identify the couriers wt~o
slipped through eh~ir fingers. Thcy also tried tn est~blish s~hethpr the
name of Gorry bale k'allis is indeed that of the suspect ahom they apprehended.
"Hith nll tlie lies this fellow tc,ld us, wc are not even sure if he gave us
his real n~~me," one of the investigacors of the federal police cotnmented
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C`O: 53Up
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~OCA~Ng SMUCGLiNG CONVICTIONS--~rampe~n (CP)--I~our t1.3. r~~id~nt~ con=
vict~d J~n. 22 of ~mug~iing 10 pound~ of cocain~ into Cgn~da aer~ giv~e
~ight to 1S-year pri~on ~enteec~� qe~t~rdgy. Augusti~n N~d~~n~�, 39, of
to~ An~~leg~ and J~an J~rome, 41, of Miami, wera ~~ntenced in ~provincial
court to 1S y~ars by Judg~ K~nneth L~a~don. Ol~~ Digz~ 31, of Coron~~
N~Y., and Joc~lyn Ch~rip~, 25, of N~a Y~rk City~ w~r~ giv~n ~ight-y~~r
~~~neenc~~. Th~ tao m~n and tao Wamen w~r~ cnnviGt~d bct. 27 of importing
eocain~ with ~n ~~timgt~d ~tr~et vgl~~~ o~ up to $S-million. (2extJ
(Toronto ~tt~ GLOBL ANb MAIL ~n ~nglieh 6 M~r 79 p 10) ,
CSO: 5320
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9of~e, ~OOL~D ~t~ Buigarian 19 F'~b 79 p 11
[Artlcls by Alskeandur Yaailevi "lbrs About �wonder Cmcss' for ths dulli-
bls"1 .
[Te~ct~ Ths "pol~te enoountere" at our border oheckpoints betNeen custon~e
i~?apeotore snd aert~?it~ traneit paesengere touriets and gussta of our
_ oout~try eot~tinue although ~Ehe winter esseon bp? nox haa lsft ite ~srk on
the nu~ber of theee.
~hia time our border inapeatora oa~s aaroee a ne~r vsrsion of
whiah, indioatiobs ars~ Nill aasu~e larger proportione in 19?9~ t~ely~
the a~uggiin6 of �edia~nse of ~oet diverse ne~turs and ~oet diverss origin.
There sr~ warnin~ froa ths intsrnstionsl health orde?ni~stio~ thst ths
Ms~'ia nsraotioa a~ugglers have rsasnt~jr turnsd anex to trsnsportit~ tnr-
ootica saroae bords=s oa~aouflaasd aa he~rn~],asa ~oedioinee for h~e,d~aohee,
fatigue~ c.,lds ~te. Thess "~edioin~s~" put up in pretty paetcag~es xith the
initials of
a m~n~bcz of xsll-kn~wn oo~psnies aroae ths bordsra of ths
Y~stsrn countariea wore r~dil~r and are ~rerkst~d ~ar~ rapidly~ ~wre effi-
~i~:.'~jr and witbut apecial fo~alitiss. Ala~ ~+ith theM, new "Nstiosi"
hnve appesred thia ti~s p~rsotr who a~uggl� wbl� shipASnta of the eoet
divsree unknown ~ediainsa scrose the bordeza and aell thea ae the "lateat"
~eaktlmough in the phe.rasceutScal industry.
3uch a caae wae re~sntly rscorded in our oountry. A foreign traneit tour-
iat xas~ reporLedly~ carrying xith hia~ in hie car a auitcae� araa~aed with
the ~+ost diveres wedioiness a~poulea~ pills 1n the wost divsrss psokagee
and for ths ~oat divsree purpoaes, intereeting~jr ahdped giaaa bottles full
of ~edi~inal d~ropa for ulcsra~ dsatritie~ oolitia~ uigraine, Mq? fever~
you na~e it. Ths verboes explanstiona of Lhe oxner of the auitosss ware
ansxered bpr our cuato~e irmpectors in a far different usnner~ and quite
etfeative at thst. ;hepr see~led ths suiLcaae snd the trdveleac obtdined the
right to open it on~y oncs paat ths Bul~srian-Zlirkiah borde~. Nevezths.
l~ss, auch unlcnoxn ~ediain~a do ~sti into our oountr~r. Thepr dze not ~uat
brought in ty foreign~ra eithsr, but bpr our touriata~ too, boringit~ hedlth
"nostru~a" along with the~.
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He~idee tha~~ we have to ea~y the?t a11 ~he ~ne~i~in~~ ~?re not aurse !
In the Weet they s~i11 remember the tsrr~ble effset nn peoplA~ and ~nostly
on chiidren~ of the drugs thalidomids and eraldin th~t b~ea~e a gynor~ym
for des?th. The Itagtern pr~,~ perm~tted the of the~e druda far
and Nide ae wonder drugs. But after u Nhole eerie~ af ~uilibls people pa~.d
Mith ~Eheir at~d ~heix lives fbr uaing it, the preparation waa halted
?s a d~adlyr drug. The outaome, however~ was 18 fata]. ~aaas~ 600 people ~n ~
~eriouu~ aondi~ion, 100 on the op~~bing t,able~ 20 Who losti thuir ~ight.
In ~Ehe bu~insee iro~ld~ huauin d~easee ar~ beao~n~ng a very rs~nuner~?~ive and
sffeotiv~ eouroe for ths aocumulation o~ profita. xbr thee~ huokutare ~~E
1e ae olear ae can bs the?t even ~ poor peraon wi11 spand hia last resources
on nedioine to save hia hee~ith and life hie only poeeese~on~. in thair
~reat zivalry for sxorbitant profite, the pharmaaeut~c~al fira~e put huge
quantitiee of drugs on the rn~rket in 1978. Natbr of them~ aooord~ng to the
korld Nealth Organiz~?tion bulletSns, ara r~ eleee~ xhile othere often oauas
irreparabls harrn~ not to mention ttaee that ~ontain narcotica. Moat of
these superprofits g+~ to ooncarna and phe~rmaceutioal ~attts attd lahoratosies
in Weet aermar~r, the United Statee ~~r,,gland, Jap~n~ Sxitzerland and~ to
- a leeesr extent~ in France and I~a~y. Aeesnt~jr Chine, too~ hsa bs~un to
en~ge in the reexportation of auoh dubioug rnediaines.
A~~ drug eaand~l 1g th~t of the tatorious Merrell pharmaeeutioal plants.
They eucaeeded in flooding the market with the 1sLeet "epaee" drug "Merrell"
whiah auppoaed~y re~dueea the aholesterul content of ths blood and prevsnts
cardiove~eculsur diaeaees. The drug~ ~ub~ected to tbrough an~~ye~s~ c~~..
plets~y ruined the fir~a becauae not only did it not pasaeee theos qualitiee,
it aleo oaussd gree~t damage to the hwnan org~?nie~n.
That ia Ntn? all our touriata txaveling abroad ~auat take a very aautioue at-
titude Lor+arda the varioue "miracle cur~" that dre offered to thso in ths
Cso: 5300
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~l~tt ~~FIC~AL U9~ ONLY
CAP~Utt~ 0~' MARIHVANA SHI~NT�-N~ggau~ B~h~m~~, 22 M~r ('LATIN-itBttll'~R)--
L~~r~nce Mg~or, epoke,~m~n oE ehc g~h~mga poliae, ~nnnunced that 350 balps
of m~rihu~ne aer~ confi~c~ted i~gt night. The baleg wr~r~ found abo~rd th~ -
v~~~~1 I'r~sid~nt+~ Tom~g Moeq~~r8~ ahieh w~~ ~ff the B~rry ielandg. Elev~n
Colombian citizene on bo~rd the v~e~~1 w~re ~rr~~t~d. Th~ ~hipn~n~ h~~ ~n
e~tim~ted value of $10 miilion. Thp polic.~ ~l~o found ~ever~i ~utom~eic
wegp~ng ~nd munirion~ dn the v~~g~1, ahich Nag being toaed ro Nas~au eoday.
[tt~tM'~~ item] [Bu~no,a Air~~ LATIN in 5p~t~i~h d33g GM`r 22 Mgr 79 PA~
CSQ: 5300
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bAS CH R~~POND3 TO '`~IM~' 3TdRY ON bttUGS
Bogat~ ~I. 3IGL0 ic? Sp~nigh 25 J~n 79 pp 1-2
(A~tirl~ by Lui~ Edu~~rdd C~rrillo~
('~ext~ nr ttgf~~1 Pov~d~ Alfonga, direeea~r df ~h~ AdminigCraCive tiQ~~rEm~nt
of 5~~urity (DAS), conmentfng ~a th~ ~rti~le publi~h~d by TIM~ maga~ie~,
ahieh ~aag ex~lu~ively r~produc~d in p~rt by thig nea~paper ~nd trhich car=
ri~g th~ h~gdiine "Th~ Colombign Conn~ction," an acrount of th~ gras~?ing,
proc~gging, tran~porting and uging of inerihuana and coc~in~ in our country,
_ "Many cottunents can bp made ebout a nevs report. A1~o it i8 impo~gible to
make gueh catagoric~l ~tat~ments about certain eveecs as Wa~ don~ by chie
"Naturglly,'' Dr Pov~dc. A~fonso 8e9~rtedi "th~r~ ar~ mas~y a~pects which can
in nn aay b~ denied, ~mong them a11 that Presidpnt Ju1io Torbay Aya1a'a
~a�+ernmert ie doi~~~ aith rpg~rd t~ rrime in a11 it~ f~rms, p~rticularly
d..:: ^rowing ~nd trafficking."
Hhen he stae informed that th~ Drug Bnforcement Administretion of the United
5tates is preparing ~ conspirecy cage aith reepect to cocaine involving fo~r
countries. including Colonbia, ahich ai11 be made public and which impli-
catpg many peraonB~ including diplomate and ~rpa bugin~~s afficiale, the DAS
direccor stated:
"If there are peraong who hav~ co~nitted a crime connected with thoee activ-
itie~, it is well that their namea be mentioned ~nd that they be brought to
public attention, provided chere ia suEficient evidence. There ia nothing
aorse than unfounded statements."
bAS director itafapl Poveda A1Eonso said that arrests are b~eing madp every
dgy and chat drastic punishments are meted ouc by local autMorities. The
criminals are eub~ected to che drug 1aw which provides quite hareh p~nalties,
in addition to fines ranging into millions of pesos.
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It~ ~aid th~t G~iombta i~ mdving fd~r~r~ "fuli ~pe~d" in itg ~gmp~ign
~~gi~~e thae ~ieu~et~n~ ~'h~ nAS~ fur exampi~, aith ~ v~~i~~bi~ ine~iii-
~~n~+~ f~~m and th~ at~my ~nd th~ p~li~~ ateM ~h~itr ~?e~p~ng ~~p ~ngagpd in
- ~ f~~nf~i ~nd tde~], att~ck ~nd arp oper~ting und~r eh~ g~YUtiny of ~h~
ngtien gn th~~ eh~ir ~uee~~~p~ ~nd f~iiur~g ~r~ kndwn ed th~ entir~ Geun- _
Dig~cusgi~g ~h~ ~ubj~~t r~f Cdldmbi~n m~rfhu~n~ gr~t~rg h~ gtgt+~d thg~ th~y
u~r~ a~e e~ b1~m~ f~r bping e~mpe~d by drug ~r~ffi~k~r~, eh~y a~re d~-
~~iv~d ~nd giv~n largp ~um~ of ttiOflp~? ~o in o~h~r ae~ivtei~~ b~gidp~
th~ grawing af m~rihu~na.
"'~h~t i~," h~ ~~~~~Eed, "they ~~r~ m~d~ to g~e~ th~e eh~ gr~ain~ di tng~rihu~n~
ir~ mdr~ prc~fitabie than pl~nting coff~e, ~arn, ~~rden ve~~t~b1e~ gnd ~thpr
erdr~. '1'h~n che p~ggantg ch~os~ no~ ee pi~nt cdm or ~afi~~~ ~nd grow m~ri-
Ag ig kttti~t[t~ it i~ aimd~e ~iWay~ 11m~ri~ang Who bring ~11 th~t re~ney inta
the ~ountry which ig p~gged frc~m ofl~ int~rmedfgry td andcher unetl it
rea~cheg the groaer.
Np ~1g~ g~id th~t the fight g~~in~t drug tr~ffi~k~r~ i~ not being cnnducted
only dn th~ A~lantic Cc?~gt but through~ut ~he cdun~ry, particularly in che
eg~te~n plains Wh~r~ ~~ent~ of the ttur~l bA5 are eng~~~d in e va~t ~~mp~ign
td ext~rminate mxrihuana fi~1d~. individualg ar~ b~ing ~rr~gepd rontinu-
~11y fnr th~ee i11~gg1 aceiviti~~. A1go, 1~r$~ plantations of marihu~n~
~r~ degcroy~d a~ ,~oon e~ they are di~eovQred.
Pnv~da Alfonso g~~d ~tnphatically, "`I`he Adn~inigtrativ~ b~partment of 3~curity
uith ttg rur~l a,nd urban forces, th~ Natiot~al Polic~ and ~t~my ar~ coaducting
~ fight ea ~he de~th ~gafnst rr~mtnal ring~ ~nd org~ni~ati~n~ ahich gre
grcn?in$, proceg~tng gnd trtan~por~ing coc~ine and ~arihLana."
"Many agents epecialized in the fight against a~arihuana gros+ing and traf-
ficking are uorking tirel~gsly around che clock threughaut th~ counery~
peci~lly in p1~cp~ Where it ig knrnm thac m~ril~uana ig being grrnm, ~+ith
the gole ~bj~ctive of eradicating thf~ ~vil o~nr~ ~nd for ell," Pov~da
Alfan~o g~id.
br Rafapl Pdv~d~ Alfc~n~o, in hi~ etm~n~nt~ about the TIMf roagazine article,
recalled, "D~r~~ber Was degcribed ag on~ oE th~ mogt posiciv~ in the fight
~q~in~t ririgg of drug traffi~kers, du~ to the fact chat four light pl~ne~
with almerican r~p,is~ry W~re peised~ one bC-1 i+ith l~neri~an rpgi8try, one
gailin~ ves~el, one truck wich 40 bales of ~arihuana; and ~ix U. S. netionals
� vere arres~pd."
Ete also said that ~t ei~es cra~hed pl~~e~ ~~rre found that have been burned
dru~ traEficker~. He said as r~cencly as yesterday~ "A plane ua~ found in
the municipality of Puerto Berrio. Mtioquia, t?epareso~nt, ahich ~ras cotally
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Ie f~ eaau~h tc~ nnt~, J~nv~d~ Aif~n~a ~~id, "Pi~n~~ wieh Am~ri~~n r~giger~?
ahi~h tran~pore m~rihu~na e~ ~~~ain~ ~~~gh ah~n they ~r~ ~vpri~gd~d. In
ma~t ea~~~ eh~ir ~ccupanEr~ man~g~ to e~c~p~; hoWevpr, in oth~r ina~anc~g
th~~? ar~ ki11~d."
At Ch~ Ai~port
A Judi~iai Polic~ offi~i~i et thp ~1do~ado fnt~rn~ei~ngl Airpore vho A~k~d
th~e h~ n~t bp id~n~ifipd ~aid, "Np ~r~ a~i~ ~h~ b~~~ w~ c~n, bu~ a~ i~~k
eh~ prin~i~~i ~l~tn~tteg n~~d~d ta ~cm~b~~ drug etraffi~kin~." =
C50: 53~~
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~[t~NCH Cdtt~t~~~'ONU~Nm Wit~fi~5 ON ANmIDAUt3 GAMPAI(}N
f'~r3~ ~'AttI5-MA~CN fn ~rench q Mar 7q pp ~0-47
[ Ar~i~1~ by I'-M r~p~ai~?1 corregpond~nt ttc~~er Nolc~indr~ s"The Co-
ldmbf~n Cdhn~Gti~n"~
~ Text ] In 1q the "~'renCh Conii~ctinn" died~ brdught
d~wn~ ~fter m~king hegdlineg ~ur $ ya~r~~ by
a ct~alitidn of p~li~e ~or~~~ in many Coun~r3.e~
in ~urop~ and Amer~.~~. moday~ the United St~t~a~
mu~t cop~ w3.~h ~?n ~quglly ~erioug tihr~~ti: ~h~
"~olombi~n connection, " wl~ich s~Hips, by l~~;~t br `
by ~1ane, d~zens of t~n~ of m~ri~u~n~~ grown
_ by p~~s~~ntg in northern ColomUia to ~0 roil-
lion Am~rican go~t-drug ~mok~rg. The Cdldmbian
~trmy h~g been mobiliaed ageinr~t the M~~ia-backed
traffickerg. Roger Holeindre was ~n eye-wit-
~ness ~o th~ trafffc ~nd itg rapr~ssion, and h~
giveg ug the gtory and the pictures.
Jet Trics To Down ~'ot-Smugglers' Plane
~lying at rooftop 1eve1 over the city, a twin-en~ine light p1~ne
drawg Curious citizen~ out oP doors; in no tfine~ the streetg are
full of people, Qach of them com,nenting kr~owingly on the acroba-
ticg thc~ pilnt perform~ in hi~s efforts to ~t~y out of the linc~
of Fire of the ~rmy hel3copter vain).� trying to force him tlown.
Wfth a deaf~ning roar, ~ T-33 jet fighter plane join~s the dance.
On the ground, they very quick to un~ergtand that ti~e amuggler
pilot hag only on~ fdea fn mind: to wear the helieopter out and
to stay over popu~ated areas at all times go ag to prevent the
Colombian air force 3et.'g opening fire on him.
By noa, tihe streets are black with people, arguments are well
under way, and the whole population is on the ga~uggler~a side~
to a mun. Because the news apreada fast. Some men drfve into
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tiown ~c~ ~~cp~.~~.n wh~i~ bhig ~~.r ~hdw ~v~r tih~ rn~~,s o~ R3oh~oh~
i.~ ~bouti. A�~w k~.1~m~~~r~ ou~~ide tih~ buwn~ ~.n the op~n
da~~rti, wdrkm~n w~r~ ~, ~dn and ~ h~~.~ of m~r~.~uan~ ~.nbo
the twin-eng3ne pl~n~ wh~n a p~~ro1 ~pp~~red. mhe
young Am~ric~n p~.1ot, ~ V3.etinam v~~er~n~ d~mand~d ~h~t ~he ~n~?d- oon~inu~, ~h~n, ono~ ~he cargo wa~ a1~ aboard and no~ unb31
~h~n~ while th~ ~rn?~d h~licopter wa+~ ~lying ~3gh~~r ~nd ~3gh~~r
e~.re1~~ ~round h~.m~ ha gave h~~ p1an~ fu11 ~hro~~la and ~ook off
like ~ m~dman, ~ven fu11y loaded, man~uv~r3ng hi~ a3.rcr~f~
a ma~ti~r~~ hand and ~humb3ng h3~ no~e ab bh~ h~13.copter~ -
bh~n aalled on tihe air fora~ for ~upport.
Th~ ~~.rborn~ rodeo l~gti~d almo~ti an hour. At on~ po~.n~~ though,
~h~ ~.ilit~ry open~d ~3r~ buti, U~dly h3t, th~ d~vil ~iraraft
gtiorm~d down tihe main ~tir~~ti, ~h~ c~h3mney~s~ emergod
from ~he ~own in the d3reation of the aee and~ with a deaF~ning
ro~r from both it~s engine~ ~t th~ outeide 1im~.t of the3.r capa-
ci~y, c1~.mbed 3nto ~h~ cloud~ ~nd v~n3.ghed...
It wa~ in ~h~ ~ir~ti few dey~ o~ Octob~r thab the Colomb3,~n go-
vernment decided that, ~startiing on 1 Novamber ~.978, ~here would
b~ t~.ght aurveillenc~ by ~ir, gea, ~nd 1and~ ~g~inst the drug
tr~?ff ic and smuggling 3n the province of Gua3ira. Lying along
the Venexuelan-Colomb3an border, this region of northeast Co1om-
bi~ ha~ always been ~n ~rea of henvy smuggling.
A semi-desert, awarming with gnakes of all kinds~ it 3s nothing -
1~sg ~han ~n aircraft carrier out into the Caribbean~
con~tantly lashed by sandstorms reminiscent of the D~ibout3
Khamgin. f~ere and there a few Indian huts and little ~owns
like Mai~ao and R3ohacha break the monotony.
Maica.o is the `:ecca for contraband traffic with Venezuela.
r~r~ry kind of radio equipment in the world is there~ with toys
from Nongking, watches from Switzerland, cigarettes~ liquors from
France~ textilea from India, all the 3unk~ a11 the ca~stoffs elbow-
ing the latest Japanese TV setg and cameras. The booze flows
like water: 180 pesos for a bottle of Chivas around z0 Fr~nch
francs~ or 15 franca for a bottle of Ballantine~s.
