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- JPR~ L/ 10521
17 AAay 1982
- Translation
~ A.~1. Yepishev
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JPRS Y,/10521
17 May 1982
lVioscow IDEYI~M PARTIT VERNY in Rus~ian 1981 (signed to press 18 Aug 81)
pp 1-95
jTranslation of boo~ "Faithful to the Ideas of the Party" by Aleksey
_ Alekseyev3ch Yepishev~ Voyenizdat, 100,000 copies, 95 pages; published
= in the series: "i'mplementing the Dectsions of the 26th CPSII Congress;
passaaes enclosed in slantlines printed in boldface; passages enclased
in slantlines fol.lowed by (it. ) printed in ita].ics]
Annotation 1
' Introduction "1
Chapter One. Tried and Tzsted V~flguard of the Soviet People 7
1. Leading the Great Building Process 3
2. Decisive Source of the MiL~ht of the Army and 'Navy 16
3. Po~erful Weapon of the Party 22
Chapter Z~o. Forming Indomitable Moxale in Servi~emen _ 34
1. Marxism-.Leninism Theoretical Foundation of Ideologi~al Wc?rk 34
2. Conditions and Featues of Ideolo,gical Work at the ~-~ntemporary
Sta~e 38
3. P.rincipal Directions of Ideologic~~l Work, Ways to Increase Its ~
Effectiveness 41
4. Guarantee of Success A Combined Approach 46
Chapter Three. School of Life, School of Indoctrination 55
1. Obj ective Factors of Indoctrination 56
2. Indoctrinational Role of Military Labor 60
3. Discipline as a Factor of Indoctrination ~ 64
- Conclusion ~ 69
- _ a ~ iIZ - ussR - FoU~]
~ jIII - USSR - 4 FOUO]
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[Text] This book discusses the historic significance of the 26~h CPSU Congress
- and reveals the tasks and methods of ideological and political-indoctrination
work in the army and navy in light of the congress demands for further increas-
ing the combat readiness of the 'USSR Armed Forces. It is intended for a broad
The 26th Congress of our Leni.nist party gave the Soviet people a mighty in-
fusion of prod;~~;tive energy. Unwavering confidence in the triumph of Com-
munist ideals and the atmosphere of businessslilce efficiency and 3emandingness
wtnich character~zed the proceedings of our partq's highest forum presently
determine the feelings, thoughts and deeds of Soviet ;:itizens, including mili-
tary personnel.
The congress convincingly demonstrated the indissoluble unity of party and
people, the monolithic cohesioa ~af workers, kolkhoz farmers, inzelligentsia,
army and navy personnel behind th~ party, which is unswervinglq folloWing a
Leninist course toward communism. In his closiug speech at the 26~h CFSU
- Congress, Central Committee General Secretary Leonid I1'ich Brezhnev nAted that
since that time when the great Lenin founded our party, "it has been con-
. fidently advancing along the path of building socialism and communism, a path
specified by Leain."1
The 26th Congress is a landmark in the history of the Communist Party of the
- Soviet Union and the Soviet society. The congress.constituted persuasive
evidence of the fact that our p$rty is continuing and d~veloping the cause of
the Great October Revolution, is cont3istently implementing the imm~~tal
Leninist ideals, and is carrying out in a worthy maaner the role of political
- leader of the worker class and revalutionary vangua~d of the entire Soviet
. The congress of Soviet Ca~mmunists will go dowa in history as a graphic demon-
stration of comprehensive strengtt~ening of the principles o~ mature sACialism
in the ecanomic, political and spiritua~ realms of the affairs of Lhe Soviet
people and the ever increasing influence of the party on the process of
strengthening the economic and defense mighe of our state, on prese~ving aad
strengthening world peace. The Central Co~ittee Accouutability Report to
_ the 26th CPSU Congress, presenzed bp CP~U Cental Co~ittee General Secaetary
Comrade I~. I. Brezhnev, as well as othes congress proceedings are eaerting
enormous influence on the minds of hun~dreds of millions of people throughout
the world and are serving as an important stimulus in the struggle by
progressive forces for peacP, social reforms and socialism.
' 1 .