~verywhere you look, over square kilometers, amfd the American
truckg or carrying contraband, are hundreds of thousands of empty
cardboard and plastic cartons, on which everybody walks~ tramps.
or drivea~ giving the town the look of a gigantic trashcan.
Riohacha~ though was only a~ittle fishing port whose name may
have meant somet~iing to Frenchmen who had read Papillon, air~ce
that is where the fugitive from the pris~n at Cayenne was put
in prison by the Colombian authorities after he had slipped
across the Venezuelan border and lived for a long time among the
Indians of Alta Gua~ira, who today are utterly ravaged by alcohol.
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mhi.~ ~rubby 13ti~1c~ tidwn could h~v~ ~.~s~~d ~ 1on~ ti3.m~~ 3.~s
clrunk~rds ~nd 3.tis tr~d~.~3.or~~1 a~turd~y n3gh~ br~w~.s~ 3,~ h~d
not k~edn ~or ~he hurric~?n~...
mhe hurr3.c~ne, ~or ~h3s d3.rb-ponr rng3,dn, w~s clrugs~ mar3.~ -
~u~na, wh~b ~h~ p~op1~ h~r~ c~11 ~'m~r3mb~.~~
Abou~ 10 yaars ~gc~~ liipp3e~ us~d ~o come ~rom ~usb ~bou~ overy-
wher~ and quie~~ly smnke thn gr~~?ss that gr~w on tha ~ooth~.~,3.s o~
: tih~ S3~rrx Nnv~d~ d~ Santi~ M~?r~~?. Z~ ao~b ~h~m ~r~a~~.asiiy no-
~h3ng~~ ~?nd bothered nobndy.
Th~n~ a11 n~ ~ sudd~n~ ah~nged. Th~ 1oC~~. peasan~s~
a11 nf them poor, ~11 nf ~hem in debt~ never managi,ng to g~~ ~
dim~~s wor~h o� credit from the "Caj~ Agr~ri~" the local
farm 1o~n and exten~ion bur~au suddenly ~ound tihemselves o~-
~ered heEty sums by people who woulc~ give th~m ~he seed, f3rm
c~rdcrs, nnd subst~?nt~.a1. advttnces su~:h ~s th~~o poor people hr~d
never dar~d im~~; ~.n ~he3.r w3ldesb dre~ms brought on by a
bout of ~g~xardiente. This hurricane of dollars ushered 3n tihe
era of ~he "marimbe~os," the men who m~ke ~he3.r living by sell-
ing marimbay and who work h~?nd in glove w3th ~he Amer3.can Mn~ia.
Very quickly, immense for~unes were m~do. The Amorican buyers
, had l~rge r~quirements, and would pay in cash. Some of ~he pea- .
sants regularly h~rvesbed ~wo erops a year, and, on requeat,
would grow a brightleaF variety known as "mona," which is highly
pr3zed and even more highly priced.
Then it wa~ the Ftar Wesb all over again... the d~y of the, Nater-
nal.i~tic marimberos. These men, who had becot~le immensely rich
in ~ very short time were and still are respec:~d by the pea-
sants. 1~ith the peasants, they make up an entity, something:
one without the other would be nothing. The marimbero ha~s the
money, the weapons, the contacts, access to protection. The
peasant furnishes his field, his labor~ his harvest, and his
unshakeable loyalty.
From Llanos, from the Valle de 1'Antioquia, tho grass came in
in immense quantities. The vital transfer point was Guajira.
They had ta set up an inf rastructure of storage places, of clan-
destine depotis; to map and build secret landing-strips. Month
by mont~i, the marimberos watched their private army gruw. It
w~s made up af people who owed them everything, to whom they had
brou~t~t, if not wealth, ati least a standard of living and sums
of money n~;ver before seen in this desert~ wher~ t;he only
"wealth" in the old days had been salt, until tomorrow, when
maybe ~here would be gas or oil...
Drivers, muleteers, leaf-strippers~ dryers, pressers, balers:
by the thousands, they found well-paid jobs.
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Ab n~.~M~~ 3n ~h~ ~t~rry sk3~s, p~,t~nos 3.n numbers
~nd , ev~r-~.arger s3.zc~, c~me av~r more frequen~:Ly ou~
the ~eorn~ a3.r-~trips which experti teams~ would 7,3.ght a~ ~he
r3gh~ momen~ w3th ~1~ming gasol3ne oans~ wh~.1.e tank-~ruck drivers
~tood by ~o prov3de ~ue1 if n~edod. D3rc~ct~.y and 3ndirectly,
60~ 000 ~0 70.~ n04 peop~.e now live nn ~he ~or~une brought i~i by
mar3~u~na or i~s fallout.
~rriving 3.n it3ohacha n3.ght, I was given a room :;.n a�airly
d~cen~ hote~.~ which wd~s completely surrounded wi~h baxbed wirc~, 3~s ~errace ~he sea. At dawn 7 could
d3sc,ern x dirty town~ but one 3n which there were bui~.d3.ngs going
up 4?herover 7 looked: here a 14-s~ory building loomed grotes- .
quely out of place in this landscape; farther off, another ono .
w3th a sign stat3ng that it would be 1~ stories high. Looking,
out~ over the magni�icent Caribbean Sea, an 11-story hotel rises
frnm the ground. A11 oP th3s, according to public rumor~ is built with "mar3mba" mr~ney.
Th3ngs could never be simple 3n a~'macho" country like Colombia,
buti also 3n this coastal regian, so unlike the rest o� t-.he c oun-
try w3th ita alraost Latir, customs, [there is] a kind of ~exuber-
ance unknown elsewhere, and a willingness to make easy money,
and above all, to 1et others know you~ve got it.
Already, t;he legend that was just waiting to be born grows richer
every day with new "Peats of arms.~' There are names that are
heard eve~rywhere for a while, only to vanish just as swiftly
from hurr~an ken. A man known as "Lucho Baranquilla,'~ settling -
in Santa Marta, was the very model of the pabernalistic "marim-
bero.'~ He was a"public benafactor" : gifts, loans, contac:~;s
he took care an;~ little thin~ his "people" might requir~:. _
Wiien bhe local police in Santa Marta began giving him some prob-
1ems, he bou~ght the building in which the police station rented
space and, ~;1iile the delighted public l.ooked on and laughed, he~
as the owner of the premises, summarily evicted the guardians of
law and order. Like many another before him, though, he came
to a tragic end, gunned down by a rival gang.
At Riohocha the shops would close on the stroke of 1~00 hours~
and the marketplace would empty. At the drop of a hat, men would
draw their revolvers and shoot one another dead. In the tawdry
danc~halls, gunmen sprawled over tables, arms dangling, winding
up the evening before they were kicked out into the gutter, while
some of their colleagues, not quite so drunk, would dance alone
as they burned $$-dollar bills to the beat of the Cumbia.
Incred.ible scenes from the Wild West that might have come out
of the tallest western scenarios were everyday sights. Rival
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~~n~~ with Hc:c~i~C~ t;c~ r~~t~le c~h~~c~ c~n~ ~nc~~h~r ~v~n ~~tar
t;h~ir 1a~dcr~~ werC dC~dr atid tlic buric~l d~ nn~ n~ t;h~m w~~ th~
oc~~~s~.on Por ~ FJ~til~bb~ttltldj. ~ha~c ~c~~n~ bct~re~n th~ l~d~n h~~r,a~
~nci raving pur~uer~ wh~ w~u1d t'ir~ int;d th~ avf'~in ta ki].1 tti~
I~CCUpHt1l; de~cler gti11 ~r~d ~11 tht~ ri~h~ in tht~ middl~ r?~
A US pilot, c:r~~h-l~nding t~ig fl,~ming p1~nc, t~r~s h~ul~d ~rnm -
the �ire in cri~ical Cc~nditi~n. H~ wa~ immedi~t~ly tak~n tu
the 5~nt;a M~~rb~ hospit~l und~r milit~ry ~~corti. A few hnur~s
1utCr, a gar~~ ot' hnnd~ gnatched him nut d~ the hn~pital th~y
fough~ nff p~li~C. M~et~nwhilc~ ~ linspital p1~n~ ;~~nt ~rdm Miamt
by the bt~fiu w~s lanciing~ wi~hdut ~utihnrf~atinn th~ munf~ipgl
~irpdrt ~t the very monent wh~n, with th~ poliee in hdti pur~uit
and retui~ning L-h~ir �ire~ Lite ~~kittnap~r~'~ C~m~ scr~~Ch3ng in.
Cn~ued ~~u11-gcale b~tt1~ Ld ~nv~r the trgngfcr n~ ~h~ ~iying
pi1nL-... mhe tio~piL-a1 plgne manrag~d to t-~ke d~~ t'c~r tti~ U~.
~ Arn~auid y months ago, go~ot~ sent ~~p~ciral "incorrupL-ib1~. ~ d~-
le~ate to Lry to restore drder... tl~ ~r�regt~d sdm~ L-r~?~fi.ckers~
snme US pilot~, a~~d some d~~.inqurntr~~ ar~d prdced~d ~c~ ~1~p
these [ inc f'ellnw~ irito ~~il. In bc�~~d duyli,~hL, thc pri~nii
~ wu~t ati:ack~d and ~11 t,he pri~nnc~r~ i'r~~d by thcir murimb~rn
f riends.
mhat samcs day, a f'ew kilometcrs out;side town, a bu~s wa~ L-~ken
hnsL-a~,c at 1500 houi�5, and the wo,nen ~nd girls abourd it wet~~
brutally raped in the middle of the hi~hw~y.
Things could ~~ot go oti this~. 'I`he government ordered tihe
~rmy to take the matter in t~and.
mhe secoi~d bri~adc:, basc:d at g~r~nquilta and commanded by grig
Gc:n Jose Maria Vill~re~l Abarca, was nssi~,m~d L-h~ ~ob. When
Lhc brigade I~ad l~cc:n reinforCed with air and ~ca tir~nspc~rt~ it
was, as it is now, up tc~ divi~inn str~ng-th. Ita m3gsinn aovcrs
~5, UU0 square kilometei�s, or arow~d $ percent of the tot~l land
area of Colombia. Gen Villare~l spelled out for me the r~tio-
nale behind the civil ~;~vernment's request for the army to take
a hand.
In C~.lombia, the army dacs riot etiga~;e in politics. It is one
of thc oldest armed services in 5outh America, h~v3ng been of-
E icially cst~ablishcd on Z3 July 1810. Since th~~?t ~ny~ ~side
from onc or two spccial cases, w}~en it was ~11 the Civil govern-
ment there w~s, ~t has been faithful t~~ the missio:i ~ntrusted it
under the Constitution, and to tt~e civ:il governmer~t. Its task
ha~ beeri primarily to assure the stability of our iristitutions
and to maintain public nrder: the Figl~t againsL- subversion and
its armed sup~ortcrs, the guerrilla~, :ind the fight to stamp
out smu~gling and the drug tr~ffic along our 9,G~2 kilometers
of t~order....
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"mh~ drug tir~~f ic hc~~ r~~c~hcd ~urah dim~n~i.on~ th~~ ~t ~h~~~~ti~n~
C~lomri.n~~ m~r~~: fibc~~�, ~nd ~v~n ~h~ n~t~:~n~1 ~~onomy. l3~~or~
th~ ~urrnnt m~agur~~ w~rc~ ~dep~~d, ~s~opl~ a~?~~hb r~d-h~nd~d
in dr?u~-d~a~l3ng w~r~ 1i.~b1~ to ~~in~ ~or d~a~, ~n produebg
on wt?ieh na ~ntry du~y h~d b~~n p~id.
~'C~r~qn~~ h~v~ b~~n 1o~d~d dntio pl~ing right ~n the H~renquill~
~irpdr~. At th~ ~adndmi~ 1~v~1, w~ ~re ~~~ing ~~utib~nk 3n
lrand,s under Cultiv~t3dn, with m~ny pe~,~~ntr~ ab~ndc~ning th~f r
~r~di.tional ~odd crop~. mh~ tr~?P�iakerg h~?d ~oo muah tih~~.r
c~wl~ w~?~. N~wly ri~h, th~y thdught th~y cduld dc~ ~g ~hny 1ik~d.
mhey bot~ghti or tr3.ed to buy~ overybody W- and then br~gg~d ~b~ut
3.t, ,~hou~~d ~.ti frc~m bh~ hauge~~p~.
"On1y th~ army Could put ~~op bo tihc~ ~cand~l."
C~`~ambitt~g ~rmy 3~ m~d~ up in l~rg~ p~rti of young dr~f~~e,~ ~rom
the pe~g~ntry or ~ho working c1a~~, wh~ ~arv~ ~or 18 month~.
Th~ tut~1 rstre~ng~h i,~ egt3.mated ~ti 4b~ OUO men t 1i 8U0 officerg,
q, OOU non-com~, 35, n~d tiroopg, ~nd 5~ t~CU employe~s.
~h~ bagf~ unit fn the Coldmbi~n army i,~ tho ba~~nlion. I~~
gtr~ngth 3~ n~fic~r~~ 115 n~n-comg, 75d troopa, ~nd tdn ot~
~d ~ivili~n ~mployee~. ml~~ batti~lion br~~k~ dnwn inbo thr~g ~
aomb~ti Comp~?nfes, on~ cdmm~nd nnd serv3ce~ company~ and one
trninin~ Comp~ny.
All ofPi.cers ~re grgdu~te~ o~ the Military C~d~t School~ where
th~y serva 4 to S Yggrg. Some go for tra3ning to the Un3.~ed
5t~tes or to the Pgnam~ Cgr?al Zone. The basic wespon i~s the
G-3 ~u~omntic rifle; 3bs machineguns are gruwning ~.62s and
1'1.7s. Although .handicapped by ~ chronic shortago of vehicleg,
the army i~ �~Pry well disciplined and no order is ever dispu-
T was able to find L�hat, in this mission from top to bottiom
of the milit~ry hiers~rchy everybody nbeyed orders to the 1et-
ter, not with much enthusissm, but with determination.
Since 1 November 1978, L�he date when the blocl~~de went into ef-
fect, military units of the second brigade }~ave ~aptured 2,623
tons of marijuana. That staggering tonnage gives one an fdea
of the real extent of the traffic. A thoueand people have been
grrested, 331 in flagrante. Second brigade troops have captured
z~l weapona~ 4~ vehicles~ including trucks and tankers, have
been seized; as well as 3S ocean-going vessels.
Also seixed were 19 aircraft, DC-3s, DC-6s, gnd C-14~s in flight
condition~ and eight more aircraft were destroyed on thc ground.
Fifteen entire cr~ws of US aircraft have been kil~led. Sixty-
nine aliens~ most of them aircraft crew members, have been im-
prisoned. The marijuana problem has never once stopped grow-
ing since pot-smoking becan~e fashionable in the United States.
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, , th~ ~ ~ ~ , ; ~ar : ~ ~.n ~hd
wor].cl, w~~h ~.t~ q0 m~,1~.~on u~~r~ o~ m~r~~uan~ ~1,~n~~
mh~nk,~ ~d i~~ g~ographia~l pn~~.t~.att~ Cc~3.~mt~~,~~ ~nd p~r~~.aul~r~y
thn north~~~t~rn ti~.p ~g Cc~~.omb~:~n ~~rr3tc~ry, }i~vn b~~c~m~ m~~dr -
tr~ng~.t p~inti~ ~or drug~ of ~11 kind,~~ 3nr~~,ud3n~ et~a~~.n~~ whieh
nnt produ~ed h~r~, but whieh tsdme~ 3.n ~1on~ th~ 3.~t~rn~bian~~.
roub~g tihr~ugh C~~.omk~i~~ Vc~nezu~].a~ P~n~?tn~~ ~~d th~
l~nd~ o~ th~ C~ribbean. M~ri~u~n~ ~.s gr~wn ~n a~untr~.e~ ~th~r
th~n Co~c~mb3.~, but "Ctildmbian~~ ~c~d~y f~ ~~t~~m~d a~ the b~~~
~h~r~ ~.g by m3.llidn,s af smokt~rg.
" I~ i~ th~ s~~~ ~he ~or~i~n d~m~nd th~t poaes sur,h great d3~~3.-
eul~i~a~ ~~r Colomb3.a. M~r~.~u~?h~ 3~ na~ ~ prdbl~m ~t hr~mc. In
Gug~ir~?~ �dr ~xample, glthdugh m~.llinng c~f tr~ng n~ "gr~~~" pa~~
~hr~ugh tih~ t~wn~ ther~ ~re pr~?Gtic~Yly no ~.oaa~. gmc~k~r~s. Th~t
ig why mor~ rand mor~ ~~op1~ gr~ be~inning tc~ b~1i~v~~ ~nd to ~s~y
tiha~ ~.ti 3.~ wrc~ng noti to ~11ow Coldmbf a~ s p~a,~ant~ to mak~ mon~y
by x prddu~~ the who1~ world is begging ~nr, ~nd w i~h
is sold tn riCh ~~gringog" whc~ 1iv~ ~ hunclred tim~~ b~tter ~hgn
th~y do.
Wid~~pr~~d rumor s~ts tih~ gmc~unti o~' land ~urr~n~ly dovo~ed tc~
growing m~r~.~uan~ ~t 3~O,OdU h~c~~r~~. grig Gen ~o~e M~ria
V3.1].ar~al Ab~rca, thdugh, thinks th~t ghould b~ no mdr~ thgn
100,UU0 hdct~reg. Ev~n tihat, thnugh, is Congidcr~ble~ gnd~ g3-
ven two or even thre~ Cropg per ye~r, repr~s~nts inCalGUl~b1~
tonn~ge~ ~?nd sumg o~ money far gre~ti~r th~n the budgot-~ of m~?ny
South Am~ric~n nationg.
Org~nizing tihe tr~ffi~ nnd financing its flow between Colomb3a
a?nd North A.~n~ri.c~a is the Am~ricgn MHfia~ b~yonct uny po~s~3.b1e
doubti. It 3~ the M~f~g th~t h~~ invegted tihe mosti mon~y~ but
apparently there ~re som~ rich Colombi~ns who have put capital
into nc~s trade. ~he trnffic shows sever~l putt-Crns oF organi.-
zab3on: l. U5 buyers~ come dir~ctly tio Calombi~ and handle
purchgsing and shipm~nt; 2. U5 organiaatiun~ fund~ to
Cnlombi~+ns who are commission~d to develop planting~ harvesting~
and shipment; 3. Colombi~n marimberos handle the whole 1oca1
_ operation, and sell to US shippers; 4. Colombian peasants,
who have accumulated a little bit of capi~al of th~ir ownf are
now selling direct to US or Colombi~n buyers.
The regions where the drug is grown arQ hard to reach. The
~ pea~ants themselves can get there only on muleback. The harvea-
~ ted plants are th~n brought b~ck down to ~he platns by the same
primitiive transport. One soldfer told me he had stumbled u~on a
- convoy of x00 mules, escortCd by armed garmers. He took cover,
so to stay out of harrn's way. Although there ig war to thQ knife
among the various drug trafficknrs often lc:adin~ to exchangea -
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o~ ri~'~,c~ fi.r~ ti1i~ ~rmy, ~dr i~~ p~rt, }i~~ na ~i~~~.r~ ~o mske
w~r on the p~~,~~nti~.
tt~.ghb ndw~ Calombi~n ~~rm~r~ ~r~ gclling m~r3.~uan~ ~or 2n~ Un0
p~~dg prer 1Un ki1c~~~ o~ ~round $5d0~ whiah i.g iJt~O p~r ~dn.
A~t~r p~~~ing thrnugh Migmi e~r ~lnn~ d~h~r r~ut~g~ ~hab ~~m~
grg~,~ w3.~.~. ~e11 for ha1~ ~ mi113.~n dd~.l~rg a ton c~n ~h~ gtr~~t
in N~w Yark.
A~ o~ nc~w, pri~~g are ~sti1:L r~:sing. p~rh~p~ ~h~ nhipm~nti,~ c~~p-
tur~d by the ermy ere beh3.nd that trend. Iti would ~pp~ar ~:il~t
in b~~k c~f th~ m~~~urc~ rc~~nt~y ti~kdn by tih~ Cnldmb~.~n gav~:n- -
m~n~ i~ tih~ in~lu~na~ c~~ th~ Am~ria~n gov~r~n?en~ ~nd of ~he
N~r~o'~.ic,~ 8ur~~u. Vc~ry h~avy pnn~l~i~g ~r~ now th~ 10~ d~ p~n-
ple csuughti in pogg~e~~s3,nn o~ th~ drug. 5~ntien~~g ~~n run ~g h3,gh
1U yegr~ in pri~nn. Thc~,se c~ugh~ ~~rry3.hg w~~pon~ ~re ~.rL~b1~
~o ~v~n ~~i~~~r ~s~ntenc~~g.
Thns~ ~rregt~d thou~;~ not tak~n ~.n the ecti ~r~ l~.~b1~ tio
f~.n~~ o~ lU0~On0 to SOO~OOb p~~u~ (1 p~a~o ~ 11 ~rench ~ranag).
If tih~ ~ui.lty m~n c~nnor. p~y ~p, h~ mu~ti ,~~rv~ 1 day 3n ~ail ~or
~aoh 5t~0 pettag of the fin~. A~ ru1e, those ~r~ntc~nc~d p~y ~h~
fin~. Any bo~~$, ~ruckg~ or ~irCr~?f~ ~~i~~d ~rQ ~ub~ecti tio im-
m~di~~e Gc~nfigc~tifon. 8ut, fn spiti~ the fin~g, the lo~s~g,
the d~a~h~~ ~nd th~ gei~urag, th~ tr~~fic gae,~ on.
On~ Cl~nde~tiin~ ~~,~t of defoliat3on ha~ been run. mho troub~,e ig
tih~t i~ is impog~ible ~o burn tihe m~ri~u~n~ without affoCtfng
oth~r crops; tih~ p~a~~ntss plant their ~i~ldg ir~ Checkerboard
f~shfon, eowing mar3.~uan~ in sm~11 plote entirely ~urrounded by
~noth~r r,~op, ~ucli as ~orn or m~nioc. Given th~ wrath of Co1om-
bi~~s pe~sant~, it i~ c~rt~in that thia operatiion, mounted
d3recCly by t1~L Unit~d Stat~s aithout the knowledge of the Co1om-
b'~?~ ~utihorit~e~, w311 noti be repeated.
However, the ermy lacks the mean,s requfred tio wipe out the plan-
tation~, all of which are difficulti o� access, partfcularly those
in th~ Sierr~ Nevgda de Santa Marta. So it would appear that,
~g they hgve done elsewhere with the consent of 1oca1 governmonta,
the Americans ure gning to make g might,y matieriel and financi~I
ef~ort to help the Colombfan$ them~elves pu~ g gtop to thfs ~oft
drug traffic, which poaes problem~ only to the US but which ig,
in some areas of Colombi~~, including ~ua3ira~ an unbelievabl~
mannn o~ dollars. These region~ arc in f~ct the unly places in
the world in un und~rdev~loped country wh~re the dollar i~ worth
lesg on the black market th~n on the official exchange.
Already the radar installation,s are in placo~ liidden in tihe moun-
tains r~nd manned by gringog, Advisorg from the Narcotiics 8ure~u
often hang around in the hot zones.
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Etumc~r h~?~ ~h~~ ~h~ Cnlnmb~.~n ~rmy w~.~.~. b~ wh~~~,~ ~nd
h~~.~.~opt~r~ ~o h~yp 3.~ e~?rry ou~ i~~ m3.~~~.on mor~ ~~~~~~~,v~~y.
~ b~~.~.~v~~ though~ ~u~t ~n ~ hunoh, th~~ ~hn ord3,n~ry ~a~.d3.t~r~
. ~rdm pa~~~nt ~am~.].3~~ ~r~ no~ gnin~ t~a d~ any~hin~ bo r~~d~ ~h~
~row~r~ ~rc~m g~tit~.n~ ~u~t a b~,t prt~~pc~r�~u+~. ~~h3nk ~h~?t
~h~ ~~?~~i.~~ be~.n~ u~~d ~ad~y an~1 ~dmnrrdw wi11 ~ry h~rd nd~ td
h~trm th~ ],~.tt1~ p~~p1~~ tih~ ~ami13.~,s n~ th~ Caldmb~.~n peap~.~.
brug,~ ~r~ ~~iz~d~ ~nd mnr~ wi1]. b~ g~iz~d, ~inaC ~h~ p~.~n addp- -
~~d i~ ~d run fnr ~ p~ridd d~ 5 yc~r~f bu~ ~ny ~r~,s~ th~~ i~
~~ptur~d 3.~ ~1mn~b ~1w~y~ ~ound in th~ po~sc~~gtnn n~
and th~t m~an~ ~h~t ~h~ p~~~~nt ~rnm th+~ ~ierra Nevad~ de St~n~~
M~rttt ~.n~s~~ nt~ mun~y, or ],~,~~g nnthing at t~Yl. Wh~ti~v~r h~?ppens,
h~ r~t~nd~ to m~k~ t~n ~imes mdre~ th3.~ w~y than by growing cnrn
or ~abb~g~~.
On th~ oth~r ~id~ ef th~ Cdin~ wh~t mak~s thig su~h n hard ~3.ght
ig ~h~?t, r~a as n~t tc~ ].dr~~ by ~h~ deC~.ine c~~ the do1~.~r in th~~.r
tir~n~s~eti.ons~ tih~ m~rimb~rds ~gr~~ td t~ke paym~nti r'rom tih~ 1J~
Mafi~? 3.n tihe ~orm of v~h3.c1~s ~nd r~zw m~t~ri~l.s. You cg- s~~
M~re~de~~ BMW 60(J~~ Ch~rokees~ ,1~ep ttenc~;rad~s some o~ th~m
wortih a mi].1fon p~sn~ and mnre, pc~rkc~d 3.ii ~ront o~ rough wood~n
gh~ak~s or in th~ middlc~ df squ~l:id gh~ntytnwns.
~n ~ddition td thege c1~livCries~ which ~re~ wli~n a11 is ~~?id and
done~ pretity nice~ th~r~ ~re unfr~rt wtintQly o~h~rs whi.~h are ~~r
1~g~ w~1~om~. Tw~ mi113.c~n pi11s oC a synth~tiic drug were seiz~d
by second-brigad~ inf~ntrymen. Analysi~ show~d that this drug
ig d~ngeroug when ti~ken with ~lcohol. Aacoi�ding tio mi1:Eti~ry ~
~ourca,~, it wus M~ndrex ~/14. ~his dt�u~, which c~n drive people
mgdi is a1lQgedly of~~n ~is~d ~s pi~ymc~nt for loads o~ marijuann~
w3.tih Culdmbien mafiogi under.t~king to ~;et it 3nta Europe. Thore
ar~ two planned routes: one ~hrough Amsterd~?m, ~nd the o~her
through gordeawc. The drug is'said tn be intended ~or g bl~s~e~
cli~nt~le that has ~lrettdy tried everytih3ng else.
Night w~?s falling along the riv~r in a~n out-of-th~-way corner
of Gua3ira. Kids o~ 18 were st~cking up the 40 tions of mnri-
3uan~ that had been seized that d~y, and which they were about
to burn. As I watched them workin~, I calculated in my head
that every bale they were carrying represented, �or each one of
them, 10 yegrs~ pay at the goin~ market price in New York.
Before they could burn the marijuana, they had tin wnit for the
~rrival of the civilign ~uthorities, in tt~is case Dr Genaro
~eijo Pino, the "judge" [�isc~?1J of Guajirn: a littl~ man o~
sixty or so, flanked by his depuL�y, Itenaldo R~dondo Redondo~
the locnl district attorney. Th~ little jud~e made stgtem~;nts
~o me t}~at we:re absolutely L-hunderous, dumb�ounding in a c.ountry
where everybody shuts up when somebody ~t~rt~ talking ~bout� drugs
~nd the law.
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"Wn ard go~.n~ bn ~~amp ou~ tih3.~ dru~~ ~ight down ~u tih~ ron~~t"
1~~ to~.r' me.
~~Bu~ ~ ~Tud~e, ~r~n ~ ~ you ~~r~3.d?"
"A~r~~.d o~ wh~ti?~~ h~ r~torted~ br3.~~~, ~r~ h~ dr~w h~:m~~if up.
mh~n, ,~t~nd3n~ dn t3.ptio~ to m~k~ ~u~~ b3.~ ~~11er,
he ~+~ko~ m~, ind~.gnantily :
"Who wou~.d daro ~~t~ck ~ r~pr~~~n~a~iv~ o~ ~h~ ].~w ~.n bhi.~ couri-
~h~n ~e ord~r~d ~h~ goldi~r~ ~o ~t~r~ th~ f3re. ~~rryaang o~
ga~olirie wer~ ~mp~fed over ~h~ ho~ped up ther~, gom~ of
wh3.oh had b~~n w~igh~d ~o ~g to ~,s~~s~ ~h~ tonn~g~ burnod.
G3.~an~3.c f1am~~ le~pti skyward. A few minut~~ 1~ter, ~h~ drug
b~g,~n ~o g3.v~ of~ ~.ts ~pec3.a1 odor; ~~ortiun~ wgs up ~.n
~mo~te. on th~ riv~rb~nk~ bhe 1ititle ~udg~ conb~mpla~ed
~h~ sp~ct~cle. N~ h~d donc~ hi~s duby, onc~ ~gain, For a~ew
hundred pe~o~ ~ montih.
~h~ grmy ~ s 1~tie~t f~~r i.s thati s~ubver,s3.v~ movements m~y ~~t in-
voYved in th~ drug tra~fic, gnd thus g~3.n a~ccr~~~s to th~ f~.nanc-
3ng they have alway~ lacked h3tihertio.
~verywh~r~~ on hor~~ba?ck, muleback, or donkeyg, pe~~~nti~ rmed
with m~chetes~ proud, tough men, rid~ tha ro~ds. Roar3ng past
them, bu~es driven by machos who cannot conce3ve of anyone~s '
pass3ng thom drive the race tihat ~ometimeg ends in a ravine.
Like the buadriv~rs in Bogota, they get no fixed wages~ and gre
pa~d only on a percentage basis: the competition for riders is
a~i~~ o~en.
At almost every curve, little crossea with flowers at their feet
ahow that here a m~cho, a man, a real man, died rather than be
taken for a weakling, a~~pgnsy~ " a'~woman.
Md yet Gua~ira, for all this activity, is still a fairly calm
region in Colombia. It was kopt completely out of the civil war
which, for la years up to 1960 drenched the country 3n
blood and killed tens of thousands of people~ liber~l~ and con- -
servatives ~1ike. In Gua~ira, the peopYe want five contradic-
tory thinga at once: they want to raise mari3uana, to geti rich,
to have it known that they are rich~ and, at the same time~ not
to have their wealth and its source tioo widely known so as to
- preserve their "honor" and respectability in the eyea of people
outside Gua~ira, who might get the wrong idea and doubt the "re-
spectability of the native sons.
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~2~~?d~.n~ th~ p~p~r ~?b~~rd ~hc p~,~n~ b~~k ~n ~logot;~, ~ ~.c~rnnd
~h~t SdC1 pc~ople d3~ ~v~ry yc~~r in Cc~~,omb~,~ ~o~~~y ~,n qu~rr~1~
~nvalving ~h~ drug br~~~~.a.
~~ak 3.n ~d~o~~~ ~ h~pp~n~d upon ~n ~mbu~,~n8~ on ~h~ Av~n3d~ 1U~,
.on~ th~ ~~~~t~~~ ~ bu~3,~~~ thorough~~r~~~ ~~rryi~g Nor~a;.n M~r-
tin~~, ~ w~l~.-known m~?�~o~~, who h~d ~u~t b~~n hit' by s~v~n bu11~ti~
~r~dm ~ maahir.~~ pi~tc~~.. Out of hi,~ p~~k~t h~r~ f~?l~~n ~ b~g a~
~m~r~3.d+~~ wh3ah w~~ ~w3.ftly ttn~pp~d up by ~ badygu~rd. A p~~~~rby ~
w1-.a kr?~w ~bout~ ~uch ~hings ~o3,d m~ t~~mh~r~ ati 6 millinn
pe~d~ ~ wnr~h th~re! Two 13.f~ti3.m~~ ~ w~g~s ~or ~h~ ~udg~
who h~d~~r~mindnd m~, ~g we w~r~ Bsy~3,ng goodbye, nat. ~o for~~t
td pu~ doator in ~ro~t of hi~ t~~me.
mh~ti gam~ ~v~ning, thank~ ~n ~om~ help ~rom �r~,~nde, Z cl~.,~gui~~d
my,s~1~ ~ nurg~ ~nd m~?n~g~d to ~e~ intio tih~ Country Clin~.c,
wh~r~ ~h~ madi.ogn w3.~h tih~ ~rn~r~~.d~ h~d b~~n t~ken. Zn ~rdn~ of
the door tia hi~ ronm g~ood three ~rm~d guardg. When the~nurs~
_ op~nc~d the door ~~r~Qk~ I counted ~~v~n mor~ g3.ti~ing a~ the ~n~t
d~ th~ bed o~ ~.oaking outi th~ w3ndow; in ~ Corner w~re ~~ver~1
ma~h~.n~ ~3~to1s... ~ thoughti w3,~~r ~o w~nd up my gtory r3ght
_ th~n, and no~ td ~ry ~or p~ctiur~~.
- ,
~n ~rc~nt o~ th~ cl.fni~, ~g I mad~ my w~y out, I spi~d ~ br~nd-n~w
Mer~ed~~, ~d ~.t tioo wgs cr~mmed w3tih ~rmed m~n. Who would d~r~
~ttr~Ck ~ represen~ati3.v~ of the 1aw in ~h3.g Country? Mogti ars~u_
redly, I could never forget my li~t1~ ~udge. I~m gti~.l wond~r-
ing whether h~ w~g mad or br~ve. ~oth, meybr~.
Sometimeg it is nic~, at the cros,~ro~d~ of the world, ~o com~
gcro~s men who are sti311 abl~ to do their dutiy and rfak their
liveg ~or a few peso~~...
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A yousg ~oldi~r ~u~rd~ ~ ~~~d o~ "m~?rimb~" ~~~,~~d by ~h~
~rmy on truek~ in ~h~ 9i.~rr~ ~~n~~ M~r~~.
Air+~r~ft bnu~ht ~g Am~r3~~n ~urp3.~a~ (~up) ~nd ~~.d bo~~~ f1~g~ of aonvenienc~ (b~~.ow) a~r?ry ~h~ dru~ ~o
th~ ~Jn~.tied S~~t~~.
A p~?trol ~~op~ ~ bu~. ~h~ ~o~.dier~ ~~~rc~h th~a pa~,~~n~~r~.
haping ~o find bundl~~ o� aurr~nay of dub~ou~ or~g3n.
4. In group~, muunt~d c~rabin3~r3. Comb ~h~ mount~in~ ~.n ge~r~h
o~ o1~d~s~~in~ m~ri~u~n~ f~.~ldg or ~onvoy~ of po~-1~?d~n
S. ~ti 3~ ~h~~~ young ~oldi.~r~ ~rom p~~~~n~ �~rnili~~ whd ~r~ tihe drug ~r~ff3~. They do 3t wi~houti enthus3.asm,
bu~ wi~h d~~~rm3ngt~.on.
6. ~h~ "fi~~~1" (~udg~) o� ~ui~~r~, Dr G~nc~ro ~ei3o f'ino~ for
pglbry ~a~l~ry, br~.ngg gcrupulnug 3nte~rity 3.nto hi.~ w~r
on tihe traff~.cker~.
7. A d~t~chn?~ne af ~oldi~rr~ h~v~ ju~t g~3z~d ~ trucklo~d df
meri~ugn~. Two o~ ~hem ~rr~ wg~.t3ng for bhe 3udg~~ e~ th~y
g3~ ~?top ~houg~nd~ of do~l~r~ wortih of m~r~ehandi~e.
8. The order i~s given to degtiroy the drug~ that hgve been
~~ixed. A~tar b~ir~g r~prinkl~d witih ga~olin~ (lef~), QO
ton~ oF "m~rimba" go~g ap in ~moke.
CSO: 5300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
Bagd~~ ~L TI~O in 3pgnigh i~ ~pb 79 p 7-~
CT~xt] Gu~jira--Authoriei~~ on thp Ael~neie ~a~~e ~re de~lin~ eff~ctiiv~ ~nd
t~elling b1oa~ ~~~in~~ ring~ of organi~~d drug trgffick~r~, ~riehin eh@ frameWdrk
~f the Armed ~'orce~' c~mp~ign to repr~~~ ehi~ crime.
rtate th~n 3,00~ ba1e~ of marihuan~ have 6~~n ~~iz~d, GS p~rgon~ grrpgt~d and at
l~egt 56 fir~arm~ confisc~ted ~e th~ reeult of gucc~~~f~1 operation~ egrri~d
auE durin~ th~ p~~t 7 day~, according to ~nformatfdn ~upp~t~d by the Mini~try
, of t~efett~e.
Z'he dffire of Inf~rm~tinn ~nd ~r~~g of that minigtry r~1~~~ed ~ bulleein y~g-
terdgy in whirh te r~poreg the aper~tion~ condu~t~d. Th~ bulle~in ~re~dg ag
`rhe Ministry of Nation~l Def~ng~ r~portg:
'rhat in che p~riod from 2 to 9~~bruary 1979, in th~ rondurc of ~p~retion~ dn
thp Aelantic coggt to count~r thp activiti~e of drug tr~ffi~ker~, th~ fo~lrn?ing
regulc~ u~r~ ~btain~d:
2~eb 79: In a place c~lled La Bnea, troap~ of the Certggene Battalion $ei~ed
250 bnl~~ nf ~rihnana ~nd on~ ~c~le~.
j 2~eb 79: At a place called Macho 8ayo, tronps of the Cartagene Battalion
seized tWO San Criatobal carbineg and arregted one person in connection aith
th~ ~rime.
3~eb 79: At places called E1 ToCUmo and C~racoli, ~uerza de Tarea Rondon
[Taskforce Surprige~ trnapg geized 160 balea of aarihuana, four ra.volv~rg,
thre~ pistols and arr~~trd three pereona.
4~eb 79: Troops of the Fuerxa d~ Tgre~ Etondon confi~cated 60 balea of ineri-
huana, four revolvers~ two shotguns and arr~gted ~wo persons at the Rlodulce '
ranch, Which i~ located on the Fonsera-8arranca~ road.
4 Peb 79: Troopg of the ~uerza de Tarea Rondon in Buenavigte ~ei:ed two suit-
ca~eg containing marihuana on a bus belonging to the COPET'RAN company.
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d t~eb 79 s'Phi~ f~u~r~~ d~ T~r~~ Rnndnn ,~~i~~d S~rraba~ ~f ~~rihugn~, nn~
r~vn~v~r ~nd ~rr~~tpd ew~ p~~gong~
~~~b 7~: TM~ ~oy~~~, ~ C~lombi~n n~vy v~~~pi, r~p~ur+~d ~ bogt n~m~d "R~~~1~~~~~
aieh 400 b~i~~ of m~ril~u~~a ~nd ~rr~~~~d it~ f~ur cr~w m~mb~r~ off Puntg Ozha
~g11fl~g~ e~~ir Cam~ron~~. ~'hp "R~~ei~~~" i~ of A~e~ri~~n r~gi~ery.
~ Peb 79t Troop~ of eh~ C~rt~g~n~ ~~ee~iion ~pi~~d 181 b~l~~ marihunn~ ~nd
~ sc~i~g in a p1~e~ c~li~d Do~v~nade~, municipaiity of C~r~coii. -
~~~b 79: A~u~raa d~ ~Ar~a Rondon p~eroi m~ving b~twe~n Maic~ ~nd A~~m~~~it~
v~~ ~E~ack~d by ~ maa ~ti.~h a revoiver.
6~~b 79: Troop~ th~ Cg~tagena ~a~taiion ~~ig~d 22 b~i~~ of m~rthuana ~nd
on~ 16i~~u~e ~hotgun at ~ pi~cp ca11~d P~~ne~ ~o~b~.
7 F~b ~9: in th~ p~rformance of eh~ir duties, eroop~ of ~h~ ~u~rza d~ T~rea
~c~ndan grr~at~d Si p~r~dn~ and configcat~d the foll~aing r~eerfal at p~ac~~
~~11~d Caaca~alito ~nd Tomarrazont 2,186 bgl~~ of ~arihuana; 3 pistai~ of
v~ri~u~ c~lib~r~; 5 r~vdlv~ra of different celib~r~; ~_arbin~~ of differ~nt
celib~r~; 17 ehotgung of v~tiou~ gaug~~; and 7 v~hicle~.
~~eb ~9t Tradp~ of the C~rdoba Baetalion ,~~i~~d a B~~ehcraft 1i~he pi~ne of
Am~rie~n r~gi~try and ~rr~et~d the eao cr~w memberg ~e the ~1 Banco girport.