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The 26th Congress graphicallq demoustrated the unwavering faithfulness of the
CPSU to Leninist ideals as well as the mc~nolithic uaity and cohesion of its
The body of congress delegates constituted living embodi.ment of the collective
wisdom of the partq, its will and energy. Co~unists sent to the congress the
finest sons and daughters of the party. The almost 5Q00 delegates represented
all classes, social strata and groups within the population, all nationalities
and ethnic groups in the USSR. Our country's finest people, the cream of our
society came together. All delegates have been recipients of IISSR medals and
decorations for meritorious services to the homeland, while 57 delegates bear
the title Hero of the Union, and 670 Hero of Soc~alist labor.
Delegates came to the party congress from every corner of our great homeland.
A total of 1370 delegates, more than at previous congresses, represented
workers of socialist industry. They included persons who are producing the
most m~dern machinerq and equipment, who are turning out consumer goods, who
are building housing and working on this country's main tfansportation ~r-
- Agricultural worker delegates taking part in t.he work of the congress in-
- cluded chiefly farm machinery operators, combined production team leaders, ana
specialists in charge of brigades and departments. Almost one third of these
are employed in livestock raising. .
Congress delegates also included Communist members ~f the Armed Forces
- marshals, general officers and flag officers, canomissioned officers, and
warrant officers. Maay of them fought heroicallq against the en~,nies of the
socialist homeland during the years ~f the Great Patriotic War. As all army
and navy Co~unists, they a~e dedicating their energy and knowledge to con-
tinuous improvement of the combat proficiencq and political traiaing of ser-
vicemen, improvement in the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, which are
reliably guarding the peaceful labor of Soviet citizens and the achievements
- of socialism.
The congress took place under the lofty banner of proletarian internationalism.
A total of 123 delegations of Commuaist, worker, national democratic and
- other parties and organizations from 109 countries took part in the congress
proceedings. This is the broadest international representation in the entire
history of CPSU congresses.
The outstanding significance of the 26th CPSU Congress lies in the fact that
it enriched with new theses the theory and practice of building c~munism.
The central event at the congress was Comrade L. I. Brezhnev's "CPSU Central
- Co~ittee Accountability Report to the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union and Present Party Tasks in the Area of Domestic anci F~reign
Policy." This outstanding document of innovative Marxism-Leninism presents
a profound scientific analysis og party domestic and foreigai policy, our
country's economic and social development, xoot problems of the contemporary
era, and elaborates party strategy and tactics at the next euccessive stage of
building co~unism.
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The cangress also comprehensively examined the principal directions of CPSU
activities pertaining to further strengthening the position of vorld socialism,
deepening the world revolutionary process, and strengthening peace and the
security of peoples. The Peace Program specified at preceding CPSU congresses
was further developed.
The congress adopted with great enthusiasm and unanimously the resolution on
the CPSU Central Co~ittee Accountability Report, voiced full approval of the
Leninist course of policy and practical activities of the party Central Com-
mittee, and instructed all party organizations to be guided in their work by
the points and tasks specified in the report submitted by Comrade L. I.
Brezhnev. The congress unanimousiy ratified the Basic Directions of National
Economic and Social Development, emphasizing tl~at implementation of an exten-
sive program of constructive work in the new five-year plan constitutes a most .
important economic=political task of all party, soviet, trade union, Komsomol
and economic organizations.
The congress adopted a decision to introduce changes and addition in the
present CPSU Program. Noting that on the whole the current Program correctly
defined the pattems and mechanisms of world social development, the goals and
principal tasks of the struggle by the party and the Soviet people for com-
munism, the 26th CPSU Congress instructed the party Central Co~nittee to draft
_ a new version of the Program, reflecting changes in the life and affairs of
our society, the most important tasks pertai.ning to building communism, and
changes in world societal development.
The congress elected a new CPSU Central Co~ittee taembership as well as other
party central agencies. Top-level~party agencies the CPSU Central Com-
mittee Politburo and Secretariat were formed at the CPSU Central Co~fttee
Plenum held following the congress. Comrade Leonid I1'ich Brezhnev, eminent
continuer of the cause of V. I. Lenin and consistent fighter for peace and the
happiness of peoples, was unanimously reelected general secretary of the CPSU
Central Committee. Soviet cirizens link with his name all achievements in in-
creasing the economic and defense might of the homeland and the growth of its
influence and prestige throughout the world.
The 26th CPSU Congres& was held at the juncture of th~ 1970's~ann 1980's.
Achievements in the last decade in all areas of our development were impressive-
ly demonstrated at the congress; eaisting reserve potential and possibilities
were revealed, an~ effective measures were specified for their fullest and
most efficient utilization.
Summarizing the accomplishments of the party and people, the 26th CPSU Congress
at the same time comprehensively analyzed difficulties and shortcomings which
hinder economac growth and concentrated attention on ways and means of cor-
recting them. The main thing is to iacrease demandingness and to learn to
work and ti~nanage more efficiently. "This lesson is not easily learned," stated
Comrade L. I. Brezhnev at the congress. "But w~ Communists are persistent and
purposeful people. 3~e have set out on this road and shall not turn from it."2
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l~'UR UtM'11;1AL u~E Ui~LY
The congress examined current economic problems of the 1980's and the llth Five-
- Year Plan. It strongly emphasized that the most important of trese, which en-
compasses all areas of tae economy, is the problem of completing the
transition to a predominantly intensive path of development.
Within the framework of the principal directions and features of economic
policy, the congress specified and analyzed a number of concrete problems which
are of fundamental significance both for the llth Five Year Plan and for this
new decade as a whole. A primary task is to utilize production potential more
fully and efficiently. Our country is the world leader in many types of
resources utilized in production. But at the same time there should be con-
stantly present a feeling of respo�nsibility for achieving full and economical
utilizati~n of these resources. Facts presented at the congress indicate that
consi~erably more end products can be obtained from existing resources than is
presently the case with more efficient and economical resource utilization.
The next problem is to ensure that all 'nranches and sectors of the economy ad-
vance to the leading edge of science and technology. The party proceeds from
= the position that it is simply inconceivable to build a new society without
Th~ congress noted that the task of improving supply of foodstuffs as well as
_ consumer durables to the public is advancing to the forefront. In order to
achieve a radical solution to this problem, it acknowledged essential to ~
elaborate a special food program, implementation of which will make it possible
to accomplish on a tighter timetable the task of uninterrupted supply of food-
stuffs to the populat~~on.
The conclusions of the pazty congress on social processes in the Sowiet so-
ciety constitu.te an outstanding contribution to the theory and practice of
building communism. The leading trend in these processes is expressed in
further rapprochement among all classes and social groups within the Soviet so-
ciety. This is an obj ective process, an important role in which is played by
the social policy of the Farty and state.
QuEStions connected with the development of socialist nations, strengtheniag
internationalization, sequential drawing together of all Soviet peoples, and
undeviating strengthening of their fraternal friendship were comprehensively
exami.ned at the party congress. The Leninist co~urs~e of policy in this area
ensures an increase in the material and intellectua~ potential of each
brother republic, and at the same time its maximum u~ilization for harmonious
development of the entire country. -
This highest forum of the Leninist p;irty devoted considerable attention to
- matters pertaining to improving the political system of our society, nation-
hood, broadening and deepening of democracy. Adoption of the n~w USSR Can-
stitution has eusured even more activ~~ paYticipation by working ~eople in the
affairs of state, and a combination uf genuine individual rigMs and freedoms
with civic responsibility.
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The 26th CPSU Congress was a most important event in international affairs.
The wisest and most authoritative voice of our time the voice of the great
party of Lenin rang out to th~ entire world with mightq force from the
congress rostrimm.
The congress specified the content and pri.ncipal directions of CPSU foreign
_ policy, which is based primarily ~n ensuring for the ~oviet people the req-
uisite conditions for accomplishing the tasks of construction which have been
assigned to them. Primary attention was focused on development of the world
socialist sys~tem. Agenda items fostering deepening and broadening of economic
integration of the Soviet Union and the other na.tions of the socialist com-
munity as we11. as their cooperatioa in the political realm were elaborated.
Theory and practice of socialist internationalism became enriched with new
points and conclusions.