CSO: ~300 _
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
~ogot~ ~L SiGLO in Spani~h 10 F~b 79 p 8
Cr~xeJ An airpian~ ~ith Americ~a r~gi~t~r lnnded i1l~gaily ~t the city of
S~nta M~rta airpore~ and ite pilot va~ iem~di~t~ly r~ptur@d. ?t?~ airpl~n~ -
b~ar~ r~gistry number N-6811 and, ~ccord~ng to ~uthoritieg, c~m~ from Mi~mi.
Th~ plane land~d at AS00 hours yegserday; euthoritieg im~di~t~ly arr~~~~d th~ ~
pilot who h~~ be~n identifi~d a~ Peter Henry Philbriza. Ne Wae taken ea DAS
(Admini~erativ~ D~p~rtment of 3ecurityj in~taliatione vher~ he wae rigor~ueiy
'Ch~ ~uthoriti~g found ~ 1arg~ quantity of erms in th~ 11ght pian~. Pr~~um~bly
the ~fm~ a~r~ d~~eined for the drug trafffeking ring~ which oper~te in thie
region di the country, particularly in Gu~~ira bepartnent. Our informant did
not ~peeify th~ number of wearon~ or their model~, limitfng himgelf to gtnting
that th~y were very aiod~rn.
The lgnding ag indicat~d took place at OS00 hours ahile the Simon Bolivar air-
port Was not in eervice; and becaug~ of thig, the landing lighte of the princi-
pal runWay Were not lit. The incident eurprieed the authorities of the capital
of Magdalena Who ghow~d concern at the daring of the American aho aa~ ~iiorin~
the p1an~.
'The secret state nrganizations Were sum~ooned tn in~pect the aircraft. The pilot
of ch~ light plane aas unable to explain the reason he aae forced to ].and on the
principal runWay of the Simon Bolivar airport, limiting himself to saying thaC ~
he had made a mistak~.
Police gourceg believe that the arms aere to have been exchanged for marihuana
Which probably would have tieen tren~ported to Miami, the plane'8 point of
CSO: S300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
Bogot~ ~L '~I~CPO in 3p~nieh 19 Jan 79 p 3-A
(Text~ nrug traffickerg in Colombi~ hav~ euffered gerioua ~~tbacke during
~he pa8t few dayg with the confi,acation of four airplanea, three boata~
eeveral eons of marihu~na and the arrest of several drug traffickers.
According to a communiq~~ t~gu~d by the Mini~try of Def~ng~, in the la~t
fea hdurs e apectacular gtrlke wae de~iv~red againgt the m~fiosi~ with th~
geixure of two ahip~ cgpable of making ocean voyegee and the confi~cation
of more than 15,600 pounds of marihuana.
Accarding to official sourcea~ Che operation~ Cook place in the waters of
the Atlantic; during theee operntione three men and one waroan~ all American
nationals, o~ere arrested.
The firat strike occurred in the vicinity of Santa Marta where a lu:cury
yacht without a nam~ or regietration wae diecover~d With more than 10,000
pounds of mgrihuana on board. The veseel ae~ aithout a crew.
The gecoad positive ~ction took place off the coagt of Gua~ira Where the
Colombian authorities seized the "Tohe~" a ship with American regiatry.
The authorities found 112 bales of marihuena on board and four peraons of
American nationality. The prisonera included one ~roman.
In a s~umnary of the actions taken againat drug traffickers, the Ministry of
Defenee reported that the operations of the past feW days~ betaeen 9 and
15 January 1979. could be broken do~m ae followts:
Persons arreated. 30; carbiaes of various calibera seized, 3; rifles used
exclusively by the arnry, 4; 12-gange ehotguns, 3; cartridgea for different
fireatyas, 141; clip~. 4; one telescopic sight; bales of pressed marihuana,
1,150; 4 airplanes of varicn~s kinda; 3 ships and one launch.
CSO: 5300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
COLOMBIA-V~NEZUELA JOINT COMMISSION--The ~ov~rn~~nC gppoinCed five repreeenCg-
eiv~s to the ~oint commi~sion for ehe repreeeion of drug
trafficking pursuant to th~ agreemenC eigned by the two countriea. Th~ appoint-
ment doeum~nt atat~~ that an 13 December 1978 an adminigtrativ~ agreement bp-
Cween Colombia ~nd Venezuela was signed in BaF~ota to prevent, conCrol and
repr~es i113cit trafficking in drugs and ~aqcnoCropic ~ubgeanceg and that in
accordance with the termg of ehe agreement a~oint commiaeion was eatabli~hed
to be composed of repres~ntativea of Che appropriate organizatione of Che two
cnuntri~~ to a~t ag the mechanism of cooperation and liaigon in that eector.
To thi~ end, Colombi~ appoinCed the following individu~le to repreapnC iC on
che commigsion: the chief of the D-3 d~p~rtment of the Military ~orcea Joint
Staff, Brig Gen Car~.oa Guillermo Narvaez Casallae; the chief of the police
service~, Brig G~n Luig Felipe EsCupinan ~uerCez; the prosecutor delegate of
the Judicial Police, Office of the AtCorney Genargl of the Nation, Mario
itegtrepo T~fur; the psychologist of the menCal health divieion, Minigtry of
Health, M~ria Teresa Camargo Abello; and the chief of the leggl office, Admin-
iaCrative bepartmenC of Security, Heriberto Tamayo Medina. Dr Rodolfo Garcia
Ordonez, d~puty secretary for adminigtrative affai�ra, Ministry of Foreign
Re1~Cions, was appointed conrdinator; and Dr Ramon Mantilla Rey, an aCtorney
with the legal affrairs division, Ministry of Foreign Relationa, was named as
his alternate. (Text] (Bogota EL TIEi~O in Spanigh 11 Feb 79 p 9-A) 8143
COCAIN~ LABORATORY SEIZED--Popayan, 12 Feb--Pol:tce agents seized a complete
cocaine laboratory worth 5 million pesos in the village of E1 Silencio~
municipality of Almaguer, and arrested four persons, three of whom are
brothera. AccordinR to the police report, Edil, Plinio and Samuel
Astudillo, 30, 25 and 24 years of age, respectively, and Marceliano Burbano
Navia were arrested. An official source also revealed 'chat 60 arrobAS of
coca leaves, both untreated and in procesa~ were confiscatedo In a related
matter, thia newspaper was told that a coca plantation about the size of
seven city blocka had been discovered. It Was also earned from a~udicial
spokesman that the prison~ers had been turned over to the civil-criminal
municipal ~udge who initiated the pertinent investigation. (Text] ~Bogota
EL TIfl~IPO ir. Spanish 13 Feb 79 p 7-A] 8143
CSO: 5300
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Culiacan ~L SOL DE SINALOA in Spaniah 22 Feb 79 pp 1, 5
(Text~ We often hear Chat "Operation Condor" caused a cerCain number of ar-
rests, that countleas poppy plantations were deatroyed, that the drug traf-
fic is still proliferating, ete., but, up until now, few (and we include
ouraelvee) of us have really known the viciaeitudes and problems experienced
by the individual~ who are atriving aseiduously to combaC the planCing of
drugs (marihuana and poppies). Therefore, we asked Cruz Garza Lopez, Che -
coordinator of Zone 06 in the permanenC campaign against Che drug traffic,
to allow us to accompatty his men on a raid in the Weatern Sierra Madre.
Yeaterday, we arrived at the hangar of the Office of Attorney General of
Justice, with our phoCographer, OcCavio Marquez, and the reporter; and
that ia how our misaion began.
At an early hour, there was an extenaive movement of inen and machines at
that location: technical peraonnel, pilota, navigatora, forces from the
Mexican Army and countless persons moving all about in an atCempt to com-
plete their initial dutiea, so that those who were going out to fwnigatc
poppy plantationa would have everything ready and could start another work-
And we call it another, because for 363 days of the year (except for New
Year's Day and 25 December each year), there are daily flights of this type,
to diacover poppy plantations in the steep mountains.
But upon returning to the hangar of the Office of Attorney General of Jus- ~
tice, the coordinator for the air aervice area has already formed the four
groupa of machines (helicoptere) that will leave on the mission assigned for
today, which conaists of locating, fumigating and insuring that.the previous
work has had the deaired reaults.
The representativea from EL SOL DE SINALOA are told that they will be leav-
ing with the group deaignated ae number 3, whose misaion is to tour aector
072, which ie the area ad~acent to the municipality of ~iadiraguato. There-
fore, we immediately take our seata in the helicopter with registration
number XC-BEJ, and wait for the order to take off. The engines begin to
wa'rm up .
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Th~ Appar~~u~ In~p~ee~d In Gr~~e U~enii
mh~r~ ~r~ people ~v~ry?wh~r~ h~~t~ning eo ~nmpi~~~ te~hnic~~. gnd m~ch~ni~~l
d~t~il~. Wh~n iC h~~ b~~n gg~~re~ined eh~e ~11 eh~ ~quipm~nt is in p~~rfece
order, ehe ~rder ~or d~p~r~:ure rnm~g.
7.'h~ flight begin~, and the we~ther condieiong are ple~~ane, with 1iee1~ xiun
and wind, ~nd r~ther goofl vi~ibility. Thu~, ae begin to l~~v~ the federgi -
~irp~rt in B~chiguaiato b~hind.
7'h~ ~ir~rgft in whieh we ~re Craveling ~rriv~~ ~C Surut~to, ~fter h~vittg
flown ov~r P~ricoa, Badir.~gugeo ~nd ~ome other ~~telem~ntg; buC w~ cnntinu~
to p~netr~te the rugg~d We~t~rn Sierr~ M~dr~, heading eowgrd Che bord~r nf
th~ ge~te df Chihu~hua.
The ~irgt Pdppy Pla.ntation I~ Di~coverpd
Our altitud~ ~t th~ mamene is between 7~000 and 8,000 feet, and w~ ~uddpnly
encounter the hi:l known a~ Toallanna, ehp highegt in the ~t~te nf Chihu~-
hua. We pasg rr~any r~vinea, winding among th~ rd~ky crgge of the mounCains,
~nd suddenly Che h~licopter's nnvigatnr indicgteg Cn the cgptgin (wiCh n
signgl) Che siCe nn which the firgC poppy plnntetion cnn be diecerned.
Captain Mosqued~ heads Coward the indicaCed locatidn, makee a reconnaigeance
flight and approgct~es the cultivated grea to measure the height of rhe
plants and the terrain on which they are growing. Juet then, the fumigaC~
ing helicopter goea into action, spraying at a distance of no more Chan 2
meters the herbicide that will do its work within a maximum of 3 houre.
The 5ki11 of the Helicopter Pilots
We lack sufficiPnt space to describe the countlegs maneuvers that the skill-
ful commander of the aircraft makes to surmount natural obstaclea which
crop up in our path; because we are in a ravine, and at the top of a hill,
and we retrace our steps to check the visual inspection.
Nearly 2 houra have been apent doing this, and the fuel is barely eufficient
for our return to the base in San Jose del Llano; and therefore~ we head for
that location, still running the same riske and dangers that t~e confronted
since we began our flight over the mountains. ~
The arrival in San Jose del Llano is a relief for those of us who are pas-
sengers in the helicopter; because we were rtwre than exhausted, aince the
trip is very tiring. We still cannot understand the stamina of the person-
nel in command, and of the aoldiers accompanying us to protect the aircraft
and its occupants.
Refueling the engine takes only a few minutes, which we use to str~tch our
legs and reat ftom [he deafening sound made by the aircraft while aloft,
and .31so to smoke a ci~arette to calm our nerves.
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Whi1~ pr~p~ring tn enk~ off, we quegtinn ehe n~vig~Cor ~bnur the docum~ne~-
tinn (nc~vig~tion ch~rt) ehnt he u~e~ tn readgniz~ th~ ~xnct 1c~ngCion of
pv~ry pi~ce of C~rr~in~ Hig r~span~~ i~ c~nei~e: "We nre provided w3.Ch
Che ngvig~Cion chgrtg by Ch~ D~T~NAL (Direetnraee of SCudi~e nf Ch~ N~einn-
~1 T~rrirnry), whiah i~ respon~ibl~ for making those re~r~re~ in gcale. Th~.e
nllnwe u~ to obtg3n v~ee knowled e of ~v~ry ht11, every t;vine ~nd ~nything
rhgr mak~g up th~ geogr~ptry df zon~ 06."
Aloft Ag~in, Working Uneiringly
We nr~ again order~i to board th~ aircraft, ~nd we immediaeely tgk~ off for
the d~~dl~t~ mounC~in regiong. We gradually diecover poppy planeations,
and th~ np~ratione involving raconnaiseance~ fu~ig~tion and confirmatidn
of the work that has been done are repeated. NoChing is left to chance;
everything is perfectly eynchronized gnd calcu].ated, becauee a mietake would
b~ f~t~1.
We $pend ~nother 2 houre alofC, time that ig uaed to destroy a toCa1 of 19
plgntgtione over an area of approximatley 200 gquare meters of planre, which
are grown on the mnet difficult terrain and the mogt igolnted parta of the
Now difficult it ia to combat the planting of druge by air, although moat
people think that flying in ~ helicopter is somethYng comfortable and even
pleg~ant. But how mistaken we are, because one becomea more tired gfrer a
5-ho~r ride in one of theae aircraft than when driving conetantly day and
They No Longer Fire aC the 'Nitwits' From the Cround
Fortunately, the pereonnel performing this task no longer run the risks of
the past, when they uaed to be fired upon to prevent them from doing their
duty. Nevertheless, the dangers that they fact from the terrain, bad wea-
ther conditiona and natural problems of a mechanical nature place their
livea in great jeopardy.
We were told by another member of the group thaC~ last n~onth, they had to
lend because of the bad weather, which forced them to remain with thoae
- accompanying them for 4 days without food, and sufferin~ from a frightful
snowseorm. Fortunately, there was no peraonal injury, but they were very
much frightened. This occ4cred 60 milea eaet of the aite of the San Jose
del Llano base.
It was on Mohinora hill, which remained frozen for a month and a half, owing
to its altitude above sea level (11,600 feet).
The Small and Big Problems in the Operation
Probing into the technical aspects of the work done by these men who have
been ignored, we discover that they have to carry their own fuel in a
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r~c~pe~c1~ ~g11~d ~"bnde," which i~ tQad~ of ~ubb~r ~nd hn~ ~~~p~ciey C~
hold 3,500 poundg df fu~l t~bnur 1,~00 iiepr~ ~f ~~t fu~l), ge well th~
nth~r impl~ment~ fr,;. th~ wnrk whi~h eh~y muge p~rf~rm ~f~i~ipntly.
Whe,;l w~ h~ve 1~ndpd, Lope~ C~rxg ~iveg u~ gddieiongi infnrmaCion on ehe
enorilingCion nf Zone 06.
35 Pilota, the Crew nf Che Cruz Lopez Fix~d Win~ _
Lopex Gairca tiold ua: "1'h~ aoordin~ting enti,ty ~on~i~t~ of Ch~ Air 3ervi~~g
_ Unit, which has 35 f3x~d win~ (girplan~) pilot~ ~rid ~n ~qu~1 numb~r for h~-
liropt~r~. It~ equipmenC include~ 16 he].icope~r~: aight 8~1.1 212 and E3~ht
8~11 206; 14 C~~~ng 1~5, ~06 ~nd 210 mod~i~; g PorC~r p31oC, which w~ ug~ �
to cgrry p~r~onn~l; end g Twin Otter, whi~h ~~rv~~ eo trgn~pnre miiieg~y
p~r~dnn~1 gnd gupplieg.
"1'hen th~re ie th~ Maintenanc~ Unie, with 50 epeciglixed machaniegl techni-
ciang~ who giv0 gll the gircraft pain~tgkin$ g~rvic~, und~r the direction
~f g~upervieor. They are respon~ible for performing the 100, 200 and 1,000
hour ~~rviG~; b~~~u~~ the hangar i~ perf~ctly equipped for thie.
"NexC is the Reconneiseanc~ and Checking UniC (which ie Che moet important
one, per ae, without undereetimating the others, becau~e th~ activirieg de-
pend on it; gttd h~nce Che national base for ehis unit, which ia under the
comn~nd of engineer Sergio Zatata Ibarra, hag been eet up in Culiacan).
"T'his unit is experimenting with the new Scanner tracking eystem, which ie
being ~arried out in con~unction with the phatographic gyetem, while the
former is being improved."
The Crowth of the P1anCS Is Gaged From the Air
"The roain functions of the latter unit is to make the r~connaiseance flighta
to determine the height, bloom and density of the plantations, and the area
on which they are located. The apeed and priority with which action muat
be taken to deatroy them depend on this.
"The Logietical Backup Unit is responsible for supplying gll the fuel to
the various ba~es or sites where the work is done; ae Well as food, in the
event that they have to remain longer than the normal flight achedule sti-
"Next is the Communications Unit, which ia in constant contact with the
three fixed bases that the coordinating pntity has, located in Choix, San ~
Jose del I.lano and Topia, Durango. It also establishea immediate conta~t
with all the mobile bases which must be established to meet the needs of
the campaign. ~
"There is also the Administrative Unit, which is charged with preparing all
the neceseary documents for satisfactory management of the entire coordination,
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in ~ddit3.on to making purch~~~~, pr~p~riag th~ ehp~k~ for paying th~ ~up-
pii~r~ ~nd paying th~ s~1~ri~~ of g11 th~ perennn~l.
"'~here ar~ g1~o 60 m~mb~r~ of th~ ~~d~ral Judici~l Po1ic~ ineorpor~t~d into
the coordinat~ng entity, making ~ total of n~~rly 300 per~ons who, in one
w~y dr anoth~r, gr~ fi,ghttng ~~ginse Che planeing, eultivgeion gnd tr~ffick-
in~ of dru~e.
"it ehould be point~d oue ehaC, in addition to a11 the Ql~mBnt~ that hav~
b~~n ii~e~d in g~neral, we a1~o receive va~t ~~siatanc~ from the M~xic~n
Army, which, through Milit~ry Zon~ 6 and "Operation Cond~r,' i~ atding ug
con~tgnCly in our activiti~s, ~uff~rin~ equ~liy arith ~11 of u~ vho ar~ en-
g~ged in thig battle for the welfgr~ of ~ociety."
C5n: 5330
. 51
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Mexia~li t.A VOZ DB LA F~tONT~RA in Spani~h 11 ~eb 79 Sec B p 16
(Tpxej Mexicali--A eurpriee raid by ggentg of the Stete gnd ~ederai Judicial
Pnli~e dn the public ~~il in Mexicali diecloeed a drug trgfficking ring Which
hgd aregred a taav~ of terror within ehe prison, including attacke made on
~iv~ inmatee of the jail wer~ involved in the incidenra, ae w~ll ae Che wife
of one of them and one gugrd~ a11 of ahom were arreeted and placed at the ~
disposal of the agent of the court of equity public minietry.
'The director of the State Judicial Police~ Francisco Palau Navarro, ennounced
the foregning yesterday, stating that those implicated ere inmatee Hernan
Moreno Mancillae, Abdon Delgadillo Velazquez, his Wife Dara M~reno de Delga-
dillo, Carlog Medina Ruiz, Epifanio Garcia Perez and Manuel Ayala Garcia,
and guard Cerardo Lopez Nieves, aged 21.
Inaide the ~ail, they eeized 13 envelopea concaining marihuana, valium and
lorazanen pille, and 11,120 pesos, resulting from this traffic; all of Which
was in the poaseasion of Abdon Delgadillo.
In the latter'e residence, located at 1191 Zacatecas SCreet, they found a ahoe-
box containing marihuana and a plastic bag with 500 pills, as well as a 1915
Chrysler car Which had been reported stolen from Santa Ma, California, on
25 September 1978.
As LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA reported a few days ago, federal prisoner Juan de
Jesus Arballo, aliae "La Carla," aged 30, was attacked in a hallway of aec-
tion 1 of the ~ail. Soc~eone threw a blanket over him~ ahot him in the left
thigh and robbed him of 400 peaos in national currency and $150. The inmate
is the hairdreaser for the jail.
On Thuraday, the inmatea perpetrated an attack on the guards. The ~udicial
police i~ediately mobilized and, at night, paid a aurprise visit to the jail,
where they diecovered a large number of inmates incarcerated for federal crimea
under the influence of druga.
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Th+e Gnnn~eCian Appear~d
Ae a r~~uit nf the invegtig~eione, ir wge l~ern~d eh~e rha di~eributor of
the druge wae Eederal pri~on~r Abdon Delggdillo Vela~quer,, ag~d G2.