Questions pertaining to development of our relations with liberated
_ countries were comprehensively examined at the cangress. The Soviet Union
always has been and wiYl continue to be on the side of the forces of national
liberation, fighters for national independence, against imperialism and
reac[ion. It resolutely opposes relapses of colonialism and neocolonialism.
Our part}r's policy rr~garding the world Communist and worker movement is a
truly class, internationalist policy. The 26th C1'SL` Congress analyzed current
problems of the world Co~unist movement, articulated the position of Soviet
Communists on the most important questicros of the contemporary era, and em-
phasized our party's unswerving faithfulness to the principles of proletarian
- Growth of the world r.evolutionary process is organically linked with intensifi-
cation of the ca~paign for world peace and interna~ional security. A decisive
contribution to this struggle is being made by the Soviet Union and the other
_ brother socialist countries. They are firmly and consistently pursuing; a
policy of peaceful coexistence between nations of differing social systems and
a policy of holding the arms race in check.
In conditions where tension in the international arena has increased con-
_ siderably at the of the 1980's through the fault of imperialist
- forces, the Soviet Union is persistenrty continuing the stru~gle to end the
threat of war, to preserve and deepen d~tente, and co hold the arms race in
check. No other country in the world has presented in recent years, as the
Soviet Union has done, such a broad spe~trum of concrete and realxstic ini-
tiatives and proposals o~ major international problems, particularly on
matters pertaining to limiting the arms race and achieving ar~s reduction.
This congress uf Soviet Communists displayed, in contrast to ~,~responsible and
provocational statements by representatives of U.S. ruling circles, a genuinely
wise, composed and co~sidered aprpoach. It was once again emphasized that we
do not see~c military superiority over the other side. That is not our policy.
Nor will we allow others to establish military superiority over us. Such
attempts, just as attempts to talk to us from a position of strength, are
absolutely witheut prospect.
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tUli Ut'1~'11,1A1. u~t: UhLY
The 26th Congress of the Leninist party signified a new stage in the persistent
and consis[ent campaign by the Sovxet Union to deepen d~tente, to hold the
- arms race in check, and to strengthen p~eace.. Comrade L. I. BrPZhnev advanced
at the congress a number of new proposals and initiatives, which constitute an
organic continuation and further development of the Peace Pragram applicable to
the most vital, critical problems of international affairs today. They encom-
pass a t~road range of questions: the situation in Europe, in the Near, Middle,
- an~ )?ar East, i.n Afr.ica, measures both of a political and militarq character.
The new Soviet proposals pursue a single, unified goal to do everjrthing pos-
sible to preserve w~rld peace and to eliminate the threat of nuclear war.
The new initiatives and proposals advanced at the 26th CPSU Congress aroused
keen interest and enthusiastic approval on the part of progressive minded
people and on the part of millions of ordinary people in various countries
throughout the world. Innovatively enriching the Peace Program, the congress
raised even higher tt~e prestige of the Soviet Union as a great champion of
peace and cooperation among people and made a large contribution to the cause
of unification an.d activation of all peace-seeking forces. As Comrade Fidel
- Castro stated from the speaker's stand, in a situation where the danger of war
is arising once again, the Soviet Union and its glorious Coammunist Party once
again embody the hope of peace.
- The Leninist Party, waging a persistent campaign to achieve d~tente in the
world arena and to hold the arms race in check, constantly maintains its
attention focus on matters pertaining to reliable security of the Soviet
- Union. A unity of desire for peace and readiness to offer a decisive rebuff
to any and all aggressors was bequeathed to us~by the great Lenin and com-
prises the foundation stone of our military policy and Soviet military
doctrine. It was emphasized at the 21st CPSU Congress: "In the period under
review the party and state have not for a single day losr sight of questions
pertaining to /strengthening this country's defense might and its Armed
The materials and resolutions of the 26th CPSU Congress further developed and
concretized the Leninist teaching on the party and on growtb of its r41e in the
affairs of Soviet society, including at tbe stage of developed socialism. From
this proceed the necessity of further improving the methods of party leadership,
intraparty affairs, ideological and political indoc~rination work.
The servicemen of the Soviet Armed Forces express filial gratitude and thanks
to the Communist Party for everything it is doing to strengthen the economic
and defense might of our homeland. Soviet servicemen assure the party that
they will continue in the future to be faithful to its great ideals and will
selflessiy serve their people and party.
1. "Materialy XXVI s"yezda RPSS" ~Proceedings of the 26th CPSU Congress],
Moscow, 1981, page 219.
2. Ibid., page 37. ~
3. Ibid., page 66.
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- The Communiat Party of the Soviet Union, fouaded by the great Lenin, has
traveled a glorious road of heroic accomplisl~ments.
The successes of the Soviet people in building communism are inseparable from
the titanic activities of the CPSU. "The 26th Congress has once agaia shown,"
stated CPSU Central Co~ittee General Secretary Comrade L. I. Brezhnev, "that
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is a mighty, healthy, mature collective.
Communists are the truly unbending core of our society, its living soul. They
are a genuinely revolutionary vanguard of the people."1
The CPSU is a party of scientific communism. Armed by Marxist-Leninist
teaching, it defines the general development prospects of society, the USSR
course of domestic and foreigr~ policy, and guides the productive activities
of the Soviet people, giving a planned, ~cientifically substantiated
- character to the struggle for the triumph of co~unism.
Innovatively developing the all-conquering revolutionary teaching, the CPSU
' skillfully applies it in accomplishing the practical task of building com- '
munism in this country. The partq itself is coastan~ly growing and gaining in
strength. In light of the achievements of developed socialism, the well-known
Lenin farmula "The party is the m~nd, honor and conscience of our era" takes on
par~icularly vivid and ~profound resonance.
- The 26th CPSU Congress comprehensively examined the vital questions pertaining
to further development and improvemeat of party a~tivities. At the present
time it contains more than 17 million persons in its ran~:s. It i~ a smoothly
operating, consrantly developing sociopolitical organism, headed by the Lenin-
_ ist Central Committee. It has united around itself t~ae entire Soviet people
and is confidently leading them toward a co~on bright goal the building of
a Communist society.
By its very nature the CPSU has been and remains the party of the worker class,
which cnntinues to occupy a Ieading position in all realms of life and affairs
of the socialist state. Having securQd the victarq of socialism, it retains
and is building on its inherent qualities of a creator-class and the decisive
force of societal progress.
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It is quite natural that within the party workers occupy a position in con-
sonance with the position of the worker c~.ass i.n our society and its
progressive economic and sociopolitical role. During the period between the
_ 25th and 26th CPSU co~resses, more than one and a l~alf million of the finest
representatives of the worker class joined the ranlcs of the partp, that is,
59 percent of total new party members. Today workers comprise 43.4 percent
- of the party's entir~e mem~bers~ip.
Our Leninist party is enlisting the progressive segment of the kolkhoz
peasantry. Today kolkhoz farmers ~omprise 12.8 percent of all this country's
_ Cammunists. Ttie party takes into consideration the growing social role of
the people's intelligentsia in development of the scientific and technological
revolution, in an upsurge in the intellectual and spiritual standards of the
people, and in accomplishing all the tasks of building communism. At the
present time 43.8 percent of CPSU members are workers in science, technology,
- the arts, education, health ~ervices, culture, management and admi.nistration,
and military personnel.
There is a continuous influx of youth into party ranks. Clearly reflected in
this f.act is the successiog of generations of Co~unists custodians of the
revalutionary spirit and glorious traditions of the Leninist party. Almnst
- three-fourths of new party members in the last five years aze products of
Romsomol, who have experienced in Romsomol a school of political and moral
In comditiqns of developed socialism, where the Soviet people comprise a
historically new social and international co~unity of people, the most im-
portant characteristics of the party's qualitative composition are the ~
ideological conviction of Co~nunists, their labor and civic activeness,
professional skill and moral matur~ty.
TEie Communist Party of the Soviet Union is honorably c~rrying cut its lofty
- historical mission as specified by V. I. Lenin "to guide and organize the
new system, to be t~acher, guide, and leader to all working people." Con-
stituting the nucleus of our society's political system, the CPSU has con-
stituted and co~.~Linues to constitute its guiding and directing force.