To bring th~ druge into rhp ~ail, h~ u~~d hi~ s~i~e, S~r~ Mdr~c~~ Cordova de
U~1~adi1lo, aged 44, who turned ~hem ov~r en guard Gerardo Lopez Niev~e,
gg~d 21. The 1~Cter had eham gi,ven to Abdon thrdugh inmate Nerngn Moreno
Upon g~grching Abdon's c~ll, they found 13 envelopeg containing ~imil~r
~mount~ of rnarihuana~ and other env~lope~ containing valium ~nd lorazanen pille~
which depre~s the c~ntr~l nervoue syetem, ae we11 ge the money, which Abdon
subsequently admitted to be the producr of the sale of drugg in Che ~ai1.
Abdon himself confese~d that i.t Wge hi~ wife who brought him ehe drug~, and
g~v~ the police the loc~tion of hig reeideace~ vhere the shoebox wae found,
conCaining n~arihuana and the package of toxic pille that he inCended to bring
inCo the jail via the agme route.
Thie wag how the police a;rested his wife, Sara de Delgadillo.
The inmates Carlog Medina ttuiz, Epifanio Carcia Perez an% Mgnuel Ayala Garcia
were identified as indivlduale presumed guilty of attacks on the guard force.
CSO: 5330
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'ANG~L DUS~' THR~A'T CIT~U--Mexieali--The public he~lrh inatitution~ in th~
gt~r~ ~nd thoee 3nvolv~d in preventing drug addiction Warned gbout th~ dgng8r
po~ed by eh~ inCroduction of a new drug, called "angel duet," which hag be~n
~xac~rb~ting the problem of drug addiction in the etate. Dr Guill~rmo ~i-
gu~roa Velgzquez, chief of the Mentgl Health D~partment, confirm~d thi~ fgct,
noting thae the nece~eary mea~ures for coping with thi~ gpriou8 problem have
been gdopted. H~ gaid thgt member~ o~ rhat inatitution had been ~~~igned ro
~Ctend lerturea to b~ held in E1 Centrn, California, in which ~peci~listg
from Loe Ang~lee and San Diego would participate, digcueeing the conepquencee
of the ug~ of thie drug, gnd ita effects on the individual. (Text] (Mexicgli
LA VOZ UE LA FRONTERA in Spanish 1~ F~b 79 5e.c ~ p 16j 2909
COCAIN~ TRAFFICit~RS,ARIt~STED--The individual~ whn have alway~ been regarded
ng the czarg of druge on thia border, namely, ltoberto Rodriguez Mendez, alias
"E1 Beto," and Juan Guetavo Campos~ were arrested in Cuadala~ara, Jalieco, -
by forces of the Federal Judicial Police and members of the United States
DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency], and '7.5 poundg of pure eocaine Were confiscated
from them. The foregoing announcement Was made by unnfficial 8ource~, noting
thxt thie ie one of the aast important actiona taken on behalf of the entire
northern part of the republic, ahere theae individuals had eet up their es-
tabliehment and were conaidered someahat untouchable. "E1 Beto" Rodriguez
wae also regarded as the taoat elusive drug trafficker, becauee he had been
sought and investigated conatantly by the ~ederal Judicial Police in thi8
port, but nothing had ever been found on him. It may be recalled that he
was involved in the dieappearance of the 1.5 kilograms of heroin from the
district court, and that about 1 kilogram of that same heroin had been seiz-
ed from him at the time of Marquina. But he later recovered his freedom
because, when the heroin Was replaced by powdered ~ugar in the diatrict
court, this ~xcuse vas used to reipase him. The same thing happened to
Gustavo Campos, aho had often eluded arrest by the Pederal Judicial Police.
But, finally, both men have been captured. (TextJ [Piedras Negrae EL DIARIO
DE PIEDRA5 NEGRAS in Spanish 24 Feb 79 Sec A p 1] 2909
ANTIDRUG CAI~AICN RESULTS--The Coordination for Zone 06 of the Permanent Cam-
paign Against Drug Trafficking, headed by Cruz Lopez Garza, has been intensi-
fying ita activities aimed at preventing the proliferation of the planting,
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pr~~~~ging ~nd distributiatl ~f drugg, ~nd it h~~ ecGrupd ~xc~1l+~nt r~~u1e~
ehug far thi~ y~~r. Ac~ording t~ the informaeidn pr~vid~d to ~L 3dL b~
3~NALOA, of 12 ~ebru~ry, ch~rp h~v~ b~~n ~3 ~rr~~t~, f~ur involving fd-
r~ign~r~, ~nd 9 eong, 90 k3logrgmg ~nd 610 ~r~me of m~rihuang have b~~n ~~iz-
~d, a~ a~11 a~ 6S kilogr~m~ ~nd 300 gr~m~ of m~rihuana ~e~d, 2 kilogr~m~ ~nd -
923 gr~ms of op~um gum ~nd 400 gran?~ of coeaine. Confisc~tions wer~ ~l~d
made of three vehiclea, two long-b~rr~l~d wp~p~n~, aev~n ghr~rC-barreied
w~apon~ ~nd 155 rouada of gmm~nition ~f v~riou~ ralib~r~, which wer~ being
c~rri~ed ar had bpen cdncealgd in hiding p1~c+~a by eho~e under arre~t. Wieh
r~g~rd eo the plant~tton~~ quit~ ~ucce~~fu1 operation~ w~r~ carri~d aut eo
degeray ehem. A totai of 3,413 pdppy pi~ne~tion~ edvering gn ~r~~ of
11,031,9~50 hpctaree Were degtrdyed, Whilp 50 m~rihuana p2~ntation~ on ~n
~r~~ nf 11,270,000 h~ctare~ aare devg~tated. The action wae taken ~ointly
by member~ of th~ FQderal Jndicial Police and M~xican Army troope, which
afforded great~r aucr~a~ in the c~mpaign, becau~e the areag of th~ Neetern
Si~rra Madre in th~ etate of Sinaloa gnd on the border of Durango and Chi-
huahua aerp being con~tantly s~arched. (Text] (Culiaean ~L SOL D~ SINALOA in
Spanigh 17 ~eb 79 3ec B p 1) 2909
H~ROIN TttAF~ICKER D~NI~S CHARCES--Ye~terd~y, in thp digtricC court, there was
~ confrontation betw~~n Federal Judirial pnlic~man ~'rancigco Javier Itgya~ and
the ac~ueed drug trafficker, David Alonso Ramirez. At the meeting, the po-
liceman upheld the information Contained in th~ report, whil~ Alonso Ramirez
claimed that he only gdmitted to having had in his posaesgion eome syringee~
a ecale for making measurementa of small aeights and other items ueed for
"cutting" drugs, but he denied having any connection With the individuals
Who identified him ae being th~ heroin supplier. Thi~ mntter ig related tn
the arreat of two pereon~, a married couple, in the neighboring Eagl~ Pass,
Teacag, Who hgd a small gmounc of heroin in their poseession. Upon being
quegtinned, they said that th~y had purchaeed the drug from David Aloneo
R~mirex, in the toWn of Sabinas, Coahuila, and that thie aas not the first
occasion on Which it had happened. Various contradictions were noted bet~+een
David Alonao Ramirez' stacemente in the confrontation; and it was decided that
h~ would hgve to be sub~ected to proceedinge Wherein a series of details
must be clarified. (Text) (Piedras Negras EL DIARIO D~ PIEDRAS NECttAS in
Spanish 24 Feb 79 Sec B p 1j 2909
TaA~~IC ~'0 U.5. CON?INUINC--Tijuane--Manny Ne3era, hegd of the frontier cug- "
tomhouse with hegdquartere in San Diego, atated that the trafficking of drugs
to the United States from Mexico has not declined, and stands at the game
level as laet year. HoWever, he noted that the cooperation between the Mexi-
can and United States Covernments in their common battle against the drug
traff ic has not only increaeed, but is taking place ~rith more harmony; yet
it has provea incapable of curbing the volume of drngs entering the United
5ta[es every day. tioWever, Najera said that he is certain that, aithin a
short time, the results anticipated from these neW efforts on the part of
both govet~nments to rombat this smuggling will be forthceming. Najera re-
marked that the neW efforts ~nvolve not only vigilance on land, but in the
nir ag Well, eince it has been recently discovered that there have been an
alaraiing number of emall planes landing secretly in Un3ted States territory.
[TextJ [Mexicali LA V02 DE LA FRONTERA in Spanish 17 Feb ~9 Sec B p 12j 2909
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JAIL~n d~~~C~AL R~L~A~~~-=M~~~e1~n, 5in~in~, 22 ~~brugry-_`Th~ Nineh Gircuie
Unifi~d ~nur~ in ehi,~ e~un rev~k~d th~ ord~r E~r d~fici~i imprigonm~n~ iggu~d
gg~inge th~ f~rmer municip~l pr~gid~ne, 1t~~~~1 ~i~r~d~ C~tti~~l~~~ ~nd Di~tri~t
Judge R~ymundo V~l~z 5~~ur~ ~rd~r~d hi~ r~1~~~~ fdr i~ek af ~videnc~ ~tiEh
ahi~h rd try him. R,~f~~i Tir~da C~nix~i~~ w~~ ~rr~~e~d on 24 Oetob~r 1979,
~e eh~ ~rd~r of ch~ dig~rice judg~, ~n eh~rg~~ of ~~~~p~ ~f pri~onpr~ ~nd
~rim~~ ~~ain,~e h~~ieh earomitt~d during hi~ ~dminigtr~tion. After eh~ ~ri~
fo~r hig~~~~fCia1 ~mprisonment had been iesed by ~he digtrict ~udge~ Rafael
`~ir~do CAnizalpg' d~f+~n~~ app~al~d ehi~ ruling. 'rh~ r~guie aag th~t there
a~~ in~uffiei~nt ~videnc~ for trying him, and ehe ~udg~'~ deei~ion W~~ r~=
vokpd. Th~ r~p~re of the rel~eg~ df f~rm~r Munf~ip,~i Pre~id~ne R~f~~1 Tir~do
C~n~~~1p~ w~~ n~d~ a~ ~bo~e 1t3~ h~ur~ y~ge~rd~y. ~'h~ ard~r for th~ off~ci~t�.
impri~~.~mene of ~+iidardo Canizalee M~njarr~~, Guill~rmo P~rp~ ~sp~r~~, C~~gr
D~ig~da To~cano gnd Mt~nio Aya~g V~ga aa~ eonfiru~d. Th~y had app~~l~d in
th~ ~gmp manner ag th~ fora~r munieipal preeid~nt, but th~re 18 pvid~nc~ t~
try them for crin~g ggaingt health. Mareov~r, P~lix Gorongdo, ah~ a~~ ~i~~
n~m~d in th~ proeepdingA regardit~g th~ +~~c~p~ of inm~t~~ ~nd drug tr~ffickin~
in ~h~ ~~ii, a~ g co-d~fend~nt, w~d nnt notified of gny de~iaion in f~vor dr
~g~~nge him; de~pite the fact ehge h~, eod, had app~~led th~ ruling df eh~
digerict ~udge regarding him ag guilty. ~elix C~rongdo hgd bp~n ~~i1~d in
~uin~p~, 8 month8 prior ro thp di~cov~ry ~f th~ pr~gu~d drug trafficking
man~uverg and the esrape of inm~tee from th~ municipal ~eil. Rgfael Tirado
Canizal~s' r~turn haa~ W~g gn ocC~gion c~f ~n em~tt~n~~ e~l~bration of joy
for his ~elatives. Accomp~nied by his wife and Guill~re~a ~BUna Cuerr~ro, h~
arrived hon~ at gbout 1400 hour$. In a vaire ~hoked by eaw tion, Rafa~1 Ti-
_ rado Cgnizal~e gaid that he Wag happy t~ be at home aith hie family. ~TextJ
(Culiacan ~L SOL DE SItZALOA in Spant~h 23 Feb 79 p 3] 29d9
CSO: 5330
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+FiNDC~' BR2BFCASB ACTt1ALLY bRUC~ DgAL~it--Aqustin Acevado Polo~ tha
~~lucky" man who eaid he fwnd tari~fcaso aontair~inq 13 n~illion soles,
is a druq tra~fficknr anc~ thn mon~y was from th~ sale of cocai~n~ pa~to,
accordinq to tho P2P [P~ruvian inv�sti~a?tive Police]. Noa tho det~a-
tiv~s from the Office aaE Druq 2~raffic Investiqation ~?re tryinq to find
out 3f th~ man's acxomplicos gava him th~ money. Tl~a pcssibility that
the 13 mil~ion bslon9 to som~one els~ h~?s not baen disc~arded. 2hrouqh
its investiflations, th~ PIP ttgs learned that Aaevado Po1a, a drivor
~o liv~s in Chimbota, travAled a short ahile aqo to Tinq~~ Maria to
finalizo tho salo of cxaine pasto. F~com th~are he traveled by riv~r
to iquitos and then fie~? to L3sa. He aras arr~sted rrhen ho arr3ved
at the Int�rnationai Airport. The polico said that Acevodo actad _
suspicious by l~cyinq to hide the bulky brielaaga so they detained
him. When arrestod~ Ac~v~do Polo said #he?t ho faund the briofaase
Nith tho mon~y on th� ahor~s o! tha Aa~?son Riv�r it~ Iquitos. (Taxtj
~Lime? LA CRafVI~CA in Sp~?nish 14 ~eb 79 p 6~ ~717
CSO: 5300
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pi11 itgeket bi~c~ver~d
Mnnfevid~d EL pAI5 in Spgni~h $ F~b 79 pp 1, 8
('T~xtj Th~ ~~izur~ of 12,000 bdttl~s df pi11g ~t ~n ill~gal 1~bor~eary
get up in ~ ph~rm~cy 1de~eed in the Gdeg di~tricr gnd uepd as g front h~g
led to ehe arrest and erial of ehp pharm~cy oarngr. H~ hgg been g~nt td
prigon for the crime of gupplying drugg. Hig reeord ehows that he pr~viously
gerved tim~ ~n prison as the r~sult of an arreet that oCCUrred ahen he and
another individuel tried to smuggl~ a l~rge quentity of p~ychotropic druga
intn the country. The current arregt a18o involvee the investigation of en
Argentin~ doctor aho pre~eribad thp medicines in a manner clearly deviating
from l~gal practice and from adminiatrative procedurea outlined by the Min-
igtry of Public Health (MSP).
The p1~ce where the prescriptions Were prepared is located in a back room of
the pharmacy at 2521 Avenid a General Florea and doea not even meet the moat
basic ganitary r~quir~ments. In order to concoct the formulaa ~hich the
prescribing ddctor indicated, substancea were taken from different bottles
of inedicine, following which, by means of a coffee grinder and a blender,
they were mixed until the product was completed. The average price for
a bag containing five bottlea Wae 120 new pesos. The labels bore fictitious
numberg not registered with the Ministry of Public Health.
The profits declared by the ownec of the pharmacy amounted to 300 million old
pesos lasc year alone. The doctor stated that by working aix days a month
in our country, he made a net profit on the order of $8,000. On the average~
he handled 300 patients a week in Montevideo.
The clue that led to the downfall of the illegal laboratory and the indivi-
dual behind iC was provided a few Weeka ago when a young woman went to a
private clinic complaining of strong neuropsychiatric depression. She said
that her condition had possibly resulted from the ingestion of a diet medi-
cation whose name she could not remember. In her pursc was a bottle bearing
an unfamiliar label. The doctors in attendance faced the dangerous situation
of not being able to prescribe any antidote for a drug whose compoaition they
did not know as such a step could be fatal.
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Bernardo Gerstenbluth Plat:man (above], owner of the pharmncy at 2521 Avenide
General Florea~ ahere he had set up an underground laboratory where "diet"
druge Were prepared using undeclared narcotics. The pharmacy, which served
ag a front, will certainly be clo$ed because of ite illegal activitieg.
When the caee of the young aoman Wa$ brought to the attention of the Narcotics
Squad, a patient investigation be~an Which led directly to the Ysraelita
Pharmacy located at 2521 Avenida General Florea gnd therefore to the arreat of
a m~n already known to narcotics officiAls: merchant Bernardo Gerstenbluth
Platzman, 44 years of age, married, and of Uruguayan nationality, living at
2369 2 de Mayo, Apt. 403. Shortly thereafter, the doctor was also arrested
and the employeea were queetioned. It ahould be noted that deapite the
fabulous profits declared by the owmer of the pharmacy (and they obviously
must be much higher), the employee that mixed the drugs to be distributed
in industrial quantities and at aky-high prices wae paid only 5 new pesos
per hour.
Ueing the statements made by all peraons questionod,the officials of the
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Squad, a diviaion of the National Information
and Intelligence Directorate, managed to put together a case against Che
two principal euspecta ao that they could be brought to ~uatice. They also
compiled a memorandum addreased to the Minietry of Public Health so that the
latter would be able to adopt the proper administrative measures.
Varioua details have been learned about the operations in which the pharmr~cy
has been engaged for some time. The doctor, an Argentine citizen whose
university degree wae accepted in our country although he is not a legal
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r~~i.d~nC,;,~utli,n~d eh~ ~d-c~iled "m~~e~r" fnrmul~ in which h~ ~p~eifi~d rh~
qu~nti~y'of ~~ah di th~ cnmpnn~nt~ o� ~h~ m~dicine pr~~crib~d f~r tiho~~ f~1-
lowing hi~ tira~tm~ne in ord~r Cd 1da~ w~ight, buti Ch~ pr~~cripti~.on wg~ ~enti
dir~~ely en th~ ~h~rm~cy xnd ndt given Co eh~ p~eiene to pr~vent ~ny Comp~-
tie~rg from legrning the formulg. At th~ und~rground G~r~eenbluCh labora-
e~ry, ehou~~nd~ af vials nf m~di,eine~ cnnt~ining ampheCamines (r~quirtng
pr~ger3prion~ in c~rder eo b~ ~hipp~d) ~ere uaed. Under the moat unean3tary
~anditinns, every pr~~nripeion wa~ prep~red, which involved the use of a
coff~~ grinder gnd ~ bl~nder. The boetl~e of inedin3n~ were then made up
wieh n lnb~1 not registered with the Miniatry of Public Health.
The ~~le~ of th~ medicine were not reeorded in any book, nor were the amounte
of gmphet~mina~ uaed, 9ince Che pharmacy owner would Chen have had Co pay the
taxe~ he w~s ~voiding. The maeter formulae were not regieCered, despite
~dministrative provisions governing pharmac3es and drugstores.
In addiCion eo hi~ own fee~, Ch~ doctor nollented 50 perc~nt of what the
pharm~c~+ took in for ev~ry prescription. Eer1y on, he had seC up his offic~
in Ch~ g~me build ing. .
The owner of the pharmacy wa~ tried and aent tn prison, hnving been found
guilty of the crime seC forth in Article 35 of the Narcotice Law (14,294 of
11 January 1975): supplying druga~ The doctor was released since the
courts found no grounda on which he could be tried.
Court Proceedings
Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish 15 Feb 19 p 16
[TextJ A doctor of Argentine nationality and an individual connected with
him will once again be brought before the examining magistrate of the Fifth
Court Today. The Narcotics Squad arrested the doctor and seized a large
quantity of bottlea containing "diet" prescriptions which it appeara in-
clude five typea of mind-altering drugs, according to chemical analysts.
As reported in our last edition and ae a result of the investigation which
began with the arrest of another Argentine doctor and the owner of the Iaraelita
Pharmacy now on trial as the result of the discovery of an underground
laboratory in a back room of Che pharmacy the Narcotics and Dangerous
brugs Squad was alerted when an abnormally large number of women were ad-
mitted to clinics complaining of severe depression. In all cases, the,y
reported having taken "diet pills." However, when the containers or capsules
were found, no one c~uld ascertain the contents because the brand was not ~
registered wiCh the Ministry of Public llealth and no pharmacy carried it.
The doctor in question brought the capsules into the country illegally
by means of the \truguay River bridges and sold them himself in the different
cities in the interior, where he eventually set up offices.
In hig lux~irious gold, two-door Chevrolet S2, registered in Buenos Aires,
tt~e doctor, who liad his university degree validated in our country, brought
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hundr~de df bnttl~s nf the diet pi11s into the c~untry, generally using rhe
p~ys~ndu-Co1on bridge. He began hia profitable practice in Che capiCal of
It then extended Co M~rcedes, Colonia, 5~u Jose and Montevideo, where he
wag arrested. It has been learned Chat in the regpective ofFicea
ln the interinr, dep~rtment~l police have aeize~ a large quantity of the
smuggl~d drugs.
The Elippancy of Che individual was such thae when he was asked mbout the
origin and brand of Che capsulea, he said: "That is not your businees....
They were made in Argentina," To a certain exrent he was right, although
once lie has settled his accounta wiCh the Uxuguayan authorities, he wi11
have to answer to Che Narcotics Division of the Argentine Federal Police.
The arresCed physician said Chat in Buenos Aires, he had engaged in the
- same operaCiona ~s the one recently broken up at the Israelita Pharmacy in
Montevideo. In partnership with a pharmacist in Buenos Aires, he sent the
formula stating the quantiCy in milligram~ of every substAnce used ao that
every capsule could be made up with the ingredienCs listed. When Che cap-
sules or bottles were sold, he naturally ahared the profits equally with the
dishonest pharmacist, who also used psychotropic drugs in the preparation
process wiChout properly notifying authorities.
It was learned yesterday afternoon, after the acting ~udge, Dr Manuel Antonio
Mercant had scheduled a new hearing, that officials were Awaiting the results
of the analyses made of the alleged diet pills. It was reported that five
types of psychotropic drugs had been detecCed as ingredients of the capsules
- involved in the treatment. If this story shou]~~ be confirmed, the siCuation
of the doctor will be highly compromised sin~:.. ,:he crime of smuggling will
not be the only one in queation.
There is already solid evidence of smuggling due to the large quanCity of
containers seized and because of the fact that the doctor himself was selling
Chem in Uruguay despite being of Aruentine nationality. H~wever, if psycho-
tropic drugs are involved, he may b~-: charged with violations outlined in
Article 31 of Law 14,294 (narcotics '~rafficking), in addition to Article 221
of the Penal Code referring to the use and supplying of substances harmful
to health. Proof of the latter is contained in the fact that several of his -
patients had to be hospitalized as the result of the emotional trauma pro-
duced by the supposed di~t pills. Today we shall learn the court's ruling
on the situation of the doctor who, while not paying anything into the
Professional Fund or any taxes, compe*^~ with them by using his "foreign"
image, which for a certain type of pa~. ,ts has an element of snob appeal.
Argentine : ~ctor Investigated
_ Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish 16 Feb 79 p 13
[Excerpts] As the evidence continues to mount u~~, the Fifth Criminal Court
yeaterday ruled that it would try the Argentine cloctor arrested on suspicion :
of narcotics trafficking and smuggling and the crime of "repeated smuggling."
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Jacnbo Nenezi~n Varrevanian [~boveJ, the Ar~entine dnctor Cried yesterd~y.
_ The investigation was p~~tiently cdntinued until the members ~f the Nnrcntics _
5quad succeeded in arresting the doctor who wng prescribing the so~-called -
"diet pills" that were causing so much harm in our mid~t. AC th~ agme time
they seized a large qu~ntity of botCles wiCh Che unnamed capaules whose
an~ly~i3 iti now in the final phase. UnoEfici~~l sources report that the
c.npsules cnnt~in fivc types of psychotropic drugs as specified by the
Eormula given by Che doctor now an trial. The c~p~ules were prepaxed by
using psychotropic tlrugs put out by well-known laboratorie~. The operation
took place in a$uenos Aires pharmacy. The case is like dne discovere~ some
weeks ago fn Montevideo.
Ttie individual nrrested gnd now being held as a result of a ruling by the
~cCing ~udge, br Manuel Antonio Mer~ant, is Jacobo Eduardo Nenezian Vartevanian, -
39, married, oE Argentine nationality. He resides at 2168 "A" Calle Melian
in Buenos Aires and has his office in the federal capital at 2534 "2d C"
Calle Viamonte.
In ~a~ici~n to his na[ional registration as a genexal practitioner, Nenezian
also 1~ad regional re~istration in Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Entre Rios pro-
vinces. Ne had validated his degree in Uruguay.
Whil.c Nenezian was 3ailed for "repeated smuggling," since al.l the "diet"
medications had been brought into the country in large quantities fram
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_ Arg~nein~ Cn b~ g~ld in Urugu~y, h~ could ~1~n bp ~h~rg~d for cri.m~~ nuClin~d
in ArCinl~ 31 ~f Lgw 1G,294 that i~, nnrcotic~ Crgffi~kin~ prnvided
th~r~ i~ cnnfirmaCidn of the r~su1C~ di the ~ng1y~~~ of Che c~psule~ pr~-
par~d by Che Argeneine ph~rm~ci~r who ~ct~d gg g perCn~r in th~ prnfitgble
~cheme~ It ~hould be noC~d that if the dieC pi11~ conCain amphetamineg nr
pgyChoCrnpic druge, che charg~ of coromon smuggling wauld eh~n become nne nf
uarantic~ trgfficking. Nor must one forget ehe ptiovisions df Ch~ Pen~l Code
(Arti~l~ Z21) cnncerttittg Ch~ ~upplying o~ gubgegnceg harmful Co healCh. -
It will be nec~~s~ry to aw~iC rh~ re~ult~ of the ~nglyec~s gnd them eh~ rp-
quese for extradition (by Che itepublic of Ar~~nCinn, aince the Narcdtics
Uiviginn of the Argentine ~ed~r~1 police hgg becom~ involved in tr~e c~se gnd
ig invp~tigating gll rh~ op~reCions of Nenezi~n and hie phgrmacist: parCn~r,
bg~~d dn the etatempntg of ehe doctor, who admits hgving commitCed "i11eg~1" -
~ctg, buC not in our country).
Another poctor Jailed
Mnntevid~o ~L PAIS in Spanieh 20 F'eb 79 p 18
(~xcerptsj Another Argentine doctor was ~ailed last night~ although t~r~~
time the crime in question is more serious and would point towarci ~ rYCw
heuring for hie colleague who was recenCly tried by th~ crime of rep~:c~~.~ed
smuggling. The individual arregted yesterday is chgrged with cri.m~s n;~e-
lined by Article 35 of Law 14,294 of 11 January 1975 (aupplying narc~rir:r~}.
The penalty ranges from 24 montha in prison to 4 year~ in the pe~?i~tenCiar;,+,
The Argentine physician was identified was Merio Guillermo Vindver,, 40, -
married, who resides at 2897 SarmienCo in Buenos Airea and colncid~:ntally at -
2369 Sarmiento, Apt. 403, in Montevideo~
The detained suspect was investigated when the examining magisCrate of the
Third Court, Dr Raman Lucas Reggi$rdo, scheduled the trial of the owner of
the Israelita Pharmacy, Bernardo Ceratenbluth Platzman. In an underground
laborntory located in a backroom of his business at 2521 Avenida General
Flores, the latter prepared the "diet pills" under Che most unsanitary
conditiona, uaing large quantities of amphetamines which he did not declare.
Since there tnitially were no grounds for trying Dr Vindver, the judge
transferred the evidence to the criminal prosecutor and with the interven-
tion of the Ministry of Public Health, apecific analyses were made to prove
once nnd for all the direct connection.
A similar situation involves another recently tried Argentine doctor, Jacobo
Nenezian Vartevanian, who was charged with smuggling by the examinin~ magis-
trate of the Fourth Court while awaitic~~ the results of testa from the
Tect;nical Forensics Inatitute and the Office of Secretary of Public Health.
If the results are positive, in addition to the chnrge of supplying narcotics,
Nenezian could be charged with crimes outlined in Article 31 of the Narcotica
Law (trafficking), given the fact that the proceasing of the supposed diet
pills (which did nothing but cause serious secondary reactions in the nervous
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ay~e~m~ nf. eh~ pn~t~nt~) took pl~~~ ih I~upnng Air~~ ~nd h~d b~~n brnught intn
eh~ ~aunery i1leg~ilv~ ~f ie ~I~ou].d b~ ghown Ch~~ ~h~ pi11~ ~one~in~d p~ycho-
trnpic dru~~, ~?;a~pd in nn~ df eh~ repnrr~, ehen th~ crim~ of ~mug~lin~
wnuld b~ chnng~d C~ ~hc~t nf n~rCntic~ Cr~ffir.king, which ~re~rdin~ en eh~
law cnt.~il~ a a~nt~nr~ df ~ tn 10 y~nr~ in th~ p~nitQntinry,
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Mario Cuillermo Vindver [above], the Argenc.ine doctor being tried for
supplying narcotics.
IsraelitA Pharmacy
In editions published at [he beginning of Chis month, we reported at length
on the nperation dismantled by the Narcotics Squad which led to the jailing
oE the irresponsible owner of the pharmacy on Avenida Ceneral Flores gnd now '
to th~t of the doctor associated with him. The two shared equally in the
profits which the credulity of hundreds of patients brought them.
When tt~e pharmacy was raided, over 12,000 bottles of a medication not regis-
tered with the Ministry of Public Nealth were seized. The capsules were
_ sold as "diet pills," al[hough they contained a certain quantity of amphe-
tamines taken from their original containers and ground up in a coffee mill
to be made into the "miracle drug" of patients wishing to shed excess pounds.
64 , .
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: Th~ judi~i~1 ruling nn eh~ do~enr wg~ m~d~ knnwn l~~t nighe
~h~rely aft~r 2~d0 hnur~, ah~n th~ ~x~mining ro~~i~er~e~ ~nnfirm~d ehe ~~nt~-
mpn~g af Ghe phy~i4i~n nn eri~1 ~nd eho~~ df ~~v~r~l wien~g~~~ whn h~d b~~n
~ummnn~d tn t~~tify~ I~ ig th~ughe rh~~ th~ wi11 h~v~ ~v~n furth~r
~g yet uhgu~pe~Cpd r~mifi~~tiian~. Cdng+~qu~nely, Ch~ tir~l~~g m~mb~r~ of th~
N~rcnCic~ 5qu~d ~r~ gtill working an eh~ ~~g~, ~lthnugh dffici~l~ d~cline ed
m~ke gny Cyp~ df ~ommenC.
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'Ct~e I;~raelitn Phnrmncy ~nbovej at 2SY1 Avenida General Flores, where at the
beginntr~g uf this month, an underground laboratory was dis~overed. It wgg
here that amphetaroines were uaed to manufecture "diet pills." The p~rtners -
in the opcration, a doctor and the pharmacy owner, have both been ~ailed.
Additional Crime, More Arrests
MnnCevide~ EL PAIS in Spanish 21 Feb 19 p 18
(TextJ While new charges were brought ag~insC the Argentine doctor on whose
trial the last edition of ~L PAIS contained an exclusive report, another
physician and a pharmacy owner were headed for ,jail as the result of an
~peration c:arried out early thie month at the Israelita Pharmacy, where an -
underground laboratory was discovered. The laboratory was used to prepare
"diet pills" containing psychotropic drugs and other elements. ~
In reporting on the trial of [he doctor yesterd,~y, EL PAIS added that the
case would have as yet unsuspected ramiEication~. This has been confirmed
by [he sct~eduling of three neW trials.
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Th~ ~x~mining m~g~.~Cr~C~ of ~he Third Court h~~ ~dd~d en rh~ chargee glre~dy
fi1~d gg~in~t Mari,o Guill~rmo Vindv~r Tclmgh~r~ rhe 40-yegr-o~.d Arg~ntiin~
dd~Cor, Ch~ cr3mp in D~~rep 454 of 20 July 1976: "practic~ng wieh-
~ut g lie~n~~~" b~c~use whi1~ Vindv~r did hgve hi~ degree valldat~d in ~ur
~ounery, when h~ b~g~n hig profitable practic~ i.n our eduntry, he had noe ype
don~ ~o. Cdn~~quenCly, gccording en tlruguay~n l~w, ehe ArgenCine phy~ici~n
w~~ prgceicing illag~lly~ It ~hould b~ noted ChgC in the beginning, Vindv~r
- h~d set up hie t~mporary of~lce~ in the ree3dence of anorh~r ind~.vidugl gl-
r~ady tried: ~ern~rdo Ger~Cenbluth P1~Czm~n, owner of Che IgraellC~ Pher-
m~cy dn C~lle 2 de M~yo.
Jgiled along with Vindver far violaCing Areicle 35 of Law 14,294 of 11 Junuary
1975 (eupplying ngrcoticg) wge Aqailes Manuel Torrg Malinel].i, ~ doctor attd
ph~rmar.igt, 10 year~ of gge, ~ingle~ of Uruguayan n~tionality, and Hom~ro
JupiCer Monza Areng, 56, mgrried, aleo of Urugu~yen nationaliCy.
Torra Malinelli ~nd Monaa Areng were both Che victimg of Geratenbluth
gince the former, as a technician, and the latter, a pharmacy employee, did
nothing more than coaperaCe with the dealings of the individu~l who, gccord-
ing td hig statemenC~, pockeCed over 300 million old pe~og during one year of
illeg~l activity. The doctor-ph~rmaciet wag pgid a wgg~ of 900 new peso~,
whil~ the employee received 1,300 new pegos. Torra Malinelli aigned the
books "in confidence," which wag the action that led him to prison. Monza
Arena prepared the prescripCione nccording to Che orders of hia employer,
but was fully awere of the elements he was using in the apparently harmle~e
"diet pills."
Based on Che direction taken by the investigations connected with the case~
it is thought that important information will soon be learned concerning the
situation of another Argentine dactor already tried: Jacobo Nenezian Varte-
vanian, who for the time being ie only ~ailed for the crime of "repeated
smuggling." However, the charge could be changed to that of "narcotics
trafficking" as provided by Article 31 of the respective law.
The cases heard in recent days once again point up an omission on the part
of the Ministry of Public Health concerning the provisions of the Narcotics
Law because if it had been enforced, the discoveriea roade by police would
have been detected much aooner.
Without any further comment, we are reprinting Article 14 of Law 14,294, pro-
mulgated on 11 November 1914 and in force since 11 January 1975: "The Ministry
of Public Neal[h will, within a period of 90 days following promulgation of
the law, organize a registry of profeasional doctors, veterinarians and
dentists, with their namea, addresses, private telephone numbers and office
numbers and will provide a copy authenticated by its signature.
"The pamphlet contnining this information will be sold at cost price to all
laboratories, pharmacies and drugstores, who will be required to have it in
their posseseion so as to control the possible falsification of prescriptions
related to drugs specified in Article 5. -
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"Thi~ p~mphl~~ will b~ revi~ed in Jenu~ry of every y~~r ~nd d~.eCri,buted b~-
for~ eh~a conclusion of ehis ~ame month in ~ccord~nc~ with eh~ cond~,eiong get
fortih in the pr~c~ding paragr~ph. Uge of th~ preecription book by.Cechni-
ci~n~ gr~du~ting fo~lowing ehe 1ate~t publi~~~idn of th~ profe~eional r~gig-
try wil.1 be govern~d, untii en~ time ~f the following public~tion, by ehe ~
regul~tion see �orth by the Executive Branch."
C80: 5300
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DRUG TRAFFICKER3 AitRRE3~ED--Th~ Judicial Technical Police confiecated 400,000
boliv~r~e worth of cocaine when they grresegd C~n~dian 3hirley (Ampit) ~nd
Dominican Eduardo Alberto Baez Alemar on chaYges of bein~ drug trgfficker~.
7'he police are invegtigating rheir tiee with internarional drug traff icking
gangg. [Caracas Radio Rumboe Network in Spanish 1530 GMT 21 Mar ~9 PA]
CSO : 5300
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040009-7
~~ii�o ~tOS~ AL-YU31JF' in Ars?b3c 25 bec 7~ PrP 37-41
(Article by M~?~di Muhae?na: "Drug nm,pir~ Continueg; Director ot~ Qeneral
Urug Admir?iatration: W~ Will ContSnu~ ~o B1o~t ~nto Punctur~d Rubb~r Wat~r
Bot~l~, Unlegs; Drug Control Divis3on of Ca3ro S~curi~y: P088p~9~0t1 LAbf
Is nbgta~l.e in ~'gc~ of 3eizure ~nfl Contro]. Agenciea"~
(Text~ It eeems that the prtnciple of direat proportion is appl3ed effec-
t3vel.y to clrug smugglic~t wnd to the drug tr~?de in our Counti~y.
1~spite trie continued drug control camp~?igns carri~d out by th~ Mtn3.atry of
Int~r3or and 3ts ve?rious drug control agencies and despite their escalated
~?nd canc~ntrat~d cam~aigns against drug smugglers and mercha~nts, the latest
statistics on the quantitfes aeized this year in comparison to previoue
years 3ndicate an increase in these quantitiee.
There is also an inerease in the mmmb~r of addicts using drugs--that ePfec-
tive weapon for destroying the mind and a weapon aith xhich the addict b~}ra
his inevitable end aith his cam~pletely free will. This is xhy we ahould not
bury our heads in the sand and say that the emp3re of al-Batiniyah hes coZ-
lapsed or ended. The co]lapse of al-Batiniyah cannot be brought about with
1, 2 or 1,000 campaigns. A1-Batiniyah will continue to be a center for the
sale of drugs until it is eliminated c~?pletely and then replanned. _
Increase in S~nuggled Quantities
The words are clear and need no explenation. If there is e.n improvement in
the control operation, then there is on the other hand an 3ncrease in the
number of addicts and, consequently, an increase in the volume of the drugs
smuggled. This m,~:~:~s the~t the drug empire continues and will continue to
].ive untit we view the :issue differently and until we complete the links of
the chain so as to close the circle. Control, according to Ma~ Gen Sami
As'ad, is only one of three links represented in:
1. Control and seizing af smugglers. _
2. Dissuading and educating people.
3. ~eating addicts.
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Th~ thr~~ ~.~.nk~ c~nnot b~ ~~p~r~t~d from on~ ~?nother ~,nd 3.f ~~p~r~t~d, as
i~ h~pp~ning at pr~~~nt~ th~n it m~~?n~ th~ pillars ~f th~ drug kingdom'~
~hr~n~ wiy1. ~on~inu~ to ~t~n~ ~?nd wi1.~. not b~ ~ff~~ted by th~ can~rn~
~g~t~~i~~, Into Pun~tur~d Rubb~r W~?t~r Bottl~
; mhe ~irector of the ~ener~?1 1~rug Contro~. Ac~m3niatrat~on ac~m.i.ts that we are
~Gtually "b~.or~ring into ~ punctur~~ rubb~r w~t~r botitle." When we elos~ ~
ho~~ in the be~tl~e, ano~h~r appear~ . 7b pu~ 3ti ~3mp1,y, drug~ ar~ d~mm~?nd~c~
by th~ coneum~r~ and suppl.y an~ ciemand h~ve b~cc~m~ the of tihis ~.~1ega~
trad~. Wh~re 1~?rg~ quantiti3eg ar~ s~iz~d wi~h th~ drug ~mugglers, th~
deme~nd r~ses, ~nd so does th~ priee and so forth.
~'he di~re~tor acldg: Unfortunatel.y, the d~ma~?d ~g 3ncrea~ing and th3~ make~
th~ drUg smuggler~ and d~alers inerease the ~uppl.y to me~t the dem~nd.
This, adds Ma~ Qen Sem3 As'ad, makes the ~dventurous ~?mong th~ amuggl.ers
an~ d~a1,~r~ grow hash3sh and opium in Upper ~gypt, even though the M3nietry
of Interior's eontrol agencies hav~ become aware of th3s and are 1, 3n
w~?it for such peopl~ to preven~ the spread o~ drug prnduction through th~
cul.tiv~tion of drug~ at home. This fact has ~peeded up preaentatiian (pre-
- sumabl.y to the People's Assembly) of the b311 to conf3scate cultivable lande
used for drug cul.~ivat3on.
On the other hand, the production of gynthetic drugs and of hashish and
op3um derivatives, such as heroin, morphine and pillg, has made the contro].
and $eizure operation more difficult. Th3a is in addit3on to the fact that
the drug crime is difficult to prove because what is important is poasesaion.
The dealers e~re alWays clever anci they carry out their activity without
exposing themselves to danger or to sei2ure. 7'hus, young children who have
become experienced in thia work sell the drugs and collect the money.
Why al-Batiniyah?
Even though al.-Batiniyah is one of the main centers for the distribution of
drugs in Cairo, so much so that we have came to belleve that it is the on1,y
source of this disease, the fact is, according to Lt Col Tal'at Me~nsur of
- the drug control section of the Cairo Security Department, that drug traf-
ficking spree~ds throughout the p~pular quarters general].y. There are the
areas of al-'Assal and al-Hafziyah in Shubra s~nd the areas of al-3ayyidah
Zaynab, al-Jemaliyah, al-Wayli, etc. However, al-Batiniyah is distinctive
among a]1 these areas by its unique geographic character, in addition to
the fact that its inhabitants are either rele?ted or kno~w each other and that
their fluidamentaY trade ia drug trafficking.
I,t Co1 Tal'at Mansur adds that the law of possession and acquisition repre-
sents a hardship and an obstacle in the face of the control agenc3es. The
law says that as long as the item (drugs, for example) is not in y~our posses-
sion or in your home, then you are innocent. If it is right to apply this
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law to ~~g~, :i.t 3s in~dequ~t~ in th~ ~ru~ contro~. op~ration b~C~?us~
th~ ~~~timony nf th~ dru~ o~'fic~r ~n th~ cnurt ~houl~. b~ c~n~id~red ~ proof.