- 1. Leading the Great Building Process
The forms of party guidance of all aspects of life of the developed socialfst
society are continuously improving and becoming enriciied. Today there is no
area of political, economic, cultural or military activity to which the
party's guiding and organizing influence does not extend. Embodying the col-
lective intelligence and creative will of our people, the CPSU organizes ac-
complishment of the diversified economic and social tasks of building com-
munism, indoctrination of the uew man, and constant improvement of ~he
political system of the Soviet society.
But the r.ole of leading force of society does not come automaticalZy. "This
role," noted comrade L. I. Brezhnev in his closing speech at the 26th CPSU
Congress, "is earned and won in the course of a constant, unending struggle for
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the interests of the w~rking people. And this role is strengthened by the fact
that the party is constantly deepening its ties with the masses and is deeply
- committed to their needs and concems,"2
' The solid unity of the people behind the CPSU is a fundainental trait of the
life of Soviet society. Working people, placing boundless trust in the party,
turn to it with an open heart on the most divezsified matters, share their
- concerns with it, and criL~icize eni~eing shortcomings. Quite logical is the
fact that, together w~th the congress delegates, who totally and fu11y ratified
" the Leninist course of policy and practical activities of the CPSU Central Com-
mittee, headed by Comrade L. I. Brezhnev, this course of policy is appruved by
all Soviet citizens. The indissoluble unity of party and people and the
people's boundless confidence in the party have been demonstrated to the world
with renewed force.
The thousands of reports and messages of greeting pouring in to the congress
were moving documents which vividly ref?ected this con~idence, the feeling of
gratitude on the part of Soviet citizens to the party for its tireless con-
cern for the woxking man. People of the most widely diversified ages and oc-
- cupations wrote about their pride in the successes of our socialist homeland
and their joy in productive labor in the name of communism, as well as their
willingness to fight vigorously to achieve the~targets of the new five-year
plan. Soviet servicemen sent many messages of greeting and reports to this
- highest forum of the Leninist party. They stressed the pride of the defenders
of the homelarad in their party and their willingness to dedicate all their
energies and knowledge to successful execution of its plans.
The following words from the Central Committee Accoinxtability Report to the
26th CPSU today resound in the languages and dialects of our multinational
family of fratemal peoples, as an expression of the dedication of Soviet
citizens to Co~unist ideals: ='...We are optimists because we believe in our
party and know that the path which it is painting out to us is the only cor-
rect path!"3
Enhancement of the guiding and directing role of the CPSU in Soviet society
- at the state of developed socialism is a logical and objectively necessary
process. It is dictated first and foremost by the unprecedented growrh of
the scale of tasks connected with building the material and technological
foundation for communism; by the changes taking place in uur society in its
social structure and by improvement in societal relations; by changes in the
political organization of this country; by development of socialist
democracy, enhancement of the role of public participation in managing the
affairs of state and production, and by an upsurge in the productive activity
of working people; by the necessity of intensifying Co~unist indoctrination
of Soviet citizens; by a vital need of further creative development of
Marxism-Leninism; finally, by the complexity of solving acute intemational
problems and ensuring conditions of peace for building communism.
/Direction of the economy is the main area of CPSU revolutionary-transforming
activity./ It is here, in the realm of the economy, that is laid down the
foundation for accomplishing social tasks, strengthening the nation�s
_ defense capability, and a vigorous foreign policy.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060034-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464434-3
rvK ~~t. v,tiLi
In the last decade the Soviet people, under party guidance, have made sub-
stantial forward progress in all ar~eas of building the material and tech-
- nological foundation of co~unism. The USSR produces one-fifth of the world's
industrial output. We produce more pig iron, steel, petroleum (including gas
condensate), iron and manganese ore, as well as other raw materials than any
other country. Agriculture has achieved high performance levels.
This country's productive forces have risen to a qualitatively new level. The
scientific and technological revolution is expaa~ding deeper and broader,
changing the countenance of production and entire branches and sectors of
the economy. Such modem industries as nuclear machine building, space tech-
= nology, electronics and microelectronics, microbiology, laseY� equipment,
manufacture of synthetic diamonds, as well as m~anufacture of other new
synthetic materials have experienced further development or have been newly
Large changes have taken place in the distribution of productive resources.
Gigantic combined programs which are transforming vast territories are being
= successfully carried out. They include development programs for Russia's Non-
- Chernozem zone, as well as commercial exploitation of the natural resources of
Siberia and the Far East.