Fbr ~c~mp1.~, w~ m~y b~ C~rtain that ~h3~ or th~t p~rgon doeg ~ctu~,~1y tra~- -
fie in druge, but be~~us~ gu~h ~ per~on is ~xtremel,y car~~'ul no~ to have
dru~~ in h3~ poa~~ag~on, h~ ~n~rrusts g~~~ing the drugs ~o young childr~n
and thua p~Cap@9 being caught. ~
On th~ ~th~r h~?nd, d~spite ri~rdening the ~e~al p~na].ty ~o t~mpora~ry or ~3~'~
prisan t~rm with hard 1~bor, th~~ increas~d pena~t,y has l~d to increasing
the numb~r of not gu3lty v~rdicts and to redue3ng ~he penalty. Th3s has
happened and is happen3ng in many sent~nces against drug smugglers and
tra~'.~ick~rg. Ttterefdre, iti is my opinion that ~t ~rould be better if th~
1~ga1 p~n~~ty wer~ r~duced but implemented atriC~ly.
Another (~ap
Co~. Ahmad 'Uthm~n, the deputy d3rector of tihe drug control. section of the
C~3ro Seaurity Departm~nt, adds that permi.tt3ng ph~?rmacies to ae11 some
drugs, such as pills, sedatives and in~ections, has led some pharmicists
to become greedy and to traffic in these substances for profit. Such drugs
are ~old on the black market. Even though there are controls for the sale
of such drugs, even though it is required that they be sold on a doctor's
prescription and even though each pharmacy is allotted ~ certain amount
which it should not exceed, large guantit3es of such drugs have been seized
in some pharmacies.
- Col Ahmad 'Uthman adds: Unfortunatel,y, the 1ega1 pena].ty is sma11 nnd tanta-
mount to on].y a fine. Consequently, raising the penalty and implementing it
strictly will make contravening pharmacies think tw3ce before peddling such
drugs, especially since this phenomenon is spreading gradually among the
youth and the addicts generally, while adc~iction to natural drugs, such as
hashish and opium, is declining.
N~~ Husam Abu Sa'dah adds: Abroad, processed and synthetic drugs of all
kinds and forms have become prevalent among addicts. In the United States,
For exatnple, hashish trafficking has become very limited, whereas other
drugs processed locally by individually oMmed laboratories have spread. The :
most dangerous kind is the L.S.D. pills. This trend is also spreading in
the backward countries.
Maj Husam Abu Sa'dah further adds that the United States possesses advanced
means, such as telecommunications equipment and planes, to use in drug
seizures. Moreover, the drug controi agencies there can engage in bi~ying
and selling drugs to traffickers to catch them redhanded. This is c?ue to
the availability of financial :esources.
Finally, l~ta~ Husatn Abu Sa'dah says that the highest penalty in the U.S. law,
rea~hing the death sentence is a great deterrent.
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~oeia~ A~pc~o~ ot' ~~~ua
WhlJ.c~ th~ method~ of in Lgypt nre and re~ahing th~
d~gr~~ of th~ u~~ o~ ~3rpl~n~s to ~r~nnport ~nd amugg~e drugs frvm pnrts
an~ ~croe~ the s~~, our aontro~ ~gencies ~re noti as ~dvaneed and our
reaourc~~ for drug ge3zur~ operations ar~ mod~~t. A11 ~h3s makes us ask:
Wh~t 3~ the aol.ut~.on? Ss ~.t in ~nh~?nc3ng th~ c~pab3.l~.~ies o~ the aontro~
, agenci'~s? This leads us to ~nother question: Where w3L1 the control l~ad?
W31~. we be ab~e to w3p~ out this di~~~~~ through control.4 ~'hia makes us
~ deal wSth the nther aspect of the 3.ssue and urges us to approach th~ issue
w3th a new and compr~hens3ve view and with ~ different phil.osopt~y repre-
s~nted in the addicte, beeause thie is the flindament for containing
e~td wiping out this dige~se. Only thus wi1.1 ~he ch~in's 13nks be completed.
~ Ma~ Ci~n Sami As'ad g9y9 that drug trafficking and addict3on have become a
top-i~vei social problem. The demand must be curbed, fought and reduced by
prevent3ng new persona and consumers from ~oining the ranks of addicts. At
the seme t3me, the addicts must be treated and a big boost muat be given to
the prevention and ~r~a,tment agencies.
The General Drug Aclnmi.nistration d3rector adds that this is actua?11y the new
phi~osophy which the Ministry of Interior wi1]. fo]1aw in cooperation w3th
_ var3ous other ministr3es, such as the ministries of Social. Affairs and of
Health. This requires the establishment of hospitals to treat drug addicts.
= The information media shoulder a ma~or responsibil3ty in this task.
Equations on Way To Being Solved
But what is the real picture regarding the treatment of addicts at preaent?
- You may be surpriaed to learn that the budget of the Alcoholism and Drug
Addiction Treatment Society is 2,000 pounds, half of which is paid by the
Ministxy of Social Affairs and the other half by the Mi.nistry of Health.
When we learn that the salaries of the society's 11 workers am~unt to 137
pounds monthly, i.e. 1,65o pounds annually, it means that the rest of the
budget, totaling 350 pounds, is sL~sed to cover the society's other
expenses, including the rent fo: its premises. The society now awes the
Religious Trusts Authority 500 pounds, i.e. one quarter its budget, in back
rent. The 350 pounds also cover the water, electricity, tea and coffee -
expens~:s and the expenses for the treatment of patients throughout the year., this picture requires no comment or explanation, because there is
no greuter misery than this. The only society for the treatment of drug
addicts in the entire republic is supervised by two physicians, each working
3 days .
The second bitter fact is that the number of patients frequenting the society,
most oi� all of whom do so voluntarily, reached 3,354 patients as of the date
of oper?ing the outpatient clinic in October 1969 and until these lines were
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wri~~en~ You may be gurpr~~ed ~c~ f3nd th~t th~ numb~r of pa~~.en~~ 3.~ drop- annua].].y~ ~'or ~x~mp~~, ~he number in i9,o w~g i,54o p~~~.~nt~, i.e.
n~~r~.y on~ h~~f th~ to~a~ number, zn ig7i, th~ number of
ca~~~ amoun~ed to
579, of whom 403 c~s~~ were trQated. ~'aos~ ~or ~rea~menb nwnbered
176 casen,
In i9`j2, ~he number o~ patients droppec~ ~o on~. 24~ c~~~s. ~'he number
continued to d~crease, atno~int3ng to L7.6 ~.n i97~, ~o ~2 ~.n 1975 and ~o only _
95 c~ses ~.n ~9'T6. Sn i978, there was a slight incr~ase and the number of
pat3~nts rose to i65. This ~.s the s~cond problem, name~y ~he problem of
treating the drug addicts in Egypt.
CofP~e Only
Inst~ad of being transformed 3nto e hospital for treatment, the society ia
being used by patienta as a coffee shop or a recreation place to kiL1 their
free time. It is truly regrettable that th3s society 13ves on donations and
on the personal efforl;s of this or that pergon to be ab1.e to perform its
message at a time when there are rehabilitation clubs that are under the
control of the Mi.niatry of Social Affaira, that have branches in
al-Qadintiah, itt Hada'iq a1-Qubbah and in Lazughl.i. The only thing these do is to give those frequenting them 10 piastera each, wh3ch the
addicts take and go to the Drug Addicts Treatment Society.
The question is: Why shouldn't these clubs be annexed to the soc3ety to
strengthen its activity and to inerease its budget ut the same time?
If we examine the number of addicts freguenting the society 3n a certain
year, let us say 1971 when the number was 579 addic~;s, we find that they
included ]2 unemployed, 61 white collar workers, 83'carpenters, ~+7 service
workers and 200 craftsmen (figures as publishedJ. The areas with high cases
were: Shubra with 52 cases, al-Darb al-Ahmar with 31 cases, al-Sayyidah
Zaynab with 30 cases, each of al-Wayli and Bulaq with 24 cases and Bain
al-Sha'riyah with 21 cases.
As for the ages of those frequenting the ~ociety, the highest percentage of
addicts was in the 40-50 year ,age group, then the 50-60 group, then the 30-
40 group. The lawest percentage was among ages 70 and above.
Naturally, a big change has happened in this a~;e distribution as a result
of the spread of new modern drugs, such as in~ection~ and pill~ derived
from hashish and opium which are spread among the youth in particular at
Latest Case
The latest addict to visit the society did so on 15 November 1978. He is
40 years old and from al-Qammunah village in Na~' Haradi. He came to Cairo
without the knawledge of his family and is currently staying at his ow~
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exp~n~~ ~n a ho~~l for a p~riod tha~t may ~a~t a mon~h or more. ~'h~.~ ~dd3et
cama to know of the soci~ty through ~~'r3end of hie whn was a1,so att a~ddict,
Iin workn :Ln trada und agricu~.turc ~.n h~.~ v~.1.~.aga and ~n marriod and ha~ six
c:h3~.dr~n. His mon~hl.y 3nnome ~moun~g ~o ~.50 pounds o~` he ependa 105
pounda on his druga: 75 pounds for, 15 pounda for and 15
pounds for cigarettes.
H~ talc~s three doses of' opium d~i1y by mouth and smokes once d~i~.y,
using a water pipe. He has been a hash3sh addict for Z5 years and op3um
addict for ~0 years. -
~'he reasons fbr his taking drugs were sexual weaknesa, even ~hough he has
six chi].dren. The resu~t;s of his physical checkup ahowed that he has
bilharz3.a, an u7.cer, prost3.~is ~ sexual 3mpotence and psychological d3.sturb-
This 3.s the la,test case to come to the soc3ety.
- Muhammad 'Abdallah, the society's social worker, says that the income of 90
percent of the addicts is not in proportion to what they spend [on drugs).
This is why some oP them resort to crooked means to get money, especially
borrowing, selling house furnii;ure and theft when things get really rough.
N3nety percent of the addicts use drugs for sexual reasons.
Solution in Tax
The solution, according to Ma~ Gen Sami Ahmad himself, can be achieved only
by treat3ng the add3.cts and preventing others from ~oining their ranku. This
admission by the top official in charge of drug control has a ma~or and clear
sign3ficance. It urges us to speed up the establishment of hospitals for the
treatment of addicts, to supply them w3th equipment and resources and ta open
branches for them in all governorates of the republic so that an addict may
not have to come from Aswan or al-Daqahliyah to be treated in Cairo, for
, example.
On the other hand, a 1 percent tax can be levied on each bottle of whiskey
or alcohol for the treatment of drug addicts. The revenues from such a tax
will be large, naturally. Z'he sums made from the sale of seized opium, or
part of it, to the drug companies may also be used for t,his purpose.
These resources, in addition to the cooperation of the various companies and
agencies and their aid to the hospitals to realize this message, can contri-
bute toward solving this issue. This is in addition to the state's funda-
mental participation. Meetings must also be held in factories and other
work places to explain to the workers the benefits accruing to the `ndividual
and to society from avoiding the use of drugs. At the same time, the addicts
must be treated without being made to feel ashamed. Each establishment should
take care of treating its addicts. Al1 this requires great infdrme.tion efforts
on the part of the press, the television and the radio.
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7.'he bitter i'act o~f which we are aw~re 3.s that add~.c~3on 3.s w3.despread am~ong
thc workors to help them keep awake and 3ncrcase the3r ac~ivity. Even
though the wages of
some categariea of workers range from 5~0 8 pounds
da3,].y, the addicts among them spend this money on their pleasures and add3.c-
_ t3.on. The M9.n~.stry of must also par~icipate effective~.y in this
regard, and the drug companies should supply ~he Drug Add3.ets Treatment
Soc3.ety with med3cines to treat the addicts. The Min3stry of Social Affa3rs
should also prepare programs to rehabil.3.tate the addicts. W3th ~hese and
other means, we wi11 save our soc3.ety from this disease,
Cso: 5300
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DRUG CAI2RYING FIt~IGHT~tt IN PORT--The Ereighter which wae gpprehended in
New York harbour wieh e haul of 40 millinn dollars worth of hashiah did
stop at Cyprus, bue it was only in January last and at ehe time of its two
week seay it was anchored off L~rnac~ harbour. According to New York des-
pgecheg ehe freighter, undex a Liberian flag wieh a crew of aeven, three
German~ and four Amer3cans, had arriv~d from Cyprus. After inve~tigation
here ie was confirmed that the freighter "Olaug" did stay off Larnaca for
two weeks from 1 to 23 in January, It entered harbour only twice, once
to take on waCer s+~ppliea gnd re�uel and Che second time for water only.
It had arrived from Cadiz in Spain and declared it had no cargo Co unload
and did not take on arry load. When it left on January 23 Che captain, a
German did aot declare the next port of call, saying they would raceive
instructions from the owners while at sea. Cyprus authoritiea had obaerved
nothing suspicious about the ahip while it was outside the hArbour or when
it entered the harbour on the two occ~ssions. According to Cyprus records,
the vessel was at Che time found to be registered in the Cayman islande.
[Text] [Nicoaia CYPRUS MAIL in Engliah 21 Mar 79 p 1 NC]
CSO: 5300
_ ~
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Reylc~uvik 1~AR(iUNBIADID in Ioel~r~dic 6 Mar ?9 p 3
~Text) ~ev~n IoeL~r~dere and a Hungarar;l.,an nigitive have beea~ ordered into
oustoc~4 i.n the xake of the imreatigati,on o! one o! the b~ggeat nat~oo~i.oe
caseg in Den~rk. They xere arrested i,t~ the ~~Fiye 3Wane" Hotel on Aainge
gtreet in Cope~n~ess, ar~d naroctioe w,~rth ab~ut 5~]lion Dardah krot~ur or
the equ.~Lvalent ot about 310 mil]3on Ioelatydio kronur on the blaok msrket
in Der~aark~ xe~re found ~ thedr posgeaai.on. 8eve~a~, other items we~e
fow~d among thedr belongit~ga, euoh aa a loaded rev~lver in the poaeeeeion
of an Ice],ar~dio oouple ~+ho we~e arreated, and about 13 nd131on ln~onur in caeh.
Aa mentiot~ed above, thie ia one o! the b~iggest nar~ootias oaae~ ev+ar in
Derm~ark, and tha n4rcot,iaa poli,oe it~ Copenhagen haa never ee~~ed a large~
amo~unt of aooaine, E185 grams.
It xas by aheer ac~lrciet~t that polioe go~ on the right tsaak laat ~day
night. The polioa got a phone call at arow~d 2000 hours compla~g about
noise trom a room in the "Five Swane" Hotel. Tha calte~ aleo mentioned that
he suapeated that haahieh waa be~,ng amoked in tbe rooan.
A group of polioene~ arrived on the apot and arrested first a 2'j_year ol,d
Hungarian who has no pasepo~t. They s~arahed the room and fourd 400 grams
of aocaine, halt a Id,l,ogram o! haahish and 70,000 Dani~h lcror~u~, in addition
to twio paaeports. One xae Firmieh atxi the othe~ was 9fredidh, at~d both had a
pioture of the Hungarian. Th alao tbw~d 4 pieoe of paper ~rhioh gazre police
direotions to room tnxmbe~ 141~4+2 iri the same hote],, where they arrested a -
25-year old woman arxl a me,n of the aa:ce age. ~ey searched the roo~ and
four~d 50 grams of aoca3ue, 300 grams oP haahish and 80 grams oF
amphetamines in vario~us plaoes, far~ euampse behind the toils~t tank. The =
wome~n had a valuable gold ring in he~ poasessia~, but she asserta that it
belongs to an Iaelande~ ~o ~ras eta~ying at the same hotel. _
During the searoh a 28 year old Iaelandsr came for a visit, and they found
half a gram ot coc~ ine on his person, whiah he said he had ~uat bcu~t in
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rbro psopl.e owne ~n while the poliae were ~~a~~ohing th~ hotel room. An
Ioe~~o aouplo on~ne by w~,th haehieh worth E00 kror~ur. They gaid
thepr h~d gone to Chrietio,r~i,a to b~y ~,t, Whi~.e the~,r ohild, who ie in a
_ orad~,e, had been ~n the oare of the wo~o,n in the a~orementioned room.
AL1 these people wern arrested, and the polioo then wren~ to ~e room of the
awne~ of the gold ring, number 2p7/2p~ ~,n the hotel, tahe~e th~r orreeted
~nothe~ Ioel,andic oouple, who h~d htdden 19 grame o~ and a briefoaee
oontal,t~i,t~g Donish a~c1 8~aedieh roone~r tot,al~f.r~g 215,000 Danieh IQOnur. In
add~.t,ion, they four~d a 7.65 ooli,bar rewlv~er, a minlc ooa~ worth 50 000
Danish ia~onur a~d ~ewe]sy valued at 90,000 kronur. Thear alno f~wY~l mar~r with weighta in the room.
The arrest,ed indi,y3,duale have a11 been subpoenaed for narootios traft'ioking.
Four of ther~ were orde~ed into ouatody ~or 27 daya; one Por 7 dayb; two for
6 days and one for 3 daya.
This ir~dioates that oooaine ia gaining momentum on the domestia market," -
said Mogaris Iurxih, a polioe deteot?ive in Copar~hage~. '"The people in
Qustody have olearly been dealing i,n worth hundreda of thousande
of kronur. We nevar~ a 9d,~ed so muah oocaine at one time, sinoe usually .
people o~ a lower p~ofi,te use thie clrug. Cooaine ia a stim~lant at~d
increases t,he sexual dr;lve. Zt does not dull the sensea as does, for
example, he~oine."
~g far as we know, the Ioelanders der~y awrYing ar~r of the large quantity of
cooaine which has been Pound. One of the Icel~anders ad~al.tted that he
bought abaut 20 grams of aoo4lne ard that he uaes it. He aa~,d he bought
it f~om a strange~. Invest~igations of the matter will aontiriue in f1~11
force. -
"We have not been oont,acted in regard to this case," Gudnur~dur Gig~a, a
polioe off`icial at the Narootics Department of the Reyic~avik pollce, sai,d
in a oonversation with rDR~GUNBIADID yeaterday.
"We have suspected that a group of Ioel,anders ~ras i.nv,olv~ed in a large-soale
narcotics trade in Copenhagen," Crig~a sa~,d, adding: '~18 gave the s~rcot~ics
police in Cope~hagen the informe~tion xe had gathered, but I do r~ot know i.~
it has been of help in this caae. Zt ig r~o searet t.hat the poliae
authorities in the scandinavlan oountries have close cooperati,on and
sxchange informat3.on that they think raight be of help."
YesteaYlay, I~RGUNBIADID contaated Thorleif Thorlaoiue, the seoretary of the
Icelandio ~nbassy in Copenhagen, who said that rio one had been in touch
with the em~bassy in aonnectio~n with this case ar~d that the Ioelar~ders had ~
not asked the ~mbassy personnel for help. Iie said that he had called th~
polioe Narcotics Depart,ment on sur~daq morrdng, when he read abaut the
case in the papers, and that he had gained information on haw things were
~oin~. Flarthermore~ he said that the avurt ~ich order~ ~he Icelandears
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into cue~oc~y ]aet guriday, had aleo orde~ed a nwnbe~ of :
lsryere ~o handle ~he~.r oaae.
Thorlao~.ue eaid in oonolueion that the Danieh poress had repor~ed on this
nert~re item both on ~unday and on Mot~day.
Csos 5300
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Copenhagen BERLINSKE TID~Nll~ itt Daniah 10 Feb 79 p 5
/Text/ "There has been a considerable shift in the clienCele receiving
drugs abroad with a view to sale in Denmark. At the end of the 1960's the
lnrge dealers in hashish were mainly the children of well-to-do people,
but eod~y, now that harder drugs have come on Che market, it has apread to
all levels of society, because there is easy money to be had by the sale of
deadly dangerous drugs," said Police Inepector Mikael Lyngbo, deputy chief
in the Narcotics Police ~udicial section.
Mikael Lyngbo also said that it is known that hard drugs are pouring in
but that the total amount cannot be easily determined.
Number of Those Addicted to Injecting Drugs not Known
"We can develop many theories, but as long as we do not know how many people
t~iere are who are addicted to injecting drugs in Denmark, we cannot determine
how large a percentage is being confiscated."
It is known that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 addicts in Denmark and
if they all must have a fix each day, which means a half a gram, this would
be a total of between 2 and 5 kilograms of drugs at a black market price of
1,000 to 10,000 kroner per gram.