Housing construction has continued to adv~nce at a rapid pace, and large-scale
measures have been carried out in the area of boosting wages, pensions,
benefits, etc. Consumer goods production almost doubled in the 1970's. This
is persuasive evidence of the fact that the course of policy specified by the
party is being unswervingly implemented.
At the same time the CPSU brought forth for discussion at the 26th Congress
existing difficulties and bottlenecks. We did not succeed in achieving all
stated goals, and not all ministries and enterprises achieved their plan
targets. We have not yet fully overcome the inertia, traditions and customs
which became established in that period when the quantitative rather than the
qualitative aspect of things was advanced to the forefront. Today growth of
the economy is inseparable from improving the quality of work performed and
more efficient management.
Our society today possesses a powerful socialist industry and developed agri-
culture, which enables the party to formulate and accomplish tasks which our
country could not have accomplished in the past. The party advanced and com-
prehensively substantiated a complex of ineasures ensuring in the llth Five-Year
Plan and the follawing period expansion of possibilities for harmonious
- satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of Soviet working people. Con-
ditions will be improved for comprehensive development of the individual, for
, highly productive labor, for improving the health, rest and recreation condi-
- tions for citizens, development of education, science and culture all that
which comprises the socialist way of life.
The "Basic Directions of Economac and Social Development of the USSR for 1981-
1985 and the Period up to 1990," drawn up by the CPSU Central Committee and
ratified by the 26th Congress, embody continuity of the party's Leninist
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060034-3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060034-3
course of policy and the firmness of its points of strategy. /"The main task
of the llth Five-Year Plan consists in ensuring a further improvement in the
~ prosperity of Soviet citizens on the basis of a steady, forward deve].opment of
the eccnomy, acceleration of scientific and technology progress, and transition
by the economy to an intensive path of development, more efficient utilization
of this country's production potential, all-out economizing in all types of
resources and improvement in the quality of work performed/."4
The party links successful accomplishment of this task with further development
of the base branches o~ heavy industry and improvement of ratios within the
economy. In the interests of ~.ncr~asing the manufacture of consumer goods,
the current five-year plan specifies an acceleration in the rate of growth of
branches of group B in comparison with those of group A. At the same time
_ there will be an increase in the contribution of heavy industry to the manu-
facture of consumer durables.
Produce more, faster, cheaper, an~ better the 26th CPSU Congress also ex-
pressed this general call of the times in the concrete tasks aasigned to all
_ components of the agroindustrial complex. Its development, which is to im-
plement the extensive foodstuffs program drawn up by the party, is an important
element of today's CPSU agrarian policy. A distinctive feature of ~his policy
_ is that principal efforts are concentrated on growth in productivii�y of agri-
= cultural production and on increasing return on capital investmerat in agricul-
*_ure. Livestock raising is becoming a shock-work front on the farm.
It is planned to increase average annual agricultural production by 12-14 per-
cent during ~his five-year period. All branches of agriculture will ex-
" perience substantial development. Growth in production of grain and livestock
feed as well as improvement in their quality wil_1 ma~Ce it possible to in-
crease the quantity of ineat, milk, and other v:s3uable food products. '
As in the past, capital construction will be a facal area of special attention
and concern by the p~rty. It has been decided to channel capital spending, .
the volume o.f which is to be increased by 12-15 percent, first and foremost
into the renovation and technical retooling of enterprises and into completion
of previously-started construction projects. Aeavy industry will occupy a
priority position in the area of construction, and particularly development of
our fuel-energy base, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy and transportation.
- Considerable concern has been focused on further improving territorial-produc-
tion complexes, especially in the eastern regions. The enormous potential of
our socialist economy makes it possible rapidly to carry out such large-scale
programs as development of the Kansk-Achinsk, Bratsk-Ust'-Ilimsk, Pavlodar-
Ekibastuz, Western Siberian, Sayan, and other territorial-production complexes.
The party is continuing its long-range policy of achieving a steadv, comprehen-
sive rise in the living standards of Soviet ~.itizens. It is providing a com-
bined approach to solving important socioecoriamic problems of the developed
socialist society, which affect all aspects