"The big problem for the narcotics police is that there are many people who
cynically exploit those who misuse the dangerous drugs. It is a temptation
for many weak souls to start a career of crime with quickly and easily earned -
money from the narcotics trade.
The clientele that we have arrested under suspicion in narcotics cases also
shows clearly that all levels of society and gradually also all age groups
from the 20's on up are represented," Mikael Lyngbo said.
Information on the Risk
"We often discuss the problem, and we believe that thexe is a danger in giving
too much information about the fact that there are new and dangerous mater.ials
on the way. We must realize that there are those cynical types in narcotics
crime who will not shrink at anything to make money on the unhappiness of others.
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These people will tixy eo make mnney at every opportunity, no matter whae
Che coet in humau li�e~" Lyngbo eaid.
mhare are no addicta who want to help Find the main man behind the Crade.
They Chink of the seller of the druge as a saving angel who can help them
out of their misery and need for the drugs.
There are very few addicte who consider themaelves to be victims of cynical
criminals. The only time they get angry is when Chey must pay too much for
the druge," Lyngbo said. ,
Cooperation between uaers and police is therefore bad.
CSO: 5300
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Oslo ARBEIDERBLADET in NoYwegian 7 Feb 79 p 3
(TextJ The CusComs Service confiacated 28.7 kiloa of hashiah and mari~uana
in 1978. That is a considerable increase from the previous year when 16
kilos of the cannabis suatancea were seized. In 1976 Norwegian customs
seized 5.6 kilos.
Customs director, Jens Sterri, informs ARBEIDERBLADET that the atatisCics
f rom 1978, which are now available, te11 us that 54 tableCs and 136 grams
of amphetamines were seized, compared to 62 Cablets and 74.6 grama in 1977.
In 1978 there were 139 seizures of narcotic substances, i.e. almost double
to the year before. The Customs director ~xplains these facts with the
srrong increase of inspections by the Customs Service. These seizures are
in addition to those made by the police. `
Most of the seizures by the Customs Service were made on ferries between
Oslo-Kristiansand and Larvik-Horten. A considerable amount was confiscated
at the airporCs of Gardermoan, Forneby, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Bodo.
Some were also seized on boat inspections, in the mails and on train-and
car inspections. Up to now there has been no statistical information as
to the nationalities of the smugglers, nor the age-group they belong to,
but Chis is presently being conaidered.
"Our best resource in tracking down narcotics are the 'drug-dogs' with their
guides. About half of the seizures last year were made with the aid of dogs
trained to track dawn narcotics. The Customs Service has a total of 8
such dogs distribue~d between Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Or~e."
Director Sterri states that the Customs Service will tighten up the control
cf drugs even further, especially at airport and on ferries.
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Oslo ARBETDERBLADET in Nerwegian 13 Feb 79 p 14
[Report on Interview: "A Bright SpoC Every Time it Ends Well"]
[Text] ihe 17-year old who sita in fronC of ine next to police officer
Tormod Boe in the districC's police station is a gentle and open young man.
But--as he himaelf says--he is also rather nervotus about having to talk
about him9elf. LeC us call him Petter.
"I can thank Boe for the fact that I's aitting here. He was the one who
helped me geC away from the sniffing culture, and he was the one who ~ot
~ me a~ob and a room when I was thrown out from home." Petter's atory comes -
across in a powerful and painful way as he tells it here in the office of
the new police building. One's thoughts automatically ga ou.: to all the
children and young people on~ has encountered in the areas near the subway,
all reeking from the odor of sniffing. How does the whole thing actually
get started?
As far as Petter is concerned, it started when he was 16 years nld, and
a friend urged him to try the effect of inhaling the fume from contact
glue in a papar bag.
"In the beginning I found it disgusting. Couldn't get my breath. But when
I got high it was exactly as if I heard a sound in my head. Then I began
to laugh and afCer that I was completely out. I didn't remember anything
more until I came to again in a totally different place. T_hen I had a sore
throat and i felt dizzy. That's how it went each time. It Gra~ exactly as
if Y were dreaming, and each time I began to laugh a lot. By the ~=~ty,
it wasn't always that en~oyable iir the land of dreams. It also happe~ned
that I had nightmares and someone knifed me. But when I woke up agai~n
I wauld only remember a flashback frflm my dream.
No Desire
"Actually I didn't want to sniff, l~ut I still continued ta do it. After
a couple of months I was arrested t~y the po?ice. At that time I lived
at home and the police called homF. and said that I had been sniffing.
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Som~one at work had ~lso seen me ~.n town when T was and had c~11ed
my hom~. After a11, I h~d been abe~nt from my ~ob and when T showed up
otte dny I wae fitred."
"I hud smoked hashieh e couple of times before I erareed sniffing, and
when I had been sniffing for about three montha I~ried hashish ~gain,
The high ie producea is completely different and easier to descr~be than
the high produced by eniffing. You dxifti into the high produced by hash~.ah
while laughing at all kinds of thinga thaC are nothing to laugh at."
[Question] How did you get money for drugs?
- [Anawerj I knew a few girls working the streat and they gladly treated
me to a~oint. Or I would get a day's work in b~tween and get some money
_ that way. Sometimes you could only geC three ~oints for a hundred crowns,
wherens other times you might get twice that amount. Then we started to
shoot it, i.e. we began to in~ect it. I got it from a girl I knew, I
laughed from that too--but in a different way--an awfully atrained laugh,
We would walk quickly, then aiC down, but we couldn't sit very 1ong, we'd
begin walking again, and that's what we kept on doing for the 6-8 hours
while the high lasted.
Pills from the Doctor
"I also tried amphetaminea, valium and oCher tranquilizers. We got those
from a doctor. I was in touch with several doctors. My frienda would
_ wait ouCside while I was in the doctor's office. I said I was nervous.
Of course I was a litCle nervous, but I made it out to be worse than it
was. So I would get a prescription for 50 or 100 tablets which I shared
with the others. We got high from the pills, but it wasn't a pleasant
"I was thrown out from home after making a racket when I had been sniffing.
T thought that was wrong. But I had so much trouble with my old man that
- they couldn't take it any more at home. I was very sorry after each time
we had trouble. Oh yes, I've been quite a troublemaker. I started to
make rrouble even in first grade. I never did like school very much, and ~
it didn't like me to well either."
[Question] But don't you know that often the guys who turn out best are
the ones who were troublemakers in school?
[Answer) I don't see myself as one of the best--yet. But I'm still happy
! to have a job that I like. And there isn't going to be any more sniffing
and foolishness.
Petter remembers more: "I was sleeping outside for three months last
summer before I stayed with someone else in the group. Then I got to
_ know Boe and others of the district police.--But now it's your turn to tell,
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Tormod, because Z don't remember," sgye PetCer to pol~.ce officer Boe. And
aoe describeg how he fnund PeeCer as deep in the ducnpn as you can geC after
~ high. He ~uat barely got him inside Che office ae the police seaCion.
7'here the boy threw himself on Che �loor crying as though his hearC would
break. Gradually he collected himself enough to engage in a conversaCion,
among other things for exampl.e, Che health aspecte and damage Co the kidneys.
At that eime he had aevere pain in hie kidneys.
qn Che Itighr Track
"Then I began to sCr~nighten out more and more," Petter interrupta. "But
I didn't atop aniffing altogether. I wa~ in contact with people ati the
Child Welfare Council. I received 40 crowna a day from them for food ex-
penses. If I was high I didn't get anything. During Chat entire period
I kept in t~uch with Boe who made an appointment for me with a doctor. I -
was worried about my kidneys because I had lota of pain. FortunaCely there
was nothing wrong, but the doctor told me th~at I was we11 on the way to
destroying my kidneys, especially becauae of the sniffing."
"This was the turning point for me. And I have to thank Boe for Chat.
He got me a~ob at a place where he told them all about me. He alsa got
me a room, and later on he made it poesible for me to move back home. I
am really happy about that. It's much b~tter to live at home than in a
rented room, even if it's like living at a hotel in many ways, where one
is awakened in the m~rning and eats and sleeps. As a rule I'm home around
ten o'clock at night and I'm very busy in a club I've ~oined. Naw I've
had a steady ~ob for four months and I've c,ut all ties with the old environ-
ment. Never again will there be sniffing or ~oints for me."
Sorry for the Others
[Question] How do you reac~ when you see others sniffing?
[Answer] I feel sorry �or them. I have many friends who have come into
this environment without sniffing, but who also now are into that. It
seems so easy to do. But fortunately, I have a chance to pout?d into the
heads of a few of them 3ust how silly it is to play arourtd with that atuff.
I feel ie's revolting to have to take that odor when I ettter the subway
station where they are sniffing. But I don't think that ~eople should
demonstratively turn away or make gibes at them. They don't need to get
involved in the affairs of the young people. I don't preach to them, but
several times I've said haw stupid it is what they are doing.
[Question] But do you understand how difficult it is many times for those
who work on the subway? Could you see yourself working there?
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[Answer] No, I could never do that. BuC ehere are d~.fferencea among those
- who work down there too. Once an ~.nspector tiold me ~haC we could stay ~
there if we didn't make a racket and diaturb the public. Then nobody made
a fuss.
[Quesrion~ SuC whaC about when young people come into ahops and ChreaCen
Chose Chat work there with knivea?
[Answer] Oh yea, of course I understand that they become fearful. I don't
. defend anything like that.
Somebody Cares for Them
[Question) Do you feel that anyone is concerned about the young people
_ ~:~io are caught up in the sniffing environment?
~~,nswer] "The district police carea about them. A11 who want to can get
help there. But you have to want to get out of that environment yourself.
The longer you stay with iC the harder it gets. It's no use to say: 'I'll
s top Comorrow.' You have to stop all at once. I used to say to myself for
a long time that I was going to stop, but not today. That's no us~. But
I can thank Boe that things went so well for me, and I'm happy to atay in
touch with him."
The future looks brighC to Petter. He has a~ob he likes. But he finds
that he doesn'C have enough knowledge in mathemaCics, eo now he intends to
caCch up in nightschool so that he can get his graduation certificate from
3 unior highschool. He dropped out right away after the 8th grade.
[Question] Haw does a police officer feel when everything works out well
with one of his "cases?"
[Answer] "These are the b right spots. It helps one to start with renewed
energy in dealing with other young people. I don't believe it's as hope-
less a task as it is made.out to be by many. In any case, it's worth a
try to get young people on the right track. But in order to achieve better
results we need more people, and above all a more extensiwe cooperation
between the different agencies who work in this field. We all work toward
the same goal. The fact that we are policemen should not be a barrier to
cooperate fully with us," says police officer Tormod Boe~ .
9 349
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HASHISH SHIPMENT SEIZED--A haul o~ 115 kg of hashiah resin, worth 11.5 mi1-
lion pesetas, has 6een diacovered by the civil $uard on the coast near
Algeciras. Two Moroccan sub~ecta have been arreated in connection with the
drugs. [Madr~d Domestic Service in Spanish 1700 GMT 23 Mar 79 LD]
CSO: 5300
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Istanbul HURRIYET in Turkish 25 Mar 79 pp 1, 11 NC
[Excerpts] The sad incident involving a former deputy has asaumed new
proportions following a statement by the prime minister's office confirm-
ing and explaining the incident. Tt has also assumed new proportions
following reports that the Germans are not passing information to the
Turkish police because of miatrust and following a statement by National
Salvation Party [NSP] leader Necmettin Erbakan to the effect that "certain
persons may have been involved in certain acts." The Turkish Government
has already sent a special official Co the FRG to investigate the incident
and to "show its sensitivity." The Germans, however, are not passing
information to the Turkish police to enable the Turkish branch of the
heroin smuggling network to be uncovered. Even so, HURRIYET correspondents
have managed to learn the names of seven members of the "former deputy
gang." Of these, Suleyman Tanriverdi has been reported missing by his
family for the past 4 months. His family said that Tanriverdi has been
seen driving luxury cars recently.
According to reports from HURRIYET correspondents in the FRG, Istanbul
and Ankara the "heroin gang" incident stands as follows:
In the FRG, former NSP deputy Halit Kahraman, who was caught with 7.5
kilograms of heroin in his possession, reportedly faces a~ail sentence
of 10 years. It is understood that Halit Kahraman--whose heroin is worth
200 million Turkish liras on the market--and four of his friends had links
with a 17-man gang in the FRG which was captured earlier.
Despite the efforts of the West German police to keep the names of the =
smugglers secret, ~he culprits are being revealed one by one. It has
been learned that a person named Hasan Alagoz, a resident of Gaziantep,
is among those captured. It has also been reported that Hasan Alacoz
entered the FRG as a tourist.
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IC has been reported that Halit Kahraman and his friends inCended eo
take the heroin in Cheir possession Co Frankfurt and 5tutCgart. American
troops stationed in these areas reportedly pay high prices ;'ur these drugs. _
It has been determined that the Turks who brought the heroin to the FRG
are collaborating with Germans. The German smugglers are helping the
markeCing of the drugs.
It has been understood that West German legal authoriCies are noC publicizing
the names of those captured because they do noC trust certain people in the
Turkish branch of INTERPOL and because they fear that certain conCacts of
gang may escape. As a result of the insistence of the HURRIYET correspondents,
the FRG narcotics bureau chiefs revealed the following namea only: Halit
Kahraman, Metin Suleyman Tanriverdi, Hasan Alagoz, Cahit Munir, Iamail Kal
and Mustafa Sari.
The West German branch of INTERPOL did noC give these names to Che Turkish
branch of INTERPOL. Prime Minister Bulent EceviC is the only one who was
secretly informed of the incident.
Meanwhile, NSP leader Necmettin Erbakan, in a press conference yeaterday,
said that the "NSP is the cleanest party," Erbakan said:
"Even if certain individuals have been involved in certain acts, it is
extremely vile to even remotely link the acts of such persons--on the
basis of Greek press reports and for certain known motives--with the NSP,
- which is the cleanest institution in this nation. No one must be a tool -
in such tricks.
CSO: 5300
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t 1 iSl79~
4 APRIL i979 ~ . 2 OF 2
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. -
NASHI5H S~IZED--`i'hirtM~n kilog of pro~~~spd hgehigh W~r~ fovnd in th~
Aleppo-HaydgrpaBa pg~ge~ger ergin. Th~ market value c~f the haghi~h ie
SS~,U00 Turkish lirae. It w~g ~au~d in the guitcage nf ~ 5yrian during
a seerch of the trgin in Ggzinatep's I~lahiye di~trict. The Syrian wae
taken into cust~dy. (Ankarg Domestic Sll'V~C@ in Turkieh 1000 GMT
8 Mar 79 TAj A tatel of 5 and 1/2 kilog of powder haehigh h~~ been
~eized during ae~rChes co~nduct~d by narcoCice unita in Samsun and Konya.
One revolver and 4 and 1/2 kilos of powder h~~hieh Were found in u taxi
near ~ 5amsun cemete~~y. Three peraons aere taken into rustody and annther
pereon is being sought in connection aith the incident. Mother kilo of
powder hashish was f~~nd during a search of a house in Yonya. One pereon
was taken intd cugtody. (Ankara bomestic Service in Turkieh 1500 CMT
8 ~iar 79 :Aj
C50: 5300
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1~ATHROW DRUC T~1ND--A ~uitc~~e containing hashieh gnd heroia valued at `
mnre than 500,000 pnundg, hae been found at. Heathror+ by Cugtoms, iC wae
diaeloeed yesterday. The suitcase wae diacov~red on Sunday in the
unclaimed luggage office at No. 2 Terminal and a aatch vae kept on ie by
Cuetomg but no one had claimed it by ye~terday. The drugd~ nine kilo-
gramo~ea of hashish and three of haroia~ valued at more than 1/2 million
pounds at gCreet 1eve1, had been flown in on a Turkieh Airlines flight
from Ankarg. (Text J(London TE~ I~AILY TEL~CItAPti ir. "nglieh 14 Mar 79 p 1 J
' CSO: 5320
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Stockholm DAG~NS NYHE'T~R 3n 5wedish 22 Jan 79 p 11
[Arricl~ by Thomgs Michelsen]
(TextJ A self-governing collective for a?idicta is one of the mosc guccegs-
ful pro3ects for treating narcottc gddicte, particularly heroin t~sers,
in Weet Berlin. There are not any educated experts in the traditional
~ense nt this collective, no doctora~ paychiatriste or social workera.
Instead you find here the accumulated experience of the addicta themselves
' in regard to narcoCic~ attd misuse.
Here narcotic addicts break the habit without the help of inedicines or
other drug~. Thus, the only thing available is the support of the collec-
tive .
This collective ~ras formed at the beginning of the 70's. Now, iC has two
large houses in West Berlin and an old mansion in one of the few green
suburbs of West Berlin. At the moment 44 people live at the collective,
including six children. Over the years about 500 people have been at the
collective and lived there for short or long periods.
In the beginning it was called "Release" but later it was renamed to
"Synanon." But it is~ however. only this name which the collective has
in co~nnon with a movement of the same name in the USA.
The fact that the collective is self-governing does not mean that ever one
is in on the decision-making. Quite the contrary, there is a distinet
hierarchy. Those who came first are [he leaders in the ccllective.
Discussions in the collective take place in tt~e form of a kind o.f "game"
which occur regularly three times a week. During these "games" anyone can
- criticize anyone.
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- Th~ rul~s in ehe collecCive ~re serict. All drugs, without exceptiott, ~re
forbidden; nn alcohol or tobacco is gllowed. An individua~ who ~ning the
cnllective musC gever conCacCs with all previou~ gcqu~int~nceg, fumily -
and r~lgCive~ fdr a long time. in the beginning the new recruit can ndt
go out without being accompani~d by gnother member of the collective~
The sygC~m cen, of cours~, be reg~rded as compueion, buC algo a p~.dp
which nareotie addiets need in order to break aw~y from the nareotic
environmpnt. The big problem i~ of cour~e not deCoxificgCion. The diffi-
cult prublem is rather tn prevent relapse, kec~ing people from geCting into
the same eituation again.
Pr~rticipation in the Synanon collective is, however, voluntary. Anyan~
who daes not like the rulen can leave.
Ralph Wilk i~ one of those who hae been in the collective a long time.
He was an apprentice in an electrical firm befor.e he started with hash and
later went over to heroin. He took injections for hulf a year before he
became completely ensnared. He continued for four years-with constant
unsuccessful efforts to ~top.
He tried various hospitals. But that was the worst, fnr there he was com- `
pletely gurrounded by drugs. It wns a continual temptation. He lost confi-
dence in social workers. They offer only ~ncouraging worda and promiaes.
- By chance he heard about the collective and decided to try there. Here Chey
did not take seriously the agony of detoxification, abstinence, so seriously.
Here everyone had been through it and knew it wasn't so bad. All know that
addicts put on an act in order to get help from the doctor.
He who wants to be admitted into the collective must ~ome sober to a recep-
tion interview. There he wust promise to follow the rulea of the collec-
tive. And he has to have his hair cut off. Big manea of hair are a kind
of status symb~l. The collective maintains that the person who is not ~
ready to sacrifice the beauty of his hair in order to end his dependence
upon narcotics doesn't really wish to be free from addiction.
Close Cut
Ralph Wilk says that "in the beginning only new people cut their hair
short. But then we wondered why we who had been here longer shc~uld be
treated differently. Now ve all have short hair. Perhaps it looks strange,
but it is not imgortan[. In time perhaps we shall let our hair grow."
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The col'leceive ie nn the whole self-supporting. Unly 20 p~rc~ne of the coge
ie r~ceived from the ciey of WesC Berlin.
"A~tuglly the auChoriti~s wgnted Co give us more. But wp dnn'C wane ie.
We don'~ wgnC Co give up our independence," Wilk gay~.
The collective egrn~ mnney from a trucking firm wiCh several vehicles. In
~ddieion there is a emall print shop where brochures, new~paper~ and forms
are prinCed. A carpenter shop wi11 be eatablished soon. The first pernwnene
member of the staff, a mgeter carpenter who can provide vncgCional training
for the members of Che collective, is expecCed shortly.
In everything elae they hav~: managed on their own. For exan?ple the peraon
reaponsible for the off-aet printing le~rned the skill ~n his own.
In iCs hnuseg ehe collective lives partly in dormiCOries and partly in
_ familyrooms, In the beginning up to 18 people lived in a aingle dormi-
tory, and in the first house, an old factory~ there was only one ahower.
Over the years th~ collective has grorwn to include aeveral housea, ita
own well-equipped office, careful book-keeping for the print ahop and truck- -
ing businesa.
But Synanon is an exception in the treatment of drug addition in West Ber-
lin. Most efforts are largely financed wiCh public funda. These involve
different types of therapy groups aad of course beda at most clinica for
detoxification and paychia~ric care.
- 6893
CSO : 5 300 E~ ~
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